Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php if (!defined('B_PROLOG_INCLUDED') || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die(); use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\UI; use Bitrix\Ui\EntityForm\Scope; Main\Loader::includeModule('ui'); /** * Class UIFormComponent */ class UIFormComponent extends \CBitrixComponent { public const COLUMN_DEFAULT = 'default_column'; public const SECTION_MAIN = 'main'; public const SECTION_REQUIRED = 'required'; public const SECTION_ADDITIONAL = 'additional'; protected const COLUMN_TYPE = 'column'; protected const SECTION_TYPE = 'section'; protected const INCLUDED_AREA_TYPE = 'included_area'; /** @var int */ protected $userID = 0; /** @var string */ protected $entityTypeName = ''; /** @var int */ protected $entityID = 0; /** @var string */ protected $guid = ''; /** @var string */ protected $configID = ''; protected $configuration; /** * Execute component. */ public function executeComponent() { $this->initialize(); $this->emitOnUIFormInitializeEvent(); if (!isset($this->arParams['SKIP_TEMPLATE']) || !$this->arParams['SKIP_TEMPLATE']) { $this->includeComponentTemplate(); } return $this->arResult; } protected function getConfiguration(): UI\Form\EntityEditorConfiguration { if($this->configuration === null) { $this->configuration = new UI\Form\EntityEditorConfiguration($this->getConfigurationCategoryName()); } return $this->configuration; } protected function getConfigurationCategoryName(): string { return 'ui.form.editor'; } protected function getConfigurationOptionCategoryName(): string { return 'ui.entity.editor'; } protected function emitOnUIFormInitializeEvent() { $event = new Main\Event('ui', 'onUIFormInitialize', ['TEMPLATE' => $this->getTemplateName()]); $event->send(); } protected function getDefaultParameters(): array { return [ 'GUID' => 'form_editor', 'CONFIG_ID' => null, 'READ_ONLY' => null, 'INITIAL_MODE' => '', 'SKIP_TEMPLATE' => false, 'ENABLE_MODE_TOGGLE' => true, 'ENABLE_CONFIG_CONTROL' => true, 'ENABLE_SHOW_ALWAYS_FEAUTURE' => true, 'ENABLE_VISIBILITY_POLICY' => true, 'ENABLE_TOOL_PANEL' => true, 'IS_TOOL_PANEL_ALWAYS_VISIBLE' => false, 'ENABLE_BOTTOM_PANEL' => true, 'ENABLE_FIELDS_CONTEXT_MENU' => true, 'IS_EMBEDDED' => null, 'ENTITY_TYPE_NAME' => '', 'ENTITY_ID' => 0, 'IS_IDENTIFIABLE_ENTITY' => true, 'ENTITY_DATA' => [], 'ENTITY_FIELDS' => [], 'ENTITY_CONFIG' => [], 'ENTITY_VALIDATORS' => [], 'DETAIL_MANAGER_ID' => '', 'ENTITY_CONTROLLERS' => [], 'ENTITY_CONFIG_SCOPE' => '', 'FORCE_DEFAULT_SECTION_NAME' => false, 'FORCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG' => false, 'ENABLE_CONFIG_SCOPE_TOGGLE' => true, 'ENABLE_AJAX_FORM' => true, 'ENABLE_REQUIRED_USER_FIELD_CHECK' => true, 'ENABLE_USER_FIELD_CREATION' => false, 'ENABLE_USER_FIELD_MANDATORY_CONTROL' => true, 'ENABLE_PAGE_TITLE_CONTROLS' => false, 'USER_FIELD_ENTITY_ID' => '', 'USER_FIELD_PREFIX' => '', 'USER_FIELD_CREATE_PAGE_URL' => '', 'USER_FIELD_CREATE_SIGNATURE' => '', 'ENABLE_SETTINGS_FOR_ALL' => false, 'ENABLE_SECTION_EDIT' => false, 'ENABLE_SECTION_CREATION' => false, 'ENABLE_SECTION_DRAG_DROP' => true, 'ENABLE_FIELD_DRAG_DROP' => true, 'SERVICE_URL' => '', 'EXTERNAL_CONTEXT_ID' => '', 'CONTEXT_ID' => '', 'CONTEXT' => [], 'COMPONENT_AJAX_DATA' => [], 'CUSTOM_TOOL_PANEL_BUTTONS' => [], 'TOOL_PANEL_BUTTONS_ORDER' => [ 'VIEW' => [], 'EDIT' => [ UI\EntityEditor\Action::DEFAULT_ACTION_BUTTON_ID, UI\EntityEditor\Action::CANCEL_ACTION_BUTTON_ID, ], ], 'SCOPE' => null, 'SCOPE_PREFIX' => '', 'DISABLED_HTML_CONTROLS' => [], 'ANALYTICS_CONFIG' => [], ]; } protected function prepareParameters(array $params): array { $result = []; foreach ($this->getDefaultParameters() as $name => $defaultValue) { $nameInParams = '~' . $name; if (is_array($defaultValue) && isset($params[$nameInParams]) && is_array($params[$nameInParams])) { $result[$name] = $params[$nameInParams]; continue; } if(isset($params[$nameInParams])) { if($defaultValue === 0) { $value = (int) $params[$nameInParams]; } else { $value = $params[$nameInParams]; } } else { $value = $defaultValue; } $result[$name] = $value; } return $result; } protected function getSavedScopeAndConfiguration( UI\Form\EntityEditorConfiguration $configuration, $configScope, bool $isForceDefaultConfig ): array { $scopeConfigId = (empty($this->arResult['SCOPE_PREFIX']) ? $this->configID : $this->arResult['SCOPE_PREFIX'] ); if (!$configScope) { $configScope = UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::UNDEFINED; } if (!UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::isDefined($configScope)) { $configScope = $configuration->getScope($scopeConfigId); } if (is_array($configScope)) { $userScopeId = $configScope['userScopeId']; $configScope = $configScope['scope']; } else { $userScopeId = null; } $userScopes = ( isset($scopeConfigId) ? Scope::getInstance()->getUserScopes($scopeConfigId, ($this->arParams['MODULE_ID'] ?? null)) : null ); $config = null; if (!$isForceDefaultConfig) { if($configScope === UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::CUSTOM) { if (array_key_exists($userScopeId, $userScopes)) { $config = Scope::getInstance()->getScopeById($userScopeId); } if(!$config) { $configScope = UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::UNDEFINED; } } if (!$config && UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::isDefined($configScope)) { $config = $configuration->get($this->configID, $configScope); } elseif(!$config) { //Try to resolve current scope by stored configuration $config = $configuration->get($this->configID, UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::PERSONAL); if (is_array($config) && !empty($config)) { $configScope = UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::PERSONAL; } else { $config = $configuration->get($this->configID, UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::COMMON); $configScope = UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::COMMON; } } } if( (!$config && $configScope === UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::CUSTOM) || $configScope === UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::UNDEFINED ) { $configScope = is_array($configuration->get($this->configID, UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::PERSONAL)) ? UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::PERSONAL : UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::COMMON; } return [$configScope, $config, $userScopes, $userScopeId]; } protected function processParamsConfig( array $config, bool $isForceDefaultSectionName, array $entityConfig = [] ): array { $defaultConfig = []; if (!is_array($config) || empty($config)) { $config = $entityConfig; } elseif (!empty($entityConfig)) { foreach($this->arParams['~ENTITY_CONFIG'] as $section) { $defaultConfig[$section['name']] = $section; } $config = $this->getFilteredConfig($config, $this->buildConfigMap($defaultConfig)); } if (!empty($defaultConfig) && $isForceDefaultSectionName) { foreach ($config as $key => $section) { if (isset($defaultConfig[$section["name"]])) { $config[$key]["title"] = $defaultConfig[$section["name"]]["title"]; } } } if (!empty($defaultConfig)) { foreach ($defaultConfig as $defaultConfigKey => $defaultConfigSection) { if (!(isset($defaultConfigSection['forceInclude']) && $defaultConfigSection['forceInclude'] === true)) { continue; } $isIncluded = false; $configSections = $this->getConfigSections($config); foreach ($configSections as $key => $section) { if ($section['name'] === $defaultConfigSection['name']) { $isIncluded = true; break; } } if ($isIncluded) { continue; } $this->addConfigSection($config, $defaultConfigSection); } } return [$config, $defaultConfig]; } /** * @param array $config * @return array */ private function getConfigSections(array $config): array { if (isset($config[0]) && $config[0]['type'] === self::COLUMN_TYPE) { return isset($config[0]['elements']) && is_array($config[0]['elements']) ? $config[0]['elements'] : []; } return $config; } /** * @param array $config * @param array $section */ private function addConfigSection(array &$config, array $section): void { if (isset($config[0]) && $config[0]['type'] === self::COLUMN_TYPE) { $config[0]['elements'][] = $section; } else { $config[] = $section; } } /** * @param array $configItems * @param string|null $parent * @return array */ private function buildConfigMap(array $configItems, ?string $parent = null) { $result = []; foreach ($configItems as $configItem) { $key = $this->getConfigKey($configItem, $parent); $result[$key] = true; if (isset($configItem['elements']) && is_array($configItem['elements'])) { $result = array_merge($result, $this->buildConfigMap($configItem['elements'], $key)); } } return $result; } protected function getFilteredConfig(array $configItems, array $defaultConfigMap, ?string $parent = null) { $result = []; foreach ($configItems as $configItem) { $key = $this->getConfigKey($configItem, $parent); $onlyDefault = (isset($configItem['data']['onlyDefault']) && $configItem['data']['onlyDefault'] === 'Y'); if ($onlyDefault && !isset($defaultConfigMap[$key])) { continue; } $resultItem = $configItem; if (isset($configItem['elements']) && is_array($configItem['elements'])) { $resultItem['elements'] = $this->getFilteredConfig($configItem['elements'], $defaultConfigMap, $key); } $result[] = $resultItem; } return $result; } /** * @param array $configItem * @param string|null $parent * @return string */ private function getConfigKey(array $configItem, ?string $parent = null) { return (is_null($parent) || $parent === self::COLUMN_DEFAULT ? '' : $parent . '.') . $configItem['name']; } protected function getFieldsInfo(array $entityFields, array $entityData): array { $availableFields = []; $requiredFields = []; $hasEmptyRequiredFields = false; $htmlFieldNames = []; $bbFieldNames = []; foreach($entityFields as $field) { $name = $field['name'] ?? ''; if($name === '') { continue; } $fieldType = $field['type'] ?? ''; if($fieldType === 'html') { $htmlFieldNames[] = $name; } if ($fieldType === 'bb') { $bbFieldNames[] = $name; } $availableFields[$name] = $field; if(isset($field['required']) && $field['required'] === true) { $requiredFields[$name] = $field; if($hasEmptyRequiredFields) { continue; } //HACK: Skip if user field of type Boolean. Absence of value is treated as equivalent to FALSE. if($fieldType === 'userField') { $fieldInfo = $field['data']['fieldInfo'] ?? []; if(isset($fieldInfo['USER_TYPE_ID']) && $fieldInfo['USER_TYPE_ID'] === 'boolean') { continue; } } if( isset($entityData[$name]['IS_EMPTY']) && $entityData[$name]['IS_EMPTY'] ) { $hasEmptyRequiredFields = true; } } } return [ 'available' => $availableFields, 'required' => $requiredFields, 'hasEmptyRequiredFields' => $hasEmptyRequiredFields, 'html' => $htmlFieldNames, 'bb' => $bbFieldNames, ]; } protected function processScheme( array $config, array $defaultConfig, string $configScope, array &$fieldsInfo ): array { $availableFields = $fieldsInfo['available']; $requiredFields = $fieldsInfo['required']; $scheme = []; $primaryColumnIndex = 0; $primarySectionIndex = 0; $serviceColumnIndex = 0; $serviceSectionIndex = -1; foreach ($config as $j => $column) { $columnScheme = []; foreach ($column['elements'] as $i => $section) { $type = $section['type'] ?? ''; if ($type !== self::SECTION_TYPE && $type !== self::INCLUDED_AREA_TYPE) { continue; } $sectionName = $section['name'] ?? ''; if ($sectionName === self::SECTION_MAIN) { $primaryColumnIndex = $j; $primarySectionIndex = $i; } elseif ($sectionName === self::SECTION_REQUIRED) { $serviceColumnIndex = $j; $serviceSectionIndex = $i; } if (!empty($defaultConfig[$sectionName]['data'])) { $section['data'] = $defaultConfig[$sectionName]['data']; } $elements = isset($section['elements']) && is_array($section['elements']) ? $section['elements'] : []; $schemeElements = []; foreach ($elements as $element) { $name = $element['name'] ?? ''; if ($name === '') { continue; } $schemeElement = $availableFields[$name] ?? []; $fieldType = $schemeElement['type'] ?? ''; //User fields in common scope must have original names. $title = ''; if (isset($element['title']) && !($fieldType === 'userField' && $configScope === UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::COMMON) ) { $title = $element['title']; } if ($title !== '') { if (isset($schemeElement['title'])) { $schemeElement['originalTitle'] = $schemeElement['title']; } $schemeElement['title'] = $title; } if (isset($element['optionFlags'])) { $schemeElement['optionFlags'] = (int)$element['optionFlags']; } $schemeElement['options'] = (isset($element['options']) && is_array($element['options'])) ? $element['options'] : []; $schemeElements[] = $schemeElement; unset($availableFields[$name]); if (isset($requiredFields[$name])) { unset($requiredFields[$name]); } } $columnScheme[] = array_merge($section, ['elements' => $schemeElements]); } $scheme[] = array_merge($column, ['elements' => $columnScheme]); } $hasEmptyRequiredFields = $fieldsInfo['hasEmptyRequiredFields']; //Add section 'Required Fields' if(!$this->arResult['READ_ONLY']) { //Force Edit mode if empty required fields are found. if($hasEmptyRequiredFields) { $this->arResult['INITIAL_MODE'] = 'edit'; } // todo check required fields if(!empty($requiredFields)) { $schemeElements = array(); if($serviceSectionIndex >= 0) { $section = $config[$serviceColumnIndex]['elements'][$serviceSectionIndex]; if( isset($scheme[$serviceColumnIndex]['elements'][$serviceSectionIndex]['elements']) && is_array($scheme[$serviceColumnIndex]['elements'][$serviceSectionIndex]['elements']) ) { $schemeElements = $scheme[$serviceColumnIndex]['elements'][$serviceSectionIndex]['elements']; } } else { $section = [ 'name' => self::SECTION_REQUIRED, 'title' => Main\Localization\Loc::getMessage('UI_FORM_REQUIRED_FIELD_SECTION'), 'type' => self::SECTION_TYPE, 'elements' => [] ]; $serviceColumnIndex = $primaryColumnIndex; $serviceSectionIndex = $primarySectionIndex + 1; array_splice( $config[$serviceColumnIndex]['elements'], $serviceSectionIndex, 0, array($section) ); array_splice( $scheme[$serviceColumnIndex]['elements'], $serviceSectionIndex, 0, array(array_merge($section, array('elements' => array()))) ); } foreach($requiredFields as $fieldName => $fieldInfo) { $section['elements'][] = array('name' => $fieldName); $schemeElements[] = $fieldInfo; } $scheme[$serviceColumnIndex]['elements'][$serviceSectionIndex]['elements'] = $schemeElements; } } $fieldsInfo['available'] = $availableFields; return $scheme; } protected function prepareConfig() { $configuration = $this->getConfiguration(); $isForceDefaultConfig = ((isset($this->arParams['~FORCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG']) && $this->arParams['~FORCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG'])); [$configScope, $config, $userScopes, $userScopeId] = $this->getSavedScopeAndConfiguration( $configuration, $this->arResult['SCOPE'], $isForceDefaultConfig ); $this->arResult['USER_SCOPES'] = $userScopes; $this->arResult['USER_SCOPE_ID'] = $userScopeId; if(!is_array($config)) { $config = []; } [$config, $defaultConfig] = $this->processParamsConfig($config, $this->arResult['FORCE_DEFAULT_SECTION_NAME'], $this->arResult['ENTITY_CONFIG']); $fieldsInfo = $this->getFieldsInfo($this->arResult['ENTITY_FIELDS'], $this->arResult['ENTITY_DATA']); $config = $this->initializeConfigWithColumns($config); $scheme = $this->processScheme($config, $defaultConfig, $configScope, $fieldsInfo); $this->arResult['ENTITY_CONFIG_SCOPE'] = $configScope; $this->arResult['ENTITY_CONFIG'] = $config; $this->arResult['ENTITY_SCHEME'] = $scheme; $this->arResult['ENTITY_AVAILABLE_FIELDS'] = array_values($fieldsInfo['available']); $this->arResult['ENTITY_HTML_FIELD_NAMES'] = $fieldsInfo['html']; $this->arResult['ENTITY_BB_FIELD_NAMES'] = $fieldsInfo['bb']; $this->arResult['DISABLED_HTML_CONTROLS'] = $this->arParams['DISABLED_HTML_CONTROLS'] ?? []; } protected function loadLanguages(): array { $languages = []; $dbResultLangs = \CLanguage::GetList(); while($lang = $dbResultLangs->Fetch()) { $languages[] = ['LID' => $lang['LID'], 'NAME' => $lang['NAME']]; } return $languages; } protected function initialize() { $this->arResult = $this->prepareParameters($this->arParams); $this->guid = $this->arResult['GUID']; $this->configID = $this->arResult['CONFIG_ID'] ?? $this->guid; $this->arResult['CONFIG_ID'] = $this->configID; $this->entityTypeName = $this->arResult['ENTITY_TYPE_NAME']; $this->entityID = $this->arResult['ENTITY_ID']; $this->prepareConfig(); if(isset($this->arParams['~ENABLE_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE'])) { $this->arResult['CAN_UPDATE_PERSONAL_CONFIGURATION'] = $this->arParams['~ENABLE_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE']; $this->arResult['CAN_UPDATE_COMMON_CONFIGURATION'] = $this->arParams['~ENABLE_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE']; } else { $this->arResult['CAN_UPDATE_PERSONAL_CONFIGURATION'] = !isset($this->arParams['~ENABLE_PERSONAL_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE']) || $this->arParams['~ENABLE_PERSONAL_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE']; $this->arResult['CAN_UPDATE_COMMON_CONFIGURATION'] = isset($this->arParams['~ENABLE_COMMON_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE']) && $this->arParams['~ENABLE_COMMON_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE']; } $this->arResult['ENTITY_CONFIG_SIGNED_PARAMS'] = $this->getSignedConfigParameters(); $this->arResult['CONTEXT']['EDITOR_CONFIG_ID'] = $this->configID; $this->arResult['LANGUAGES'] = $this->loadLanguages(); $this->arResult['ENTITY_CONFIG_OPTIONS'] = $this->getEntityConfigOptions(); $this->arResult['EDITOR_OPTIONS'] = array('show_always' => 'Y'); } protected function getEntityConfigOptions(): array { $optionId = $this->arParams['~OPTION_PREFIX'] ?? $this->configID; $optionId = \Bitrix\UI\Form\EntityEditorConfiguration::prepareOptionsName( $optionId, $this->arResult['ENTITY_CONFIG_SCOPE'], (int) $this->arResult['USER_SCOPE_ID'] ); if($this->arResult['ENTITY_CONFIG_SCOPE'] === UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigScope::COMMON) { $userId = 0; } else { $userId = false; } return \CUserOptions::GetOption( $this->getConfigurationOptionCategoryName(), $optionId, $this->getDefaultEntityConfigOptions(), $userId ); } protected function getDefaultEntityConfigOptions(): array { return []; } private function initializeConfigWithColumns(array $config): array { $columns = []; $elementsWithoutColumn = []; foreach ($config as $element) { $type = $element['type'] ?? ''; if ($type === self::COLUMN_TYPE) { if (!isset($element['elements']) || !is_array($element['elements'])) { $element['elements'] = []; } $columns[] = $element; } else { $elementsWithoutColumn[] = $element; } } if (empty($columns)) { $columns = [ [ 'name' => static::COLUMN_DEFAULT, 'title' => '', 'type' => self::COLUMN_TYPE, 'elements' => [], ], ]; } if (!empty($elementsWithoutColumn)) { $columns[0]['elements'] = array_merge($columns[0]['elements'], $elementsWithoutColumn); } return $columns; } protected function getSignedConfigParameters(): string { return (new \Bitrix\UI\Form\EntityEditorConfigSigner($this->configID))->sign([ 'CAN_UPDATE_COMMON_CONFIGURATION' => $this->arResult['CAN_UPDATE_COMMON_CONFIGURATION'], 'CAN_UPDATE_PERSONAL_CONFIGURATION' => $this->arResult['CAN_UPDATE_PERSONAL_CONFIGURATION'], ]); } }