Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php class CPerfQueryJoin { public $left_table = ''; public $left_column = ''; public $left_const = ''; public $right_table = ''; public $right_column = ''; public $right_const = ''; protected function _parse($sql) { $match = []; if (preg_match('/^([`"\[\]]?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[`"\[\]]?)\.(.+)$/', $sql, $match)) { $table = $match[1]; $column = $match[2]; $const = ''; } else { $table = ''; $column = ''; $const = $sql; } return [$table, $column, $const]; } public function parse_left($sql) { [$this->left_table, $this->left_column, $this->left_const] = $this->_parse($sql); } public function parse_right($sql) { [$this->right_table, $this->right_column, $this->right_const] = $this->_parse($sql); } } class CPerfQueryWhere { public $table_aliases_regex = ''; public $equation_regex = ''; public $sql = ''; public $simplified_sql = ''; public $joins = []; public function __construct($table_aliases_regex) { $this->table_aliases_regex = $table_aliases_regex; $this->equation_regex = '(?:' . $this->table_aliases_regex . "\\.[`\"\\[\\]]{0,1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[`\"\\[\\]]{0,1}|[0-9]+|'[^']*') (?:=|<|>|> =|< =|IS) (?:" . $this->table_aliases_regex . "\\.[`\"\\[\\]]{0,1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[`\"\\[\\]]{0,1}|[0-9]+|'[^']*'|NULL)"; } public function parse($sql) { //Transform and simplify sql // //Remove balanced braces around equals $sql = $this->_remove_braces(CPerfQuery::removeSpaces($sql)); //Replace "expr1 = <const1> or expr1 = <const2> or expr1 = <const3> ..." //with "expr1 in (<const1>, ...)" $new_sql = preg_replace_callback('/\\( (' . $this->equation_regex . '(?: OR ' . $this->equation_regex . ')+) \\)/i', [$this, '_or2in'], CPerfQuery::removeSpaces($sql)); if ($new_sql !== null) { $sql = CPerfQuery::removeSpaces($new_sql); } //Replace IN with no more than 5 values to equal $sql = preg_replace("/ IN\s*\(\s*(\d+|'[^']*')(\s*,\s*(\d+|'[^']*')\s*){0,5}\s*\)/i", " = \\1 ", $sql); //Remove complex inner syntax while (preg_match('/\\([^()]*\\)/', $sql)) { $sql = preg_replace('/\\([^()]*\\)/', '', $sql); } $this->simplified_sql = $sql; foreach (preg_split('/ and /i', $sql) as $str) { $match = []; if (preg_match('/(' . $this->table_aliases_regex . '\\.[`"\\[\\]]{0,1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[`"\\[\\]]{0,1}) = (' . $this->table_aliases_regex . '\\.[`"\\[\\]]{0,1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[`"\\[\\]]{0,1})/', $str, $match)) { $join = new CPerfQueryJoin; $join->parse_left($match[1]); $join->parse_right($match[2]); $this->joins[] = $join; } elseif (preg_match('/(' . $this->table_aliases_regex . "\\.[`\"\\[\\]]{0,1}[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[`\"\\[\\]]{0,1}) = ([0-9]+|'.+')/", $str, $match)) { $join = new CPerfQueryJoin; $join->parse_left($match[1]); $join->parse_right($match[2]); $this->joins[] = $join; } } return !empty($this->joins); } //Remove balanced braces around equals protected function _remove_braces($sql) { while (true) { $new_sql = preg_replace('/\\([ ]*(' . $this->equation_regex . '(?: AND ' . $this->equation_regex . ')*)[ ]*\\)/i', "\\1", $sql); if ($new_sql === null) { break; } if ($new_sql === $sql) { $new_sql = preg_replace('/\\( \\( (' . $this->equation_regex . '(?: OR ' . $this->equation_regex . ')*) \\) \\)/i', "( \\1 )", trim($sql)); if ($new_sql === null) { break; } if ($new_sql === $sql) { break; } } $sql = trim($new_sql); } return $sql; } protected function _or2in($or_match) { $sql = $or_match[0]; $match = []; if (preg_match_all('/(' . $this->table_aliases_regex . "\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+|[0-9]+|'[^']*') (?:=) ([0-9]+|'[^']*')/", $or_match[1], $match)) { if (count(array_unique($match[1])) == 1) { $sql = $match[1][0] . ' IN ( ' . implode(', ', $match[2]) . ' )'; } } return $sql; } } class CPerfQueryTable { public $sql = ''; public $name = ''; public $alias = ''; public $join = ''; public function parse($sql) { $sql = CPerfQuery::removeSpaces($sql); $match = []; if (preg_match('/^([`"\[\]]?[a-z0-9_]+[`"\[\]]?) ([`"\[\]]?[a-z0-9_]+[`"\[\]]?) on (.+)$/i', $sql, $match)) { $this->name = $match[1]; $this->alias = $match[2]; $this->join = $match[3]; } if (preg_match('/^([`"\[\]]?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[`"\[\]]?) ([`"\[\]]?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[`"\[\]]?)($| )/', $sql, $match)) { $this->name = $match[1]; $this->alias = $match[2]; } elseif (preg_match('/^([`"\[\]]?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[`"\[\]]?)$/', $sql, $match)) { $this->name = $match[1]; $this->alias = $this->name; } else { return false; } $this->sql = $sql; return true; } } class CPerfQueryFrom { public $sql = ''; /** @var array[]CPerfQueryTable */ public $tables = []; public $joins = []; public function parse($sql) { $sql = CPerfQuery::removeSpaces($sql); $match = []; if (preg_match('/^select(.*) from (.*?) (where|group|having|order)/is', $sql, $match)) { $this->sql = $match[2]; } elseif (preg_match('/^select(.*) from (.*?)$/is', $sql, $match)) { $this->sql = $match[2]; } else { $this->sql = ''; } if ($this->sql) { $arJoinTables = preg_split('/(,|inner\\s+join|left\\s+join)(?=\\s+[`"\\[\\]]{0,1}[a-z0-9_]+[`"\\[\\]]{0,1})/is', $this->sql); foreach ($arJoinTables as $str) { $table = new CPerfQueryTable; if ($table->parse($str)) { $this->tables[] = $table; } } if (!$this->tables) { return false; } $tables_regex = '(?:' . implode('|', $this->getTableAliases()) . ')'; /** @var CPerfQueryTable $table */ foreach ($this->tables as $table) { $where = new CPerfQueryWhere($tables_regex); if ($where->parse($table->join)) { $this->joins = array_merge($this->joins, $where->joins); } } } return !empty($this->tables); } public function getTableAliases() { $res = []; /** @var CPerfQueryTable $table */ foreach ($this->tables as $table) { $res[] = $table->alias; } return $res; } } class CPerfQuery { public $sql = ''; public $type = 'unknown'; public $subqueries = []; /** @var CPerfQueryFrom */ public $from = null; /** @var CPerfQueryWhere */ public $where = null; public static function transform2select($sql) { $match = []; if (preg_match("#^\\s*insert\\s+into\\s+(.+?)(\\(|)\\s*(\\s*select.*)\\s*\\2\\s*(\$|ON\\s+DUPLICATE\\s+KEY\\s+UPDATE)#is", $sql, $match)) { $result = $match[3]; } elseif (preg_match('#^\\s*DELETE\\s+#i', $sql)) { $result = preg_replace('#^\\s*(DELETE.*?FROM)#is', 'select * from', $sql); } elseif (preg_match('#^\\s*SELECT\\s+#i', $sql)) { $result = $sql; } else { $result = ''; } return $result; } public static function removeSpaces($str) { return trim(preg_replace("/[ \t\n\r]+/", ' ', $str), " \t\n\r"); } public function parse($sql) { $this->sql = preg_replace('/([()=])/', " \\1 ", $sql); $this->sql = CPerfQuery::removeSpaces($this->sql); $match = []; if (preg_match('/^(select) /i', $this->sql, $match)) { $this->type = mb_strtolower($match[1]); } else { $this->type = 'unknown'; } if ($this->type === 'select') { //0 TODO replace literals with placeholders //1 remove subqueries from sql if (!$this->parse_subqueries()) { return false; } //2 parse from $this->from = new CPerfQueryFrom; if (!$this->from->parse($this->sql)) { return false; } $tables_regex = '(?:' . implode('|', $this->from->getTableAliases()) . ')'; $this->where = new CPerfQueryWhere($tables_regex); if (preg_match('/ where (.+?)($| group | having | order )/i', $this->sql, $match)) { $this->where->parse($match[1]); } return true; } else { return false; } } public function parse_subqueries() { $this->subqueries = []; $ar = preg_split('/(\\(\\s*select|\\(|\\))/is', $this->sql, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $subq = 0; $braces = 0; foreach ($ar as $i => $str) { if ($str === ')') { $braces--; } elseif (mb_substr($str, 0, 1) === '(') { $braces++; } if ($subq == 0) { if (preg_match('/^\\(\\s*select/is', $str)) { $this->subqueries[] = mb_substr($str, 1); $subq++; unset($ar[$i]); } } elseif ($braces == 0) { $subq--; unset($ar[$i]); } else { $this->subqueries[count($this->subqueries) - 1] .= $str; unset($ar[$i]); } } $this->sql = implode('', $ar); return true; } public function cmp($table, $alias) { if ($table === $alias) { return true; } elseif ($table === '`' . $alias . '`') { return true; } else { return false; } } public function table_joins($table_alias) { //Lookup table by its alias $suggest_table = null; /** @var CPerfQueryTable $table */ foreach ($this->from->tables as $table) { if ($this->cmp($table->alias, $table_alias)) { $suggest_table = $table; } } if (!isset($suggest_table)) { return []; } $arTableJoins = [ 'WHERE' => [] ]; //1 iteration gather inter tables joins foreach ($this->from->joins as $join) { if ($this->cmp($join->left_table, $table_alias) && $join->right_table !== '') { if (!isset($arTableJoins[$join->right_table])) { $arTableJoins[$join->right_table] = []; } $arTableJoins[$join->right_table][] = $join->left_column; } elseif ($this->cmp($join->right_table, $table_alias) && $join->left_table !== '') { if (!isset($arTableJoins[$join->left_table])) { $arTableJoins[$join->left_table] = []; } $arTableJoins[$join->left_table][] = $join->right_column; } } //2 iteration gather inter tables joins from where foreach ($this->where->joins as $join) { if ($this->cmp($join->left_table, $table_alias) && $join->right_table !== '') { if (!isset($arTableJoins[$join->right_table])) { $arTableJoins[$join->right_table] = []; } $arTableJoins[$join->right_table][] = $join->left_column; } elseif ($this->cmp($join->right_table, $table_alias) && $join->left_table !== '') { if (!isset($arTableJoins[$join->left_table])) { $arTableJoins[$join->left_table] = []; } $arTableJoins[$join->left_table][] = $join->right_column; } } //3 iteration add constant filters from joins foreach ($this->from->joins as $join) { if ($this->cmp($join->left_table, $table_alias) && $join->right_table === '') { foreach ($arTableJoins as $i => $arColumns) { $arTableJoins[$i][] = $join->left_column; } } elseif ($this->cmp($join->right_table, $table_alias) && $join->left_table === '') { foreach ($arTableJoins as $i => $arColumns) { $arTableJoins[$i][] = $join->right_column; } } } //4 iteration add constant filters from where foreach ($this->where->joins as $join) { if ($this->cmp($join->left_table, $table_alias) && $join->right_table === '') { foreach ($arTableJoins as $i => $arColumns) { $arTableJoins[$i][] = $join->left_column; } } elseif ($this->cmp($join->right_table, $table_alias) && $join->left_table === '') { foreach ($arTableJoins as $i => $arColumns) { $arTableJoins[$i][] = $join->right_column; } } } if (empty($arTableJoins['WHERE'])) { unset($arTableJoins['WHERE']); } return $arTableJoins; } public function suggest_index($table_alias) { global $DB; $suggest_table = null; /** @var CPerfQueryTable $table */ foreach ($this->from->tables as $table) { if ($this->cmp($table->alias, $table_alias)) { $suggest_table = $table; } } if (!isset($suggest_table)) { return false; } $arTableJoins = $this->table_joins($table_alias); //Next read indexes already have $arSuggest = []; if (!empty($arTableJoins)) { if (!$DB->TableExists($suggest_table->name)) { return false; } $table = new CPerfomanceTable; $arIndexes = $table->GetIndexes($suggest_table->name); foreach ($arIndexes as $index_name => $arColumns) { $arIndexes[$index_name] = implode(',', $arColumns); } //Test our suggestion against existing indexes foreach ($arTableJoins as $arColumns) { $index_found = ''; $arColumns = $this->_adjust_columns($arColumns); //Take all possible combinations of columns $arCombosToTest = $this->array_power_set($arColumns); foreach ($arCombosToTest as $arComboColumns) { if (!empty($arComboColumns)) { $index2test = implode(',', $arComboColumns); //Try to find out if index already exists foreach ($arIndexes as $index_name => $index_columns) { if (mb_substr($index_columns, 0, mb_strlen($index2test)) === $index2test) { if ( $index_found === '' || count(explode(',', $index_found)) < count(explode(',', $index2test)) ) { $index_found = $index2test; } } } } } // if (!$index_found) { sort($arColumns); $arSuggest[] = $suggest_table->alias . ':' . $suggest_table->name . ':' . implode(',', $arColumns); } } } if (!empty($arSuggest)) { return $arSuggest; } else { return false; } } public function array_power_set($array) { $results = [[]]; foreach ($array as $element) { foreach ($results as $combination) { $results[] = array_merge([$element], $combination); } } return $results; } protected function _adjust_columns($arColumns) { $arColumns = array_unique($arColumns); while (mb_strlen(implode(',', $arColumns)) > 250) { //TODO: add brains here //1 exclude blobs and clobs //2 etc. array_pop($arColumns); } return $arColumns; } public function has_where($table_alias = false) { if ($table_alias === false) { return !empty($this->where->joins); } foreach ($this->where->joins as $join) { if ($this->cmp($join->left_table, $table_alias)) { return true; } elseif ($this->cmp($join->right_table, $table_alias)) { return true; } } return false; } public function find_value($table_name, $column_name) { //Lookup table by its name /** @var CPerfQueryTable $table */ foreach ($this->from->tables as $table) { if ($table->name === $table_name) { $table_alias = $table->alias; foreach ($this->where->joins as $join) { if ( $join->left_table === $table_alias && $join->left_column === $column_name && $join->right_const !== '' ) { return $join->right_const; } elseif ( $join->right_table === $table_alias && $join->right_column === $column_name && $join->left_const !== '' ) { return $join->left_const; } } foreach ($this->from->joins as $join) { if ( $join->left_table === $table_alias && $join->left_column === $column_name && $join->right_const !== '' ) { return $join->right_const; } elseif ( $join->right_table === $table_alias && $join->right_column === $column_name && $join->left_const !== '' ) { return $join->left_const; } } } } return ''; } public function find_join($table_name, $column_name) { //Lookup table by its name $suggest_table = null; /** @var CPerfQueryTable $table */ foreach ($this->from->tables as $table) { if ($table->name === $table_name) { $suggest_table = $table; } } if (!isset($suggest_table)) { return ''; } $table_alias = $suggest_table->alias; foreach ($this->where->joins as $join) { if ( $join->left_table === $table_alias && $join->left_column === $column_name && $join->right_table !== '' ) { return $join->right_table . '.' . $join->right_column; } elseif ( $join->right_table === $table_alias && $join->right_column === $column_name && $join->left_table !== '' ) { return $join->left_table . '.' . $join->left_column; } } foreach ($this->from->joins as $join) { if ( $join->left_table === $table_alias && $join->left_column === $column_name && $join->right_table !== '' ) { return $join->right_table . '.' . $join->right_column; } elseif ( $join->right_table === $table_alias && $join->right_column === $column_name && $join->left_table !== '' ) { return $join->left_table . '.' . $join->left_column; } } return ''; } public static function remove_literals($sql) { return preg_replace('/( "[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*" # match double quoted string | \'[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*\' # match single quoted string | (?s:\\/\\*.*?\\*\\/) # multi line comments | \\/\\/.*?\\n # single line comments | (?<![A-Za-z_])([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(?![A-Za-z_]) # an number | (?i:\\sIN\\s*\\(\\s*[0-9.]+(?:\\s*,\\s*[0-9.])*\\s*\\)) # in (1, 2, 3) | (?i:\\sIN\\s*\\(\\s*[\'].+?[\'](?:\\s*,\\s*[\'].+?[\'])*\\s*\\)) # in (\'a\', \'b\', \'c\') )/x', '', $sql); } }