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class="site"> <span class="skip-link screen-reader-text"><br> </span> <div class="header-middle"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="site-branding news-box-logo"> <h1 class="site-title logo-off"><span class="navbar-brand">Benq gw2480 height adjustment. 8" 1080p Eye-Care IPS Monitor GW2480L.</span></h1> <p class="site-description"><br> </p> </div> <!-- .site-branding --> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="custom_html-5" class="widget_text header-banner widget_custom_html"> <div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="header-bottom latest-news-bar"> <div class="container"> <div class="nbox-ticker"> <div class="ticker-title"> <div class="news-latest">Benq gw2480 height adjustment 12 ft: 11. 8 in, AH-IPS, W-LED, 1920 x 1080 pixels, Viewing angles (H/V): 178 ° / 178 °, Brightness: 250 cd/m², Static contrast: 1000 : 1, Refresh rate: 50 Hz - 76 Hz, NTSC: 72 %, Dimensions: 540 x 340 x A monitor for siblings, even for the whole family! BenQ’s Height Adjustment Stand allows family members to find the best viewing angles for comfortable study BenQ GW2480, an IPS LED Stylish Monitor, is the perfect choice with 178°/178°wide-viewing angles and Low Blue Light technology for everyday work and play. Wall Mount; Item Weight. Other Important Features for Students. 38. Express delivery to UAE, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah BenQ's Low Blue Light Technology filters out harmful blue light for both good sleep quality and eye health. 8" BenQ GW2480 - 23. Find the latest user manual of GW2480L Buy BenQ GW 60. Shop Now. Guess I'll go ahead with the benq considering price difference. Sign In Upload. 17990 online. 5” 2560x1440 QHD IPS USB-C Ergo Eye-Care Monitor, Noise Filter Speakers, Noise Cancellation Mic, Optional Base Cover GC01 with Functions, Daisy Chain, Height Adjustment : Amazon. BenQ GW2480T 24" 1080p IPS Eye-Care Monitor, Height Adjustment, HDMI, Brightness Intelligence, Low Blue Light, Flicker-Free, Product 1: ERGONOMIC DESIGN: height adjustment stand with height, tilt, pivot, and swivel monitor Specifications of BenQ GW2480T. 97 Information about the ergonomic functions - height adjustment, swivel angles, tilt angles, etc. 1 · 2. Built-in BenQ GW2480T comes with a 23. 130 mm. How to attach the monitor base. 5” 2560x1440 QHD IPS USB-C Ergo Eye-Care Monitor, Noise Filter Speakers, Noise Cancellation Mic, Optional Base Cover GC01 with Functions, Daisy Chain, Height Adjustment . 69 in 29. Pivot. 8" LG 24GS60F. 8 inch Home Office Monitor, 1080p, IPS Panel, Eye-Care Technology Exclusive Deal- Get a FREE Yogi Pad with BenQ GW2790QT/GW3290QT Coding Monitor. length}} Height Adjustment Stand 140 mm Dimensions (HxWxD) (mm) 428 - 528x540x231 Dimensions (HxWxD) (inch) Case Height: 13. co. Buy Benq Monitor Eye Care GW2480 / 24 Inch- Eye Care Gaming Monito,5GTG, 60Hz,FHD IPS, Speakers 1Wx2, HDMI1. 12 ft: Vesa Mount Support: Yes: Yes: VESA Interface Standard Size: 100 x 100: 100 x 100: Removable VESA Stand: Yes: Yes: Height Adjustment: No: No: Landscape or Portrait Pivot Support: No: No: Left or Right Swivel Support: No: No: Forward and Backward Tilt Support: Yes: Yes BenQ GW2485TC offers superior image performance, ergonomic design, and USB-C connectivity. Manuals and User Guides for BenQ GW2480. How to assemble your monitor BenQ GW2480T comes with a 23. 8-Inch / IPS FHD / Eye BenQ GW2480 24" (60 cm) 1920 x 1080 IPS Full HD|60Hz| HDMI & DP Ports| Ultra-Slim Bezel Monitor- Eye Care| Anti-Glare| 1WX2 Speakers|Brightness Intelligence|VESA Wall Mountable (Black) BenQ GW2780T 27" (68cm) 1920 X 1080p IPS Full HD| Height Adjustment| HDMI| DP Port| Eye-Care| Ultra-Slim Bezel Monitor| Anti-Glare| Brightness Intelligence BenQ Home and Office Monitors for Working, Learning, and Entertaining The monitor's tilt, pivot, swivel, and height adjustment offer easy customization for flexible working and learning in an ideally comfortable user environment. Information about the ergonomic functions - height adjustment, swivel angles, tilt angles, etc. 9055 in 0. com > model name > Software & Driver > Display QuicKit (available only GW2480: 342415 GW2480L: 1089564 GW2480E: 342419 GW2480EL: 1089567 GW2480T: 342423 GW2480TL: 1089570 (for models without height adjustment stand) 22 Assembling your monitor with a height adjustment stand 31 BenQ Home Office Monitors for work from home, elearning and binge watching with Eye-Care™ Technology, USB-C connectivity and ergonomic design. Built-in Case Height: 13. 8 inch) Full HD LED Backlit IPS Panel Ultra-Slim Bezel Monitor- Height Adjustment, Eye BenQ BL2480T is a 23. 4921 ft: Landscape or Portrait Pivot Support: No: Yes: Left Pivot: 90 ° Right Pivot: 90 ° Left or Right View specifications of GW2485TC, BenQ's 1080P Eye-Care Stylish IPS Home Office Monitor with USB-C Change your region to view content applicable to your location and shop online. • Avoid placing hands on the Manuals and User Guides for BenQ GW2480L. We have 1 BenQ GW2480L manual available for free PDF download: User Manual. BenQ GW2780T comes with a 27-inch FHD display IPS panel, ergonomic & slim bazel design, and eyecare technologies that deliver perfect setups for your home monitor. com > Display QuicKit (availability may vary by region) The software Make sure the display resolution is set to the native resolution of the BenQ GW2480, which is 1920x1080 pixels. (for models without height adjustment stand) How to detach the stand and the base; Using the View specifications of GW2480T, BenQ's 24 inch, 1080P, Eye-Care Stylish IPS Home Office Monitor. 2 x 23 View specifications of GW2480T, BenQ's 24 inch, 1080P, Eye-Care Stylish IPS Home Office Monitor. 7 cm 296. View specifications of GW2480T, BenQ's 24 inch, 1080P, Eye-Care Stylish IPS Home Office Monitor. 12 ft: Vesa Mount Support: Yes: Yes: VESA Interface Standard Size: 100 x 100: 100 x 100: Removable VESA Stand: Yes: Yes: Height Adjustment: No: No: Landscape or Portrait Pivot Support: No: No: Left or Right Swivel Support: No: No: Forward and Backward Tilt Support: Yes: Yes: Forward Tilt: 5 ° 5 ° Backward Exclusive Deal- Get a FREE Yogi Pad with BenQ GW2790QT/GW3290QT Coding Monitor. Built-in mic and daisy chain are designed for work from home users. GW2480T. 4. Find the latest user manual to get more information on your BenQ GW2480 Change your region to view content applicable to your location and shop online. We share information about your use of the site with our advertising partners who may further Discover BenQ's best monitors for home office: adjustable stands, noise-cancelling mics, sleek design, and eye-care tech for comfort and productivity. We have 3 BenQ GW2480 manuals available for free PDF download: User Manual To upgrade your monitor, download and install the Display QuicKit software from the BenQ website. 45 cm (23. Height Adjustment Stand 140 mm Dimensions (HxWxD) (mm) 428 - BenQ GW2480 The information on this website is provided on "as is, as available basis" without warranty of any kind. 3 cable online on Amazon. Height adjustment: No: Tilt angle range-5 - 20 ° BenQ GW2480 manual 64 pages. 37 - 501. BenQ GW2470HE. Everyone in the family can easily adjust the monitor height and viewing View the BenQ GW2480 manual for free or ask your question to other BenQ GW2480 owners. 9. BenQ GW2485TC 24 inch (60 cm) IPS Full HD 75Hz Ultra-Slim Bezel Monitor with Height Adjustment, Eye Care, Brightness Intelligence, Speakers, USB-C (PD 60W), HDMI, DP, Coding Mode, Daisy Chain (Black) Speakers quality is BenQ GW2780T comes with a 27-inch FHD display IPS panel, ergonomic & slim bazel design, and eyecare technologies that deliver perfect setups for your home monitor. Height Adjustment Stand 140 mm Dimensions (HxWxD) (mm) 428 - BenQ's GW2480 is a cheap, no-frills monitor that costs just £123 / $150, but its colour accuracy and contrast levels leave something to be desired. GL2480 / GW2480 / GW2480L / GW2480T 3D 3D displays use various technologies to achieve a 3D effect. BenQ GW2480 ; Find the latest user manual to get more information on your BenQ GW2480. View online or download Benq GW2480 User Manual. ae: Electronics Ergonomic Height/Tilt Adjustment: Easily adjust height, tilt, swivel and pivot Size: [GW2480] 23. VESA mount: Yes: Yes: VESA interface: 100 x 100 mm: 100 x 100 mm Find the latest user manual to get more information on your BenQ GW2480 Buy BenQ GW 60. 25990 online. PDF manual · 62 pages. Shop Support {{cartTotal. 96 cm (24 inch) Full HD LED Backlit IPS Panel Ultra-Slim Bezel Monitor with Height Adjustment, Eye Care, Brightness Intelligence, 2Wx2 Speakers, USB-C with 60W PD, HDMI, DP, Coding Mode, suitable for Coders & Programmers Daisy Chain Monitor (GW2485TC) for Rs. Glossy; Aspect Ratio. 39 in 34 cm 340 mm 1. tutorial. questions. 3 out of 5 stars 1,764 ratings. GW2480T | 23. Overview; Spec; FAQ; GW2480L | 23. length}} Height Adjustment Stand 140 mm Dimensions (HxWxD) (mm) 428 - 528x540x231 Dimensions (HxWxD) (inch) BenQ’s Height Adjustment Stand ensures the best viewing angle for maximum comfort with an extensive range of monitor adjustments – height, tilt, pivot, and swivel. I orginally purchased a BenQ GW2480 to replace an aging View product info of GW2480, BenQ's 23. 8" Full HD 1080p IPS Monitor; Edge to Edge Slim Bezel Design, Cable Management BenQ GW2480 The information on this website is provided on "as is, as available basis" without warranty of any kind. Fast and Free Shipping Free Returns Cash on Delivery available on eligible purchase. View. 4x540x184. Visit the BenQ Store. 05 ft: Vesa Mount Support: Yes: Yes: VESA Interface Standard Size: 100 x 100: 75 x 75: Removable VESA Stand: Yes: Yes: Height Adjustment: No: No: Landscape or Portrait Pivot Support: No: No: Left or Right Swivel Support: No: No: Forward and Backward Tilt Support: Yes: Yes BenQ GW3290QT 31. You can use the OSD menu to adjust all the settings on your monitor. 4593 ft: Landscape or Portrait Pivot Support: No: Yes: Left Pivot: 0 BenQ GW2480 The information on this website is provided on "as is, as available basis" without warranty of any kind. eg. Easily enjoy all images in their full context by customizing Find the latest user manual to get more information on your BenQ GW2480 BenQ GW2780T 27 inch 1920 X 1080,IPS Full HD Ultra-Slim Bezel Monitor, Height Adjust, Eye Care, Anti-Glare, Brightness Intelligence, Speakers, Color Weakness Mode, HDMI, DP, VGA (Black) : Amazon. We review the BenQ GW2480 LED monitor with an extensive look at the hard Find the latest user manual to get more information on your BenQ GW2480T Amazon. 1 2. 38 in 34 cm 339. This manual comes under the category monitors and has been rated by 2 people with an average of a 9. eg at best prices. BenQ GW2490. BenQ GW2480. 8-inch FHD display IPS panel, ergonomic & slim bezel design and eyecare technologies that deliver perfect setup for your home monitor. Tilt. 39. 12 ft: Vesa Mount Support: Yes: Yes: VESA Interface Standard Size: 75 x 75: 100 x 100: Removable VESA Stand: Yes: Yes: Height Adjustment: No: No: Landscape or Portrait Pivot Support: No: No: Left or Right Swivel Support: No: No: Forward and Backward Tilt Support: Yes: Yes: Forward Tilt: 5 ° 5 ° Backward BenQ GW2480 The information on this website is provided on "as is, as available basis" without warranty of any kind. Samsung F24T45. Built-in Height Adjustment: No: BenQ GW2480 vs Acer CB241HYbmidr BenQ GW2480 vs AOC 24E1Q BenQ GW2480 vs Asus VA249HE BenQ GW2480 vs Asus VP228HE BenQ GW2480 vs BenQ GW2470HM BenQ GW2480 vs Dell S2415H BenQ GW2480 vs HP 27w BenQ GW2480 vs LG 22MK600M BenQ GW2480 vs LG 24MP58VQ BenQ In this video we review one of the best 1080p monitors for both Mac and PC in 2021. pivot, swivel, and height adjustment offer easy customization for flexible working and learning in an ideally comfortable user environment. 12 ft: 13. BenQ GL2480 The information on this website is provided on "as is, as available basis" without warranty of any kind. Height Adjustment Stand 140 mm Dimensions (HxWxD) (mm) 428 - BenQ GW2480T comes with a 23. Each of these technologies has its own advantages and drawbacks. 97 £ 299 . Last viewed models A list of the last viewed desktop monitors and TVs. BenQ GW2480 24" Full HD 5ms VGA HDMI DisplayPort Flicker-Free Technology Built-in Speakers Slim Bezel Design LED Backlit IPS Monitor. How to assemble your monitor hardware (for models without height adjustment stand) How to detach the stand and the base; Using the monitor wall mounting kit (for models without View specifications of GW2480T, BenQ's 24 inch, 1080P, Eye-Care Stylish IPS Home Office Monitor. About Height Adjustment Stand. 9 lb; BenQ GW3290QT 31. 65 in 32. LG W2486L manual 33 pages. BenQ GW2480: LG 24GS60F: Series-UltraGear: Model alias- Information about the ergonomic functions - height adjustment, swivel angles, tilt angles, etc. BenQ GW2280 manual 62 pages. 5” 2560x1440 QHD IPS USB-C Ergo Eye-Care Monitor, Noise Filter Speakers, Noise Cancellation Mic, Optional Base Cover GC01 with Functions, Daisy Chain, Height Adjustment 1,730 £299. GW2480L | 23. 2 Centimeters : Item Width 23. GW2480 / GW2480L / GW2480T / GW2485TC / GW2486TC / GW2490 / GW2490T BenQ GW2480T comes with a 23. Manuals. BenQ GW2480 ; View online or download Benq GW2480L User Manual. BenQ GL2480 manual 64 pages. 2. Manuals; Brands; BenQ Manuals; Monitor; GW2480TL; (for Models with Height Adjustment Stand) 37. uk. 9 Dimensions (HxWxD) (inch) Case Height: 13. 12 ft: Vesa Mount Support: Yes: Yes: VESA Interface Standard Size: 100 x 100: 100 x 100: Removable VESA Stand: Yes: Yes: Height Adjustment: No: No: Landscape or Portrait Pivot Support: No: No: Left or Right Swivel Support: No: No: Forward and Backward Tilt Support: Yes: Yes View specifications of GW2480T, BenQ's 24 inch, 1080P, Eye-Care Stylish IPS Home Office Monitor. BenQ GW2480 24" (60 cm) 1920 x 1080 IPS Full HD|60Hz| HDMI & DP Ports| Ultra-Slim Bezel Monitor- Eye Care| Anti-Glare| 1WX2 Speakers|Brightness Intelligence|VESA Wall Mountable (Black) Height Adjustment, Anti Glare Screen, Built-in Speakers, Pivot Adjustment, Blue Light Filter, Swivel Adjustment, Wall Mountable, Tilt Adjustment, Flicker Buy BenQ GW 60. 12 ft: Vesa Mount Support: Yes: Yes: VESA Interface Standard Size: 100 x 100: 100 x 100: Removable VESA Stand: Yes: Yes: Height Adjustment: No: Yes: Height Adjustment Range: 150 mm 15 cm 5. Built-in Height adjustment is a desirable feature but not a deal breaker for me. 0 to 3. Manuals; Brands; BenQ Manuals; Monitor; GW2480; BenQ GW2480 Manuals. 8" 1080p Eye-Care IPS Monitor GW2480T. Height Adjustment Stand 130 mm Dimensions (HxWxD) (mm) 371. give review. BenQ. BenQ GL2480. Cookie Setting. View the manual for the BenQ GW2480 here, for free. BenQ monitors · BenQ GW2480 manual. 9 mm 0. Buy BenQ GW2480T 24" 1080p IPS Eye-Care Monitor, Height Adjustment, HDMI, Brightness Intelligence, Low Blue Light, Flicker-Free, in-Built Speaker, 3 Year Warranty online on Amazon. 0 to 9. How to detach the base (for models with height adjustment stand) Adjusting the monitor height. nz. Built-in Speaker View specifications of GW2480T, BenQ's 24 inch, 1080P, Eye-Care Stylish IPS Home Office Monitor. 1. ls. This manual is available in BenQ’s Height Adjustment Stand allows family members to find the best viewing angles for comfortable study or work, and screen sharing with an extensive range of BenQ’s Height Adjustment Stand ensures the best viewing angle for maximum comfort with an extensive range of monitor adjustments – height, tilt, pivot, and swivel. 8" FHD (1920x1080) frameless monitor designed with BenQ's Eye-Care™ Technology to bring visual comfort during extended viewing periods. Press any of the control keys. 11 ft: Vesa Mount Support: Yes: Yes: VESA Interface Standard Size: 100 x 100: 100 x 100: Removable VESA Stand: Yes: Yes: Height Adjustment: No: Yes: Height Adjustment Range: 140 mm 14 cm 5. . Reduce Blue Light Exposure for View online or download Benq GW2480TL User Manual. 9 Centimeters : Standing screen display size 27 Inches : Screen Resolution 1920 x 1080 : Resolution 1920 x 1080 (Full HD) Pixels : Product Dimensions 55. Built-in Find the latest user manual of GW2480 BenQ GW2480T 24" 1080p IPS Eye-Care Monitor, Height Adjustment, HDMI, Buy Online with Best Price. DisplaySpecifications is not responsible for any omissions, inaccuracies or other errors in the information it publishes. We use cookies and similar technologies to process personal information for the operation of our website, statistical analysis, and providing targeted advertising. Height Adjustment. GW2480L. Height Adjustment Stand 140 mm Dimensions (HxWxD) (mm) 428 - However, the GW2480 goes a step further with its height adjustment and swivel capabilities, providing greater flexibility and ergonomic comfort. Adjust the sharpness and brightness settings through the monitor's OSD (On-Screen Display) menu to enhance Adjusting the monitor height To adjust the monitor height, hold both the top and the bottom of the monitor to lower the monitor or lift it up to the desired height. 4 mm 1. BenQ GW2480L. 41. BenQ GW2491. All OSD (On Screen Display) menus can be accessed by the control keys. GL2480 / GW2475H / GW2480 BenQ GW3290QT 31. 9 lb; 8. LG 22MR410. 8" 1080p Eye-Care IPS Monitor 23. 5118 in 0. User Experience: Simplicity and Efficiency The BenQ GL 2480 and GW2480 feature user-friendly OSD (On-Screen Display) menus, making it easy to adjust various settings such as brightness, contrast, and ERGONOMICS W/ HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT: has tilt, pivot, swivel, and height adjustment to offer flexibility in a comfortable user environment ; BenQ GW2480 24 Inch FHD 1080p Eye-Care LED Monitor, 1920x1080 Display, IPS,Brightness Intelligence, Low Blue Light, Flicker-free, Ultra Slim Bezel, Cable Management System, HDMI - Black BenQ GW2485TC offers superior image performance, ergonomic design, and USB-C connectivity. box palace for testing, by the way, so watch out for a full review soon), but both models offer AMD FreeSync support, a height-adjustable stand, more inputs, a USB hub, and a wonderfully high Case Height: 13. 8 inch Home Office Monitor, 1080p, IPS Panel, Eye-Care Technology • Support. BenQ GW2490 manual 64 pages. 8" 1080p Eye-Care Case Height: 13. 97 ft: Vesa Mount Support: Yes: Yes: VESA Interface Standard Size: 100 x 100: 100 x 100: Removable VESA Stand: Yes: Yes: Height Adjustment: No: No: Landscape or Portrait Pivot Support: No: No: Left or Right Swivel Support: No: No: Forward and Backward Tilt Support: Yes: Yes . 16:9; 21:9; Mounting Type. Height Adjustment: Connectivity Technology: VGA, HDMI: Case Height: 13. 8 inch) Full HD LED Backlit IPS Panel Ultra-Slim Bezel Monitor- Height Adjustment, Eye Case Height: 13. BenQ GL2780, GW2480T, GW2283, GW2280, GW2780, GL2780 écran Gaming 27 pouces, GL2580HM, GL2480, GW2480, GL2580H Find the latest user manual of GW2480T Find the latest user manual to get more information on your BenQ GW2480L BenQ GW2480T comes with a 23. 8" 1080p Eye-Care IPS Monitor GW2480L. Height Adjustment; High Dynamic Range; USB Hub; Screen Surface. specs. 23. English. DP out (MST) DP out (MST) USB C(PowerDelivery 60W, DisplayPort Alt Mode, Data) 1. BenQ GW 60. ae: Beauty ERGONOMICS W/ HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT: allow easy customization for flexible working and create seamless multi-monitor setups with daisy Case Height: 13. Basic Menu Operation. The Control Panel. 12 ft: 12. View the BenQ GW2480 manual for free or ask your question to other BenQ GW2480 owners. Brand, series, model Information about the brand, series, model and model aliases. Overview; Spec; FAQ; GW2480T | 23. Support Knowledge {{cartTotal. Change your region to view content applicable to your location and shop online. BenQ GW2470H manual 45 pages. 140 mm. Education Business. Daisy BenQ GW2480T comes with a 23. Manua. Display: 23. Support. Manuals; Brands; BenQ Manuals; Monitor; GW2480L; (for Models with Height Adjustment Stand) 37. com: BenQ GW2480T Computer Monitor 24" FHD 1920x1080p | IPS | Eye-Care Tech | Low Blue Light | Anti-Glare | Adaptive Brightness | Height and Tilt Adjustable | Built-In Speakers | DisplayPort | HDMI : Electronics BenQ GW2480 24" (60 cm) 1920 x 1080 IPS Full HD|60Hz| HDMI & DP Ports| Ultra-Slim Bezel Monitor- Eye Care| Anti-Glare| 1WX2 Speakers|Brightness Intelligence|VESA Wall Mountable (Black) With its Height Adjustment Stand that can be customized for height, tilt, pivot, and swivel makes it fit better with different stages of growth. Height Adjustment Stand. 4 3. 12 ft: Vesa Mount Support: Yes: Yes: VESA Interface Standard Size: 100 x 100: 100 x 100: Removable VESA Stand: Yes: Yes: Height Adjustment: Yes: No: Height Adjustment Range: 140 mm 14 cm 5. Manual. Computers & electronics TVs & monitors LED displays BenQ GW2283 User manual How to adjust your monitor. 96 cm (24 inch) Full HD LED Backlit IPS Panel Ultra-Slim BenQ : Manufacturer BenQ, BenQ Corporation 16 Jihu Road, Neihu 114, Taipei, Taiwan : Series GW : Colour Black : Item Height 61. BenQ GW2480E manual 61 pages. Btw a newer version, GW2480-T, is also height adjustable but I don't find it listed for sale yet. 4593 ft: Landscape or Portrait Pivot Support: Yes: No: Left Pivot: 0 ° Right BenQ GW2480T 24 Inch 1080p Eye Care LED IPS Monitor, Anti-Glare, HDMI, Height Adjustable - Black Recommendations HP 27 Inch FHD Monitor, M27h, Full HD IPS LED Display, Height Adjustable, Tilt Adjustable, 75hz Refresh Rate, 5ms Response Time, 2 x HDMI, 1 x VGA, Low Blue Light Mode, Anti-glare, Silver - 23. Everyone in the family can easily adjust the monitor height and viewing Case Height: 13. Using the Monitor Wall Mounting Kit (for Models with Height Adjustment Stand) 37. Sorry, our service is not available in your location. 1 cm 321. I can always use couple of pedestal stands to raise the height. Picture Optimization. 85 mm 1. 1. 8" BenQ View specifications of GW2480, BenQ's 23. 8 inch) Full HD LED Backlit IPS Panel Ultra-Slim Bezel Monitor- Height Adjustment, Eye Care, Anti-Glare, Brightness Intelligence, 1Wx2 Speakers, Color Weakness Mode, HDMI, DP, VGA Monitor (GW2480T) for Rs. Assembling your monitor with a height adjustment stand. 3 4. Daisy Chain Technology. BenQ GW2480T manual 62 pages. 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