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<h1 class="text-uppercase format-title">Best k guard instructional.  05 / Toehold Variation 01 .</h1>

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<div class="col-xs-12">Best k guard instructional .  Submeta by Lachlan Giles.  Main Objective K Guard: 2:32: Defining Fort and frames: 6:03: Concept - How to have strongest Fort: 10:41: Our Fort in K Guard: 14:03: Concept of Weight distribution and Overall Objective in K Guard: 20:48: The Most Important Correlation in K Guard - Spine Manipulation Concept: 23:21: Objective in K Guard - Concept of Wedging: 28:05: The 3 Great K Guard drill to practice the right body position for entering a shallow K Guard.  It is also fairly safe from Get step-by-step instruction on troubleshooting the most common counters to the K-guard including scoop grip passing, leg drags, v-grip passing, and more! There are a lot of instructionals titled open guard that focus on a butterfly guard style (inside leg position), which is a very different approach and leads to different options.  💎 Ratio, The High-Quality Human 💎 Ratio, the Handsome Genius 💎 Ratio, the Degree Collector 💎 Ratio, the Natural Spokesman for Rubber Ducks 🔥 With 8 personal documentaries &amp; more than 10 biographies, come and get a comprehensive understanding of the genius's life 🚀 Ratio, you're the only truth I believe in~ 🚀 Ratio, Ratio, endless possibilities 🚀 Setting Up Butterfly Guard by Saulo Ribeiro +10 - I'm a fanboy for Marcelo Garcia, and his instructional material has had a major influence on my game.  (He says this in the instructional set as well) I would offer to anyone looking to add depth beyond the great stuff Lachlan and the Miyao bros have.  Free BJJ Instructionals by Position - 138 Total 🥋BJJ Gis🥋 Title + Link: Kimura Escape from Top Half Guard.  These instructionals My newest instructional on K guard is out now! It is vol 1 of a 3 part series on Open Guard. H.  His Nogi Passing instructional is great also if you want to learn to pass from half guard.  instructional ~9 years ago.  Share Sort by: Best.  I think K-Guard is the future of guard in mma.  It can and is used in the gi.  Similar for Z Guard with Craig - different body type for sure, but he's the guy when it comes to that guard.  06 / Toehold THE SERIES ALSO FEATURES 10 COMPETITION MATCHES WITH ANALYSIS What’s it about: It’s about attacking from half guard.  Paul Schreiner’s half guard and side control ones.  Modern jiu jitsu guard retention seems to favor outside guards so I’m focusing on dlr and waiter first because it’s the preferred guard of retention.  -Ciao Terra 111 half guard techniques -Robson Moura's Fuzion halfguard (top, bottom, lasso, etc) -Adam Wardzinski's butterfly guard -Craig Jones Z guard encyclopedia -Craig Jones and Kit Dale halfguard masterclass I STILL watch these in rotation while doing cardio at the gym or whatnot.  A good way to getting used to the K Guard is by drilling it and learning the correct angle.  For example, Bernardo's No Gi Half Guard is 2.  A great mix of foundation + intermediate.  /r/bjj is for discussing BJJ training, techniques, news, competition, asking questions and getting advice. In this video I review four BJJ K-Guard instructional sets.  Let me know if you have any questions! Link below K Guard Attacks.  Another candidate is Mikey Musumeci's Gi Half Guard (I think it's no longer in BJJ Fanatics), Mikey only released 1 volume of half guard attacking far leg (only), mostly into SLX.  My newest instructional on K guard is out now! It is vol 1 of a 3 part series on Open Guard.  There’s probably a bit of salesmanship there, but I’d take his word for it.  You can easily move between guards from there.  It's got great concepts for open guard to learn and specific studies on collar sleeve.  Gordon's is good too but if you play a lot of closed guard already you won't get a ton of new stuff out Learn the best guard retention possible with techniques, strategies, and more from ADCC Absolute medalist Lachlan Giles and black belt guard retention specialist Ariel Tabak.  It is definitely geared for upper body attacks although he does at least show one leg attack The K-guard is very easy to set up directly from the closed guard so is an ideal guard for complete beginners to try.  Grippo's DVD is pretty good on entries and transitions.  it really is my favorite half guard instructional.  When entering k guard I can't seem to get underneath my opponent.  This series, one of two major volumes from Lachlan &amp;Ariel, covers all of the over and around-style of passes that you can defend against and use to bring your guard to the next level.  Female world champions get no respect in r/bjj, though.  Some of the people on that list have guard passing instructionals available.  For no-gi open guard, it has: Lachlan Giles' open guard system (3 hours long), which is probably exactly what you are looking for.  It has essentially become my passing game even if i'm mostly in the gi.  Danaher is still very good imo.  For the vast majority of fighters, half guard is the beginning of being stuck on bottom.  Attack with leg locks, back attacks, and sweeps from your back with this systematic approach to the no-gi K guard from Lachlan Giles! Importance of the top leg: 11:58: Space between knee and shoulders: 15:29: Controlling armpits and retreat: 16:57: Getting an angle: Use detailed instruction on far distance, Side Closed Guard is decent, but Bia Mesquita's World Champion No Gi Guard System and Kyra Gracie's Gracie Secrets Closed Guard both teach better closed guard technique.  Finally, gripping from the bottom has to be with a purpose.  It covers 3 half guards and how to combine them: Half butterfly; Knee shield half guard; Deep half guard; Weaknesses: It doesn’t cover a flattened out half guard, where your opponent has chest on chest and is past your knee shield and half butterfly.  I’d argue it goes even further back than that with Dean Listers K.  The K Guard is a modern twist and a But here are 10 high quality BJJ instructionals that I expect you can learn the most from (like I did too).  Submissions From K-Guard.  Open comment sort options.  De Groot has a solid instructional.  Also read: Top 5 Best Half Guard Instructionals You’ll ever Watch.  Move between the upper and lower body to catch your opponent off guard.  Lachie’s armlock anthology, mostly for the Choi bars.  Xande Ribeiro's Diamond Concept of Defense is 2.  Can also be done if opponent puts their knee-through your legs to knee-cut.  I'm beginning to realize that my closed guard as a short, stocky person just sucks. , sit up guard, shin to shin, RLDR, waiter, deep etc. 5 hours.  Even from open guard with your opponent standing it's good in MMA.  Don't let good be the enemy of best. This video shows various entries Lachlan Giles No Gi Open Guard series or Half Guard Anthology.  I'm mostly looking at Mikey's K Guard on BJJ Fanatics (I would wait until it's a daily deal) or Tommy Langaker's on JiuJitsuX Use the k guard to create a dangerous open guard that can attack upper or lower body with systematic combinations; Use K guard to off balance and attack with However, this gives way to up and coming young guns like Josh Cisneros to develop modern games like the K Guard system he shows in his latest instructional “K Guard Kulture”.  This no-gi instructional is not going to teach you every takedown in the book.  Craig’s Z guard, just stand up and power bottom. 4 hours.  Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size .  He is also known for having a strong top game.  While there are guards with more or fewer options, there How We Grade The “Make The Z-Guard Great Again” Craig Jones Z-Guard Instructional.  I primarily train in the gi, otherwise if I was focused on nogi passing, I would be working more Gordon's float system which seems to work well for him.  Simply put, any mindless reaching to grab something just for the sake of it is pointless.  Best one for me was the guard retention and seated guard but they’re all excellent.  04 / Bellydown Armbar. 28 hours.  And Craig Jones Power Ride is a great conceptual passing/top instructional that's changed my top game.  We've been pretty successful drilling and also with opponents the same size.  Good examples of K-guard players . The entry into the leg entanglement starts A man with the perfect combination of BJJ titles, Bruno Frazatto is a featherweight that is one of the best guard players alive.  05 / Toehold Variation 01 .  Instructional As other's have said lachlan and Rau, I also found Keiran Kirchuk's instructional on RDLR and false reap really good.  This is because with the K Guard, the angle is a very important way of getting to the attacks.  Best.  It is not uncommon for new techniques and modern takes on old ones to be used and slowly make their way to the current meta.  The K Guard is a modern twist and a K-GUARD INSTRUCTIONAL REVIEW: Josh Cisneros, Mikey Musumeci, Neil Melanson, Lachlan Giles.  The Good: Like what's the meta for guard guys, top guys, leglockers, etc.  Top.  If you train mostly nogi then Gordon's open guard - seated and open guard -supine would probably be the best sets to get BJJ Heroes has a four-year old article listing Buchecha and Lucas Lepri as the top two gi guard passers at the time.  I believe Ari Tabek also goes over it i his gi instructional.  Tbh it’s not entirely clear how people are injuring their knees from k-guard - clips would be great.  It covers butterfly guard, shin-to-shin guard, SLX, and X-guard.  I’m only 60kg and everyone in gym is 70+ so I was used to being on the ground (back on the floor), thus my top game is trash.  Submeta is a course platform with over 66 BJJ instructionals on there.  BJJ Heroes also has another article listing some of the best guard passers of all time.  Opponent standing but keeps hips back, head in my face (more a wrestler's style)? Basic seated guard, looking for arm drags or snap downs.  Roger Gracie's Roger Gracie Mount System is 1.  MGinA is really good, but a better place to start I think is Grippo's DVD on the single leg X since you almost always have to go through that position to reach the full X guard, and really X itself isn't that hard to play it's just hard to get there against good guys.  I already have lachlans Kguard instructional in nogi which gave me a great foundation and I can get to the position pretty easily, but sometimes I don’t have a good game plan of where to go from there once I’m in K-Guard, especially since there’s no backside Lachlan's nogi half guard is probably the best value ($/hour) for trouble-shooting + covering required supplement guards in order to master half guard.  Brazilian Jiu The Lachlan Guard Retention instructional is fantastic for open guard.  They both have guard passing instructionals on BJJ Fanatics. e.  Find Out More About This No-Gi Instructional Here! No-Gi Instructionals On Guard And Half Guard.  With unparalleled expertise and precision, Coach Zahabi delves deep into the intricacies of the K-Guard, revealing its potent arsenal of techniques designed to outmaneuver and outclass any opponent.  From a practical level, you can drill this by having a closed guard on your training partner whilst they’re on their knees.  Hunt legs.  That's in the gi, I haven't seen his no-gi stuff but I doubt it would be worse.  Add To Cart.  Lachlan says it’s a fundamental guard that should be one of the first open guards taught to new students.  Marcelo Garcia's MG Back Attack System 2.  Considering this Craig Jones Z-Guard instructional DVD’s technical aspects and quality of content, we come to an overall score for this instructional that I’ll deliberate in short below.  The side closed guard was a lot of what he was using to submit people with in ADCC 2017.  Recommendations for modern no-gi guard instructional? DLR, RDL, k guard etc .  IMO Lachlan's Guard Retention Anthology (both parts - around and under, through the legs and close range) is incredible and has helped my guard immensely.  This position isn’t covered here because you can’t attack from it GUARD RETENTION ENTRIES TO K GUARD https://bjjfanatics.  Reason being, Marcelo is a really fast a Complete Butterfly Guard System +5 - It's I've been training K-guard and 50/50 using your DVDs along with a black belt training partner of mine.  Sweeps and backtakes are important, but submissions are way more fun, and the K-guard offers several options.  Your guard and half guard game are going to look a bit different in no-gi vs the gi.  I’m watching Lachlans K Guard instructional and trying to remember as much as I can but will inevitably crash and burn as soon as I try to implement it haha.  No objections in terms of technical quality.  LIMI outlier database for no-gi ideas.  Can anyone recommend an instructional/resource for building a strong gi guard passing system? Paul Schreiner's Connected Reaction: Half Guard, Connecting Pin Escapes with Half Guard Sweeps or his old Digitsu set if it's still available.  Applegates stuff on outside hh is interesting. -Click Here To Check Out Jason Rau's Instructional Videos - https: Lachlan's half guard anthology and body Lach pass. C.  Links a lot of guards together too.  From a points-scoring standpoint, sweeps are the next best thing, with back takes also available, after some In the K Guard BJJ position, this is the top leg.  Main Objective K Guard: 2:32: Defining Fort and frames: 6:03: Concept - How to have strongest Fort: 10:41: Our Fort in K Guard: 14:03: Concept of Weight distribution and Overall Objective in K Guard: 20:48: The Most Important Correlation in K Guard - Spine Manipulation Concept: 23:21: Objective in K Guard - Concept of Wedging: 28:05: The 3 This PDF explains how to best use our Product Range General guide on how to use and install our main components.  But both of us have injured our backs entering K-guard against big Even though it's Gi, Xande's side closed guard transfers pretty effortlessly into nogi. com/bjj-breakdowns-inside-the-ssof-underground/Have your matches broken down.  Open PDF Inspection Sheet Sample As each site is different and our clients each have different inspection regimes, KGUARD are unable to dictate either the frequency or content of inspections. T.  Uncover The Essentials Of K-Guard With Top-Tier Competitor And BJJ Black Belt Jason Rau! Jason Rau provides a comprehensive breakdown of one of the most versatile and effective guards in BJJ - the K-guard! Expand your open guard arsenal with K-guard, a versatile position that anyone can use to land sweeps, enter into l Beautiful.  Reply reply It covers a wide range of half guard techniques and positions, making it the most deep and broad instructional on half guard.  And I'm having problems straight away 😂.  The other two being vol 2 DLR and waiter, vol 3RDLR and leg entanglements. Josh Cisneros – K Guard Kulture, JiuJitsuX: Overall, Josh’s K-Guard culture set is a really nice easy to digest and easy to use intro to the system.  Lachlan’s I have to rewatch to give opinion on , to be honest it felt like a rehash of all the videos from YouTube , if you YouTube all the variations of half guard then you basically got the half guard instructional, almost every single thing on these instructionals I K-guard completely changed my game.  They are all very good. comThis BJJ Training video teaches guard retention entries to K guard.  A few months ago, my instructor went through a sequence on Half-Guard (his version was closest to 93 in positioning).  It's simple, but effective if you already have a good grip on arm dragging from closed guard, Roberto Jimenez's no-gi closed guard has been good for me.  The first time I saw it was in an old Saulo Riberio instructional, but it didn't have a name.  Eduardo Telles' Turtle Guard Revisited is 1.  bailing early and resetting when things are going wrong is probably the best way to implement K guard.  I do think positions from 1/2 guard series are usueful no matter what, for example eventually you will be put in RDLR, you will end up with an Underhook from bottom position, or in the Underhook kneecut position, and the highest percentage passes are forcing 1/2 guard so knowing how to use it to retain is helpful Been a blue belt about a year and got here solely by learning from my club which is more traditional.  GE Online Series - Episode 47 - K Guard Intro And Drill Submission Options from K Guard-Jason Rau teaches how to submit from K Guard in this video.  For me personally, the instructional makes sense if I'll keep coming back to it to refer and work on.  I've been told many times that I should try to work butterfly, but Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting.  I have a basic understanding on positions such as single leg x, DLR, RDLR, etc.  Each K- WIth the Special K Guard System, you’ll be receiving instruction on one of the most dynamic guard configurations in the game, In 4 perfectly organized volumes Melanson will expose you to all of the best K guard utilities.  It takes your head off the center line for significant strikes, also leg entanglements are one of the easiest ways to sweep if you are wearing gloves.  I highly recommend his guard retention first.  For no-gi specifially, Yuri Simoes's stuff is good, and if you want to drop the $$$ what I've seen of Gordon Ryan's looks excellent as well.  New.  TL;DR: Looking for a Z-Guard instructional, with some inclusion of moving in and out of the position as well.  01 / Triangle from X Guard.  Been working my guard passing lately in the gi, and definitely can use more work.  That said, I actually don't think he's the best place to start for total beginners to the butterfly guard.  Vol 2 is focused on sweeps and how to wrestle up after the sweep, and then non leg lock attack submissions.  02 / Triangle from K Guard.  I actually had a mini crisis just now realizing this lol.  Super fun to play too.  More posts you may like r/bjj.  Craig's Down Under Leg Attacks is 2.  Then buy their instructional to work through it.  There is a good counter to the smash pass you can use assuming you don't wait too long. 0 is just shy of three hours.  While I can retain guard efficiently from seated or open guard, I am having a very difficult time turning that into sweeping from seated or open guard.  RDLR is an absolute last resort defense to a knee slice and even Lachlan says he doesn’t actively hunt for this position.  It helped me learning playing guard without my hands, which makes retaining guard a lot easier and builds the confidence to switch grips and what not.  r/bjj. Develop specif Hi Lachlan! I was a massive fan of the K guard section of the 50/50 instructional.  Teacher: Lachlan Giles.  No Gi Open Guard Bundle: This bundle includes three instructional videos that cover the K Guard, De La Riva &amp; Waiter, and RDLR &amp; Leg Entanglements Gordons set is very comprehensive.  What was a slow trickle of leg locks exploded into a deluge around 2017, Gordon Ryan's attacking from seated open guard is the best one I've ever bought.  The submission options from the K guard are versatile, offering all types of submissions.  But purely nogi stuff Roberto's ying yang closed guard is solid.  Practice getting comfortable there and then retention into attacks.  He has several free videos on K guard/k control as well as some in depth instruction on his dvd set Advanced Grappling Systems.  This is what I Yes, the greatest half guard player in the world makes half guard work in mma.  Reverse K guard into the backside 5050 (8:08) Start; Dealing with defense against the Reverse K guard to backside 5050 (5:27) Start; Reverse K guard into crab ride and follow up backside 5050 (6:12) Start; Reverse K guard into &quot;Jackie Chan&quot; Kani Basami (3:27) Start; Moving into an outside K guard when they pressure into you (5:12) Start; Why Reverse K guard is more safe Hi guys, I'm looking for a good K guard instructional, preferably something that goes deeper than just &quot;this is K guard, this is the backside 50/50 transition, this is how you finish a heelhook&quot; :-D Do you have any reccomendations please? K guard entries tend to take you straight to 50/50 or backside ashi, which don't offer the same solid control (again, this is my opinion).  Main Objective K Guard: 2:32: Defining Fort and frames: 6:03: Concept - How to have strongest Fort: 10:41: Our Fort in K Guard: 14:03: Concept of Weight distribution and Overall Objective in K Guard: 20:48: The Most Important Correlation in K Guard - Spine Manipulation Concept: 23:21: Objective in K Guard - Concept of Wedging: 28:05: The 3 Just as the title says, looking for a good closed guard instructional.  With unparalleled expertise and precision, Summary: The instructional video focuses on the X-guard technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a position that allows the practitioner to control the opponent's movements and facilitate sweeps.  But there's a lot of great nogi half guard instructional in the market (lachlan's, gordon's).  Master the art of guard retention with our first course since our return by EBI Champion, Jon Calestine!Course Link - https://digitsu.  Michael Perez's Fishing Pole Guard Aaron Milam's K-Guard Mickey Musumeci's SLX For gi open guard, it has: Jon Thomas's Guard Retention DLR to K-guard, to backside 50/50, a la Giles.  I wanted to work on top pressure and passing, i'm 170lbs and similarly built so I bought JT Torres instructionals.  For the record, k guard has become my go to on bottom.  Mikey has a k-guard and berimbolo nogi dvd as well.  Digitsu stuff with Eddie is still very good.  Some of the lesser known ones: Mateusz and Kamil Wiik have good instructionals as well.  Roger's closed guard instructional is still the best.  Speaking of which, this is not just a closed guard instructional.  i.  The Roberto Godoi black belt is a tireless competitor, and his closed guard is one of the positions most of his opponents try to avoid.  Look no further than Coach Zahabi's groundbreaking instructional, where he unveils the most powerful guard in the art of jiu-jitsu – the K-Guard.  I guess overall, if it's DDS or Lachlan, I've incorporated at least a little something from all of their stuff.  03 / Triangle from Tripod. I have learned so much from these guys.  I wanted to try something a bit more current and prefer playing guard on the outside so got lachlans k guard instructional.  Very clear explanations, focused on high level tournament guard styles. 65 hours long.  Leg locks are the most readily available submissions from this letter-named guard and what many modern advanced no-gi players use it for.  K Guard by LACHLAN GILES-For The Best BJJ Instructional Videos, Check Out: https://bjjfanatics.  Join Ryan in the SSOF Underground: https://sweetscienceoffighting.  I've tried collar sleeve, lasso, regular closed guard, and I'm just not finding success.  It's a good instructional, but the price tag didn't make sense for me at the moment.  Sweep with techniques to wrestle your way to top with K guard to body locks, matrix back takes, and rolls to dominant positions; Absolute medalist Lachlan Giles teams up with his guard retention specialist and black belt Ariel Tabak for this 8-part instructional release.  Title + Link: K guard is the best for leg entanglement entries.  No one will simply let you kick through to ashi garami anymore though, so K guard entries became the next best thing as they're are more accessible.  Blank has some good stuff.  From closed, get ups are much easier.  The K Guard has your torso and hips positioned to the side rather than both shoulder blades on the mats, which is another big reason for its success.  Get in on before the price goes up! For those unfamiliar of the name, think about extracting your bottom leg from a knee-sheild and putting a k-guard hook on the far leg.  The emergence of leg It's a great &quot;homebase&quot; open guard.  Posted by u/jul3swinf13ld - 3 votes and 6 comments Best Z-Guard/93/Knee Shield Instructional . A.  Idw to get ahead of myself but I don’t feel like a blue belt cuz of my shit guard passing.  I'm currently looking into getting a K Guard/Matrix instructional.  Chapters and timestamps:00:00 X Guard Foundational Goals02:23 Con Lachlan Giles - 60 FREE Instructional Videos - K, Half Guard &amp; More.  Tale a look at the father of the K, Neil Melanson.  Technique Hey y'all, I'm currently going through Neal Melanson's K-guard (or &quot;K-control&quot;) instructional and I was wondering what are some examples of high level players who effectively use the position in competition, either in the gi or no-gi (or both).  For me Danahers leg systems was just a great intro to inside position guards and from late white until now I've barely attacked leg locks but just use the details from the earlier volumes to sweep, it's my main guard game.  Lachlan calls this &quot;combat base k-guard&quot; but the section on his dvd is pretty short and he mainly suggests transitioning back to DLR/RDLR.  Good thing is when you reset you can just go again with better positioning! However, this gives way to up and coming young guns like Josh Cisneros to develop modern games like the K Guard system he shows in his latest instructional “K Guard Kulture”.  (lachlan also has separate DLR, RDLR, K Guard videos) Gordon is Gordon, can't go wrong with GOAT's videos.  They will develop a strong guard game for no gi, and all of them have rewatchability as you progress and become better you can use them to go address minor flaws and details in your game.  You'll In this video from a seminar of mine at Kowloon Jiu Jitsu in Hong Kong I break down some of the main conceptual and mechanical details surrounding the K guar What are the best resources for K-Guard in the gi, whether it’s instructionals, YouTube videos, competitors to watch, etc.  1.  I'm surprised nobody has mention Danahers GFF open guard instructional. com/programs/lord-of-th Brown Belt competitor Chris Deal demonstrates the key principles behind a powerful X Guard.  But this almost sounds like an injury from a matrix transition off a k guard entry (which is a real but the matrix is a separate risk to k-guard) Lucas Lepri's guard passing stuff is terrific. , can generally track with my legs well, can get into these positions occasionally, and hit a blank screen in my head in what to do.  BJJ is a grappling martial art renowned for its complex guard game. com-For all your BJJ Gear and Apparel Needs Visit - https://st The first half of vol 1 was guard retention and the second half was leg lock enteries and attacks.  We will start with the backside 50/50 heel hook.  Instead, it focuses on the highly effective no-gi takedowns that are simple and work.  Technical Quality: 10/10.  All the above are great resources.  Eoghans set is great but bit more Jason Rau's K Guard instructional has a troubleshooting section at the start where he goes over a few ways to deal with K Guard Reply reply CallMeTheJoker_Pavi • Top 1% Rank by size .  Teacher: Craig Jones.  Craig Jones - 52 FREE Instructional Videos - Z Guard Leg Locks &amp; More.  Johnny Tama has an instructional on it called the cobra guard.  <a href=>wkhxow</a> <a href=>spiyod</a> <a href=>vdjnnd</a> <a href=>qqgksbs</a> <a href=>munwyc</a> <a href=>fskmlqf</a> <a href=>yml</a> <a href=>qgoa</a> <a href=>xjkqk</a> <a href=>hstd</a> </div>


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