Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/ |
; /** * @bxjs_lang_path mobile_designer.php */ (function() { if ( { return; } var BX = window.BX; if (BX.browser.IsIE() && BX.browser.DetectIeVersion() < 9) { return false; } BX.Mobile = { Events: { CONFIG_CHANGED: 'onEditorConfigChanged', CONFIG_READY: 'onEditorConfigReady', CONFIG_LOADED: 'onEditorConfigLoad', CONFIG_LOADED_BEFORE: 'onBeforeEditorConfigLoad', CONFIG_SAVED: 'onEditorConfigSaved', APP_FILE_LIST_GOT: 'onAppFileListGot', VIEWER_ELEMENT_SET_SIZE: 'onViewerElementSetSize', VIEWER_ELEMENT_APPLY: 'onApply', VIEWER_ELEMENT_REDRAW: 'onRedraw', VIEWER_NEW_CONFIG_SET: 'onViewerNewConfigSet', PROJECT_REMOVED: 'onProjectRemoved', APP_SWITCHER_REMOVE: 'delete', APP_SWITCHER_CHANGE: 'change', }, Tools: { extendProto(child, proto) { for (var element in proto) { child.prototype[element] = proto[element]; } }, highlight(node, rbgColor, restore, duration) { var d = duration || 0.2; (new BX.fx({ start: 0, finish: 30, step: 0.005, type: 'accelerated', time: d, callback(value) { = `rgba(${rbgColor[0]},${rbgColor[1]},${rbgColor[2]},${value / 100})`; }, callback_start() {}, callback_complete() { if (typeof restore != 'undefined' && restore === false) { return; } (new BX.fx({ start: 30, finish: 0, step: 0.005, type: 'deccelerated', time: 0.8, callback(value) { = `rgba(${rbgColor[0]},${rbgColor[1]},${rbgColor[2]},${value / 100})`; }, callback_start() {}, callback_complete() { = 'ffffff'; }, })).start(); }, })).start(); }, }, Designer: function(params) { this.designerContainer = BX(params.containerId); this.container = BX.create('DIV', { attrs: { id: 'app_params', }, }); this.previewContainer = BX.create('DIV', { attrs: { id: 'app_preview', }, }); this.projects = {}; this.apps = []; this.configs = []; this.saveTimeOutId = 0; this.saveTimeOut = 1000; this.useAutoSave = true; this.editor = null; this.currentProject = {}; this.currentPlatform = ''; = {}; this.createForm = false; this.availablePlatforms = params.platforms; this.currentPlatformTab = false; this.isDataSet = false; if ( { this.setData(; } }, Project: function(params) { =; this.desc = params.desc; this.folder = params.folder; this.config = {}; this.files = {}; this.hasFiles = false; this.code = params.code; }, Editor:function (map, container, previewContainer, imager) { this.activeGroupId = false; this.previewContainer = previewContainer; this.saved = true; this.groups = {}; this.config = {}; this.controlList = {}; this.imager = imager; = map || { groupedParams: {}, lang: {}, }; this.container = BX.create('DIV', { props: { className: 'designer-editor-wrap', }, }); container.appendChild(this.container); this.init(); }, Viewer: function(editor, container) { this.editor = editor; =; this.container = container; this.config = {}; }, ViewerElement: function(viewer, options) { BX.addCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_CHANGED, BX.proxy(this.onParameterValueChanged, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(viewer.editor, BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_READY, BX.proxy(this.redrawElement, this)); this.isEmpty = true; this.params = options || {}; this.watched = []; this.elementStrokeColor = '#999'; this.cageStrokeColor = '#C5CEF0'; this.baseElement = null; this.canvasElement = null; this.valuesSet = {}; this.bindedParameters = {}; =; this.viewer = viewer; this.defaultValues = this.params.defaultValues || {}; this.textShadowColor = false; this.text = (this.params.text ? this.params.text : ''); this.textSize = (this.params.textSize ? this.params.textSize : 10); this.type = this.params.type ? this.params.type : 'common'; this.textPosition = this.params.textPosition ? this.params.textPosition : { x: 'center', y: 'center' }; if (this.params.element) { this.setBaseElement(this.params.element); } if (this.params.bindedParams) { for (var paramKey in this.params.bindedParams) { this.bindParameter(paramKey, this.params.bindedParams[paramKey]) } } }, Controls: { Base:function(options) { this.langs = options.langs; this.params = options.params; =; this.picker = options.picker; this.imager = options.imageDialog; this.displayElement = null; this.value = null; this.startChoose = BX.proxy(function() { if (typeof this['_startChoose'] === 'function') { this._startChoose(); } }, this); if (typeof this['onCreate'] === 'function') { this.onCreate(); } }, Select:function(options) { BX.Mobile.Controls.Select.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [options]); this._setValue = function(value) { var foundValue = false; for (var key in this.input.options) { if (value == this.input.options[key].value) { foundValue = true; break; } } if (foundValue) { this.input.value = value; } else { this.input.options.selectedIndex = 0; } }; this.setList = function(list) { this.input.innerHTML = ''; var currentValueExists = (this.value == ''); this.input.appendChild( BX.create('OPTION', { html: BX.message('MOBILEAPP_EMPTY_VALUE'), attrs: { value: '', }, }), ); for (var key in list) { if (key == this.value) { currentValueExists = true; } this.input.appendChild( BX.create('OPTION', { html: key, attrs: { value: key, id: key, }, }), ); } if (!currentValueExists) { BX.Mobile.Tools.highlight(this.displayElement.parentNode, [255, 0, 0], true); } this.setValue(currentValueExists ? this.value : "", !currentValueExists, true); }; this._getDisplayElement = function () { if (typeof this.params.list == "object") { var options = [ BX.create("OPTION", { html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_EMPTY_VALUE"), attrs: { value: "" } }) ]; for (var i = 0; i < this.params.list.length; i++) { options.push( BX.create("OPTION", { html: this.getMessage(this.params.list[i]), attrs: { value: this.params.list[i], id: this.params.list[i] } }) ); } } else { BX.addCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_READY, BX.proxy(function (editor) { if (editor.config[this.params.list]) { this.setList(editor.config[this.params.list]); } else { this.setList({}); } }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_CHANGED, BX.proxy(function (param) { if ( == this.params.list) { this.setList(param.value); } }, this)) } this.displayElement = BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "adm-select-wrap" }, children: [ this.input = BX.create("SELECT", { props: {className: "adm-workarea adm-select designer-select"}, attrs: {id:}, children: options, events: { "change": BX.proxy(function () { this.setValue((this.input.options.selectedIndex != 0) ? this.input.value : "", true, false); }, this) } }) ] }); return this.displayElement; }; }, String: function (options) { BX.Mobile.Controls.String.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [options]); this._setValue = function (value) { this.input.value = value; }; this._getDisplayElement = function () { this.displayElement = this.input = BX.create("INPUT", { props: { className: "designer-simple-string" }, attrs: { type: "text", id:, placeholder: "" }, events: { "change": BX.proxy(function () { this.setValue(this.input.value, true, false); }, this) } }); if (typeof(options.params.enabledIf) != "undefined") { var conditions = options.params.enabledIf; var checkConditions = BX.proxy(function (editor) { for (var cond in conditions) { if (!editor.config[cond] || (conditions[cond] != editor.config[cond])) { return false; } } return true; }, this); BX.addCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_READY, BX.proxy(function (editor) { this.displayElement.disabled = !checkConditions(editor); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_CHANGED, BX.proxy(function (param) { var disabled = this.displayElement.disabled; this.displayElement.disabled = !checkConditions(this.editor); if(!this.displayElement.disabled && disabled != this.displayElement.disabled) { BX.Mobile.Tools.highlight(this.displayElement.parentNode, [97, 140, 80], true); } }, this) ); } return this.displayElement; }; }, Number: function (options) { BX.Mobile.Controls.Number.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [options]); this._setValue = function (value) { this.input.value = value; }; this._getDisplayElement = function () { this.input = BX.create("INPUT", { props: { className: "designer-simple-string" }, attrs: {type: "number", id:}, events: { "change": BX.proxy(function () { if (this.params.limits) { if (this.params.limits["min"] && this.input.value < this.params.limits["min"]) { this.input.value = this.params.limits["min"]; } } this.setValue(this.input.value, true, false); }, this) } }); this.input.setAttribute("placeholder", "0"); this.displayElement = BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "designer-input-wrap" }, children: [ this.input ] }); return this.displayElement; } }, Image: function (options) { BX.Mobile.Controls.Image.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [options]); this._setValue = function (value) { if (typeof value === "object") { if ( { this.input.value =; } if (value.src) { this.image.src = (value.preview) ? value.preview : value.src;; } else { BX.hide(this.imageView); } } else { this.input.value = (value) ? value : ""; var src = this.imager.getSrcByID(value, true); this.image.src = this.imager.getSrcByID(value, true); if (value > 0 && src) {; } else { BX.hide(this.imageView); } } }; this._getDisplayElement = function () { this.input = BX.create("INPUT", { props: { className: "designer-simple-string" }, attrs: {type: "text", id:} }); this.button = BX.create("INPUT", { attrs: { type: "button", value: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_SELECT_IMAGE") } }); this.displayElement = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-image-wrap", id: }, events: { "mouseover": function () { BX.addClass(this, "designer-image-list-item-highlight"); }, "mouseout": function () { BX.removeClass(this, "designer-image-list-item-highlight"); } }, children: [ this.imageView = BX.create("DIV", { children: [ BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-imager-item-delete" }, attrs: { "data-id": }, children: [ BX.create("SPAN", { attrs: { "data-id": }, props: { className: "designer-imager-item-delete-inner" } }) ], events: { "click": BX.proxy(function () { this.setValue("", true) }, this) } }), BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-image-preview" }, children: [ this.image = BX.create("IMG", { attrs: {} }) ] }) ] }), this.button ] }); BX.bind(this.button, 'click', BX.proxy(function () {; }, this)); return this.displayElement; }; }, MultiImage: function (options) { BX.Mobile.Controls.MultiImage.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [options]); }, MultiValue: function (options) { BX.Mobile.Controls.MultiValue.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [options]); }, Boolean: function (options) { BX.Mobile.Controls.Boolean.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [options]); this._setValue = function (value) { var options = this.input.options; for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options[i].value.toLowerCase() == value.toLowerCase()) { this.input.selectedIndex = i; break; } } }; this._getDisplayElement = function () { var options = []; var variants = ["YES", "NO"]; var defaultIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) { if(this.params.default && this.params.default == variants[i]) { defaultIndex = i; } options.push( BX.create("OPTION", { html: this.getMessage(variants[i]), attrs: { value: variants[i] } }) ); } this.displayElement = BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "adm-select-wrap" }, children: [ this.input = BX.create("SELECT", { attrs: {id:}, props: { className: "adm-workarea adm-select" }, children: options, events: { "change": BX.proxy(function () { this.setValue(this.input.value, true, false); }, this) } }) ] }); this.input.selectedIndex = defaultIndex; return this.displayElement; } }, Color: function (options) { BX.Mobile.Controls.Color.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [options]); this.colorBox = null; } }, ControlsFactory: { getControl: function (options) { var control = null; switch (options.params.type) { case "value_list": case "fill_list": control = new BX.Mobile.Controls.Select(options); break; case "image": control = new BX.Mobile.Controls.Image(options); break; case "value_set": control = new BX.Mobile.Controls.MultiValue(options); break; case "image_set": control = new BX.Mobile.Controls.MultiImage(options); break; case "color": control = new BX.Mobile.Controls.Color(options); break; case "size": control = new BX.Mobile.Controls.Number(options); break; case "boolean": control = new BX.Mobile.Controls.Boolean(options); break; default: control = new BX.Mobile.Controls.String(options); break; } return control; } } }; BX.Mobile.Designer.prototype = { onEditorConfigChanged: function () { if (this.useAutoSave) { clearTimeout(this.saveTimeOutId); this.saveTimeOutId = setTimeout(BX.proxy(, this), this.saveTimeOut); } }, setData: function (data) { = data["map"]; this.apps = data["apps"]; this.configs = data['configs']; this.templates = data['templates']; for (var i = 0; i < this.apps.length; i++) { var code = this.apps[i]["code"]; var platform = this.apps[i]["platform"]; var params = this.apps[i]["params"]; if (!this.projects[code]) { this.projects[code] = new BX.Mobile.Project(this.apps[i]); } this.projects[code].setConfig(platform, params); } this.isDataSet = true; }, draw: function () { this.drawPanel(); this.designerContainer.appendChild(this.container); this.designerContainer.appendChild(this.previewContainer); this.imager.init(); this.editor = new BX.Mobile.Editor(, this.editorContainer, this.previewContainer, this.imager); if (this.apps.length !== 0) { = "inline-block"; if (this.initedApp != null && this.appSwitcher[this.initedApp]) { this.setCurrentProject(this.projects[this.initedApp]); } else { this.setCurrentProject(this.projects[this.appSwitcher.activeApp]); } } else { this.showEmptyScreen(); } }, init: function () { BX.addCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_LOADED, BX.proxy(this.onEditorConfigLoad, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_CHANGED, BX.proxy(this.onEditorConfigChanged, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_SAVED, BX.proxy(this.onEditorConfigSave, this)); if (!this.isDataSet) { this.executeRequest( { command: "getInitData", onsuccess: BX.proxy(function (data) { this.setData(data); this.draw(); }, this), onfailure: function (data) { //handling error } } ); } else { this.draw(); } }, setCurrentProject: function (project) { if (!this.projects[project.code]) { this.projects[project.code] = project; this.appSwitcher.add(project.code, project); } this.appSwitcher.setActiveApp(project.code); this.editor.setReady(false); this.editor.currentProject = project; this.currentProject = project; this.getFiles(); this.imager.uploader.appCode = project.code; this.imager.setFileList(project.files); this.editor.setSaved(true); this.currentPlatform = false; var configs = this.currentProject.config; this.currentPlatformTab = false; this.configList.innerHTML = ""; for (var platform in configs) { var platformTab = this.createPlatformTab(platform); this.configList.appendChild(platformTab); if (!this.currentPlatform) { this.currentPlatform = platform; this.currentPlatformTab = platformTab; } } this.editor.loadConfig(this.currentProject.getConfig(this.currentPlatform), this.currentPlatform); = (this.getPlatformsToCreate().length == 0) ? "hidden" : "visible"; }, createPlatformTab: function (platform) { var _that = this; return BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "designer-config-tab" + (platform === "global" ? " global-config-tab" : " ") + ((this.currentPlatform == false) ? " designer-config-tab-selected" : "") }, attrs: { "data-platform": platform }, events: { "click": function () { var platform = this.getAttribute("data-platform"); if (_that.currentPlatform === platform) return; if (_that.editor.getSaved() === false); _that.currentPlatform = platform; BX.addClass(this, "designer-config-tab-selected"); if (_that.currentPlatformTab !== false) { BX.removeClass(_that.currentPlatformTab, "designer-config-tab-selected"); } _that.currentPlatformTab = this; _that.editor.loadConfig(_that.currentProject.getConfig(platform), platform); } }, children: [ BX.create("SPAN", {html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_" + platform.toUpperCase())}), ( platform !== "global" ? BX.create("DIV", { attrs: { "data-platform": platform }, props: { className: "designer-config-tab-cross" }, events: { "mouseover": function () { BX.addClass(this, "designer-config-tab-cross-hover"); }, "mouseout": function () { BX.removeClass(this, "designer-config-tab-cross-hover"); }, "click": function (event) { if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } _that.removePlatformConfig("data-platform"),; } } }) : null ) ] }); }, drawPanel: function () { //noinspection JSValidateTypes /** * @var BX.Mobile.Designer _that */ var _that = this; this.configList = BX.create("SPAN"); this.saveButton = BX.create("INPUT", { attrs: { value: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_SAVE"), type: "button" }, events: { "click": BX.proxy(, this) }, props: { className: "designer-save-button adm-btn-save" } }); this.createButton = BX.create("SPAN", { attrs: {}, events: { "click": BX.proxy(function () { this.showCreateForm(this.createButton); }, this) }, props: { className: "designer-command-panel-item adm-filter-add-button designer-button-app-add" } }); this.appSwitcher.create(); BX.addCustomEvent(this.appSwitcher, BX.Mobile.Events.APP_SWITCHER_CHANGE, function (code) { //TODO ask user if he really wants to leave the application and lose all unsaved changes if (_that.editor.getSaved() === false); _that.setCurrentProject(_that.projects[code]); }); BX.addCustomEvent(this.appSwitcher, BX.Mobile.Events.APP_SWITCHER_REMOVE, BX.proxy(function (code) { this.removeApp(code) }, this)); for (var appCode in this.projects) { var project = this.projects[appCode]; this.appSwitcher.add(appCode, project); } this.addButtonArea = BX.create("SPAN", { props: {}, children: [ this.addConfigButton = BX.create("SPAN", { html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_APP_PLATFORM"), props: { className: "designer-config-add-button" }, events: { "click": function (e) { _that.showCreateConfigForm(; } } }) ] }); = (this.getPlatformsToCreate().length == 0) ? "hidden" : "visible"; this.panel = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "adm-filter-content designer-command-panel" }, children: [ this.createButton, this.appSwitcher.getDisplayElement(), this.configList, this.addButtonArea, this.connectButton = BX.create("INPUT", { attrs: { type: "button", value: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CONNECT_TO_APP"), style: "float:right" }, events: { "click": function (e) { var urlToConnect = document.location.protocol + "//" + + "/" + _that.currentProject.folder; var qrcode = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-connect-window-inner" } }); var connectInstructionBlock = BX.create("DIV", { html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CONNECT_INSTRUCTION"), props: { className: "designer-connect-window-inner-instruction" } }); var urlBlock = BX.create("DIV", { html: urlToConnect, props: { className: "designer-connect-window-inner-url" } }); var connectInstructionBlockQr = BX.create("DIV", { html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CONNECT_INSTRUCTION_QR"), props: { className: "designer-connect-window-inner-instruction" } }); var qrcodeContainer = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-connect-window-inner-qr-container" } }); qrcode.appendChild(connectInstructionBlock); qrcode.appendChild(urlBlock); qrcode.appendChild(connectInstructionBlockQr); qrcode.appendChild(qrcodeContainer); new QRCode(qrcodeContainer, {text: urlToConnect, width: 150, height: 150}); var qrwindow = new BX.PopupWindow('qrcode' + Math.random(), null, { content: qrcode, draggable: true, titleBar: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CONNECT_TO_APP_TITLE"), closeByEsc: true, contentColor: "white", overlay: {opacity: 500}, zIndex: 10000, buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CONNECT_BUTTON_CLOSE"), events: { click: BX.proxy(function () { qrwindow.close(); }, this) } }) ] });; } } }) ] }); this.designerContainer.appendChild(this.panel); this.editorContainer = BX.create("DIV"); = "none"; = "632px"; this.editorContainer.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-save-panel" }, children: [ this.configLabel = BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "designer-label" } }), this.saveButton ] })); if (this.useAutoSave) = "hidden"; this.container.appendChild(this.editorContainer); }, getFiles: function () { if (this.currentProject.hasFiles) { this.imager.setFileList(this.currentProject.files); BX.onCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.APP_FILE_LIST_GOT, [this.currentProject.files]); } else { this.executeRequest( { data: { code: this.currentProject.code }, command: "getFiles", onsuccess: BX.proxy(function (data) { this.currentProject.files = data.files; this.projects[this.currentProject.code].files = data.files; this.projects[this.currentProject.code].hasFiles = true; this.imager.setFileList(this.currentProject.files); BX.onCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.APP_FILE_LIST_GOT, [data.files]); }, this), onfailure: function (data) { //TODO } } ) } }, showEmptyScreen: function () { this.emptyScreen = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-no-apps-message" }, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_NO_APPS") }), BX.create("INPUT", { attrs: { value: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CREATE_APP"), type: "button" }, events: { "click": BX.proxy(function () { this.showCreateForm(); }, this) } }) ] }); this.designerContainer.appendChild(this.emptyScreen); BX.addClass(this.designerContainer, "designer-prop-wrapper-empty"); }, closeEmptyScreen: function () { if (this.emptyScreen && this.emptyScreen.parentNode != null) this.designerContainer.removeChild(this.emptyScreen); BX.removeClass(this.designerContainer, "designer-prop-wrapper-empty"); }, _createForm: { inited: false, hasErrors: false, fields: {}, popupError: false, validatedFields: [], onChangeValidate: function (e) { var element =; var error = element.getAttribute("data-error"); if (this.validate(element.value)) { if (error == null || error == "N") { BX.Mobile.Tools.highlight(element, [255, 0, 0], false); element.setAttribute("data-error", "Y"); } } else { element.setAttribute("data-error", "N"); = "#ffffff"; } this.saveButton.disabled = !this.isValid(); BX.PreventDefault(e); }, validate: function (value) { return (/^[a-zA-Z_]+$/.test(value) == false && value.length > 0) }, reset: function () { for (var key in this.fields) { this.fields[key].value = ""; this.fields[key].setAttribute("data-error", "N"); BX.Mobile.Tools.highlight(this.fields[key], [255, 255, 255]); if (key == "template") this.fields[key].value = "NewMobileTemplate" } this.saveButton.disabled = true; }, isValid: function () { if (this.popupError) this.popupError.close(); for (var key in this.fields) { if (this.templateList.value != "new" && key == "template") continue; if (this.fields[key].getAttribute("data-error") == "Y" || this.fields[key].value.length == 0) { return false; } } return true; }, highlightAllErrors: function () { for (var key in this.fields) { if (this.fields[key].getAttribute("data-error") == "Y") { BX.Mobile.Tools.highlight(this.fields[key], [255, 0, 0], false, 0.8); } } }, showError: function (fieldName, errorMessage) { if (this.popupError == false) { this.popupError = new BX.PopupWindow('DesignerCreateFormError', null, { content: BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form" }, style: { width: "150px" }, html: errorMessage }), autoHide: true, lightShadow: true, angle: {position: "left", offset: 15}, offsetTop: -37, closeByEsc: true, offsetLeft: 210, zIndex: 100500, bindOptions: { forceTop: true, forceLeft: true } }); } if (this.fields[fieldName]) { BX.Mobile.Tools.highlight(this.fields[fieldName], [255, 0, 0], false); this.popupError.setBindElement(this.fields[fieldName]);; } }, initCreateForm: function (designer) { this.designer = designer; var fields = []; fields.push(BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-form-title" }, html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CREATE_APP") })); fields.push(BX.create("HR")); fields.push(BX.create("DIV", { children: [ BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form-field-wrap" }, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form-input-wrap" }, children: [ = BX.create("INPUT", { attrs: { placeholder: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_APP_NAME") }, events: { "keyup": BX.proxy(function () { this.saveButton.disabled = !this.isValid(); }, this) } }) ] }) ] }), BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form-field-wrap" }, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form-input-wrap" }, children: [ this.fields.code = BX.create("INPUT", { events: { "keyup": BX.proxy(this.onChangeValidate, this) }, attrs: { placeholder: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_LABEL_CODE") } }) ] }) ] }), BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form-field-wrap" }, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form-input-wrap" }, children: [ this.fields.folder = BX.create("INPUT", { attrs: { placeholder: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_LABEL_APP_FOLDER") }, events: { "keyup": BX.proxy(this.onChangeValidate, this) } }) ] }) ] }), ] })); /** * Preset of public options */ fields.push(BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-form-subtitle" }, html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CREATE_APP_PUBLIC_OPTIONS_TITLE") })); fields.push(BX.create("HR")); fields.push( BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "adm-select-wrap" }, children: [ this.fields.appTemplateList = BX.create("SELECT", { props: {className: "adm-workarea adm-select"}, children: [ BX.create("OPTION", { html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CREATE_APP_PUBLIC_TEMPLATE_SIMPLE"), attrs: { value: "simple" } }), BX.create("OPTION", { html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CREATE_APP_PUBLIC_TEMPLATE_API"), attrs: { value: "api" } }) ], events: { "change": BX.proxy(function (e) { }, this) } } ) ] }) ); fields.push( BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form-field-wrap" }, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { props: {}, children: [ this.fields.useOffline = BX.create("INPUT", { props: { className: "adm-designed-checkbox" }, attrs: { type: "checkbox", id: "useOffline" } }), BX.create("LABEL", { props: { className: "adm-designed-checkbox-label" }, attrs: { for: "useOffline" } }), BX.create("LABEL", { html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CREATE_OFFLINE"), attrs: { for: "useOffline", style: "margin-left: 5px;" }, events: {} }) ] }) ] }) ); this.templateList = BX.create("SELECT", { props: {className: "adm-workarea adm-select"}, style: {width: "212px"}, events: { "change": BX.proxy(function (e) { var selector =; if (selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].value != "new") { BX.hide(this.templateFolderName); } else {; } this.saveButton.disabled = !this.isValid(); }, this) } }); this.templateList.appendChild(BX.create("OPTION", { html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CREATE_NEW_TEMPLATE"), attrs: { value: "new" } })); this.templateList.appendChild(BX.create("OPTION", { html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_WITHOUT_TEMPLATE"), attrs: { value: "without" } })); if (this.designer.templates.length > 0) { var group = BX.create("OPTGROUP", { attrs: { label: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_SELECT_TEMPLATE") } }); this.templateList.appendChild(group); for (var i = 0; i < this.designer.templates.length; i++) { group.appendChild(BX.create("OPTION", { html: this.designer.templates[i]["NAME"], attrs: { value: this.designer.templates[i]["ID"] } })); } } fields.push(BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-form-subtitle" }, html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_APP_TEMPLATE") })); fields.push(BX.create("HR")); fields.push( BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form-site-template-wrap" }, children: [ BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "adm-select-wrap" }, children: [ this.templateList ] }), this.templateFolderName = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form-field-wrap" }, style: {display: "block"}, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form-input-wrap" }, children: [ this.fields.template = BX.create("INPUT", { attrs: { placeholder: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_NEW_TEMPLATE_NAME"), value: "NewMobileTemplate" }, events: { "keyup": BX.proxy(this.onChangeValidate, this) } }) ] }) ] }) ] }) ); fields.push(BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "popup-window-buttons" }, children: [ this.saveButton = BX.create("input", { props: { className: "adm-btn-save" }, attrs: { type: "button", disabled: true, value: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CREATE") }, events: { click: BX.proxy(function () { if (!this.isValid()) { alert("Error!"); return; } var data = { "code": this.fields.code.value, "platform": "global", "name":, "folder": this.fields.folder.value, "appTemplateName": this.fields.appTemplateList.value, "useOffline": this.fields.useOffline.checked ? "Y" : "N", "createNew": "N", "bindTemplate": "N" }; if (this.templateList.value != "without") { if (this.templateList.value == "new") { if (this.fields.template.value.length > 0) { data["createNew"] = "Y"; data["bindTemplate"] = "Y"; data["template_id"] = this.fields.template.value; } } else { data["bindTemplate"] = "Y"; data["template_id"] = this.templateList.value; } } this.designer.createProject(data); }, this) } } ), BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "button", value: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CLOSE") }, events: { click: BX.proxy(function () { this.popup.close() }, this) } } ) ] })); var formContent = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form adm-workarea" }, children: fields }); if (!this.inited) { this.inited = true; this.popup = new BX.PopupWindow('DesignerCreateForm' + Math.random(), null, { content: formContent, closeByEsc: true, overlay: true, autoHide: false, zIndex: 10000 }); BX.addCustomEvent(this.popup, "onPopupClose", BX.proxy(function () { if (this.popupError) this.popupError.close(); })) } else { this.popup.setContent(formContent); } } }, showCreateForm: function () { this._createForm.initCreateForm(this);; }, getPlatformsToCreate: function () { var platforms = []; var configs = this.currentProject.config; if (configs) { for (var i = 0; i < this.availablePlatforms.length; i++) { if (!configs[this.availablePlatforms[i]]) platforms.push(this.availablePlatforms[i]) } } return platforms; }, showCreateConfigForm: function (bindNode) { var platforms = []; var platformsToCreate = this.getPlatformsToCreate(); /** * @var BX.Mobile.Designer _that */ var _that = this; for (var i = 0; i < platformsToCreate.length; i++) { platforms.push( BX.create("DIV", { html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_" + platformsToCreate[i].toUpperCase()), attrs: { "data-platform": platformsToCreate[i] }, props: { className: "designer-app-switcher-list-item" }, events: { "click": function (e) { var element =; var platform = element.getAttribute("data-platform"); _that.createPlatformConfig(platform); } } }) ); } var platformContainer = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-popup-config-list" }, children: platforms }); if (!this.createConfigForm) { this.createConfigForm = new BX.PopupWindow('preview' + Math.random(), null, { content: "", lightShow: true, offsetTop: -5, autoHide: true, closeIcon: false, bindOptions: { forceTop: true }, zIndex: 2000 }); } this.createConfigForm.setContent(platformContainer); this.createConfigForm.setBindElement(bindNode);; }, createPlatformConfig: function (platform) { var appCode = this.currentProject.code; this.executeRequest( { command: "createPlatform", waitMessage: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_APP_CREATE_CONFIG_WAIT"), data: { code: appCode, platform: platform }, onsuccess: BX.proxy(function (data) { if (data.status == "ok") { this.currentProject.setConfig(platform, {}); this.configList.appendChild(this.createPlatformTab(platform)); = (this.getPlatformsToCreate().length == 0) ? "hidden" : "visible"; this.createConfigForm.close(); } else { alert("Error"); } }, this), onfailure: function (data) { //handling error } }); }, createProject: function (params) { this.executeRequest( { command: "createApp", data: params, onsuccess: BX.proxy(function (data) { if (data.status == "ok") { this.currentProject = new BX.Mobile.Project(params); this.currentProject.setConfig("global", data.config ? data.config : {}); = "inline-block"; this.setCurrentProject(this.currentProject); this.closeEmptyScreen(); this._createForm.popup.close(); this._createForm.reset(); } else if (data.status == "is_already_exists") { this._createForm.showError("code", BX.message("MOBILEAPP_APP_IS_ALREADY_EXISTS")); } }, this), onfailure: function (data) { //handling error } }); }, removePlatformConfig: function (platform, node) { if (confirm(BX.message("MOBILEAPP_REMOVE_CONFIG_ASK"))) { var appCode = this.currentProject.code; this.executeRequest( { command: "removePlatform", waitMessage: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_APP_REMOVE_CONFIG_WAIT"), data: { code: appCode, platform: platform }, onsuccess: BX.proxy(function (data) { if (data.status == "ok") { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); delete this.currentProject.config[platform]; this.setCurrentProject(this.currentProject); } else { alert("Error"); } }, this), onfailure: function (data) { //handling error } }); } }, removeApp: function (code) { if (confirm(BX.message("MOBILEAPP_REMOVE_APP_ASK"))) { this.executeRequest( { command: "removeApp", data: { "code": code }, onsuccess: BX.proxy(function (data) { if (data.status == "ok") { this.removeProject(code); } }, this), onfailure: function (data) { //handling error } }); } }, removeProject: function (code) { delete this.projects[code]; BX.onCustomEvent(this, BX.Mobile.Events.PROJECT_REMOVED, [code]); this.appSwitcher.remove(code); var arrayProjects = Object.keys(this.projects); if (arrayProjects.length == 0) { this.showEmptyScreen() } else { this.setCurrentProject(this.projects[arrayProjects[0]]); } }, executeRequest: function (params) { if (params.showWait != false) { if (params.waitMessage && params.waitMessage.length > 0) { BX.showWait(null, params.waitMessage); } else { BX.showWait(); } } var data = || {}; data['sessid'] = BX.bitrix_sessid(); BX.ajax( { url: "?action=" + params.command, data: data, method: "POST", dataType: "json", onsuccess: function (data) { BX.closeWait(); params.onsuccess(data); }, onfailure: function (data) { BX.closeWait(); params.onfailure(data); } } ); }, save: function () { BX.showWait(this.editor.container, BX.message("MOBILEAPP_APP_SAVE_CONFIG_WAIT")); this.currentProject.setConfig(this.currentPlatform, this.editor.config); this.editor.setSaved(true); this.executeRequest({ showWait: false, command: "save", method: "POST", onsuccess: function () { }, onfailure: function () { }, data: { code: this.currentProject.code, platform: this.currentPlatform, config: this.editor.config } }) }, onEditorConfigLoad: function (data) { this.configLabel.innerHTML = BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CONFIGNAME_" + data.platform.toUpperCase()); }, onEditorConfigSave: function (data) { this.saveButton.disabled = data.status; }, imager: { init: function () { BX.addCustomEvent('OnFileUploadRemove', BX.proxy(this.onRemove, this)); BX.addCustomEvent('BFileDSelectFileDialogLoaded', BX.proxy(function (uploader) { this.uploader = uploader; }, this)); this.projectId = false; this.files = {}; this.caller = null; this.popup = new BX.PopupWindow('imageDialog', null, { content: BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-create-form" } }), closeIcon: {right: "2px", top: "2px"}, closeByEsc: true, width: 500, overlay: true, zIndex: 100001 }); var firstParent = BX('file-selectdialog-designer').parentNode; this.images = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-image-container" }, attrs: { id: "images" } }); this.popup.setContent( BX.create("DIV", { style: {margin: "17px"}, children: [ this.images, BX('file-selectdialog-designer') ] }) ); BX.addCustomEvent('OnFileUploadSuccess', BX.proxy(this.fileUploadSuccess, this)); BX.onCustomEvent(firstParent, 'BFileDLoadFormController'); }, fileUploadSuccess: function (uploadResult) { BX.remove(BX("wd-doc" + uploadResult.element_id)); this.addImageToList(uploadResult.element_id, uploadResult.element_thumbnail); this.files["file_" + uploadResult.element_id] = { src: uploadResult.element_url, preview: uploadResult.element_thumbnail }; BX.onCustomEvent("onImageUploaded", [ { id: uploadResult.element_id, src: uploadResult.element_url, preview: uploadResult.element_thumbnail } ]); }, addImageToList: function (id, url) { var node = BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "designer-image-list-item" }, events: { "mouseover": function () { BX.addClass(this, "designer-image-list-item-highlight"); }, "mouseout": function () { BX.removeClass(this, "designer-image-list-item-highlight"); } }, attrs: { "id": "image_container_" + id }, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-imager-item-delete" }, attrs: { "data-id": id }, children: [ BX.create("SPAN", { attrs: { "data-id": id }, props: { className: "designer-imager-item-delete-inner" } }) ], events: { "click": BX.proxy(function (e) { var id ="data-id"); this.uploader.remove(id); }, this) } }), BX.create("IMG", { attrs: { src: url, id: "img_" + id, "data-id": id }, props: { className: "designer-imager-item-img" }, events: { "click": BX.proxy(function (e) { var img =; this.onImageChosen({id: img.getAttribute("data-id")/*, src: img.src*/}); }, this) } }) ] }); this.images.appendChild(node); = "block"; }, open: function (caller) { this.caller = caller; this.popup.resizeOverlay();; }, onRemove: function (id) { var element = BX("image_container_" + id); element.parentNode.removeChild(element); delete this.files["file_" + id]; if (Object.keys(this.files).length == 0) { = "none"; } }, onImageChosen: function (data) { if (this.caller && this.caller["onImageChosen"]) { this.caller.onImageChosen(data); this.caller = null; } this.popup.close(); }, setFileList: function (files) { this.images.innerHTML = ""; = "none"; this.files = files; for (var key in files) { this.addImageToList(files[key].id, (files[key].preview) ? files[key].preview : files[key].src); } }, getSrcByID: function (id, preview) { var url = ""; if (this.files["file_" + id]) { url = (preview && this.files["file_" + id]["preview"]) ? this.files["file_" + id]["preview"] : this.files["file_" + id]["src"] ; } return url; } }, appSwitcher: { inited: false, apps: {}, activeApp: false, activeAppNode: false, add: function (code, project) { var that = this; var itemValue = BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "designer-app-switcher-list-item-inner" }, html: BX.util.htmlspecialchars( + " (" + code + ")" }); var appItem = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-app-switcher-list-item" }, attrs: { "data-app": code }, children: [ itemValue, BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "designer-app-switcher-item-del-link" }, attrs: { "data-app": code }, html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_REMOVE"), events: { "click": BX.proxy(function (e) { var code = this.getAttribute("data-app"); that.onDelete(code); that.popupList.close(); BX.PreventDefault(e); }, appItem) } }), BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "designer-app-switcher-list-item-delimiter" } }) ], events: { "click": BX.proxy(function () { var code = this.getAttribute("data-app"); that.onChange(code); that.popupList.close(); }, appItem) } }); if (this.activeApp === false) { this.activeValueNode.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars( + " (" + code + ")"; this.activeApp = code; } this.apps[code] = project; this.apps[code]["node"] = appItem; this.apps[code]["value"] = itemValue; this.appListContainer.appendChild(appItem); }, remove: function (appCode) { this.appListContainer.removeChild(this.apps[appCode]["node"]); delete this.apps[appCode]; }, create: function () { if (!this.popupList) { this.appListContainer = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "" } }); this.popupList = new BX.PopupWindow('popupList', null, { content: this.appListContainer, closeByEsc: true, darkMode: false, autoHide: true, zIndex: 10000 }); } if (this.activeAppNode === false) { this.activeValueNode = BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "designer-app-switcher-inner" } }); this.activeAppNode = BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "designer-command-panel-item designer-app-switcher" }, children: [ this.activeValueNode, BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: "designer-app-switcher-angle"}}) ], events: { "click": BX.proxy(function () { if (Object.keys(this.apps).length > 0); }, this) } }); } this.inited = true; }, getDisplayElement: function () { if (!this.inited) this.create(); return this.activeAppNode; }, show: function () { this.popupList.setBindElement(this.activeAppNode);; }, setActiveApp: function (code) { this.activeApp = code; this.activeValueNode.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(this.apps[code].name) + " (" + code + ")"; }, onChange: function (code) { if (code == this.activeApp) return; this.setActiveApp(code); BX.onCustomEvent(this, BX.Mobile.Events.APP_SWITCHER_CHANGE, [this.activeApp]); }, onDelete: function (code) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, BX.Mobile.Events.APP_SWITCHER_REMOVE, [code]); } } }; BX.Mobile.Project.prototype = { setConfig: function (platform, configObject) { this.config[platform] = configObject; }, getConfig: function (platform) { return this.config[platform]; } }; BX.Mobile.Editor.prototype = { loadConfig: function (config, platform) { this.config = (typeof config != "object" || config == null) ? {} : BX.clone(config); BX.onCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_LOADED_BEFORE, [ {'platform': platform, 'config': config} ]); for (var key in this.controlList) { this.controlList[key].setValue((typeof this.config[key] != "undefined") ? this.config[key] : ""); } BX.onCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_LOADED, [ {'platform': platform, 'config': config} ]); if (!this.viewer) { this.viewer = new BX.Mobile.Viewer(this, this.previewContainer); this.viewer.setConfig(this.config); this.viewer.init(); } else { this.viewer.setConfig(this.config ); } this.setConfigReady(true); }, setImageReady: function (ready) { this.imageReady = ready; if (this.imageReady && this.configReady) this.setReady(true); }, setConfigReady: function (ready) { this.configReady = ready; if (this.imageReady && this.configReady) this.setReady(true); }, setReady: function (ready) { if (!ready) { this.imageReady = false; this.configReady = false; this.ready = false; } else { this.ready = true; BX.onCustomEvent(this, BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_READY, [this]); } }, sortByParent: function (groupedParams) { var result = {}; for (var key in groupedParams) { if (groupedParams[key]["type"] == "group") continue; var parent = groupedParams[key]["parent"]; if (parent && parent.length > 0) { if (!result[parent]) result[parent] = {}; result[parent][key] = groupedParams[key]; } else { if (!result["common_params"]) result["common_params"] = {}; result["common_params"][key] = groupedParams[key]; } } return result; }, init: function () { this.ready = false; this.imageReady = false; this.configReady = false; this.controlListImage = {}; this.picker = new window.BXColorPicker({'id': "picker", 'name': 'picker'}); this.picker.Create(); BX.addCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.APP_FILE_LIST_GOT, BX.proxy(function (data) { this.setImageReady(true); var imageControls = this.controlListImage; for (var key in imageControls) { if (imageControls.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var fileID = imageControls[key].input.value; var fileData = data["file_" + imageControls[key].input.value]; if (fileID && fileData) { imageControls[key].setValue(fileData, false, true); } } } }, this)); if (! return; this.initGroupTabs(); for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { var group = {tab: false, propCont: null}; group = this.groups[[i]]; var table = BX.create("TABLE", { props: { className: "param-table" } }); group.propCont.appendChild(table); var groupedParams =[[i]]; var param = {}; var data = this.sortByParent(groupedParams); for (var parent in data) { var paramList = data[parent]; var subgroupLine = BX.create("TR"); table.appendChild(subgroupLine); subgroupLine.appendChild(BX.create("TD", { attrs: {colspan: 1}, props: { className: "label-td subgroup-head" }, html: this.getMessage(parent) })); var values = paramList; var firstVariant = true; for (var variant in values) { if (!firstVariant) { table.appendChild(table.appendChild(BX.create("HR", { props: { className: "label-delimiter" } }))); } firstVariant = false; var varParam = paramList[variant]; table.appendChild(this.getParamNameLine(variant)); this.controlList[variant] = this.createControl(varParam, variant); if (varParam.type == "image") { this.controlListImage[variant] = this.controlList[variant]; } table.appendChild(this.getParamControlLine(this.controlList[variant])); } } this.showGroup(this.activeGroupId); } }, getParamNameLine: function (key) { return BX.create("TR", { children: [ BX.create("TD", { props: { className: "label-td" }, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { html: this.getMessage(key) }) ] }) ] }); }, getParamControlLine: function (control) { return BX.create("TR", { children: [ BX.create("TD", { props: { className: "control-td" }, children: [ control.getDisplayElement() ] }) ] }); }, initGroupTabs: function () { var groupList =; var tabDiv = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-tabs" } }); this.container.appendChild(tabDiv); for (var i = 0; i < groupList.length; i++) { this.groups[groupList[i]] = { tab: BX.create("DIV", { attrs: { "data-gid": groupList[i] }, props: { className: "designer-tab-wrap" }, events: { "click": BX.proxy(function () { var e = arguments[0]; var gid ="data-gid"); if (gid) this.showGroup(gid); }, this) }, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-tab-back-shadow" } }), BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-tab" }, html: this.getMessage(groupList[i]) }) ] }), propCont: BX.create("DIV", { attrs: {id: groupList[i] + "_section"}, props: { className: "designer-group-container" } }) }; tabDiv.appendChild(this.groups[groupList[i]].tab); if (i == 0) this.activeGroupId = groupList[i]; } }, showGroup: function (gid) { if (this.groups[this.activeGroupId].propCont.parentNode) { BX.removeClass(this.groups[this.activeGroupId].tab, "designer-tab-active"); this.container.removeChild(this.groups[this.activeGroupId].propCont); } this.activeGroupId = gid; this.container.appendChild(this.groups[gid].propCont); BX.addClass(this.groups[gid].tab, "designer-tab-active"); }, setSaved: function (status) { this.saved = status; BX.onCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_SAVED, [ {'status': status} ]); }, getSaved: function () { return this.saved; }, createControl: function (param, id) { var control = BX.Mobile.ControlsFactory.getControl({ id: id, params: param, langs:, picker: this.picker, imageDialog: this.imager }); control.setOnChangeHandler(BX.proxy(function (name, value) { this.setSaved(false); if (value == "") { delete this.config[name]; } else { this.config[name] = value; } BX.onCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_CHANGED, [ {id: name, value: value} ]); }, this)); control.editor = this; return control; }, jumpToControl: function (controlId, additionalControlIds) { var pathComponents = controlId.split("/"); if (pathComponents[0] != this.viewer.editor.activeGroupId) this.viewer.editor.showGroup(pathComponents[0]); var control = this.viewer.editor.controlList[controlId]; var section = BX(pathComponents[0] + "_section"); var pos = BX.pos(control.displayElement, true); var offset = 200; var _that = this; var animation = new BX.fx({ start: section.scrollTop, finish: - offset, type: "deccelerated", time: 0.3, step: 0.005, callback: function (value) { section.scrollTop = value; }, callback_complete: function () { control.highlight(control.displayElement.parentNode, [199, 219, 125]); control.startChoose(); if (additionalControlIds && additionalControlIds.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < additionalControlIds.length; i++) { var addControl = _that.viewer.editor.controlList[additionalControlIds[i]]; addControl.highlight(addControl.displayElement.parentNode, [199, 219, 125]); } } } }); animation.start(); }, openFileDialog: function (callback) { window.designerEditorFileChosen = function (filename, path) { callback(path + "/" + filename); window.designerEditorFileChosen = null; }; window.openFileDialog(false, {path: "/" + this.currentProject.folder}) }, getMessage: function (key) { var messKey = key.toLowerCase().replace(new RegExp("/", 'g'), "_"); if ([messKey]) return[messKey]; return key; } }; BX.Mobile.Viewer.prototype = { getListElement: function () { this.cells = []; var sectionCount = 4; var sectionNumber = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (sectionNumber == 0) { var sectionBack = new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { position: {top: 0, left: 0}, size: {width: 320, height: 25} }, defaultValues: {"fill_mode": "stretch"}, bindedParams: { "table/sections_background_color": "color" } }); var sectionText = new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { position: {top: 0, left: 0}, size: {width: 40, height: 25} }, defaultValues: {"textColor": "#dedede"}, bindedParams: { "table/sections_text_color": "textColor", "table/sections_text_shadow_color": "textShadowColor" } }); sectionText.setText("A"); sectionText.setTextSize(12); var section = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "" }, style: { width: "320px", height: "25px", position: "relative" }, children: [ sectionBack.canvasElement, sectionText.canvasElement ] }); this.cells.push(section); } var cellBack = new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { position: {top: 0, left: 0}, size: {width: 320, height: 50} }, defaultValues: {"fill_mode": "stretch", "height": 50}, bindedParams: { "table/cell_background/color": "color", "table/row_height": "height", "table/cell_background/image": "image" } }); var cellText = new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { position: {top: 10, left: 40}, size: {width: 50, height: 20} }, type: "cellText", text: "Title", textPosition: {y: "center", x: 0}, bindedParams: { "table/cell_text_color": "textColor", "table/cell_text_shadow_color": "textShadowColor" } }); cellText.type = "cellText"; var detailText = new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { position: {top: 25, left: 40}, size: {width: 50, height: 20} }, type: "detailText", textSize: 8, textPosition: {y: "center", x: 0}, text: "Subtitle", bindedParams: { "table/cell_detail_text_color": "textColor" } }); cellText.setText("Title"); detailText.setText("Subtitle"); detailText.setTextSize(8); var cell = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "preview_cell" }, style: { width: "320px", height: "50px" }, children: [ cellBack.canvasElement, detailText.canvasElement, cellText.canvasElement ] }); BX.addCustomEvent(cellBack, BX.Mobile.Events.VIEWER_ELEMENT_SET_SIZE, BX.proxy(function (size) { if (size.height >= 50) { = size.height + "px"; } else { = "50px"; } }, cell)); this.cells.push(cell); sectionNumber++; if (sectionNumber == sectionCount) sectionNumber = 0; } return BX.create("DIV", { style: { top: "44px", width: "320px", height: "448px", position: "absolute", overflowY: "auto", overflowX: "hidden" }, children: this.cells }); }, createTableScreen: function () { return BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "preview_screen" }, style: {overflow: "hidden"}, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { children: [ this.getTopBarElement().canvasElement, this.getTitleElement().canvasElement, this.getButtonElement().canvasElement ] }), this.getListElement(), this.getToolBarElement().canvasElement ] }); }, createMainScreen: function () { return BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "preview_screen" }, children: [ (new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { className: "", size: {width: 320, height: 448}, position: {top: 44, left: 0} }, defaultValues: { "fill_mode": "repeat" }, bindedParams: { "controller_settings/main_background/color": "color", "controller_settings/main_background/image": "image", "controller_settings/main_background/fill_mode": "fill_mode" } })).baseElement, this.getTopBarElement().baseElement, this.getTitleElement().baseElement, this.getBackButtonElement().baseElement, this.getButtonElement().baseElement, this.getSlidingPanel().baseElement, this.getToolBarElement().baseElement ] }); }, createLoadScreen: function () { return BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "preview_screen" }, children: [ (new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { className: "", size: {width: 320, height: 448}, position: {top: 44, left: 0} }, defaultValues: { "fill_mode": "repeat" }, bindedParams: { "controller_settings/loading_background/color": "color", "controller_settings/loading_background/image": "image", "controller_settings/loading_background/fill_mode": "fill_mode" } })).baseElement, this.getTopBarElement().baseElement, this.getTitleElement().baseElement, this.getBackButtonElement().baseElement, this.getButtonElement().baseElement, this.getToolBarElement().baseElement ] }); }, getButtonElement: function () { return new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { className: "preview_button preview_button_right", position: {top: 0, left: 0}, size: {width: 70, height: 30} }, text: "Button", defaultValues: {"fill_mode": "stretch", textColor: "#ffffff"}, bindedParams: { "buttons/type": "", "buttons/text_color": "textColor", "buttons/main_background_image": "image" } }); }, getBackButtonElement: function () { var backButton = new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { className: "preview_button preview_button_back", position: {top: 0, left: 0}, size: {width: 35, height: 30} }, text: "", defaultValues: {"fill_mode": "stretch", textColor: "#ffffff"}, bindedParams: { "buttons/type": "buttonTypes", "buttons/default_back_button": "backType", "buttons/text_color": "textColor", "buttons/main_background_image": "image" } }); backButton._customHandle = BX.proxy(function (param, value) { if (param == "buttonTypes") { var foundBackIcon = false; for (var key in value) { if (key == "back") { if (backButton.valuesSet["backType"] == "back") { foundBackIcon = true; backButton.valuesSet["image"] = value[key]; backButton.valuesSet["backImage"] = value[key]; backButton.handleParameter("image", value[key]); break; } } } } if (param == "backImage" && backButton.valuesSet["backType"] == "back") { } if (param == "backType") { if (value == "default") { backButton.valuesSet["width"] = 60; backButton.text = "< " + BX.message("MOBILEAPP_BACK"); backButton.handleParameter("width", 60); } else if (value == "back_text") { backButton.valuesSet["width"] = 60; backButton.text = BX.message("MOBILEAPP_BACK"); backButton.handleParameter("width", 60); } else { backButton.valuesSet["width"] = 35; backButton.text = ""; backButton.handleParameter("width", 35); if (typeof this.editor.config != "undefined") { if (this.editor.config["buttons/type"] && this.editor.config["buttons/type"]["back"]) { backButton.defaultValues["backImageId"] = this.editor.config["buttons/type"]["back"]; this.handleParameter() } } } } }, this); return backButton; }, getTitleElement: function () { return new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { position: {top: 0, left: 105}, size: {width: 110, height: 44} }, text: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_TITLE"), textSize: 12, defaultValues: {"fill_mode": "stretch", textColor: "#dedede"}, bindedParams: { "controller_settings/title_color": "textColor" } }); }, getSlidingPanel: function () { var panelElements = []; var slidingPanel = new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { className: "preview_sliding_bar", size: {width: 320, height: 44}, position: {top: 44, left: 0} }, bindedParams: { "sliding_panel/background/color": "color", "sliding_panel/background/image": "image", "sliding_panel/background/image_large": "image" } }); panelElements.push(slidingPanel.canvasElement); var buttonWidth = Math.round(slidingPanel.canvasElement.width / 3) - 5; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { panelElements.push( (new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { className: "preview_button", position: {top: 45, left: buttonWidth * i}, size: {width: buttonWidth, height: 30} }, text: "Button", defaultValues: {textColor: "#ffffff"}, bindedParams: { "sliding_panel/text_color": "textColor" } })).canvasElement ); } return { baseElement: BX.create("DIV", { style: { top: "44px", width: "320px", height: "44px", overflowX: "hidden" }, children: panelElements }) }; }, getTopBarElement: function () { return new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { className: "preview_bar", size: {width: 320, height: 44}, position: {top: 0, left: 0} }, defaultValues: {"fill_mode": "stretch"}, bindedParams: { "controller_settings/navigation_bar_background/color": "color", "controller_settings/navigation_bar_background/image": "image" } }); }, getToolBarElement: function () { return new BX.Mobile.ViewerElement(this, { element: { className: "preview_bottom_bar", size: {width: 320, height: 44}, position: {bottom: 0} }, bindedParams: { "controller_settings/toolbar_background/color": "color", "controller_settings/toolbar_background/image": "image" } }); }, setConfig: function (config) { this.config = config; BX.onCustomEvent(this, BX.Mobile.Events.VIEWER_NEW_CONFIG_SET, [config]); }, addScreen: function (code, name, screen) { this.screens[code] = screen; this.screenList.push(code); this.screenView.appendChild(screen); var option = BX.create("OPTION", { html: name, attrs: { value: code, id: code } }); this.selectScreens.appendChild(option); }, jumpToScreen: function (value) { var animation = new BX.fx({ start: this.screenView.scrollTop, finish: this.screenList.indexOf(value) * 536, type: "accelerated", time: 0.3, step: 0.005, callback: BX.proxy(function (value) { this.screenView.scrollTop = value; }, this), callback_complete: function () { } }); animation.start(); }, init: function () { this.screenView = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "preview_view" } }); this.viewerWrapper = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-editor-wrap preview_viewer_wrapper" } }); this.viewerWrapper.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "preview_hint" }, html: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_PREVIEW_HINT") })); this.viewerWrapper.appendChild(this.screenView); this.container.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "adm-select-wrap" }, children: [ this.selectScreens = BX.create("SELECT", { // attrs:{size:4}, props: {className: "adm-workarea adm-select"}, events: { "change": BX.proxy(function (e) { var element =; this.jumpToScreen(element.value); }, this) } }) ] })); this.container.appendChild(this.viewerWrapper); this.screens = {}; this.screenList = []; this.addScreen("main", BX.message("MOBILEAPP_PREVIEW_MAIN"), this.createMainScreen()); this.addScreen("load", BX.message("MOBILEAPP_PREVIEW_LOAD"), this.createLoadScreen()); this.addScreen("table", BX.message("MOBILEAPP_PREVIEW_LISTS"), this.createTableScreen()); } }; /** * .............................. * ------------------------------ * Viewer elements -------------- * ------------------------------ * .............................. */ BX.Mobile.ViewerElement.prototype = { setBaseElement: function (element) { this.baseElement = this.canvasElement = BX.create("CANVAS", { props: { className: "preview_element" + ((element.className) ? " " + element.className : "") }, style: { position: "absolute", top: + "px", left: element.position.left + "px", bottom: element.position.bottom + "px", right: element.position.right + "px" }, attrs: { width: element.size.width + "px", height: element.size.height + "px" }, events: { click: BX.proxy(function () { var except = ["fill_mode"]; var priority = { "color": 3, "image": 2, "textColor": 1, "textShadowColor": 0 }; var jumpToParam = ""; var configKey = ""; var configKeys = []; for (var keyParam in this.bindedParameters) { configKeys.push(keyParam); var param = this.bindedParameters[keyParam]; if (!jsUtils.in_array(param, except)) { if (jumpToParam) { if (this.valuesSet[param] && this.valuesSet[jumpToParam] && priority[jumpToParam] > priority[param]) continue; configKey = keyParam; jumpToParam = param; } else { configKey = keyParam; jumpToParam = param; } } } if (keyParam) { this.viewer.editor.jumpToControl(configKey, configKeys); } }, this) } }); }, setText: function (text) { this.text = text; }, setTextSize: function (size) { this.textSize = size; }, createNode: function (className) { if (typeof this["_createNode"] === 'function') this._createNode(className); }, isBackgroundNeeded: function () { var watchedImage = jsUtils.in_array("image", this.watched); var watchedColor = jsUtils.in_array("color", this.watched); var valueColor = this.valuesSet["color"]; var valueImage = this.valuesSet["image"]; return !((!watchedImage && !watchedColor) || (watchedImage && watchedColor && (valueColor || valueImage)) || (watchedImage && valueImage) || (watchedColor && valueColor)); }, bindParameter: function (configParamName, propertyName) { this.bindedParameters[configParamName] = propertyName; var paramValue = this.viewer.config[configParamName] || this.defaultValues[propertyName]; if (paramValue) { this.handleParameter(propertyName, paramValue); } this.watched.push(propertyName); }, customHandle: function (param, value, isRedraw) { if ((typeof this["_customHandle"]) == "function") this._customHandle(param, value, isRedraw); }, handleParameter: function (param, value) { this.valuesSet[param] = value; this.delayedParamData = { param: param, value: value }; clearTimeout(this.applyTimeout); this.applyTimeout = setTimeout(BX.proxy(function () { this.apply(); this.applyTimeout = 0; }, this), 200); }, getParamValue: function (code) { if (this.valuesSet[code]) return this.valuesSet[code]; if (this.defaultValues[code]) return this.defaultValues[code]; return false; }, apply: function () { BX.onCustomEvent(this, BX.Mobile.Events.VIEWER_ELEMENT_APPLY, [this.valuesSet]); var canvas = this.canvasElement; var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); this.setSize(); if (!this.drawColor()) { if (!this.drawImage()) this.drawText(); } this.customHandle(); this.isEmpty = (this.isBackgroundNeeded() || (jsUtils.in_array("textColor", this.watched) && !this.valuesSet["textColor"])); if (this.isEmpty) { this.drawEmpty(); } }, setSize: function () { var width = this.getParamValue("width"); var height = this.getParamValue("height"); if (width) this.canvasElement.width = parseInt(width); if (height) { this.canvasElement.height = parseInt(height); } BX.onCustomEvent(this, BX.Mobile.Events.VIEWER_ELEMENT_SET_SIZE, [ { width: width, height: height } ]) }, drawText: function () { if (this.text.length > 0) { var canvas = this.canvasElement; var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var color = this.getParamValue("textColor"); var shadow = this.getParamValue("textShadowColor"); context.fillStyle = (color) ? color : "#dedede"; context.font = "bold " + this.textSize + "pt Helvetica"; if (shadow) { context.shadowOffsetY = 1; context.shadowOffsetX = 1; context.shadowColor = shadow; context.shadowBlur = 1; } else { context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; } var x = 0; var y = 0; if (this.textPosition.x) { context.textAlign = 'center'; x = (this.textPosition.x == "center") ? canvas.width / 2 : parseInt(this.textPosition.x); } if (this.textPosition.y) { y = (this.textPosition.y == "center") ? (canvas.height + this.textSize) / 2 : parseInt( this.textPosition.y); } context.fillText(this.text, x, y); return true; } return false; }, drawEmpty: function () { var canvas = this.canvasElement; var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var squareHeight = 20; var countH = Math.round(canvas.width - 4 / squareHeight); var countV = Math.round(canvas.height - 4 / squareHeight); var x = squareHeight; var y = squareHeight; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; context.strokeStyle = this.cageStrokeColor; context.beginPath(); for (var i = 0; i < countH; i++) { context.moveTo(x, 2); context.lineTo(x, canvas.height - 2); x = x + squareHeight; } for (var j = 0; j < countV; j++) { context.moveTo(2, y); context.lineTo(canvas.width - 2, y); y = y + squareHeight; } context.stroke(); context.closePath(); context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; context.strokeStyle = this.elementStrokeColor; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(2, 2); context.lineTo(canvas.width - 2, 2); context.lineTo(canvas.width - 2, canvas.height - 2); context.lineTo(2, canvas.height - 2); context.lineTo(2, 2); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); }, drawColor: function () { var color = this.getParamValue("color"); if (color) { var canvas = this.canvasElement; var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.rect(0, 0, this.canvasElement.width, this.canvasElement.height); context.fillStyle = color; context.fill(); return true; } return false; }, drawImage: function () { var canvas = this.canvasElement; var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var image = this.getParamValue("image"); if (image) { var imageObj = new Image(); context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); var src = this.viewer.editor.imager.getSrcByID(image); if (src == "") return; imageObj.fillMode = this.getParamValue("fill_mode"); BX.bind(imageObj, "load", function () { if (this.fillMode == "crop") { var aspectRatio = imageObj.naturalWidth / imageObj.naturalHeight; var diff = canvas.width / canvas.height - aspectRatio; var width = (diff > 0) ? canvas.width : Math.round(canvas.height * aspectRatio); var height = (diff > 0) ? Math.round(canvas.width / aspectRatio) : canvas.height; var y = height - canvas.height; var x = width - canvas.width; context.drawImage(imageObj, -x / 2, -y / 2, width, height); } else if (this.fillMode == "stretch") { context.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } else { var pat = context.createPattern(imageObj, "repeat"); context.rect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context.fillStyle = pat; context.fill(); } }); BX.bind(imageObj, "load", BX.proxy(function () { this.drawText(); }, this)); imageObj.src = src; } }, onParameterValueChanged: function (data) { var param =; var value = data.value; if (this.bindedParameters[param]) { this.handleParameter(this.bindedParameters[param], value) } }, redrawElement: function () { this.valuesSet = {}; this.canvasElement.getContext('2d').clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasElement.width, this.canvasElement.height); BX.onCustomEvent(this, BX.Mobile.Events.VIEWER_ELEMENT_REDRAW, [this.defaultValues]); for (var param in this.bindedParameters) { var value = this.viewer.config[param]; if (value) this.valuesSet[this.bindedParameters[param]] = value; } this.apply(); }, init: function () { this.createNode(); } }; /** * .............................. * ------------------------------ * Editor controls ---------- * ------------------------------ * .............................. */ BX.Mobile.Controls.Base.prototype = { setValue: function (value, fireChange, setValue) { this.value = value; if ((typeof setValue) == "undefined" || setValue == true) { if (typeof this["_setValue"] == "function") this._setValue(value); } if (fireChange || false) this.changeListener(, value); }, getInput: function () { if (typeof this["_getInput"] == "function") return this._getInput(); return this.input; }, getDisplayElement: function () { if (this.displayElement) return this.displayElement; if (typeof this["_getDisplayElement"] == "function") return this._getDisplayElement(); else console.error("Can't get display element", this); }, setOnChangeHandler: function (func) { this.changeListener = func; }, highlight: function (node, rbgColor) { (new BX.fx({ start: 0.0, finish: 30.0, step: 0.005, type: "accelerated", time: .2, callback: function (value) { = "rgba(" + rbgColor[0] + "," + rbgColor[1] + "," + rbgColor[2] + "," + value / 100 + ")" }, callback_start: function () { }, callback_complete: function () { (new BX.fx({ start: 30.0, finish: 0.0, step: 0.005, type: "deccelerated", time: 0.8, callback: function (value) { = "rgba(" + rbgColor[0] + "," + rbgColor[1] + "," + rbgColor[2] + "," + value / 100 + ")" }, callback_start: function () { }, callback_complete: function () { = "#ffffff"; } })).start(); } })).start(); }, getMessage: function (key) { var messKey = key.toLowerCase().replace(new RegExp("/", 'g'), "_"); if (this.langs[messKey]) return this.langs[messKey]; return key; } }; for (var control in BX.Mobile.Controls) { if (control.toString() != "Base") BX.extend(BX.Mobile.Controls[control], BX.Mobile.Controls.Base); } BX.Mobile.Tools.extendProto(BX.Mobile.Controls.MultiImage, { onCreate: function () { this.values = {}; this.items = {}; BX.addCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.APP_FILE_LIST_GOT, BX.proxy(function () { this.setValue(this.values, false); }, this)); }, _getDisplayElement: function () { this.displayElement = BX.create("DIV", { children: [ this.itemsNode = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-multi-image-container" }, attrs: { id: } }), this.button = BX.create("INPUT", { events: { "click": BX.proxy(function () {; }, this) }, attrs: { type: "button", value: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_ADD_IMAGE") } }) ] }); return this.displayElement; }, _setValue: function (value) { if (typeof value == "object") this.values = value; else this.values = {}; for (var code in this.items) { if (!this.values[code]) { this.items[code]["element"].parentNode.removeChild(this.items[code]["element"]); delete this.items[code]; } } for (var imgCode in this.values) { this.addItem(imgCode, this.values[imgCode]) } }, getDefaultCode: function () { var number = 1; var prefix = "type"; var code = prefix + number; var continueSearch = true; while (continueSearch) { continueSearch = false; for (var key in this.values) { if (key == code) { code = prefix + (++number); continueSearch = true; break; } } } return code; }, addItem: function (code, id) { if (code == false) code = this.getDefaultCode(); if (!this.items[code]) { this.items[code] = { "img": BX.create("IMG", { props: { className: "designer-multi-img" }, attrs: { src: this.imager.getSrcByID(id, true) } }), "input": BX.create("INPUT", { props: { className: "type-text" }, attrs: { "data-code": code, value: code }, events: { "keyup": BX.proxy(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { if (; } }, this), "blur": function (e) { var element =; var code = element.getAttribute("data-code"); var newCode = element.value; if (code != newCode) { element.value = code; } }, "change": BX.proxy(function (e) {; }, this) } }) }; var _that = this; this.items[code]["element"] = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-multi-image-item" }, events: { "mouseover": function () { BX.addClass(this, "designer-multi-image-item-hover"); }, "mouseout": function () { BX.removeClass(this, "designer-multi-image-item-hover"); } }, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-multi-image-item-left" }, children: [ this.items[code]["img"] ] }), BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-multi-image-item-right" }, children: [ this.items[code]["input"], BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-multi-image-remove-button" }, events: { "click": BX.proxy(function () { var code = this.input.getAttribute("data-code"); delete _that.values[code]; _that.setValue(_that.values, true) }, this.items[code]) } }) ] }) ] }); this.itemsNode.appendChild(this.items[code]["element"]); } else { this.items[code]["img"].src = this.imager.getSrcByID(id, true); this.items[code]["input"].value = code; } return this.items[code]; }, save: function (item) { var element = item; var code = element.getAttribute("data-code"); var current = this.values[code]; var newCode = element.value; if (newCode == "") { this.highlight(element, [255, 0, 0]); return false; } else if (this.items[newCode] && code != this.items[newCode].input.getAttribute("data-code")) { this.highlight(this.items[newCode].input, [255, 0, 0]); this.highlight(element, [255, 0, 0]); return false; } if (code != element.value) { delete this.values[code]; this.values[element.value] = current; this.items[element.value] = this.items[code]; delete this.items[code]; this.setValue(this.values, true); element.setAttribute("data-code", element.value); this.highlight(element, [34, 139, 34]); } return true; }, onImageChosen: function (data) { var code = this.getDefaultCode(); this.values[code] =; var item = this.addItem(code,; this.setValue(this.values, true); item.input.focus();; } }); BX.Mobile.Tools.extendProto(BX.Mobile.Controls.MultiValue, { onCreate: function () { this.values = {}; this.fieldIndex = 0; this.items = {}; this.displayElement = null; this.itemsNode = null; BX.addCustomEvent(BX.Mobile.Events.CONFIG_LOADED_BEFORE, BX.proxy(function () { this.items = {}; this.itemsNode.innerHTML = ""; }, this)) }, _getDisplayElement: function () { this.displayElement = BX.create("DIV", { children: [ this.itemsNode = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-multi-image-container" }, attrs: { id: } }), this.button = BX.create("INPUT", { events: { "click": BX.proxy(function () { this.addItem(false, ""); }, this) }, attrs: { type: "button", value: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_ADD_FILE") } }) ] }); return this.displayElement; }, _setValue: function (values) { if (typeof values != "object") { values = {}; } for (var code in this.items) { if (!this.values[code]) { this.items[code]["element"].parentNode.removeChild(this.items[code]["element"]); delete this.items[code]; } } for (var valueKey in values) { this.addItem(valueKey, values[valueKey]) } }, getDefaultCode: function () { var code = "file_" + this.fieldIndex; this.fieldIndex++; return code; }, addItem: function (valueKey, value) { var code = this.getDefaultCode(); if (!this.items[code]) { var _that = this; this.items[code] = { "input": BX.create("INPUT", { props: { className: "type-text file-name" }, attrs: { "data-code": code, value: valueKey ? valueKey : "", placeholder: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_SELECT_FILE_NAME") }, events: { "keyup": BX.proxy(function (e) { //if (e.keyCode == 13) //{ // if ( //; //} }, this), "blur": function (e) { //var element =; //var code = element.getAttribute("data-code"); //var newCode = element.value; //if (code != newCode) //{ // element.value = code; //} }, "change": BX.proxy(function (e) {; }, this) } }), "inputValue": BX.create("INPUT", { props: { className: "type-text file-path" }, attrs: { "data-code": code, value: value ? value : "", placeholder: BX.message("MOBILEAPP_SELECT_FILE") }, events: { "change": BX.proxy(function () {; }, this) } }) }; this.items[code]["element"] = BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-multi-value-item" }, events: { "mouseover": function () { BX.addClass(this, "designer-multi-image-item-hover"); }, "mouseout": function () { BX.removeClass(this, "designer-multi-image-item-hover"); } }, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-multi-value-input-wrap" }, children: [ this.items[code]["input"] ] }), BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-chain-icon" } }), BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-multi-value-input-wrap" }, children: [ this.items[code]["inputValue"], BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-open-file-dialog-button" }, events: { "click": BX.proxy(function () { _that.editor.openFileDialog(BX.proxy(function (value) { this.items[code]["inputValue"].value = value; }, this)) }, this) } }), BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-multi-image-remove-button" }, events: { "click": BX.proxy(function () { this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);; }, this.items[code]) } }) ] }) ] }); this.itemsNode.appendChild(this.items[code]["element"]); } else { this.items[code]["input"].value = code; } this.items[code]["input"].focus(); return this.items[code]; }, save: function () { var keys = BX.findChildren(this.itemsNode, {tagName: "INPUT", className: "file-name"}, true); var values = BX.findChildren(this.itemsNode, {tagName: "INPUT", className: "file-path"}, true); var valuesObject = {}; for (var key in keys) { if (keys[key].value != "" && values[key].value != "") valuesObject[keys[key].value] = values[key].value; } this.setValue(valuesObject, true, false); return true; } }); BX.Mobile.Tools.extendProto(BX.Mobile.Controls.Image, { onImageChosen: function (data) { this.setValue(, true); } }); BX.Mobile.Tools.extendProto(BX.Mobile.Controls.Color, { _setValue: function (value) { this.input.value = value; = value; if (value == "") BX.hide(this.deleteButton); else; }, _getDisplayElement: function () { this.input = BX.create("INPUT", { props: { className: "designer-simple-string" }, attrs: { type: "text", id:, placeholder: "#FFFFFF" } }); BX.addClass(this.input, "color-input"); this.colorBox = BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "color-square" } }); this.displayElement = BX.create("SPAN", { attrs: { id: "wrap-" + }, props: { className: "designer-input-wrap" }, children: [ BX.create("DIV", { props: { className: "designer-color-wrap" }, children: [ this.input, this.colorBox ] }), this.deleteButton = BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "designer-color-button-delete" }, events: { "click": BX.proxy(function () { this.setValue("", true); }, this) } }) ] }); var clickHandler = BX.proxy(function (e) { var element =; element.parentNode.appendChild(this.picker.pCont); this.picker.oPar.OnSelect = BX.proxy(function (color) { element.value = color; = color; this.setValue(color, true); }, this); this.picker.Close(); this.picker.Open(element); }, this); BX.bind(this.input, 'click', clickHandler); BX.bind(this.colorBox, 'click', clickHandler); var changeColorHandler = BX.proxy(function (e) { var element =; if (element.oldValue == element.value) return; element.oldValue = element.value; if (element.value == "") { = "none"; } else { if (this.input.value[0] != "#") { this.input.value = "#" + this.input.value; return; } = "inline-block"; } = element.value; this.changeListener(, element.value); }, this); BX.bind(this.input, "focus", function (e) { var input =; input.oldValue = input.value; }); BX.bind(this.input, 'blur', changeColorHandler); BX.bind(this.input, 'keyup', changeColorHandler); return this.displayElement; } }); })();