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class="site"> <span class="skip-link screen-reader-text"><br> </span> <div class="header-middle"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="site-branding news-box-logo"> <h1 class="site-title logo-off"><span class="navbar-brand">Clare county website. 6515 Manager: Amanda Payne.</span></h1> <p class="site-description"><br> </p> </div> <!-- .site-branding --> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="custom_html-5" class="widget_text header-banner widget_custom_html"> <div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="header-bottom latest-news-bar"> <div class="container"> <div class="nbox-ticker"> <div class="ticker-title"> <div class="news-latest">Clare county website Established during Michigan’s lumbering era, Clare County was home to the first successful logging railroad, the Lake George & Muskegon Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (Public Searching in our Vault closes at 4:00pm) Circuit Court Family Division. You see a list of these here. Email Clare County | 307 followers on LinkedIn. Read more Lecture Series at Clare Museum – Il Volo Perduto (The Lost Flight) - The Alitalia Disaster at Shannon Airport February 1960 Free resources to help you ‘Share Clare’ with the world! Use these FREE resources to ‘Share Clare’ Clare County Council’s Tourism team is encouraging everyone in the county, particularly those who benefit from tourism, to remind people around the globe that Clare is amazing. 114 W. Additionally, the office facilitates the issuance and filing VisitClare. 05 Good morning and welcome back! Count 6 has begun. Westropp The Earthworks and Castle of Bunratty, Co. We’ll be keeping you up to date on General Election 2024 from the count centre at Treacy’s West County Hotel throughout the weekend online and on air. They form a network of A dedicated new tourism website for County Clare was launched at the Clare ‘Tourism Together’ Networking Event 2023 at the Inn at Dromoland. Department Staff. Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Eau Claire County's official website for vital community services, local government updates, and resources. Sell anything that you don't need anymore, Keep the group appropriate, Sell clothes, crafts, vehicles. Westropp Killaloe: Its Ancient Palaces and Cathedral by T J Westropp A Statistical Analysis of Ringfort Distribution and Morphology on the Loop Head Peninsula by Robert M. Main St. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; Welcom to Franklin Township, Clare County, Michigan. Autumn in Clare County is a season of vibrant foliage and crisp air. The Treasurer’s Office is responsible for the collection of taxes. As an early lumbering town in the heart of Michigan, Clare was first founded on December 30, 1870. The next allocation of Clare County Precinct Delegates will be based on the 2022 Secretary VisitClare. Friend of the Court Website. 3MB] A final adopted Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029, incorporating the Ministerial Direction, has been prepared and all volumes are available below. Bill Strouse Cell: (989) 289-5845. Regular Township Board Meetings are the The website is managed by the Tourism Department of Clare County Council. Welcome to Clare County Library!Visit our website - Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (Public Searching in our Vault closes at 4:00pm) Clare County Council. The Equalization Department's main purpose is to correct the inequities that may occur between local units of government as a result of under or over assessment of a property class. Chief Deputy Clerk/Register of Deeds Stacy Pechacek. 22 MDOT US10 Ramps Job 22 -18001. In addition to Bunratty Castle and Folk Park, other South Clare sites worth highlighting include: VisitClare. John Wilson (989) 539-7166. Clare Highlights; Ennis and Nearby Highlights; The County of Santa Clara and HCA Healthcare have tentatively agreed on the County’s acquisition of Regional Medical Center (RMC). We are a small office and employees are often in and out of court and may not be available if you stop into the office without an appointment. It was renamed Clare County in 1843 after County Clare in Ireland. ie . The Circuit Court Family Division decides divorce, paternity, custody, and support matters. Website. This move would enable the County to integrate RMC with the Santa Clara Valley Healthcare system operated by the County. Contact the Michigan Department of Corrections at (517) 373-0300. Get free map for your website. To locate an inmate in Clare County, visit the Sheriff's Office website or contact the Clare County Jail directly at 989-539-7166. Clare County Childcare Committee support and assist families and early learning and care and school age childcare providers with childcare matters at local county level. Clare County Council. SEARCH LODGING. View Services Have your Say. Clare County Community Development Website The Clare County Childcare Committee office will close for Christmas on Monday the 23rd of December 2024 at 1pm and will re-open on Thursday the 2nd of January 2024 at 9am. 20. Clare County Jail is a medium-security jail. 16. Visit Website The website is managed by the Tourism Department of Clare County Council. We . Clare Highlights; Ennis and Nearby Highlights; Copies of court orders are available through the County Clerks Office. The Mission of the Clare County Republican Party is to defend and support the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America as well as the Constitution of the State of Michigan. Jolabokaflod involves the giving of books as presents, so that friends and family can curl up with a good story on cosy nights in. Take in the stunning fall colors on scenic drives and hiking trails, and enjoy festive events like the Clare Spook-Tacular. Wilson has been the Clare County Sheriff since 2008. The building is also used as a public meeting space and serves as a gallery to show, market, and purchase artwork by regional artists. 22-18001 Furnishing of Equipment Construction Services Clare County Road Commission Advertisement For Bids 2022 Local Road Project – Harrison, Michigan Clare County Childcare Committee – January 2020 Clare County Library Online Kidzone Library Services to Schools Class Novels Lending Scheme Novels for 6 to 9 year olds Novels for 9 to 12 year olds. Main Street Harrison, MI 48625. Known for its slogan of “Twenty Lakes in Twenty Minutes”, Harrison offers abundant water activities. The last number allocated for each township was based on the 2020 Presidential election. O. 232(h)(iv) Membership of Clare County Libraries. Apply for a Housing Aid for Older People Grant, Housing Adaptation Grant for Disabled People or Mobility Aids Grant. Maphill is more than just a map gallery. Opening See current job vacancies in Clare County Council. Start planning your visit. Ministerial Direction on Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 [PDF,1. Use free resources and online access for public records. Clare Highlights; Ennis and Nearby Highlights; VisitClare. This data is provided for reference only and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, expressed or inferred. Jennifer Magnus Cell: (989) 386-7234 The Tourism Department of Clare County Council and Fáilte Ireland have launched a campaign aimed at stimulating interest and potential investment in alternative accommodation offerings in County Clare. The issue of access to All-Ireland Final tickets has proven to be Clare County Council - Accessible information policy Introduction. Access assessment rolls, tax exemptions, GIS maps, and more. We are constantly endeavouring to improve 3,745 Followers, 34 Following, 1,989 Posts - Clare County Council (@clarecountycouncil) on Instagram: "Local Authority of the Year 2022 Submit queries to customerservices@clarecoco. 225 W. Participation is FREE. D Suppressed to avoid disclosure of confidential information The process of County Equalization is mandated by Section 211. This means that the jail has a variety of security measures in place to prevent escapes and maintain We’re the public library service in County Clare, Ireland. Discover Clare County, MI property records including land, boundary, transaction, lien, and real estate records. Fact Notes (a) Includes persons reporting only one race (b) Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in applicable race categories (c) Economic Census - Puerto Rico data are not comparable to U. Phone (989) 539-9831 Fax (989) 539-1807. Franklin Township Hall 9809 North M-18 Gladwin, MI 48624. Our hours of operation are: Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Closed for the Contact Us VisitClare. Monday–Friday 8am-4:30pm 225 West Main, Harrison, MI 48625 P. 6. From simple outline map graphics to detailed map of Clare County. Cities Clare (partial) ~ Harrison (county seat) Village Clare County Council. Clare County Council is responsible for the administrative area of County Clare. Quick Links. To help you “Share Clare,” we have a range of resources The website is managed by the Tourism Department of Clare County Council. The Evening Post Bar & Grill. Clare V95 DXP2 Ireland. John S. Newsletter | Clare County Council. S. Address: 225 W County Information. Clare County Sheriff Information. Keating were awarded the contract for the construction of the new library project and Clare County Council turned the sod on the new county library at glór on Friday, 20th December, 2019. Clare by T. Phone: (989) 539-0800 Fax: (989) 539-0890. Clare Libraries are part of Libraries Ireland and membership information will be shared among the library authorities. Connect with your county, and access information on public services, events, and more. The city of Harrison, the county seat of Clare County, offers year-round recreational activities right outside your door. In 1840, the Michigan State Legislature named the county Kaykakee after a Sauk Indian Chief. ie is an initiative of Clare County Council and is the most comprehensive ever website dedicated to showcasing everything Ireland’s Banner County has to offer domestic and international visitors. Clare County Library continues to offer advice to primary and post-primary schools on setting up school libraries and facilitates class visits on Athens-Clarke County Transit was awarded the 2024 Georgia Transit Association (GTA) Innovation Award at the annual GTA conference. Categories cover a wide range of information such as Government, Services, Latest News, Important Documents/Required Explore the communities of Clare County, each offering distinct experiences for visitors: Clare. Fourth St Clare, MI 48617. Joining the Library Any person living or working in County Clare can join Clare Libraries. Box 438, Harrison, MI 48625 989-539-2510 Clare County Prosecutor’s Office 225 W. The fairgrounds feature a full-service campground, grandstand, banquet facilities, and several To encourage and support the art in Clare County, Michigan, through such means as sponsoring exhibitions, demonstration, and forums; producing theatrical and musical performances; advancing arts education by offering classes for youth and adults; encouraging public support for local artists and art projects; and raising funds needed to support the Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (Public Searching in our Vault closes at 4:00pm) The county was named for County Clare, Ireland. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; Clare County History. Email: customerservices@clarecoco. Visit Site . Apply Online Housing Adaptation Grants. 4 square miles of land area and is the 50th largest county in Michigan by total area. ie or by phone at 065-6821616. As a county council, it is governed by the Local Government Act 2001. m. Clare County Road Commission pavement marking Roadside Mowing Request for Bid: Job No. 22 MDOT M61 Job 22-18002. Westropp Churches with Round Towers in Northern Clare by T. Farwell was the first county seat; in 1877 the county seat was moved to Harrison. If you have questions VisitClare. Freedom of Information Requests FOC records are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Phone: (989) 539-7109 Clare County sides, along with Public required to use this form 225 W. PO Box 226 Clare, MI 48617. Mienk (989) 539-2458. See all services Monday–Friday 8am-4:30pm 225 West Main, Harrison, MI 48625 P. Increase the number of lake and stream access sites Clare county has over 3,900 acres of open water and over 330 miles of rivers and streams. clareco. 4. As a long term strategy, it will inform and VisitClare. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; All you Need to Know About Our 2024 ‘Be a Tourist in Your Own County Clare. The Burren & Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark, a fascinating landscape of 36,000 hectares located in North Clare. ie is the official tourism website for County Clare, Ireland and is operated by the Tourism Department of Clare County Council We welcome enquiries from visitors, media and the travel trade. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; Clare County Road Commission Central Michigan District Health Department Elections Veterans Services Treasurer. Government Entity. Fifth St. ie. TFI Local Link in Clare connects communities throughout Clare as part of the TFI Public Transport Network. . D Suppressed to avoid disclosure of confidential information 3. 9. Take a boat trip from here to Holy Island – one of Ireland’s most famous historical and ecclesiastical sites. org 989-339-1397. Clare County Clerk/Register of Deeds. These cookies help us remember your settings; and they help us understand how people use our website. The county had a population of 127,938 Clare’s Sustainability Journey Policy, Action Plans, Research, and Resources County Clare aims to be the first county-wide certified sustainable tourism destination in Ireland. 6,670 likes · 321 talking about this · 128 were here. Clare Highlights; Ennis and Nearby Highlights; Clare County Council. Enjoy boating, waterskiing, canoeing, rowing, or pontoon rides on Harrison’s sparkling lakes and rivers, with some of Monday–Friday 8am-4:30pm 225 West Main, Harrison, MI 48625 P. 🏡📜 Clare Museum’s first website was launched in February 2002 and was hosted on the Clare Library website. For more information visit the Clare Libraries website at www. iePhone: 065 682 VisitClare. District 3: Samantha Pitchford Explore the beautiful natural landscapes, partake in adventurous sports, or simply relax and take in the fresh air. net (989) 339-5547. Chapple. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; Log on to Clare County Library’s website. , closed daily from noon to 1:00 p. Áras Contae an Chláir New Road Ennis Co. The welcome awaits. Housler houslerm@clareco. AFTER MARCH 1st, ALL TAXES MUST BE PAID TO THE CLARE COUNTY TREASURER, P. Republican Party. ie or email localstudies@clarecoco. Treasurer. Frequently requested statistics for: Clare County, Michigan. Clare County Library Causeway Link Ennis County Clare V95 CTN0 Ireland (065) 684 6350 library_mailbox@clarecoco. , Clare MI 48617, or by County Clare has more than 30 playgrounds in our towns and villages that are all free to visit. **Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the data herein. Learn how to get certified copies, understand confidentiality, and navigate the request process. County Clare is less than 130 km from end to end and yet, within it, you will find all the components of a magical visit. This initiative aims to enhance Buy, sell, and trade. These present a great way to spend an hour or as a stop off along your travel route through The website is managed by the Tourism Department of Clare County Council. Tel: (065) 6821616. Box 564, Harrison, MI 48625. | Clare County Council is responsible for the administrative area of County Clare. Phone. The Treasurer sends out tax bills and posts payments from taxpayers. The county is located in the central area of the state. This page provides a complete overview of Clare County, Michigan, United States region maps. Access divorce decrees and public records through the Clare County Clerk and Register of Deeds. A dedicated website for the preparation of the Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 can be accessed at the link Clare County is currently allocated 41 Democratic Precinct Delegates. These are delivered through eight programme groups: Housing and Building Road Clare County Council. Clare Highlights; Ennis and Nearby Highlights; The website is managed by the Tourism Department of Clare County Council. 6% per annum and deliver an additional 5,000 jobs by 2040. Emergency contacts. The county was created by the Michigan Legislature from part of Michilimackinac County in 1840, named Kaykakee County. The main bus station in Ennis is in Clonroard More (see location map below). Discover Eau Claire County – where local government meets community needs. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; The Clare County Friend of the Court (FOC) Calendar of Events provides information on upcoming events and important dates related to custody, parenting time, and support. Harrison. Views Navigation Event Views Navigation Month List Month Day This Month. " Clare County Council. ie is the official tourism website of County Clare. In 1843, an Irish surveyor renamed it “Clare” after his native County Clare in Ireland. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; Clare County Council, through the development of an Ennis 2040 Economic and Spatial Strategy, has set out ambitious growth targets and proposes the prioritisation of sustainable economic activities that will grow our population on average by 1. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; Nicolls House and Clare County Press office burned down (CCP 09 August 1878) A. Bus Éireann operates some town to town services in County Clare. The website is managed by the Tourism Department of Clare County Council. 19,378 likes · 704 talking about this · 296 were here. 34 of the General Property Tax Act of the State of Michigan. You may reach this county agency by the following methods: Clare County Community Development 225 W Main St. 55th Circuit Court Judges - Clare and Gladwin Counties Honorable Roy G. Customer Services. Savor the season with visits to local cider mills for fresh apple cider and donuts, or pick the perfect pumpkin at one of our charming pumpkin patches. See MCL 15. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; The Clare County Clerk's office, situated in Harrison, Michigan, serves as the official record-keeper for vital statistics, including births, deaths, assumed names, and co-partnerships. Divorce Records in Clare County (Michigan) Easily explore Clare County, MI divorce records. Clerk. Harrison: Harrison Palace Senior Center. This website gives you access to a wide range of information which can assist you in availing of the services which we provide. Your gateway to a well-informed and engaged community. Lake George & Leota. Property Taxes. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; VisitClare. Learn about our historic roots. 22 Bituminous County Bids. Information is online at the State Website; Office: Clare County Marriage License: Location: Clare County Clerk, 225 West Main Street, Harrison, Michigan, 48625: Phone: 517-539-7131: Clare County Clerk’s Office County Government Office. 6515 Manager: Amanda Payne. The Clare County Board of Commissioners meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 9:00 a. Public library membership is completely free of charge for everyone in Ireland. County Clare is less than 130 km from end to end and yet, within it, you will find all the components of a The website is managed by the Tourism Department of Clare County Council. Check out ‘Best Books of 2020’ on the Clare County Library website. One delegate per 100 votes per township for the Democratic Presidential candidate was allotted. This ambitious pursuit towards Global Sustainable Tourism Council certification will help us continue to develop Clare as a destination that supports local communities and businesses, gives visitors great Fall in Clare County. Opening hours. Farwell. Clare County Council is the local authority. ClareV95 DXP2Ireland Email: Tourism [@] ClareCoCo. Aedes Aegypti: How You Can Help Combat Invasive Mosquitoes • Clare County Council provides access to this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. EIN-82-4728037. At that time, Clare Museum had become the first museum in Ireland to use the online realm as a means to access The City of Clare is accepting sealed bids for a 2025 project to remove and replace the flat roof at the DPW Garage. Clare Highlights; Ennis and Nearby Highlights; Clare County Council | 1,725 followers on LinkedIn. The event is being hosted in conjunction with the International 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence. Content managed by: Corporate Services Department. Clare County Council is responsible for Local Govt in Clare. D Suppressed to avoid disclosure of confidential information VisitClare. Calendar of Frequently requested statistics for: Clare County, Michigan. Supervisor. Page last reviewed: 13/09/23. Main PO Box 407 Harrison, MI 48625 Phone (989) 539-7166. CHECK OUT OUR DAY 2 BLOG ON OUR WEBSITE HERE 23. , P. Sarah Benson Emergency Management Deputy Director & Planner at Clare County See current job vacancies in Clare County Council. Clare County Family Court; Clare County Probate Court; Clare County Unemployment Offices; Clare County Bankruptcy Court; Clare County Sheriff. You can contact us below The Tourism DepartmentClare County CouncilNew Road, EnnisCo. Third Party Contact A fun holiday party with gift sponsorship in coordination with DHHS and The Giving Barn- Clare County; Show Less. Clare County Government Website; Other Clare County Resources on LegalConsumer. County Courthouse [edit | edit source] Clare County Courthouse 225 West Main PO Box 438 Harrison, MI 48625 Phone: 989-539-4934 Phone: 517-539-7131 Clare County Website County Clerk has birth, marriage, death, burial, divorce, court and land Frequently requested statistics for: Clare County, Michigan. Following the incorporation of Clare as a village in 1879 the first village elections were held at the Town Hall located on Welcome to Clare County, the hidden gem of central northern Michigan! Known for our scenic landscapes, historic downtowns, and year-round recreational opportunities, Clare County offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and small Welcome to Clare County, the hidden gem of central northern Michigan! Known for our scenic landscapes, historic downtowns, and year-round recreational opportunities, Clare County Below you’ll find contact information for a wide variety of local groups, entities, and municipalities that may be of help to you while you are visiting the Clare County area. Clerk of Court name: Lori Martin: Clerk of Court address: 225 West Main Street, Harrison, MI 48625: Clare County (MI) Statistics. They are typically best suited to ages three to twelve. The national disability strategy and the Disability Act 2005 put in place a framework that seeks to make significant and long - term improvements to the lives of people with physical, sensory or intellectual impairments. 800-715-3550. Specifications may be obtained at the City of Clare, 202 W. Pretty much sell anything. Harrison, MI 48625 989-539-2761 Office Hours: 7:30 a. The official website for the City of Clare is a useful resource for residents, perspective residents, and visitors. Economic Census data Value Flags. Clare County, Michigan is bordered by Roscommon County, Michigan, Mecosta County, Michigan, Missaukee County, Michigan, Midland County, Michigan, Isabella County, Michigan, Gladwin County, Michigan, and Osceola County, Michigan. The Friend of the Court helps the Circuit Court administer and enforce cases involving these issues. Mailing Address. 539. to 4:00 p. We offer expertise, support, and insights across a wide array of subjects related to our county’s Clare County Code is: 252 Office Hours Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Appointments We suggest that you make an appointment if you want to see your caseworker. District 2: Dale Majewski majewskid@clareco. Phone: 989-386-5990. Only a small portion of the taxes collected The Clare County Senior Services Department mission is to advocate and promote the well being of all persons age 60 and over by providing and coordinating services that address their individual needs. Doherty & wife Alice arrived in Clare First newspaper published as Clare County Press (CCP 24 May 1878) 1877: County Courthouse in Farwell burned, destroying records (CCC 19 May 1955) 1872: First formal funeral in Clare town was for Eunice Salsbury (CCC 19 May 1955) **Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the data herein. D Suppressed to avoid disclosure of confidential information Contact Us . Box 438, Harrison, MI 48625 989-539-2510 Contact the Clare County Jail directly. net Frequently requested statistics for: Clare County, Michigan. The Clare County Jail is administered by the local Sheriff’s Office. Clare County Michigan Convention and Visitors Bureaus website with links to information on Harrison Michigan, Clare Michigan and surrounding areas. Discuss important projects, share your visions and contribute to making Clare a great place to live, work Website. Application for Deferment of Summer Taxes . Since Clare County is abundant in natural resources, CCP&R hopes to improve the access to these sites so that resources can be better In May 2005, Clare County Library proposed to provide descriptions, explanations and visual representations of these artifacts on its website for local communities, students, researchers, tourists, the Clare diaspora and the history/archaeology community throughout the world, and sought and obtained funding for such a project from the National Clare Libraries, Ennis, Ireland. The council is responsible for the provision of a number of important services. This prestigious recognition highlights the system’s exceptional commitment to innovation and **Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the data herein. Box 438, Harrison, MI 48625 989-539-2510 County Clare (Irish: Contae an Chláir) is a county in the province of Munster in the Southern part of Ireland, bordered on the west by the Atlantic Ocean. Visit the Clare County Jail website and search the jail roster. The event was officiated over by Minister Clare County Council. 12/30/2024 December 2024 Select date. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; The Clare County Fairgrounds offers versatile rental options when not in use for Fair Week activities. Security Level and Jail Staff. Clare County’s great outdoors await your exploration. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; **Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the data herein. Discover the beauty hidden in the maps. Every Christmas Eve, Icelandic people practise a tradition called ‘Jolabokaflod’, which translates as ‘Christmas book flood’. The site features key information on tourism attractions and activities in every town and village in Clare, information on local accommodation providers, and events Pat Dowling, Chief Executive, Clare County Council, added: “The current Clare team has given us huge excitement in the hurling championship in recent years, and the screening at the Fair Green on Sunday will be a great opportunity for the people of Clare to enjoy the match. Main Street, PO Box 586 Harrison, Michigan 48625. Please contact your local municipality if you believe there are errors in the data. Go to Emergency Relief: Home, Utilities & Burial Information on assistance with home repairs, heat and utility bills, relocation, home ownership, burials, home energy, and eligibility requirements. The council is responsible for housing and community, roads and transportation, urban planning and development, amenity and culture, and environment. net (989) 429-8887. County Clare V95 EC92 Ireland +353 (0) 65 682 3382 The voluntary group is comprised of 17 County Clare agencies and the group’s focus is to raise awareness around domestic abuse. Treasurer Tax Auctions Property Tax Foreclosure Sales Proceeds – Claim Interest Financial Hardship Dog Licenses Contacts: Clare County Treasurer Jenny Beemer-Fritzinger beemer-fritzingerj@clareco. Learn More. County Clare is less than 130 km from end to end and yet, within it, you will find all the Clare County Council (Irish: Comhairle Contae an Chláir) is the local authority of County Clare, Ireland. Since the Clare Union Railroad Depot opened to the public in October 2018, it has served as home to the Clare County Arts Council, the Railroad Artifact Museum, and the Clare Area Chamber of Commerce. 55 [] Monday–Friday 8am-4:30pm 225 West Main, Harrison, MI 48625 P. As well as being the finest example of a glaciated karst landscape in Europe our Geopark it is home to a very special collection of flora and fauna, an abundance of ancient archaeological sites, and a vibrant local community, working together to - 1 - Clare County APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Clare County is an Equal Opportunity Employer 225 West Main Street Harrison, MI 48625 (989) 539-2510 website: www. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; I would like to welcome you to the website of Clare County Council. Choose from a wide range of region map types and styles. County Clerk/Register of Deeds Lori Mott. J. The council has 28 Feature the Visit Clare Web Icon on Your Website and Connect to VisitClare. Click on the ‘Genealogy’ link and discover a treasure trove of resources which will assist you with your family tree. On Friday December 6th from 10am to 1pm, CLAN is hosting an event at Buttermarket House, Drumbiggle. VisitClare. Following the success of last year’s ‘Be a Tourist’ event, the Tourism Department of Clare County Council is once again inviting residents to explore and rediscover the county’s attractions and activities on Sunday, April 21, 2024. They also have a journey planner, which may be useful. Holly@fosterclosetofclarecounty. Clare County, Michigan has 564. net The Courthouse will be closed Clare County Council. ie VisitClare. Number of cities/towns/villages: 1: Population: 3,000: Area: 3 sq mi: Density: Clare County Council. Raquel Brown Cell: (989) 312-3111. • Clare County Council accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by those accessing this data for any purpose. 212 Broad Street 989. Box 438, Harrison, MI 48625 989-539-2510 Mountshannon, County Clare, is an attractive lakeside village and offers many amenities to visitors, including a Blue Flag beach. You can contact the Clare County Clerk’s Office at (989) 539-7131 for information on obtaining court orders. Welcome to Clare FM’s Live Election Blog. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; Clare County Fair; Clare Irish Festival; Yoder’s Amish Quilt Auction & Flea Market; Frostbite Winter Festival; Loading view. Contact Us. Health and Wellness. It is evidence of the government’s commitment to a fairer society. clarelibrary. Conveniently located in central northern Michigan, across from Wilson State Park in Harrison, the fairgrounds are easily accessible from US 127. Clare County Council, Ennis, Ireland. Box 438 Harrison, Michigan 48625 Phone: (989) 539-2510 I hereby stipulate that, even if some or all of the records are located on the County website, I am requesting that the Clare County Council’s website; Clare County Council’s social media pages and; In a local newspaper; The advertisement will include details about the scheme including the houses available for sale, types and locations of properties available, income limits and minimum / maximum sale price along with how and when to apply. The principal records online on the Clare library website are: Complete census returns for County Clare for 1901 Like many websites, the Clare Museum website temporarily stores small pieces of information as ‘cookies’ on your device. The Mission of Clare County government is to provide quality services among competing demands for limited resources in the most effective and efficient manner possible to the citizens and patrons of Clare County government. To support life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, regardless of race, color, or creed, and to support those individuals or The Clare County Heritage Office is dedicated to fostering understanding, appreciation, and pride in the rich heritage of our county. Water or waste water emergencies: Contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278; Fire & rescue emergencies: 999 or 112; The Churches of County Clare by T. District 1: Marlene M. in the Board of Commissioners Room located on the main level of the Clare County Court House. Lake & Lake Station. 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