Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<? global $VOTE_CACHE_VOTING; $VOTE_CACHE_VOTING = Array(); function GetAnswerTypeList() { $arr = array( "reference_id" => array(0,1,2,3,4,5), "reference" => array("radio", "checkbox", "dropdown", "multiselect", "text", "textarea") ); return $arr; } function GetVoteDiagramArray() { $object =& CVoteDiagramType::getInstance(); return $object->arType; } function GetVoteDiagramList() { $object =& CVoteDiagramType::getInstance(); return Array( "reference_id" => array_keys($object->arType), "reference" => array_values($object->arType) ); } // vote data function GetVoteDataByID($VOTE_ID, &$arChannel, &$arVote, &$arQuestions, &$arAnswers, &$arDropDown, &$arMultiSelect, &$arGroupAnswers, $arAddParams = "N") { $VOTE_ID = intval($VOTE_ID); $arChannel = array(); $arVote = array(); $arQuestions = array(); $arAnswers = array(); $arDropDown = array(); $arMultiSelect = array(); $arAddParams = (is_array($arAddParams) ? $arAddParams : array("bGetMemoStat" => $arAddParams)); $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID] = (isset($GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID]) && is_array($GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID]) ? $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID] : array()); if (empty($GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID])) { $db_res = CVote::GetByIDEx($VOTE_ID); if (!($db_res && $arVote = $db_res->GetNext())) { return false; } foreach ($arVote as $key => $res) { if (mb_strpos($key, "CHANNEL_") === 0) { $arChannel[mb_substr($key, 8)] = $res; } elseif (mb_strpos($key, "~CHANNEL_") === 0) { $arChannel["~".mb_substr($key, 9)] = $res; } } $db_res = CVoteQuestion::GetList($VOTE_ID, "s_c_sort", "asc", array("ACTIVE" => "Y")); while ($res = $db_res->GetNext()) { $arQuestions[$res["ID"]] = $res + array("ANSWERS" => array()); } if (!empty($arQuestions)) { $db_res = CVoteAnswer::GetListEx( array("C_SORT" => "ASC"), array("VOTE_ID" => $VOTE_ID, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "@QUESTION_ID" => array_keys($arQuestions))); while ($res = $db_res->GetNext()) { $arQuestions[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["ID"]] = $res; $arAnswers[$res["QUESTION_ID"]][] = $res; switch ($res["FIELD_TYPE"]) // dropdown and multiselect and text inputs { case 2: $arDropDown[$res["QUESTION_ID"]] = (is_array($arDropDown[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]) ? $arDropDown[$res["QUESTION_ID"]] : array("reference" => array(), "reference_id" => array(), "~reference" => array())); $arDropDown[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]["reference"][] = $res["MESSAGE"]; $arDropDown[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]["~reference"][] = $res["~MESSAGE"]; $arDropDown[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]["reference_id"][] = $res["ID"]; break; case 3: $arMultiSelect[$res["QUESTION_ID"]] = (is_array($arMultiSelect[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]) ? $arMultiSelect[$res["QUESTION_ID"]] : array("reference" => array(), "reference_id" => array(), "~reference" => array())); $arMultiSelect[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]["reference"][] = $res["MESSAGE"]; $arMultiSelect[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]["~reference"][] = $res["~MESSAGE"]; $arMultiSelect[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]["reference_id"][] = $res["ID"]; break; } } $event_id = intval(isset($arAddParams["bRestoreVotedData"]) && $arAddParams["bRestoreVotedData"] == "Y" && isset($_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"][$VOTE_ID]) && !!$_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"][$VOTE_ID] ? $_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"][$VOTE_ID] : 0); if ($event_id > 0) { $db_res = CVoteEvent::GetUserAnswerStat($VOTE_ID, array("bGetMemoStat" => "N", "bGetEventResults" => $event_id)); if ($db_res && ($res = $db_res->Fetch())) { do { if (isset($arQuestions[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]) && is_array($arQuestions[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["ANSWER_ID"]]) && is_array($res)) { $arQuestions[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["ANSWER_ID"]] += $res; if ($event_id > 0 && !empty($res["RESTORED_ANSWER_ID"])) { switch ($arQuestions[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["ANSWER_ID"]]["FIELD_TYPE"]): case 0: // radio case 2: // dropdown list $fieldName = ($arQuestions[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["ANSWER_ID"]]["FIELD_TYPE"] == 0 ? "vote_radio_" : "vote_dropdown_").$res["QUESTION_ID"]; $_REQUEST[$fieldName] = $res["RESTORED_ANSWER_ID"]; break; case 1: // checkbox case 3: // multiselect list $fieldName = ($arQuestions[$res["QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["ANSWER_ID"]]["FIELD_TYPE"] == 1 ? "vote_checkbox_" : "vote_multiselect_").$res["QUESTION_ID"]; $_REQUEST[$fieldName] = (is_array($_REQUEST[$fieldName]) ? $_REQUEST[$fieldName] : array()); $_REQUEST[$fieldName][] = $res["ANSWER_ID"]; break; case 4: // field case 5: // text // do not restored break; endswitch; } } } while ($res = $db_res->Fetch()); } } } reset($arChannel); reset($arVote); reset($arQuestions); reset($arDropDown); reset($arMultiSelect); reset($arAnswers); $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID] = array( "V" => $arVote, "C" => $arChannel, "QA" => array( "Q" => $arQuestions, "A" => $arAnswers, "M" => $arMultiSelect, "D" => $arDropDown, "G" => array(), "GA" => "N" ) ); } if ($arAddParams["bGetMemoStat"] == "Y" && $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID]["QA"]["GA"] == "N") { $db_res = CVoteEvent::GetUserAnswerStat($VOTE_ID, array("bGetMemoStat" => "Y")); while ($res = $db_res->GetNext(true, false)) { $arGroupAnswers[$res['ANSWER_ID']][] = $res; } $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID]["QA"]["G"] = $arGroupAnswers; $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID]["QA"]["GA"] = "Y"; } $arVote = $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID]["V"]; $arChannel = $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID]["C"]; $arQuestions = $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID]["QA"]["Q"]; $arAnswers = $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID]["QA"]["A"]; $arMultiSelect = $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID]["QA"]["M"]; $arDropDown = $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID]["QA"]["D"]; $arGroupAnswers = $GLOBALS["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$VOTE_ID]["QA"]["G"]; return $arVote["ID"]; } // return vote id for channel sid with check permissions and ACTIVE vote function GetCurrentVote($GROUP_SID, $site_id=SITE_ID, $access=1) { $z = CVoteChannel::GetList('', '', array("SID"=>$GROUP_SID, "SID_EXACT_MATCH"=>"Y", "SITE"=>$site_id, "ACTIVE"=>"Y")); if ($zr = $z->Fetch()) { $perm = CVoteChannel::GetGroupPermission($zr["ID"]); if (intval($perm)>=$access) { $v = CVote::GetList('', '', array("CHANNEL_ID"=>$zr["ID"], "LAMP"=>"green")); if ($vr = $v->Fetch()) return $vr["ID"]; } } return 0; } // return PREIOUS vote id for channel sid with check permissions and ACTIVE vote function GetPrevVote($GROUP_SID, $level=1, $site_id=SITE_ID, $access=1) { $VOTE_ID = 0; $z = CVoteChannel::GetList('', '', array("SID"=>$GROUP_SID, "SID_EXACT_MATCH"=>"Y", "SITE"=>$site_id, "ACTIVE"=>"Y")); if ($zr = $z->Fetch()) { $perm = CVoteChannel::GetGroupPermission($zr["ID"]); if (intval($perm)>=$access) { $v = CVote::GetList("s_date_start", "desc", array("CHANNEL_ID"=>$zr["ID"], "LAMP"=>"red")); $i = 0; while ($vr=$v->Fetch()) { $i++; if ($level==$i) { $VOTE_ID = $vr["ID"]; break; } } } } return intval($VOTE_ID); } // return votes list id for channel sid with check permissions and ACTIVE vote function GetVoteList($GROUP_SID = "", $params = array(), $site_id = SITE_ID) { $strSqlOrder = (is_string($params) ? $params : "ORDER BY C.C_SORT, C.ID, V.C_SORT, V.DATE_START desc"); $params = (is_array($params) ? $params : array()); if (array_key_exists("order", $params)) $strSqlOrder = $params["order"]; $arFilter["SITE"] = (array_key_exists("SITE_ID", $params) ? $params["SITE_ID"] : ( array_key_exists("siteId", $params) ? $params["siteId"] : $site_id )); if (is_array($GROUP_SID) && !empty($GROUP_SID)) { $arr = array(); foreach ($GROUP_SID as $v) { if (!empty($v)) $arr[] = $v; } if (!empty($arr)) $arFilter["CHANNEL"] = $arr; } elseif (!empty($GROUP_SID)) { $arFilter["CHANNEL"] = $GROUP_SID; } $z = CVote::GetPublicList($arFilter, $strSqlOrder, $params); return $z; } // return true if user already vote on this vote function IsUserVoted($voteId) { return \Bitrix\Vote\User::getCurrent()->isVotedFor($voteId); } // return random unvoted vote id for user whith check permissions function GetAnyAccessibleVote($site_id=SITE_ID, $channel_id=null) { $arParams = array("ACTIVE"=>"Y","SITE"=>$site_id); if ($channel_id !== null) { $arParams['SID'] = $channel_id; $arParams['SID_EXACT_MATCH'] = 'Y'; } $z = CVoteChannel::GetList("s_c_sort", "asc", $arParams); $arResult = array(); while ($zr = $z->Fetch()) { $perm = CVoteChannel::GetGroupPermission($zr["ID"]); if (intval($perm)>=2) { $v = CVote::GetList('', '', array("CHANNEL_ID"=>$zr["ID"], "LAMP"=>"green")); while ($vr = $v->Fetch()) { if (!(IsUserVoted($vr['ID']))) $arResult[] = $vr['ID']; } } } if (sizeof($arResult) > 0) return array_rand(array_flip($arResult)); return false; } /******************************************************************** Functions for old templates /*******************************************************************/ function GetTemplateList($type="SV", $path="xxx") { $arReferenceId = array(); $arReference = array(); if ($path=="xxx") { if ($type=="SV") $path = COption::GetOptionString("vote", "VOTE_TEMPLATE_PATH"); elseif ($type=="RV") $path = COption::GetOptionString("vote", "VOTE_TEMPLATE_PATH_VOTE"); elseif ($type=="RQ") $path = COption::GetOptionString("vote", "VOTE_TEMPLATE_PATH_QUESTION"); } if (is_dir($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$path)) { $handle=@opendir($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$path); if($handle) { while (false!==($fname = readdir($handle))) { if (is_file($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$path.$fname) && $fname!="." && $fname!="..") { $arReferenceId[] = $fname; $arReference[] = $fname; } } closedir($handle); } } $arr = array("reference" => $arReference,"reference_id" => $arReferenceId); return $arr; } function arrAnswersSort(&$arr, $order="desc") { $count = count($arr); for ($key1=0; $key1<$count; $key1++) { for ($key2=0; $key2<$count; $key2++) { $sort1 = intval($arr[$key1]["COUNTER"]); $sort2 = intval($arr[$key2]["COUNTER"]); if ($order=="asc") { if ($sort1<$sort2) { $arr_tmp = $arr[$key1]; $arr[$key1] = $arr[$key2]; $arr[$key2] = $arr_tmp; } } else { if ($sort1>$sort2) { $arr_tmp = $arr[$key1]; $arr[$key1] = $arr[$key2]; $arr[$key2] = $arr_tmp; } } } } } // return current vote form for channel function ShowCurrentVote($GROUP_SID, $site_id=SITE_ID) { $CURRENT_VOTE_ID = GetCurrentVote($GROUP_SID, $site_id, 2); if (intval($CURRENT_VOTE_ID)>0) ShowVote($CURRENT_VOTE_ID); } // return previous vote results function ShowPrevVoteResults($GROUP_SID, $level=1, $site_id=SITE_ID) { $PREV_VOTE_ID = GetPrevVote($GROUP_SID, $level, $site_id); if (intval($PREV_VOTE_ID)>0) ShowVoteResults($PREV_VOTE_ID); } // return current vote results function ShowCurrentVoteResults($GROUP_SID, $site_id=SITE_ID) { $CURRENT_VOTE_ID = GetCurrentVote($GROUP_SID, $site_id); if (intval($CURRENT_VOTE_ID)>0) ShowVoteResults($CURRENT_VOTE_ID); } // return current vote form with check permissions function ShowVote($VOTE_ID, $template1="") { global $VOTING_LAMP, $VOTING_OK, $USER_ALREADY_VOTE, $USER_GROUP_PERMISSION, $APPLICATION; $VOTING_LAMP = ($VOTING_LAMP == "green") ? $VOTING_LAMP : "red"; $VOTING_OK = ($VOTING_OK == "Y") ? $VOTING_OK : "N"; $USER_ALREADY_VOTE = ($USER_ALREADY_VOTE == "Y") ? $USER_ALREADY_VOTE : "N"; $USER_GROUP_PERMISSION = intval($USER_GROUP_PERMISSION); if ($USER_GROUP_PERMISSION > 2) $USER_GROUP_PERMISSION = 0; $VOTE_ID = GetVoteDataByID($VOTE_ID, $arChannel, $arVote, $arQuestions, $arAnswers, $arDropDown, $arMultiSelect, $arGroupAnswers, "N"); if (intval($VOTE_ID)>0) { $perm = CVoteChannel::GetGroupPermission($arChannel["ID"]); /***** for old pre-component templates **********/ $GLOBALS["VOTE_PERMISSION"] = $perm; /***** /old *************************************/ if (intval($perm)>=2) { $template = ($arVote["TEMPLATE"] == '') ? "default.php" : $arVote["TEMPLATE"]; require_once ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/vote/include.php"); IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); $path = COption::GetOptionString("vote", "VOTE_TEMPLATE_PATH"); if ($template1 <> '') $template = $template1; if ($APPLICATION->GetShowIncludeAreas()) { $arIcons = Array(); if (CModule::IncludeModule("fileman")) { $arIcons[] = Array( "URL" => "/bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&site=".SITE_ID."&full_src=Y&path=". urlencode($path.$template), "SRC" => "/bitrix/images/vote/panel/edit_template.gif", "ALT" => GetMessage("VOTE_PUBLIC_ICON_TEMPLATE") ); $arrUrl = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $arIcons[] = Array( "URL" => "/bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&site=".SITE_ID."&full_src=Y&path=". urlencode($arrUrl["path"]), "SRC" => "/bitrix/images/vote/panel/edit_file.gif", "ALT" => GetMessage("VOTE_PUBLIC_ICON_HANDLER") ); } $arIcons[] = Array( "URL" => "/bitrix/admin/vote_edit.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&ID=".$VOTE_ID, "SRC" => "/bitrix/images/vote/panel/edit_vote.gif", "ALT" => GetMessage("VOTE_PUBLIC_ICON_SETTINGS") ); echo $APPLICATION->IncludeStringBefore($arIcons); } $template = Rel2Abs('/', $template); include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$path.$template); if ($APPLICATION->GetShowIncludeAreas()) { echo $APPLICATION->IncludeStringAfter(); } } } } // return current vote results with check permissions function ShowVoteResults($VOTE_ID, $template1="") { global $APPLICATION; $VOTE_ID = GetVoteDataByID($VOTE_ID, $arChannel, $arVote, $arQuestions, $arAnswers, $arDropDown, $arMultiSelect, $arGroupAnswers, "Y"); if (intval($VOTE_ID)>0) { /***** for old pre-component templates **********/ global $VOTE_PERMISSION; $VOTE_PERMISSION = CVote::UserGroupPermission($arChannel["ID"]); /***** /old *************************************/ $perm = CVoteChannel::GetGroupPermission($arChannel["ID"]); if (intval($perm)>=1) { $template = ($arVote["RESULT_TEMPLATE"] == '') ? "default.php" : $arVote["RESULT_TEMPLATE"]; require_once ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/vote/include.php"); IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); $path = COption::GetOptionString("vote", "VOTE_TEMPLATE_PATH_VOTE"); if ($template1 <> '') $template = $template1; if ($APPLICATION->GetShowIncludeAreas()) { $arIcons = Array(); if (CModule::IncludeModule("fileman")) { $arIcons[] = Array( "URL" => "/bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&site=".SITE_ID."&full_src=Y&path=". urlencode($path.$template), "SRC" => "/bitrix/images/vote/panel/edit_template.gif", "ALT" => GetMessage("VOTE_PUBLIC_ICON_TEMPLATE") ); $arrUrl = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $arIcons[] = Array( "URL" => "/bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&site=".SITE_ID."&full_src=Y&path=". urlencode($arrUrl["path"]), "SRC" => "/bitrix/images/vote/panel/edit_file.gif", "ALT" => GetMessage("VOTE_PUBLIC_ICON_HANDLER") ); } $arIcons[] = Array( "URL" => "/bitrix/admin/vote_edit.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&ID=".$VOTE_ID, "SRC" => "/bitrix/images/vote/panel/edit_vote.gif", "ALT" => GetMessage("VOTE_PUBLIC_ICON_SETTINGS") ); echo $APPLICATION->IncludeStringBefore($arIcons); } $template = Rel2Abs('/', $template); include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$path.$template); if ($APPLICATION->GetShowIncludeAreas()) { echo $APPLICATION->IncludeStringAfter(); } } } } function fill_arc($start, $end, $color) { global $diameter, $centerX, $centerY, $im, $radius; $radius = $diameter/2; imagearc($im, $centerX, $centerY, $diameter, $diameter, $start, $end+1, $color); imageline($im, $centerX, $centerY, $centerX + cos(deg2rad($start)) * $radius, $centerY + sin(deg2rad($start)) * $radius, $color); imageline($im, $centerX, $centerY, $centerX + cos(deg2rad($end)) * $radius, $centerY + sin(deg2rad($end)) * $radius, $color); $x = $centerX + $radius * 0.5 * cos(deg2rad($start+($end-$start)/2)); $y = $centerY + $radius * 0.5 * sin(deg2rad($start+($end-$start)/2)); imagefill ($im, $x, $y, $color); } function DecRGBColor($hex, &$dec1, &$dec2, &$dec3) { if (mb_substr($hex, 0, 1) != "#") $hex = "#".$hex; $dec1 = hexdec(mb_substr($hex, 1, 2)); $dec2 = hexdec(mb_substr($hex, 3, 2)); $dec3 = hexdec(mb_substr($hex, 5, 2)); } function DecColor($hex) { if (mb_substr($hex, 0, 1) != "#") $hex = "#".$hex; $dec = hexdec(mb_substr($hex, 1, 6)); return intval($dec); } function HexColor($dec) { $hex = sprintf("%06X",$dec); return $hex; } function GetNextColor(&$color, &$current_color, $total, $start_color="0000CC", $end_color="FFFFCC") { if (mb_substr($start_color, 0, 1) == "#") $start_color = mb_substr($start_color, 1, 6); if (mb_substr($end_color, 0, 1) == "#") $end_color = mb_substr($end_color, 1, 6); if (mb_substr($current_color, 0, 1) == "#") $current_color = mb_substr($current_color, 1, 6); if ($current_color == '') $color = "#".$start_color; else { $step = round((hexdec($end_color)-hexdec($start_color))/$total); if (intval($step)<=0) $step = "1500"; $dec = DecColor($current_color)+intval($step); if ($dec<hexdec($start_color)) $dec = $start_color; elseif ($dec>hexdec($end_color)) $dec = $end_color; elseif ($dec>hexdec("FFFFFF")) $dec = "000000"; else $dec = HexColor($dec); $color = "#".$dec; } $current_color = $color; }