Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
this.BX = this.BX || {}; (function (exports,main_core) { 'use strict'; /** * @memberOf BX.Landing */ var Metrika = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Metrika(light) { babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, Metrika); this.sendedLabel = []; if (light === true) { return; } this.formSelector = '.bitrix24forms'; this.widgetBlockItemSelector = '.landing-b24-widget-button-social-item'; this.formBlocks = babelHelpers.toConsumableArray(document.querySelectorAll(this.formSelector)); this.siteType = this.getSiteType(); this.formsLoaded = []; this.widgetOpened = false; this.widgetBlockHover = false; /*if (this.isFormsExists()) { this.waitForForms(); }*/ this.waitForWidget(); this.detectAnchor(); } /** * Returns site type. * @return {string|null} */ babelHelpers.createClass(Metrika, [{ key: "getSiteType", value: function getSiteType() { var metaSiteType = document.querySelector('meta[property="Bitrix24SiteType"]'); if (metaSiteType) { return metaSiteType.getAttribute('content'); } return null; } /** * Is any form exists into the page. * @return {boolean} */ }, { key: "isFormsExists", value: function isFormsExists() { return this.formBlocks.length > 0; } /** * Listener for address links on the page. */ }, { key: "detectAnchor", value: function detectAnchor() { var _this = this; babelHelpers.toConsumableArray(document.querySelectorAll('a')).map(function (node) { var href = main_core.Dom.attr(node, 'href'); if (href) { href = href.toString(); } if (href && href.indexOf(':')) { var hrefPref = href.split(':')[0]; if (['callto', 'tel', 'mailto'].includes(hrefPref)) { main_core.Event.bind(node, 'click', function () { _this.sendLabel('', 'addressClick', hrefPref); }); } } }); } /** * Listener for widget commands. */ }, { key: "waitForWidget", value: function waitForWidget() { var _this2 = this; babelHelpers.toConsumableArray(document.querySelectorAll(this.widgetBlockItemSelector)).map(function (node) { main_core.Event.bind(node, 'mouseover', function () { _this2.widgetBlockHover = true; }); main_core.Event.bind(node, 'mouseout', function () { _this2.widgetBlockHover = false; }); main_core.Event.bind(node, 'click', function () { babelHelpers.toConsumableArray(node.classList).map(function (className) { if (className.indexOf('ui-icon-service-') === 0) { var ol = className.substr('ui-icon-service-'.length); _this2.sendLabel('', 'olOpenedFromWidget', ol); } }); }); }); window.addEventListener('onBitrixLiveChat', function (event) { var _event$detail = event.detail, widget = _event$detail.widget, widgetHost = _event$detail.widgetHost; widget.subscribe({ type: BX.LiveChatWidget.SubscriptionType.every, callback: function callback(event) { if (event.type === BX.LiveChatWidget.SubscriptionType.widgetOpen) { if (_this2.widgetBlockHover) { _this2.sendLabel(widgetHost, 'chatOpenedFromWidget'); } else { _this2.sendLabel(widgetHost, 'chatOpened'); } } } }); }); } /** * Sends analytic label when form is loaded, otherwise sends fail label. */ }, { key: "waitForForms", value: function waitForForms() { var _this3 = this; window.addEventListener('b24:form:show:first', function (event) { var _event$detail$object$ = event.detail.object.identification, id = _event$detail$object$.id, sec = _event$detail$object$.sec, address = _event$detail$object$.address; var disabled = event.detail.object.disabled; _this3.formsLoaded.push(id + '|' + sec); if (disabled) { _this3.sendLabel(address, 'formDisabledLoad', id + '|' + sec); } else { _this3.sendLabel(address, 'formSuccessLoad', id + '|' + sec); } }); setTimeout(function () { (node) { var dataAttr = main_core.Dom.attr(node, 'data-b24form'); if (dataAttr && dataAttr.indexOf('|')) { var formData = dataAttr.split('|'); if (!_this3.formsLoaded.includes(formData[0] + '|' + formData[1])) { _this3.sendLabel(null, 'formFailLoad', formData[1] ? formData[0] + '|' + formData[1] : formData[0]); } } }); }, 5000); } /** * Clears already sent labels. */ }, { key: "clearSendedLabel", value: function clearSendedLabel() { this.sendedLabel = []; } /** * Send label to the portal. * @param {string|null} portalUrl * @param {string} label * @param {string|null} value */ }, { key: "sendLabel", value: function sendLabel(portalUrl, label, value) { if (this.sendedLabel.includes(label + value)) { return; } if (value && value.substr(0, 1) === '#') { value = value.substr(1); } this.sendedLabel.push(label + value); BX.ajax({ url: (portalUrl ? portalUrl : '') + '/bitrix/images/landing/analytics/pixel.gif?action=' + label + (value ? '&value=' + value : '') + (this.siteType ? '&siteType=' + this.siteType : '') + '&time=' + new Date().getTime() }); } /** * For new analytic scheme * @param data */ }, { key: "sendData", value: function sendData(data) { main_core.Runtime.loadExtension('').then(function (exports) { data.tool = Metrika.TOOL_NAME; if (data.params && main_core.Type.isObject(data.params)) { var i = 1; var maxParams = 5; for (var param in data.params) { if (i <= maxParams) { var key = 'p' + i++; main_core.Text.toCamelCase(param); data[key] = main_core.Text.toCamelCase(param) + '_' + main_core.Text.toCamelCase(data.params[param]); } } delete data.params; } var sendData = exports.sendData; sendData(data); }); } }]); return Metrika; }(); babelHelpers.defineProperty(Metrika, "TOOL_NAME", 'landing'); exports.Metrika = Metrika; }((this.BX.Landing = this.BX.Landing || {}),BX)); //#