Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php if (!defined('B_PROLOG_INCLUDED') || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die(); } abstract class CBasePgWizardStep extends CWizardStep { public function ShowStep() { $this->content .= '<style> li.pgwiz_erli { list-style-image:url(/bitrix/themes/.default/images/lamp/red.gif) } li.pgwiz_okli { list-style-image:url(/bitrix/themes/.default/images/lamp/green.gif) } p.pgwiz_err { color:red } span.pgwiz_ok { color:green } </style> '; } public function ShowCheckList($arList) { if (count($arList) > 0) { $this->content .= '<ul>'; foreach ($arList as $rec) { if ($rec['IS_OK']) { $this->content .= '<li class="pgwiz_okli">' . $rec['MESSAGE'] . '</li>'; } else { $this->content .= '<li class="pgwiz_erli">' . $rec['MESSAGE'] . '</li>'; } } $this->content .= '</ul>'; } } public function CheckListHasNoError($arList) { foreach ($arList as $rec) { if (!$rec['IS_OK']) { return false; } } return true; } public function MakeCheckList() { $arList = []; return $arList; } public function CloseSite() { COption::SetOptionString('main', 'site_stopped', 'Y'); COption::SetOptionString('main', 'check_agents', 'N'); COption::SetOptionString('main', 'check_events', 'N'); } public function OpenSite() { COption::SetOptionString('main', 'site_stopped', 'N'); COption::SetOptionString('main', 'check_agents', 'Y'); COption::SetOptionString('main', 'check_events', 'Y'); } public function getConnections() { $pgConnections = []; $configParams = \Bitrix\Main\Config\Configuration::getValue('connections'); if (is_array($configParams)) { foreach ($configParams as $connectionName => $connectionParams) { if (is_a($connectionParams['className'], '\Bitrix\Main\DB\PgsqlConnection', true)) { $pgConnections[$connectionName] = $connectionName; } } } return $pgConnections; } public static function getNextTable() { $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $rs = $connection->query('SELECT * FROM b_perf_table ORDER BY ID LIMIT 1'); return $rs->fetch(); } public static function getTables() { $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $result = []; $rs = $connection->query('SELECT * FROM b_perf_table ORDER BY ID'); while ($ar = $rs->fetch()) { $result[$ar['ID']] = $ar; } return $result; } public static function MakeTables($next, $etime) { $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); if (!$next) { $connection->query('DELETE FROM b_perf_table'); } $tableList = $connection->query(" SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_schema = '" . $connection->getDatabase() . "' " . ($next ? "AND TABLE_NAME > '" . $helper->forSql($next) . "'" : '') . ' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME ASC '); while ($table = $tableList->fetch()) { $tableName = $table['TABLE_NAME']; $keyColumn = false; $indexList = $connection->query('SHOW INDEX FROM ' . $helper->quote($tableName)); $indexes = []; while ($index = $indexList->fetch()) { if ($index['Non_unique'] == '0') { $keyName = $index['Key_name']; if (!isset($indexes[$keyName])) { $indexes[$keyName] = []; } $indexes[$keyName][$index['Seq_in_index']] = $index['Column_name']; } } foreach ($indexes as $indexName => $indexColumns) { if (count($indexColumns) == 1) { $keyColumn = current($indexColumns); break; } } $connection->add('b_perf_table', [ 'TABLE_NAME' => $tableName, 'KEY_COLUMN' => $keyColumn, ]); if ($etime && microtime(1) > $etime) { return $tableName; } } return ''; } public static function installMainAddons($pgConnection) { $installAdd = file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/main/install/pgsql/install_add.sql'); foreach ($pgConnection->parseSqlBatch($installAdd) as $sql) { if (strpos($sql, 'ALTER TABLE b_group') === false) { $pgConnection->query($sql); } } } public static function deleteModule($pgConnection, $moduleName) { $module = $pgConnection->getSqlHelper()->forSql($moduleName); $pgConnection->queryExecute("DELETE FROM b_module WHERE ID = '" . $module . "'"); $pgConnection->queryExecute("UPDATE b_agent SET ACTIVE = 'N' WHERE MODULE_ID = '" . $module . "' AND ACTIVE = 'Y'"); } public function isDev() { return file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/perfmon/dev'); } } class CPgCheckStep extends CBasePgWizardStep { protected $modules = []; public function InitStep() { $this->SetTitle(GetMessage('PGWIZ_STEP0_TITLE')); if ($this->modules) { $this->SetError(GetMessage('PGWIZ_NOT_SUPPORTED_MODULES_FOUND')); } $this->SetStepID('step0'); $this->checkList = $this->MakeCheckList(); if ($this->CheckListHasNoError($this->checkList)) { $this->SetNextStep('step1'); } else { $this->SetNextStep('step0'); } $this->SetCancelStep('cancel'); } public function MakeCheckList() { $arList = []; $isUtf = defined('BX_UTF') && constant('BX_UTF') === true; $arList[] = [ 'IS_OK' => $isUtf, 'MESSAGE' => GetMessage('PGWIZ_REQUIRES_UTF8'), ]; $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); if (is_a($connection, '\Bitrix\Main\DB\PgsqlConnection')) { $arList[] = [ 'IS_OK' => false, 'MESSAGE' => GetMessage('PGWIZ_ALREADY_PGSQL'), ]; } //Report not supported modules $this->modules = []; foreach (\Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager::getInstalledModules() as $moduleId => $_) { if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $moduleId . '/install/mysql')) { if (!file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $moduleId . '/install/pgsql')) { $this->modules[] = $moduleId; } } elseif (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $moduleId . '/install/db/mysql')) { if (!file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/' . $moduleId . '/install/db/pgsql')) { $this->modules[] = $moduleId; } } } $arList[] = [ 'IS_OK' => empty($this->modules) || $this->isDev(), 'MESSAGE' => GetMessage('PGWIZ_NOT_SUPPORTED_MODULES') . '<br>' . implode('<br>', $this->modules), ]; return $arList; } public function ShowStep() { parent::ShowStep(); if (count($this->GetErrors()) == 0) { $this->content .= GetMessage('PGWIZ_REQUIRES_KEY'); $this->ShowCheckList($this->checkList); if ($this->modules) { if ($this->isDev()) { $this->content .= '<br>' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_MODULES_WARNING'); } else { $this->content .= '<br>' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_UNINSTALL_MODULES'); } } } } } class CPgCreateDatabaseStep extends CBasePgWizardStep { protected $modules = []; public function InitStep() { $this->SetTitle(GetMessage('PGWIZ_STEP1_TITLE')); $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); $wizard->SetDefaultVar('create', 'by_wizard'); $this->SetStepID('step1'); $this->SetPrevStep('step0'); $this->SetNextStep('step2'); $this->SetCancelStep('cancel'); } public function ShowStep() { parent::ShowStep(); $this->content .= $this->ShowRadioField('create', 'by_wizard', [ 'id' => 'create_by_wizard', ]) . '<label for="create_by_wizard">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_CREATE_BY_WIZARD') . '</label><br>'; $this->content .= ' <table border="0" class="data-table"> <tr> <td nowrap align="right" valign="top" width="40%" >' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_HOST') . '</td> <td width="60%" valign="top">' . $this->ShowInputField('text', 'host', [ 'size' => '30', ]) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap align="right" valign="top">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_ROOT_USER') . '</td> <td valign="top">' . $this->ShowInputField('text', 'root_user', [ 'size' => '30', ]) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap align="right" valign="top">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_ROOT_PASSWORD') . '</td> <td valign="top">' . $this->ShowInputField('password', 'root_password', [ 'size' => '30', ]) . '</td> </tr> </table> '; $this->content .= '<br>' . $this->ShowRadioField('create', 'by_user', [ 'id' => 'create_by_user', ]) . '<label for="create_by_user">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_CREATE_BY_USER') . '</label>'; $this->content .= '<pre> CREATE DATABASE <database name> lc_ctype=\'C.UTF-8\' template template0; \c <database name> CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgcrypto; CREATE USER <user name> WITH PASSWORD \'<user password>\'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE <database name> TO <user name>; GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA PUBLIC TO <user name>;</pre>'; $pgConnectionList = $this->getConnections(); if ($pgConnectionList) { $this->content .= '<br>' . $this->ShowRadioField('create', 'already', [ 'id' => 'create_already', ]) . '<label for="create_already">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_CREATE_ALREADY') . '</label> '; $this->content .= $this->ShowSelectField('connection', $pgConnectionList); } } } class CPgUserStep extends CBasePgWizardStep { public $checkList; public function InitStep() { $this->SetTitle(GetMessage('PGWIZ_STEP2_TITLE')); $this->SetStepID('step2'); $this->SetPrevStep('step1'); $this->SetNextStep('step3'); } public function ShowStep() { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); parent::ShowStep(); if ($wizard->GetVar('create') === 'by_wizard') { $this->content .= ' <table border="0" class="data-table"> <tr> <td nowrap align="right" valign="top">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_USER') . '</td> <td valign="top">' . $this->ShowInputField('text', 'user', [ 'size' => '30', ]) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap align="right" valign="top">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_PASSWORD') . '</td> <td valign="top">' . $this->ShowInputField('password', 'password', [ 'size' => '30', ]) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap align="right" valign="top">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_DATABASE') . '</td> <td valign="top">' . $this->ShowInputField('text', 'database', [ 'size' => '30', ]) . '</td> </tr> </table> '; } elseif ($wizard->GetVar('create') === 'by_user') { $this->content .= ' <table border="0" class="data-table"> <tr> <td nowrap align="right" valign="top">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_HOST') . '</td> <td valign="top">' . $this->ShowInputField('text', 'host', [ 'size' => '30', ]) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap align="right" valign="top">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_USER') . '</td> <td valign="top">' . $this->ShowInputField('text', 'user', [ 'size' => '30', ]) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap align="right" valign="top">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_PASSWORD') . '</td> <td valign="top">' . $this->ShowInputField('password', 'password', [ 'size' => '30', ]) . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap align="right" valign="top">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_DATABASE') . '</td> <td valign="top">' . $this->ShowInputField('text', 'database', [ 'size' => '30', ]) . '</td> </tr> </table> '; } else { $this->content .= GetMessage('PGWIZ_CONNECTION', ['#CONNECTION_NAME#' => $wizard->GetVar('connection')]); $this->SetNextStep('step5'); } } public function OnPostForm() { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); if ($wizard->IsNextButtonClick()) { if (!function_exists('pg_pconnect')) { $this->SetError(GetMessage('PGWIZ_ERRROR_EXTENSION')); return; } $config = [ 'host' => $wizard->GetVar('host'), ]; if ($wizard->GetVar('create') === 'by_wizard') { $config['login'] = $wizard->GetVar('root_user'); $config['password'] = $wizard->GetVar('root_password'); } elseif ($wizard->GetVar('create') === 'by_user') { $config['login'] = $wizard->GetVar('user'); $config['password'] = $wizard->GetVar('password'); $config['database'] = $wizard->GetVar('database'); } else { $configParams = \Bitrix\Main\Config\Configuration::getValue('connections'); $config = $configParams[$wizard->GetVar('connection')]; } $conn = new \Bitrix\Main\DB\PgsqlConnection($config); try { $conn->connect(); //Check PostgreSQL version $version = $conn->getVersion(); } catch (\Bitrix\Main\DB\ConnectionException $e) { $this->SetError(GetMessage('PGWIZ_ERRROR_CONNECT') . ' ' . $e->getDatabaseMessage()); return; } $pgVersionMin = '11.0.0'; if (version_compare($version[0], $pgVersionMin, '<')) { return $this->SetError(GetMessage('PGWIZ_ERROR_VERSION', [ '#CUR#' => $version[0], '#REQ#' => $pgVersionMin, ])); } if ($wizard->GetVar('create') === 'by_wizard') { $dbResult = $conn->query("SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname = '" . $conn->getSqlHelper()->forSql($wizard->GetVar('database')) . "'"); if ($dbResult->fetch()) { $this->SetError(str_replace('#DB#', $wizard->GetVar('database'), GetMessage('PGWIZ_ERROR_EXISTS_DB'))); return; } //Check default template1 collation $dbResult = $conn->query("SELECT DATCTYPE FROM pg_database where datname='template1'"); $row = $dbResult->fetch(); if (preg_match('/\.(UTF-8|UTF8)$/i', $row['DATCTYPE'])) { try { $conn->queryExecute('CREATE DATABASE ' . $conn->getSqlHelper()->quote($wizard->GetVar('database'))); } catch (\Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlQueryException $e) { $this->SetError(str_replace('#DB#', $wizard->GetVar('database'), GetMessage('PGWIZ_ERROR_CREATE_DB')) . ' ' . (string)$e); return; } } else //use slower template0 creation { try { $conn->queryExecute('CREATE DATABASE ' . $conn->getSqlHelper()->quote($wizard->GetVar('database')) . " lc_ctype='C.UTF-8' template template0"); } catch (\Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlQueryException $e) { //Windows ? try { $conn->queryExecute('CREATE DATABASE ' . $conn->getSqlHelper()->quote($wizard->GetVar('database')) . " lc_ctype='us.UTF8' template template0"); } catch (\Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlQueryException $e) { $this->SetError(str_replace('#DB#', $wizard->GetVar('database'), GetMessage('PGWIZ_ERROR_CREATE_DB')) . ' ' . (string)$e); return; } } } $config['database'] = $wizard->GetVar('database'); $conn = new \Bitrix\Main\DB\PgsqlConnection($config); try { $conn->queryExecute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgcrypto'); } catch (\Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlQueryException $e) { $this->SetError(str_replace('#DB#', $wizard->GetVar('database'), GetMessage('PGWIZ_ERROR_CREATE_DB')) . ' ' . (string)$e); return; } $createUser = 'create user ' . $conn->getSqlHelper()->quote($wizard->GetVar('user')) . " with password '" . $conn->getSqlHelper()->forSql($wizard->GetVar('password')) . "'"; try { $conn->queryExecute($createUser); } catch (\Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlQueryException $e) { $this->SetError(GetMessage('PGWIZ_ERROR_CREATE_USER') . ' ' . $e->getDatabaseMessage()); return; } $grantPrivileges = [ 'grant all privileges on database ' . $conn->getSqlHelper()->quote($wizard->GetVar('database')) . ' to ' . $conn->getSqlHelper()->quote($wizard->GetVar('user')), 'grant create on schema public to ' . $conn->getSqlHelper()->quote($wizard->GetVar('user')), ]; foreach ($grantPrivileges as $grant) { try { $conn->queryExecute($grant); } catch (\Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlQueryException $e) { $this->SetError(InstallGetMessage('PGWIZ_ERROR_GRANT_USER') . ' ' . $e->getDatabaseMessage()); return false; } } } } } } class CPgConnectionAddStep extends CBasePgWizardStep { public function InitStep() { $this->SetTitle(GetMessage('PGWIZ_STEP3_TITLE')); $this->SetStepID('step3'); $this->SetPrevStep('step2'); $this->SetNextStep('step4'); } public function ShowStep() { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); parent::ShowStep(); $settingsEditUrl = '/bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?path=%2Fbitrix%2F.settings.php&full_src=Y&lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID; $this->content .= GetMessage('PGWIZ_ADD_CONNECTION', [ '#EDIT_HREF#' => $settingsEditUrl, ]); $this->content .= ' <pre> \'default_pgsql\' => array ( \'className\' => \'\\\\Bitrix\\\\Main\\\\DB\\\\PgsqlConnection\', \'host\' => \'' . $wizard->GetVar('host') . '\', \'database\' => \'' . $wizard->GetVar('database') . '\', \'login\' => \'' . $wizard->GetVar('user') . '\', \'password\' => \'' . $wizard->GetVar('password') . '\', \'options\' => 2, \'charset\' => \'utf-8\', \'include_after_connected\' => \'\', ), </pre> '; } } class CPgConnectionStep extends CBasePgWizardStep { public function InitStep() { $this->SetTitle(GetMessage('PGWIZ_STEP4_TITLE')); $this->SetStepID('step4'); $this->SetPrevStep('step3'); $this->SetNextStep('step5'); } public function ShowStep() { parent::ShowStep(); $pgConnectionList = $this->getConnections(); $this->content .= GetMessage('PGWIZ_SELECT_CONNECTION'); $this->content .= $this->ShowSelectField('connection', $pgConnectionList); } public function OnPostForm() { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); if ($wizard->IsNextButtonClick()) { $pool = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnectionPool(); /** @var \Bitrix\Main\DB\Connection $conn */ $conn = $pool->getConnection($wizard->GetVar('connection')); try { $conn->connect(); //Check PostgreSQL version $version = $conn->getVersion(); } catch (\Bitrix\Main\DB\ConnectionException $e) { $this->SetError(GetMessage('PGWIZ_ERRROR_CONNECT') . ' ' . $e->getDatabaseMessage()); return; } $pgVersionMin = '11.0.0'; if (version_compare($version[0], $pgVersionMin, '<')) { return $this->SetError(GetMessage('PGWIZ_ERROR_VERSION', [ '#CUR#' => $version[0], '#REQ#' => $pgVersionMin, ])); } } } } class CPgDatabaseCheckStep extends CBasePgWizardStep { public $checkList; public function InitStep() { $this->SetTitle(GetMessage('PGWIZ_STEP5_TITLE')); $this->SetStepID('step5'); $this->SetPrevStep('step4'); $this->SetNextStep('step6'); } public function ShowStep() { global $APPLICATION; $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); $path = $wizard->package->path; parent::ShowStep(); CJSCore::Init(['ajax']); \Bitrix\Main\UI\Extension::load('main.core'); $APPLICATION->AddHeadScript($path . '/js/wizard.js'); $init = [ 'nextButtonID' => $wizard->GetNextButtonID(), 'formID' => $wizard->GetFormName(), 'LANG' => LANGUAGE_ID, 'path' => $path, 'sessid' => bitrix_sessid(), 'connection' => $wizard->GetVar('connection'), ]; $this->content .= ' <script> BX.Wizard.PgSql.init(' . \Bitrix\Main\Web\Json::encode($init) . '); </script> '; $wizard->SetVar('action', ''); $tables = static::getTables(); if ($tables) { $this->content .= GetMessage('PGWIZ_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS') . '<br>'; $this->content .= $this->ShowRadioField('action', 'continue', [ 'id' => 'action_continue', 'onclick' => 'if(this.checked){BX.Wizard.PgSql.EnableButton();}', ]) . '<label for="action_continue">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_CONTINUE') . '</label><br />'; $this->content .= $this->ShowRadioField('action', 'restart', [ 'id' => 'action_restart', 'onclick' => 'if(this.checked){BX.Wizard.PgSql.EnableButton();}', ]) . '<label for="action_restart">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_RESTART') . '</label><br />'; $this->content .= ' <script> BX.ready(() => {BX.Wizard.PgSql.DisableButton()}); </script> '; } else { $pool = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnectionPool(); /** @var \Bitrix\Main\DB\Connection $conn */ $conn = $pool->getConnection($wizard->GetVar('connection')); $table = $conn->query(" SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' ")->fetch(); if ($table) { $this->content .= GetMessage('PGWIZ_TABLES_EXISTS') . '<br>'; $this->content .= $this->ShowCheckboxField('action', 'overwrite', [ 'id' => 'action_overwrite', 'onclick' => 'if(this.checked){BX.Wizard.PgSql.EnableButton();}else{BX.Wizard.PgSql.DisableButton();}', ]) . '<label for="action_overwrite">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_OVERWRITE') . '</label><br />'; $this->content .= ' <script> BX.ready(() => {BX.Wizard.PgSql.DisableButton()}); </script> '; } } $this->content .= '<br>' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_READY_TO_PROCEED'); } public function OnPostForm() { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); if ($wizard->IsNextButtonClick()) { $this->CloseSite(); } } } class CPgCopyStep extends CBasePgWizardStep { public function InitStep() { $this->SetTitle(GetMessage('PGWIZ_STEP6_TITLE')); $this->SetStepID('step6'); $this->SetNextStep('step7'); } public function ShowStep() { global $APPLICATION; $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); $path = $wizard->package->path; parent::ShowStep(); $this->content .= '<div id="output">' . GetMessage('PGWIZ_INIT') . '<br /></div>'; CJSCore::Init(['ajax']); \Bitrix\Main\UI\Extension::load('main.core'); $APPLICATION->AddHeadScript($path . '/js/wizard.js'); $message = [ 'PGWIZ_FIX_AND_RETRY' => GetMessage('PGWIZ_FIX_AND_RETRY'), 'PGWIZ_RETRYSTEP_BUTTONTITLE' => GetMessage('PGWIZ_RETRYSTEP_BUTTONTITLE'), ]; $init = [ 'nextButtonID' => $wizard->GetNextButtonID(), 'formID' => $wizard->GetFormName(), 'LANG' => LANGUAGE_ID, 'path' => $path, 'sessid' => bitrix_sessid(), 'connection' => $wizard->GetVar('connection'), ]; $this->content .= ' <script> BX.message(' . \Bitrix\Main\Web\Json::encode($message) . '); BX.Wizard.PgSql.init(' . \Bitrix\Main\Web\Json::encode($init) . '); BX.ready(() => {BX.Wizard.PgSql.DisableButton()}); BX.ready(() => {BX.Wizard.PgSql.action(\'copy\', ' . \Bitrix\Main\Web\Json::encode($wizard->GetVar('action') !== 'continue' ? 'init' : 'continue') . ')}); </script> '; } } class CPgSetupConnectionStep extends CBasePgWizardStep { public function InitStep() { $this->SetTitle(GetMessage('PGWIZ_STEP7_TITLE')); $this->SetStepID('step7'); $this->SetNextStep('final'); } public function ShowStep() { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); parent::ShowStep(); if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/php_interface/after_connect_d7.php')) { $settingsEditUrl = '/bitrix/admin/fileman_admin.php?lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&path=%2Fbitrix%2Fphp_interface'; $this->content .= GetMessage('PGWIZ_REMOVE_AFTER_CONNECT', [ '#EDIT_HREF#' => $settingsEditUrl ]) . '</br></br>'; } $settingsEditUrl = '/bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?path=%2Fbitrix%2F.settings.php&full_src=Y&lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID; $this->content .= GetMessage('PGWIZ_RENAME_CONNECTION', [ '#EDIT_HREF#' => $settingsEditUrl, '#CONNECTION#' => $wizard->GetVar('connection'), ]); } public function OnPostForm() { $wizard = $this->GetWizard(); if ($wizard->IsNextButtonClick()) { $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); if (is_a($connection, '\Bitrix\Main\DB\PgsqlConnection', true)) { $this->OpenSite(); } else { $this->SetError(GetMessage('PGWIZ_WRONG_CONNECTION')); } } } } class CPgFinalStep extends CBasePgWizardStep { public function InitStep() { $this->SetTitle(GetMessage('PGWIZ_FINALSTEP_TITLE')); $this->SetStepID('final'); $this->SetCancelStep('final'); $this->SetCancelCaption(GetMessage('PGWIZ_FINALSTEP_BUTTONTITLE')); } public function ShowStep() { $this->OpenSite(); parent::ShowStep(); $this->content = GetMessage('PGWIZ_FINALSTEP_CONTENT'); } } class CPgCancelStep extends CBasePgWizardStep { public function InitStep() { $this->SetTitle(GetMessage('PGWIZ_CANCELSTEP_TITLE')); $this->SetStepID('cancel'); $this->SetCancelStep('cancel'); $this->SetCancelCaption(GetMessage('PGWIZ_CANCELSTEP_BUTTONTITLE')); } public function ShowStep() { $this->OpenSite(); parent::ShowStep(); $this->content = GetMessage('PGWIZ_CANCELSTEP_CONTENT'); } }