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Lanka News Room delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, gossip, gossip lanka, gossip lankanews, weather, business, The landslide early warning centre of the National Building Research Organisation [NBRO] has issued InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Aug 23 (CT) Hakmana Police are investigating an incident where two inebriated persons had forcibly taken away a hearse with a body inside it. D. Nov 20 (EN) Sri Lanka’s foreign minister Vijitha Herath said the new National People’s Power government is committed to working with India to strengthen bilateral ties. K. Nov 1 (DM) Are we keeping up with the Joneses? The digital register is prepared by directly copying names of owners from an unreliable register, governed by a law enacted in 1927, where InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Mar 15 (ST) Lanka Bell, a fixed wireless operator struggling to find investors for over half a decade, is on the brink of winding up, top officials confirmed. . Nov 1 (Island) Walking into a creditor meeting without an actionable growth plan is like diving into a quagmire. Lanka News Room delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, gossip, gossip lanka, gossip lankanews, weather, business, Facebook Twitter Youtube HOME Sri Lanka News Reports, updated regularly. It brought home the message that people were fed up with the traditional political parties that Dec 25 (NW) Dr. InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. The discussion, chaired by Dr. Jan 1 (ST) A new year in the Gregorian calendar dawns today with not just Sri Lankans, but people around the world bracing for the months ahead, hope mingled with anxiety as they look to a InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Dec 24 (CI) Fast bowler Eshan Malinga's impressive 2024 has been capped with a maiden call-up to the national side after he was named in SL's 17-man ODI squad for their limited-overs tour InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo, free of charge. Nov 23 (FT) A showroom of Al Wazzah Tea, the first ever exclusive pure Ceylon Tea brand in Saudi Arabia was inaugurated by Ambassador of SL, Ameer Ajwad, in the heart of Riyadh on 18 InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Anura Kumara Dissanayake from the JVP-led NPP won the Sept 21 prez election. Feb 2 (FT) Galadari Hotel Colombo yesterday formally announced the start of its strategic renovation of the 196-room star class property. 7 million individuals had applied for InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Nov 23 (CT) The people of SL have acted decisively, rejecting entrenched political norms in favor of transparency, simplicity, and corruption-free governance. 0 set by Mahesh Perera in 1997. Sep 2 (ST) Sri Lanka is expecting a shortfall in paddy output in the Yala season that is drawing to a close, while the purchase price of paddy and retail price of rice remains a contentious InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. May 14 (TM) Parliament has affirmed that it can, if there is a request to do so, conduct an investigation into former State Minister Diana Gamage's utilisation of Parliamentary and State Ministerial privileges despite not being a SL citizen. Lanka News Room delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, gossip, gossip lanka To trick the public into believing that the new JVP/NPP combine reflects a radical ‘system change’ when in reality it provides a cover and ’s Under-19 women’s cricket: India storm into final with victory over Sri Lanka Dec 22 (CT) Dec 22 (TM) The news that former and current Presidents have been waiting for finally materialised last week, with at least one international rating agency upgrading Sri InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Dec 21 (FT) The Govt has requested the US District Court for the Southern District of New York to extend its stay of proceedings in the case filed by Hamilton Reserve Bank (HRB) over its $ Dec 27 (FT) Sri Lanka yesterday commemorated the 20th anniversary of the devastating 2004 tsunami, a tragedy that claimed over 35,000 lives and caused widespread destruction. | NewsRoom| SL Explorer | Classifieds | Miyuru Gee | E-Cards | Chat Room | Forums | Malini's Kitchen | Lankans Web | jokes | Dinesh Gunawardena said issues within the govt will be resolved and a stronger and confident govt will move positively into 2022. Jul 1 (DM) The life of schoolchildren has once again become chaotic. Dec 29 (TM) The Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) is currently processing 4-5 Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) amidst the attractive valuations on offer in the equity market due to the current bull run. On 22 May 2023, Cabinet of Ministers discussed a proposal to designate the Mirissa Marine Zone as a wildlife sanctuary, aiming to protect its rich biodiversity. Nov 29 (AD) The Chinese Ambassador to SL, Qi Zhenhong, says that while some critics label the large-scale projects implemented in Sri Lanka with Chinese financial assistance as white elephants, all such projects were developed according to the requests of the govts in power at the time. Senesh Bandara Dissanayake, the Chairman of Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (SLRC), has announced his resignation just three months after assuming the role Even now discussions are ongoing with creditors for a debt restructuring facility to qualify for US$ 2. According to treasury figures published earlier this month, we owe Sep 1 (TM) Sri Lanka has started preparing for the UNHRC and the UN General Assembly (GA) sessions scheduled for this month, and as part of this preparation, the Govt has already Cass’ sleep has been disturbed by nightmare ON ACCOUNT of the people of Sri Lanka: fearing for them. S. 9 billion, 4-year IMF loan. In turn, our country was not considered credit-worthy by international lending institutions. In her statement, Ariyaratne said the false news included targeted personal attacks and unfounded claims intended to harm her reputation. Sep 2 (GV) Drug abuse is a menace that many societies are attempting to come to grips with. | SL Explorer | Classifieds | Miyuru Gee | Chat Room | Malini's Kitchen | jokes | Jesus Christ, who came into this world to bring salvation to all, saw no divisions among people, be they rich or poor. Dec 1 (DM) A long wait by the people to know who would be their next Inspector General of Police (IGP) came to an end when the Executive appointed Deshabandu Tennakoon as the Acting InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Dec 28 (FT) The US District Court for the Southern District of New York has granted a motion to extend the stay of litigation between Hamilton Reserve Bank (HRB) and Sri Lanka for the fourth InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Spectators will be allowed into the C&D Upper and Lower Stands of the R. | SL Explorer | Classifieds Dec 24 (Island) A sharp increase in fatal road accidents during the past few weeks has jolted the police into inspecting vehicles to check their roadworthiness. InfoLanka News Room: Sri Lanka news updates Railway TUs divided: Eight unions to report back to work Dec 12 (DN) Transport Ministry Secretary G. Jan 1 (DM) The visit by Chinese Ambassador Qi Zhenhong to Nallur Kandaswamy Temple on Dec 16 and that of PM Mahinda Rajapaksa to Tirumala Venkateswara Temple in Tirupati, in Southern Indian State of Andra Pradesh on Dec 24 did not weigh equally on the scale, despite both temples being Hindu and very famous among people of others faiths as well. Dec 19 (TM) SL’s poverty alleviation programme, Aswesuma, aimed at the poor and vulnerable, is to continue making cash transfers to families who are no longer eligible from December, for InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Oct 2 (FT) Some believe that acts of terrorism can be dealt with under normal law. Jun 1 (CT) With less than a year and half to the presidential elections, Prez Wickremesinghe has a tight deadline to meet if he is to attain his aspirations for the country. In a statement issued by the SLPA, it noted InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Oct 1 (DM) Sri Lankans would be out on the streets from early morning today given that the lockdown is lifted by the Govt as announced a few days ago. Sep 1 (DM) SL govt’s tightrope walk is evident as it tries to navigate the latest diplomatic dilemma involving India and China over the proposed visit of the Chinese vessel Shi Yan 6. “Sri Lanka is now very much on the Dec 27 (FT) Sri Lanka yesterday commemorated the 20th anniversary of the devastating 2004 tsunami, a tragedy that claimed over 35,000 lives and caused widespread InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. There has been a global rise in the number of drug users while accessing the substances has InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. SL needs a plan and a drastic one that can jump-start the economy. Jan 1 (ST) My dear Sajith, I am writing to you as you prepare for a year in which an election which can make you or break you will be held. Enter your search terms Submit search form Lanka News Room delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, gossip, gossip lanka, gossip lankanews, weather, business, Donald Trump is projected to win North Carolina in the first result from one of the seven key battleground states InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. I do not. Dec 24 (AD) Veteran Sri Lankan singer Priya Suriyasena has passed away at the age of 80. R. Dec 25 (CT) The new govt is unlikely to follow the previous govt’s model in tying up with India’s Amul in the development of dairy sector, an informed source said. Bandaranaike left the UNP, following his resignation from both his Cabinet portfolio and the UNP’s unofficial deputy leadership in InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. 6 MW solar photovoltaic (PV InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Nov 1 (DM) Another critical factor in this regard was formalising the Civil Defence Force. | SL Explorer | Classifieds | Miyuru Gee | Chat Room | Malini's Kitchen | jokes | The successful passage to India has brought into focus mismatch between JVP’s past & present. Aug 1 (CT) On the larger questions raised by the arrest of Tharindu Uduwaragedara, a young journalist of very wide reputation. Pathirana, delved into critical issues surrounding more. Another year is coming to an end and you can hardly miss it. 5. | SL Explorer | Classifieds | Miyuru Gee | Chat Room | Malini's Kitchen | jokes | Nov 30 (FT) Tourism Minister Vijitha Herath unveiled an ambitious plan to transform the tourism sector into a cornerstone of economic InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Dec 19 (NW) Cabinet has approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Women and Child Affairs to allocate Rs. It should not be viewed as just another regular telephone conversation between the two News Room : CID launches probe into alleged misuse of President’s Fund – The Island December 25, 2024 News Room : Bethlehem December 25, 2024 News Room : CABINET DECISIONS – DailyNews December 25, 2024 Lanka News Room is your News InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Dec 16 (DM) Due to formation of a low-pressure area over the southeast Bay of Bengal, the Met Dept has issued a weather warning for the land and also the sea areas surrounding the island InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Sep 3 (DM) SLFP was established on Sept 2, 1951. | SL Explorer | Classifieds | Miyuru Gee | Chat Room | Malini's Kitchen | jokes | SL Time: Apr 9 (FT) Witnessing rebound in Sri Lanka, the global technology giant Cisco is renewing its commitment to serve the growing customer base. Dec 18 (AD) Deputy Minister Samantha Vidyarathna announced plans to provide fertilizer subsidies to coconut plantation owners as a measure to resolve the prevailing coconut shortage in the InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Jan 1 (CT) A new year heralds a new beginning in a world shrouded with anxiety; teetering on scarcity driven by a pandemic that began two years ago. This was initially a loose organisation of civilians who had been given only shotguns to protect the InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Mar 16 (FT) Tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka have exceeded 50,000 in the first 13 days reinforcing the industry’s optimism. Police shot dead the 32-year-old SL after he attacked seven people in an Auckland supermarket on Friday. Dec 23 (Island) The Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay, biodiversity hotspots along India’s southeastern coastline, play a pivotal role in sustaining marine ecosystems and supporting the livelihoods InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. The PCB confirmed on Tuesday that following consultation with the SLC, it has postponed the last two 50-over matches between Pakistan A and Sri Lanka A. In May last year, Galadari Hotels Lanka PLC entered into a Hotel Development Services Agreement (HDSA) and a Hotel Management Agreement (HMA) with Radisson Hotels Asia Pacific Investments Ltd. Mar 17 (TM) A few food brands using names with superlatives have come under scrutiny by the regulator, Food Control Administration Unit (FCAU), over the past few weeks. Mar 8 (AD) The Managing Director of the IMF has welcomed the progress made by the SL authorities in taking decisive policy actions and obtaining financial assurances from all major Dec 28 (NW) NPP MP Dr. Nov 30 (FT) The Colombo stock market ended the week yesterday on a mixed note with moderate turnover. Enter your search terms Submit search form Lanka News Room delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, gossip, gossip lanka, gossip lankanews, weather, business, HOME Local Politics Gossip Sport World Gallery Featured Contact Us ස හල InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Lanka News Room delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, gossip, gossip lanka, gossip lankanews, weather, business, Facebook Twitter Youtube HOME News Room: News Papers Apr 4 (FT) Ranil’s bridge to India will turn Sri Lanka into a part of Akhand Bharat. The project Dec 27 (FT) Sri Lanka yesterday commemorated the 20th anniversary of the devastating 2004 tsunami, a tragedy that claimed over 35,000 lives and caused widespread destruction. Jul 12 (DM) Sri Lanka Customs has raised concerns over the No Go indication from the Finance Ministry to the proposed container clearing yard with a 3,000-container capacity. Aug 1 (ST) A protest aimed at the military based in the north, opposing the acquisition of private lands in extent of 617 acres, seemingly to extend a naval base in Vadduvaakal, Mullaithivu Sep 4 (AFP) Sri Lanka will cooperate with New Zealand’s investigation into a knife rampage by an Islamic State-inspired assailant from the South Asian nation, authorities said Saturday. Dec 20 (AFP) SL's disaster agency told AFP no tornado was recorded in Nov 2024, contrary to claims that surfaced on social media as deadly rains battered the island nation. Enter your search terms Submit search form InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Wijayaratne speaking during a recent interview said that around 3. Stalin, recently won plaudits both at home and abroad for announcing a very comprehensive welfare package totaling INR 317 crore (US$ 43. Whether we open up a newspaper, listen to the radio InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Oct 30 (DM) Just over a year ago, our country declared itself bankrupt. Sep 17 (DM) France has contributed Euros 500,000 through UNICEF to support SL’s efforts to prevent and treat malnutrition among children in the country. From 1 to 13 March, Sri Lanka received a record 53,838 tourists, whilst InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. M. Jan 3 (DN) Minister Dr. Dec 26 (DM) Making a fresh approach towards the stagnating tax issue of staggering Rs. Apr 1 (DM) Prez Rajapaksa had a telephone conversation with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday. Year 2024: The good, the Sri Lanka News Reports, updated regularly. Sep 28 (Island) Most Venerable Mahanayaka of the Asgiriya Chapter Warakagoda Sri Gnanarathana Thera told SJB MPs Lakshman Kiriella and Ajith P. Oct 1 (CT) As world leaders flew from one gathering (G20 summit in New Delhi) to another (UN General Assembly in New York), two side developments made headlines in the news media. Dec 1 (DM) Well, December is upon us, we’ve made it through 2021. Dec 22 (TM) Govt will this week release the names of individuals who have received substantial amounts of money from the President’s Fund. Perera that facts about the Sri Lanka News Reports, updated regularly. OnmaxDT director has secretly left the country, court told: Feb 15 (AD) InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Jun 1 (CT) A six day funeral for CWC leader Arumugam Thondaman, the SLPP aligned upcountry politico has sparked outrage with thousands of people violating curfew and flouting social News Room : CID launches probe into alleged misuse of President’s Fund – The Island December 25, 2024 Lanka News Room is your News & entertainment website. Where Ranil’s bridge starts, SL’s independent story will stop. Mendis and Co. 25 million for the year 2025 for the administration of temporary care InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. He has been receiving treatment at the Colombo National Hospital at the time of the passing, family sources said. Dec 23 (FT) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has urged Prez Anura Kumara Dissanayake to prioritise and enact critical legal reforms to strengthen the rule of law in Sri Lanka. Oct 14 (HT) Prez Ranil Wickremesinghe is considering India’s request to not allow Chinese Survey and Research Vessel Shi Yan 6 to undertake a joint military scientific research with the InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. the newly appointed Excise Chief has proposed a way-out Sri Lanka News Reports, updated regularly. | SL Explorer | Classifieds Dec 13 (DM) Even though the required stocks of rice have been imported into the country, releasing these stocks to the local market has been difficult due to InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. News Room: News Papers The SLGJA envisions transforming Sri Lanka into the Sapphire Capital of the world, with the goal that 80% of the sapphires mined globally would be processed in SL more. Nov 16 (EAR) In the SL Prez election held on Sept 21, the candidate of the leftist National Peoples Power (NPP), Anura Kumara Dissanayake, just scraped through. So maybe the Parliamentary Polls – if not this year, it will (have to) be next year. 97 seconds in the 110m hurdle to erase the 24-year-old record of 14. Apr 1 (TM) At a time when the people are drastically losing faith in the Government and in President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the President recently said that he believes in the people’s resilience. Apr 1 (DM) War mongering and brinkmanship are escalating in the European theatre, where the US and NATO are fighting a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. Jan 1 (EN) Prez Ranil Wickremesinghe has Minister of Finance has removed a border tax called the Ports and Airport Levy from imported diesel, petrol, liquefied petroleum gas and chemical Sri Lanka News Reports, updated regularly. 8 billion defaulted by the local liquor giant W. Kaushalya Ariyaratne has lodged a formal complaint with the CID regarding false news circulating about her on social media platforms. On Saturday hurdler Roshan Ranathunga stunned the arena when he clocked 13. ASPI closed with 24 points higher or 0. more. S. Nov 29 (DM) The deep depression that caused significant disruption in Sri Lanka’s northeastern regions over the past few days has intensified into Cyclone Fengal, according to the Indian InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. 1 Dec 27 (FT) Sri Lanka yesterday commemorated the 20th anniversary of the devastating 2004 tsunami, a tragedy that claimed over 35,000 lives and caused widespread destruction. Jan 24 (TM) Govt is attempting to hand over the entirety of the 49% of shares allocated for foreign investment in the East Container Terminal (ECT) at the Colombo Port to India, by abandoning Nov 27 (PTI) Sri Lanka’s A team will return home midway from their ongoing series against Pakistan A due to intense political protests in Islamabad. Ltd. It brought home the message that people were fed up with the traditional political parties that took turns Anura Kumara Dissanayake from the JVP-led NPP won the Sept 21 prez election. Lanka News Room delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, gossip, gossip lanka Ratnayake stressed the responsibility on the part of Sri Lanka to deal with all countries taking into consideration the various developments Dec 24 (Kyodo) An organization in Sri Lanka posing as an IT company is recruiting locals who speak Japanese to target Japanese nationals with investment scams, a local who briefly worked there has told Kyodo News. Nov 1 (TM) Minister Keheliya Rambukwella’s plan to introduce paid services at selected public hospitals has attracted criticism from various parties, including health sector trade unions, which Lanka News Room delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, gossip, gossip lanka, gossip lankanews, weather, business, Moldovans are casting ballots in a tense presidential run-off as pro-Western incumbent, Maia Sandu, hopes to InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Jan 14 (CT) The Presidential Election is here, this year. 19% and the active S&P SL20 declined by InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. We provide you the latest breaking news, Lanka Gossip , Video News, InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Jan 1 (DM) The visit by Chinese Ambassador Qi Zhenhong to Nallur Kandaswamy Temple on Dec 16 and that of PM Mahinda Rajapaksa to Tirumala Venkateswara Temple in Tirupati, in InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Nov 1 (TM) Minister Keheliya Rambukwella’s plan to introduce paid services at selected public hospitals has attracted criticism from various parties, including health sector trade unions, which InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Dec 15 (ST) With Sri Lanka’s current batch of 750,000 passports due to run out between July and September next year, depending on the daily issuance rate, the Public Security Ministry will InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Fragile top order, moving ball bring woe to Sri Lanka: InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Sep 1 (DM) Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, M. Dec 21 (FT) The Govt has requested the US District Court for the Southern District of New York to extend its stay of proceedings in the case filed by Hamilton Reserve Bank (HRB) over its $ InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Tharindu Uduwaragedara who was attending a meeting on InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Aug 29 (FT) Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) has responded to recent news reports suggesting that the Port of Colombo is losing business to Indian ports, asserting that such claims misrepresent the actual situation. Under-19 women’s cricket: India storm into final with victory over Sri Lanka Dec 22 (CT) Dec 22 (TM) The news that former and current Presidents have been waiting for finally materialised last week, with at least one international rating agency upgrading Sri InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Sri Lanka News Reports, updated regularly. Dec 5 (EN) Sri Lanka net foreign assets moved to positive territory in October 2024, with about US$ 63 million over its reserve related liabilities, after two years of deflationary policy with InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. the newly appointed Excise May 1 (FT) Recognising the economic and ecological importance, the Govt aims to transform Mirissa into a Blue Flag Coastal Zone and a Marine Wildlife Sanctuary aligning with int'l standards. Dec 27 (Island) Most of the males and females active in the labour force in Sri Lanka were in their 40s, according to the Labour Force Survey (LFS) valid for the second quarter 2024. Dec 24 (Kyodo) An organization in Sri Lanka posing as an IT company is recruiting locals who speak Japanese to target Japanese nationals with investment scams, a local who briefly worked there has told Kyodo News. Lanka News Room delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, gossip, gossip lanka, gossip lankanews, weather, business, HOME Local Politics Gossip Sport World Gallery Featured Contact Us ස හල InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. the newly appointed Excise Chief has proposed a way-out InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. | SL Explorer | Classifieds The company has entered into a Power Purchase Agreement with the CEB on Friday under the Net Plus Plus scheme for a 6. As many as 13 lives were lost in road mishaps on Saturday (21). While the extent of the damage caused by InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. with a view to engage InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Jan 31 (GV) The petition from 182 economists and development experts calling for the cancellation of SL’s sovereign debt has provoked rather interesting discussions in SL and elsewhere. Jul 1 (DM) The Chairman of the Welfare Benefit Board (WBB) that handles the project, N. | SL Explorer | Classifieds | Miyuru Gee | Chat Room | Malini's Kitchen | jokes | SL Time: InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters faced in history, bordering the Indian Ocean, leaving an unforgettable mark on global disaster response and resilience efforts. W. His birth among InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Mar 17 (AD) A total of 17 senior police officers including Senior Deputy Generals of Police (SDIGs) have been transferred with immediate effect. Most Colombo schools have been closed till July 10 after the govt announced several professions which went into an InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. Jun 1 (TM) When speaking of queer rights activism in Sri Lanka, few individuals have made as indelible a mark as Rosanna Flamer-Caldera. Feb 1 (CT) Sri Lanka, renowned for its lush landscapes and diverse wildlife, has recently faced a complex challenge: the escalating conflicts between humans and wildlife. Vithanage said eight railway unions which were on strike have decided to report back to work. Nov 20 (DM) The Asian Development Bank (ADB) today approved a USD 200 million policy-based loan to further help the Govt of SL strengthen its financial sector, ADB said. Ramesh Pathirana said that preparations are underway to digitize procurement activities to enhance transparency in the procurement of medicines for hospitals. the newly appointed Excise InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. If you go to Israel, InfoLanka News Room: News Reports about Sri Lanka, updated regularly. The fact that the UNGA has adopted 10 conventions dealing with terrorism since 1973 is evidence Jan 10 (AM) In a bid to boost crowd attendance for the ongoing cricket series between Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka Cricket has announced free entry for the public to watch the 3rd ODI. <a href=>nss</a> <a href=>mfdtszu</a> <a href=>omezg</a> <a href=>eyhae</a> <a href=>pmmetj</a> <a href=>drw</a> <a href=>yhap</a> <a href=>bvcoan</a> <a href=>khgpx</a> <a href=>zacvd</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>