Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Iblock\Component; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyEnumerationTable; use Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyTable; /** * Class Tools * Provides various useful methods. * * @package Bitrix\Iblock\Component */ class Tools { public const IPROPERTY_ENTITY_ELEMENT = 'ELEMENT'; public const IPROPERTY_ENTITY_SECTION = 'SECTION'; public const CHECKBOX_VALUE_YES = 'Y'; protected const WEB_PROTOCOL_MASK = '/^(ftp|ftps|http|https):\/\//'; private static array $checkboxPropertyCache = []; /** * Performs actions enabled by its parameters. * * @param string $message Message to show with bitrix:system.show_message component. * @param bool $defineConstant If true then ERROR_404 constant defined. * @param bool $setStatus If true sets http response status. * @param bool $showPage If true then work area will be cleaned and /404.php will be included. * @param string $pageFile Alternative file to /404.php. * * @return void */ public static function process404($message = "", $defineConstant = true, $setStatus = true, $showPage = false, $pageFile = "") { /** @global \CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION; $message = (string)$message; $pageFile = (string)$pageFile; if ($message !== '') { $APPLICATION->includeComponent( 'bitrix:system.show_message', '.default', [ 'MESSAGE' => $message, 'STYLE' => 'errortext', ], null, [ 'HIDE_ICONS' => 'Y', ] ); } if ($defineConstant && !defined('ERROR_404')) { define('ERROR_404', 'Y'); } if ($setStatus) { \CHTTP::setStatus('404 Not Found'); } if ($showPage) { if ($APPLICATION->RestartWorkarea()) { if (!defined('BX_URLREWRITE')) { define('BX_URLREWRITE', true); } Main\Composite\Engine::setEnable(false); if ($pageFile !== '') { require Main\Application::getDocumentRoot() . rel2abs('/', '/' . $pageFile); } else { require Main\Application::getDocumentRoot() . '/404.php'; } die(); } } } /** * Get image data for element fields. * * @param array &$item Result CIBlockResult::GetNext/Fetch or _CIBElement::GetFields. * @param array $keys Field keys. * @param string $entity Entity id. * @param string $ipropertyKey Key with seo data. * * @return void */ public static function getFieldImageData(array &$item, array $keys, $entity, $ipropertyKey = 'IPROPERTY_VALUES') { if (empty($item) || empty($keys)) return; $entity = (string)$entity; $ipropertyKey = (string)$ipropertyKey; foreach ($keys as $fieldName) { if (!array_key_exists($fieldName, $item) || is_array($item[$fieldName])) continue; $imageData = false; $imageId = (int)$item[$fieldName]; if ($imageId > 0) $imageData = \CFile::getFileArray($imageId); unset($imageId); if (is_array($imageData)) { if (isset($imageData['SAFE_SRC'])) { $imageData['UNSAFE_SRC'] = $imageData['SRC']; $imageData['SRC'] = $imageData['SAFE_SRC']; } else { if (!preg_match(self::WEB_PROTOCOL_MASK, $imageData['SRC'])) { $imageData['UNSAFE_SRC'] = $imageData['SRC']; $imageData['SAFE_SRC'] = Main\Web\Uri::urnEncode($imageData['SRC'], 'UTF-8'); $imageData['SRC'] = $imageData['SAFE_SRC']; } } $imageData['ALT'] = ''; $imageData['TITLE'] = ''; if ($ipropertyKey != '' && isset($item[$ipropertyKey]) && is_array($item[$ipropertyKey])) { $entityPrefix = $entity.'_'.$fieldName; if (isset($item[$ipropertyKey][$entityPrefix.'_FILE_ALT'])) $imageData['ALT'] = $item[$ipropertyKey][$entityPrefix.'_FILE_ALT']; if (isset($item[$ipropertyKey][$entityPrefix.'_FILE_TITLE'])) $imageData['TITLE'] = $item[$ipropertyKey][$entityPrefix.'_FILE_TITLE']; unset($entityPrefix); } if ($imageData['ALT'] == '' && isset($item['NAME'])) $imageData['ALT'] = $item['NAME']; if ($imageData['TITLE'] == '' && isset($item['NAME'])) $imageData['TITLE'] = $item['NAME']; } $item[$fieldName] = $imageData; unset($imageData); } unset($fieldName); } /** * Get absolute path to image. * * @param array $image Image array from CFile::GetFileArray or Tools::getImageData. * @param bool $safe Get encode path or unsafe. * @return string */ public static function getImageSrc(array $image, $safe = true) { $result = ''; if (empty($image) || !isset($image['SRC'])) { return $result; } $safe = ($safe === true); if ($safe) { if (isset($image['SAFE_SRC'])) { $result = $image['SAFE_SRC']; } elseif (preg_match(self::WEB_PROTOCOL_MASK, $image['SRC'])) { $result = $image['SRC']; } else { $result = Main\Web\Uri::urnEncode($image['SRC'], 'UTF-8'); } } else { $result = ($image['UNSAFE_SRC'] ?? $image['SRC']); } return $result; } /** * Check if the property is checkbox: * - PROPERTY_TYPE === 'L'; * - MULTIPLE === 'N'; * - LIST_TYPE === 'C'; * - Variants amount === 1; * - Value of the variant === 'Y'. * * @param array $property Property settings. * * @return bool */ public static function isCheckboxProperty(array $property): bool { $propertyId = (int)($property['ID'] ?? 0); if ($propertyId <= 0) { return false; } if (!isset(self::$checkboxPropertyCache[$propertyId])) { $result = false; if ( ($property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] ?? '') === PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST && ($property['MULTIPLE'] ?? '') === 'N' && (string)($property['USER_TYPE'] ?? '') === '' && ($property['LIST_TYPE'] ?? '') === PropertyTable::CHECKBOX ) { $filter = [ '=PROPERTY_ID' => $propertyId, ]; $cache = [ 'ttl' => 86400, ]; if (PropertyEnumerationTable::getCount($filter, $cache) === 1) { $variant = PropertyEnumerationTable::getRow([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'PROPERTY_ID', 'VALUE', ], 'filter' => $filter, 'cache' => $cache, ]); if (($variant['VALUE'] ?? '') === self::CHECKBOX_VALUE_YES) { $result = true; } } } self::$checkboxPropertyCache[$propertyId] = $result; } return self::$checkboxPropertyCache[$propertyId]; } public static function clearCache(): void { self::$checkboxPropertyCache = []; } }