Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
/* eslint-disable */ this.BX = this.BX || {}; this.BX.UI = this.BX.UI || {}; (function (exports,main_core,main_core_events) { 'use strict'; const Item = main_core.Reflection.namespace('BX.UI.Viewer.Item'); const Util = main_core.Reflection.namespace('BX.util'); const BXPromise = main_core.Reflection.namespace('BX.Promise'); const DEFAULT_SCALE = 1.4; const PAGES_TO_PRELOAD = 3; // noinspection JSClosureCompilerSyntax /** * @memberof BX.UI.Viewer * @extends BX.UI.Viewer.Item */ var _loadingLibraryPromise = /*#__PURE__*/babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseKey("loadingLibraryPromise"); var _pageNumber = /*#__PURE__*/babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseKey("pageNumber"); var _loadingDocumentPromise = /*#__PURE__*/babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseKey("loadingDocumentPromise"); var _resetState = /*#__PURE__*/babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseKey("resetState"); class Document extends Item { constructor(options) { super(options); Object.defineProperty(this, _resetState, { value: _resetState2 }); Object.defineProperty(this, _pageNumber, { writable: true, value: 1 }); Object.defineProperty(this, _loadingDocumentPromise, { writable: true, value: null }); this.pdfPages = {}; this.scale = DEFAULT_SCALE; this.pdfRenderedPages = {}; this.lastRenderedPdfPage = 0; this.disableAnnotationLayer = false; options = options || {}; this.scale = options.scale || DEFAULT_SCALE; } setPropertiesByNode(node) { super.setPropertiesByNode(node); this.disableAnnotationLayer = node.dataset.hasOwnProperty('disableAnnotationLayer'); } applyReloadOptions(options) { this.controller.unsetCachedData(this.src); } listContainerModifiers() { const result = ['ui-viewer-document']; if (this.controller.stretch) { result.push('--stretch'); } return result; } setSrc(src) { this.src = src; this._pdfSrc = null; return babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(this, _resetState)[_resetState](); } setPdfSource(pdfSource) { this._pdfSrc = pdfSource; return babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(this, _resetState)[_resetState](); } loadLibrary() { if (babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(Document, _loadingLibraryPromise)[_loadingLibraryPromise] !== null) { return babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(Document, _loadingLibraryPromise)[_loadingLibraryPromise]; } babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(Document, _loadingLibraryPromise)[_loadingLibraryPromise] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { main_core.Runtime.loadExtension('ui.pdfjs').then(() => { if (!pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc) { pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = '/bitrix/js/ui/pdfjs/pdf.worker.js'; } babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(Document, _loadingLibraryPromise)[_loadingLibraryPromise] = null; resolve(); }).catch(reject); }); return babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(Document, _loadingLibraryPromise)[_loadingLibraryPromise]; } loadData() { const promise = new BXPromise(); if (this._pdfSrc) { this.loadLibrary().then(() => { promise.fulfill(this); }); return promise; } console.log('loadData pdf'); const ajaxPromise = main_core.ajax.promise({ url: main_core.Uri.addParam(this.src, { ts: 'bxviewer' }), method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', headers: [{ name: 'BX-Viewer-src', value: this.src }, { name: 'BX-Viewer', value: 'document' }] }); ajaxPromise.then(response => { if (!response || ! { this.isTransforming = false; promise.reject({ item: this, message: main_core.Loc.getMessage("JS_UI_VIEWER_ITEM_TRANSFORMATION_ERROR_1").replace('#DOWNLOAD_LINK#', this.getSrc()), type: 'error' }); return promise; } if ('pullTag')) { if (!this.isTransforming) { this.transformationPromise = promise; this.registerTransformationHandler(; } this.isTransforming = true; } if ( && { this.isTransforming = false; this._pdfSrc =; this.loadLibrary().then(() => { promise.fulfill(this); }); } }); return promise; } render() { this.controller.showLoading(); this.contentNode = main_core.Dom.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-item-document-content', tabIndex: 2208 } }); main_core.Event.bind(this.contentNode, 'scroll', main_core.Runtime.throttle(this.handleScrollDocument.bind(this), 100)); return this.contentNode; } getNakedActions() { const nakedActions = super.getNakedActions(); return this.insertPrintBeforeInfo(nakedActions); } insertPrintBeforeInfo(actions) { actions = actions || []; let infoIndex = null; for (let i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { if (actions[i].type === 'info') { infoIndex = i; } } const printAction = { type: 'print', action: this.print.bind(this) }; if (infoIndex === null) { actions.push(printAction); } else { actions = Util.insertIntoArray(actions, infoIndex, printAction); } return actions; } getFirstDocumentPageHeight() { if (this._height) { return Promise.resolve(this._height); } return new Promise(resolve => { this.getDocumentPage(this.pdfDocument, 1).then(page => { const viewport = page.getViewport(this.scale); this._height = viewport.height; resolve(this._height); }); }); } handleScrollDocument(event) { this.getFirstDocumentPageHeight().then(height => { const scrollBottom = this.contentNode.scrollHeight - this.contentNode.scrollTop - this.contentNode.clientHeight; if (scrollBottom < height * PAGES_TO_PRELOAD && this.pdfDocument.numPages > this.lastRenderedPdfPage) { for (let i = this.lastRenderedPdfPage + 1; i <= Math.min(this.pdfDocument.numPages, this.lastRenderedPdfPage + PAGES_TO_PRELOAD); i++) { this.renderDocumentPage(this.pdfDocument, i); } } this.setPageNumber(this.contentNode.scrollTop / height + 1); }); } loadDocument() { if (this.pdfDocument) { return Promise.resolve(this.pdfDocument); } if (babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(this, _loadingDocumentPromise)[_loadingDocumentPromise]) { return babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(this, _loadingDocumentPromise)[_loadingDocumentPromise]; } babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(this, _loadingDocumentPromise)[_loadingDocumentPromise] = new Promise(resolve => { this.loadData().then(() => { pdfjsLib.getDocument(this._pdfSrc).promise.then(pdf => { this.pdfDocument = pdf; babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(this, _loadingDocumentPromise)[_loadingDocumentPromise] = null; resolve(this.pdfDocument); }); }); }); return babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(this, _loadingDocumentPromise)[_loadingDocumentPromise]; } getDocumentPage(pdf, pageNumber) { if (this.pdfPages[pageNumber]) { return Promise.resolve(this.pdfPages[pageNumber]); } return new Promise(resolve => { pdf.getPage(pageNumber).then(page => { this.pdfPages[pageNumber] = page; resolve(this.pdfPages[pageNumber]); }); }); } renderDocumentPage(pdf, pageNumber) { const pagePromise = this.pdfRenderedPages[pageNumber]; if (pagePromise instanceof Promise) { return pagePromise; } else if (!!pagePromise) { return Promise.resolve(pagePromise); } this.pdfRenderedPages[pageNumber] = new Promise(resolve => { this.getDocumentPage(pdf, pageNumber).then(page => { const canvas = this.createCanvasPage(); const viewport = page.getViewport(this.scale); canvas.height = viewport.height; canvas.width = viewport.width; const renderPromise = page.render({ canvasContext: canvas.getContext('2d'), viewport: viewport }); if (!this.disableAnnotationLayer) { renderPromise.then(function () { return page.getAnnotations(); }).then(function (annotationData) { const annotationLayer = main_core.Dom.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-pdf-annotation-layer' } }); main_core.Dom.insertAfter(annotationLayer, canvas); main_core.Dom.adjust(annotationLayer, { style: { margin: '-' + canvas.offsetHeight + 'px auto 0 auto', height: canvas.height + 'px', width: canvas.width + 'px' } }); pdfjsLib.AnnotationLayer.render({ viewport: viewport.clone({ dontFlip: true }), linkService: pdfjsLib.SimpleLinkService, div: annotationLayer, annotations: annotationData, page: page }); }); } renderPromise.then(function () { return page.getTextContent(); }).then(function (textContent) { const textLayer = main_core.Dom.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-pdf-text-layer' } }); main_core.Dom.insertAfter(textLayer, canvas); main_core.Dom.adjust(textLayer, { style: { margin: '-' + canvas.offsetHeight + 'px auto 0 auto', height: canvas.height + 'px', width: canvas.width + 'px' } }); pdfjsLib.renderTextLayer({ textContent: textContent, container: textLayer, viewport: viewport, textDivs: [] }); }); this.lastRenderedPdfPage = Math.max(pageNumber, this.lastRenderedPdfPage); if (pageNumber === 1) { this.firstWidthDocumentPage = canvas.width; } renderPromise.then(() => { this.controller.hideLoading(); this.pdfRenderedPages[pageNumber] = page; resolve(page, canvas); }); }); }); return this.pdfRenderedPages[pageNumber]; } createCanvasPage() { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.className = 'ui-viewer-document-page-canvas'; this.contentNode.appendChild(canvas); return canvas; } getContentWidth() { if (this.firstWidthDocumentPage) { return Promise.resolve(this.firstWidthDocumentPage); } return new Promise(resolve => { this.loadDocument().then(() => { this.renderDocumentPage(this.pdfDocument, 1).then(page => { resolve(page.getViewport(this.scale).width); }); }); }); } afterRender() { this.loadDocument().then(pdf => { for (let i = 1; i <= Math.min(pdf.numPages, PAGES_TO_PRELOAD); i++) { if (i === 1) { this._handleControls = this.controller.handleVisibleControls.bind(this.controller); this.controller.enableReadingMode(true); const printAction = this.controller.actionPanel.getItemById('print'); if (printAction) { printAction.layout.container.classList.remove('ui-btn-disabled'); } main_core.Runtime.throttle(main_core.Event.bind(window, 'mousemove', this._handleControls), 20); } this.renderDocumentPage(pdf, i); } }); } beforeHide() { this.pdfRenderedPages = {}; main_core.Event.unbind(window, 'mousemove', this._handleControls); if (this.printer) { this.hidePrintProgress(); this.printer.destroy(); } } updatePrintProgressMessage(index, total) { const progress = Math.round(index / total * 100); this.controller.setTextOnLoading(main_core.Loc.getMessage('JS_UI_VIEWER_ITEM_PREPARING_TO_PRINT').replace('#PROGRESS#', progress)); } showPrintProgress(index, total) { = 0.7; = 'blur(2px)'; this.controller.showLoading({ zIndex: 1 }); this.updatePrintProgressMessage(index, total); } hidePrintProgress() { = null; = null; this.controller.hideLoading(); } print() { if (!this.pdfDocument) { console.warn('Where is pdf document to print?'); return; } this.showPrintProgress(0, this.pdfDocument.numPages); this.printer = new PrintService({ pdf: this.pdfDocument }); this.printer.init().then(() => { this.printer.prepare({ onProgress: this.updatePrintProgressMessage.bind(this) }).then(() => { this.hidePrintProgress(); this.printer.performPrint(); }); }); } handleKeyPress(event) { switch (event.code) { case 'PageDown': case 'PageUp': case 'ArrowDown': case 'ArrowUp': BX.focus(this.contentNode); break; } } getScale() { return this.scale; } setScale(scale) { this.scale = scale; return this; } updateScale(scale) { scale = Number(scale); if (this.scale === scale) { return Promise.resolve(); } const ratio = scale / this.scale; const updatePageScale = (page, canvases, textLayers) => { const canvas = canvases[page.pageIndex]; if (!canvas) { return Promise.resolve(); } return new Promise(resolve => { const viewport = page.getViewport(this.scale); canvas.width = viewport.width; canvas.height = viewport.height; page.render({ canvasContext: canvas.getContext('2d'), viewport: viewport }).then(() => { const textLayer = textLayers[page.pageIndex]; if (textLayer) { main_core.Dom.clean(textLayer); main_core.Dom.adjust(textLayer, { style: { margin: '-' + canvas.offsetHeight + 'px auto 0 auto', height: viewport.height + 'px', width: viewport.width + 'px' } }); page.getTextContent().then(textContent => { pdfjsLib.renderTextLayer({ textContent: textContent, container: textLayer, viewport: viewport, textDivs: [] }); resolve(); }); } else { resolve(); } }); }); }; const promises = []; this.scale = scale; const canvases = Array.from(this.contentNode.querySelectorAll('canvas[class="ui-viewer-document-page-canvas"]')); const textLayers = Array.from(this.contentNode.querySelectorAll('div[class="ui-viewer-pdf-text-layer"]')); Object.values(this.pdfRenderedPages).forEach(renderedPage => { if (renderedPage instanceof Promise) { promises.push(new Promise(resolve => { renderedPage.then(page => { updatePageScale(page, canvases, textLayers).then(resolve); }); })); } else { promises.push(updatePageScale(renderedPage, canvases, textLayers)); } }); const scrollTop = this.contentNode.scrollTop * ratio; this.contentNode.scrollTo(this.contentNode.scrollLeft, scrollTop); return Promise.all(promises); } getPagesNumber() { if (!this.pdfDocument) { return null; } return main_core.Text.toInteger(this.pdfDocument._pdfInfo.numPages); } scrollToPage(pageNumber) { const isChanged = this.setPageNumber(pageNumber) !== null; if (!isChanged) { return Promise.resolve(); } return new Promise(resolve => { const renderPromises = []; for (let i = 1; i < pageNumber; i++) { renderPromises.push(this.renderDocumentPage(this.pdfDocument, i)); } Promise.all(renderPromises).then(pages => { let height = 0; pages.forEach(page => { const viewport = page.getViewport(this.scale); height += viewport.height + 7; }); this.contentNode.scrollTo(this.contentNode.scrollLeft, height); resolve(); }); }); } getPageNumber() { return babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(this, _pageNumber)[_pageNumber]; } setPageNumber(pageNumber) { pageNumber = main_core.Text.toInteger(pageNumber); if (pageNumber < 0) { pageNumber = 1; } let numPages = this.getPagesNumber(); if (!numPages) { numPages = 1; } if (pageNumber > numPages) { pageNumber = numPages; } if (babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(this, _pageNumber)[_pageNumber] !== pageNumber) { babelHelpers.classPrivateFieldLooseBase(this, _pageNumber)[_pageNumber] = pageNumber; main_core_events.EventEmitter.emit(this, 'BX.UI.Viewer.Item.Document:updatePageNumber'); return this; } return null; } } function _resetState2() { this.pdfRenderedPages = {}; this.lastRenderedPdfPage = null; this.pdfDocument = null; this.pdfPages = {}; this.setPageNumber(1); if (this.printer) { this.hidePrintProgress(); this.printer.destroy(); } } Object.defineProperty(Document, _loadingLibraryPromise, { writable: true, value: null }); const PRINT_SCALE = 1; class PrintService { constructor(options) { options = options || {}; this.pdf = options.pdf; this.iframe = null; this.documentOverview = {}; } init() { if (this.documentOverview) { return Promise.resolve(this.documentOverview); } return new Promise(resolve => { this.pdf.getPage(1).then(page => { const viewport = page.getViewport(PRINT_SCALE); this.documentOverview = { width: viewport.width, height: viewport.height, rotation: viewport.rotation }; resolve(this.documentOverview); }); }); } /** * @param {?Object} options * @param {Function} [options.onProgress] * @return {BXPromise} */ prepare(options) { options = options || {}; const pageCount = this.pdf.numPages; let currentPage = -1; const promise = new BXPromise(); let onProgress = null; if (main_core.Type.isFunction(options.onProgress)) { onProgress = options.onProgress; } this.frame = this.createIframe(); const process = () => { if (++currentPage >= pageCount) { console.log('finish', this.frame.contentWindow.document); setTimeout(() => { promise.fulfill(); }, 1000); return; } this.renderPage(currentPage + 1).then(function () { if (onProgress) { onProgress(currentPage + 1, pageCount); } process(); }); }; process(); return promise; } renderPage(pageNumber) { return this.pdf.getPage(pageNumber).then(function (page) { const scratchCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const viewport = page.getViewport(1); // The size of the canvas in pixels for printing. const PRINT_RESOLUTION = 150; const PRINT_UNITS = PRINT_RESOLUTION / 72.0; scratchCanvas.width = Math.floor(viewport.width * PRINT_UNITS); scratchCanvas.height = Math.floor(viewport.height * PRINT_UNITS); // The physical size of the img as specified by the PDF document. const CSS_UNITS = 96.0 / 72.0; const width = Math.floor(viewport.width * CSS_UNITS) + 'px'; const height = Math.floor(viewport.height * CSS_UNITS) + 'px'; const ctx = scratchCanvas.getContext('2d');; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, scratchCanvas.width, scratchCanvas.height); ctx.restore(); const renderContext = { canvasContext: ctx, transform: [PRINT_UNITS, 0, 0, PRINT_UNITS, 0, 0], viewport: page.getViewport(1, viewport.rotation), intent: 'print' }; return page.render(renderContext).promise.then(function () { return { scratchCanvas: scratchCanvas, width: width, height: height }; }); }).then(printItem => { const img = document.createElement('img'); = printItem.width; = printItem.height; const scratchCanvas = printItem.scratchCanvas; if ('toBlob' in scratchCanvas && !this.disableCreateObjectURL) { scratchCanvas.toBlob(function (blob) { img.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); }); } else { img.src = scratchCanvas.toDataURL(); } const wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.appendChild(img); this.frame.contentWindow.document.body.appendChild(wrapper); }); } destroy() { if (this.frame) { main_core.Dom.remove(this.frame); } } createIframe() { const frame = document.createElement("iframe"); frame.src = "about:blank"; = "document-print-frame"; = "none"; document.body.appendChild(frame); const frameWindow = frame.contentWindow; const frameDoc = frameWindow.document;; frameDoc.write('<html><head>'); const pageSize = this.getDocumentOverview(); let headTags = "<style>"; headTags += "html, body { background: #fff !important; height: 100%; }"; headTags += '@supports ((size:A4) and (size:1pt 1pt)) {' + '@page { size: ' + pageSize.width + 'pt ' + pageSize.height + 'pt;}' + '}'; headTags += '#ad{ display:none;}'; headTags += '#leftbar{ display:none;}'; headTags += "</style>"; frameDoc.write(headTags); frameDoc.write('</head><body>'); frameDoc.write('</body></html>'); frameDoc.close(); return frame; } performPrint() { this.frame.contentWindow.focus(); this.frame.contentWindow.print(); } getDocumentOverview() { return this.documentOverview; } } let _ = t => t, _t, _t2, _t3, _t4, _t5, _t6, _t7, _t8, _t9; const InlineController = main_core.Reflection.namespace('BX.UI.Viewer.InlineController'); /** * @memberof BX.UI.Viewer * @extends BX.UI.Viewer.InlineController */ class SingleDocumentController extends InlineController { bindEvents() { if (!this.eventsAlreadyBinded && this.getDocumentItem()) { main_core_events.EventEmitter.subscribe(this.getDocumentItem(), 'BX.UI.Viewer.Item.Document:updatePageNumber', () => { this.getListingControl().update(this.getDocumentItem().getPageNumber()); }); } super.bindEvents(); } getDocumentItem() { return this.items[0]; } updateControls() { super.updateControls(); this.updateListingControl(); } getViewerContainer() { if (!this.layout.container) { this.layout.inner = main_core.Tag.render(_t || (_t = _`<div class="ui-viewer__single-document--container ">${0}</div>`), this.getItemContainer()); if (this.stretch) { main_core.Dom.addClass(this.layout.inner, '--stretch'); } this.layout.container = main_core.Tag.render(_t2 || (_t2 = _`<div class="">${0}${0}</div>`), this.layout.inner, this.getControlsContainer()); } return this.layout.container; } getControlsContainer() { if (!this.layout.controlsContainer) { return main_core.Tag.render(_t3 || (_t3 = _`<div class="ui-viewer__single-document--controls"> ${0} ${0} </div>`), this.getListingControl().render(), this.getScaleControl().render()); } return this.layout.controlsContainer; } getListingControl() { if (!this.listingControl) { this.listingControl = new ListingControl(); this.listingControl.subscribe('pageUpdated', () => { var _this$getDocumentItem; (_this$getDocumentItem = this.getDocumentItem()) == null ? void 0 : _this$getDocumentItem.scrollToPage(this.listingControl.getCurrent()); }); this.updateListingControl(); } return this.listingControl; } getScaleControl() { if (!this.scaleControl) { this.scaleControl = new ScaleControl(); this.scaleControl.subscribe('scaleUpdated', () => { var _this$getDocumentItem2; (_this$getDocumentItem2 = this.getDocumentItem()) == null ? void 0 : _this$getDocumentItem2.updateScale(this.scaleControl.getScale()); }); } return this.scaleControl; } updateListingControl() { const item = this.getDocumentItem(); if (item) { item.loadDocument().then(() => { this.listingControl.update(1, item.getPagesNumber()); }); } } setScale(scale) { var _this$getDocumentItem3; (_this$getDocumentItem3 = this.getDocumentItem()) == null ? void 0 : _this$getDocumentItem3.setScale(scale); this.getScaleControl().update(scale); return this; } setPdfSource(pdfSource) { var _this$getDocumentItem4; (_this$getDocumentItem4 = this.getDocumentItem()) == null ? void 0 : _this$getDocumentItem4.setPdfSource(pdfSource); return this; } print() { var _this$getDocumentItem5; (_this$getDocumentItem5 = this.getDocumentItem()) == null ? void 0 : _this$getDocumentItem5.print(); } } class ListingControl extends main_core_events.EventEmitter { constructor(current = 1, pages = 1) { super(); this.container = null; this.pagesContainer = null; this.setEventNamespace('BX.UI.Viewer.SingleDocumentController.ListingControl'); this.pages = main_core.Text.toInteger(pages); this.current = main_core.Text.toInteger(current); this.arrowClickHandler = this.handleArrowClick.bind(this); } update(current, pages = null) { current = main_core.Text.toInteger(current); pages = main_core.Text.toInteger(pages); if (pages >= 1) { this.pages = pages; } if (current < 1) { current = 1; } if (current > this.pages) { current = this.pages; } if (current !== this.current) { this.current = current; this.emit('pageUpdated', { page: this.current }); } this.adjust(); } adjust() { this.pagesContainer.innerHTML = this.renderPages(); } getCurrent() { return this.current; } render() { if (!this.container) { this.pagesContainer = main_core.Tag.render(_t4 || (_t4 = _`<div class="ui-viewer__single-document--listing-info"> ${0} </div>`), this.renderPages()); this.container = main_core.Tag.render(_t5 || (_t5 = _`<div class="ui-viewer__single-document--listing"> <div class="ui-viewer__single-document--listing--btn --prev" onclick="${0}"></div> ${0} <div class="ui-viewer__single-document--listing--btn --next" onclick="${0}"></div> </div>`), this.arrowClickHandler, this.pagesContainer, this.arrowClickHandler); } return this.container; } renderPages() { return main_core.Loc.getMessage('JS_UI_VIEWER_SINGLE_DOCUMENT_LISTING_PAGES').replace('#CURRENT#', this.current).replace('#ALL#', this.pages); } handleArrowClick(event) { if ('--prev')) { this.update(this.current - 1); } if ('--next')) { this.update(this.current + 1); } } } // const SCALE_MIN = 0.92; const SCALE_MIN = 0.5; const SCALE_MAX = 3; class ScaleControl extends main_core_events.EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.scale = SCALE_MIN; this.container = null; this.zoomInContainer = null; this.zoomOutContainer = null; this.zoomValueNode = null; this.scale = SCALE_MIN; this.setEventNamespace('BX.UI.Viewer.SingleDocumentController.ScaleControl'); this.scaleClickHandler = this.handleScaleClick.bind(this); } getScale() { return this.scale; } setDefaultScale() { this.update(SCALE_MIN); } adjust() { if (this.scale <= SCALE_MIN) { main_core.Dom.hide(this.getZoomOutContainer()); } else {; } if (this.scale >= SCALE_MAX) { main_core.Dom.hide(this.getZoomInContainer()); } else {; } this.getZoomValueNode().innerText = Math.round(this.scale * 100); } update(scale) { scale = main_core.Text.toNumber(scale); if (scale < SCALE_MIN) { scale = SCALE_MIN; } if (scale > SCALE_MAX) { scale = SCALE_MAX; } if (scale !== this.scale) { this.scale = scale; this.emit('scaleUpdated'); this.adjust(); } } render() { if (!this.container) { this.container = main_core.Tag.render(_t6 || (_t6 = _`<div class="ui-viewer__single-document--zoom"> ${0} ${0} ${0} </div>`), this.getZoomOutContainer(), this.getZoomValueNode(), this.getZoomInContainer()); this.adjust(); } return this.container; } getZoomInContainer() { if (!this.zoomInContainer) { this.zoomInContainer = main_core.Tag.render(_t7 || (_t7 = _`<div class="ui-viewer__single-document--zoom-control --zoom-in" onclick="${0}" > <!-- ${0}--> </div>`), this.scaleClickHandler, main_core.Loc.getMessage('JS_UI_VIEWER_SINGLE_DOCUMENT_SCALE_ZOOM_IN')); } return this.zoomInContainer; } getZoomOutContainer() { if (!this.zoomOutContainer) { this.zoomOutContainer = main_core.Tag.render(_t8 || (_t8 = _`<div class="ui-viewer__single-document--zoom-control --zoom-out" onclick="${0}" > <!-- ${0}--> </div>`), this.scaleClickHandler, main_core.Loc.getMessage('JS_UI_VIEWER_SINGLE_DOCUMENT_SCALE_ZOOM_OUT')); } return this.zoomOutContainer; } getZoomValueNode() { if (!this.zoomValueNode) { this.zoomValueNode = main_core.Tag.render(_t9 || (_t9 = _`<span class="ui-viewer__single-document--zoom-value">100</span>`)); } return this.zoomValueNode; } handleScaleClick(event) { let scale = this.scale; if ('--zoom-in')) { scale = this.scale * 1.1; } if ('--zoom-out')) { scale = this.scale * 0.9; } this.update(scale); } } exports.Document = Document; exports.PrintService = PrintService; exports.SingleDocumentController = SingleDocumentController; }((this.BX.UI.Viewer = this.BX.UI.Viewer || {}),BX,BX.Event)); //#