Your IP :

Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/
Upload File :
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/

 * Bitrix Framework
 * @package bitrix
 * @subpackage main
 * @copyright 2001-2016 Bitrix

namespace Bitrix\Main\ORM;

use Bitrix\Main;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Data\DataManager;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ExpressionField;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Field;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\Reference;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ScalarField;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Objectify\EntityObject;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Objectify\Collection;
use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query\Query;
use Bitrix\Main\Text\StringHelper;

 * Base entity
class Entity
	/** @var DataManager */
	protected $className;



	/** @var Field[] */
	protected $fields;

	protected $fieldsMap;

	/** @var UField[] */
	protected $u_fields;

	/** @var string Unique code */
	protected $code;

	protected $references;

	/** @var static[] dataClass => entity */
	protected static $instances;

	/** @var array ufId => dataClass */
	protected static $ufIdIndex = [];

	/** @var bool */
	protected $isClone = false;


	 * Returns entity object
	 * @param $entityName
	 * @return Entity
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public static function get($entityName)
		return static::getInstance($entityName);

	 * Checks if entity exists
	 * @param $entityName
	 * @return bool
	public static function has($entityName)
		$entityClass = static::normalizeEntityClass($entityName);
		return class_exists($entityClass);

	 * @static
	 * @param string $entityName
	 * @return Entity
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public static function getInstance($entityName)
		$entityName = static::normalizeEntityClass($entityName);

		return self::getInstanceDirect($entityName);

	 * @param DataManager|string $className
	 * @return mixed
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	protected static function getInstanceDirect($className)
		if (empty(self::$instances[$className]))
			/** @var Entity $entity */
			$entityClass = $className::getEntityClass();

			// in case of calling Table class was not ended with entity initialization
			if (empty(self::$instances[$className]))
				$entity = new $entityClass;

				// call user-defined postInitialize

				self::$instances[$className] = $entity;

		return self::$instances[$className];

	 * Fields factory
	 * @param string $fieldName
	 * @param array|Field $fieldInfo
	 * @return Field
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function initializeField($fieldName, $fieldInfo)
		if ($fieldInfo instanceof Field)
			$field = $fieldInfo;

			// rewrite name
			if (!empty($fieldName) && !is_numeric($fieldName))
		elseif (is_array($fieldInfo))
			if (!empty($fieldInfo['reference']))
				if (is_string($fieldInfo['data_type']) && strpos($fieldInfo['data_type'], '\\') === false)
					// if reference has no namespace, then it'is in the same namespace
					$fieldInfo['data_type'] = $this->getNamespace().$fieldInfo['data_type'];

				//$refEntity = Base::getInstance($fieldInfo['data_type']."Table");
				$field = new Reference($fieldName, $fieldInfo['data_type'], $fieldInfo['reference'], $fieldInfo);
			elseif (!empty($fieldInfo['expression']))
				$expression = array_shift($fieldInfo['expression']);
				$buildFrom =  $fieldInfo['expression'];

				$field = new ExpressionField($fieldName, $expression, $buildFrom, $fieldInfo);
			elseif (!empty($fieldInfo['USER_TYPE_ID']))
				$field = new UField($fieldInfo);
				$fieldClass = StringHelper::snake2camel($fieldInfo['data_type']) . 'Field';
				$fieldClass = '\\Bitrix\\Main\\Entity\\'.$fieldClass;

				if (strlen($fieldInfo['data_type']) && class_exists($fieldClass))
					$field = new $fieldClass($fieldName, $fieldInfo);
				elseif (strlen($fieldInfo['data_type']) && class_exists($fieldInfo['data_type']))
					$fieldClass = $fieldInfo['data_type'];
					$field = new $fieldClass($fieldName, $fieldInfo);
					throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf(
						'Unknown data type "%s" found for `%s` field in %s Entity.',
						$fieldInfo['data_type'], $fieldName, $this->getName()
			throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown field type `%s`',
				is_object($fieldInfo) ? get_class($fieldInfo) : gettype($fieldInfo)


		return $field;

	public function initialize($className)
		/** @var $className DataManager */
		$this->className = $className;

		/** @var DataManager $className */
		$this->connectionName = $className::getConnectionName();
		$this->dbTableName = $className::getTableName();
		$this->fieldsMap = $className::getMap();
		$this->uf_id = $className::getUfId();
		$this->isUts = $className::isUts();
		$this->isUtm = $className::isUtm();

		// object & collection classes
		// Loader::registerObjectClass($className::getObjectClass(), $className);
		// Loader::registerCollectionClass($className::getCollectionClass(), $className);

	 * Reinitializing entity object for another Table class.
	 * Can be useful for complex inheritance with cloning.
	 * @param $className
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function reinitialize($className)
		// reset class
		$this->className = static::normalizeEntityClass($className);

		$classPath = explode('\\', ltrim($this->className, '\\'));
		$this->name = substr(end($classPath), 0, -5);

	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function postInitialize()
		// basic properties
		$classPath = explode('\\', ltrim($this->className, '\\'));
		$this->name = substr(end($classPath), 0, -5);

		// default db table name
		if (is_null($this->dbTableName))
			$_classPath = array_slice($classPath, 0, -1);

			$this->dbTableName = 'b_';

			foreach ($_classPath as $i => $_pathElem)
				if ($i == 0 && $_pathElem == 'Bitrix')
					// skip bitrix namespace

				if ($i == 1 && $_pathElem == 'Main')
					// also skip Main module

				$this->dbTableName .= strtolower($_pathElem).'_';

			// add class
			if ($this->name !== end($_classPath))
				$this->dbTableName .= StringHelper::camel2snake($this->name);
				$this->dbTableName = substr($this->dbTableName, 0, -1);

		$this->primary = array();
		$this->references = array();

		// attributes
		foreach ($this->fieldsMap as $fieldName => &$fieldInfo)
			$this->addField($fieldInfo, $fieldName);

		if (!empty($this->fieldsMap) && empty($this->primary))
			throw new Main\SystemException(sprintf('Primary not found for %s Entity', $this->name));

		// attach userfields
		if (empty($this->uf_id))
			// try to find ENTITY_ID by map
			$userTypeManager = Main\Application::getUserTypeManager();
			if($userTypeManager instanceof \CUserTypeManager)
				$entityList = $userTypeManager->getEntityList();
				$ufId = is_array($entityList) ? array_search($this->className, $entityList) : false;
				if ($ufId !== false)
					$this->uf_id = $ufId;

		if (!empty($this->uf_id))
			// attach uf fields and create uts/utm entities
			Main\UserFieldTable::attachFields($this, $this->uf_id);

			// save index
			static::$ufIdIndex[$this->uf_id] = $this->className;

	 * Returns class of Object for current entity.
	 * @return EntityObject|string
	public function getObjectClass()
		$dataManagerClass = $this->className;
		return static::normalizeName($dataManagerClass::getObjectClass());

	 * Returns class name of Object for current entity.
	 * @return EntityObject|string
	public function getObjectClassName()
		$dataManagerClass = $this->className;
		return $dataManagerClass::getObjectClassName();

	public static function getDefaultObjectClassName($entityName)
		$className = $entityName;

		if ($className == '')
			// entity without name
			$className = 'NNM_Object';

		$className = static::DEFAULT_OBJECT_PREFIX.$className;

		return $className;

	 * @return Collection|string
	public function getCollectionClass()
		$dataClass = $this->getDataClass();
		return static::normalizeName($dataClass::getCollectionClass());

	 * @return Collection|string
	public function getCollectionClassName()
		$dataClass = $this->getDataClass();
		return $dataClass::getCollectionClassName();

	public static function getDefaultCollectionClassName($entityName)
		$className = static::DEFAULT_OBJECT_PREFIX.$entityName.'_Collection';

		return $className;

	 * @param bool $setDefaultValues
	 * @return null Actual type should be annotated by orm:annotate
	public function createObject($setDefaultValues = true)
		$objectClass = $this->getObjectClass();
		return new $objectClass($setDefaultValues);

	 * @return null Actual type should be annotated by orm:annotate
	public function createCollection()
		$collectionClass = $this->getCollectionClass();
		return new $collectionClass($this);

	 * @see EntityObject::wakeUp()
	 * @param $row
	 * @return null Actual type should be annotated by orm:annotate
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function wakeUpObject($row)
		$objectClass = $this->getObjectClass();
		return $objectClass::wakeUp($row);

	 * @see Collection::wakeUp()
	 * @param $rows
	 * @return null Actual type should be annotated by orm:annotate
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function wakeUpCollection($rows)
		$collectionClass = $this->getCollectionClass();
		return $collectionClass::wakeUp($rows);

	 * @param Field $field
	 * @return bool
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	protected function appendField(Field $field)
		if (isset($this->fields[StringHelper::strtoupper($field->getName())]) && !$this->isClone)
				'Entity `%s` already has Field with name `%s`.', $this->getFullName(), $field->getName()

			return false;

		if ($field instanceof Reference)
			// references cache
			$this->references[$field->getRefEntityName()][] = $field;

		$this->fields[StringHelper::strtoupper($field->getName())] = $field;

		if ($field instanceof ScalarField && $field->isPrimary())
			$this->primary[] = $field->getName();

				$this->autoIncrement = $field->getName();

		// add reference field for UField iblock_section
		if ($field instanceof UField && $field->getTypeId() == 'iblock_section')
			$refFieldName = $field->getName().'_BY';

			if ($field->isMultiple())
				$localFieldName = $field->getValueFieldName();
				$localFieldName = $field->getName();

			$newFieldInfo = array(
				'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Iblock\Section',
				'reference' => array($localFieldName, 'ID')

			$newRefField = new Reference($refFieldName, $newFieldInfo['data_type'], $newFieldInfo['reference'][0], $newFieldInfo['reference'][1]);

			$this->fields[StringHelper::strtoupper($refFieldName)] = $newRefField;

		return true;

	 * @param array|Field $fieldInfo
	 * @param null|string $fieldName
	 * @return Field|false
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function addField($fieldInfo, $fieldName = null)
		$field = $this->initializeField($fieldName, $fieldInfo);

		return $this->appendField($field) ? $field : false;

	public function getReferencesCountTo($refEntityName)
		if (array_key_exists($key = strtolower($refEntityName), $this->references))
			return count($this->references[$key]);

		return 0;

	public function getReferencesTo($refEntityName)
		if (array_key_exists($key = strtolower($refEntityName), $this->references))
			return $this->references[$key];

		return array();

	// getters
	public function getFields()
		return $this->fields;

	 * @param $name
	 * @return Field|ScalarField
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	public function getField($name)
		if ($this->hasField($name))
			return $this->fields[StringHelper::strtoupper($name)];

		throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf(
			'%s Entity has no `%s` field.', $this->getName(), $name

	public function hasField($name)
		return isset($this->fields[StringHelper::strtoupper($name)]);

	 * @return ScalarField[]
	public function getScalarFields()
		$scalarFields = array();

		foreach ($this->getFields() as $field)
			if ($field instanceof ScalarField)
				$scalarFields[$field->getName()] = $field;

		return $scalarFields;

	 * @deprecated
	 * @param $name
	 * @return UField
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function getUField($name)
		if ($this->hasUField($name))
			return $this->u_fields[$name];

		throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf(
			'%s Entity has no `%s` userfield.', $this->getName(), $name

	 * @deprecated
	 * @param $name
	 * @return bool
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function hasUField($name)
		if (is_null($this->u_fields))
			$this->u_fields = array();

			if($this->uf_id <> '')
				/** @var \CUserTypeManager $USER_FIELD_MANAGER */

				foreach($USER_FIELD_MANAGER->getUserFields($this->uf_id) as $info)
					$this->u_fields[$info['FIELD_NAME']] = new UField($info);

					// add references for ufield (UF_DEPARTMENT_BY)
					if($info['USER_TYPE_ID'] == 'iblock_section')
						$info['FIELD_NAME'] .= '_BY';
						$this->u_fields[$info['FIELD_NAME']] = new UField($info);

		return isset($this->u_fields[$name]);

	public function getName()
		return $this->name;

	public function getFullName()
		return substr($this->className, 0, -5);

	public function getNamespace()
		return substr($this->className, 0, strrpos($this->className, '\\') + 1);

	public function getModule()
		if($this->module === null)
			// \Bitrix\Main\Site -> "main"
			// \Partner\Module\Thing -> "partner.module"
			// \Thing -> ""
			$parts = explode("\\", $this->className);
			if($parts[1] == "Bitrix")
				$this->module = strtolower($parts[2]);
			elseif(!empty($parts[1]) && isset($parts[2]))
				$this->module = strtolower($parts[1].".".$parts[2]);
				$this->module = "";
		return $this->module;

	 * @return DataManager|string
	public function getDataClass()
		return $this->className;

	 * @return Main\DB\Connection
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function getConnection()
		/** @var Main\DB\Connection $conn */
		$conn = Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnectionPool()->getConnection($this->connectionName);
		return $conn;

	public function getDBTableName()
		return $this->dbTableName;

	public function getPrimary()
		return count($this->primary) == 1 ? $this->primary[0] : $this->primary;

	public function getPrimaryArray()
		return $this->primary;

	public function getAutoIncrement()
		return $this->autoIncrement;

	public function isUts()
		return $this->isUts;

	public function isUtm()
		return $this->isUtm;

	public function getUfId()
		return $this->uf_id;

	 * @param Query $query
	 * @return Query
	public function setDefaultScope($query)
		$dataClass = $this->className;
		return $dataClass::setDefaultScope($query);

	public static function isExists($name)
		return class_exists(static::normalizeEntityClass($name));

	 * @param $entityName
	 * @return string|DataManager
	public static function normalizeEntityClass($entityName)
		if (strtolower(substr($entityName, -5)) !== 'table')
			$entityName .= 'Table';

		if (substr($entityName, 0, 1) !== '\\')
			$entityName = '\\'.$entityName;

		return $entityName;

	public static function getEntityClassParts($class)
		$class = static::normalizeEntityClass($class);
		$lastPos = strrpos($class, '\\');

		if($lastPos === 0)
			//global namespace
			$namespace = "";
			$namespace = substr($class, 1, $lastPos - 1);
		$name = substr($class, $lastPos + 1, -5);

		return compact('namespace', 'name');

	public function getCode()
		if ($this->code === null)
			$this->code = '';

			// get absolute path to class
			$class_path = explode('\\', strtoupper(ltrim($this->className, '\\')));

			// cut class name to leave namespace only
			$class_path = array_slice($class_path, 0, -1);

			// cut Bitrix namespace
			if (count($class_path) && $class_path[0] === 'BITRIX')
				$class_path = array_slice($class_path, 1);

			// glue module name
			if (!empty($class_path))
				$this->code = join('_', $class_path).'_';

			// glue entity name
			$this->code .= strtoupper(StringHelper::camel2snake($this->getName()));

		return $this->code;

	public function getLangCode()
		return $this->getCode().'_ENTITY';

	public function getTitle()
		$dataClass = $this->getDataClass();
		$title = $dataClass::getTitle();

		if ($title === null)
			$title = Main\Localization\Loc::getMessage($this->getLangCode());

		return $title;

	 * @deprecated Use Bitrix\StringHelper::camel2snake instead
	 * @param $str
	 * @return string
	public static function camel2snake($str)
		return StringHelper::camel2snake($str);

	 * @deprecated Use Bitrix\StringHelper::snake2camel instead
	 * @param $str
	 * @return mixed
	public static function snake2camel($str)
		return StringHelper::snake2camel($str);

	public static function normalizeName($entityName)
		if (substr($entityName, 0, 1) !== '\\')
			$entityName = '\\'.$entityName;

		if (strtolower(substr($entityName, -5)) === 'table')
			$entityName = substr($entityName, 0, -5);

		return $entityName;

	public function __clone()
		$this->isClone = true;

		// reset entity in fields
		foreach ($this->fields as $field)

	 * @param Query $query
	 * @param null  $entity_name
	 * @return Entity
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public static function getInstanceByQuery(Query $query, &$entity_name = null)
		if ($entity_name === null)
			$entity_name = 'Tmp'.randString().'x';
		elseif (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $entity_name))
			throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf(
				'Invalid entity name `%s`.', $entity_name

		$query_string = '('.$query->getQuery().')';
		$query_chains = $query->getChains();

		$replaced_aliases = array_flip($query->getReplacedAliases());

		// generate fieldsMap
		$fieldsMap = array();

		foreach ($query->getSelect() as $k => $v)
			// convert expressions to regular field, clone in case of regular scalar field
			if (is_array($v))
				// expression
				$fieldsMap[$k] = array('data_type' => $v['data_type']);
				if ($v instanceof ExpressionField)
					$fieldDefinition = $v->getName();

					// better to initialize fields as objects after entity is created
					$dataType = Field::getOldDataTypeByField($query_chains[$fieldDefinition]->getLastElement()->getValue());
					$fieldsMap[$fieldDefinition] = array('data_type' => $dataType);
					$fieldDefinition = is_numeric($k) ? $v : $k;

					/** @var Field $field */
					$field = $query_chains[$fieldDefinition]->getLastElement()->getValue();

					if ($field instanceof ExpressionField)
						$dataType = Field::getOldDataTypeByField($query_chains[$fieldDefinition]->getLastElement()->getValue());
						$fieldsMap[$fieldDefinition] = array('data_type' => $dataType);
						/** @var ScalarField[] $fieldsMap */
						$fieldsMap[$fieldDefinition] = clone $field;

			if (isset($replaced_aliases[$k]))
				if (is_array($fieldsMap[$k]))
					$fieldsMap[$k]['column_name'] = $replaced_aliases[$k];
				elseif ($fieldsMap[$k] instanceof ScalarField)
					/** @var ScalarField[] $fieldsMap */

		// generate class content
		$eval = 'class '.$entity_name.'Table extends '.DataManager::class.' {'.PHP_EOL;
		$eval .= 'public static function getMap() {'.PHP_EOL;
		$eval .= 'return '.var_export(['TMP_ID' => ['data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'auto_generated' => true]], true).';'.PHP_EOL;
		$eval .= '}';
		$eval .= 'public static function getTableName() {'.PHP_EOL;
		$eval .= 'return '.var_export($query_string, true).';'.PHP_EOL;
		$eval .= '}';
		$eval .= '}';


		$entity = self::getInstance($entity_name);

		foreach ($fieldsMap as $k => $v)
			$entity->addField($v, $k);

		return $entity;

	 * @param string               $entityName
	 * @param null|array[]|Field[] $fields
	 * @param array                $parameters [namespace, table_name, uf_id, parent, parent_map, default_scope]
	 * @return Entity
	 * @throws Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public static function compileEntity($entityName, $fields = null, $parameters = array())
		$classCode = '';
		$classCodeEnd = '';

		if (strtolower(substr($entityName, -5)) !== 'table')
			$entityName .= 'Table';

		// validation
		if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $entityName))
			throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf(
				'Invalid entity className `%s`.', $entityName

		/** @var DataManager $fullEntityName */
		$fullEntityName = $entityName;

		// namespace configuration
		if (!empty($parameters['namespace']) && $parameters['namespace'] !== '\\')
			$namespace = $parameters['namespace'];

			if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_\\\\]+$/i', $namespace))
				throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf(
					'Invalid namespace name `%s`', $namespace

			$classCode = $classCode."namespace {$namespace} "."{";
			$classCodeEnd = '}'.$classCodeEnd;

			$fullEntityName = '\\'.$namespace.'\\'.$fullEntityName;

		$parentClass = !empty($parameters['parent']) ? $parameters['parent'] : DataManager::class;

		// build entity code
		$classCode = $classCode."class {$entityName} extends \\".$parentClass." {";
		$classCodeEnd = '}'.$classCodeEnd;

		if (!empty($parameters['table_name']))
			$classCode .= 'public static function getTableName(){return '.var_export($parameters['table_name'], true).';}';

		if (!empty($parameters['uf_id']))
			$classCode .= 'public static function getUfId(){return '.var_export($parameters['uf_id'], true).';}';

		if (!empty($parameters['default_scope']))
			$classCode .= 'public static function setDefaultScope($query){'.$parameters['default_scope'].'}';

		if (isset($parameters['parent_map']) && $parameters['parent_map'] == false)
			$classCode .= 'public static function getMap(){return [];}';

		if(isset($parameters['object_parent']) && is_a($parameters['object_parent'], EntityObject::class, true))
			$classCode .= 'public static function getObjectParentClass(){return '.var_export($parameters['object_parent'], true).';}';

		// create entity

		$entity = $fullEntityName::getEntity();

		// add fields
		if (!empty($fields))
			foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $field)
				$entity->addField($field, $fieldName);

		return $entity;

	 * @return string[] Array of SQL queries
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function compileDbTableStructureDump()
		$fields = $this->getScalarFields();

		/** @var Main\DB\MysqlCommonConnection $connection */
		$connection = $this->getConnection();

		$autocomplete = [];
		$unique = [];

		foreach ($fields as $field)
			if ($field->isAutocomplete())
				$autocomplete[] = $field->getName();

			if ($field->isUnique())
				$unique[] = $field->getName();

		// start collecting queries

		// create table
		$connection->createTable($this->getDBTableName(), $fields, $this->getPrimaryArray(), $autocomplete);

		// create indexes
		foreach ($unique as $fieldName)
			$connection->createIndex($this->getDBTableName(), $fieldName, [$fieldName], null,

		// stop collecting queries

		return $connection->getDisabledQueryExecutingDump();

	 * @param $dataClass
	 * @return EntityObject|string
	public static function compileObjectClass($dataClass)
		$dataClass = static::normalizeEntityClass($dataClass);
		$classParts = static::getEntityClassParts($dataClass);

		if (class_exists($dataClass::getObjectClass(), false)
			&& is_subclass_of($dataClass::getObjectClass(), EntityObject::class))
			// class is already defined
			return $dataClass::getObjectClass();

		$baseObjectClass = '\\'.$dataClass::getObjectParentClass();
		$objectClassName = static::getDefaultObjectClassName($classParts['name']);

		$eval = "";
		if($classParts['namespace'] <> '')
			$eval .= "namespace {$classParts['namespace']} {";
		$eval .= "class {$objectClassName} extends {$baseObjectClass} {";
		$eval .= "static public \$dataClass = '{$dataClass}';";
		$eval .= "}"; // end class
		if($classParts['namespace'] <> '')
			$eval .= "}"; // end namespace


		return $dataClass::getObjectClass();

	 * @param $dataClass
	 * @return Collection|string
	public static function compileCollectionClass($dataClass)
		$dataClass = static::normalizeEntityClass($dataClass);
		$classParts = static::getEntityClassParts($dataClass);

		if (class_exists($dataClass::getCollectionClass(), false)
			&& is_subclass_of($dataClass::getCollectionClass(), Collection::class))
			// class is already defined
			return $dataClass::getCollectionClass();

		$baseCollectionClass = '\\'.$dataClass::getCollectionParentClass();
		$collectionClassName = static::getDefaultCollectionClassName($classParts['name']);

		$eval = "";
		if($classParts['namespace'] <> '')
			$eval .= "namespace {$classParts['namespace']} {";
		$eval .= "class {$collectionClassName} extends {$baseCollectionClass} {";
		$eval .= "static public \$dataClass = '{$dataClass}';";
		$eval .= "}"; // end class
		if($classParts['namespace'] <> '')
			$eval .= "}"; // end namespace


		return $dataClass::getCollectionClass();

	 * Creates table according to Fields collection
	 * @return void
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function createDbTable()
		foreach ($this->compileDbTableStructureDump() as $sqlQuery)

	 * @param Entity|string $entity
	 * @return bool
	public static function destroy($entity)
		if ($entity instanceof Entity)
			$entityName = $entity->getDataClass();
			$entityName = static::normalizeEntityClass($entity);

		if (isset(self::$instances[$entityName]))

			return true;

		return false;

	public static function onUserTypeChange($userfield, $id = null)
		// resolve UF ENTITY_ID
		if (!empty($userfield['ENTITY_ID']))
			$ufEntityId = $userfield['ENTITY_ID'];
		elseif (!empty($id))
			$usertype = new \CUserTypeEntity();
			$userfield =  $usertype->GetList([], ["ID" => $id])->Fetch();

			if ($userfield)
				$ufEntityId = $userfield['ENTITY_ID'];

		if (empty($ufEntityId))
			throw new Main\ArgumentException('Invalid ENTITY_ID');

		// find orm entity with uf ENTITY_ID
		if (!empty(static::$ufIdIndex[$ufEntityId]))
			if (!empty(static::$instances[static::$ufIdIndex[$ufEntityId]]))
				// clear for further reinitialization

	 * Reads data from cache.
	 * @param int    $ttl        TTL.
	 * @param string $cacheId    The cache ID.
	 * @param bool   $countTotal Whether to read total count from the cache.
	 * @return Main\DB\ArrayResult|null
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function readFromCache($ttl, $cacheId, $countTotal = false)
		if($ttl > 0)
			$cache = Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache();
			$cacheDir = $this->getCacheDir();

			$count = null;
				if ($cache->read($ttl, $cacheId.".total", $cacheDir))
					$count = $cache->get($cacheId.".total");
					// invalidate cache
					return null;
			if($cache->read($ttl, $cacheId, $cacheDir))
				$result = new Main\DB\ArrayResult($cache->get($cacheId));
				if($count !== null)
				return $result;
		return null;

	 * @param Main\DB\Result $result     A query result to cache.
	 * @param string         $cacheId    The cache ID.
	 * @param bool           $countTotal Whether to write total count to the cache.
	 * @return Main\DB\ArrayResult
	 * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException
	 * @throws Main\SystemException
	public function writeToCache(Main\DB\Result $result, $cacheId, $countTotal = false)
		$rows = $result->fetchAll();
		$arrayResult = new Main\DB\ArrayResult($rows);

		$cache = Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache();
		$cache->set($cacheId, $rows);

			$count = $result->getCount();
			$cache->set($cacheId.".total", $count);
		return $arrayResult;

	 * Returns cache TTL for the entity, possibly limited by the .settings.php:
	 * 'cache_flags' => array('value'=> array(
	 *		"b_group_max_ttl" => 200,
	 *		"b_group_min_ttl" => 100,
	 * ))
	 * Maximum is a higher-priority.
	 * @param int $ttl Preferable TTL
	 * @return int Calculated TTL
	public function getCacheTtl($ttl)
		$table = $this->getDBTableName();
		$cacheFlags = Main\Config\Configuration::getValue("cache_flags");
			$ttl = (int)max($ttl, $cacheFlags[$table."_min_ttl"]);
			$ttl = (int)min($ttl, $cacheFlags[$table."_max_ttl"]);
		return $ttl;

	protected function getCacheDir()
		return "orm_".$this->getDBTableName();

	 * Cleans all cache entries for the entity.
	public function cleanCache()
		if($this->getCacheTtl(100) > 0)
			//cache might be disabled in .settings.php via *_max_ttl = 0 option
			$cache = Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache();

	 * Sets a flag indicating full text index support for a field.
	 * @deprecated Does nothing, mysql 5.6 has fulltext always enabled.
	 * @param string $field
	 * @param bool   $mode
	public function enableFullTextIndex($field, $mode = true)

	 * Returns true if full text index is enabled for a field.
	 * @deprecated Always returns true, mysql 5.6 has fulltext always enabled.
	 * @param string $field
	 * @return bool
	public function fullTextIndexEnabled($field)
		return true;