Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php /** @var CUser $USER */ /** @var CDatabase $DB */ /** @var CMain $APPLICATION */ use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Text\StringHelper; const ADMIN_MODULE_NAME = 'perfmon'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_before.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/perfmon/prolog.php'; Loader::includeModule('perfmon'); IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $RIGHT = CMain::GetGroupRight('perfmon'); if ($RIGHT == 'D') { $APPLICATION->AuthForm(Loc::getMessage('ACCESS_DENIED')); } $request = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); $engines = [ 'MYISAM' => ['NAME' => 'MyISAM'], 'INNODB' => ['NAME' => 'InnoDB'], ]; $tableID = 't_perfmon_all_tables'; $sort = new CAdminSorting($tableID, 'TABLE_NAME', 'asc'); $lAdmin = new CAdminList($tableID, $sort); $by = mb_strtoupper($sort->getField()); $order = mb_strtolower($sort->getOrder()); if ( $request->get('orm') === 'y' && Main\Config\Option::get('perfmon', 'enable_tablet_generator') !== 'Y' ) { Main\Config\Option::set('perfmon', 'enable_tablet_generator', 'Y', ''); } $tables = $lAdmin->GroupAction(); if ($tables && $RIGHT >= 'W') { if ($lAdmin->IsGroupActionToAll()) { $data = CPerfomanceTableList::GetList(); while ($ar = $data->Fetch()) { $tables[] = $ar['TABLE_NAME']; } } foreach ($engines as $id => $ar) { if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'convert_to_' . $id) { $_REQUEST['action'] = 'convert'; $_REQUEST['to'] = $id; break; } } $to = mb_strtoupper($_REQUEST['to']); $action = $lAdmin->GetAction(); foreach ($tables as $table_name) { $table_name = (string) $table_name; if ($table_name === '') { continue; } $status = []; if ($connection->getType() === 'mysql') { $res = $DB->Query("show table status like '" . $DB->ForSql($table_name) . "'", false); $status = $res->Fetch(); if (!$status || $status['Comment'] === 'VIEW') { continue; } } switch ($action) { case 'convert': $res = false; if ($to !== mb_strtoupper($status['Engine'])) { if ($to === 'MYISAM') { $res = $DB->Query('alter table ' . CPerfomanceTable::escapeTable($table_name) . ' ENGINE = MyISAM', false); } elseif ($to === 'INNODB') { $res = $DB->Query('alter table ' . CPerfomanceTable::escapeTable($table_name) . ' ENGINE = InnoDB', false); } else { $res = true; } } if (!$res) { $lAdmin->AddGroupError(Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_CONVERT_ERROR'), $table_name); } break; case 'optimize': if ($connection->getType() === 'mysql') { $DB->Query('optimize table ' . CPerfomanceTable::escapeTable($table_name), false); } elseif ($connection->getType() === 'pgsql') { $DB->Query('vacuum ' . CPerfomanceTable::escapeTable($table_name), false); } break; case 'orm': $tableParts = explode('_', $table_name); array_shift($tableParts); $moduleNamespace = ucfirst($tableParts[0]); $moduleName = mb_strtolower($tableParts[0]); if (count($tableParts) > 1) { array_shift($tableParts); } $className = StringHelper::snake2camel(implode('_', $tableParts)); $obTable = new CPerfomanceTable; $obTable->Init($table_name); $arFields = $obTable->GetTableFields(false, true); $arUniqueIndexes = $obTable->GetUniqueIndexes(); $hasID = false; foreach ($arUniqueIndexes as $indexName => $indexColumns) { if (array_values($indexColumns) === ['ID']) { $hasID = $indexName; } } if ($hasID) { $arUniqueIndexes = [$hasID => $arUniqueIndexes[$hasID]]; } $obSchema = new CPerfomanceSchema; $arParents = $obSchema->GetParents($table_name); $arValidators = []; $arMessages = []; $shortAliases = Main\Config\Option::get('perfmon', 'tablet_short_aliases') === 'Y'; $objectSettings = Main\Config\Option::get('perfmon', 'tablet_object_settings') === 'Y'; $useMapIndex = Main\Config\Option::get('perfmon', 'tablet_use_map_index') === 'Y'; $useValidationClosure = Main\Config\Option::get('perfmon', 'tablet_validation_closure') === 'Y'; $dateFunctions = [ 'curdate' => true, 'current_date' => true, 'current_time' => true, 'current_timestamp' => true, 'curtime' => true, 'localtime' => true, 'localtimestamp' => true, 'now' => true ]; $descriptions = []; $fields = []; $fieldClassPrefix = ''; $validatorPrefix = ''; $referencePrefix = ''; $datetimePrefix = ''; $aliases = [ 'Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc', 'Bitrix\Main\ORM\Data\DataManager' ]; if (!$shortAliases) { $fieldClassPrefix = 'Fields\\'; $validatorPrefix = $fieldClassPrefix . 'Validators\\'; $referencePrefix = $fieldClassPrefix . 'Relations\\'; $datetimePrefix = 'Type\\'; $aliases[] = 'Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields'; } $fieldClasses = [ 'integer' => 'IntegerField', 'float' => 'FloatField', 'boolean' => 'BooleanField', 'string' => 'StringField', 'text' => 'TextField', 'enum' => 'EnumField', 'date' => 'DateField', 'datetime' => 'DatetimeField' ]; foreach ($arFields as $columnName => $columnInfo) { $type = $columnInfo['orm_type']; if ($shortAliases) { $aliases[] = 'Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\\' . $fieldClasses[$type]; } $match = []; if ( preg_match('/^(.+)_TYPE$/', $columnName, $match) && $columnInfo['length'] == 4 && isset($arFields[$match[1]]) ) { $columnInfo['nullable'] = true; $columnInfo['orm_type'] = 'enum'; $columnInfo['enum_values'] = ["'text'", "'html'"]; $columnInfo['length'] = ''; } $columnInfo['default'] = (string)$columnInfo['default']; if ($columnInfo['default'] !== '') { $columnInfo['nullable'] = true; } switch ($type) { case 'integer': case 'float': break; case 'boolean': if ($columnInfo['default'] !== '') { $columnInfo['default'] = "'" . $columnInfo['default'] . "'"; } $columnInfo['type'] = 'bool'; $columnInfo['length'] = ''; $columnInfo['enum_values'] = ["'N'", "'Y'"]; break; case 'string': case 'text': $columnInfo['type'] = $columnInfo['orm_type']; if ($columnInfo['default'] !== '') { $columnInfo['default'] = "'" . $columnInfo['default'] . "'"; } break; case 'enum': if ($columnInfo['default'] !== '' && !is_numeric($columnInfo['default'])) { $columnInfo['default'] = "'" . $columnInfo['default'] . "'"; } break; case 'date': case 'datetime': if ($columnInfo['default'] !== '' && !is_numeric($columnInfo['default'])) { $defaultValue = mb_strtolower($columnInfo['default']); if (mb_strlen($defaultValue) > 2) { if (substr_compare($defaultValue, '()', -2, 2, true) === 0) { $defaultValue = mb_substr($defaultValue, 0, -2); } } if (isset($dateFunctions[$defaultValue])) { if ($type == 'date') { if ($shortAliases) { $aliases[] = 'Bitrix\Main\Type\Date'; } else { $aliases[] = 'Bitrix\Main\Type'; } $columnInfo['default_text'] = 'current date'; $columnInfo['default'] = "function()\n" . "\t\t\t\t\t{\n" . "\t\t\t\t\t\treturn new " . $datetimePrefix . "Date();\n" . "\t\t\t\t\t}"; } else { if ($shortAliases) { $aliases[] = 'Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime'; } else { $aliases[] = 'Bitrix\Main\Type'; } $columnInfo['default_text'] = 'current datetime'; $columnInfo['default'] = "function()\n" . "\t\t\t\t\t{\n" . "\t\t\t\t\t\treturn new " . $datetimePrefix . "DateTime();\n" . "\t\t\t\t\t}"; } } else { $columnInfo['default'] = "'" . $columnInfo['default'] . "'"; } } break; } $primary = false; foreach ($arUniqueIndexes as $arColumns) { if (in_array($columnName, $arColumns)) { $primary = true; break; } } $messageId = mb_strtoupper(implode('_', $tableParts) . '_ENTITY_' . $columnName . '_FIELD'); $arMessages[$messageId] = ''; $descriptions[$columnName] = ' * <li> ' . $columnName . ' ' . $columnInfo['type'] . ($columnInfo['length'] != '' ? '(' . $columnInfo['length'] . ')' : '') . ($columnInfo['orm_type'] === 'enum' || $columnInfo['orm_type'] === 'boolean' ? ' (' . implode(', ', $columnInfo['enum_values']) . ')' : '' ) . ' ' . ($columnInfo['nullable'] ? 'optional' : 'mandatory') . ($columnInfo['default'] !== '' ? ' default ' . ($columnInfo['default_text'] ?? $columnInfo['default']) : '' ) . "\n"; $useValidator = false; $validateFunctionName = ''; if ( $columnInfo['orm_type'] === 'string' && $columnInfo['length'] > 0 ) { $useValidator = true; if ($shortAliases) { $aliases[] = 'Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Validators\LengthValidator'; } if (!$useValidationClosure) { $validateFunctionName = 'validate' . StringHelper::snake2camel($columnName); $arValidators[$validateFunctionName] = [ 'length' => $columnInfo['length'], 'field' => $columnName, ]; } } if ($objectSettings) { $offset = ($useMapIndex ? "\t\t\t\t" : "\t\t\t"); $initParams = $offset . "\t[]\n"; if ($useValidator) { if ($useValidationClosure) { $initParams = $offset . "\t[\n" . $offset . "\t\t'validation' => function()\n" . $offset . "\t\t{\n" . $offset . "\t\t\treturn[\n" . $offset . "\t\t\t\tnew " . $validatorPrefix . 'LengthValidator(null, ' . $columnInfo['length'] . "),\n" . $offset . "\t\t\t];\n" . $offset . "\t\t},\n" . $offset . "\t]\n" ; } else { $initParams = $offset . "\t[\n" . $offset . "\t\t'validation' => [_" . '_CLASS_' . "_, '" . $validateFunctionName . "']\n" . $offset . "\t]\n" ; } } $fields[$columnName] = "\t\t\t" . ($useMapIndex ? "'" . $columnName . "' => " : '') . '(new ' . $fieldClassPrefix . $fieldClasses[$type] . "('" . $columnName . "',\n" . $initParams . $offset . "))->configureTitle(Loc::getMessage('" . $messageId . "'))\n" . ($primary ? $offset . "\t\t->configurePrimary(true)\n" : '') . ($columnInfo['increment'] ? $offset . "\t\t->configureAutocomplete(true)\n" : '') . (!$primary && $columnInfo['nullable'] === false ? $offset . "\t\t->configureRequired(true)\n" : '') . ($columnInfo['orm_type'] === 'boolean' ? $offset . "\t\t->configureValues(" . implode(', ', $columnInfo['enum_values']) . ")\n" : '' ) . ($columnInfo['orm_type'] === 'enum' ? $offset . "\t\t->configureValues([" . implode(', ', $columnInfo['enum_values']) . "])\n" : '' ) . ($columnInfo['default'] !== '' ? $offset . "\t\t->configureDefaultValue(" . $columnInfo['default'] . ")\n" : '' ) ; $fields[$columnName] = mb_substr($fields[$columnName], 0, -1) . "\n" . "\t\t\t,\n" ; } else { $validator = ''; if ($useValidator) { if ($useValidationClosure) { $offset = "\t\t\t\t\t"; $validator = $offset . "'validation' => function()\n" . $offset . "{\n" . $offset . "\treturn[\n" . $offset . "\t\tnew " . $validatorPrefix . 'LengthValidator(null, ' . $columnInfo['length'] . "),\n" . $offset . "\t];\n" . $offset . "},\n" ; } else { $validator = "\t\t\t\t\t'validation' => [_" . '_CLASS_' . "_, '" . $validateFunctionName . "'],\n"; } } $fields[$columnName] = "\t\t\t" . ($useMapIndex ? "'" . $columnName . "' => " : '') . 'new ' . $fieldClassPrefix . $fieldClasses[$type] . "(\n" . "\t\t\t\t'" . $columnName . "',\n" . "\t\t\t\t[\n" . ($primary ? "\t\t\t\t\t'primary' => true,\n" : '') . ($columnInfo['increment'] ? "\t\t\t\t\t'autocomplete' => true,\n" : '') . (!$primary && $columnInfo['nullable'] === false ? "\t\t\t\t\t'required' => true,\n" : '') . ($columnInfo['orm_type'] === 'boolean' || $columnInfo['orm_type'] === 'enum' ? "\t\t\t\t\t'values' => array(" . implode(', ', $columnInfo['enum_values']) . "),\n" : '' ) . ($columnInfo['default'] !== '' ? "\t\t\t\t\t'default' => " . $columnInfo['default'] . ",\n" : '') . $validator . "\t\t\t\t\t'title' => Loc::getMessage('" . $messageId . "'),\n" . "\t\t\t\t]\n" . "\t\t\t),\n" ; } } foreach ($arParents as $columnName => $parentInfo) { if ($shortAliases) { $aliases[] = 'Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\Reference'; } $parentTableParts = explode('_', $parentInfo['PARENT_TABLE']); array_shift($parentTableParts); $parentModuleNamespace = ucfirst($parentTableParts[0]); $parentClassName = StringHelper::snake2camel(implode('_', $parentTableParts)); $columnNameEx = preg_replace('/_ID$/', '', $columnName); if (isset($descriptions[$columnNameEx])) { $columnNameEx = mb_strtoupper($parentClassName); } $descriptions[$columnNameEx] = ' * <li> ' . $columnName . ' reference to {@link \\Bitrix\\' . $parentModuleNamespace . '\\' . $parentClassName . 'Table}' . "\n"; $fields[$columnNameEx] = "\t\t\t" . ($useMapIndex ? "'" . $columnNameEx . "' => " : '') . 'new ' . $referencePrefix . "Reference(\n" . "\t\t\t\t'" . $columnNameEx . "',\n" . "\t\t\t\t'\Bitrix\\" . $parentModuleNamespace . '\\' . $parentClassName . "',\n" . "\t\t\t\t['=this." . $columnName . "' => 'ref." . $parentInfo['PARENT_COLUMN'] . "'],\n" . "\t\t\t\t['join_type' => 'LEFT']\n" . "\t\t\t),\n"; } $aliases = array_unique($aliases); sort($aliases); echo "\n\nFile: /bitrix/modules/" . $moduleName . '/lib/' . mb_strtolower($className) . 'table.php'; echo '<hr>'; echo '<pre>'; echo '<', '?', "php\n"; echo 'namespace Bitrix\\' . $moduleNamespace . ";\n"; echo "\n"; foreach ($aliases as $row) { echo 'use ' . $row . ";\n"; } echo "\n"; echo '/' . "**\n"; echo ' * Class ' . $className . "Table\n"; echo " * \n"; echo " * Fields:\n"; echo " * <ul>\n"; echo implode('', $descriptions); echo " * </ul>\n"; echo " *\n"; echo ' * @package Bitrix\\' . $moduleNamespace . "\n"; echo ' *' . "*/\n"; echo "\n"; echo 'class ' . $className . "Table extends DataManager\n"; echo "{\n"; echo "\t/**\n"; echo "\t * Returns DB table name for entity.\n"; echo "\t *\n"; echo "\t * @return string\n"; echo "\t */\n"; echo "\tpublic static function getTableName()\n"; echo "\t{\n"; echo "\t\treturn '" . $table_name . "';\n"; echo "\t}\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\t/**\n"; echo "\t * Returns entity map definition.\n"; echo "\t *\n"; echo "\t * @return array\n"; echo "\t */\n"; echo "\tpublic static function getMap()\n"; echo "\t{\n"; echo "\t\treturn [\n"; echo implode('', $fields); echo "\t\t];\n"; echo "\t}\n"; foreach ($arValidators as $validateFunctionName => $validator) { echo "\n\t/**\n"; echo "\t * Returns validators for " . $validator['field'] . " field.\n"; echo "\t *\n"; echo "\t * @return array\n"; echo "\t */\n"; echo "\tpublic static function " . $validateFunctionName . "(): array\n"; echo "\t{\n"; echo "\t\treturn [\n"; echo "\t\t\tnew " . $validatorPrefix . 'LengthValidator(null, ' . $validator['length'] . "),\n"; echo "\t\t];\n"; echo "\t}\n"; } echo "}\n"; echo '</pre>'; echo 'File: /bitrix/modules/' . $moduleName . '/lang/ru/lib/' . mb_strtolower($className) . 'table.php'; echo '<hr>'; echo '<pre>'; echo '<', '?', "php\n"; foreach ($arMessages as $messageId => $messageText) { echo "\$MESS['" . $messageId . "'] = \"" . EscapePHPString($messageText) . "\";\n"; } echo '</pre>'; break; } } } $lAdmin->BeginPrologContent(); ?><h4><?=Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_ALL') ?></h4> <script> hrefs = ""; rows = []; prev = ''; </script><?php $headers = [ 0 => [ 'id' => 'TABLE_NAME', 'content' => Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_NAME'), 'default' => true, 'sort' => 'TABLE_NAME', ], 1 => [ 'id' => 'ENGINE_TYPE', 'content' => Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_ENGINE_TYPE'), 'default' => true, 'sort' => 'ENGINE_TYPE', ], 2 => [ 'id' => 'NUM_ROWS', 'content' => Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_NUM_ROWS'), 'default' => true, 'align' => 'right', 'sort' => 'NUM_ROWS', ], 3 => [ 'id' => 'BYTES', 'content' => Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_BYTES'), 'default' => true, 'align' => 'right', 'sort' => 'BYTES', ], 4 => [ 'id' => 'BYTES_INDEX', 'content' => Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_BYTES_INDEX'), 'default' => true, 'align' => 'right', 'sort' => 'BYTES_INDEX', ] ]; $lAdmin->EndPrologContent(); $lAdmin->AddHeaders($headers); $bShowFullInfo = ( ($request->get('full_info') === 'Y') || (COption::GetOptionInt('perfmon', 'tables_show_time', 0) <= 5) ); if ($bShowFullInfo) { session_write_close(); } $stime = time(); $arAllTables = []; $data = CPerfomanceTableList::GetList($bShowFullInfo); while ($ar = $data->Fetch()) { $arAllTables[] = $ar; } sortByColumn($arAllTables, [$by => $order === 'desc' ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC]); $etime = time(); if ($bShowFullInfo) { COption::SetOptionInt('perfmon', 'tables_show_time', $etime - $stime); } $data = new CDBResult; $data->InitFromArray($arAllTables); $data = new CAdminResult($data, $tableID); $generateOrm = Main\Config\Option::get('perfmon', 'enable_tablet_generator') === 'Y'; while ($result = $data->GetNext()) { $row =& $lAdmin->AddRow($result['TABLE_NAME'], $result); $row->AddViewField('TABLE_NAME', '<a class="table_name" data-table-name="' . $result['TABLE_NAME'] . '" href="perfmon_table.php?lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&table_name=' . urlencode($result['TABLE_NAME']) . '">' . $result['TABLE_NAME'] . '</a>'); $row->AddViewField('BYTES', CFile::FormatSize($result['BYTES'])); $row->AddViewField('BYTES_INDEX', CFile::FormatSize($result['BYTES_INDEX'])); $actions = []; if ($connection->getType() === 'mysql' && $result['ENGINE_TYPE'] !== 'VIEW') { if ($bShowFullInfo) { foreach ($engines as $id => $ar) { if (mb_strtoupper($result['ENGINE_TYPE']) != $id) { $actions[] = [ 'ICON' => 'edit', 'DEFAULT' => false, 'TEXT' => Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_ACTION_CONVERT', ['#ENGINE_TYPE#' => $ar['NAME']]), 'ACTION' => $lAdmin->ActionDoGroup($result['TABLE_NAME'], 'convert', 'to=' . $id), ]; } } } $actions[] = [ 'DEFAULT' => false, 'TEXT' => Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_ACTION_OPTIMIZE'), 'ACTION' => $lAdmin->ActionDoGroup($result['TABLE_NAME'], 'optimize'), ]; } elseif ($connection->getType() === 'pgsql') { $actions[] = [ 'DEFAULT' => false, 'TEXT' => Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_ACTION_OPTIMIZE'), 'ACTION' => $lAdmin->ActionDoGroup($result['TABLE_NAME'], 'optimize'), ]; } if ($generateOrm) { $actions[] = [ 'DEFAULT' => false, 'TEXT' => 'ORM', 'ACTION' => $lAdmin->ActionDoGroup($result['TABLE_NAME'], 'orm'), ]; } if (!empty($actions)) { $row->AddActions($actions); } } $lAdmin->AddFooter( [ [ 'title' => Loc::getMessage('MAIN_ADMIN_LIST_SELECTED'), 'value' => $data->SelectedRowsCount(), ], [ 'counter' => true, 'title' => Loc::getMessage('MAIN_ADMIN_LIST_CHECKED'), 'value' => '0', ], ] ); $arGroupActions = ['optimize' => Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_ACTION_OPTIMIZE')]; if ($connection->getType() === 'mysql') { foreach ($engines as $id => $ar) { $arGroupActions['convert_to_' . $id] = Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_ACTION_CONVERT', ['#ENGINE_TYPE#' => $ar['NAME']]); } } $lAdmin->AddGroupActionTable($arGroupActions); if (!$bShowFullInfo) { $lAdmin->BeginEpilogContent(); ?> <script> BX.ready(function () { <?=$tableID?>. GetAdminList('<?= $APPLICATION->GetCurPage();?>?lang=<?= LANGUAGE_ID?>&full_info=Y'); }); </script><?php $lAdmin->EndEpilogContent(); } $lAdmin->CheckListMode(); $APPLICATION->SetTitle(Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_TITLE')); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_after.php'; $strLastTables = CUserOptions::GetOption('perfmon', 'last_tables'); if ($strLastTables <> '') { $arLastTables = explode(',', $strLastTables); if (count($arLastTables) > 0) { sort($arLastTables); foreach ($arLastTables as $i => $table_name) { if ($DB->TableExists($table_name)) { $arLastTables[$i] = ['NAME' => '<a href="perfmon_table.php?lang=' . LANGUAGE_ID . '&table_name=' . urlencode($table_name) . '">' . $table_name . '</a>']; } else { unset($arLastTables[$i]); } } $sTableID2 = 't_perfmon_recent_tables'; $lAdmin2 = new CAdminList($sTableID2); $lAdmin2->BeginPrologContent(); echo '<h4>' . Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_RECENTLY_BROWSED') . "</h4>\n"; $lAdmin2->EndPrologContent(); $lAdmin2->AddHeaders([ [ 'id' => 'NAME', 'content' => Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_NAME'), 'default' => true, ], ]); $data = new CDBResult; $data->InitFromArray($arLastTables); $data = new CAdminResult($data, $sTableID2); $j = 0; while ($result = $data->Fetch()) { $row =& $lAdmin2->AddRow($j++, $result); foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $row->AddViewField($key, $value); } } $lAdmin2->CheckListMode(); $lAdmin2->DisplayList(); } } ?> <h4><?= Loc::getMessage('PERFMON_TABLES_QUICK_SEARCH') ?></h4> <input type="text" id="instant-search"> <script> BX.ready(function () { if (location.hash != '#empty' && location.hash != '#authorize') BX('instant-search').value = location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''); BX('instant-search').focus(); setTimeout(filter_rows, 250); }); var hrefs; var rows = []; var prev = ''; function filter_rows() { var i; var input = BX('instant-search').value.replace(/[^a-z_0-9]+/, ''); if (input != prev) { prev = input; if (prev.length) location.hash = prev; else location.hash = 'empty'; var tbody = BX('<?= $tableID?>').getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0]; if (!hrefs) { hrefs = BX.findChildren(tbody, {tag: 'a', className: 'table_name'}, true); for (i = 0; i < hrefs.length; i++) rows[i] = BX.findParent(hrefs[i], {'tag': 'tr'}); } for (i = 0; i < hrefs.length; i++) if (rows[i].parentNode) rows[i].parentNode.removeChild(rows[i]); var j = 0; for (i = 0; i < hrefs.length; i++) { // change getAttribute to dataset when Bitrix reached IE11 if ( input.length == 0 || match(hrefs[i].getAttribute('data-table-name'), input) ) { tbody.appendChild(rows[i]); j++; } } } setTimeout(filter_rows, 250); } function match(haystack, needle) { if (haystack.indexOf(needle) >= 0) return true; var ciNeedle = new RegExp(needle, 'i'); if (haystack.match(ciNeedle)) return true; var needleParts = needle.split(''); for (var i = 0; i < needleParts.length; i++) { needleParts[i] = needleParts[i].replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, "\\$&"); } var pattern = '^.+_' + needleParts.join('.+_') + '.+$'; var expr = new RegExp(pattern, 'i'); return !!haystack.match(expr); } </script><?php $lAdmin->DisplayList(); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/main/include/epilog_admin.php';