Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Rest\Engine; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; use Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager; use Bitrix\Main\Type\Date; use Bitrix\Main\Web\Json; use Bitrix\Rest\AppTable; use Bitrix\Rest\Marketplace\Client; use Bitrix\Rest\Marketplace\Immune; /** * Class Access * @package Bitrix\Rest\Engine */ class Access { public const ENTITY_TYPE_APP = 'app'; public const ENTITY_TYPE_APP_STATUS = 'status'; public const ENTITY_TYPE_INTEGRATION = 'integration'; public const ENTITY_TYPE_AP_CONNECT = 'ap_connect'; public const ENTITY_TYPE_WEBHOOK = 'webhook'; public const ENTITY_COUNT = 'count'; public const ACTION_INSTALL = 'install'; public const ACTION_OPEN = 'open'; public const ACTION_BUY = 'buy'; public const MODULE_ID = 'rest'; public const OPTION_ACCESS_ACTIVE = 'access_active'; public const OPTION_AVAILABLE_COUNT = 'app_available_count'; public const OPTION_SUBSCRIPTION_AVAILABLE = 'subscription_available'; private const OPTION_APP_USAGE_LIST = 'app_usage_list'; private const OPTION_REST_UNLIMITED_FINISH = 'rest_unlimited_finish'; private const OPTION_HOLD_CHECK_COUNT_APP = '~hold_check_count_app'; private const DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_COUNT = -1; private const DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_COUNT_DEMO = 10; private static $availableApp = []; private static $availableAppCount = []; /** * @return bool */ public static function isFeatureEnabled() { return !ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24') || ( Loader::includeModule('bitrix24') && \Bitrix\Bitrix24\Feature::isFeatureEnabled('rest_access') ) ; } /** * Check available rest api. * * @param string $app * * @return bool */ public static function isAvailable($app = '') : bool { if (!static::isActiveRules()) { return true; } if (!array_key_exists($app, static::$availableApp)) { static::$availableApp[$app] = false; if (Client::isSubscriptionAvailable()) { static::$availableApp[$app] = true; } elseif (static::isFeatureEnabled()) { static::$availableApp[$app] = true; } elseif ($app !== '') { if (in_array($app, Immune::getList(), true)) { static::$availableApp[$app] = true; } else { $appInfo = AppTable::getByClientId($app); if ($appInfo['CODE'] && in_array($appInfo['CODE'], Immune::getList(), true)) { static::$availableApp[$app] = true; } } } } return static::$availableApp[$app]; } /** * @param $entityType string static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP | static::ENTITY_TYPE_INTEGRATION * @param $entity mixed app code or integration id * * @return bool * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ public static function isAvailableCount(string $entityType, $entity = 0) : bool { if (!static::isActiveRules()) { return true; } $key = $entityType . $entity; if (!array_key_exists($key, static::$availableAppCount)) { static::$availableAppCount[$key] = true; if ($entityType === static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP) { $maxCount = static::getAvailableCount(); if ($maxCount >= 0) { $appInfo = AppTable::getByClientId($entity); if (!isset($appInfo['STATUS']) || $appInfo['STATUS'] !== AppTable::STATUS_LOCAL) { if (isset($appInfo['CODE']) && $appInfo['CODE']) { $entity = $appInfo['CODE']; } $entityList = static::getActiveEntity(true); if ($entityList[static::ENTITY_COUNT] > $maxCount) { static::$availableAppCount[$key] = false; } elseif ( $entityList[static::ENTITY_COUNT] === $maxCount && !in_array($entity, $entityList[$entityType], true) ) { static::$availableAppCount[$key] = false; } if ( static::$availableAppCount[$key] === false && ( in_array($entity, Immune::getList(), true) || ( !static::needCheckCount() && in_array($entity, $entityList[$entityType], true) ) ) ) { static::$availableAppCount[$key] = true; } } } } } return static::$availableAppCount[$key]; } /** * @return int * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ public static function getAvailableCount() : int { $result = -1; $subscriptionActive = Client::isSubscriptionAvailable(); if (!$subscriptionActive) { $restUnlimitedFinish = false; $count = static::DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_COUNT; if (Loader::includeModule('bitrix24')) { if (Client::isSubscriptionAccess()) { $restUnlimitedFinish = Option::get(static::MODULE_ID, static::OPTION_REST_UNLIMITED_FINISH, null); $count = (int) \Bitrix\Bitrix24\Feature::getVariable('rest_no_subscribe_access_limit'); if (\CBitrix24::getLicensePrefix() === 'ua') { $count = -1; } } } else { $count = (int) Option::get( static::MODULE_ID, static::OPTION_AVAILABLE_COUNT, static::DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_COUNT ); } if ( (!$restUnlimitedFinish || $restUnlimitedFinish < time()) && $count >= 0 ) { $result = $count; } } return $result; } public static function getActiveEntity($force = false) { $option = Option::get(static::MODULE_ID, static::OPTION_APP_USAGE_LIST, null); if ($force || is_null($option)) { $result = static::calcUsageEntity(); Option::set(static::MODULE_ID, static::OPTION_APP_USAGE_LIST, Json::encode($result)); } else { try { $result = Json::decode($option); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $result = []; } if (!is_array($result)) { $result = []; } } return $result; } private static function calcUsageEntity() { $result = [ static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP => [], static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP_STATUS => [], static::ENTITY_COUNT => 0 ]; $immuneList = Immune::getList(); $res = AppTable::getList( [ 'filter' => [ '=ACTIVE' => AppTable::ACTIVE, ], 'select' => [ 'CODE', 'STATUS', ], ] ); while ($item = $res->fetch()) { if (!in_array($item['CODE'], $immuneList, true)) { if (!isset($result[static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP_STATUS][$item['STATUS']])) { $result[static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP_STATUS][$item['STATUS']] = 0; } $result[static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP_STATUS][$item['STATUS']]++; if ($item['STATUS'] === AppTable::STATUS_LOCAL) { $result[static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP][] = $item['CODE']; } if ($item['STATUS'] === AppTable::STATUS_FREE) { $result[static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP][] = $item['CODE']; $result[static::ENTITY_COUNT]++; } } } return $result; } /** * @param $action string * @param $entityType string * @param $entityData mixed * @return string * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ public static function getHelperCode($action = '', $entityType = '', $entityData = []) : string { if ($action === static::ACTION_BUY) { return 'limit_subscription_market_trial_access'; } if ($entityType === static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP && !is_array($entityData)) { $entityData = AppTable::getByClientId($entityData); } $code = ''; $dateFinish = Client::getSubscriptionFinalDate(); $entity = static::getActiveEntity(); $maxCount = static::getAvailableCount(); $isB24 = ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24') && Loader::includeModule('bitrix24'); $isSubscriptionFinished = $dateFinish && $dateFinish < (new Date()); $isSubscriptionAccess = Client::isSubscriptionAccess(); $isSubscriptionDemoAvailable = Client::isSubscriptionDemoAvailable() && !$dateFinish; $isSubscriptionAvailable = Client::isSubscriptionAvailable(); $canBuySubscription = Client::canBuySubscription(); $isDemoSubscription = Client::isSubscriptionDemo(); $isCanInstallInDemo = true; if ( !empty($entityData['HOLD_INSTALL_BY_TRIAL']) && $entityData['HOLD_INSTALL_BY_TRIAL'] === 'Y' ) { $isCanInstallInDemo = false; } $license = $isB24 ? \CBitrix24::getLicenseFamily() : ''; $isDemo = $license === 'demo'; $isMinLicense = $isB24 && mb_strpos($license, 'project') === 0; $isMaxLicense = $isB24 && ($license === 'ent' || $license === 'pro' || mb_strpos($license, 'company') === 0); $isMaxApplication = false; if ($maxCount >= 0 && $entity[static::ENTITY_COUNT] >= $maxCount) { $isMaxApplication = true; } $isMaxApplicationDemo = false; if ($entity[static::ENTITY_COUNT] >= static::DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_COUNT_DEMO) { $isMaxApplicationDemo = true; } $hasPaidApplication = false; if ( ( isset($entity[static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP_STATUS][AppTable::STATUS_PAID]) && $entity[static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP_STATUS][AppTable::STATUS_PAID] > 0 ) || ( isset($entity[static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP_STATUS][AppTable::STATUS_SUBSCRIPTION]) && $entity[static::ENTITY_TYPE_APP_STATUS][AppTable::STATUS_SUBSCRIPTION] > 0 ) ) { $hasPaidApplication = true; } $isFreeEntity = false; if ($entityType === static::ENTITY_TYPE_INTEGRATION || $entityType === static::ENTITY_TYPE_AP_CONNECT) { $isFreeEntity = true; } elseif (!empty($entityData)) { if ( $entityData['ID'] > 0 && (isset($entityData['ACTIVE']) && $entityData['ACTIVE']) && ( $entityData['STATUS'] === AppTable::STATUS_FREE || $entityData['STATUS'] === AppTable::STATUS_LOCAL ) ) { $isFreeEntity = true; } elseif ( ( !isset($entityData['ACTIVE']) || !$entityData['ACTIVE'] ) && !( $entityData['BY_SUBSCRIPTION'] === 'Y' || ($entityData['FREE'] === 'N' && !empty($entityData['PRICE'])) ) ) { $isFreeEntity = true; } } $isUsedDemoLicense = false; if ($isB24 && (int) Option::get('bitrix24', 'DEMO_START', 0) > 0) { $isUsedDemoLicense = true; } if (!static::isActiveRules()) { if ( !empty($entityData) && ( $entityData['BY_SUBSCRIPTION'] === 'Y' || ($entityData['ID'] > 0 && $entityData['STATUS'] === AppTable::STATUS_SUBSCRIPTION) ) ) { if ($isSubscriptionDemoAvailable) { // activate demo subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_access'; } elseif ($isB24 && $isDemo) { // choose license with subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_tarifwithmarket'; } else { // choose subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_marketpaid'; } } } elseif (!$isSubscriptionAccess) { if ($isMinLicense) { if ($isUsedDemoLicense) { $code = 'limit_free_rest_hold_no_demo'; } elseif ($entityType === static::ENTITY_TYPE_AP_CONNECT) { $code = 'limit_market_bus'; } else { $code = 'limit_free_rest_hold'; } } } elseif (!static::isAvailable()) { if ($hasPaidApplication || !$isFreeEntity) { if ($isSubscriptionDemoAvailable) { // activate demo subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_access'; } elseif (!$isB24) { // choose subscription $code = 'plus_need_trial'; } else { // choose license with subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_tarifwithmarket'; if ($action === static::ACTION_OPEN) { $code = 'installed_plus_buy_license_with_plus'; } } } elseif ($isB24 && !$isUsedDemoLicense) { // activate demo license if ($entityType === static::ENTITY_TYPE_AP_CONNECT) { $code = 'limit_market_bus'; } else { $code = 'limit_free_rest_hold'; } } elseif ($isB24 && !$isMaxApplicationDemo) { // choose license $code = 'limit_free_rest_hold_no_demo'; } elseif ($isSubscriptionDemoAvailable) { // activate demo subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_marketpaid'; } elseif ($isB24 && $isSubscriptionAccess) { // choose license with subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_tarifwithmarket'; if ($action === static::ACTION_OPEN) { $code = 'limit_free_apps_buy_license_with_plus'; } } elseif (!$isB24 && $isSubscriptionAccess) { // choose subscription $code = 'plus_need_trial'; } } elseif ($isB24 && !$isDemo && $isMaxApplication && $isFreeEntity && !$isMaxLicense) { if (!$isUsedDemoLicense) { // activate demo license if ($entityType === static::ENTITY_TYPE_AP_CONNECT) { $code = 'limit_market_bus'; } else { $code = 'limit_free_apps_need_demo'; } } else { // choose license $code = 'limit_free_apps_buy_license'; } } elseif ( $isSubscriptionDemoAvailable && $isCanInstallInDemo && ($hasPaidApplication || $isMaxApplication || !$isFreeEntity) ) { if (!$isFreeEntity) { // activate demo subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_access_buy_marketplus'; } elseif ($isB24 && $isDemo) { // activate demo subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_marketpaid'; } else { // activate demo subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_access'; } } elseif ($isDemoSubscription && !$isCanInstallInDemo) { // only paid subscription app $code = 'subscription_market_paid_access'; } elseif ($canBuySubscription) { if ($isSubscriptionFinished) { // choose subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_access_buy_marketplus'; } else { // choose new subscription $code = 'plus_need_trial'; } } elseif ($isB24 && $isDemo) { if (!$isSubscriptionDemoAvailable) { // choose license with subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_tarifwithmarket'; } else { // activate demo subscription $code = 'limit_subscription_market_access'; } } elseif (!$isSubscriptionAvailable) { $code = 'limit_free_rest_hold_no_demo'; } return $code; } /** * @return bool */ public static function resetToFree() { static::reset(); Option::delete(static::MODULE_ID, ['name' => static::OPTION_HOLD_CHECK_COUNT_APP]); \Bitrix\Rest\Marketplace\Notification::setLastCheckTimestamp(time()); return true; } /** * @param $licenseType string */ public static function onBitrix24LicenseChange($licenseType) { static::reset(); if ( !Client::isSubscriptionAccess() && Loader::includeModule('bitrix24') && in_array($licenseType, \CBitrix24::PAID_EDITIONS, true) ) { Option::set(static::MODULE_ID, static::OPTION_HOLD_CHECK_COUNT_APP, 'Y'); } } /** * @return bool */ public static function needCheckCount() { if (!static::isActiveRules()) { return false; } return Option::get(static::MODULE_ID, static::OPTION_HOLD_CHECK_COUNT_APP, 'N') === 'N'; } /** * @return string */ public static function isActiveRules() { return ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24') || Option::get(static::MODULE_ID, static::OPTION_ACCESS_ACTIVE, 'N') === 'Y' ; } /** * Agent calculates usage entities * * @param bool $period * * @return string */ public static function calcUsageEntityAgent($period = false) { static::getActiveEntity(true); return $period === true ? '\Bitrix\Rest\Engine\Access::calcUsageEntityAgent(true);' : ''; } /** * Reset saved data * @return bool */ public static function reset() : bool { static::$availableApp = []; static::$availableAppCount = []; return true; } }