Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Landing\PublicAction; use \Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use \Bitrix\Rest\Marketplace\Client; use \Bitrix\Rest\PlacementTable; use \Bitrix\Landing\Placement; use \Bitrix\Landing\Block as BlockCore; use \Bitrix\Landing\Repo as RepoCore; use \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult; use \Bitrix\Landing\Node\StyleImg; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class Repo { /** * Check content for bad substring. * @param string $content * @param string $splitter * @return PublicActionResult */ public static function checkContent($content, $splitter = '#SANITIZE#') { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $content = Manager::sanitize( $content, $bad, $splitter ); $result->setResult(array( 'is_bad' => $bad, 'content' => $content )); return $result; } /** * Registers new block. * @param string $code Unique code of block (unique within app). * @param array $fields Block data. * @param array $manifest Manifest data. * @return PublicActionResult */ public static function register(string $code, array $fields, array $manifest = []): PublicActionResult { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $error = new \Bitrix\Landing\Error; // unset not allowed keys $notAllowed = array('callbacks'); foreach ($notAllowed as $key) { if (isset($manifest[$key])) { unset($manifest[$key]); } } if (!is_array($fields)) { $fields = array(); } $check = false; $fields['XML_ID'] = trim($code); // check intersect item of nodes and styles for background type if (is_array($manifest['nodes'] ?? null)) { foreach ($manifest['nodes'] as $selector => $manifestItem) { $styleItem = null; if (isset($manifest['style'][$selector])) { $styleItem = $manifest['style'][$selector]; } if (isset($manifest['style']['nodes'][$selector])) { $styleItem = $manifest['style']['nodes'][$selector]; } if ($styleItem['type'] ?? null) { if (!empty(array_intersect((array)$styleItem['type'], StyleImg::STYLES_WITH_IMAGE))) { $error->addError( 'MANIFEST_INTERSECT_IMG', Loc::getMessage('LANDING_APP_MANIFEST_INTERSECT_IMG', ['#selector#' => $selector]) ); $result->setError($error); return $result; } } } } if (isset($fields['CONTENT'])) { // sanitize content $fields['CONTENT'] = Manager::sanitize( $fields['CONTENT'], $bad ); if ($bad) { $error->addError( 'CONTENT_IS_BAD', Loc::getMessage('LANDING_APP_CONTENT_IS_BAD') ); $result->setError($error); return $result; } // sanitize card's content if ( isset($manifest['cards']) && is_array($manifest['cards']) ) { foreach ($manifest['cards'] as $cardCode => &$card) { if ( isset($card['presets']) && is_array($card['presets']) ) { foreach ($card['presets'] as $presetCode => &$preset) { foreach (['html', 'name', 'values'] as $code) { if (isset($preset[$code])) { $preset[$code] = Manager::sanitize( $preset[$code], $bad ); if ($bad) { $error->addError( 'PRESET_CONTENT_IS_BAD', Loc::getMessage( 'LANDING_APP_PRESET_CONTENT_IS_BAD', array( '#preset#' => $presetCode, '#card#' => $cardCode )) ); $result->setError($error); return $result; } } } } unset($preset); } } unset($card); } } $fields['MANIFEST'] = serialize($manifest); // set app code if (($app = \Bitrix\Landing\PublicAction::restApplication())) { $fields['APP_CODE'] = $app['CODE']; } // check unique if ($fields['XML_ID']) { $check = RepoCore::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => isset($fields['APP_CODE']) ? array( '=XML_ID' => $fields['XML_ID'], '=APP_CODE' => $fields['APP_CODE'] ) : array( '=XML_ID' => $fields['XML_ID'] ) ))->fetch(); } // register (add / update) if ($check) { $res = RepoCore::update($check['ID'], $fields); } else { $res = RepoCore::add($fields); } if ($res->isSuccess()) { if ( isset($fields['RESET']) && $fields['RESET'] == 'Y' ) { \Bitrix\Landing\Update\Block::register( 'repo_' . $res->getId() ); } $result->setResult($res->getId()); } else { $error->addFromResult($res); $result->setError($error); } return $result; } /** * Unregister block. * @param string $code Code of block. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function unregister($code) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $error = new \Bitrix\Landing\Error; $result->setResult(false); if (!is_string($code)) { return $result; } // search and delete if ($code) { // set app code $app = \Bitrix\Landing\PublicAction::restApplication(); $row = RepoCore::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => isset($app['CODE']) ? array( '=XML_ID' => $code, '=APP_CODE' => $app['CODE'] ) : array( '=XML_ID' => $code ) ))->fetch(); if ($row) { // delete all sush blocks from landings $codeToDelete = array(); $res = RepoCore::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => isset($app['CODE']) ? array( '=XML_ID' => $code, '=APP_CODE' => $app['CODE'] ) : array( '=XML_ID' => $code ) )); while ($rowRepo = $res->fetch()) { $codeToDelete[] = 'repo_' . $rowRepo['ID']; } if (!empty($codeToDelete)) { BlockCore::deleteByCode($codeToDelete); } // delete block from repo $res = RepoCore::delete($row['ID']); if ($res->isSuccess()) { $result->setResult(true); } else { $error->addFromResult($res); } } } $result->setError($error); return $result; } /** * Get info about app from Repo. * @param string $code App code. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function getAppInfo($code) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $error = new \Bitrix\Landing\Error; $app = array(); if (!is_string($code)) { return $result; } if ($appLocal = RepoCore::getAppByCode($code)) { $app = array( 'CODE' => $appLocal['CODE'], 'NAME' => $appLocal['APP_NAME'], 'DATE_FINISH' => (string)$appLocal['DATE_FINISH'], 'PAYMENT_ALLOW' => $appLocal['PAYMENT_ALLOW'], 'ICON' => '', 'PRICE' => array(), 'UPDATES' => 0 ); if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('rest')) { $appRemote = Client::getApp($code); if (isset($appRemote['ITEMS'])) { $data = $appRemote['ITEMS']; if (isset($data['ICON'])) { $app['ICON'] = $data['ICON']; } if (isset($data['PRICE']) && !empty($data['PRICE'])) { $app['PRICE'] = $data['PRICE']; } } $updates = Client::getUpdates(array( $code => $appLocal['VERSION'] )); if ( isset($updates['ITEMS'][0]['VERSIONS']) && is_array($updates['ITEMS'][0]['VERSIONS']) ) { $app['UPDATES'] = count($updates['ITEMS'][0]['VERSIONS']); } } $result->setResult($app); } if (empty($app)) { $error->addError( 'NOT_FOUND', Loc::getMessage('LANDING_APP_NOT_FOUND') ); } $result->setError($error); return $result; } /** * Bind the placement. * @param array $fields Fields array. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function bind(array $fields) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $error = new \Bitrix\Landing\Error; \trimArr($fields); if (($app = \Bitrix\Landing\PublicAction::restApplication())) { $fields['APP_ID'] = $app['ID']; } $res = Placement::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => array( 'APP_ID' => isset($fields['APP_ID']) ? $fields['APP_ID'] : false, 'PLACEMENT' => isset($fields['PLACEMENT']) ? $fields['PLACEMENT'] : false, 'PLACEMENT_HANDLER' => isset($fields['PLACEMENT_HANDLER']) ? $fields['PLACEMENT_HANDLER'] : false ) )); // add, if not exist if (!$res->fetch()) { if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('rest')) { // first try add in the local table $resLocal = Placement::add($fields); if ($resLocal->isSuccess()) { // then add in the rest table $resRest = PlacementTable::add( $fields ); if ($resRest->isSuccess()) { $result->setResult(true); } else { $error->addFromResult($resRest); Placement::delete($resLocal->getId()); } } else { $error->addFromResult($resLocal); } } } else { $error->addError( 'PLACEMENT_EXIST', Loc::getMessage('LANDING_APP_PLACEMENT_EXIST') ); } $result->setError($error); return $result; } /** * Unbind the placement. * @param string $code Placement code. * @param string $handler Handler path (if you want delete specific). * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function unbind($code, $handler = null) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $error = new \Bitrix\Landing\Error; if (!is_string($code)) { return $result; } $code = trim($code); $wasDeleted = false; if (($app = \Bitrix\Landing\PublicAction::restApplication())) { $fields['APP_ID'] = $app['ID']; } if ( !isset($fields['APP_ID']) || !$fields['APP_ID'] ) { return $result; } // common ORM params $params = [ 'select' => [ 'ID' ], 'filter' => [ 'APP_ID' => $fields['APP_ID'], '=PLACEMENT' => $code ] ]; if ($handler) { $params['filter']['=PLACEMENT_HANDLER'] = trim($handler); } // at first, delete local binds $res = Placement::getList($params); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $wasDeleted = true; Placement::delete($row['ID']); } unset($res, $row); // then delete from rest placements if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('rest')) { $res = PlacementTable::getList($params); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { PlacementTable::delete($row['ID']); } unset($res, $row); } // make answer if ($wasDeleted) { $result->setResult(true); } else { $error->addError( 'PLACEMENT_NO_EXIST', Loc::getMessage('LANDING_APP_PLACEMENT_NO_EXIST') ); $result->setError($error); } return $result; } /** * Get items of current app. * @param array $params Params ORM array. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function getList(array $params = array()) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $params = $result->sanitizeKeys($params); if (!is_array($params)) { $params = array(); } if ( !isset($params['filter']) || !is_array($params['filter']) ) { $params['filter'] = array(); } // set app code if (($app = \Bitrix\Landing\PublicAction::restApplication())) { $params['filter']['APP_CODE'] = $app['CODE']; } else { $params['filter']['APP_CODE'] = false; } $data = array(); $res = RepoCore::getList($params); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { if (isset($row['DATE_CREATE'])) { $row['DATE_CREATE'] = (string) $row['DATE_CREATE']; } if (isset($row['DATE_MODIFY'])) { $row['DATE_MODIFY'] = (string) $row['DATE_MODIFY']; } $row['MANIFEST'] = unserialize($row['MANIFEST'], ['allowed_classes' => false]); $data[] = $row; } $result->setResult($data); return $result; } }