Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<? $MESS["NEXT_BUTTON"] = "Further"; $MESS["SELECT_PRESET_SUBTITLE"] = "Choice of configuration"; $MESS["SELECT_PRESET_TITLE"] = "Choice of configuration"; $MESS["SELECT_THEMATIC_SUBTITLE"] = "Choice of topics"; $MESS["SELECT_THEMATIC_TITLE"] = "Choice of topics"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_COMPARE"] = "Product comparison service"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_COMPARE_DESCR"] = "Buyers will be able to compare products according to their characteristics"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_COUNT"] = "Number of products per page"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_DETAIL_DESCR"] = "Select the presentation type of the product card"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_DETAIL_DESCR_LIST"] = "Everything on one page"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_DETAIL_DESCR_LIST_DESCR"] = "If it is assumed that there will not be a lot of information on the goods"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_DETAIL_DESCR_TABS"] = "Tabbed"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_DETAIL_DESCR_TABS_DESCR"] = "If it is assumed that there will be a lot of information on the products (a large list of characteristics, descriptions, etc.)"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_DETAIL_SKU"] = "Select the type of displaying the characteristics of SKU products in the product card"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_DETAIL_SKU_LIST"] = "Comparison table"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_DETAIL_SKU_LIST_DESCR"] = "If the buyer needs to compare all options for product characteristics"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_DETAIL_SKU_SELECT"] = "Drop-down lists"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_DETAIL_SKU_SELECT_DESCR"] = "This option is good for a customer who knows exactly what he wants to buy (for example, a red XL shirt)"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_FILTER"] = "Smart filter"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_FILTER_DESCR"] = "The tool simplifies and speeds up the selection of the desired product in the catalog"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_IDEA"] = "Include suggestions and wishes"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_SUBSCRIBE"] = "Service for notifying buyers about the arrival of goods"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_SUBSCRIBE_DESCR"] = "ar appeared in the warehouse"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_USE_IDEA"] = "Suggestions and wishes"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_VIEW"] = "Product list view"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_VIEWS_TEXT"] = "Select the presentation type of the list of goods"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_VIEW_BAR"] = "Tile"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_VIEW_BAR_DESCR"] = "For products that are easily distinguished by the picture"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_VIEW_LIST"] = "List"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_VIEW_LIST_DESCR"] = "If both the picture and the description of the product are important for choosing a product"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_VIEW_PRICE_LIST"] = "Price list"; $MESS["WIZ_CATALOG_VIEW_PRICE_LIST_DESCR"] = "For catalogs where product descriptions and photos are not important"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_ADDRESS"] = "Your address:"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_ADDRESS_DEF"] = "Moscow, st. Pushkin 19"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_COPY"] = "Site signature:"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_COPY_DEF"] = "Aspro: Corporate Website 3.0"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_COPY_NOTE"] = "<b> 2021 © </b> will be substituted at the beginning of the signature"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_EMAIL"] = "Your E-mail:"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_EMAIL_DEF"] = "info@".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_LOGO"] = "Logo (recommended size 193 X 43)"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_NAME"] = "Site or company name"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_NAME_DEF"] = "Aspro: Corporate Website 3.0"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_PHONE_NOTE"] = "specify all phones separated by commas, there should be no spaces between phone numbers"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_SCHEDULE"] = "Working hours:"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_SCHEDULE_DEF"] = "Mon. – Fri .: from 9:00 to 18:00"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_SKYPE"] = "Your Skype:"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_SKYPE_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_TELEPHONE"] = "Contact phone number"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_TELEPHONE2"] = "Phone2 for feedback"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_TELEPHONE_DEF"] = "+7 000 000-00-00"; $MESS["WIZ_COMPANY_TELEPHONE_DEF2"] = "+7 000 000-00-00"; $MESS["WIZ_DELIVERY"] = "Choose the shipping methods that are possible for your store. In the store settings, you can activate or add additional delivery services (EMS, UPS, etc.)."; $MESS["WIZ_DELIVERY_C"] = "Courier"; $MESS["WIZ_DELIVERY_HINT"] = "In the future, you can easily change and configure payment systems and delivery services in the store settings in the administrative part."; $MESS["WIZ_DELIVERY_KZ"] = "Kazpost"; $MESS["WIZ_DELIVERY_R"] = "Russian Post (calculation based on data from the mail server)"; $MESS["WIZ_DELIVERY_R2"] = "Russian Post (calculation based on tabular data)"; $MESS["WIZ_DELIVERY_RF"] = "Class 1 shipments"; $MESS["WIZ_DELIVERY_S"] = "Pickup"; $MESS["WIZ_DELIVERY_TITLE"] = "Delivery methods"; $MESS["WIZ_DELIVERY_UA"] = "New mail"; $MESS["WIZ_LOCATION_TITLE"] = "Locations"; $MESS["WIZ_NO_MODULE_"] = "The module «Aspro: Corporate Site 3.0»' is not installed. To continue the wizard <a href='/bitrix/admin/partner_modules.php'> follow the link </a> and install the module."; $MESS["WIZ_NO_MODULE_CATALOG"] = "Trade catalog module not installed. To continue the wizard <a href='/bitrix/admin/module_admin.php'> follow the link </a> and install the module."; $MESS["WIZ_NO_PS"] = "You must select at least one payment method"; $MESS["WIZ_NO_PT"] = "You must select at least one type of payer"; $MESS["WIZ_PAY_SYSTEM"] = "Select the payment methods that will be possible on your site. In the future, in the store settings, you can activate other payment systems (Yandex.Money, Assist,, ChronoPay, etc.). For these payment systems to work, you will need to conclude agreements with them."; $MESS["WIZ_PAY_SYSTEM_B"] = "Cashless payment (bank transfer for legal entities)"; $MESS["WIZ_PAY_SYSTEM_B_UA"] = "Cashless payment (bank transfer for all types of payers)"; $MESS["WIZ_PAY_SYSTEM_C"] = "Cash (upon delivery by courier and pickup)"; $MESS["WIZ_PAY_SYSTEM_COL"] = "C.O.D"; $MESS["WIZ_PAY_SYSTEM_O"] = "Receipt Oschadbank (bank transfer for individuals)"; $MESS["WIZ_PAY_SYSTEM_S"] = "Sberbank receipt (bank transfer for individuals)"; $MESS["WIZ_PAY_SYSTEM_TITLE"] = "Payment Methods"; $MESS["WIZ_PERSON_TYPE"] = "Select the types of payers to whom you will sell on the site. Different types of payment and delivery are possible for different types of payers, as well as a different set of order properties."; $MESS["WIZ_PERSON_TYPE_FIZ"] = "Individual"; $MESS["WIZ_PERSON_TYPE_FIZ_UA"] = "Entepreneur"; $MESS["WIZ_PERSON_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Payer types"; $MESS["WIZ_PERSON_TYPE_UR"] = "Entity"; $MESS["WIZ_REWRITE_INDEX_DESC"] = "Changing the home page"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_ADR"] = "Company address"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_ADR_DEF"] = "st. Pushkin 19"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_ADR_DEF_UA"] = "Kiev"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_BANK"] = "Bank"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_BANKREKV"] = "Bank details"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_BANKREKV_DEF"] = "BIK 044525225"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_BANK_DEF"] = "Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Moscow"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_BANK_TITLE"] = "Bank details"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_BANK_UA"] = "Bank"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_COMPANY_UA"] = "Name of the company or full name of an individual entrepreneur"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_EGRPU_UA"] = "EDRPOU"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_EMAIL"] = "Email for order information"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_FACEBOOK"] = "Link to the site page on Facebook:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_FACEBOOK_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_FIO_UA"] = "Full name and position of the person responsible for the business transaction"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_GOOGLE"] = "Link to the site page on Google+:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_GOOGLE_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_INN"] = "INN"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_INN_UA"] = "INN"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_INSTAGRAM"] = "Link to the website page in Instagram:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_INSTAGRAM_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_KPP"] = "Checkpoint"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_KS"] = "Correspondent account"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_LINKEDIN"] = "LinkedIn Page Link:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_LINKEDIN_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_LIVEJOURNAL"] = "Link to website page in Live Journal:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_LIVEJOURNAL_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_LOCALIZATION"] = "Choosing store localization"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_LOCALIZATION_KAZAKHSTAN"] = "Kazakhstan"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_LOCALIZATION_RUSSIA"] = "Russia"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_LOCALIZATION_UKRAINE"] = "Ukraine"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_LOCATION"] = "Company location"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_LOCATION_DEF"] = "Moscow"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_LOCATION_DEF_UA"] = "Kiev"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_MAILRU"] = "Link to the website page in My World"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_MAILRU_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_MFO_UA"] = "MFO bank"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_NDS_UA"] = "VAT certificate number"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_NS"] = "Checking account"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_NS_UA"] = "Current account number"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_ODNOKLASSNIKI"] = "Link to the site page in Odnoklassniki:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_ODNOKLASSNIKI_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_OF_NAME"] = "Company name"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_OF_NAME_DEF"] = "LLC \"Corporate site\""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_OF_NAME_DEF_UA"] = "TOV \"Internet-magazin\""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_PINTEREST"] = "Link to Pinterest page:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_PINTEREST_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_PLACE_UA"] = "Place of preparation of the document"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_PRICE_BASE_TEXT1"] = "The solution \"Aspro: Corporate Site 3.0\" uses the base price (BASE) as the public prices for viewing and buying. Currently, the \"All users (including unauthorized)\" group has the right to this type of price. Thus, this group will see the prices in the solution."; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_PRICE_BASE_TEXT2"] = "Add for the group \"All users (including unauthorized)\" the right to view and buy at this type of price."; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_PRICE_BASE_TITLE"] = "Base price:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_RECV_UA"] = "Company details"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_RECV_UA_DESC"] = "The information entered is used in the formation of Ukrainian primary documentation (invoice, act, invoice, tax invoice)"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_SNAPCHAT"] = "Link to Snapchat page:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_SNAPCHAT_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_STAMP"] = "Company stamp"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_TAX_UA"] = "Tax system"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_TELEGRAM"] = "Link to the website page in Telegram:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_TELEGRAM_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_TIKTOK"] = "Link to TikTok page:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_TIKTOK_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_TWITTER"] = "Link to the site's Twitter page:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_TWITTER_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_VIBER"] = "Viber number:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_VIBER_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_VK"] = "Link to the site page in VKontakte:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_VK_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_WHATS"] = "WhatsApp number:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_WHATS_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_YOUTUBE"] = "Link to the site page on Youtube:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_YOUTUBE_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_ZEN"] = "Link to the Yandex.Zen page:"; $MESS["WIZ_SHOP_ZEN_DEF"] = ""; $MESS["WIZ_STEP_CT"] = "Directory customization"; $MESS["WIZ_STEP_INSTALL_DATA"] = "Installing the solution"; $MESS["WIZ_STEP_PS"] = "Payment and delivery"; $MESS["WIZ_STEP_PT"] = "Payer types"; $MESS["WIZ_STEP_SITE_SET"] = "Information about the site"; $MESS["WIZ_STEP_SS"] = "Information about the site"; $MESS["WIZ_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION"] = "Color parameters and the arrangement of blocks in the template are configured in the module parameters"; $MESS["WIZ_TEMPLATE_NAME"] = "Main template"; $MESS["WSL_STEP2_GFILE_CNTR"] = "World (countries)"; $MESS["WSL_STEP2_GFILE_KZ"] = "Kazakhstan"; $MESS["WSL_STEP2_GFILE_NONE"] = "do not load"; $MESS["WSL_STEP2_GFILE_UA"] = "Ukraine"; $MESS["WSL_STEP2_GFILE_USA"] = "USA (cities)"; $MESS["WSL_STEP2_GFILE_USSR"] = "Russia and CIS (countries and cities)"; $MESS["wiz_error_need_select_preset"] = "Choose a configuration"; $MESS["wiz_error_need_select_thematic"] = "Select a thematik"; $MESS["wiz_keywords"] = "Corporate website, order, buy"; $MESS["wiz_meta_data"] = "Metadata:"; $MESS["wiz_meta_description"] = "Description of the site:"; $MESS["wiz_meta_keywords"] = "Keywords:"; $MESS["wiz_prepare_data"] = "Archive preparation"; $MESS["wiz_restructure_data"] = "Reinstall corporate site demo data"; $MESS["wiz_rewrite_index"] = "Overwrite master page. <br> <br> The structure of the main page of the chosen template differs from the current one. <br> For correct display of the template, it is advisable to rewrite it. <br> <br> <b> Attention! </b> All the changes you made on the main page will be deleted."; $MESS["wiz_site_desc"] = "Corporate website"; $MESS["wiz_site_name"] = "Corporate website"; $MESS["wiz_structure_data"] = "Install demo data of the corporate site"; $MESS["wizard_store_mobile"] = "Create a mobile corporate website"; ?>