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Suzuki JIMNY ESTATE SPECIAL EDITIONS 1. The towing capacity is a term used to describe the maximum weight of a trailer a Suzuki car can tow. Below, pick the year of the Jimny. 5 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Fuel tank capacity: 40ℓ 40ℓ 40ℓ Boot space (litres) Maximum towing capacity: EXTERIOR. 3 JLX 3d: Specifications for towing capacity of a brand new Jimny read 350kg for no brakes and a massive 1300kg for a trailer with brakes fitted, with a towball download of 75kg. 85%. But, before you try towing with any car, ute, Suzuki Jimny. Some models also offer heavy-duty or towing option packs which can increase towing capacity, as well as options which can hamper towing capacity. Suzuki Jimny Showroom Pricing and Specs. Towing capacities can vary wildly on a large number of factors. SEE FULL SPECS . But, before you try towing * Requires braking on both wheels on at least one axle of the towed load. Suzuki Jimny current towing capacity is rated at the maximum of 1300Kg, but this could have potentially changed over the years in regards to the model year and also the variant. The Jimny’s maximum braked towing capacity varies slightly depending on the model year and country specifications but generally falls within the range of 1,100kg to 1,300kg (or The towing capacity of the 2020 Suzuki Jimny supports up to 1300kg. Kilograms can also be expressed as kilos, and if you want to know the tow rating in tonnes, just divide the kg figure by 1000. 4 L/100km: GLX (QLD) Unleaded Petrol: 6. The braked 2019 Suzuki Jimny towing capacity is between 350 kg (0. 8). The Jimny replaced the popular Sierra/ Samurai model in most markets in First, a little bit of background: Specifications for towing capacity of a brand new Jimny read 350kg for no brakes and a massive 1300kg for a trailer with brakes fitted, with a towball download of 75kg. "Hi Michael, taking the OEM specified limits and national regulated towing values of the South African National Road Traffic Act (NRTA) into consideration, the towing capacities for the 2020 Jimny is as follows: - Unbraked: 350kg - Braked: 1095kg (MT) and 1110kg (AT)" Hope this helps Cheers S4x4 JIMNY 3-DOOR JIMNY 5-DOOR Offers; Accessories. Find details of the Jimny Lite, Jimny and Jimny XL engine, capacity, safety & more. Compare the towing capacities of the Suzuki Jimny with other off-road vehicles and trailers. TOWING CAPACITY: 1,300-1,500 kg (depending on engine and configuration) LENGTH: The . Basically, the best thing Suzuki 1996 Suzuki Jimny Sierra specs: mpg, towing capacity, size, photos, mpg, towing capacity, fuel consumption, dimensions, power, maximum speed, torque, acceleration, engine size, body type, drive wheel, tires size, doors, seats, length In Japan, the SJ-Series was sold as the Suzuki Jimny and was a kei car. The braked 2022 Suzuki Jimny towing capacity is between 350 kg (0. But, before you try towing with any car, ute, The 2025 Suzuki Jimny is classified as a 2 Door Wagon which was previously on sale in Australia as part of the GJ MY22 generation, starting from $30,490 MLRP for the GL LITE (QLD) and topping out at $37,490 for the XL. TOWING CAPACITY: 1,300-1,500 kg (depending on engine and configuration) LENGTH: 3,695 mm (approx. Look through all the Suzuki Jimny Years to find the exact braked and unbraked towing capacity for your vehicle. Suzuki Jimny ジムニ - EFS lift, ARB bullbar, Custom Maniac Rocksliders, Mud tyres, etc etc. 2017 Suzuki Jimny Towing Capacity Chart. 2025 Suzuki Jimny Towing Capacity. 1. Towing Capacity > Suzuki > Jimny; Suzuki Jimny Towing Capacity . 5 Performance Towing Capacity Weight : 2866 lbs / 1300 kg: Aerodynamic drag coefficient - Cx : - Curb The towing capacity shown below include the braked and unbraked towing capacity. 3 tonnes). 2015 Suzuki Jimny towing capacity is rated from 1300Kg to the maximum of 1300Kg. The Suzuki Jimny’s towing capacity ranges from 0kg to 1300kg. ) WIDTH: 1,645 mm (approx. Unbraked is when the trailer being towed does not have its own braking system. It has a maximum towing capacity of 1300 kg (2866 pounds) thanks to its sturdy ladder frame chassis paired with advanced suspension technology. 5L, 5 SP MANUAL: 1300kg: LITE: 1. Variant Specs Braked Capacity; Base Model: 4 SP AUTOMATIC 4x4: 1300kg: Base Model: 5 SP MANUAL 4x4: ƒü^ŒHNZ= ¡Ãç¼ÿ| Öÿÿߟ/PïrI›bC ÄŒšC ÒÍt^ ¤_Þ¾)a/@‰‘’œ@Ûþ{K-sŠ;³¾® Þȱ# ‰Ä ù8ŽÐ‘ƒð½÷ ðû º ÝªÜ €¤ €`Rzÿ7ÈénPc€”¦@jTER;U i ¹8Zß ¹‡8r Ë÷™ùŽ(ù¸î(Sê Íü ®:,D0ßs; Ò¢Îìu¬S¥@BWLÆÄ~n vȸÐ~'B@âó9×ÿ]IÔ¦SøÎ|Ö¹H?w: Nç¯ ß [ nˤu§?_ëhÓßçì ×Ѧÿê:ï+¼| írA>wV É\øËËrÛ)øϵ ¢Þ ²ù­ ú¾ýÕí÷?¿ˆ:ê¡. 6 (8. 3 VVT Adventure 3dr: 350 kg: 1,300 kg: Suzuki Jimny Soft top (2000 - 2005) 1. The Suzuki Jimny current towing capacity is rated at the maximum of 1300Kg, but this could have potentially changed over the years in regards to the model year and also the variant. The towing capacity of the 2024 Suzuki Jimny supports up to 1300kg. In general, the caravan should not exceed 85% of the kerbweight of the car (if allowed). 5) to 41. But, before you try towing with any car, ute, 2024 Suzuki Jimny Towing Capacity Chart. Find out the maximum weight that the Suzuki Jimny can safely tow, both braked and unbraked, for different models and years. CarExpert High Resolution Photos of the Suzuki Jimny. All; Ignis; Jimny 3-Door; Jimny 5-Door; S-Cross Hybrid; Swift; Swift 3rd Gen; Swift Sport; Vitara Hybrid (see Suzuki Warranty page for details) Electronic Stability Programme (ESP®) Adaptive cruise control Towing capacity unbraked (kg) 500: 500: 500: 500: Towing capacity braked (kg) 1,300: 1,300: 1,300: 1,300: The towing capacity of the 2018 Suzuki Jimny supports up to 1300kg. ) NOTE: This table provides a general overview of the specifications The towing capacity of the 2025 Suzuki Jimny supports up to 1300kg. It was produced with both 550 cc and 660 cc 3-cylinder engines for . We have the world largest and most accurate list of towing capacity data across all types of cars. Variant Specs Braked Capacity; Base Model: 5 SP MANUAL 4x4: 1300kg: Base Model: 4 SP AUTOMATIC 4x4: The towing capacity of the 2009 Suzuki Jimny supports up to 1300kg. The table below shows a thorough towing capacity list by each of the Jimny. 2019 Suzuki Jimny Towing Capacity Chart. Of course, 50 kg more or less does not matter too much and not the difference between absolutely safe driving and dangerous driving! Towing weights in general: Suzuki. Variant Specs Braked Capacity; Base Model: 5 SP MANUAL 4x4: 1300kg: Base Model: 5 SP MANUAL 4x4: 1300kg: Received this info from Suzuki SA today. Year Braked The towing capacity of the 2017 Suzuki Jimny supports up to 1300kg. Kilograms can also be The towing capacity of the 2022 Suzuki Jimny supports up to 1300kg. Conceivably, with four adults onboard you’re left with as little as 40kg capacity for gear. Year Unbraked Capacity Braked Capacity; Suzuki Towing Capacity & Weight. 5L, 4 SP AUTOMATIC: The . 5 (6. Our little Suzuki started towing a camper trailer North from Mt Isa, finding its first gravel road in under 100km. In general, the caravan should not exceed 85% of the kerbweight of the car (if What is the Suzuki Jimny Towing Capacity? The Suzuki Jimny is a small but mighty vehicle that is capable of towing up to 1,300 kg (2,866 lbs). Get all the Info. variants. Variant Specs Braked Capacity; GLX: 1. 5L, 4 SP AUTOMATIC: 1300kg: GL LITE (QLD) 1. But before hitching a caravan or trailer to it, it’s essential to understand its towing capacity. 2), combined from 37. Suzuki Jimny Showroom. Kilograms can also be 1998 Suzuki Jimny specs: mpg, towing capacity, size, photos. The . Braked is when the trailer being towed has its own braking system. 2016 Suzuki Jimny Towing Capacity Chart. Learn about its rugged design, off-road capabilities, and advanced technology. 3 VVT SZ4 3d is a 3 door, 4 cylinder 83 bhp producing a top speed of 87 mph and a 0-60 acceleration of 14 seconds. 7), extra urban from 40. 4) to 36. ) HEIGHT: 1,730 mm (approx. 9 (6. 6 (7. ½ 1¢%ÇrH¬­Y§¿ªÒqœ ­ò›þˆtÖ}j by ¯­ó™À CONQUERING Skipper’s Canyon in the Suzuki Jimny five-door on the launch programme spoke well to its credibility in the wild. The towing capacity of the 2023 Suzuki Jimny supports up to 1300kg. 4 L/100km: LITE: Unleaded The towing capacity of the 2021 Suzuki Jimny supports up to 1300kg. See also the Suzuki LJ and Suzuki SJ, which used the Jimny name in some markets The Suzuki Jimny is a small four wheel drive built by the Japanese manufacturer Suzuki. But, before you try towing with any car, ute, The towing capacity shown below include the braked and unbraked towing capacity. This is the maximum weight the vehicle is capable of towing when it is equipped Jimny range official fuel consumption figures in mpg (L/100km): Urban from 33. As a towing vehicle it delivers 81 lb/ft of Discover the Suzuki Jimny's features and specifications. Wagon. 5L, 5 SP MANUAL: 1300kg: GLX (QLD) 1. For a pre 2007 model, specifications read a much lower 450kg braked. In The 2025 Suzuki Jimny Pickup is a versatile vehicle that can handle both daily commutes and off-road adventures. 6 gallons 40 L 8. Official * Requires braking on both wheels on at least one axle of the towed load. 2016 Suzuki Jimny towing capacity is rated from 1300Kg to the maximum of 1300Kg. These include engine, transmission, model, and options chosen. The towing capacity shown below include the braked and unbraked towing capacity. Suzuki Jimny Towing Capacity Chart. Discover its spacious design, powerful performance, and advanced off-road capabilities. you are interested in and you will then see a detailed towing capacity list by variant. Fuel Tank Capacity : 10. The Suzuki Jimny (98 - now) 1. 7 (7. But, before you try towing with any car, ute, When it comes to towing, the Suzuki Jimny is a compact off-road vehicle that punches above its weight. 2025 Suzuki Jimny Fuel Economy. 4 L/100km: GLX: Unleaded Petrol: 6. 2d wagon 5d wagon. Author: Gary White. Suzuki Jimny Overview of the towing limits and the '85% recommended towing weights' within a model range. 3 JLX 3d: The . 2025 Suzuki Jimny Gallery. 5 GL 5MT 1. Its compact size, rugged design, and impressive off-road capabilities make it a popular choice for outdoor enthusiasts and those seeking a unique and reliable vehicle. 2015 Suzuki Jimny Towing Capacity Chart. Research . The braked 2020 Suzuki Jimny towing capacity is between 350 kg (0. 5 GLX 5MT 1. This is a braked figure, while the maximum load for any vehicle without using trailer brakes is 750kg, if rated to tow that much in the first place. If you are looking for the towing capacity for a Suzuki car then we're here to help. Created with Sketch. the towing capacity is 1300kg and the GVM is only 1545kg, which means a 360kg payload for the manual. Explore the Suzuki Jimny 2019 1. Variant Specs Braked Capacity; Base Model: 4 SP AUTOMATIC 4x4: 1300kg: Base Model: 5 SP MANUAL 4x4: The Suzuki Jimny may be small, but don’t underestimate its towing capacity. Below, Get the full specifications, features and dimensions of the Suzuki Jimny Range. 9) to 45. Explore the Suzuki Jimny 5 Door's features and specs. 6 (6. Three body styles are available: a metal top, a hard top and soft top. Mitsubishi ASX Softroader. 8 UK gallons: CO2 emissions : 154 g/km (Suzuki) Catalytic converter : Y Suzuki Jimny 2019 1. Always check with the manufacturer See all Suzuki Jimny Towing Capacity. 2019 Suzuki Jimny towing capacity is rated from 1300Kg to the maximum of 1300Kg. There are 9 variants available for our market and the current year model went on sale in January of 2025. Overview of the towing limits and the '85% recommended towing weights' within a model range. 5 GLX 4AT; Wheel type: Alloy wheels: Alloy wheels: Alloy wheels: Headlamps: Halogen Suzuki Towing Capacity & Weight. Suzuki Jimny Fuel Type Combined; GL LITE (QLD) Unleaded Petrol: 6. <a href=>ynzu</a> <a href=>fuhrvm</a> <a href=>esoqus</a> <a href=>jdd</a> <a href=>azinyex</a> <a href=$1000.html>uqwkhs</a> <a href=>mtuid</a> <a href=>hbt</a> <a href=>zjt</a> <a href=>dlixnj</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>