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<h1 class="text-uppercase format-title">Bosch injector data.  I bought a LS6 manifold to install o my LQ4.</h1>

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<div class="col-xs-12">Bosch injector data  it has been running and reliable before I have done these changes.  HP TUNERS FORMAT. 8 cc per min 12,00 Ohm resistance GM 6. 5 psi / 3 bar 40 lb per hour 302 G per min.  The document provides information about Bosch Motorsport injection valves called EV 14.  KPA Short pulse limit Short pulse Adder Minimum Injector Pulse Default Injector Pulse and possibly Fuel to Wall Impact factor if it needs to be changed for these injectors as well Bosch is a recognized leader in fuel systems technology, with more than 45 years of gasoline injection system experience. com www.  That said just look up In my current setup i have Bosch EV14 550cc injectors (0 280 158 117) and i've had some trouble with setup. 2 G per min.  View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Advanced Tuner Join Date Mar 2009 Thread: Bosch 36lbs injectors 0280155868 data. 2PSI or 43. 4 cc per min 12 Ohm resistanceFord 5.  Compact size and three standard I purchased a set of these 0280158117 Bosch injectors and it have found out that they're m-9593-g302, Ford GT500 injectors, 47lb at 39.  If your application conditions will not match the listed performance data, please ask for consultancy at Bosch Motorsport.  wastegate.  Here are the injectors.  0280158279 | Copy Description.  KPA Short pulse limit Short pulse Adder Minimum Injector Pulse Default Injector Pulse Bosch 1000cc injector data Hey guys, I'm running a gt42 remote mounted on the ls1 with a turbo cam IMG_4594.  Blog.  Bosch Injectors offer economic advantages and reliable, systematic fuel supply. 4 0280150002 0 280 150 00 EV 1 production stop, ask! 2.  Show Printable Version; 02-08-2024 #1.  Product Code: 851-731s. 05 USD. 19 MB, 99 views) EV14 Injector_Bosch Data Sheet.  Thread: In search of 210lb/2200cc Bosch Injector Data. 5 ohm resistance.  Title: Re: Bosch EV14 Injector Migration Post by: i don't know how the Ford Racing injector datasheet made it's way into this discussion but i never refered to it.  Fuel Injector In my current setup i have Bosch EV14 550cc injectors (0 280 158 117) and i've had some trouble with setup.  60 LB 80 LB 100 LB.  ABS Brake - All our ,qmhfwru 2ii 7lphv wr xvh zlwk 7huplqdwru ; dqg 7huplqdwru ; 0d[ (&amp;8v &#244; x &#236;s &#244; x &#244;s &#245; x &#242;s &#237; &#236; x &#240;s &#237; &#237; x &#238;s &#237; &#238; x &#236;s &#237; &#238; x &#244;s &#237; &#239; x &#242;s &#237; &#240; x &#240;s &#237; &#241; x &#238;s &#237; &#242; x &#236;s &#237; &#242; x &#244;s &#237; &#243; x &#242;s &#237; &#244; x &#240;s &#237; &#245; x &#238;s &#238; &#236; x &#236;s It started and ran, but was 5-6% too rich.  sub add.  09-19-2022, 06:03 PM.  Show Printable Version; 10-18-2010 #1.  The injector is suitable for gasoline and E85 fuel (after methanol-operating, the valves must be flushed with standard gasoline-fuel).  Tags: None.  Senior Member.  Injector DW Injectors Combine Precision, Drop-in Fitment, Dynamic Data, and Value to Maximize Your Performance Outcome Most comprehensive and best-supported injector line in the industry DW collects 450 data points on each injector I have an Excel spreadsheet for all the Bosch injectors I got from Bosch (can't post it here) but that injector spray angle isn't listed, but all others in the 150-xxx-9xx series injectors are either 21 deg or 23 deg spray angle.  The Lucas injectors have different characteristics than the Bosch (Ford) units.  It injects natural gas (CNG, LNG) into the intake manifold at system pressure.  KPA Short pulse limit Short pulse Adder Minimum Injector Pulse Default Injector Pulse and possibly Fuel to Wall Impact factor if it needs to be changed for these injectors as well Bosch EV14 fuel injector Compact size injector Uscar Port 6 hole nozzle Flow rates @ 43.  If so then use the ID1000 offset &amp; breakpoint data (4 bar) and scale the injector slopes until you get them working.  FI114191 61 lb/hr Deka IV Long USCar Slope Offset Worksheet.  The only thing I see that I might change is disable injector smallpulsewidths.  (N-Heptane) 470.  We ship worldwide and offer Zip Money 12 months interest free.  (N-Heptane)606.  Are the Ford(bosch) green tops rated at 42lbs at 39.  Has anyone have good results with using injector data from INjector dynamics or FIC for Bosch 210lb fuel injectors? I got a line some for a good price but can only find data from FIC and ID; however, INjector dynamics doesn?t list what ecm. 2kg/hr at 3 bar.  07GTS. 2 3 | 3 Represented by: Europe: Bosch Engineering GmbH Motorsport Robert-Bosch-Allee 1 74232 Abstatt Germany Tel. 846 Flow rate according same source is 490cc/3bar/80% Duty cycle.  You can use adapters with either 11mm or 14mm top orings to suit your fuel rail.  data matrix code on the blue repair-ID clip on a common-rail injector for commercial vehicles (CRIN) Product details as of 2021) Jochen Hahn again relies on Bosch unit injectors for his race truck.  THIS INJECTOR IS E85 COMPATIBLE.  Normally Aspirated Gasoline: 250HP: Raceworks injectors all start off as a genuine Bosch EV14 injector.  Short tip. 0 BAR.  +/-5% - Bosch EV6 high precision injector internals are validated for use with E85 fuel.  If the injectors are Bosch greenies that end in 968 I couldn't find 4 bar pressure data but worked the tables from 3 bar and got it very close.  Bosch Injector 731cc @3.  Login; Create Account; High Injector Data &amp; Calculator.  CNG Injector.  If you find a flow rate to be skewed from what your test results showed, it has to do with this.  Author.  Fully recommend.  Join Date: Oct 2020; Posts: 474; Share Tweet #2.  Bosch 36lbs injectors 0280155868 data I wish to change the 28lb injectors in my LS1 Gen3 05 VZ Commodore to the 36lb injector (0280155868) but Bosch Injector Data - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. 8L supercharged Trinity Modular motor Bosch 62019 / 0280158298Ford DR3V-AA / DR3Z-9F593-A / DR3V-9F593-AA / DR3Z-9F593-AFC Ford Performance M View results and find bosch injector driver datasheets and circuit and application notes in pdf format.  The Bosch Common Rail Fuel Injection System (Bosch CRS) is an innovative, efficient, and economical high-pressure injection technology that makes today’s Bosch Injectors offer economic advantages and reliable, systematic fuel supply.  I compared Greg's injector data with the LS9 injector data and guess what, the G302 (0280 158 117) injectors flowed ~ 5-7% more within that range of the IFR table.  Can anybody give me an advice where I can find them? Kommentieren.  LS2 BOSCH Excel Download.  They are all compatible with and warranted for use with Gasoline, Ethanol and Methanol/Alcohol based fuels, for 2 The natural-gas injector NGI2 is used in intake manifold injection systems on aspirated or turbocharged engines.  4-6-8 Cylinder bosch 210 injector sets available.  0280158123 | Copy Description.  Fuel injector performance can be affected by particles as little as 10 microns EV 14 injection valves are the latest revision of the EV 6 injection valve technology.  Most people use the Bosch 0 280 158 040s and they are 980cc at 3 bar and 1030cc at 4 bar.  The SEP 2200cc injector is the highest flow offering from SEP and is developed from a Genuine Bosch injector. 003) but im sure its enough to skew things a bit.  Doing some research has led me to believe that these injectors are factory Injector Data please Bosch 0280155868 42lb/hr Green @ 3 bar, 50 lb/hr @ 4 bar.  These are out of a 97-98 corvette LS1.  Members; 122 ECU model: Altezza #TALTX; Serial Number: 103753; Report Major Injector manufacturers (eg.  The injectors are GM 12598646 Attached Buy genuine Bosch Motorsport EV6 382cc fuel injector direct from Bosch.  Bosch CNG EV14 1600cc/1800cc Injector 0 280 158 827 - While this injector was released by Bosch to be used for Compressed Natural Gas, Goleby's Parts has evaluated them and found them suitable for Gasoline &amp; E85 applications.  Thread Tools.  Product details | Spark plugs Unit injector system Product details The unit injector system (UIS) also known as pump/nozzle injection system is 1050cc/min HDEV5. pdf (514.  Long body length. . 19 NZD 9,283.  Not It is the most recent offering from the partnership of Injector Dynamics and Bosch Motorsport, and is the result of lessons learned during development of the ID1300x, and ID1700x.  LOG IN; REGISTER; Forums.  Show Printable Version; 04-03-2021 #1.  Any help would be appreciated.  I'm unsure where Sprintex gets their injector data from but I believe the best source for accurate injector data is from OE factory tunes.  Box said 1000, data sheet in box said 1000, etc. 5 but that is about it. 7 kg/h Has anyone have good results with using injector data from INjector dynamics or FIC for Bosch 210lb fuel injectors? I got a line some for a good price but can only find data from FIC and ID; however, INjector dynamics doesn?t list what ecm.  I've been messing with different tunes for a while now and it boils down to the injector data is not correct enough where the pcm measures ethanol content correctly.  A key technology for current and future gasoline direct injection systems: The Bosch high-pressure injector enable rapid and precise fuel injection directly into the combustion chamber for optimised mixture preparation.  If you have the data for e78 ecm I would appreciate it. txt) or read online for free.  Great deals on new and rebuilt high performance fuel injectors at Fuel Injector Connection from brands including Bosch, Siemens, Lucas, and Denso. 5 psi / 3 bar49. 50 inc GST for Australian Customers AUD $95.  Major Injector manufacturers (eg.  being pulsed).  For lower HP ranges a smaller injector is recommended. 4 0280150003 0 280 150 00 EV 1 info not I have built a ls1 with forged pistons and rods, small comp cam and using 243 casting heads.  The ID2600-XDS has the highest flow rate of any injector offered by Bosch, and flows 50% more than the ID1700x.  by junnan yue on Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:54 am . bosch-motorsport.  any one know a work around with out major scaling? its a 2001 truck pcm 78217 However, the price of these injectors (especially the 2000cc) is quite high, so I was looking at other injectors, and a few people recommended me Bosch EV14 injectors.  (N-Heptane)520.  View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Tuner Join Date Jul 2009 Posts 2,305.  approximate only? International prices are based on the tax exclusive amount, and are approximate only (may change when payment is I&#180;m looking for the injector deadtime table and short pulsewidth adder table for Link G4+ for the following injectors: Bosch CNG 0 280 158 821 .  SKU: 0280158187: Brand: Bosch: Review (0) Write a product review. 6 lb per hour 261.  View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Advanced Tuner Join Date Oct 2008 Posts Thread: Anybody have injector data for Bosch Green Giants (42lbs)? Thread Tools.  The injectors in question is the Bosch 0280158187 (52lb/hr @ 58psi), which are commonly used in the Sprintex SPS supercharger kits on Pentastar 3.  If you're planning on running E85 fuel, these injectors can handle up to 2200hp. pdf (1.  yep i do not Bosch Fuel Injectors; Siemens Deka VDO; Flex Fuel Sensor Fuel Pump Walbro; Vertical Categories.  0280158040 Cheers Quote; 3 weeks later wastegate. : +49 7062 911 9101 Fax: +49 7062 911 79104 motorsport@bosch. 39 JPY 59.  It is the most recent offering from the partnership of Injector Dynamics and Bosch Motorsport, and is the result of lessons learned during development of the ID1300x, and ID1700x.  I did run fine with my 80lb seimens injectors running a return regulator.  1600cc at 3bar. 0, 3.  I am looking for data on the GM 12554271 injectors.  Back To Main Menu.  Bosch Fast 36 lb injector data.  (N-Heptane) 363.  They come in sets that are matched within 1% static (I.  Please enter a valid full or Common rail injector driver Common rail injector Technical data ecu Bosch ICs Car Battery 12V bosch injector bosch injectors BOSCH ECU voltage line bosch injection pump MAX13041 hi all im looking for some injector data for a Bosch high impedance EV14 60lb/630cc fuel injectors 0280158298 for my 300c does anyone know the pulse width injector pulse width vs fuel mass injector pulse width offset?? thanks 12-25-2018 #2.  Masoud Masoud Sadeghi.  47.  09-01-2023 #33. pdf), Text File (.  Injector type OE NR.  anyone have any injector data for the bosch 210lb ev1 injectors? Bosch Part # 0280158829 11-25-2016 #2.  The document contains a list of injector types from MKS with part numbers, OE numbers, types, production The document contains information about different injector types including their part number, type, production status, resistance, test medium, operating pressure, and flow rate.  Iam Broke.  Adam@Link_ECU You can use ID2000 data As the high ethanol content of E85 is corrosive to many materials found in fuel systems, selecting an E85-validated injector from Bosch Motorsport ensures a reliable and high-performing injector for extended lifespans in extreme conditions. 32. 00 (ex GST) for International Customers.  267 HP Normally Aspirated (0.  Trusted by World Champions Bosch EV14ES fuel injectorStandard size injectorUscar port16 hole nozzleV spray patternFlow rates @ 43.  My pcm, tune, and original injectors are from a non-flex 04 LM7 Bosch Injector Data; 150.  What I came up with was suspiciously close to the other 47lb injector (LU47).  EV 14 is designed for a wide range of flow rates and spray Tested results and Published results always vary. E.  Injector Flow Rate vs.  Bosch Injector Data.  I can not find any correct injector data for the new bosch 0280158821 injectors (2200cc) Bosch Injector Data.  It details the technical specifications, variations, dimensions, spray patterns, and ordering information for the valves.  Denso connector. xls), PDF File (.  I'm having a hard time getting realistic offset data for this injector.  When it comes to choosing the right injector, the Bosch name equals quality.  Most of the Bosch 210 data out there is still mired in the ID/FIC profile copying fiasco so I wont post it up here as gospel, and make sure you do your research and contrast and compare.  547cc/min EV14 Injector - Bosch.  Unresolved Threads = Resolved threads Reply.  camaro1.  Bosch is known world-wide as the leader in fuel-injection technology and engineering.  Home; Injector Data. 015913 AHISL [lb/s]: 0. 5 Heptan 300 230 Bosch Port Fuel Injectors (PFI) have a robust design and are capable of using Ethanol fuel (E100). 9 cc per min12 Ohm resistance Ford 5.  Sign in.  05-31-2012 #2.  On top of that I want to run the stock FPR, a Bosch 044 pump, and Bosch EV14 550cc injectors.  EV 14 injection valves are the latest revision of the EV 6 injection valve technology.  This makes finding injector data impossible, however it is out there.  - EV 14 injection valves are the latest revision of the EV 6 injection valve technology.  0 280 150 934 EV 1 production stop, ask! 14.  For tuners, this means reduced guesswork and time on the dyno.  I need to manually fill in data as shown in the attached photo.  The fuel injectors are then grouped into flow-matched sets ready for shipping.  What is your injector pulsewidth when cranking? got some bosch 210 injectors installed, and seams most use id2000 injector data but the min pulse width, default pulse width and short pulse adder exceed my pcm parameters, its not by much (.  Dead times according Ford Racing are 14V 0.  Single cone spray.  Offset vs.  The 968's are closer to 50 lb/hr at 4 bar or 58 psi IIRC.  LS3 BOSCH Excel Download.  Classic Fuel Injection - Injector Technical Data.  Flow Matched Injector Sets.  Login; Sign up; 0.  0261500533 | Copy Description.  The problem is, all the data that I can find for them seems incorrect.  Mit eXchange With eXchange Avec &#233;change Con eXchange Con eXchange Sichere Diagnose.  does anyone have the xls data so I can tune it that is a different injector.  And yes I know ID injectors would have been better but the budget just did not Bosch EV6CL fuel injectorLong size injectorJetronic port4 hole nozzleConical spray pattern GM 5.  Match case Limit results 1 per page. 00 EV6 Injector_Bosch Data Sheet.  Category. 2 on request.  Compact (7) Standard (7) Long (4) Filter By Connector type. mksa Injector type 0280150001 0280150002 0280150003 028015 379 25 3MB Read more.  Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!!! I'd ask the distributor you bought them from.  FLOW CHART: Flow-matched sets are sold with a complete and unique flow-data chart indicating individual static flow rates at 3. 7 kg/h Bosch offers the spray targeting design according to the individual customer requirements.  Minimum Order Quantity 2 | Order In Multiples Of 2 Quantity. 9 KB, 160 Flow data is recorded for each individual injector.  Gold Member 12 Download Injector Calibration Data PDF Download Injectors Size Charts PDF.  s79colin.  Bosch-Diagn Bosch EV14 fuel injectorStandard size injector Uscar port4 hole NozzleFlow rates @ 43.  Two slightly different entries here: Electronic Hey - Spot on.  Injector Rx cannot be held accountable for any errors in the data. Replacement components are sold individually 11 &#177; 0.  I would strongly recommend the Bosch injectors instead, since we've had much better results with them over the years.  All Bosch Motorsport injectors are manufactured to the exacting standards of an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM): Most people use the Bosch 0 280 158 040s and they are 980cc at 3 bar and 1030cc at 4 bar. 4L LC3 Northstar supercharged motor ACDelco 217-3076 Bosch 0280158085 GM 12578722 / 12598842 other part numbers SMP FJ992.  I've found data from Ford Racing, Muscle Motors but it all shows the same info.  Proven technology: The manifold fuel injection is the most popular system for gasoline engines worldwide.  Injector Data Search Tool; Inside Our Data; Fuel Flow Calculator; Media; Gift Cards; About Us; Search.  They are Bosch EV14 ZR1 52lb/hour with EV6 / USCAR Connector - Direct fit for LS9 &amp; part numbers for injectors are: Bosch 0 280 158 187 (0280158187) GM 12598646 AC Delco 217-3350 Thanks in Advance! Bosch Port Fuel Injectors (PFI) have a robust design and are capable of using Ethanol fuel (E100). 42 GBP 57.  View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Tuner Join Date Jan 2014 Location Australia Posts 2,036.  3.  Bosch CNG 2000cc-2200cc Injector 0 280 158 821 - While this injector was released by Bosch to be used for Compressed Natural Gas, Goleby's Parts has evaluated them and found them suitable for Gasoline &amp; E85 applications.  Also attached is the Ford data which was inserted into the tool.  Type 0280150001 0 280 150 00 EV 1 production stop, ask! 2.  Teching In .  Share 0 Tweet 0 Pin it 0 Fancy +1.  Since the repository is down I .  howeverthe5oh.  Since 1997, Bosch common rail injectors have been the industry standard for Diesel Fuel systems. 013497 FUEL_BKPT [lb]: - Today, Bosch fuel injection technology sets the standard in professional motorsport around the world. 538 12V 0.  Such is the nature of tuning with inaccurate injector Injector Flow Data.  Hi everybody Does anyone have information for Bosch 0 280 158 179 injector Injector Data Available As the high ethanol content of E85 is corrosive to many materials found in fuel systems, selecting an E85-validated injector from Bosch Motorsport ensures a reliable and high-performing injector for extended lifespans in extreme conditions.  Customer ordered id1000 injectors. 5 B. 7L LS1 motor Bosch 0280155752 GM 12554271 other part numbers Autoline The natural-gas injector NGI2 is used in intake manifold injection systems on aspirated or turbocharged engines. 5kg/hr at 3 bar.  Injector Bosch.  News, products, problems and results.  LS1 SIEMENS DEKA Excel Download.  Thread Tools Search this Thread Sep 10, 2017 | 02:15 PM Share #1 sparky02.  The values in the ID datasheet caused issues in my setup. 8 KB, 45 views) Last edited by SiriusC1024; 09-01-2023 at 08:15 AM.  I have built a ls1 with forged pistons and rods, small comp cam and using 243 casting heads.  coanan. 0L V8 LS2 motor ACDelco 217-1627Bosch 62648 / - Today, Bosch fuel injection technology sets the standard in professional motorsport around the world.  I do have some 280 156 290 570cc EV-6 injectors that I picked up to see if the split spray matched up with my siamesed ports better for less wall wetting, but I'd need to change back to high impedance wiring, adapt my fuel rail, and Buy Bosch Motorsport - 1000cc Injector (980cc-1150cc) online at Goleby's Parts.  Bosch EV14ES fuel injectorStandard size injectorUscar port6 hole nozzleV spray patternFlow rates @ 43.  Manufacture published data: FI11420 DEKA IV Short Std Tip Slope Offset WorkSheet.  Shop All Products.  It came with Bosch 0280155712 42# injectors. 4L supercharged motor Bosch 62642 / 0280158117Ford 7R3V-A5B / 7R3Z-9F593-AA / 7R3Z-9F593AAFC / 7R3V-9F593-A5BFord Performance M-9593-G302 Motorcraft as the title states I have built a new combo for my car.  Injector Data Search Tool; Inside Our Data; Fuel Flow Calculator; Media; Gift Cards; About Us Can someone please post a E38 ECU tune with Factory Bosch LS3 42lbs injector data, My E38 is from 2007 so the numbers on some of the perimeters dont match on later e38 ECU tunes.  Any of the Ford based injectors (Which are all Bosch) work very well because there is some backwards math you can do with the Ford data to get them to work very well in a GM PCM.  All Bosch Motorsport injectors are manufactured to the exacting standards of an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM): individual injector flow tolerances are less than +/- 1.  Show Printable Version; 04-28-2012 #1.  All Bosch fuel injectors released to the aftermarket are OE fit, form and function, and are produced to OE specifications.  Bosch 210 #0280158843 Injector Data 07-08-2021, 11:15 AM.  For tuners, this means reduced guesswork and time on Injector data collected is based on the fuel injector cleaning and flow testing service we provided.  This matching process Bosch EV6CL fuel injector Long size injector Jetronic port 4 hole nozzle Conical spray pattern Flow rates @ 43.  EDIT: I A&amp;A CORVETTE INJECTOR DATA.  This combination seems like the best overall setup to me, given what I EV 14 injection valves are the latest revision of the EV 6 injection valve technology.  Injector Data Search Tool; Inside Our Data; Fuel Flow Calculator; Media; Gift Cards; About Us Global Bosch ID.  Thanks, yes back in the days of limited injector availability these were a common option, but internet posting of data not so common.  View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Tuner in Training Join Date Jul 2020 Posts 41.  Bosch EV14EL fuel injector Long size injector Uscar port 4 hole nozzle V spray pattern Flow rates @ 43.  The Datasheet Archive. C &amp; 85% Duty Cycle 3.  I thought maybe the Banish dvd might have it, but it stops at 80 lb injectors and is not that comprehensive of a list.  For tuners, this means reduced guesswork and time on All Bosch Motorsport injectors are manufactured to the exacting standards of an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).  Be wary of it's source! Hi guys, Now I've searched the internet far and wide to ensure, including documentation provided by Injector Supplier (Quickbitz VIC, Australia) I bought a flow matched set of Bosch Motorsport 1650cc Injectors to replace my Sonic Performance 'Modified' 1250cc Injectors (Which have a modified nozzle, and supplied with no data on purchase) Bosch Port Fuel Injectors (PFI) have a robust design and are capable of using Ethanol fuel (E100). 5, and 4.  Bosch) do not rate injectors in flow/time (cc/min), they use mass/time (g/min).  Joined: Apr 2017.  Bosch Motorsport | HP Injection Valve HDEV 5.  Flow Rate = 190cc / 18lb per hour @ 3bar . 0L Ls2.  7.  ~Greg Calibrated Success, Inc.  Courses.  - Bosch EV14 high precision I'm a VERY noob when it comes to FI cars and HP Tuners. jpg (349.  I can not find any correct injector data for the new bosch Hello, I’m in need of some injector data for injectors that came with my intake and trying to find the correct data for these injectors in 06 E40 format for 06 GTO.  Haltech &amp; Link to supply injector data.  Hi, Could anyone help me find Injector data for the Bosch 550cc part number: 0280158117.  Nominal max flow using ASNU 42 test fluid (+23 C / 73 F) The FID 2000 is a Bosch Ev14 based High Impedance fuel injector, utilizing the latest in fuel injector technology.  Ed M Attached Images. 6's.  MKS pressure sensors for many applications, please see: www.  PART NUMBER: FIC868-36. 6 cc per min 12 Ohm resistanceGM 6.  I've been using recommended data for the injectors but I can't get them dialed in enough so the factory pcm recognizes proper Ethanol levels.  Any help would be great.  All Categories.  Others Also Bought.  Jetronic (10) I will be installing the Bosch 42lb 0280155968 into my 2004 C5 corvette.  Compact size and three standard Bosch Injector Data - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (.  Search Home .  Flow Choose the Right Injector World Leader and Supplier of Diesel Fuel Injection Systems.  Here's the injector data for the Bosch 127#.  Does anyone have the injector data for or tell me where I can find the data for Bosch 210 #0280158843? Thanks.  Ordering information Injector osch 350cc EV14 xT -C-040-0001 €65,- Injector osch 500cc EV14 xT -C-040-0002 €75,- Injector osch 950cc EV14 xT -C-040-0003 €95,- Datasheet • Bosch EV14 xT FAST 85 and Bosch 80 injector data If anyone has the injector data for either of these injectors, I would appreciate it! The Bosch injectors flow 850cc at 3 bar, and the FAST injectors flow 825cc at 4 bar.  VE and MAF came right in on an injector swap from 868's.  Good data on the injectors and came rapidly quick through the mail.  From what I have read there are several tables that need to be updated in HP Tuners.  I want to run Tony's base file m-box with a 85mm MAF.  The variant diversity in position and number of the high-precision manufactured orifices and the customer-specific adaptations to the installation of the fuel injectors effect a great fuel-mixture generation: To meet engine-specific requirements, different spray qualities are possible as well as an Bosch 0280155968 Injector Data; Results 1 to 8 of 8 Thread: Bosch 0280155968 Injector Data. F.  This data refers to the most common fuel injectors used within our kits. 0 Bar Fuel Pressure) up to 1 Bar Boost - Injector, gasoline.  Are there any links people can point me to? I can't find any information on Bosch's sight which seem really odd? Looking for Injector Dead time data. 0L V8 LS2 motor ACDelco 217-1627Bosch 62648 / 0280158049GM 12569113 Bosch Number 0280158333 Half Height Injector.  As always, haven't used this data so results may vary.  Alpina B3S OEM injectors. 6 lb per hour 374.  Candu SNO.  The stars would be blank info of spray angle.  So were wondering what the hell.  We also offer many different types of o-rings, pigtails and plug &amp;amp; play adapters required when upgrading your system.  Many EV 6 injection valves are designed to inject the fuel as efficiently as possible into the intake manifold runner to achieve a homogeneous distribution of fuel in air flow.  The Bosch Fuel Injection program provides vast Great deals on new and rebuilt high performance fuel injectors at Fuel Injector Connection from brands including Bosch, Siemens, Lucas, and Denso.  The document contains information about different injector types including their part number, type, production status, Looking for Injector data for: Bosch 0280155868 36 lb/hr Offset vs.  Thank you.  High-pressure injector, GDI.  In addition to the specific designed sample, Bosch offers cost effective production HDEV 5.  AUSTRALIA'S NUMBER 1 MOTORSPORT SPECIALIST SUPPLIER.  Injector Technical Data.  EV 14 xT are the latest revision of the EV 12. mksa Injector type 0280150001 0280150002 0280150003 028015 .  NEED HELP? 1300 722 374.  The data is published as a guide and should be treated as such.  $104.  8.  KPA VAC, Minimum Conn = Connector style of injector (Jetronic is the old rectangle style conn, and USCAR is the new smaller square conn) Cal Data: Links you to the actual Ford Racing injector calibration data you will use to input into your tuning software (note, this data is for Ford vehicles, and will not work if you attempt to use with other non-Ford vehicles) GM Ford Mitsubishi - EVO X (4B11) Honda GM Calibration Data Table - Back To Top 60lb Download 80lb Download 96lb Download 105lb Download 110lb Download 120lb Download 160lb Download 200lb Download 225lb Download 250lb Download Mitsubishi EVO X (4B11) Calibration Data Table - Back To Top 850cc/min Download 1100cc/min Do Hi guys was wondering if someone could help me double check my injector data for bosch 1000cc injectors part no.  I put the injector data in from Greg's spreadsheet and now the tune was spot on.  We want you to have the best experience possible when dealing with us Download Injector Calibration Data PDF Download Injectors Size Charts PDF.  60 LB 95 LB. 5% compared to 'aftermarket' injectors approx. 5 psi / 3 bar29.  (N-Heptane) 420 cc per min GM 4.  AnimateMe.  So I put the data in (the data sheet is not correct, especially around some of the 4 bar values that I needed but is easily fixed) and it is brilliant. 5 psi / 3 bar57. 5 bar Bosch EV14 fuel injectorStandard size injector Uscar port4 hole NozzleFlow rates @ 43. 2.  According to the Ford Racing datasheet for Bosch EV14 0280158117 we know the following values: ALOSL [lb/s]: 0.  Posts: 16. 8L 3800 supercharged motor Bosch 62203 / 0280155868 GM 24508208 / 24503406 ACDelco 217-1389 Looking for Injector data for: Bosch 0280155868 36 lb/hr Offset vs.  VAC Flow Rate Vs.  Anybody have injector data for Bosch Green Giants (42lbs)? Does anybody have the injector data (offset, short pulse limit Does anyone have all the injector data for the slightly older Bosch 160 lb injectors? I have found the voltage offset at 43. 4Ω Injectors w/ EV1 Short Body and Jetronic Connector Same injector as Bosch 0250158333, 0280158334 and ASNU 90/2000.  0280155968cs.  at .  Thanks for sharing the info if you can.  Many of the injectors are noted as having their - This injector is provided with precise characterisation data which is critical for optimal performance.  In Stock.  Skip to main content.  I am looking for someone that has better injector data then I do for the Bosch 210 injectors? I have looked over the data on sloppy mechanics it's weird and not really the right way to go about it.  In search of 210lb/2200cc Bosch Injector Data Does Bosch Port Fuel Injectors (PFI) have a robust design and are capable of using Ethanol fuel (E100).  Tech Articles.  Engine-specific adjustments for reduced emissions and less fuel consumption.  I have looked at many sites and none seemed to have the data I need to input. Bosch fuel injectors have broad market coverage for both OE and after market applications. JPGI'm installing Bosch 1000cc injectors.  Reply Subscribe .  days) $171.  01-31-2018 The ID1050x is the evolution of the ID1000, and the latest addition to the X-Series. 1 cc per min 12,00 Ohm resistance GM 3.  60 LB 72 LB 80 LB 95 LB 127 LB.  We thank you for sharing it.  This is for a 4V 4cyl but you V8 guys probably have a lot more experience using Dsteck's ford to GM conversion sheet in Excel.  - Bosch EV6 high precision injector internals are validated for use with E85 fuel.  382cc/min = 261g/min = 35lb/hr @ 3bar, single cone spray pattern, Jetronic connector.  volts vs. 8 lb per hour453 G per min.  1/2 body length.  Physics.  Does anyone have the Genuine Bosch 1650 cc/min ( 160 lb/hr ) 8.  Injector Data &amp; Calculator.  0 Cart . 15 EUR 105.  FLYWHEEL POWER FIGURES (ESTIMATED) PER INJECTOR.  No (4) Yes (14) Filter By Injector size.  Skip to content (770) 888-1662; My Account.  The onus for accuracy falls upon the end user.  - Bosch Motorsport has a Injector, gasoline.  I received a bit of info on the injector data but very basic and not sure if that's sufficient to ensure the tune can be changed accurately.  Where can I find the Injector Data for these GENUINE BOSCH 0280158040 Injectors? For the Terminator X Max. JPG IMG_4594.  Normally Aspirated Gasoline: 250HP: 190KW: Forced Inducted Low Boost Gasoline Raceworks injectors all start off as a genuine Bosch EV14 injector.  EV 6 injection valves chamber for efficient combustion.  SUPERIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE BEFORE AND AFTER THE SALE.  I am getting conflicting data.  (N-Heptane)308.  The document contains a list of injector types from MKS with part numbers, OE numbers, types, production Bosch Port Fuel Injectors (PFI) have a robust design and are capable of using Ethanol fuel (E100). 5 psi / 3 bar 34.  ABS Kits 26 products in category &quot;Injectors&quot; Filter By Filter By E85 Compatibilty.  View Profile View Forum Posts Private After adjusting the scaling it turns out that the Bosch 0 280 158 117 injectors don't appear to be the G302.  All Categories; Additives; PCM Diagnostics &amp; Tuning - Injector Data Sticky - Probably the single biggest issue with a new tune is good injector data.  Classic Fuel Injection - &quot; Bosch Black &quot; Part Number = Bosch 0280155884 .  Injectors are Bosch 0280158227.  I am trying to plug in my data for some 34 lb/hr Ford injectors in a sand car, 6.  EV 14 is designed for a wide range of flow rates and spray patterns.  Previous owner installed these injectors and never changed any of the offsets, Flow Rate or min inj PW.  Found this very well laid out and detailed .  K .  2824 Views.  ABS Brake Control; ABS Kits; Accessories.  You can be sure that if the data for a Bosch injector is displayed in units other than g/min then the data has been converted mathematically or the information has been provided by private testing.  CNG Injector; Single cone spray.  Posted November 27, 2020.  - This injector is provided with precise characterisation data which is critical for optimal performance. 0 Bar .  The EV14 Injection valves are the latest version of the EV 6 injection technology.  379 25 3MB Read more.  The Injection valve is designed for a wide range of flow rates and spray patterns. 5 PSI? My buddy bought these from HFP and their site has them listed as 42lb @ 43. 3 mm EV 14 xT with Extension F-TYPe Like E-type but single spray size (l x 13, with - Today, Bosch fuel injection technology sets the standard in professional motorsport around the world. 7L LS1 motor Bosch 0280155752GM 12554271other part numbersAutoline 16-956GB Reman 832-11181SMP FJ647 Long size injector Jetronic port 4 hole nozzle Conical spray pattern GM 5.  The injector data given is based on manufacturer's published data and are given for the specific base fuel pressure listed. xls that shows pretty much every Bosch injector and n-hep flow rates.  Likes: 0.  I bought a LS6 manifold to install o my LQ4.  Thread Starter.  Can anyone help me.  Compact size and three standard versions simplify mounting in a variety of applications. 6 B. 15 PSI These seem promising at 58psi and above.  Then swap the injectors you have and only tweak on the injector data til you get the tune in line.  I send them to my injector guy, he flow tests them, and said they are perfect HOWEVER, they are id2000 injectors.  I'll post what I have here.  Posted: 2013-12-07 Last Updated: 2023-05-12 Injector Flow Data Select your injectors from the drop down menu above.  Home; Shop All Products. de North America: Bosch Engineering North America Motorsport 38000 Hills Tech Drive Farmington Hills Bosch Injector Data - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (.  Be wary of it's source! Thread: Anybody have injector data for Bosch Green Giants (42lbs)? Thread Tools.  Injector Data Files - Injector Data Files.  The Bosch fuel injector has a return rate of 1 part per million (PPM), making Bosch the industry benchmark.  Also called &quot;pink tops&quot; Bosch Part Number: 0280156370; BMW Part Number: 13641703819; Data Qstat: 150g/min (n-heptane) Flow rate: 249 cm&#179;/min @ 3. 5 but I keep seeing on the web that they should actually be rated 42lb at 39.  +/-5% Bosch Injector Data.  Genuine Bosch 0280155868 36LB @ 3 Bar 42LB @ 4 Bar 60mm tall with EV1 plug Comes with all necessary tuning data on flash drive with the set.  - Bosch Motorsport has a comprehensive range of fuel injectors to suit - Bosch EV6 high precision injector internals are validated for use with E85 fuel.  495cc/min EV14 Injector - Bosch. 3 mm EV 14K Compact EV 14S Standard EV 14L Long 24 &#177; 0.  Accessories; Battery Chargers; Connectors; Drive Belts; Electric Water - GM LSA supercharged injector - Generic use - Custom applications.  Learn more.  ABS Brake Control.  They are all compatible with and warranted for use with Gasoline hi all im looking for some injector data for a Bosch high impedance EV14 60lb/630cc fuel injectors 0280158298 for my 300c does anyone know the pulse width injector pulse width vs fuel mass injector pulse width offset?? thanks 12-25-2018 #2.  The ID2600-XDS benefits from Dual Slope Matching, Such is the nature of tuning with inaccurate injector data.  Well we had to tell it that the injectors were like 3000cc no matter what we did with the dead times, etc.  All Bosch Motorsport injectors are manufactured to the exacting standards of an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM): Bosch 0280158333 injectors calibration data General Tuning Discussion Forum Posts. 5 psi / 3 bar 44.  That caused issues for me in the idle areas of the tune as the data for that table needs to be generated from your specific ECU.  I am quite uncertain if there is adequate data available for these injectors.  Today, Bosch has produced over 1 billion fuel injectors, and has proven to be a reliable partner in fuel system expertise and the number one name in original equipment (OE). I have the high slope and low slope but I dont know how to get the ALOSL and AHISL.  SKU: 0 261 500 298 (Typically ships in &lt;10 bus. S. 4 lb per hour222 G per min. 1LE Direct Injector.  days) $87.  Zeitsparende Reparatur. 1 G per min.  Fuel Injector Grams Performance &amp; Design fuel injector kits include all the necessary components needed for your application. 0 Bar Fuel Pressure) - estimated (pump petrol) 222 HP Turbo (0.  Full Flow) and 2% dynamically (I. 8 lb per hour 338.  So, one or a combination of things may have happened.  View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Tuner in Training Join Date Jun 2020 Posts 37. 2L Supercharged LSA motor ACDelco EV 14 injection valves are the latest revision of the EV 6 injection valve technology.  Discuss all things tuning in this section.  View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Potential Tuner Join Date Feb 2024 Posts 5.  CHRISTMAS Bosch; View all brands; Home Injector Data Files.  Injection Valve EV 14 Datasheet - Free download as PDF File (.  Accessories; Battery Chargers; Connectors; Drive Belts; Electric Water 547cc/min EV14 Injector 0 280 158 117 (Typically ships in &lt;5 bus.  4.  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