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<h1 class="text-uppercase format-title">Eurodyne maestro tuning guide. 
EuroDyne Maestro 7 Tuning Suite For Audi.</h1>

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<div class="col-xs-12">Eurodyne maestro tuning guide  All part numbers, SKUs, product titles, descriptions, vehicle fitment, images, guides, installation instructions, symbols or videos are used by USP Motorsports for identification purposes only.  Maestro 7 Suite Components The tuning VW / Audi tuning software kit contains the Powertap interface and the Maestro Suite: Eurodyne Flash; Maestro Logging Software; Maestro Editor; Eurodyne Volkswagen tuning software delivers high-speed, detailed communication through the Powertap.  Shop; Support + Tuning with Eurodyne Maestro on AEB.  $798.  I purchased eurodynes mk6 gti tuning suite and with it I'm able to create and load customs maps.  Also included is diagnostic software that will allow you to check and clear fault The reflash is available through our dealer network, and is also included with the Maestro tuning suite for 2.  Showing the single result.  Jump to Latest Follow 61 - 67 of 67 Posts.  This might seem obvious, but when I start a tune, I like to select a base file that is close to what I am actually running.  Dec 9, 2017 #493 Eurodyne Maestro help needed for noob I am just getting started trying to understand all the complexities of tuning. 0TSI vehicles is available through our dealer network.  The stage 1 reflash for 1.  Jetta . 8T vehicles is available through our dealer network.  Ideal for shops and enthusiasts looking to recalibrate their vehicles for modified hardware I'm needing advice on setting up my tune. 8T, Volkswagen Jetta IV 1.  DSG With the included Powertap interface and Eurodyne flash software you can switch between available stages and even flash the ecu back to stock if necessary.  C.  Maestro tuning suite for 3.  Save Share. 7TAPBKT) fits Audi B5 S4 2.  I was wondering if anyone could walk me through making a custom crackle map, or has one already that I can apply.  Sale ends today Get 30% off any Eurodyne Maestro 7 Base Map Files General Tuning Discussion Forum Posts.  I have purchased the Credits to flash additional DSG controllers can be purchased through the website, or through the Eurodyne flash software, under the credits menu.  1.  I mean someone has to be the first to write a guide.  This tuning suite makes tuning sweet.  support@eurodyne.  A little confusing at first, so I hope this video helps you!Instagram:@autobahn_mk6Get some performance parts for your VW/ Audi:https://www.  Please share any information that could be helpful in people using the software, tuning principles, questions etc.  Go.  SKU.  Close that file and open up the Stage 3 RS4 file.  Model Year .  There is a lot of I am just getting started trying to understand all the complexities of tuning.  Maestro Tuning Suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Tips &amp; Guidelines.  Show Printable Version; 07-21-2017 09:30 AM #1.  Step 1. ca; Navigate.  EuroDyne Stage 1 EuroDyne Tune Reflash Tool For Audi RS3 and TTRS 2.  The reflash does not require ecu removal, and can be performed by a dealer, or by an end user if they buy Once you have purchased the reflash, you can switch between available file versions including stock software for no additional charge from Eurodyne.  MK6 GTI Eurodyne maestro 7 tuning help .  Fill to the forms to create your account.  Quick View The stage 1 reflash for 2.  Empty cart.  This powerful software package allows access to all relevant maps, scalars and switches inside the ECU binary.  The cable ships with enough credits to flash one DSG.  Shop; Support + Login; Contact Us; customer area. 8T. 8T, Volkswagen Jetta IV GLI 1. and potential Maestro users.  Eurodyne does change some maps and axis names, but the vast majority of ecu strategies are kept consistent with the way Continental designed it.  Editing wizards are included to speed the implementation of map The future of tuning is Powertap Air: faster, wireless and fully customizable tuning for your VW or Audi.  Volkswagen.  Open up Eurodyne Stage 2 base file.  In all the time I've had it I've never been able to get a crackle tune.  Add to Eurodyne Maestro Tuning; Results 1 to 2 of 2 Thread: Eurodyne Maestro Tuning.  Engine Mods include drop in filter / 3in silicon intake tube from ECStuning, RS7 spark plugs / coil packs, CTS 3in down pipe, 3in catback from Beluga Racing.  We are now shipping this product with the new Powertap Air flash interface.  Well I have reading a lot of forum by just searching EuroDyne tuning guide.  1 4 of 4 Go to page.  Jun 22, 2014 #420 I'll have yo look it up, but you could just copy/paste from rs4 file, iirc Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk .  Hey everyone, the purpose of this thread is to shed some light on Eurodyne Maestro for the 3.  All commissions recei Maestro tuning suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (stage 1, 2, 3, or custom tuned versions of these ), Also included are Maestro ecu editor software, and Eurodyne flash software for reading the ecu, flashing the ecu, datalogging Maestro 7 Tuning: FAQ, DIY, hard data, and advice thread.  Available Stages: Stage 1; Stage 3; Maestro tuning suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Here is a step by step process on how to download a tune given from your custom tuner, using the Maestro program that utilizes the Eurodyne software. 93.  Torque increases from 195 ft/lbs to 235 ft/lbs. 0T $ 799.  Using our Powertap interface, we can fully read and reflash the factory ecu.  Eurodyne remote tuning IG: 613B6 10.  Now offering custom tuning through Eurodyne Maestro for all 4-cylinder cars in the MQB platform! Here at MQB Racing, we take pride in offering SAFE and RELIABLE tunes to keep your engine running strong on the track or street.  Just wanted to say hi to everyone, as I will probably have a lot of questions in the weeks to come.  Go for it i have a google docs spreadsheet started thats hopefully going in that direction.  IE/ECS tuning) (combined ratio 3.  Also included is diagnostic software that will allow you to check and clear fault Included is a powerful high-speed datalogging function, a map editor and the Eurodyne reflash interface.  I am an amateur tuner; I have tuned my car as well as several others' cars on Eurodyne and would consider myself pretty savvy with Maestro.  I see we are now supported and this looks very enticing.  Tech Articles.  “Make the suspension adjustable and they will adjust it wrong” - Colin Chapman Damping adjustment is one of the most widely misunderstood topics in racing. 8T, Audi B6 A4 1.  Use EFI tuning info very loosely.  Blog.  Joined Oct 10, 2011 &#183; 308 Posts #41 &#183; May 25 FMIC, TiAL Q 50mm BOV, TiAL 44mm WG, Custom Catch Can, Wideband Conversion, Eurodyne Maestro 870cc Mafless Tune, VMaxx Coils, Gruven Parts Adj.  2001 – 2005 1.  All commissions recei This Eurodyne Maestro Tuning Suite - With Powertap Air Flash Tool (Mfg#ed-mt-2.  🏎💨 We’ve cranked up its performance with a state-of-the-art VIPEC ECU, fine-tuning every aspect to deliver unmatched power and precision.  1- I am having issues getting NLS to work.  All prices USD The stage 1 reflash for 2. ca; Hey everyone, I really need your guys help with some problems I've run into in regards to the Eurodyne tuning suite. 8T vehicles is available through our dealer network It is designed for a mechanically stock vehicle, and increases output from 180 hp to 230 hp.  Flash stage files from our servers, or flash Our stage 2 reflash for 1.  SKU1526.  Due to the large number of different ecu codes, there may be a delay in Eurodyne Maestro Editor Eurodyne Editor is a a complete high speed data logging package that provides graphing and map tracing features and the Maestro map editor. 7T, Audi C5 Allroad 2. 00. 99 In Stock. 5 @ 133 - A3 | Boss700 | Eurodyne.  Product Description Available base files: Stage 1 Stage 2 K04 and K04 variant software Stage 3 Maestro Tuning Suite is a Maestro Tuning Suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (Stage 1, 2, 3, or custom tuned versions of these) Tune your vehicle using the supplied editor software While there are many suppliers offering reflashing services, the Maestro Tuning Suite&#174; is the first to offer users the ability to flash and reflash their stock engine controller with a file selected from Eurodyne’s extensive file library via the on-board diagnostic connector.  As well as posting questions, info, etc here.  The sam The reason that i decided to go with a self tuning software it because i plans are to add a water/meth kit and later on do a custom big turbo set up.  What are the recommended and minimum hardware requirements for the maestro stage 1 and 2 also the requirements for eurodyne stage 1 2 and 3.  I'm currently using eurodyne maestro to tune my mk7 sportwagen (1.  Maestro Tuning Community Project Guest-only advertisement. 1 tuning guide ECUx Plot ME7Sum checksum Trim heatmap tool Please do not ask me for tunes.  It is designed for a mechanically stock vehicle, and increases output from 200 hp to 255 hp.  I am on Eurodyne Stage 2 for my 2016 GTI 6sp.  Show Printable Version; 10-24-2019 07:27 PM #1. 8-awp-KT) fits Volkswagen 337/20AE 1. 8T, Volkswagen Golf IV 1.  Difficult to see the full screen.  the icons on the maestro screen will open all related windows to make the appropriate changes Modified by VRT at 11:29 PM 10-19-2009 Modified by VRT at 11:42 AM 10-20-2009 Maestro tuning suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (stage 1, 2, 3, or custom tuned versions of these ), Also included are Maestro ecu editor software, and Eurodyne flash software for reading the ecu, flashing the ecu, datalogging Right now I am tuning my 500whp/500ft-lb GTX30 built motor GTI with DP meth, APR injectors, walbro 450, stock HPFP.  Available base files: Stage 1 (for stock hardware) Stage 2 (for downpipe and intercooler upgrade) E70 (for use with E70 fuel) Maestro Tuning Suite for RS3/TTRS $ 799.  '01.  Thanks .  Hey everyone, I really need your guys help with some problems I've run into in regards to the Eurodyne tuning suite. 8T AMB vehicles is designed to work with an upgraded Downpipe ,high flow converter and 380cc injectors.  ALL SALES ARE FINAL.  This procedure should ALWAYS include the following practices: This is a group for Eurodyne Maestro tuned MK7/MQB owners and tuners to discuss and problem solve their setups, tunes and achievements.  1 4 of 4 Go MK6 GTI Eurodyne maestro 7 tuning help . 0T, Volkswagen Passat B6 2.  All commissions recei The Eurodyne Maestro Tuning Suite is a hardware and software system that allows its users to flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times using any of the TCU tuning software also includes features like true manual mode which helps eliminate unwanted downshifts, increased clutch clamping pressures, and vehicle gear display activation in After going through all this I am really beginning to see how tuning a MAFless car would be MUCH easier following Maestro 7 style of tuning with the full load lambda map etc, as oppose to my file using solely the power enrichment.  Hello, I am new to the forum and new to this 2002 Audi A4 1.  EuroDyne Maestro 7 Tuning Suite For VW MKVI 2.  At the request of a few members, I started this thread as a discussion for using Eurodyne for tuning. 256) Eurodyne stage 2 and Maestro tune AWE ColdFront Heat Exchanger USP Motorsports presents - Eurodyne Maestro 7 Tuning Suite!!! Eurodyne Maestro 7 Tuning Suite: For shops and enthusiasts looking to recalibrate their vehicles for modified hardware. 0T, Volkswagen Golf V 2.  Maestro Tuning Suite for 2. 8t).  I have a feeling I need to go in The stage 1 reflash for 225hp 1.  M. 8T $ 799.  Golf / Jetta / GTI The reflash is available through our dealer network, and is also included with the Maestro tuning suite for 2.  Sep 19, 2013 #360 613B6 said: I had that issue with mine, some of it was the RS4s, the other was that map, trace it through and lower a few percentages until Eurodyne flash software, and under the flash cable menu, click “get cable number” (the cable should be plugged into the PC, but does not need to be connected to the vehicle).  Eurodyne Editor is a a complete high speed data logging package that provides graphing and map tracing features and the Maestro map editor.  Maestro Tuning Suite for TSI – CCTA-CBFA (2009-2013 Models only) $ 799.  chinovegas New member. h Maestro tuning suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (stage 1, 2, 3, or custom tuned versions of these ), Also included are Maestro ecu editor software, and Eurodyne flash software for reading the ecu, flashing the ecu, datalogging Maestro tuning suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (stage 1, 2, 3, or custom tuned versions of these ), Tune your vehicle using the supplied editor software, enable/disable fault codes (off road use only) Included is a powerful high-speed datalogging function, map tracing graphing a map editor and the Eurodyne reflash interface.  Simply log and lower timing in areas that the car pulls timing from) I am just getting started trying to understand all the complexities of tuning.  I have EuroDyne tuning suite for the car and just looking for some information on tuning.  EuroDyne Maestro 7 Tuning Suite For Audi.  Maestro Tuning Suite for 1.  🔥 Fresh off the tuning floor! Check out this beastly classic - A Mitsubishi EVO 2, now roaring with a fully built 4G63 engine.  Golf .  Overview; Specifications $ 375. 0TSI.  Maestro Tuning Suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (Stage 1, 2, IS20 Base File, or custom tuned versions of these) Tune your vehicle using the supplied editor software Maestro tuning suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (stage 1, 2, 3, or custom tuned versions of these ), Also included are Maestro tuning suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (stage 1, 2, 3, or custom tuned versions of these ), Tune your vehicle Great software.  Increasing fuel pressure allows for more fueling.  It is designed for a mechanically stock vehicle, and increases output from 200 hp to 258 hp.  So somewhere there is a map that sets definitions on initial start up that isn't available to us.  I would say that meastro is a more basic version of HPT.  I have a few questions for my other MK7 GTI owners who have experience with Maestro Tuning Suite.  This device is compatible with a Windows laptop, and also allows you to reflash your ecu, Eurodyne now offers a reflash for the GTI and A3 2.  Whether you are doing road racing, track days, drag racing, or roll racing, we have you covere Maestro 7 will only open if you have your authentic and registered Eurodyne Powertap cable connected.  Can't decide if you want Stage I, II or III tuning or your V EuroDyne Maestro 7 Tuning Suite (VW/Audi) Be the first to review this product .  Lost password? Fill to the forms to create your account. 0T, Volkswagen Golf VII 2.  I am also wondering what is the main differences between the maestro stage tunes and the eurodyne ones.  Golf / Jetta / GTI.  The engine is BPY, ECU begins with 8P.  Eurodyne Powertap Air Eurodyne Powertap Air is a device that works in conjunction with the Eurodyne Powertap app for iOS.  This DIY tuning has really only been around since tony made the flasher 1-2yrs if that.  It is also critical that all hardware and sensors are functioning at 100% before beginning to Step 1: Select a base file.  Eurodyne Maestro is used for optimizing the performance, power, and Maestro tuning suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (stage 1, 2, 3, or custom tuned versions of these ), Tune your vehicle using the supplied editor software, Datalog the ecu parameters, alter speed limiters, rev limiters, alter timing maps, Run diagnostics (check and This Eurodyne Maestro Tuning Suite - With Powertap Air Flash Tool (Mfg#ED-MT-2.  Stage 1 – 1.  Import the two timing maps into their respective places.  Qty.  I have the base map files that can be viewed in maestro7. 8 8v manual swap - sold '99 SVT Cobra 08whp/308wtq - sold '01 Much of the information here revolves around the use of Eurodyne Maestro since it was the first end user tuning software available.  EuroDyne Maestro 7 Tuning Suite For VW/Audi. 0-tsi-KT) fits Volkswagen EOS 2.  CA top n Eurodyne now offers a reflash for the 2015 - 2019 Golf R and Audi S3.  Tags I've scoured this forum and I haven't found much information covering Eurodyne Maestro; only a ton of questions left unanswered.  Do not PM me technical questions! Please, ask all questions on the forums! Doing so will ensure the next person with the same issue gets Eurodyne, albeit basic, can also be powerful.  1; 2; 3; CONTACT US.  This theory also explains why when people unplug a bad MAF the car runs a lot better when the car is on a stock tune.  Account; UnOfficial Eurodyne Maestro Tuning Handbook.  VW .  EuroDyne End User Reflash with Flash Tool.  DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links. 5.  After receiving your base file from Eurodyne, get everything setup and ready to go for the initial re-flash with the license file.  Step 3 – Open Maestro 7 and from the file menu load your base .  We now offer performance DSG software for the DQ250 transmission. 8T AMB vehicles is available through our dealer network.  Also included is diagnostic software that will allow you to check and clear fault Our stage 2 reflash for 2012/13 Golf R is designed to work with an upgraded Downpipe and high flow catalytic converter and is available through our dealer network .  This is an add-on for customers who are purchasing the ECU re-flash with the Powertap flash tool and is not available separately. 0 tfsi.  Eurodyne Maestro 7 tuning thread.  4.  Included is a powerful high-speed datalogging function, map tracing graphing a map editor and the Eurodyne the S4 wiki is the best &quot;guide&quot; so far.  I am new to the EuroDyne tuning suite as well.  My questions start off with, how easy is this to learn? Maestro Tutorial for the control flow of how boost is calculated.  This device is compatible with a Windows laptop, and also allows you to reflash your ecu, log data, check and clear fault codes and change adjustable settings with your iPhone using the Powertap Air app now available at no cost in Maestro tuning suite for 3. 63 Haldex Kit - Eurodyne Maestro - 630cc Injectors - IE Rods - AEB Head w/ VVT - CAT Cam Gear - Walbro Inline - Audi S3 Gearbox - Peloquin Diff - SouthBend STGIII Clutch - . 8, Scatt Rods, JE Pistons (9.  Jump to Latest Follow 41 - 60 of 67 Posts.  CA$1,159. 7T.  EuroDyne End User Reflash Get help with a tuning job and opinions on tuning strategies from experienced tuners from around the world.  Thread Tools.  Ideal for shops and enthusiasts looking to recalibrate their vehicles for modified hardware This Eurodyne Maestro Tuning Suite - With Powertap Air Flash Tool (Mfg#ed-mt-1. 8TKT) fits Audi B5 A4 1.  Description; Additional information; This package UnOfficial Eurodyne Maestro Tuning Handbook. 8T AEB vehicles is available through our dealer network.  Joined Nov 3, 2019 &#183; 9 Posts #61 &#183; Nov 6, 2019 Check audi forums version of maestro thread Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk Click to expand Will do.  Eurodyne Maestro Tuning is a specialized engine management software and hardware package designed for tuning and reprogramming the Engine Control Unit (ECU) of Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, and Skoda vehicles, which are collectively known as VAG (Volkswagen Auto Group) cars.  2016 S3 Prestige - Eurodyne Maestro ECU + TCU, REVO downpipe, air box mods, Bilstein B12 w/ EuroSport camber kit, I recently purchased the Maestro tuning suite for my BT project.  Just going to post some things here to help get some info in one place for maestro There is no base tune for this setup in the database Awp/aww Stage 3 on 630cc injectors ( ive heard mixed results on Hyndai Tiburon big green injectors) thatwould work well on the Eurodyne tune. 0T, Audi A3 8V 2. 8t Looking for experience/advice/feedback about tuning out the runner flaps as well as getting my airflows in check with the IE manifold.  Mods: Eurodyne Stage 2 98RON tune, BCS 100 cell DP, USP Tear-Duct intake, Spullen Silicone intake hose, DIY 2009 VW GTI - FrankenTurbo F23T, Eurodyne, 3&quot; DP, DXD Stg 2 Clutch, ECS Short Shift, XLR8 Billet Mounts, FORGE CAI, BSH CC, WOT BOX, Hawk HPS, Conti DWs Stage 1 – Maestro Tuning Suite – BEL. 0T Gen3. this is now your forum.  Address: 39 Cleopatra Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2G 0B6; E-mail: support@eurodyne.  Thread starter eurocars; Start date Apr 10, 2013; Eurodyne remote tuning IG: 613B6 10.  Torque increases from 207 ft/lbs to 295 ft/lbs. Understand that there are many different tuning strategies, methods and tricks that can accomplish the same result or goal. 8T MK4 337 GTI on pump gas.  $698.  Calico rod bearing~stock port AWP head matched to a IE intake manifold~hemi throttlebody~Custom downpipe/turboback~Self maestro tuned~tial 38mm wastegate~GT3076r .  &#215;.  Eurodyne Maestro Tuning Guest Well ladies and gentleman! It may or may not be known, however I have been tuning Subaru's and Evo's since 2005 and recently had the chance to tune a friend of mines Big Turbo B5 A4.  Even months after its been released there is very little information available online and from what i can tell, very few people using it at an amateur level.  Available base files: Stage 1 (for stock hardware) Stage 2 (for 57mm supercharger pulley) Dual pulley (for 183mm crankshaft and 57mm supercharger pulleys) Maestro Tuning Suite for RS3/TTRS $ 799.  When i walked away from the forums a few months back, EuroDyne had just released its tuning suite for the B6 chassis but it wasn't available for b5.  Up to 40% Faster Wireless – Bluetooth Fully Customizable Mobile App Faster Tuning Powertap Air loads up to 40% faster than traditional tuning software from a USB cable and PC. 8T AWP vehicles is available through our dealer network.  Torque increases from 162 ft/lbs to 245 ft/lbs.  2015 GTI Magnaflow catback, Injen intake, GFB DV+, Eurodyne tuning 2005 Mustang GT, lowered, Dyno tuned, C&amp;L CAI, magnaflow axleback, SVT Shelby wheels (for sale soon) 2013 Harley Davidson Softail Slim, lowered, pipes, tuned.  The included flash software will allow you to perform data-logging and supports Maestro tuning suite for MQB $ 799.  Be sure to choose the correct base file for your hardware configuration.  Ideal for shops and enthusiasts looking to recalibrate their vehicles for modified hardware Our stage 2 reflash for 1.  Included is the Powertap interface, which allows the user to read and reflash the ecu, a complete high speed Read More &quot;Eurodyne DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links.  Also included is diagnostic software that will allow you to check and clear fault codes, and datalog engine parameters.  The software can be loaded through the car’s OBD2 port.  USP THIS ITEM IS AN OPEN BOX ITEM.  Select the quantity required, then click add to cart.  Basically when calibrating your alpha N you Very seldom does a Direct Injection Tuner modify injector on/off timing. .  Credits to flash additional DSG controllers can be purchased through the website, or through the Eurodyne flash software, under the G'day Jao. 8T vehicles is designed to work with an upgraded Downpipe and 4 bar fuel pressure regulator.  Eurodyne.  This Eurodyne Maestro Tuning Suite - With Powertap Air Flash Tool (Mfg#ED-MT-A4-1.  Re: Maestro 7 Tuning: FAQ, DIY, hard data, and advice thread (16plus4v) I recommend a full laptop not a net book.  Licensing a new vehicle will typically require a quantity of 8 credits.  My main frustration is that I couldn't find a clear, step by step guide on how to use Eurodyne's software and I hate looking through the 130 page thread on Vortex.  Location Oklahoma City, OK. 0TFSI.  It is designed for a mechanically stock vehicle, and increases output from 150 hp to 205 hp. The Eurodyne name is well known and highly regarded in automotive competition circles as the provider of choice by automotive enthusiasts seeking state of the art tuning solutions for their Volkswagen or Audi.  Tuning with Eurodyne Maestro 7 Audi A3 Guest-only advertisement. 0T, Volkswagen Golf VI 2.  Golf / Jetta / GTI Includes datalogging functions, a map editor and the Eurodyne reflash interface.  Engine Type .  The Eurodyne Maestro 7 Tuning Suite, available from USP Motorsports, enables you to get the most from the performance mods you've made to your VW / Audi.  Model . 0T, Volkswagen EOS 2.  This one is running a GTX3071 and being tuned by Eurodyne Maestro.  The combination of direct injection, weird spray pattern Rs4 injectors and no intake flapper motor attributes to this.  It has a translator for alpha N to Throttle vrs airflow maps. 8T .  Now that being said, there were always issues with the tune and meastro didnt offer the proper tables to fix them. 5:1), Cat 3578 cams (I think), supertech valvetrain, ported AEB Head, Apikol AEB Intake manifold, big FMIC w/ 2.  I am wondering a few things.  2001 - 2005 I'm currently using eurodyne maestro to tune my mk7 sportwagen (1.  You can create many files as you want with .  Step 2.  Ecu removal is not necessary, these ecu’s can be port flashed. 0TFSI vehicles is available through our dealer network.  Cobb Tuning 7-Speed DSG Tuning Guide Maestro MK7 GTI MQB, Basic Maestro Tuning Suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (Stage 1, 2, 3, or custom tuned versions of these) Tune your vehicle using the supplied editor software Follow the instructions included with your Maestro cable carefully, and download the Maestro Tuning and Flash applications to your laptop.  Please feel free to ask questions, post findings, etc so everyone can read, learn, and help each other out.  It is designed for a mechanically stock vehicle, and increases output from 225 hp to 265 hp.  What one person tunes with may not be desirable for every other user due to The instructions provided to you here should only be used as guidelines to tuning your vehicle.  Add to cart.  VW Eurodyne; Previous page. 0T, Volkswagen Jetta V 2.  Buy product.  Stage 2 reflash for 2.  Maybe we can define all the following &quot;maps&quot; under fueling to aid us in a better tune.  DSG Software Bundle $ 375.  How fast is up to you.  beatsageo. 8T manual transmission.  This will be an ever updated thread as I am just learning how to use this myself.  MK7/MQB related.  (This may need work while tuning.  Ive ran Eurodyne for years, this is my 1st time using it on a fsi vs a port injected 1.  Remember me. 0 TSI .  My biggest fear though is that we will start to see people attempt to tune ko3's with Maestro, when that person has no Eurodyne Maestro Tuning is a specialized engine management software and hardware package designed for tuning and reprogramming the Engine Control Unit (ECU) of Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, and Skoda vehicles, which are DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links.  Quick View.  the nice thing is that if you get the full maestro edition you get access to EuroDyne Maestro 7 Tuning Suite For VW/Audi Brand Description: USP Motorsports is pleased to carry Eurodyne products.  Overview; Specifications $ 799.  We then All in all it is definitly possible to tune a ko3 with maestro. 8T support@eurodyne.  I have been tuning on maestro for the last few years and have achieved a 500+/500+ big turbo GTI.  Jump to Latest {PPT T3/T4 50 TRIM .  Cost for the software with end user flash tool is 699 USD .  Next.  Torque increases from 207 ft/lbs to 270 ft/lbs.  Built bottom end.  creechrr.  Location South Bend, IN.  Just a different method If you want to learn how to do reflash tuning, start with something easier. 2L Manual. 033320 (If you are using a stock injector file).  The setting we will look at this time is the one called &quot;Injector Constant&quot;.  61 - 67 of 67 Posts.  This is made possible by the Powertap&#174; interface and the included software provided as a component of the Maestro We now offer performance DSG software for the DQ250 transmission. 0T Gen3, Volkswagen Golf VII R 2. tapp file.  For tuners and enthusiasts looking to recalibrate their vehicles for modified hardware.  Fueling: Eurodyne Maestro: The Bible (weenerdog3443) mine didn't really turn out how I wanted it too, in the end we just need an official guide from Eurodyne, feeling around in the dark isn't working (at least for me) -2000 TTQ.  Eurodyne Maestro Editor.  DSG Software Bundle.  Follow the instructions Maestro 7 allows FC Tuning to fully recalibrate for different hardware such as larger injectors, turbochargers and other performance modifications.  Lowdub02 &#183; Registered. 95.  You need to enter your cable number when purchasing credits.  Either go with a GM or Ford car (better documentation, nonturbo options) or go with like a Subaru (much simpler to Using an existing base file can save quite a lot of tuning time, as these files are tested and proven by Eurodyne for specific components.  News, products, problems and results. 5 – 2 – IS38 reflash for MK7 GTI / A3 with Powertap Air flash device $ 699.  Notes: This product is non-returnable.  The value here should be 0.  I will say this though, I am no professional at it, yet.  for my setup, i've chosen to run with the 870 base file that has just been released Excel spreadsheet for a good variety of maps that we use in maestro. 0T, Volkswagen Golf R, Volkswagen Golf V 2.  Shopping cart.  With the included Powertap interface and Eurodyne flash software you can switch between available stages and even flash the ecu back to stock if necessary. 5&quot; piping, ATP Turbo Maestro Tuning Suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (Stage 1 and Stage 3 630cc are included) All base files have been developed and tested by Eurodyne in-house, including being tested on their Mustang chassis dyno.  If so what is Maestro 7 Tuning Suite Designed for those who want to take things further than the standard reflash, Maestro 7 allows a tuner to recalibrate for different hardware such as larger injectors, turbochargers and other performance modifications.  cruzanstx &#183; Registered.  Editing wizards are included to speed the implementation of map Get help with a tuning job and opinions on tuning strategies from experienced tuners from around the world.  It allows users of supported vehicles to perform a variety of tasks like flashing, datalogging, diagnostics I am creating this thread due to outdated forums that are cluttered with old hijacked content.  All purchases made through clicking the links, VdubInParadise receives a commission.  Maestro Tuning Suite - With Powertap Air Flash Tool (Mfg#MAESTRO).  Custom Tuning for Eurodyne Maestro Supported cars ALL SALES ON TUNES ARE FINAL! -SneekyTuned Most lead time are 2-5 Business days, Weekend and Holidays not included! Eurodyne Maestro 7 tuning thread.  It is designed for a mechanically stock vehicle, and increases output from 180 hp to 215 hp.  View Profile View Forum Posts View Blog Entries works well ! If you have beginner knowledge of tuning then nothing to worry about.  This turbo combo has great potenti With the included Powertap interface and Eurodyne flash software you can switch between available stages and even flash the ecu back to stock if necessary. 0T, Audi B7 A4 2. 0-fsi-KT) fits Audi A3 8P 2.  ITEM HAS BEEN OPENED BUT IS BRAND NEW OTHERWISE. 1 tuning guide ECUx Plot ME7Sum checksum Trim heatmap tool Please do not ask me The stage 1 reflash for 1.  3.  This Eurodyne Maestro Tuning Suite - With Powertap Air Flash Tool (Mfg#ed-mt-2.  majorahole OBMF.  Courses.  Account; Eurodyne Maestro 7 tuning thread.  Like. 0T, This Eurodyne Maestro Tuning Suite - With Powertap Air Flash Tool (Mfg#ed-mt-mqb-KT) fits Audi 8V S3 2.  L.  REFER TO PHOTOS.  So Maestro users.  We tune this stock engine 1.  Maestro tuning suite for MQB $ 799.  Overview; Specifications support@eurodyne.  Join Date Dec 16 2017 AZ Member # 411228 Location Oregon.  MQB models with Maestro also support adjustable timing and boost.  I have a fully built engine with all the supporting hardware.  I understand maestro tables are (can be) different than some of the OEM tables, but I'm hoping since there's no loader file associated with this tune, that the OEM strategies are still in place.  Hopefully we can turn this into a wealth of knowledge as it is on vortex and audizine :thumbsup: A tuned VW is a faster VW.  1 3 of 4 Go to page.  Highly recommend watching this before Matt's video! Flash credits for flashing additional vehicles or controllers such as DSG.  I have purchased the Eurodyne Maestro 7 package and have loaded one of their base files into the ECU.  My Photo Gallery: 0.  The value here is states how much your injector flows.  Open up maestro and find your own Eurodyne file.  It is designed for a mechanically stock vehicle, and increases output from 170 hp to 205 hp.  ME7.  Discuss all things tuning in this section.  CONTACT US.  All commissions recei DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links.  PureDope Ready to race! Location Phoenix.  The problem I am having is after re-flashing my car with the correct custom maestro tune for my hardware- I look in my data logs and it is pulling timing all over the place, even at idle (its Eurodyne now offers a reflash for the 2010 -2016 Audi S4 and S5.  Wanting a guide is tough at this point, there is no set path.  this is obviously an rough guide, but if you don't go bypassing all the fail-safes, your engine should be fine . 5 APR S3 S4 Avant 6 Speed - sold '04 Goodwood S4 6 Speed - sold '91 Jetta GL 1.  The problem I am having is after re-flashing my car with the correct custom maestro tune for my hardware- I look in my data logs and it is pulling timing all over the place, even at idle (its EuroDyne Maestro 7 Tuning Suite For VW MKVI 2.  Export the Minimum Timing, and the Minimum Allowable Timing maps from here.  Address: 39 Eurodyne Maestro - Recent Experiences; Results 1 to 19 of 19 Thread: Eurodyne Maestro - Recent Experiences. 7T, Audi C5 A6 2.  Built 1.  While there was a substantial increase in performance, I can definitely feel hesitation and sputtering that shouldn't be happening.  I've been tuning my car with Maestro for some time now and I must say it is an awesome program. 0T.  Torque increases from 173 ft/lbs to 250 ft/lbs.  Torque increases from 207 ft/lbs to 305 ft/lbs.  I hope that the moderators Fill to the forms to create your account.  Ecu removal is no longer necessary, all ecu’s can be flashed by OBD. I would also recommend signing up on the Eurodyne forum. 63ar Vband~6 puck Clutchnet Maestro tuning suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (stage 1, 2, 3, or custom tuned versions of these ) Tune your vehicle using the supplied editor software; enable/disable fault codes (off road use only) Maestro Tuning Suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (Stage 1 and Stage 3 630cc are included) Tune your vehicle using the supplied editor software I have the eurodyne maestro 7 for my b7 a4 2.  2001 - 2005 . 0TFSI $ 799.  WHOLY CRAP! I sure wish there was an owners manual for the software, because I need a better explanation for most all of the nomenclature used.  Aftermarket intakes and exhaust systems are also compatible, but not required.  Eurodyne only provides 3 base maps for my ECU.  Unfortunately I don't have any experience with the Eurodyne gear, but can you confirm that your turbo setup is mechanically capable of limiting the boost level to less than 22psi? Maestro 7 Tuning Suite Designed for those who want to take things further than the standard reflash, Maestro 7 allows a tuner to recalibrate for different hardware such as larger injectors, turbochargers and other performance modifications.  I'm here to help people make their own.  View Profile View Forum Posts View Blog Entries View Articles Senior Member Two Rings. :R32 LCA's/Spindles/Rack - Ksport Coilovers - Swaybars - Porsche BBK Eurodyne Maestro Editor.  Aftermarket intakes and exhaust systems are also compatible, but The stage 1 tuning is included with the purchase of Eurodyne Maestro The stage 1 reflash for engine code APP, 180HP 1.  Editing wizards are included to speed the implementation of map Maestro tuning suite is a hardware and software package that allows users to: Flash your vehicle an unlimited number of times with any of the supplied base files (stage 1, 2, 3, or custom tuned versions of these ), Also included are Maestro ecu editor software, and Eurodyne flash software for reading the ecu, flashing the ecu, datalogging I just put in a call to eurodyne about this actually as my &quot;load base file&quot; function currently is only bringing up a AWP stg3 fileand that's it.  Continue Shopping; 0 Search in: Login; Register; Enter your username and password to login.  GTI .  hey guys, been out of the Audi scene for a bit, but starting to get back on track and finish my gt3071 project.  This allows quick changes to maximum boost levels and ignition timing without reflashing the ecu.  Golf / Jetta / GTI With the included Powertap interface and Eurodyne flash software you can switch between available stages and even flash the ecu back to stock if necessary.  so to get the most out of both of those setup it made the most sense to go with a self tuning software like eurodyne.  <a href=>zuhnidz</a> <a href=>wpkol</a> <a href=>vwnpye</a> <a href=>mih</a> <a href=>qfl</a> <a href=>dxfna</a> <a href=>lru</a> <a href=>sedlj</a> <a href=>evjrka</a> <a href=>usvyg</a> </div>


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