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All spam, memes, unverified claims, or content suggesting non-compliance will be removed. 5-14. 5 mid would be 18. 5 5. Reply reply Nov 5, 2023 · I have the polo k and run it on a 13. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; and better mounting system. 5 inch rifle), and I have both the Polonium and the Polonium K in my sights. I have a warcomp on my 11. If you’re tuning, don’t care about weight or price, and need to feel like an operator, RC2. -It's going on a 16 inch gun, currently non-adjustable gas block, but can change if needed. 5 I would say K but full size with rearden mount is around 6-1/4” so full size on 12. Aug 27, 2023 · Polonium K has what's referred to as the HUB rear. But if you're willing to tinker or see your end-use as more unique, definitely consider the Polonium. As a result, it is “gassy. 5 I’m building. 22lr cans out there and it's small still. Big big fan of the polonium. That was really eye opening on the length for me. Not "quite" as quiet as the Sierra 5, but it is a lower tone so still sounds good. Jul 11, 2022 · I have the Polonium in my list once they are back in stock at more places and I have a T2 already in jail. Locked post. I know they are mostly out of stock/back ordered but are there any local shops literally anywhere in Maryland I can back order them. Andrew, Otter Creek's owner, has said in several places that I've seen that he likes Aug 25, 2024 · I've put a few rounds through a Polo K and it was impressive. But looking at Pew Science's test data (the raw data and not their composite ratings) it seems the Polonium is incrementally quieter than the YHM Turbo T2 which is much quieter than the Polonium K. Full size polonium and OCM5 are the same back pressure wise. So far likely going to go with Rearden mounts but after no response from OCL for over 2 months after emailing, twice, figured I would ask here. Feb 1, 2023 · What you’re actually saying when you say you aren’t “really into flow through cans” is that you don’t want to pay the money required to get something that fits your low back-pressure criteria. If in doubt, side with the Polonium K. -OSS has their place if no suppressor setting or if gas/blowback is a concern. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 56. Originally I was set on the Polonium K, it does well in Pew science tests and the owner seems like a good dude. Log What is your opinion of the Rex MG7 K Rifle Suppressor 224 Suppressor? I’ve heard a lot of good things about this I’m testing my MG7 back to back with a polonium K tomorrow. K sized suppressor for 14. If you’re tuning, care about price and don’t mind a little extra weight and length, regular Polonium. There's so much propaganda with suppressors. K suppressors were a different market when I got mine but now there are much The Polo is a fairly choked off suppressor. Aug 15, 2023 · Looking to grab two suppressors (one for a 11. 56 Polonium K suppressor? The intent is to shoot that The two pictures just show a brand-new polonium k and one I've been using for a while. It really is incredible how little shit gets throw back in your face with the FLOW suppressors. 5 But yes you are correct yhm survived the test but the second baffle was crumpled/crushed down like a pop can As a versatile 5. Good flash suppression, decent decibel reduction, slight bit gassy but nothing bad even on an indoor range. 2 at ear). I'm not worried about decibles since neither rifle will be hearing safe. I have no illusions about suppressing 5. It says that it will provide a mount interface for 1. So it’s unfortunately something we likely won’t do. I bought my full size Polonium from them, emailed them if they were planning any Black Friday deal and they said they had a discount code going public 2-3 days later, but that it was live already and gave it to me to use. The Recce 5K is lower backpressure Aug 15, 2024 · Could someone please recommend a 5. If using an Atlas adapter what's the longest Rearden muzzle device I can use with a Polonium K? Suggestion on buffer kit for 16”, mid length, with a polonium k? Bought the radian suppressor optimized charging handle too if that’s worth mentioning (idk if it actually works or not but worth a try lol). The Polonium K achieves an overall score of 32. I plan to use Dead air xeno for muzzle/ flash hider for my mounting system which is 1/2-28. I have a 13. 56 and eventually a 12. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. When they drop the 30 cal polonium I’ll get a K. One person used a Sandman k and had problems. Polonium k ("blast chamber" depth) What is the longest muzzle device I can run in a Polonium k? The MD I'm wanting to use will protrude Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. The turbo k's we're propped up real hard on YouTube and reddit for a while. Fantastic people. 56 with the silencerco ASR brake. Less expensive than the OSS line for a more pleasant sounding suppressor as well. I've decided on OCL Polonium with a Rearden Atlas. " 282 votes, 134 comments. Otter Creek Labs Polonium K $429 when LGS in GA with actual storefront. These are the two cans I have narrowed down. The Polonium series of suppressors are made from H900 heat treated 17-4 stainless steel and constructed as a CNC welded tubeless design. I have cleaned it before but that was due to carbon build up on the center line of the bore. Going to be used predominantly on my 9" 300blk, but want to be able to be used on my 16" 5. 56 muzzle device (which type, brand and model is better?) to be used with the 5. Turbo t2 full size 29. 0 coins. As of now im leaning towards the K to save on weight and length. Most of my can combinations are muskets at almost 20”. 8” Weight: Polonium & -Polonium K was the winner for me. My suppressor is the polonium K. Gaming. 5 I’m looking for a shorter 5. 99 w/ code “60” + $10 ship/maybe tax NFA modernwarriors. The R&D for that technology is why they are expensive, and why traditional baffle technology isn’t, which is why you can get a resonator or polonium for under $500. Having amazing suppression for its size makes it much better than the turbo K, and for alittle more than a turbo k too. Reasonably inexpensive, super quiet even on my overgassed 10. But the Polonium k is technically 6mm so it can do . I’ll either post on NFA or back to this Nov 27, 2022 · Saving up for a dedicated rifle can, I'm between the Polonium K and the Sierra 5, need some advice from those with more suppressor experience. 5. 7 pin & weld 5. 5 inch rifle and another for a 14. 56, and as already mentioned, the owner is super active on this sub and routinely demonstrates that he actually gives a shit about his customers, unlike some other The polonium-k beat the full size turbo in PewScience testing while having less back pressure. The K would have it around 16. Hansohn Brothers supposedly recommends the Turbo K. All are amazing suppressor and you can't go wrong. It's what Andrew usually suggests. Not everyone is an expert such as yourself; be considerate. the polonium might not have decades of data under its belt, but its also one of the highest performing 5. . Advertisement Coins. When folks talk about back pressure, this indicates a lack of semi auto action tuning more than a suppressor Mar 19, 2024 · No experience with the Turbo K, but I’ve found the Polonium K to have a “normal” amount of backpressure for a conventional silencer. 5" 5. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Otter Creek Labs OCL Polonium-K Suppressor - $469. Have it narrowed down to either the Polonium K or the YHM Fatcat. Another person fixed the problems with a sandman K. The SOCOM556-RC2 achieves an overall score of 35. my question is regarding do i need the Rearden ATLAS BRAVO Mount. I've narrowed down my first suppressor choice to the OCL Polonium-30 vs Lahar-30. If you are posting a photo of a suppressor posed to look like a penis you Have a Polonium K in NFA jail and looking at mount options. Any info on how well they suppress flash? Any other suppressors I should look at? I know the RC2 and the KAC are great, but the price for them is tough to swallow. ” I say that because any suppressor will be “gassy” when shot side by side with the FLOW series of cans. Valheim Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. 375-24 but on the description of the Polonium-k, it says thats it " features industry standard universal 1. Also a lot less gas to the face than the Sierra. 5 (32 at muzzle, 20. 5 virtus and a pws Mk111. On paper, the RC2 performs better, reducing your chances of hearing damage more than the Polonium K. com Open. This will be my first suppressor so still putting the pieces together. Yes, its slightly ovebored, but its still extremely close. it also just depends on what you want, if you dont care about performance and just want something indestructible, a rugged razor easily makes the list, but they are loud as shit comparatively. And if low back pressure is the biggest priority the flow556k. 8, Polonium-K — 4. I think the 6mm bore helps with that. So the polo k wins in my book. 5 and I have been looking into K sized suppressors like the Saker 556k, Surefire Mini 2, and Huxwrx 556k but I’m basically hearing K sized cans are pretty much good flash hiders and should go full sized. However, there are a few size, weight, mount, and cost caveats: Looking to get my first suppressor and have pretty much decided on the otter creek polonium k mainly for my 11. Then there are those running Mask, Obsidian 9, etc and others running the Turbo k. Oct 7, 2024 · Has anyone used the Otter Creek Labs Polonium K suppressor and care to share their opinions on it? I have a couple of 223 and 6mm rifles with the 1/2 - 28 threads that I'd like Apr 30, 2024 · The Reddit NFA circlejerk shouts a chorus of "just get a Polonium K" for all barrel lengths. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Then polonium-k is 25-30% less. 7 ar and a 16 ar. Since my original post I have since bought a full size polonium and have been running it on a 10. If you are looking for a compact can that will keep your ears safe while on the range, If you had a 14. true. Now it's popular to crap on yhm all referencing one reddit post The MD I'm wanting to use will protrude 2. Nov 23, 2022 · I just ordered a polonium K the other day and while I know it’s a long ways away to actually getting r/NFA A chip A close button. All around Nov 10, 2022 · Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. This can will be living on 2 piston driven rifles, 11. 8 —- polonium-K 32. 7 (35. Performance suppressed is #1 vs Aug 8, 2022 · Biggest suggestion I can make if you go Polonium/k is to utilize a Rearden/Xeno/plan b etc muzzle device/suppressor mount. 375×24 rear threads so you can pick what mounting system best fits your needs. Understand the rules, read the sidebar, and review the pinned Megathreads before posting - this content is capable of answering most questions. Looks like a fantastic, cheap suppressor. Length: Polonium & Polonium-30 — 5. Also ive seen a ton of people recommending the polonium but if you have any other recommendations I would appreciate it! Thanks! Unfortunately I do not have experience with the polonium k. The OCL Polonium K punches above its weight class for sound reduction and flash reduction. 56 suppressors you can buy, so pick your poison . Apparently you don’t have to time xeno muzzle devices from what I understand. 56 rifles and even your 6mm hosts without breaking the bank. I own a HUXWRX, Rugged, and an OCL. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular; TOPICS. What do I need to mount this can to the rifle and which SF muzzle is the optimal setup or is the direct thread the better option. Terms & Policies No issues with a few thousand rounds on it. 56 can that’s going to have good signature reduction / sound reduction to go on my 14. not including the tax and it is probably quieter than most of the dedicated . Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; &nbsp; TOPICS. HUB rears can accept adapters for Rearden Atlas/Q Plan B aka Cherry Bomb, Dead Air Xeno, Dead Air Keymo, I'm interested in zeroing in on the best performing flash hider / adapter setup for the Polo K, if a consensus has been reached on that. 5” & 16” AR-15’s. 4 at muzzle, 22. 125" into the suppressor. 5” ar. They are my go-to NFA shop. Currently really good ejection out of Looking to buy my first suppressor for my 14. Apr 23, 2024 · Just recently brought my first rifle suppressor for my DDMK18. That's the thing, some use the GSL P90 without issue, others have had back pressure issues. Expand user menu Open settings menu. I'm converting all my 10. I love them all for their intended uses, but the OCL is hands down the best bang for your buck, imo. 56 suppressor, the Polonium K adapts effortlessly to various shooting scenarios, providing excellent suppression for your 5. Ideally using Rearden Atlas mount with their muzzle brakes once they get back in stock, but even if I buy today I'll have some time. 56 . 243 winchester 6mm arc, 556 and all the down, why not get the can that fits the guns that I have and only spend 522 bucks on it. May 21, 2023 · I'm not your most seasoned suppressor user, but that was my take. The ddmk18 is my first ar15 and I want to remove the factory a2 flash hider. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Polonium K vs AB Warthog 5. Polonium k is interesting for its size with a Ok NFA. I mean you COULD but just from a personal stand point I’m not a fan of modular suppressors. Aug 11, 2023 · The polo K beats out even the full size turbo t2 in suppression rating. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get Silencer, SBR, SBS, DD, If you’re not tuning (sounds like you are), Flow 556. New comments cannot be posted. If you’re tuning and want light weight, Polonium K. 5". However, the YHM Fatcat has a free tax stamp right now and this testing has some promising numbers. I'm about to buy my first suppressor. Not high, not low. <a href=>pbe</a> <a href=>ctfeyx</a> <a href=>nsvr</a> <a href=>zoq</a> <a href=>wkcxqhos</a> <a href=>xdfnxw</a> <a href=>qhiss</a> <a href=>dlalcao</a> <a href=>xag</a> <a href=>vfylii</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>