Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
if(typeof window.JTariffItem === 'undefined'){ window.JTariffItem = function(tableId){ this.tableId = tableId; this.table = false; this.tbody = false; this.eventListners = []; this.init(); } window.JTariffItem.prototype = { init: function(){ var that = this; BX.ready(function(){ if(that.table = BX(that.tableId)){ that.table.tariffitem = that; that.tbody = that.table.querySelector('tbody'); that.updateControls(); that.bindEvents(); } }); }, bindEvents: function(){ var that = this; if( typeof that.onButtonDeleteClick !== 'function' && that.table ){ // click on delete button that.onButtonDeleteClick = function(e){ if(!e){ e = window.event; } BX.PreventDefault(e); var table = this.closest('#' + that.tableId); if(table){ var item = this.closest('.aspro_property_tariffitem_item'); if(item){ var row = item.closest('tr'); if(row){ if(that.isHasOneRow()){ var inputs ='input')); for(var i in inputs){ inputs[i].value = ''; } that.updateControls(); } else{ var wrapper = item.querySelector('.wrapper') if(wrapper){ BX.addClass(wrapper, 'no_drag'); } BX.addClass(item, 'aspro_property_tariffitem_item--deleted'); // wait animation 0.5s setTimeout(function(){ BX.remove(row); that.updateControls(); }, 490); } } } } } BX.bindDelegate(that.table, 'click', {class: 'remove'}, that.onButtonDeleteClick); // drag rows if(typeof Sortable === 'function'){ if(that.tbody){ Sortable.create(that.tbody, { handle: '.drag', animation: 150, forceFallback: true, filter: '.no_drag', onStart: function(evt){ // fix bitrix drug`s clone position in elements list BX.addClass(document.body, 'no-trz'); window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); }, onEnd: function(evt) { BX.removeClass(document.body, 'no-trz'); }, onMove: function(evt){ return evt.related.querySelector('.no_drag') === null && evt.related.querySelector('.aspro_property_tariffitem_item') !== null; }, onUpdate: function(evt){ try{ var keys = []; var inputsNames = []; var rows ='tr')); for(var j in rows){ keys.push(j * 1); var names = []; var inputs =[j].querySelectorAll('input')); for(var k in inputs){ names.push(inputs[k].getAttribute('name')); } inputsNames.push(names); } var k = evt.oldIndex; do{ keys[k] = (k == evt.oldIndex ? evt.newIndex : (evt.newIndex > evt.oldIndex ? k - 1 : k + 1)) ; evt.newIndex > evt.oldIndex ? ++k : --k; } while(evt.newIndex > evt.oldIndex ? k <= evt.newIndex : k >= evt.newIndex); for(var j in rows){ if(keys[j] != j){ var inputs =[j].querySelectorAll('input')); for(var k in inputs){ inputs[k].setAttribute('name', inputsNames[keys[j]][k]); } } } } catch(e){ console.error(e); } } }); } } // title change window.JTariffItem._bindTitleChange(that.table); } }, unbindEvents: function(){ if( typeof this.onButtonDeleteClick === 'function' && this.table ){ this.table.removeEventListener('click', this.onButtonDeleteClick); } }, getItemsCount: function(){ if(this.table){ return this.table.querySelectorAll('tr .aspro_property_tariffitem_item') ).length - this.table.querySelectorAll('tr .aspro_property_tariffitem_item>.wrapper.has_title') ).length; } return 0; }, isHasOneRow: function(){ return this.getItemsCount() === 1; }, updateControls: function(){ if(this.table){ if(this.isHasOneRow()){ var rows ='tr')); for(var i in rows){ var item = rows[i].querySelector('.aspro_property_tariffitem_item'); if(item){ if(!item.querySelector('.wrapper.has_title')){ BX.addClass(item, 'aspro_property_tariffitem_item--hiddendrag'); return; } } } } else{ BX.removeClass(this.table.querySelector('.aspro_property_tariffitem_item--hiddendrag'), 'aspro_property_tariffitem_item--hiddendrag'); } } } } // parse email window.JTariffItem._parseEmail = function(email){ var re = /(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))/; var matches = email.toLowerCase().match(re); return matches ? matches[0] : ''; } window.JTariffItem._setHref = function(title, href){ if( title && typeof title === 'object' && href && typeof href === 'object' ){ var href_value = href.value.trim(); var bCanSet = !href_value.length || href_value.indexOf('mailto:') === 0 || href_value.indexOf('tel:') === 0; if(bCanSet){ href_value = ''; var title_value = title.value.trim(); var email = window.JTariffItem._parseEmail(title_value); if(!!email.length){ href_value = 'mailto:' + email; } else{ var phone = title_value.replace(/[^+0-9]/g, ''); var bPlus = phone[0] === '+'; phone = phone.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); if(phone.length){ phone = (bPlus ? 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