Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage rest * @copyright 2001-2016 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Rest\APAuth; use Bitrix\Main\Authentication\ApplicationManager; use Bitrix\Main\Authentication\ApplicationPasswordTable; use Bitrix\Main\Context; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime; use Bitrix\Main\UserTable; use Bitrix\Rest\Engine\Access; use Bitrix\Rest\Engine\Access\HoldEntity; class Auth { const AUTH_TYPE = 'apauth'; protected static $authQueryParams = array( 'UID' => 'aplogin', 'PASSWORD' => 'ap', ); protected static $integrationScope = array('crm', 'telephony', 'imopenlines'); protected static $scopeCache = array(); public static function onRestCheckAuth(array $query, $scope, &$res) { $auth = array(); foreach(static::$authQueryParams as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $query)) { $auth[$key] = $query[$key]; } else { return null; } } if (!defined('REST_APAUTH_ALLOW_HTTP') && !Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->isHttps()) { $res = array('error' => 'INVALID_REQUEST', 'error_description' => 'Https required.'); return false; } $tokenInfo = static::check($auth, $scope); if (is_array($tokenInfo)) { $error = array_key_exists('error', $tokenInfo); if (!$error && HoldEntity::is(HoldEntity::TYPE_WEBHOOK, $auth[static::$authQueryParams['PASSWORD']])) { $tokenInfo = [ 'error' => 'OVERLOAD_LIMIT', 'error_description' => 'REST API is blocked due to overload.' ]; $error = true; } if ( !$error && ( !Access::isAvailable() || ( Access::needCheckCount() && !Access::isAvailableCount(Access::ENTITY_TYPE_WEBHOOK, $tokenInfo['password_id']) ) ) ) { $tokenInfo = [ 'error' => 'ACCESS_DENIED', 'error_description' => 'REST is available only on commercial plans.' ]; $error = true; } if (!$error && $tokenInfo['user_id'] > 0) { $tokenInfo['scope'] = implode(',', static::getPasswordScope($tokenInfo['password_id'])); global $USER; if ($USER instanceof \CUser && $USER->isAuthorized()) { if ((int)$USER->GetID() !== (int)$tokenInfo['user_id']) { $tokenInfo = [ 'error' => 'authorization_error', 'error_description' => Loc::getMessage('REST_AP_AUTH_ERROR_LOGOUT_BEFORE'), ]; $error = true; } } elseif (!\CRestUtil::makeAuth($tokenInfo)) { $tokenInfo = array('error' => 'authorization_error', 'error_description' => 'Unable to authorize user'); $error = true; } else { PasswordTable::update($tokenInfo['password_id'], array( 'DATE_LOGIN' => new DateTime(), 'LAST_IP' => Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getRemoteAddress(), )); unset($tokenInfo['application_id']); } } $res = $tokenInfo; $res['parameters_clear'] = static::$authQueryParams; $res['auth_type'] = static::AUTH_TYPE; return !$error; } return false; } protected static function check($auth, $scope) { $result = array('error' => 'INVALID_CREDENTIALS', 'error_description' => 'Invalid request credentials'); $uid = $auth[static::$authQueryParams['UID']]; if(strval(intval($uid)) === $uid) { $userInfo = array('ID' => intval($uid)); } else { $dbRes = UserTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=LOGIN' => $uid, '=ACTIVE' => 'Y', ), 'select' => array('ID'), )); $userInfo = $dbRes->fetch(); } if($userInfo) { $dbRes = PasswordTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=USER_ID' => $userInfo['ID'], '=PASSWORD' => $auth[static::$authQueryParams['PASSWORD']], '=ACTIVE' => PasswordTable::ACTIVE, ), 'select' => array('ID') )); $passwordInfo = $dbRes->fetch(); if(!$passwordInfo) { $passwordInfo = static::checkOldPassword($userInfo['ID'], $auth[static::$authQueryParams['PASSWORD']]); } if($passwordInfo) { if(static::checkPermission($passwordInfo["ID"], $scope) === true) { $result = array( 'user_id' => $userInfo["ID"], 'password_id' => $passwordInfo["ID"], ); } else { $result = array('error' => 'insufficient_scope', 'error_description' => 'The request requires higher privileges than provided by the webhook token'); } } } return $result; } protected static function checkOldPassword($userId, $password) { $appPassword = ApplicationPasswordTable::findPassword($userId, $password); if($appPassword !== false) { if($appPassword["APPLICATION_ID"] === Application::ID) { $appManager = ApplicationManager::getInstance(); if($appManager->checkScope($appPassword["APPLICATION_ID"]) === true) { return static::convertOldPassword($appPassword, $password); } } } return false; } protected static function convertOldPassword($appPassword, $password) { $dbRes = ApplicationPasswordTable::getById($appPassword['ID']); $oldPassword = $dbRes->fetch(); if($oldPassword) { ApplicationPasswordTable::delete($appPassword['ID']); $result = PasswordTable::add(array( 'USER_ID' => $oldPassword['USER_ID'], 'PASSWORD' => $password, 'ACTIVE' => PasswordTable::ACTIVE, 'TITLE' => $oldPassword['SYSCOMMENT'], 'COMMENT' => $oldPassword['COMMENT'], 'DATE_CREATE' => $oldPassword['DATE_CREATE'], 'DATE_LOGIN' => $oldPassword['DATE_LOGIN'], 'LAST_IP' => $oldPassword['LAST_IP'], )); if($result->isSuccess()) { $passwordId = $result->getId(); foreach(static::$integrationScope as $scope) { PermissionTable::add(array( 'PASSWORD_ID' => $passwordId, 'PERM' => $scope, )); } return array( 'ID' => $passwordId, ); } } return false; } protected static function checkPermission($passwordId, $scope) { if($scope === \CRestUtil::GLOBAL_SCOPE) { return true; } $scopeList = static::getPasswordScope($passwordId); $scopeList = \Bitrix\Rest\Engine\RestManager::fillAlternativeScope($scope, $scopeList); return in_array($scope, $scopeList); } protected static function getPasswordScope($passwordId): array { if (!array_key_exists($passwordId, static::$scopeCache)) { static::$scopeCache[$passwordId] = []; $dbRes = PermissionTable::query() ->setSelect(['PERM']) ->where('PASSWORD_ID', $passwordId) ->setCacheTtl(86400) ->exec(); while ($perm = $dbRes->fetch()) { static::$scopeCache[$passwordId][] = $perm['PERM']; } } return static::$scopeCache[$passwordId]; } }