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class="site"> <span class="skip-link screen-reader-text"><br> </span> <div class="header-middle"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="site-branding news-box-logo"> <h1 class="site-title logo-off"><span class="navbar-brand">Cisco compatibility matrix. x; Compatibility Matrix for Cisco SD-WAN Release 20.</span></h1> <p class="site-description"><br> </p> </div> <!-- .site-branding --> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="custom_html-5" class="widget_text header-banner widget_custom_html"> <div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="header-bottom latest-news-bar"> <div class="container"> <div class="nbox-ticker"> <div class="ticker-title"> <div class="news-latest">Cisco compatibility matrix Cisco Nexus 3000 Series Switch Release Notes; Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switch Release Notes; NOTE: Features introduced in releases prior to 7. Device Role Device Series Device Model Recommended Release Supported Release; Upgrade. It also provides guidance on the latest base OS versions, latest IOx versions, and management platforms that these platforms support. The aggregated SAIE size is unidimensional and varies when the deployment includes edge devices that run on a mix of releases (Cisco SD-WAN Release 20. 02 MB) View with Adobe Reader on a variety of devices. 1 and 20. 2. This form makes extensive use of tooltip popups. 6(x), which includes the maintenance or ES releases of 12. ISR1100X-4G ISR1100X-6G General Compatibility Information. 12 nm • Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service • Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service Add-In • Cisco Secure Email Submission Add-In The compatibility matrix tables include compatibility listings for operating systems, browsers, email clients, and Certificate Authorities. 6(x) Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. They are usually software versions that were released before this version was released. x; Controllers. Table 9. CiscoAireOS-IRCM CiscoCatalystCenter CiscoCMX Interoperability CiscoPrime Infrastructure IdentityService Engine CiscoCatalyst 9800Series Wireless Controller The Contact Center Enterprise (CCE) Solution Compatibility Matrix includes all the Cisco CCE solutions and component compatibility information. Compatibility Matrix for Each Installation Type. Bias-Free Language. All Support Documentation for this Series; Release and Compatibility. PDF (275. The following table provides information about IOx features that Cisco Industrial IoT platforms support. Cisco Spaces is a cloud-based solution, and there is no physical installation involved. Find out if Cisco optics are compatible with your devices and vice versa. 6. Updated the compatibility matrix for Cisco UCS Director, Release 6. Updated supported versions of VMware ESXi, VMware ESXi - vSAN, CentOS and RHEL. Access the HCL, technical reference, and quickboot documents for more details and guidance. Cisco 113x ISR. 9(1. 12. Release notes provide critical and release-specific information , including upgrade warnings and behavior changes. com/c/en/us/td/docs/wireless/compatibility/matrix/compatibility-matrix. x; Compatibility Matrix for Cisco SD-WAN Release 19. 6400 16/Dec/2024 New; Support Charts for Cisco Secure Client Windows Compliance Module v4. Skip to content; Cisco Wireless Solutions Software Compatibility Matrix Updated; Compatibility Matrix for Legacy Cisco Wireless Solutions ; Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. For Release Notes and additional user documentation, see Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches. ISSU support starts from Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16. ASA 9. Table 1 - Cisco Unity Express - Software Support Table 2 - Cisco Unity Express - Host Compatibility, Platform, and Minimum IOS Support Table 5 - Cisco Unified CME and Cisco Unified SRST Versions Table 6 - Cisco Unified Communications Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. 0 16/Dec/2024 New; Support Charts for Cisco Secure Client MAC Compliance Module v4. Accessible Ports and IP Addresses. Cisco Nexus 9000 Data Sheet Example. 6 on a three node XL cluster with ISE 2. Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Compatibility Matrix for ISR1100 Platforms; Control Components. See Cisco Unity Express: All Versions. Cisco Identity Services Engine Network Component Compatibility, Release 2. Cisco HyperFlex Drive Compatibility Guide. Compatibility Matrix for Cisco SD-WAN Release 20. 5(1) with various switches, applications, and other devices. All Support Documentation for this Series Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. 0 to provide Location Service (also known as Context Aware Service). Available Languages. The provided information has been tested and validated by Cisco, Cisco partners, or both. Find the compatible hardware and software for Cisco UCS servers, adapters, storage, and products. See Cisco Server Support. Cisco Catalyst Center Legacy Device Compatibility Matrix. Secure Firewall Posture Release and Compatibility. CG522-E. 20. For information on feature description for Unified CME and Virtual CME, see Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide. Solved: Hello, Using this document http://www. CSR1000v. 12= 1000BASE-DWDM GBIC 1550. Compatibility Matrix for Cisco DCNM and Applications Cisco HX Release 5. 0(x) - Software Requirements. Introduction . Each release of the Cisco Content Security Management Appliance (SMA) is compatible several releases of the Web Security appliance (WSA). Drive Compatibility Matrix for Non-SED Nodes. Documentation. From Cisco Catalyst Center Release. 3: phoebe-14. Cisco UCS Director 6. Cisco IOS XE Catalyst See the following table for understanding the compatibility between Cisco NFVIS platforms releases and Cisco Catalyst 8000V releases for these platform releases in the same Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN network. 0-020 (Cloud Release Only) CSCwd32022 - Discrepancy in install date and build date post-upgrade of the virtual machine. Cisco 3500 Series Wireless Controllers - Some links below may open a new browser window to display the document you selected. To Cisco Catalyst Center Release. Not Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. html , referring to table 4, I cannot see Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center Compatibility Guide. Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. 0(x) Releases Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. New Cisco SD-Access Compatibility Matrix. . Operating systems; External systems; Connectors; This lookup table provides details about the supported operating systems associated with each Cisco Secure Workload agent version. Catalyst 8300/Catalyst 8500. 1e Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. 7(2. PDF - Complete Book (1. Release Support Matrix. For Catalyst 3850, Catalyst 9400, Catalyst 9500 with StackWise Virtual, ISSU support starts from Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16. 11. 1, the Cisco Catalyst 8000V must be running Cisco IOS XE Compatibility Matrix and Web UI System Requirements. x and earlier releases). ISR1100X-4G ISR1100X-6G. Search by server type, model, processor, operating system, and more, Find the software compatibility information for Cisco wireless devices and platforms, such as Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controller, Cisco AireOS, Cisco Prime Upgrade to 100G or 400G optics and save. Download Options. 110. Cisco Wireless Solutions Software Compatibility Matrix 02/Dec/2024 Updated; FlexConnect Feature Matrix ; Cisco Unified Wireless Network Protocol and Port Matrix ; Wireless LAN Controller Layer 2 Layer 3 Security Compatibility Matrix ; Cisco New Mobility Support Matrix for AireOS Controllers ; Compatibility Matrix for Legacy Cisco Wireless Solutions Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. Verify supported operating systems, external systems, and connectors for Secure Workload agents. x; Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Compatibility Matrix for Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Control Components Release 20. Product Compatibility Matrices--For additional compatibility information for specific product components, click any of the Compatibility Matrix or Interoperability DB links to view a Matrix that is specific to that component. 16. ISR 1100-4G, ISR1100 - 4GLTENA, ISR1100 - 4GLTEGB , ISR1100-6G . 1 and later. Cisco 5500 Series Wireless Controllers - Some links below may open a new browser window to display the document you selected. ISRv (ENCS/CSP) vEdge. Not Compatibility Matrix for Cisco SD-WAN Control Components and Cisco Cellular Gateways; Control Components. Cisco Prime Infrastructure 3. Use this form as a reference for supported hardware and software. Some links below may open a new browser window to display the document you selected. 0(1) Release Notes: Cisco Secure Firewall ASA Compatibility. 8. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language Find out the software compatibility of Cisco wireless devices with different platforms and solutions. ISR 1100-4G and ISR 1100-6G Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Compatibility Matrix for Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Control Components Release 20. This page provides hardware support matrix for ACI-mode switches. x is compatible with any Cisco WCS 4. Disclaimer: Cisco makes the data in this tool available for informational purposes. So, there is no need to open any port to deploy Cisco Spaces for cloud-based wireless networks such as Cisco Meraki. Not Supported. Compatibility Information. Cisco Catalyst 8200 Series Edge uCPE. Hi all, I'm seeking views/guidance/advice on the importance of maintaining version alignment across the components that comprise the SDA solution. Cisco Optics-to-Optics Interoperability Matrix. Release and Compatibility. Release Notes. Documentation For Cisco Content Security Products: Bias-Free Language. This compatibility matrix specifies all supported configurations and versions for Release 12. Review the compatibility matrix document to ensure that the Secure Web Appliance version is compatible with the latest Cisco Secure Email and Web Manager. The current compatibility matrix allows users, typically Cisco customers and sales, to determine what transceivers are supported in Cisco hardware devices such as switches/routers and line cards/modules. 0 KB) View in various apps on iPhone, iPad, Android Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. See Bare Metal Operating System Support. Note: The devices for which Recommended and Compatible Releases are not shown are EOL devices. x. 0(x) Releases; FI/Server Firmware - 5. The following table provides software compatibility information between Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Switches, Cisco Identity Services Engine, Cisco Access Control Server, and Cisco Prime Infrastructure. 2 KB) View with Adobe Reader on a variety of devices. The following table provides software compatibility information between Cisco Catalyst 9200 Series Switches, Cisco Identity Services Engine, and Cisco Prime Infrastructure. I found a ciscotrustsec support matrix, but not sure if this is correct: Contact Center Enterprise Solution Compatibility Matrix, Release 12. 6(x). Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Compatibility Matrix for Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Control Components Release 20. Cisco 2500 Series Wireless Controllers - Some links below may open a new browser window to display the document you selected. Note When Cisco WCS Navigator is upgraded to a new version, The following sections provide information regarding the Compatibility of Cisco DCNM Release 11. cisco. Cisco Optics Interoperability Matrix User Manual; Cisco Optics Interoperability Matrix User Manual; Support Documentation. Skip to content; Cisco Wireless Solutions Software Compatibility Matrix Updated; Compatibility Matrix for Legacy Cisco Wireless Solutions ; Cisco Transceiver Modules Compatibility Information. 6 patch 6 across two physical servers, two x 9800-80's and so far approx 300 9300's Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. For example, if your Cisco Catalyst 8300 Series Edge uCPE is running Cisco NFVIS Release 4. 5(1) Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise 12. 0) supports vMedia based OS installation for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and VMware ESXi. 5(x) Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise 12. 1. 8192 16/Dec/2024 New 3 Cisco Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver Modules Compatibility Matrix OL-6981-10 DWDM GBIC Transceivers (continued) DWDM-GBIC-50. 4 ; Support Charts for Cisco Secure Client Linux Compliance Module v4. Cisco Spaces Prerequisites. This is the Wireless Software Compatibility Matrix, For example, Cisco WCS Navigator 1. See the latest updates and patches for Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controller and Find out the compatibility information for 15x releases of Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Cisco Wireless Solutions Software Compatibility Matrix Updated; Compatibility Matrix for Legacy Cisco Wireless Solutions Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. Chapter Title. 1c. 1, the Cisco Catalyst 8000V must be running Cisco IOS XE Table 2. Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN Release 17. ASDM versions are backwards compatible with all previous ASA versions, unless otherwise stated. Cisco Unified SRST Version. Starting from Cisco vManage Release 20. Cisco Secure Client. Cisco Prime Infrastructure, Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controllers and Cisco Converged Access Solution Compatibility Matrix lists the Cisco IOS/IOS XE releases and the corresponding devices that are compatible with the Cisco Prime Infrastructure releases. Cisco 110x ISR, 111x ISR, 112x ISR, & 116x ISR. Cisco 88x. 6(2) Contact Center Enterprise Solution Compatibility Matrix, Release 12. Not all Collaboration System product release versions may be available at the same time. Cisco Prime Infrastructure and Cisco Catalyst Center Compatibility Matrix Introduction You can now integrate Cisco Prime Infrastructure with Cisco Digital Network Architecture (DNA) Center and utilize the intent-based networking solution for managing application user experience in the enterprise. Cisco Unified SRST Manager Version. Compatibility Information Some links below may open a new browser window to display the document you selected. Theme. Mouse over icon to view notes for adapters (QSA / CVR-QSFP-SFP10G, QSA28 / CVR-QSFP28-SFP25G) and other important product Optics Compatibility Matrix Bias-Free Language. 0). Search by optics type, device model, or serial number and get the latest information on Cisco's optical transceivers. Skip to content; Cisco Wireless Solutions Software Compatibility Matrix Updated; Compatibility Matrix for Legacy Cisco Wireless Solutions ; Compatibility Matrix. Cisco Unified SRST Manager Compatibility Matrix. Compatibility Matrix and Web UI System Requirements. Find out how Cisco UCS servers and systems are compatible with various hardware, software, and storage solutions. The purpose of this tool is to provide customers with information about the list of supported Legacy devices in a Cisco Catalyst Center release. The ISSU compatibility matrix for this version will list these versions. For complete information about which software versions are compatible with specific Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Control Component releases, see the Cisco SD-WAN Controller Compatibility Matrix and Server Recommendations. The tables in the following sections list the supported upgrade and migration paths for Cisco Unified Communications Manager and IM and Presence Service Release 11. Cisco Catalyst 8300 Series Edge uCPE. This information is subject to change without notice. ePub - Complete Book (456. See the following table for understanding the compatibility between Cisco NFVIS platforms releases and Cisco Catalyst 8000V releases for these platform releases in the same Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN network. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. x Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. SWIM images might not be Mini Web Inbox. 7 Supported Device List (XLSX - 174 KB) Cisco Prime Infrastructure 3. The following tables provide interoperability information for Cisco Nexus 9000 switch and FEX components and configurations that have been tested and validated by Cisco, by Cisco partners, or both. The information is displayed in a table format that is rigid and hard to find. We're running DNA 1. Secure Network Analytics Apps Version Compatibility Matrix (PDF - 474 KB) 24/Jul/2024. 0. Print. For information regarding Cisco UCS compatibility, see the Cisco UCS hardware and software interoperability matrices for the appropriate release. Cisco Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver Modules Compatibility Matrix OL-6981-10 The following tables list the Cisco platforms that support the transceiver modules and the minimum software requirements: • Catalyst Express 500 Support, Table 2 on page 3 • Metro Ethernet Support, Table 3 on page 3 • Catalyst 2900 Switches Support, Table 4 on page 5 The following table shows Cisco UCS Director compatibility with Cisco UCS hardware and software. Cisco Wireless Solutions Software Compatibility Matrix Updated Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. Updated certified version of Cisco UCS Manager . 11. 3. 0(3)I7(1), including many common and standard features, do not appear in this matrix. The following tables show ISSU support between EMs. 8. 20(x) was the final version for the Firepower 2100 series. 5. For some networks such as Cisco AireOS or Cisco Catalyst that are not cloud-based, you must For more information about Cisco ISE compatibility with Cisco Catalyst Center, see Cisco SD-Access Compatibility Matrix. Save. C8000v. 6 Cisco Wireless Solutions Software Compatibility Matrix Updated The ISSU compatibility matrix for this version will NOT list these versions. Cisco Firepower 4100/9300 FXOS Compatibility. 1, and Cisco WCS Navigator 1. Packaged CCE Software Compatibility Matrix for 11. Solved: Need a matrix that shows what products MAC is supported on. Cisco 8500 Series Wireless Controllers - Some links below may open a new browser window to display the document you selected. View Documents by Topic . Compatibility Matrix for Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Control Components and Cisco NFVIS Platforms; Control Components. 3866. The following sections provide information regarding the Compatibility of Cisco Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller Release 12. Release Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. Solved: actually we are planning to get new 9800-L , is bellow access points supported by 9800-L Wireless controller , and if it is supported is there any feature and version limitation AIR-CAP3602I-E-K9 AIR-CAP3702I-E-K9 AIR-CAP3602E-E-K9 Cisco Unity Express Compatibility Matrix. Compatibility Matrix for Cisco Nexus Dashboard and Applications; Software Compatibility. Service Updates (SU) within each path are also supported, unless otherwise indicated. Secure Firewall Posture Support Charts. Table 8. CG418-E. Cisco Stealthwatch - Some links below may open a new browser window to display the document you selected. 9. Feature Compatibility Matrix. ISR1100X-4G ISR1100X-6G Cisco Software-Defined Access Compatibility Matrix ; Cisco Catalyst Center Legacy Device Compatibility Matrix ; FIPS-Compliant Software Release Matrix for Cisco Catalyst Center ; Downloadable Cisco SD-Access Compatibility Information (JSON) Support Documentation. NOTE: Each switch model number reported by this matrix represents the base product identifier (PID) of the switch. Compatibility Matrix - Cisco DevNet enable software developers and network engineers to build more secure, better-performing software and IT infrastructure with APIs, SDKs, tools, and resources. Light Dark. 82 MB) PDF - This Chapter (1. The following table shows Cisco UCS Director compatibility with Cisco UCS hardware and software. Version numbers in green can loosely be termed as downgrades from this version. Validated Cisco Mobility Services Engine Release Cisco ISE integrates with Cisco Mobility Services Engine (MSE), Release 8. Cisco HX Data Platform Compatibility and Scalability Details - 5. 4390. 3483. Use this form as a reference for supported hardware. Cisco qualifies combinations that have reached significant market adoption. x; Compatibility Matrix for Cisco SD-WAN Release 20. 1a. The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. Feature Matrix for Cisco Wireless Access Points; Support Documentation. 1, the Cisco Catalyst 8000V must be running Cisco IOS XE Table 8. Secure Email Gateway Version Releases # Defects / Reason for Deprovisioning; 14. Cisco Unity Connection uses Web Real-Time Communication (Web RTC) to record voice messages using HTML5 in Mini Web Inbox. Make sure the trusted certificate of the certification authority is added to the Trusted Root Store on the user workstations in order to access the notifications via email and the voice message via Mini Web Inbox. ISR1000/ISR4000/ASR1000. This table does not reflect the compatibility between Cisco UCS hardware and software. 10-Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver Modules Compatibility Matrix ; Cisco Digital Optical Monitoring Compatibility Matrix ; Support Documentation. For more information, see the Cisco UCS Director Bare Metal Agent Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. 4. 1a and Cisco IOS XE Catalyst SD-WAN Release 17. 6(x) Cisco Packaged Contact Center Enterprise 12. ENCS 5400. Cisco IOS CG Release 17. Cisco Headset Compatibility Guide. 0 is compatible with Cisco WCS 4. Updated certified Cisco Optics-to-Device Compatibility Matrix. Compatibility Matrix for Cisco DCNM SAN Deployment. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Log in to Save Content Download. The following table provides software compatibility information between Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series Switches, Cisco Identity Services Engine, Cisco Access Control Server, and Cisco Prime Infrastructure. Cisco UCS Director and Cisco UCS Director Bare Metal Agent support VMware, Linux, and Microsoft Windows operating systems in bare metal provisioning workflows for third party servers. For information on the Cisco IOS XE and Cisco IOS Release mapping with Unified CME and Virtual CME, see Unified CME, Unified SRST, and Cisco IOS Software Version Compatibility Matrix. 1, you can achieve the above mentioned storage size numbers by modifying the aggregated SAIE size. Compatibility Matrix; Web UI System Requirements; Compatibility Matrix. 9. 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