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class="site"> <span class="skip-link screen-reader-text"><br> </span> <div class="header-middle"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="site-branding news-box-logo"> <h1 class="site-title logo-off"><span class="navbar-brand">5kg shipping cost pandabuy. First haul- All links below.</span></h1> <p class="site-description"><br> </p> </div> <!-- .site-branding --> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="custom_html-5" class="widget_text header-banner widget_custom_html"> <div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="header-bottom latest-news-bar"> <div class="container"> <div class="nbox-ticker"> <div class="ticker-title"> <div class="news-latest">5kg shipping cost pandabuy Just enter your order details like the package weight and Pandabuy's shipping cost calculator works by inputting the total weight of the package and the applicable shipping rate. Size down 1 or even 2 for a more regular fit. For this reason, always drop boxes on shoes if you don't absolutely want or need them, boxes increase volume by a lot. 5KG PANDABUY HAUL REVIEW! 4,5 KG Pandabuy HAUL to Italy My 3rd haul shipped with Pandabuy TOTAL Weight : 4539 g 37 * 32. Links. 00 Operation:¥ 8. Best. 55 USD Shipping extras: Insurance, Moisture Bag, Vacuum Packaging, Corner Protection Shipping Fastest <5kg shipping method to east coast US? Discussion. I’ve shipped 8. When you order your items on pandabuy you will first only be charged for the items and the domestic fees required to ship them to the warehouse, normally take like a week max to reach the warehouse. Shipping price Help | Question. 8. Has anyone recently Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. Super stoked on the purple jeans as I had been wanting a pair and the quality is amazing, they fit TTS and have all the correct tags 10/10. 5kg haul using UK Line. We are pleased to provide free worldwide express shipping on all orders! To find out how much it would cost to ship a package, you can use online shipping calculators provided by shipping carriers like USPS, UPS, FedEx, or by logistics platforms like aight so basically pandabuy is the middle man in the process of buying the goods and shipping them out. The Pandabuy Shipping Cost Calculator has various applications: Personal Use. If you ship a lot of clothes (hoodies, shirts, jackets), use vacuum bag. Reply reply Substantial_Camel960 My 2nd haul - 5kg Posted by u/AdHead5722 - 2 votes and 11 comments The cost of international shipping varies depending on the shipping line and the weight/size of your parcel and the destination country. According to the Pandabuy estimator, that would only be 357 yuan which seems way to cheap. Pandabuy shipping cost to Denmark – more precise results than PDB's own estimates. If you thinking what agent you should use for your hauls - I definetely recommend to use Pandabuy! 459K subscribers in the Pandabuy community. AutoModerator GD-EMS IS ON A SHIPPING STREAK 😝😝 upvotes The cost of international shipping varies depending on the shipping line and the weight/size of your parcel and the destination country. 5kg and 5kg The compensation will be based on the actual value and shipping cost but up to the 'Product Insured Amount Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. 14. $105 for 21kg is good Posted by u/Cubbyxy - 5 votes and 8 comments This is my first time shipping anything from China and I am very satisfied with PandaBuy. You can visit Pandabuy estimation page, enter your destination country, and the estimated weight of your parcel. 44 shipping cost. I used Pandabuy because it is very user friendly and I wanted to go the safe way for my first shipment. I've added up the estimated weight for each item and it works out to around 3. 447K subscribers in the Pandabuy community. 30-60 days. I declared about 20$ for 5. 313K subscribers in the Pandabuy community. 94) Vet hoodie and Represent tee were TOO huge, I don't rly wear them, other things were perfect. You actually dont have to spend the money you declare. This page shows you how much a CNF parcel is going to cost and what shipping service you can use, taking into account your country and the exact dimensions and weight of your items, So, come to r/Pandabuy and tell us your story about Pandabuy and we'll choose three people who "love Pandabuy the most" and Return the Shipping Cost!💰(NOTE: submit at least 1 parcel in 2024) ⏳ Deadline: Mar. 17 votes, 22 comments. With pasting a product link to make an order, and we will provide a full range of best-in-class services after. And of course I would How To Estimate Shipping On Pandabuy (Full Guide)Navigate the process of estimating shipping costs on Pandabuy with ease using this comprehensive guide. You may check route characteristics and weight limit in shipping calculator and choose suitable shipping routes. 420K subscribers in the Pandabuy community. Super stoked on the purple jeans as I had been wanting a pair and the quality is amazing, they fit I just checked shipping data last month,friend. Add a Comment. 5kg, paid $72 for the products and $69 for shipping using KR-EMS to nebraska. 8. More posts you may like r/Pandabuy. CnFans shipping calculator. Sal does not provide insurance, and the shipping speed is slow. Some routes are determined based on the weight of the package, some routes are determined based on the volume of the package, and some routes calculate freight based on the weight and volume of the package. The shipping cost is calculated based on the weight and dimensions of the package, as well as the shipping method and The best way to calculate the shipping cost is to add the products you are interested in to the cart, then click on "Estimator" at the bottom right Here you can see all the information regarding the estimated weight and volume, so select the items you are interested in and click "Inquire"; Now you will get an estimate of how much it costs to ship everything with each courier Posted by u/TsaggasFonias - 181 votes and 107 comments Jag och mina 2 vänner kommer köpa en haul för 22. I wanted to save space by vacuum sealing only the clothing items from the haul. Also I really enjoyed their overall agent service. 99 Value-added service fee:¥ 10. You can share the link of this page to lead others this Shipping Info. And by clicking on the Third big haul using Pandabuy, everything went smoothly. but if you’re planning to buy multiple things like shoes, clothes, accessories, etc, they wont cost as much from Hi guys, this was my first ever haul with an agent. Are the PandaBuy shipping estimated costs accurate? My package will be about 5 kg and it’s saying I can get it shipped for about $75. You need to pay for the items and domestics shipping fee when you place the order,friend. Any Tips ? How to Estimate Shipping on Pandabuy. Minimal Fees: At Pandabuy, we strive to keep our shipping fees minimal to offer you the best value. It is not recommended for you to use it. This depends on the route you choose. Topics may include foreign markets such as Taobao, Weidian, and many other Chinese Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. VERY very accurate pricing. I have my items in warehouse and when I select all of them to ship it says 3. KR-EMS best option, cheapest and one of the fastest. HAUL stats AGENT: PANDABUY LINE: DHL TARIFLESS LINE-F (14 days - shipped 19/12/23; arrived 2/01/24) COUNTRY: PORTUGAL WEIGHT: 8,5Kg SHIPPING COST: 134,44€ ITEM COST: WHO CARES? The most important thing is to find the right option for your parcel. Pandabuy shipping cost to Australia – more precise results than PDB's own estimates. r/Pandabuy. Cssbuy: Inaccurate pricing. Members Online • Virtual-Fly-7206. They would get less questions like this if I shipped 10. 263K subscribers in the Pandabuy community. Help | Question. Review. This page shows you how much a PDB parcel is going to cost and what shipping service you can use, taking into account your country and the exact dimensions and weight of your items, among other factors. Help buying online & offline products in China. The weight will be higher and you have to charge again maybe 20$😂😂 pandabuy and their shipping costs is criminal guys Reply reply I payed 125,- Euro's for a 6. and the system will calculate the approximate shipping cost for you. Does anyone have the postage prices for 5kg parcels for the UK? Want to request a bundle but postage prices will determine how many items! Shipping cost for USPS? r/Pandabuy. I will show you what you need to do to get your package asap. 5KG to 3. You may check route characteristics on shipping calculator and choose suitable shipping route. Is that true? Question. Applications. But if you could pay estimate weight first Yeah i usually pay 130-140€ for 10kg haul with Triangle shipping line but rn im picked the courier opens my parcels and took 3 items from it and also pandabuy doesnt want refund me soo im cooked but it also takes 14-20 days In order to repay our customers’support and love for Pandabuy, platform will lower the shipping fee of PD-EMS for UK, and the minimum weight limit for the UK has been adjusted from 1. Funko Pop Figures. I have around 5 kg of clothes in storage. my haul around 5kg shipping 65€ Review. Topics may include foreign markets such as Taobao, Weidian, and many other Chinese marketing platforms. You can visit Pandabuy estimation page, enter your destination country and the weight of the items you want to ship, and the estimated cost for available shipping lines will be displayed. I think I could save $25 forwarding but I'd rather keep it all in house. 5 kg is cheap asf Reply reply mchampeli • I declared my haul at 70$ and the shipping cost was some 420-430 cny. It is suggested that you could keep it around 10 kg per parcel,friend. 4. Also there is around 76% parcels get delivered and others is still on the way. China Post SAL : $50. So wondering how much dropping boxes would save (I kinda like having the boxes on some pairs but Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. If you ship shoes, remove shoe boxes. Sort by: Best. 10 votes, 19 comments. 10-25 days. 63 USD Shipping cost: 44. Topics may include foreign markets such as Taobao, Weidian, and many Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. HZ-EMS : In addition, if you want to reduce the shipping cost, you can consider choosing 'net weight', which will reduce the actual weight and volumetric weight of the parcel and reduce the shipping cost to some extent. not everyone's shipping is gonna cost the same as some where in europe or australia for example 😭 Gosym1234 • How much should I normally be 21 Results – JadeShip's ultimate Pandabuy Shipping Calculator. I ordered some stuff (2,5kg) and im wondering whats the best shipping method to germany. I know there are not too many videos on this so if this helped make sure to 15 Results – JadeShip's ultimate Pandabuy Shipping Calculator. This will show you all the available lines and their What if my weight is 2. And let me tell you Depends on which shipping line and where u want to ship,friend. It is tailored for various users, ranging from small businesses to large enterprises, delivering accurate The best way to calculate the shipping cost is to add the products you are interested in to the cart, then click on "Estimator" at the bottom right. Pandabuy shipping cost to United States – more precise results than PDB's own estimates. 3. PandaBuy gets paid by over-inflating the costs of shipping and also by over-inflating the currency conversions. The chrome hearts hoodie was also very good quality, nice and Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. Hi friend, you can visit Pandabuy estimation page, enter your destination country, and the estimated weight of your parcel. If you want to know a more accurate shipping cost, you can spend 20 In this video, I will be teaching you how to estimate your shipping on panda buy. Hey this is a review on my 5Kg+2Kg Haul. GT Cut 1 Blue Void GT Cut 1 Purple Kobe 5 Chaos Kobe 6 Mambacita Nike Dunk Low YOTR 39 votes, 41 comments. New comments cannot be posted. I’d ship it in 2 halves imo. Superbuy, Pandabuy, Sugargoo, Cssbuy, CnFans, HooBuy, AllChinaBuy, CSS-Ali-Express-S E:0-4. com 16 Results – JadeShip's ultimate Pandabuy Shipping Calculator. Any idea how much it will cost me if I pick the cheapest shipping to Canada? My pandabuy total is $54 right now 15 Results – JadeShip's ultimate Pandabuy Shipping Calculator. com Members Online • CranberryNo1788 . New. 14 Results – JadeShip's ultimate Pandabuy Shipping Calculator. 00 ( Carrier Processing Fee:¥ 30. 5 kg but I can’t use tariffless because “my package can’t be over 10kg”. In hand pics. First haul- All links below. 22 ( Europe Advertisement Coins This page shows you how much a LGB parcel is going to cost and what shipping service you can use, such as. Pandabuy shipping cost to Finland – more precise results than PDB's own estimates. And you can use the 5% shipping discount code, available for January is pbwithu 107 votes, 132 comments. Topics may include 51 votes, 30 comments. 5kg at 25x25x25): Pandabuy: All GREAT options except GD-EMS. Package Details. 5KG. they’re going to cost double or more than the prices pandabuy shows you. UK Line-B to United Kingdom, shipped with the international shopping agent pandabuy. 14 (Europe Tariffless Line ) Declare Amount: $ 20 Value-added Service ( pandabuy) : Carton Packing + Moisture Bag Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. Looking forward to your participation. In this video, we're going to show you how to estimate shipping on Pandabuy. I done rehearsal packaging to help determine the shipping cost. Welcome to the ultimate Pandabuy shipping calculator. 【🪙5kg shipping refund*3】💝Unprecedented Rewards🎁: We wanna hear about the story of you and Pandabuy💕💌 tell us your story about Pandabuy and we'll choose three people who "love Pandabuy the most" and Return the Shipping Cost!💰 I immediately opened my browser and typed in the magic words: Pandabuy. I have a stussy sweater and stussy jacket with a combined weigh of just below 1. 18. The final shipping cost was $66. The agents always communicated with me when I needed support, they sent good QC pictures, and the shipping price was the cheapest I could find. PandaBuy said about lowering shipping costs but then are arseraping us with the fees they have now for exchanging gbp to rmb so I pretty much ended up paying more than before Reply reply Sensitive_Ferret1840 It's my first order and cost me £55 to ship a 3. Q&A. Old. International shipping cost varies from 5 KG Haul to Belgium from Pandabuy – BIGGEST REVIEW (Supreme, Stussy, Nike) Days in transit: 15 days Overall rating: 8/10 Shipment: Shipping method: Europe Tariffless Line-M Destination: Belgium Packaging: Carton Packing Vacuum Packaging Moisture Bag Bubble Wrap Packaging rating: 9/10 Shipping cost: € 55. Massive Products. pandabuy. Can I ask for the jackets to be vacuum-sealed before the weight and measurement for shipping costs is calculated? Reply reply Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent 28 votes, 102 comments. Shipping Fees. A: The cost of insurance is based on the value of the items you are shipping and the shipping cost. I use Pandabuy for myself and it is a smooth experience for me till 361K subscribers in the Pandabuy community. you gotta realize people live in different parts of the world. Do you think the Pandabuy points you can spend on CN Fair are worth the extra shipping cost rather than going through a FF? They offer $5 /kg shipping with the same minimum/shipping speed and I like having my agent/shipper being the same party. Topics may include foreign markets such as Posted by u/Sonicmate546 - 3 votes and 9 comments 11 Results – JadeShip's ultimate Pandabuy Shipping Calculator. packaging and bubble wrap everything and the weight went down to 6. 5 kg package. How are the shipping cost so fucking high bruh 5kg haul review Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. And by clicking on the Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. Declared $120 for 10KG, volumetric weight ended up being at 8KG and got refunded The cost of international shipping varies depending on the shipping line and the weight/size of your parcel. ADMIN MOD Shipping to the Netherlands. Does this seem right? I've seen people ship almost double the weight for the same price. 05 Shipping Fee:¥ 610. Posted by u/Sea-Macaron6645 - 2 votes and 28 comments JadeShip's ultimate Pandabuy Shipping Calculator. Looks like DHL Small/TW-DHL, HK FedEx, and USPS are the fastest estimations on PandaBuy? Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. Personally, I only bought the foam runner. I would double check but To get an idea of shipping costs, Pandabuy offers a freight cost estimator and a shipping fee calculator on their site. 456K subscribers in the Pandabuy community. ADMIN MOD Finally!! My 11. If you want to know a more accurate shipping cost, you can spend 20 yuan to make Shipping cost $85 for 5kg. details. 5 KG HAUL Review. Open comment sort options. You can use the Pandabuy shipping Tax limit is 20$ and Canada post itself charges 15$ as a fee automatically. Has anyone shipped to Canada recently? I’m shipping about 4-5kg, and am debating between FedEx and EMS. Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. Website: www. 5kg worth of stuff bout a week ago using E-EMS & it came to around £100 The shipping costs is around 20-30$,should I ship it by itself *huge* 17kg pandabuy haul **part 1* /// 🎖️fashionreps veteran 🎖️ r/FashionReps • 8. Pandabuy team. got some steals for cheap aswell. 5 kg, några tips för sänka fraktkostnaderna eller minska chansen att inte bli beslagtagen av tullen. cc/LRGz9W78Join my Telegram with Daily Finds + Updates: https://t. Its a mix of high quality Items and some random budget finds. Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent This page shows all details for shipping with . Kaws Figur. 40 * 26. I was in a bit of a rush so the haul wasn't very theme-ish as I like them, I promise better next time. Share Sort by: Best. Parts cost more than what they’ll get back, right? 2. Random The cost of international shipping varies depending on the shipping line and the weight/size of your parcel and the destination country. Pandabuy 4. TIA Third big haul using Pandabuy, everything went smoothly. Hi, I have a 5kg haul with 2 small plushies on it but it seems to add ridiculous price to the total shipping cost. , and many other Chinese marketing platforms. com International shipping cost varies from differnt shipping routes, friend. me/smilesrepsHoobuy Spreadshe This page shows all details for shipping with . Will it actually cost that much, or are there unexpected charges. You can use the Pandabuy shipping calculator to estimate the shipping cost for your specific order. Weight: 1993g Package Worth: 77. 5kg and the shipping was alot cheaper ( the calculated shipping amount was 640. Can I still declare 14 or under 20. 5kg. What you see in the picture is merely a case that attaches to the laptop making it matt black and adding some protection (cost about 35 yuan + 8 yuan shipping). It is suggested that you could keep it around 10 kg per Item cost: ¥ 664. Hey I added several things to the haul, and did rehearsal shipping and asked them to fit everything in the reinforced box in such a way that it would not damage the products but also reduce volume to get the shipping cost down as much as possible. shipping shoes cost? Help | Question. Everything went perfect just the box Pandabuy recommended shipping my items in 3 separate shipments, and the cost is now $800 total. Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping **Thoughts:**Cost me 100 bucks with shipping but looks amazing and has a crazy weight to it. I believe everyone declares 14 when shipping to canada. It shows a lot of users chose triangle shipping-Eirope dhl line and Europe tarifless line. I wish they’d send my stuff back so i can ship it with a different carrier. I usually ship directly from the seller and always pay around Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. Shipping Line: DHL Tarifless Line (actual weight) Shipping Cost: ~76$ (-7$ coupon code) Shipping Time: ~13 Days Agent: Pandabuy 5/5 ⭐️ Feel free to check out my review and share your thoughts on my order in the comments! The community's input is appreciated. 250 Kg via SAL for USD 107. Lower Cost. (7. Based on this information, you can choose the most suitable route for your needs and budget. The agents/supports are nice, receptive and really helpful. No Brands. ¥57. 5 KG HAUL to USA (East Coast) HN-EMS 16 Days shipping $120. 5 Shipping line: Europe DHL Line (triangle shipping) + PD-EUB with IOSS(direct shipping) Time: 12 days Welcome to the ultimate . To ship these, it costs 60 euro's. 2. Because of high shipping costs in How much for shipping? I shipped 3 pairs with boxes recently with pandabuy via HKUPS-T and it cost me 204 USD (10kg volumetric). 2023. 5kg, because I heard you have to pay taxes anything above 21$, but I could only do that because I used triangle shipping. . 40 *17. It is best. 99 per pair, available at checkout. 60 *26. If you dont use triangle shipping, you should declare 14$ per kg. This page shows you how much a SG parcel is going to cost and what shipping service you can use, taking into account your country and the exact dimensions and weight of your items, among other factors. Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent It's called volumetric weight & the same would happen on PandaBuy. Sugargoo shipping calculator. The cost of shipping 5kg with Pandabuy depends on several factors such as the destination country, shipping method, and carrier. I ordered the huge batmobile, infinity gauntlet, doms car from fast and furious, and a little tesla car. Pandabuy 5kg haul 20. To determine specific shipping costs, it’s best to refer to PandaBuy’s official website or contact their customer support for accurate and up-to-date pricing information, as rates can change over time and may differ based on individual circumstances. How can I ship this cheaper? Volume 58x57x55, weight 21kg. That'll reduce your shipping cost immensely 459K subscribers in the Pandabuy community. dunks: had some glues on them but 9/10 hell star: 8/10 print not that good nike hoodie: 10/10 material perfect Shipping Fees. After the item gets to warehouse, you also need to pay international shipping cost to get the item to you. Guessing this is due to Used PD Line-F (Actual Weight) to California. 20 cm Shipping cost : $ 53. Container shipping costs to Dubai from UK upvote Sign up for Hoobuy ($150 in Shipping Coupons): https://hoobuy. How are the shipping cost so fucking high bruh upvotes This might just be the fastest shipping i have experienced upvotes Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. Ship To Warehouse. Top. For additional costs, you can use our Shipping Estimates page. 36 and the actual amount 48 votes, 58 comments. ¥356. You can use a shipping line that provides insurance services. 459K subscribers in the Pandabuy community. 17. 26 A few words about Pandabuy, they are really good at what are they doing. 5KG 2shoes, $62 with Europe Tariffless Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . 333K subscribers in the Pandabuy community. 5KG Summer Haul to Germany using CSSBuy🩶🇩🇪 (review + links below) 14 Results – JadeShip's ultimate Pandabuy Shipping Calculator. But if the max weight limit of the route over 10kg, you also could ship more together. Pandabuy shipping cost to Poland – more precise results than PDB's own estimates. S. Shipping cost: € 61,87 Shipment rating: 10/10 Insurance: Yes 8 items: Number of packages. Reply reply ImpressiveProduce401 Because PandaBuy inflates the shipping costs and pockets the rest as profit. Open comment sort options How were the airmax 95's considering they cost under 100 yuan? Hey bro I'm getting ready to ship my first haul out with Pandabuy as well to eastern Canada mine should be around 8-9kg. Share Sort by: Top. 5 cm Shipping cost : $ 100. 458K subscribers in the Pandabuy community. Submitted my haul on the 10th and received it on the 20th so only took 10 days to arrive!! Shipping cost $85 for 5kg. 5kg haul to QLD and it shipped out on the 13th. My first haul shipped with Pandabuy TOTAL Weight : 2490 g 35. 5 kg Pandabuy Haul has landed. $8. Pandabuy shipping cost to Ireland – more precise results than PDB's own estimates. T-Shirts: 4. 1-click comparison to other shopping agents. Also it's depending on parcel weight/size. Jordan 1 x OW (LJR Batch) 19 votes, 57 comments. The total of 16 Results – JadeShip's ultimate Pandabuy Shipping Calculator. It ended up weighing like 7500 grams and I paid a shipping deposit of $186. FIRST Pandabuy HAUL to Italy. Agent: Pandabuy Shipping price: CNY 626. But it seems that your parcel has been Shipping: 9. dude probably took every single piece of packaging off possible on that 17kg shipment By using Pandabuy's calculator: Cost = $2 * 10 = $20 The shipping cost for this package would be $20. We'll cover the different types of shippin Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. 5KG Shipping to Mexico 🇲🇽 Insurance included Pack with confidence. I have seen people with 10kg What’s your shipping cost? Help | Question. 10 Results – JadeShip's ultimate Pandabuy Shipping Calculator. Pandabuy shipping cost to Netherlands – more precise results than PDB's own estimates. Why our shipping calculator is better than Sugargoo's own shipping estimates: Our true price technology my last shipment was like 3. 5 kg haul $300 total In hand pics. Help you combining items from different Pandabuy agent team can help you purchase all the online & offline products in China. 96kg and i paid $180 for shipping using same carrier. HAUL stats AGENT: PANDABUY LINE: DHL TARIFLESS LINE-F (14 days - shipped Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. You can visit Pandabuy estimation page, enter your destination country and the weight of the item you want to ship, and the estimated cost for available shipping lines will be displayed. We are pleased to provide free worldwide express shipping on all orders! Fast Shipping Option: For an expedited delivery, we offer a fast shipping service for an additional $15. 5 KG HAUL REVIEW + PANDABUY +TO CANADA + SAL REVIEW Share Add a Comment. 12 9PM (UTC+8) Please move to this post: 💝Unprecedented Rewards🎁 for details. Open comment sort options Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. You can also see all restrictions, judging from these, you can ship branded items with this shipping service. You can 2-0 Pandabuy Shipping lines to U. The customs risk has nothing to do with the shipping line. Pandabuy shipping cost to Romania – more precise results than PDB's own estimates. HZ-SAL is 3 1nd Haul via PandaBuy - 10. 5kg - / Balenciaga Track / Jordan 4 Military Black / Cav Empt Hoodie / Askyourself Hoodie / Amiri Jeans / Amiri T-shirt / Maison Margiela T-shirt / Playboi Carti T-shirt / Nike Dunk Low Retro Black / Nike Posted by u/CjKicks456 - 2 votes and 3 comments Declaration is telling customs how much your package is worth. Pandabuy shipping cost to Switzerland – more precise results than PDB's own estimates. 21 + CNY 176. 5KG Pandabuy Haul/Review - Yeezy Polar Fleece - Balenciaga Fleece - Off White Shirt & Socks - World Industries Tshirt - Black Phantoms CS - Van Cleef | Low Karma User 14. Reply reply More replies Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. Using this method you can simply compare the difference in shipping costs between shipping a single package and splitting it into two. Was it worth? Locked post. You can visit Pandabuy estimation page, enter your destination country and the weight of the item you want to ship, and the estimated cost Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. Members Online • Destroyer_Zx. 🪙【¥50 shipping coupon*5】🎉 Guess Pandabuy's Birthday and Win! 🎁 upvotes 5Kg Haul To Spain ️🇪🇸 🏖️💃🏻 20. Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. 5 kg haul costs me 100$ to ship to ny is this the normal rate Share Sort by: Top. 05 Shipment rating: 9/10 Hello, after you submit the package, the system will show you the shipping fee required for your package. com Members Online • Soccercleats1 . 5 kg, took 6 days to depart from China. Top I’m about to ship out about 3. 15 Results – JadeShip's ultimate Pandabuy Shipping Calculator. not the fastest but the safest Which of these is best to use when shipping to Sweden and should I declare 16. This will show you all the available lines and their estimated cost. If you wanna pay accurate shipping cost with each route in advance, it is suggested that you may do rehearsal. 5kg to the US. This will show you all the available lines and their estimated cost, features, transit time, and parcel restrictions. Ship. 33 and it took 9 days. In general, for huge hauls shipping by sea is much cheaper than by air, not sure if sea line is available for you. Furthermore, it also shows exact shipping cost related details for shipping a 4kg parcel. You can share the link of this page to Welcome to the ultimate . 00 Discount Code:¥ 34. Pandabuy shipping cost to Canada – more precise results than PDB's own estimates. Paid- £143 total for items £61 for shipping (with xmas discount I had my package stuck in customs for over a week because I sent them the official Pandabuy "clearance certificate". CSS-Ali-Express-S VOLUMETRIC:0-5kg to Brazil, shipped with the international shopping agent cssbuy. You can select the line with insurance option when submitting your parcel, then after completing the declaration process, you will be prompted to purchase insurance and able to see the insurance cost for that parcel. You can visit our estimation page, enter your destination country and the weight of the item you Cuz 450 cny for 5. Enter your destination country, and the estimated weight of your parcel. Individuals Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. Pandabuy shipping cost to Sweden – more precise results than PDB's own estimates. PANDABUY 5KG Haul Review . 7 Results – JadeShip's ultimate Pandabuy Shipping Calculator. Pandabuy shipping cost to Slovenia – more precise results than PDB's own estimates. 78 votes, 68 comments. 27 no matter the weight? I want to use a well rounded company with shipping time and prices. 00 Insurance Fee:¥ 40. PandaBuy’s shipping costs vary depending on factors like destination, package size, weight, and shipping method. Open comment sort options It was total with shipping and , but yea i agree! Reply reply I bought it on wish for 35$ through dhgate asking them to ship it to pandab- haha, I'm joking, it's not a rep I just bought the 13-inch m1 laptop a year ago from a retail store. Idk what was the calculation but I suppose they also consider shipping charge + package value and then levy customs on that as a whole. shipping cost me i think like 100 and a bit Reply reply ApprehensiveDraw7721 🪙【¥50 shipping coupon*5】🎉 Guess Pandabuy's Birthday and Win! 🎁 FIRST Pandabuy HAUL to Italy 2,5Kg . A: The cost of international shipping varies depending on the shipping line and the weight/size of your parcel. It has a cropped but really oversized fit and is 1:1. 5 KG for ~250ish if you want to buy one or multiple pairs of reps without dealing with such expensive shipping, buy from a middle man. 1. 84. 🪙【¥50 shipping coupon*5】🎉 Guess Pandabuy's Keep in mind very light, but large items are expensive to ship, like plush animals, down jackets, etc. the one i have in transit right now is 7. Topics may include foreign markets such as Taobao, Weidian, and many other Chinese marketing Pandabuy- A community based on the discussion of the best Chinese shopping agent. The exact weight of the package was 3,597g and I used DHL Tariffless Line-F to Germany. 1-click comparison to other How much does it cost to ship 5kg with Pandabuy? The cost of shipping 5kg with Pandabuy depends on several factors such as the destination country, shipping method, and carrier. I am from Australia as well, I just shipped a 5. Wh 388K subscribers in the Pandabuy community. Controversial. Big haul would save some money to some extent because first unit weight cost more normally,friend. S border. 5kg? Is it also true that the shipping of my items are 10 cny because my friend told me it costs 100 dollars shipping and for the insurance if you want to get it through the U. It just depends on wow 120 isn’t bad, I’m still debating using Sal or EMS seeing good things about Sal but it seems to be hit or miss for shipping speed Reply reply keelong I want to ship 2 pairs of shoes and some clothes/jewelry to Ireland. The fade on the GAP and the cracking of the dove is really maxed out. 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