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I have a few pre-cautions in place to mitigate burn-in.</h1> </div> <div class="column column-right"> <div class="post-thumbnail" itemprop="image" itemscope="" itemtype=""><img src="" class="attachment-small size-small wp-post-image" alt="fresh Free Admin Templates" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" srcset=" 1160w, 770w, 950w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1160px) 100vw, 1160px" height="742" width="1160"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="main-content"> <aside class="sidebar left" id="leftSidebar" itemscope="" itemtype="" itemprop="sidebar"> </aside> <div class="table-of-contents"><br> </div> <!-- Main Article --> <main itemscope="" itemtype=""> </main> <div itemprop="author" itemscope="" itemtype=""> </div> <article> </article> <div class="content" id="mainContent"> <section class="single_1" itemprop="articleBody"> </section> <p><span class="dropcap"></span>Samsung s95b reddit 2020 Just a friendly reminder to please respect all of the subreddit rules listed on the sidebar S95b has too many QC issues for me to recommend at it's current iteration, this may change on it's next release, the difference in nits between woleds and qdoleds is a mute point in most circumstances, I would rather have a proven reliable tv now than possible reliability issues in the future, especially with Samsung's current QC issues Samsung S95B Screen Optimization Issue Technical Support The Reddit home for PlayStation 5 - your hub PS5 news and discussion. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Meanwhile with Samsung, you can tell this is their first rodeo. Ask me how I know. So my S95B is 100% used as a PC monitor but it's my main display for everything and sits at the end of my bed. This will correct Samsung's wacky Game Mode color mapping. MF cloth, 70% IPA, distilled water, none of it worked yet tape took out View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Gaming Plex on Samsung S95B (2022) cannot play a file that the Samsung tv media player does. My S95B broke during the 2 week return period from Best Buy. 2020 giving a whole different atmosphere. 2020 checkbox, and set the TV to Auto gamut. LG has been doing this a lot longer and they have perfected the formula. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular; TOPICS Samsung S95B . I do miss dolby vision and its a shame its not there, but the difference in picture between the b7 and s95b is pretty crazy. They were tricked by Samsung, which is an honest mistake because what Samsung did was really devious. Hello having issue getting to 144hz to work on my s95b. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; &nbsp; TOPICS. Samsung S95B smudge marks help Use Scotch tape like someone else mentioned in other reddit posts/av forums. 1 if game mode is on and only allows uncompressed 5. All I heard was S95B praises for a week or two and then suddenly there was an avalanche of “Samsung used algorithms to fake display accuracy to reviewers” “quality control is poor” “driver updates made quality worse” It sounds like to me one of those scenarios where if A95k and s95b differences are overblown IMO. Using a 7. 1K subscribers in the S95B community. The materials used feel premium, and there's very little flex to any of the panels. I went for an (yet to arrive) Alienware 34" UW monitor for the QD-OLED goodness, so I'll hold off from buying a new TV for now. I have tried 3 different hdmi cables and nothing has change. Just fyi I like color. 1 sound bar and woofer for $1,300 at Best Buy lol I am considering the S95B as my new TV since it's said to be one of the best TV's for gaming. 69K subscribers in the OLED_Gaming community. I did my research, I use it primarily for gaming. Also I've been messing around with game motion plus and it basically makes 60 fps games feel like 120fps with hardly any extra input lag. Samsung worldwide warranty however is more solid than LG and that is something to consider. Feel free to bring up technical issues and other problems related to OLEDs. Multi view is worthless. A free $200 Samsung Voucher was included automatically, and I was able chat with one of the reps to get Samsung Care+ for two years. It is ridiculous how much better the HDR picture is, seriously. but not as many samsung. HDTV had talked about that about s95b, and bt2020 makes it even more prominent. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; Samsung S95B DisplayCAL settings? Technical Support Besides I don't think the S95B is that well suited as an editing monitor. 4K subscribers in the S95B community. Samsung has stronger lighting and better HDR, but movies recorded in Dolby Vision are better to watch on LG, a more realistic and accurate picture with more details. Members Online. I'm trying to figure out if I used it too long in one day. Im literally dealing with this right now. A little background: My original setup was a Samsung 550 (Series 5) 1080p plasma screen with an HT-C5500 Blu-ray Home theater system for 5. The A95K focuses on accuracy over For 8K streaming 100Mbps internet connection is recommended so it should still be enough. It is connected via an optical cable to my old Sony STR-DN1050 AV Receiver. Still is an going problem nearly a year later. After Saw S95B Colors, im in love, but i want to use it as monitor, but 55 inch is too big, 42 inch is the ideal. Essentially the S95B has a little better color volume for content consumption but the difference is not much. You should use it if you dont plan to make adjustments to BT. Samsung s95b and Rocket League So I bought a Samsung s95b and was hoping it would work better than my 52 inch Sharp Aquos. Reddit is a great Ally to make sure manufacturers do not cover up problems. For the price that’s not good. I will admit Samsungs tizen os us garbage and Lgs software is much user friendly. I use a mixture of both Samsung and LG (38inch Ultra wide LG monitor and a 4K 27inch LG monitor). However, when playing the game and moving things do not seem focused like they do on the sharp. No indicator light. 2020 in cms because stock BT. 55" LG C2 vs 55" Samsung S95B UK I'm replacing my Samsung Q90t which I only bought at the end of 2020. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; Samsung S95B and Anime Discussion After a whole month messing around with the S95b settings I finally got it to my liking. New comments cannot be posted. For instance grey "gloomy" skies can get bluish in bt. The difference between these two modes is often noticeable so you'll want to check that it is on 2020 in general. Hi! I heard a lot of great feedbacks on Samsung’s S95B. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here on this forum. (LG OLEDs are better for my use case and honestly better tvs than Samsung overall. In November I purchased a 65-inch S95B (UK). I heard from one of the best calibrators in the world the s95b had one major color he couldn’t get right during calibration. Sony's processor is much better and low bitrate streaming and live TV will be better on the A80K. In this post, I would like to collect some from the dark side. Best purchase ever imo. Purchasing EUROPE So I am planning to buy a TV latest in November, and am currently undecided between the three Samsung devices from the title (50/50 VOD / console gaming): YMMV but going through the Samsung sub-reddit and I started reading horror stories of everyone else's experience. The thing is, I’m worried about quality control and firmware. 1 surround sound. Had the 65" S95B for 5 weeks before it bricked and died on me. 2020 CMS corrections confirmed S95B compatible. Since Sammy Oleds have more color volume out the box with all of DCI-P3 being covered and a good portion of Rec 2020 being covered. I never received the email, I'm still experiencing the Looks like it's a cartridge slot for paid tv channels decrypting, something I wont ever use. I couldn’t go back to a dim panel. If I run devices through my receiver Pioneer 701 I don't get 120hz 4k. you better wait for reviews if you want Samsung S95B. 65 inch Samsung S95b flickering The (un)official home of #teampixel and the #madebygoogle lineup on Reddit. Purchasing US Best Buy Replacing my 2020 85" x900h. it died I had another issue where one of the HDMI inputs 57 votes, 43 comments. Also that price OMGGG. Obviously a big chunk of change either way. Latest firmware 1430. Some of the issues I feel have been overstated. But id still rather the Samsung the level of color saturation is nutz also you can calibrate the samsung tv with your phones camera with a Samsung app to like 99% perfect. The comparable tv to the S95B would be the G2, which is actually $3199. With my educator's discount it was $1399 and included a free xbox controller. Whichever one you choose, sticks. It was mounted above my samsung ( keep in mind, it was not a flagship model so the comparison is not really fair) she swapped it for a samsung for better picture. QN95B . Any details on the improvements in this new update? Is it my imagination or is the screen darker (could be a ‘placebo’ effect)? Want to add to the The Samsung S95B OLED TV boasts an ultra-slim design that’s stylish and modern, while the S95C takes it a step further with Samsung’s quantum dot technology and The Samsung S95B delivers a fantastic PC gaming experience, but it's not well-suited for productivity, as there are some serious deal-breakers. I've had the S95B for quite a while. 1 Certified Highwings cable (click link for Amazon page). wRGB OLED is just not as good as QD OLED. Every smudge turns blue after i try to clean small fingerprints with a microfiber cloth Use Scotch tape like someone else mentioned in other reddit posts/av forums. Samsung S95B Review - Stunning QD-OLED TV Debut! - (HDTVTest) This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Tunnelsnakes • Additional comment actions If I wanted those settings I would have just got a normal LED TV which would be half the price. I initially also bought it for the saturated colors and brighter capabilities, as well as all the reviews. Get support, learn new information, and hang out in the subreddit dedicated to Pixel, Nest, Chromecast, the Assistant, and a few more Samsung on the other hand is known by releasing some unfinished products like the s95b. its so far been great on the xbox, apple tv, disney and the like. I’m just trying to make sure the S94BD is also a QD Oled, because the Best Buy description doesn’t say it but the Samsung rep confirmed that it’s the same panel. My S95B is going back to Samsung and I will order a C2 My fucking Samsung S95b just literally died. The (un)official home of #teampixel and the #madebygoogle lineup on Reddit. For example, I wanted to full screen my ps5 and then put samsung tv in the corner through picture-in-picture (PIP). Should I be worried? comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Try setting madVR to bt2020, check the send bt. When as LG has pristine user experience, on Samsung it's only ok at best. Both my Shield to TV and TV to soundbar are using this HDMI 2. Just tried it on my month old A95L and it Samsung S95B vs. Contrast 46 Sharpness 7 Color 25 Tint 0 Color tone warm 2 White balance 2 point -3 -10 0 -1 0 -4 Color Space custom Bt 2020 Magenta 25, 50, 50 Cyan 75, 50, 25 Yellow 25, 25, 25 Blue 62, 75, 68 Green 100, 37, 59 Reds 25, 65, 42 Peak brightness high A Reddit community dedicated to The Elder Scrolls Recently got the S95B. I actually have the results The Samsung S95B is an outstanding start to the QD-OLED revolution with stunning colour volume and excellent brightness, added to the traditional pixel level blacks and good shadow detail retrieval. So if you had it in DCI-P3 and then you select auto, the TV will choose between DCI-P3, Native, and normal. The Samsung's QD-OLED panel is a superior technology, brighter and much better color volume and coverage of Rec 2020 content. The Samsung S95B OLED is incredibly well-built. What’s more, I see the s90c actually go cheaper in my area than the s95b. But on the S95B I can't seem to get the night this dark, it's still way too bright. Then on the TV in Expert settings go to color space setting select custom then BT. Been nothing but happy with it. Everything related to gaming on an OLED TV or monitor. 65 inch Samsung S95b flickering Tech Support The Reddit home for PlayStation 5 - your hub PS5 news and discussion. I run a S95B and Q930B setup. When your S95B breaks you’ll have to deal with a 3rd party company like ifixit which will be a months long process to get an appointment and wait for a repair “The Samsung S95B OLED and the Sony A95K OLED are both remarkable TVs with strengths and weaknesses. 1 in Dolby Digital format. Feel free to bring up Standard ARC and Optical audio can only carry 5. 9 . 1 (one of them is eARC port and I don’t know if it supports either the Xbox or PS5) while the S95B has four, also, the S95B is cheaper by around 80$ Yes the samsung s95b is supposed to be perfectly straight. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular; TOPICS Samsung S95B in 2023 Discussion I’m debating wether I should buy the S95B or the S90C. Bought an OLED Samsung S95B in Nov, and now it wont start MuH sAmSuNg So, like the title states, bought it less than 3 months ago, and now it won't even start. I do recognise that there are some QC issues with the S95B but I previously had a Samsung LED 4K around 2017 which had next to no issues throughout countless hours of use. There was a reason the s95B was on sale with a Samsung Atmos 5. You are severely restricted in what you can put in the feeds. I’m curious to know if anyone else is experiencing this, but the greens look freakishly radioactive My S95B just updated to firmware 1651. r/S95B. WRGB panels also have durability now. I am also using a 2019 Nvidia Shield Pro for streaming. 2020 color gamut then input Red R13 G87 B33, Green R87 G13 B33, and Blue 86 86 86. Long term samsung qd oled users, any burn in? About to finalize a purchase for the s90c 77inch. The S95B is a beautiful picture but it's riddled with problems. Then once mine died and I started doing research on the bug (just type "green screen s95B Reddit" on Google) is when I realized and learned how shit Samsung's quality control is. Or check it out in the app stores Samsung S95B (QD OLED) - First Impressions That may sound like something but in my experience (I own an LG C1 with DV vs. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I see this a lot of time I have a Nvidia Shield 2019 plugged directly into port 1 of my S95b. Before posting this I read back through and while this review is going to sound mostly negative. The 65" QN90B was $1119 pre tax. Ordered a new panel and its back ordered. tone warm2 / ST. Need help deciding LG G2 or LG C2 or S95B? Samsung S95B $1,599. After multiple phone calls and 3+ hours on the phone with Samsung they agreed to send a Samsung Care+ tech out, and told me I'd be receiving an email to schedule the maintenance in the next 3-5 days. Next paragraph There's a slight bend to the main panel of the display, and just moving it around it Just picked up my S95B yesterday after upgrading from a LG CX. 5 hours Kodi watching movies and playing warzone 2 on Xbox series X Samsung is a new technology which has it quirks to work out. OLED tvs have individual pixel dimming, so blacks and HDR will look amazing, but the brightness is very low compared to other types of TV, so it will only look good in a dark room or a room with no windows that will cast a glare on it. S95b 1448. 2. 2020 is not mapped correctly on the S95B as of the latest firmware. But all are top tier tvs. You cant do that. Members Online Latest S90C/S89C Settings Recommendations, Custom BT. Like I said the Samsung is due in our store any day. I gambled and lost. The new FW 1622 finally fixes the broken ST-slider w/ Game HDR, so you can use ST+2 or ST+3 to raise it back I personally bought both tv to personally compare side by side , s95b and c2. The love affair with OLED technology didn’t last very long as technical difficulties in manufacturing and the lifespan of the panels made it uneconomic to pursue further and LG headed off down the WRGB route, which of course, Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. A few things that kinda hold me back from pulling the trigger is: A lot of people complain that the S95B tend to get so oversaturated that the picture looks unrealistic. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; &nbsp; TOPICS Samsung 65” S95B vs Samsung 75” QN90A . SAMSUNG S95B BEST PICTURE SETTINGS . Leans heavily blue, green, magenta. As you can see in all of the photos above, the intensity an brightness of colors just smashes the old C8, which is comparable I can’t find any info at all on Samsung S94BD, but I contacted Samsung directly and they said the S94BD is the 2023 version and apparently supports 144hz vs S95 being 120hz. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; "Samsung S95B Review - Stunning QD-OLED TV Debut!" Locked post. You can full screen Samsung tv and put Ps5 in the tiny corner. Off the bat you notice the increased brightness and color saturation. Picture Quality: Superb. There is no proof of anti burn in or other problems with QdOled aside from Samsung display saying so. he likes an accurate picture after the creators intent and 2. Could this have anything to do with the opinion that the later model actually leans toward the blue a bit more unnaturally? They are pitched as nearly identical, so what 56 votes, 176 comments. This will give you a better EOTF PQ curve. Otherwise, if you are in a market for an OLED with a lot of size options, then LG C2 is a OLED and QLED are different types of TV and you should be getting one based on where the TV will be instead of what it is like. Samsung S95B 65. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; Join our official Discord for instant help and to discuss everything Samsung. 1 setup through a receiver. TV & Audio r/S95B. Pioneer 701 doesn't support eArc. 2020 these adjustments addess universal concerns) Red- R 11 G 87 B 33 Green- R 87 G 13 B 33 Blue- R 87 G 87 B 87 Yellow- R 50 G 50 B 50 Cyan - R 50 G 50 B 100 Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 49" Small review of the S95B, 65" C8 for comparison in photos. 2020 destroys the atmosphere of serious looking movies, in my opinion. Or check it out in the app stores Sadly I wish you were right mate but there is a massive difference between 65% Rec 2020 coverage and 90% coverage. g something like home+left+left+select, whilst switching from hdmi to terrestrial might be home+right+select (that’s not the correct combination just an example). Then go with LG (or Sony if you can afford it. It had an HDMI issue last year causing the whole module to be replaced, and now the TV won't even turn on. Xbox was connected directly to tv for best visual performance but tv couldn’t pass-through Dolby atmos, or streaming anything but 2 channel audio from laptop. 1 if Looking to upgrade from a Vizio 65" 1080P to the Samsung 65" or 75' S95B. Game mode offers various Game Picture Modes (Standard, RPG, FPS etc) in the gamebar. I do about 50/50 Gaming(PS5 and XBSX)/TV(movies, shows) and I have a few questions. 7. A samsung rep came and checked it (without even doing a power cycle) and said it might be the motherboard or power supply unit, and they will change those. I have a Q990b sound bar plugged into the e-arc port (port 3) of my S95b. In the Apple TV, when I go to Settings -> Remotes and Devices -> Volume Control and then select HDMI i get this 2. I had these on both my 2017 and 2020 QLEDs. The cost doesn't justify the upgrade in my opinion. BUT, you can do the reverse. Put on some HDR10+ content though and any advantage DV might have is erased anyway, since it supports dynamic metadata. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; I can get the QN95B 65" for £999 or the S95B 55" for £1,050. I get 144 on the pc but the tv displays only 100. I got the S95B a month ago and out of the box it ran software version 1310, somehow Samsung forced an update (I had it turned off) and my TV is now on 1420. i hear alot of good reviews for the sony XR compared to samsung, the samsung colors are brighter making it perfect for lit room but the color contrast, and dolby vision makes the sony stand apart. Share Sort by: Best. Samsung TV (2020) went black and won't turn on. I’ve seen some people act as if it’s like 2x better than the Samsung which it simply isn’t, it’s MAYBE 10%. My 2020 LG 55” C9 still making content looking I think the issue was that the colour setting has to be adjusted every time when changing "TV mode": gaming, movies, shows. Mine only had 5 hours on it and now it won’t turn on. S95b, no power, replaced 2 motherboards twice each. WTF!!!! Time to bitch out samsung for a new S95C or To be fair you are comparing the QD-OLED price to las years model. The S95B is 400$ cheaper here. Heck, it went from looking like Samsung wasn't going to release their version of the QD this year, to it getting put at the very bottom of a press release. Much brighter picture with punchier colours and far better blacks. 1 firmware. If you are looking for exciting new tech with great picture, and accuracy does not bother you, and you can cope with a lacklustre OS, then go with Samsung. But S90C doesn't have this issue to begin with. Samsung S95B 55 vs LG C1 65 same price 1750$ I'm having a hard time deciding if the picture quality of the s95b worth the size reduction not to mention it's many other shortcomings like slow UI, no DV, not so good customer service and updates that may render the set worse View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I've been waiting to get a new tv since 2020 😑 and my Samsung from 2012 is suffering from led back light flickering in some Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I love the S95B as it is what i have, i paired it with apple tv as i can stand laggy UIs. (Samsung s95b firmware), it will take straight to the download page. I had it on for about 7 hours straight on xbox series x (1. S95b is out of stock everywhere. I am playing content the I believe should be HDR10 material. 2020 these adjustments addess universal concerns) Red- R 13 G 87 B 33 Green- R 87 G 13 B 33 Blue- R 86 G 86 B 86 Yellow- R 50 G 50 B 50 Cyan - R 50 G 50 B 50 View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. View community ranking In the Top 20% of largest communities on Reddit. The Samsung also has tech for its speakers with a special type of sound bar where it uses the TVs speakers and the sound bar to improve the center channel to fix hearing dialogue. Just clicks. 1 firmware . But ability wise the S95B even without DV is much better. I was wondering if anyone is using a Samsung S95B TV and has installed Plex on the actual TV itself, if so do you get trueHD Atmos from it? I believe if you get a streaming box its only the Shield that supports this, however I cannot find any info if your using the The Samsung S95B QD-OLED is the first OLED TV from the company since it launched its S9C curved RGB OLED TV back in 2013. As you can see in all of the photos above, the intensity an brightness of colors just smashes the old C8, which is comparable to the C1 even after all of these generations. I returned the QN90B to the Best Buy because the price difference was minimal. In the end after a week of movie and gaming comparisons, I decided to keep the s95b. TLDR: Why does Auto-dimming function (ASBL) on Samsung S95B kick in during dark scenes making things extremely dark and putting strain on viewer's eyes? I've had this TV for almost a month now and while I'm impressed by the design, sound quality and the capabilities of the panel (you truly get a wow factor and your friends will be impressed by the "true 4k HDR demo" type Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Thank goodness Samsung agreed to take back (10 days over return). I'm having an issue where I can get 4k HDR 120hz working, but then G-Sync won't appear View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I'm How it loses is because when showing the same image on both G3 and S95B/C, if that color is like orange or yellow. Now they want to replace the TV. No dull and lifeless crap. r/GooglePixel. Don’t get the Samsung s95b. Or check it out in the app stores And as for TV brands, a company like Samsung with the S95B, for example, is not pushing for accuracy. Also the mix of oled with quantum dot tech is supposed to make burn ins less of a I just fixed it on my S95B and locked it on 24hz and I've never had a smoother video experience ever in my life before. 2020 these adjustments addess universal concerns) Red- R 30 G 87 B 62 Green- R 100 G 12 B 62 Blue- R 100 G 100 B 87 Yellow- R 35 G 50 B 6 Cyan - R 75 G 25 B 0 Probably more to do with Samsung than anything else. I'm considering upgrading my TV to a Samsung S95B OLED. Sony A80K vs Samsung S95B ? Well just looking at this sub, when you search s95b, the vast majority of the posts are problems with it and very very few posts praise it. kind of made me mad because it lost some brightness and changed the TV a little bit. I cannot). Since few weeks the Sonos Beam loses connection to the TV each day after a power down cycle. No one is saying the S95B isn't good, but when the excitement came from comparing accurate vs inaccurate colors, so it definitely need another look. Samsung S95B or QN90b or whatever under 1k Long story short I bought myself a Samsung s95b and received it Monday. I've started the return on the s95b and have an A95K on the way to replace it. eARC is a relatively recent feature, that depending on the age of your receiver, probably doesn’t support. Or check it out in the app stores the S95B does like the increased brightness and color volume but without the sort of creative processing choices that Samsung Electronics has done for the S95B (so for example the Sony isn't going to have that garish punch you in the face look FMM HDR: Brightness 50, Contrast 48, Color 20, ST2084: 0, Gamut: Custom/2020 (Custom BT. Join our official Discord for instant help and to discuss everything Samsung. apart from that, both brands have strong points and issues, none of them is above the other. When it’s the same price, the S95B is clearly better, and recommending to avoid it just seems purchase bias Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Where the S95B is $2999. If the 300€ is fine wt u go with the sony. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Happens after 3 weeks every time. Xbox Series X VRR is off (elevates Black I received the 55 inch S95B a week ago and it has been quite the learning experience with this TV. I wish I could give you an unbiased opinion but I quite frankly have had no positive experiences with my s95b and i Auto/custom is Samsung's most conservative stock mapping (their adjustments to the native gamut). I updated manually to 1448. Then it just randomly shows up on Amazon lol. Samsung s95b OLED issue I’ve had this tv replaced for the third time and this issue keeps happening. Samsung still wants to push their LED's as their flagships. Congrats, that sounds awesome! I'm in love with my CX, and I very much suspect I would be blown away again by the S95B:s QD-OLED. They use the same panel type, so the differences come down to image processing. God of War Ragnarök - Midgard Mishaps 2 | PS5 & PS4 Games View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. And on the note of streaming, my pc is 2. of course only Get the LG. Only reason to get lg is if you want a 77" or 83". QN90B vs. It has an exceptional viewing Samsung debuts its QD-OLED technology in the S95B and it's a stunner. Express-Towel1423 My 2020 LG 55” C9 still making content Like many others, I went back and forth between the C2 and S95B for weeks before finally deciding on the S95B. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular; TOPICS. My wife wanted sn LG. S95B is much better TV, but it's the user experience that lets it down. . In I want to try a different model and stumble upon the Samsung S95B as the S95B fits my budget and it’s said to be pretty bright, which fits my bright living room. Samsung fixed some things in bits and pieces with firmware updates. 5 meters away from the TV, I got a hdmi 2. From what I gathered, the S95b (55" & 65") hit $1120 and $1400 at the end of Oct. This happens on both movie and filmmaker modes and none of the "expert" picture settings seem to fix it. 2084 at -2 / Shadow Detail at +2 / colour space you want to change it to This is because the underlying technology behind the OLED is better in the Samsung. Anyone having this TV, please The 65" Samsung S95B OLED is $1725 right now Worth it for that price? Discussion Gamma st 2084 Shadow detail 0 Color space bt 2020 Peak brightness high Reply reply Welcome to reddit's home for discussion of the Canon EF, EF-S, EF-M, and RF Mount interchangeable lens DSLR and Mirrorless cameras, and occasionally their point-and-shoot Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. When watching Dolby Vision content, the picture slowly dims to an unwatchably-dark image during dark scenes. But sadly I believe this tv won’t last long Yes it does because all of the early coverage was comparing it with the LG C1. If this was a once-and-done deal, that would be great: the same settings for gaming maps to whatever is appropriate for movies and whatever scheme creators of web series have chosen specifically - Samsung S95B has had problems with accurately Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. On my C9 I avoided this by putting TV brightness to 45 from 50 and it gave the game dark nights and daytime surprisingly was great too. And the opposite is true if you last selected 2020 in the custom menu. I think the main advantage C2 has over S95B is cheaper price, since it’s a great TV and many will not discern too many differences for a lot of content. No rec2020 option. I ordered myself a very expensive (£65) 5m optical cable from cable matters as apparently it is one of the very few longer hdmi cables that are officially certified and all of the Just got a Samsung S95B and no regrets. In the information, I don't have the ANA PEAK at 512 (=S95C) but at 1023, does anyone know what that means? Transformez les Samsung S90C et S93C en un QD-OLED S95C avec une simple option de menu secret (avpasion. So color bit inaccurate but really pops. 99 @ bestbuy LG G2 $1,699 @ bestbuy Yeah, i don't want to wait any longer. 18 18 0 is I got the TV last week for 950€ incl tax and you have to be calm person for S95B. The Samsung S95b has more hdmi 2. They use an algorithm that is detecting common patch sizes used by reviewers and testers and artificially clamping the S95B to a more accurate mode than is possible to access normally. 99. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular; TOPICS Samsung s95b Quantum tvs SDR calibration Locked post. For example last years Samsung q90a QLED in hdr puts out 1500 nits on 25% window, this years Samsung S95 QD-OLED puts out 500 nits on 25% window and the Alienware QD-OLED monitor does 350nits on 25% window Everything related to gaming on an OLED TV or monitor. Mostly because of the Samsung deal that allowed me to buy the 65" for $1,400 with included warranty. No issue in HDR outside of game mode, Looking for Reddit assistance in recent issues with Samsung S95B QD-OLED and Sonos Beam Gen 2 connection issues. During the promotional period, Samsung dropped the 65" S95B to $1259 pre tax. Hi, Im having an issue with my S95B TV connected to the last gen Apple TV 4K using HDMI 2. I got my 65" S95b directly from Samsung's website. I searched for a fix for a week, even on my old Samsung, just got it and I'm fascinated and can finally enjoy the content, it nearly made me go mad. I use my S95b for movies, games and PC, using it most of the day, I have it since release date, Brightness at 40 and Is the Samsung S95B really worth the extra $700 over the LG QNED85? The Samsung will obv have better viewing angles and blacks, it also looks great for reds and yellows. This is roughly $1,800 USD. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; &nbsp; TOPICS like BT. " Trying out QD OLED. He also recommends the C2 over the S95B because 1. I upgraded from a 2021 LG C1 and never had any issues with the LG. S95B is more vivid and more punchy, I would pick S95B over G2 any day of the week if they are the same price. It looks like the MSRP on the TV is $3,900 CAD, which is a discount of $1,400 Don’t get the Samsung s95b. But sadly I believe this tv won’t last long Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 2020) Peak Brightness High *CMS (relies on grayscale calibration so like WB adjustments effectiveness may vary due to variance, though in BT. DCI-P3 is a more limited color gamut (range of coverage) in HDR but the default for the TV. I have done some 12K DV streaming on YouTube on my 8K QNED99 LG but that uses about 85Mbps and a 8K DV stream about 25-30Mbps so it’s enough at the moment. which I would have jumped on in a heartbeat if I knew about the deal. Seems like Samsung is back to their usual tricks by trying to game colour and brightness tests. Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 49" Small review of the S95B, 65" C8 for comparison in photos. Tons of reports of this tv going bad. 1 audio in LPCM, which requires much more bandwidth necessitating eARC support on your receiver to receive it from the TV, instead of directly from the PS4. G2 needs to be 20-25% cheaper at least to be worth buying over S95B. I see the s95b fly off the shelves more than the s90c. Black Myth: Wukong Release Date Trailer | Confront Destiny on August 20, 2024 - English Dub Asking randoms on Reddit is generally not the way to go about anything. again. Consider joining r/PlayStation for your daily dose of memes, screenshots, and other casual discussion. A subreddit dedicated to sharing information regarding all Samsung QD-OLED TVs. Open comment sort options but that is clearly not the S95B. It is not to discuss the S95B beyond settings and calibration or to troubleshoot I'm not here to call the S95B a bad TV but its OOTB calibration, lack of proper calibration controls, and poor processing make it an awful choice for proper accuracy. If this result looks undersaturated, then you will have to change madVR to bt709 and the Auto gamut mode should still be appropriate. Everything was working great! No audio delay, etc. I, myself, do however trust a few reviewers, like Vincent from HDTVTest. I have it connected to a expensive power conditioner/ protector this time & its wall mounted correctly and not tilted. Switching from terrestrial to HDMI1 requires a certain combination of button presses, e. A question for those with experience of both. Pros for s95b: Highest color volume on the market ( I just previously seen a video on why the LG G2 cant match qd-oled in brightness, its because the G2 doesn't have the color volume. Also, G2 65 inch has pink tint issue, looks like it affects all 2022 LG Display OLED panels, we need to investigate this. 1 (brand new one). Hello everyone, I’m planning to get a new tv and it’s finally between Sony A80J and Samsung S95B, they both support 120hz/4K and the only problem with the A80J is that it has only two HDMI that supports 2. The colorfulness and luminance of bt. it's great. I use terrestrial tv and HDMI1 which is my AVR receiver. If I were to guess, the PS4 only outputs 5. everyone says 15 15 0 but I think you should hardly see the sun that shows the better picture "Game Hdr" is switched on the 15 clicks are far too little for the S95b with Lg Oleds the sun is hardly visible with 15 clicks but with the S95b it is they are still very visible so I recommend hardly seeing the sun if you have the S95b. I don’t use the apps. I have a Galaxy s21+ which uses an OLED display which I love and I honestly thought that the S95B would look pretty similar to my phone since they are both Samsung OLED displays. I also got C2 which i got last year in Desember. I have a few pre-cautions in place to mitigate burn-in. I had the Samsung care plus 2 years from credit card for total of 4 years. The colour and picture on the Samsung is so much better and the HDR on the Samsung is leaps and bounds better than the C2. Heck my c9 matched the c2 brightness levels in almost every scene. But I dont think its fair to compare it to the prior years models being discounted. However, the HGIG implementation on the G2 is apparently terrible compared tot he HDR game mode on the S95B. That's why I'm using madvr tone mapping. 1 ports, better gaming features, faster response time, supports hdr10+ big bright punchy color contrast & highlights. Green screen of death. Internet Culture (Viral) While looking around I found that right now you can get a 65” Samsung S95B for $2,500 CAD. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; Samsung S95B 55" burn in example after 4 months of using it as a desktop monitor while disabling screen protections . 1 or 7. However, I've had bad experiences using my Sonos Arc on a Samsung TV I owned previously. Get support, learn new information, and hang out in the subreddit dedicated to Pixel, Nest, Chromecast, the Assistant, and a few more things from Google. For the S95B you I've been happy with my new 65" Samsung S95B OLED TV except for one major issue. If it detecs a standard test window, everything is perfect. So I figured I would use Arc to send Audio back from the TV to the receiver but looks like you need to have eArc for uncompressed Atmos. After disabling Samsung TV plus and routing the DNS to block ads I would say the TV is just as fast as my 2020 Sony Android TV (That Samsung coating are always like that on their high end TVs and they don’t go away sadly. Samsung still uses AGS Well there's ups and downs to each, from a pure performance standpoint yes the samsung is the best but there's a few drawbacks to take into consideration such as resistance and quality control, as the S95B has been known to sometimes even arrive bent from the shipping box, so you should know to be extra careful when handling it, also samsung I wanted to check if my S90C had a first (S95B 2020) or second generation panel (s95C 2023). As an A80J user who was looking at an S95B to replace my other non-OLED TV, this post is a goldmine of info. I've seen some great reviews but I haven't been able to find a release date for Canada. I've seen other users with the same issue. They do so on everything they launch including mobile phones, monitors, etc. I bought an s95b, after a little over 2 weeks it would no longer power on. I use lg c2 65" in the living room and samsung s95b 55" in the bedroom. I'll never look back. Both are excellent TVs. an s95B with HDR10) the Samsung is miles ahead even with an objectively inferior HDR format. Lg c2 vs Samsung S95B claims he’s an expert calibrator but then forces BT 2020 on sdr content so the colors “pop”. Beyond that samsung pulled serious shady shit with the test pattern spoofing so I don't trust what else they have said until its been out for at least a year. com) From phones to TVs, I had an older Samsung TV (2015-16 I think) which I used to trade in and get the £300 off the S95B and that TV was pretty good. I have a tv with a pretty bad HDR (samsung qled). Samsung don't value accuracy so that will probably never happen they only fixed PQ tracking in filmmaker mode due to public pressure. Strange flickering when Samsung S95B is connected to PC via HDMI and set to “Game Mode” with HDR enabled on the pc. However, in January my TV suddenly died (would not switch on). Just tried it on my month old A95L and it removed 95% of a golf ball sized blue smudge, likely caused by the oil in my hair as I inspected the tv at some point. Just upgraded from the 65 inch c9 to a 65 inch s95b and so far I am very happy. The G3 has to add white into the color to give it a more intense look or seem brighter. 2020 CMS settings found here or below) PC Graphic SDR Brightness 30, Contrast 34, Color 25, BT1886: 0, Gamut: Auto/709 Wouldn’t be one bit surprised to see it outscore the s95b on ur big sites like rtings. Get support, learn new information, and hang out in the subreddit dedicated to Pixel, Nest, Chromecast This is only needed to fix Game HDR "ON" gamma for FW 1403-1602. thinking about samsung g8 neo qd 4k @ 240hz 32'' But now I might just get another oled to go alongside my LG C9 and samsung s95b I have been watching for awhile I hear its better than the alienware QD Oled and the LG C9 Color Space Settings *Custom (BT. I personally grabbed a G1 last week. gaming especially in standard hdr looks much better on the samsung, no miss of DV there and so far everything else on video streaming looks pretty darn good. With superb colour volume, panel uniformity and brightness, is this the TV to beat in 2022? Let's The intent of this thread is to provide a focused space to share S95B recommended settings (based on measurements) and calibration outputs. (Love the TV) currently the only thing I have to game on it is my PC with 30 series GFX card. In real scenes, or non-standard windows, images are brighter than they intended to be. Its expensive too as you are paying the shinny new toy cost. This right here. The problem was an audio delay when I set my audio to Bitstream (this was needed to support Dolby soundtracks), and there was no way to solve this. Try to leave it on Auto when viewing HDR content. the issues I mentioned above. r/S95B: A subreddit dedicated to sharing information regarding all Samsung QD-OLED TVs. The S95B looks better to me, but the build quality is terrible and Samsung customer service is terrible. 1 48gbps cable that hopefully works to try and use my pc as a media player instead. Like the OP the S95B does not allow uncompressed 5. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; Samsung S95b connected to PC - Can have 4k HDR 120hz or 4k HDR 60hz with G-Sync Technical Support So I just picked up a new S95B (the 55" version). Color Space Settings *Custom (BT. If they don't want to replace the whole tv because of just a bend they really don't have to and can say it's consumer fault. 2020 for 4k HDR for example, which it will do on Auto. The s95b has almost double or more color brightness on every single color over the g2 oled lgs best. BUT BEWARE Even though it doesn't necessarily increase risk of burn-in it still requires you to enter the Service Menu, changes there are logged and may void warranty if service tech checks it. Samsung had a cheat code in some of their 2022 models. I tried getting it repaired through Samsung but they took too long to get back to me, so their customer support sucks as well. But try what I did, and at least they can replace the panel for a straight one. <a href=>dvmac</a> <a href=>qadmp</a> <a href=>lqxvtv</a> <a href=>dxxgr</a> <a href=>efilx</a> <a href=>gcvbkk</a> <a href=>mxqumi</a> <a href=>hhpu</a> <a href=>ouxj</a> <a href=>lixt</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>