Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php if (!defined('B_PROLOG_INCLUDED') || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die(); } use \Bitrix\Landing\Domain; use Bitrix\Landing\Error; use Bitrix\Landing\Mutator; use \Bitrix\Landing\Site; use \Bitrix\Landing\Landing; use \Bitrix\Landing\Rights; use \Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use \Bitrix\Landing\Transfer; use \Bitrix\Landing\Restriction; use \Bitrix\Main\Context; use \Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager; use \Bitrix\Main\Loader; use \Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; \CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass('bitrix:landing.base'); class LandingSitesComponent extends LandingBaseComponent { /** * Count items per page. */ const COUNT_PER_PAGE = 12; /** * Rights array of sites. * @var array */ protected $rights = []; /** * Gets additional access filter for sites. * @param string $accessCode Access code for filter. * @return array */ protected function getAdditionalAccessFilter(string $accessCode) { $filter = ['ID' => [-1]]; $accessTypes = Rights::ACCESS_TYPES; if (Rights::isAdmin()) { return []; } if (!isset($accessTypes[$accessCode])) { return []; } // get all sites first $ids = []; $res = Site::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID' ], 'filter' => [ '=TYPE' => $this->arParams['TYPE'] ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $ids[] = $row['ID']; } // get rights for all sites $this->rights = Rights::getOperationsForSite($ids); foreach ($this->rights as $siteId => $rights) { if (in_array($accessTypes[$accessCode], $rights)) { $filter['ID'][] = $siteId; } } return $filter; } /** * Returns sites of main module. * @return array */ protected function getSmnSites() { $sites = []; $filter = []; if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24')) { return $sites; } // prepare filter $disabledSiteIds = [SITE_ID]; if (Loader::includeModule('extranet')) { $disabledSiteIds[] = \CExtranet::getExtranetSiteID(); } $search = LandingFilterComponent::getFilterRaw( LandingFilterComponent::TYPE_SITE, $this->arParams['TYPE'] ); if ($search['DELETED'] == 'Y') { return $sites; } if (isset($search['FIND']) && trim($search['FIND'])) { $filter['NAME'] = '%' . trim($search['FIND']) . '%'; } $defaultServerName = Option::get('main', 'server_name'); // get data $by = 'lid'; $order = 'desc'; $request = Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); $protocol = ($request->isHttps() ? 'https://' : 'http://'); $res = \CSite::getList($by, $order, $filter); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { if (in_array($row['LID'], $disabledSiteIds)) { continue; } $row['DOMAIN_NAME'] = $defaultServerName; $row['PUBLIC_URL'] = $protocol . $defaultServerName . $row['DIR']; if ($row['SERVER_NAME']) { $row['DOMAIN_NAME'] = $row['SERVER_NAME']; $row['PUBLIC_URL'] = $protocol . $row['SERVER_NAME']; $row['PUBLIC_URL'] .= $row['DIR']; } elseif ($row['DOMAINS']) { $url = explode("\n", trim($row['DOMAINS'])); if ($url) { $url = trim(array_shift($url)); } if ($url) { $row['DOMAIN_NAME'] = $url; $row['PUBLIC_URL'] = $protocol . $url; $row['PUBLIC_URL'] .= $row['DIR']; } } $sites[$row['LID']] = $row; } return $sites; } /** * Returns array of site ids with 'delete' locked. * @param array $ids Site ids. * @return array */ protected function getDeleteLocked(array $ids): array { $statuses = []; if ($ids) { $res = \Bitrix\Landing\Lock::getList([ 'select' => [ 'SITE_ID' => 'ENTITY_ID' ], 'filter' => [ 'ENTITY_ID' => $ids, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => \Bitrix\Landing\Lock::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE, '=LOCK_TYPE' => \Bitrix\Landing\Lock::LOCK_TYPE_DELETE ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $statuses[] = $row['SITE_ID']; } } return $statuses; } /** * Base executable method. * @return mixed */ public function executeComponent() { $init = $this->init(); if ($init) { // params $puny = new \CBXPunycode; $deletedLTdays = Manager::getDeletedLT(); $landingNull = Landing::createInstance(0); $pictureFromCloud = $this->previewFromCloud(); $this->checkParam('TYPE', ''); $this->checkParam('OVER_TITLE', ''); $this->checkParam('TILE_MODE', 'list'); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SETTINGS', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE_EDIT', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE_DESI GN', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE_CONTACTS', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_LANDING_EDIT', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE_DOMAIN_EDIT', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE_DOMAIN_SWITCH', ''); $this->checkParam('DRAFT_MODE', 'N'); $this->checkParam('ACCESS_CODE', ''); $this->checkParam('~AGREEMENT', []); $this->checkParam( 'PAGE_URL_SITE_EXPORT', str_replace(-1, '#site_edit#', Transfer\Export\Site::getUrl($this->arParams['TYPE'], -1)) ); \Bitrix\Landing\Hook::setEditMode(true); \Bitrix\Landing\Site\Type::setScope( $this->arParams['TYPE'] ); // check agreements for Bitrix24 if (Manager::isB24()) { $this->arResult['AGREEMENT'] = $this->arParams['~AGREEMENT']; } else { $this->arResult['AGREEMENT'] = []; } \CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass( 'bitrix:landing.filter' ); // template data $filter = LandingFilterComponent::getFilter( LandingFilterComponent::TYPE_SITE, $this->arParams['TYPE'] ); $filter['=SPECIAL'] = 'N'; if ( Manager::isExtendedSMN() && $this->arParams['TYPE'] == 'STORE') { $filter['=TYPE'] = [ $this->arParams['TYPE'], 'SMN' ]; } else { $filter['=TYPE'] = $this->arParams['TYPE']; } if ($this->arParams['ACCESS_CODE']) { $filter[] = $this->getAdditionalAccessFilter($this->arParams['ACCESS_CODE']); } $this->arResult['EXPORT_DISABLED'] = Restriction\Manager::isAllowed('limit_sites_transfer') ? 'N' : 'Y'; $isAllowedExportByTariff = null; if ($this->arResult['EXPORT_DISABLED'] !== 'Y') { $isAllowedExportByTariff = true; Bitrix\Landing\Restriction\Manager::enableFeatureTmp('limit_sites_access_permissions'); if ( Rights::hasAdditionalRight(Rights::ADDITIONAL_RIGHTS['unexportable'], null, false, true) && !Rights::hasAdditionalRight(Rights::ADDITIONAL_RIGHTS['admin'], null, false, true) ) { $this->arResult['EXPORT_DISABLED'] = 'Y'; } else { $this->arResult['EXPORT_DISABLED'] = 'N'; } Bitrix\Landing\Restriction\Manager::disableFeatureTmp('limit_sites_access_permissions'); } $this->arResult['SMN_SITES'] = $this->getSmnSites(); $this->arResult['IS_DELETED'] = LandingFilterComponent::isDeleted(); $this->arResult['SITES'] = $this->getSites([ 'select' => [ '*', 'DOMAIN_NAME' => 'DOMAIN.DOMAIN', 'DOMAIN_PROVIDER' => 'DOMAIN.PROVIDER', 'DOMAIN_PREV' => 'DOMAIN.PREV_DOMAIN' ], 'filter' => $filter, 'order' => [ 'DATE_MODIFY' => 'desc' ], 'navigation' => $this::COUNT_PER_PAGE ]); $this->arResult['NAVIGATION'] = $this->getLastNavigation(); $this->arResult['DELETE_LOCKED'] = $this->getDeleteLocked( array_keys($this->arResult['SITES']) ); // detect preview of sites and set rights $rights = Rights::getOperationsForSite( array_merge( array_keys($this->arResult['SITES']), [0] ) ); $this->arResult['ACCESS_SITE_NEW'] = ( Rights::hasAdditionalRight(Rights::ADDITIONAL_RIGHTS['create']) && in_array(Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['edit'], $rights[0]) ) ? 'Y' : 'N'; $ids = []; $unActiveIndexes = []; foreach ($this->arResult['SITES'] as &$item) { // collect un active sites with index pages if ( $item['LANDING_ID_INDEX'] && $item['ACTIVE'] != 'Y' && $item['DELETED'] != 'Y' ) { $unActiveIndexes[$item['ID']] = $item['LANDING_ID_INDEX']; } $ids[] = $item['ID']; $item['ACCESS_EDIT'] = 'Y'; $item['ACCESS_SETTINGS'] = 'Y'; $item['ACCESS_PUBLICATION'] = 'Y'; $item['ACCESS_DELETE'] = 'Y'; $item['ACCESS_SITE_NEW'] = $this->arResult['ACCESS_SITE_NEW']; if (isset($rights[$item['ID']])) { $currRights = $rights[$item['ID']]; if (!in_array(Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['edit'], $currRights)) { $item['ACCESS_EDIT'] = 'N'; } if (!in_array(Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['sett'], $currRights)) { $item['ACCESS_SETTINGS'] = 'N'; } if (!in_array(Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['public'], $currRights)) { $item['ACCESS_PUBLICATION'] = 'N'; } if (!in_array(Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['delete'], $currRights)) { $item['ACCESS_DELETE'] = 'N'; } } //can export $item['ACCESS_EXPORT'] = 'Y'; if ($isAllowedExportByTariff && $this->arResult['EXPORT_DISABLED'] === 'Y') { $item['ACCESS_EXPORT'] = 'N'; } if (!$item['LANDING_ID_INDEX']) { $landing = $this->getLandings(array( 'filter' => array( 'SITE_ID' => $item['ID'] ), 'order' => array( 'ID' => 'ASC' ), 'limit' => 1 )); if ($landing) { $landing = array_pop($landing); $item['LANDING_ID_INDEX'] = $landing['ID']; } } if ($item['DELETED'] == 'Y') { $item['DATE_DELETED_DAYS'] = $deletedLTdays - intval((time() - $item['DATE_MODIFY']->getTimeStamp()) / 86400); $item['DELETE_FINISH'] = $item['DATE_DELETED_DAYS'] <= 0; } $item['DOMAIN_NAME'] = $puny->decode($item['DOMAIN_NAME']); $item['DOMAIN_B24_NAME'] = Domain::getBitrix24Subdomain($item['DOMAIN_NAME']); $item['EXPORT_URI'] = Transfer\Export\Site::getUrl( $this->arParams['TYPE'], $item['ID'] ); } unset($item); if ($ids) { $siteUrls = Site::getPublicUrl($ids); foreach ($this->arResult['SITES'] as &$item) { $item['PUBLIC_URL'] = ''; $item['PREVIEW'] = ''; if (isset($siteUrls[$item['ID']])) { $item['PUBLIC_URL'] = $siteUrls[$item['ID']]; } if ($item['PUBLIC_URL']) { if ($item['DOMAIN_ID'] > 0 && $pictureFromCloud && $item['TYPE'] !== 'SMN') { $item['PREVIEW'] = $landingNull->getPreview($item['LANDING_ID_INDEX'], true); $item['CLOUD_PREVIEW'] = $item['PUBLIC_URL'] . '/preview.jpg'; } else if ($item['LANDING_ID_INDEX']) { $item['PREVIEW'] = $landingNull->getPreview($item['LANDING_ID_INDEX'], true); } else { $item['PREVIEW'] = Manager::getUrlFromFile('/bitrix/images/landing/nopreview.jpg'); } } $item['INDEX_EDIT_URI'] = str_replace( ['#site_show#', '#landing_edit#'], [$item['ID'], $item['LANDING_ID_INDEX']], $this->arParams['~PAGE_URL_LANDING_VIEW'] ); } unset($siteUrls, $item); } } // check is need force verify site $forceVerifySiteId = (int)$this->request('force_verify_site_id'); $verificationError = new Error(); if ( $forceVerifySiteId && in_array($forceVerifySiteId, $ids ?? []) && !Mutator::checkSiteVerification($forceVerifySiteId, $verificationError) ) { $this->arResult['FORCE_VERIFY_SITE_ID'] = $forceVerifySiteId; } if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('bitrix24')) { $this->arResult['LICENSE'] = \CBitrix24::getLicenseType(); } parent::executeComponent(); return $this->arResult; } }