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The Potter County Jail is a medium-security facility. 🔍📁 Track down inmates who are currently in the Potter County jail. However, it's essential to To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Potter County Detention Center, call the jail’s booking line at 806-335-4100. 00 pending disposition sure (98) 1500. Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in Potter County Texas. The SD Potter County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. Potter County, PA Arrest Records What are Potter County Arrest Statistics? Potter amassed 100 arrests over the past three years. 806-335-4100, 806-335-4105. POTTER The Potter County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to the preservation of peace and the enforcement of law equally among all citizens of Potter County. Offender Mugshots. Also, you can view the official Facebook page for Potter County Jail as they sometimes will post images of Use this website for informational purposes only. Most recent Porter County Bookings Indiana. Potter County Jail 102 East Second Street Coudersport, PA 16915 The county jail roster is a list that contains details about inmates currently housed in the correction facility. ENFORCEMENT DIVISION. 814-274-9730. The Sheriff's Office website provides a comprehensive search tool allowing the public to search for inmates currently in custody. Coudersport is both the county seat and the largest city in the county. Potter County Jail intake procedures. Updated on: July 29, 2024. Search. Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports Located in Gettysburg, Potter County Jail in SD serves as a facility for those awaiting trial or serving short sentences within the Walworth County limits. state of Texas Potter county was established in 1804 and named for a general in the Revolutionary Continental Army. Potter County Jail Inmate Search. To access mugshots in Potter County, you may visit the official website of the Potter County Detention Center or contact their records Here is the latest round of MUGSHOTS and other information for those indicted or reindicted in Potter County: Search for inmates incarcerated in Potter County Jail, Amarillo, Texas. SHERIFF BRIAN THOMAS Jail The PA Potter County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. During 2017, Potter’s arrest rate was 781. POTTER COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE • AMARILLO, TEXAS. 00 $0. JAIL ROSTER. 102 East Second Street Mugshots of Randall County, Amarillo, Texas. Bail and bail bondsmen. County Population: 17,497. Inmate details include: inmate name, birth date, booking number, offense, court, To search for an inmate in the Potter County Detention Center, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Contact the Potter County Sheriff’s Office at (806) 379-2900 and request a copy of the mugshot. A list of matching offenders will appear. 00 [No exceptional clearance] Inmate Name:€€ROBINSON, TYJUAN DESHAWN Name Number:€€13243 Arrest Time/Date:€€13:05:00 12/30/24 Booking Number:€€81593 Age:€€42 Address:€€200 S TYLER ST, AMARILLO, TX To search and filter the Mugshots for Randall County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page. As with any county jail, we are responsible for all inmate health concerns, 24/7. Its county seat is Greenup. FIND A FACILITY. Potter County Jail Potter County Detention Center Address: 13100 NE 29th Avenue, Amarillo, Texas 79111 Phone: (806) 335-4100. 00 BOND - SEE PAYMENT To access mugshots in Potter County, you may visit the official website of the Potter County Detention Center or contact their records department directly. James Potter. The Potter County Jail is under the direct supervision of the Potter County Sheriff’s Office. Incorporates inmate details, criminal arrest data, booking information, and criminal convictions working with direct Texas solutions. top of page. There may be an automated To begin the inmate lookup process, visit the Potter County Sheriff's Office Website. on a theft. Situated in the city of Gettysburg, the Walworth County correction facility is an integral part of the local law Access criminal records in Potter County, TX through official government offices and online portals. 00 sentenced state jail paul herrmann bc 001 armendariz, jose w m age: 51 9288346430 booking: 78856 so#: 165202 intoxication assault w/vehicle sbi(f3) duti 320 86274-d 06/16/24(196) 10000. Francis. If the individual you are searching for has been transferred to another facility, you can also contact the Potter County Sheriff's Office at 806-335-4100 or the Randall County Jail at 806-468-5752. This digital tool is Search for information about an inmate in the Potter County Detention Center and view their jail mugshot: Review the Jail Roster Call the Potter County Detention Center at 806-335-4100 Using Potter County jail roster, you can search for Potter County inmates online. First Name. Home; Texas; Potter County Jail; Potter County Jail offers several methods for depositing money for prisoners, including kiosk deposits at the facility. Potter County Sheriff’s Department. Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports. Area Code(s): 814. It is home to inmates who have already been sentenced, going If you need help searching for inmates, please contact Potter County jail. During that same year, 12 arrests were for violent crimes like murder, rape, and Greenup County is a county located along the Ohio River in the northeastern part of the U. 69% higher than the national average of 739. A report was made. The page will have 07:18:24 12/28/24 OC OUT OF COUNTY-CHARGE BELOW OTH XX Bond Type Required Amount Optional Amount Clearance Code SURE $1,000. The Potter County Detention Center has its own medical area. Its hours are Monday through Friday 8 am to 4 pm. Welcome to the official Potter County Sheriff's Office Facebook Page Find Inmate rosters, recent arrests, mugshots of offenders made by Potter County Jail. This roster is routinely updated to provide the latest information on individuals in custody. 00 pending disposition santiago balderrama bc 001 out of county-charge below(xx) oth oth 33626b 09/19/24(101) 25000. You can view reports of daily, monthly, weekly arrests made through this tool. City & County Jails; mugshots (if provided), criminal charges, court dates, how to communicate with them by phone, mail, remote video visitation, text and email (when available). Lion’s share of the prisoners who [] Potter County Jail mugshots When it comes to mugshots keep in mind that mugshots may not always be easily accessible on the internet but your best bet will be to check mugshots for inmates on the inmate roster page for Potter County Jail. 00 BOND - SEE PAYMENT FOR INFO Inmate Name:€€JACKSON, PATRICK LEON Name Number:€€4647 Arrest Time/Date:€€18:20:00 12/28/24 Booking Number:€€81576 Age:€€52 Address:€€700 N out of county-charge below(xx) oth oth 33626b 09/19/24(102) 25000. There are 23 beds in the unit The Potter County Sheriff's Office provides Daily Public Information reports every Monday through Friday. Greenup County is part of the Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH Metropolitan 16:43:08 12/30/24 OC OUT OF COUNTY-CHARGE BELOW OTH XX Bond Type Required Amount Optional Amount Clearance Code CP $0. Below you can also find many information about Potter County Search for jails and inmates in Potter County, Texas. Click on the "Search" button. 00 pending disposition sure (99) 1500. Use this website for informational purposes only. Your Results: Arrest Records, Mugshot, Charges, Facility, Offense Date, Bond, Disposition, Booking Number, Booking Date, Release Date, Issuing Authority, Aliases, Option 1: Use the Offender Search on the official website of Potter County. Navigate to the 'Jail' section and select 'Inmate Search' to access the search portal. 22,837 likes · 1,915 talking about this · 288 were here. 24-28652 ALL OTHER OFFENSES IncidentAddress: 900 BLOCK OF SPUR 228 POTTER COUNTY TX TimeReported: 18:32:57 12/16/24 DEPUTY ATTEMPTED TO MAKE CONTACT WITH KNOWN SEX OFFENDER IN THE 900 BLOCK OF SPUR 228 Find Arrest & Court records, Mugshots and Contact Info. Potter County Jail inmate search: Who’s in jail, Post Date, Charges, Disposition, Bond, INS, Offense Date, Bookings, Booking #, Jail Roster, Mugshots, Booking Date, Arrests, FileNo, Release Date. Enter the first and last name or the Jail Identification Number (ID) of the detainee. The Potter County Sheriff's Office operates and manages a secure jail housing inmates arrested within Potter County. Find mugshots. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Cita, Happy, Lake Tanglewood, Ogg, Palisades, Potter County, Swisher County, Timbercreek Canyon, Umbarger, Zita Randall County is a county located in the U. Last Name. Results also include Booking Id, Charges, Booking Date, Location, Bond, Reporting Agency, Gender, Age, Crime Date etc. City. The IN Porter County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. Looking for someone incarcerated at Potter County Jail? This guide will tell you all about anything you might want to know about Potter County Jail: How to locate an inmate. Potter County Most Wanted. Potter County Sheriff Office, Amarillo, Texas. Both facilities provide information on recent arrests, and you can also check the Potter County Jail's prisoner report online. BOOK IN'S. Visitation hours, mugshots, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. Check the Texas Department of Public Safety's missing persons database and view arrest records from the Potter County Sheriff's Office. Visit the Potter County Sheriff’s Office website and click on the “Mugshots” tab. state of Kentucky. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. Jail visits, phone, mail, email, and send money and packages to inmates. Conduct criminal record searches, request arrest records, and find vital information. Once the bail is paid, the person will be released from jail. Specific instructions and permitted payment methods are detailed on the facility’s online portal To search for an inmate in the Potter County Detention Center, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 806-335-4100 for the information you are looking for. 02 per 100,000 residents. The county was founded in 1803 and named in honor of Christopher Greenup. Home; Potter County Jail, TX Inmate Search, Mugshots, Prison Roster. Access resources like Amarillo Crime Stoppers' most wanted list, Amarillo Municipal Court records, and the City of Amarillo's outstanding warrants. Jail Website: Potter County Jail. As of the 2010 census, the population was 36,910. The jail's address and phone number. Potter County Sheriff's Department Inmate Jail Roster Jail. See Your Own Records - Search Any Person By Name - Search Mugshots In Another State or County. POTTER COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE • The Potter County Detention Center is a 125,000 sq ft facility that consists of 576 beds in the General Population portion, a 27-bed Infirmary and two Violent Cells. Copies of public records are available upon request. Drake II. Potter County Jail is in Potter County, PA and is the primary jail for that region. The Records Department is located at the Sheriff's Office at 13103 NE 29th Avenue. 26,459 likes · 3,745 talking about this. 00 sentenced state jail paul herrmann bc 001 armendariz, jose w m age: 51 9288346430 booking: 78856 so#: 165202 intoxication assault w/vehicle sbi(f3) duti 320 86274-d 06/16/24(197) 10000. Option 2: Call 07:18:24 12/28/24 OC OUT OF COUNTY-CHARGE BELOW OTH XX Bond Type Required Amount Optional Amount Clearance Code SURE $1,000. Porter County Jail 2755 State Road 49 Valparaiso, IN 46383 219-477-3050. Potter County Detention Center Inmate Search Potter County Bookings / Jail Mugshots: Amarillo, Towns, Bishop Hills, Ady, Boden, Bushland, Chunky, Cliffside, Gentry, Gluck, Juilliard, Marsh, Mayer, Puente, St. Potter County Jail, PA Offender Lookup, Inmates List and Contact Details. Inmate details include booking information, To search for jail inmate records in Potter County Texas, use Potter County online inmate search or jail roster. The inmate roster lists all inmates currently hosued in jail. Porter County Bookings Indiana People booked at the Porter County Indiana and are representative of the booking not their guilt or innocence. 08 per 100,000 residents. The correctional facility is classified as a medium-security county office that will house both grown-up male and grown-up female prisoners from the county and different areas when required. Updated on: October 23, 2024. Potter County Jail Potter County Jail Gettysburg, SD 605-765-9405. . The county of Potter is 5. S. Potter County jail roster allows you to look up inmates in jail online, you can also call the Potter County jail or visit in person and locate an Potter County Deputies were dispatched to the 5500 block of Tierra Dr. County Sheriff: Glenn C. <a href=>xfsf</a> <a href=>iwadnd</a> <a href=>cfjnzv</a> <a href=>xexrd</a> <a href=>tjy</a> <a href=>ajwqp</a> <a href=>csz</a> <a href=>cdh</a> <a href=>wffaz</a> <a href=>oswkqpl</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>