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<div class="news-latest">Government hospital near me  P C Sethi Hospital, Indore A B Road, G P O Choraha, Sanyogita Ganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh Pincode: 452002 We would like to inform you that Al Qurayyah Health Center will be closed from October 3, 2024 to March 3, 2025, with the aim of improving and developing the center.  Email; nsihospital@yahoo.  Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital Guru Govind Singh Govt.  If you’re in Johannesburg and considering a government hospital, you’re in luck! The city boasts some of the best public Baps Pramukh Swami Hospital.  R.  14 College Road, Ifako-Ijaiye Abule Aja, Lagos Nigeria.  Use tab and cursor keys to move around the page (more information) Menu. 40 Acres Mother and Child Health Centre 150 75000.  Maulana A government hospital, also known as a public hospital, is a medical facility owned and fully funded by the government. : 25512788, 25536234.  You can find here list of the best government hospitals in &#169; District Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh , Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics &amp; Information Technology, Government of India No.  In 2005, they wanted to allow specialized care within the private sector.  Last Updated: Dec 19, 2024 Discover leading government eye hospitals in Mumbai, offering top-notch, affordable eye care services. in Timing: Friday 9am–1pm, 3–5pm Saturday 9am–1pm, 3–5pm Discovering Johannesburg’s Finest: Top 5 Best Government Hospitals for Childbirth.  Last Updated: Dec 24, 2024.  Here is a List of Some of the Best Government Hospitals in Hyderabad - Comprising the Areas of Hyderabad, Secunderabad, and Cyberabad.  TB Hospital.  Join Sign in.  Frequently Asked Question.  Estate, Chennai - 600 002.  Laboratories run approximately 2000 tests daily ; Conducts 600 radiological tests per day. gov Marketplace.  Government primary health care clinic for residents of Bur Dubai, Oud Metha and Umm Hurair.  CoWIN is a platform to register for vaccination, using your Mobile no.  It has a network of over 80 health centres and hospitals spread across the The DHA is custodian, protector and verifier of the identity and status of citizens and other persons resident in South Africa.  Find a health center in your state. Eastleigh H/C Location: Eastleigh Section 7 2.  See a list of military hospitals and clinics by location on Health.  Gynecologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, pediatricians, neurosurgeons, endocrinologists, ear, nose, and throat specialists, as well as urologists, are Here’s a list of government hospitals in Quezon City: Philippine Orthopedic Center Ma.  (February 2018) Name State District Government Hospitals &amp; Primary Health Centres Business Directory for Dubai, Located near Al Baraha Hospital in Al Baraha (Deira).  Check your nearest vaccination center and slots availability Fully Online Share This.  Nair Hospital is a renowned government hospital located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.  Near City Centre, Bartand, Dhanbad-826001.  of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Hospital: Also known as Pahadi Wala Hospital, this government hospital in Delhi caters to the medical needs of 7-8 lakh people around the hospital area.  GB Pant Hospital 6.  Government Unani Hospital.  Emilio Aguinaldo Station Hospital Hospital and Health Services deliver publicly funded dental services across Queensland for eligible adults and young people.  Joshi Hospital 5.  Burari Hospital 4.  24Hr PSI.  Juhu Mumbai 400056 Tel: +91-22-26207254 KASTURBA Hospital Saat Rasta, Sane Guruji Marg Jacob Circle, Mumbai 400011 Tel: +91-22-23027700 J J Hospital Nagpada The list of Hospitals and Nursing Homes in Nepal.  Open from 07:30-09:30.  You can search ‘govt hospital near me’ to find hospitals that are affordable.  With a rating of 4.  Al Khaleej Street, Dubai, UAE.  The government hospital in Nairobi Kenya, Dagorreti Constituency include: 1.  Barigava Government Area Hospital, Vanasthalipuram located in Hyderabad, Telangana.  Jose R.  Lucknow-226020.  Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Teaching Hospital: Near Yakki Gate, Facing Nawaz Sharif Park, Kucha Meher Ghous, Laore: 31&#176;35'05.  Bangalore Baptist Hospital was set up back in 1973 and around then it was fundamentally an outpatient center implied for rustic Bangalore.  San Lorenzo Ruiz General Hospital 9.  Nairobi County covers an area of 696 square kilometres with a population of 4,397,073 people. Biafra clinic Quezon City General Hospital - is a 250-bed capacity tertiary-level hospital that provides the benefits of modern health care to the city’s poor constituents.  Home; Find Hospitals by location.  This hospital offers patients a complete array of the latest medical and surgical therapies for a back, knee relief, and all the other pains.  40.  Location: Lenana Road, Kilimani.  Government hospitals are instrumental in providing affordable medical treatment to all sections of society.  Government Ayurvedic Hospitals in Hyderabad. T.  Vardhman Mahavir medical college is a prominent medical college in Delhi, famous for imparting clinical teachings and training under the umbrella of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi. , this hospital as a government facility that opened a century ago, is hard to beat.  [1] Government hospitals.  ESIC Hospital.  Address: Station Road, Near Chandpole Gate, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302004. Mental Health Packages, M18.  Provincial Hospitals .  Zip/Post Code.  Government hospitals in Hyderabad serve as essential pillars of the city's healthcare system, offering affordable medical services to its diverse population.  Corona Alert This morning, BBMP has taken up a drive to restore footpaths for pedestrians &amp; evicted vendors with police help on Siddapura main road in Jayanagar Ward.  Outpatient Department Hours.  District: Name of the Hospital: Total Beds: 1: Adilabad: AH Utnoor &#169; District Lucknow, Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics &amp; Information Technology, Government of India.  They’re sometimes called “military treatment facilities” or “MTFs.  6 Ifako General Hospital.  The dashboard is given for information about the hospitals registered with the portal, total Timings: Sunday to Thursday 08:30 am – 02:30 pm Location: Wasit Street, Sheikh Khalid Bin Sultan Al Qasimi Street, Sharjah Contact: +971-6-518-8888 AL DHAID HOSPITAL Government-funded hospitals in Sharjah have Discover a list of government hospitals in Pune, offering essential healthcare services to the local community.  This is a list of public hospitals in Nairobi County.  C.  Guru Nanak Eye Centre is a premier Ophthalmic Institute in the capital of India providing comprehensive eye care services to the residents of Delhi, national capital region and even surrounding states.  AFP Medical Center V.  Santa Ana Hospital 3.  Sindh Government Hospital One of the top government hospitals in Karachi is Sindh Government Hospital, a state-of-the-art hospital that was built in 1995. 79 kilometers away from LB Nagar Metro Station.  Ikorodu General Hospital; Address: TOS Benson Road, Ikorodu, Lagos state.  It serves as a flagship hospital for the Emirates Health Services organization, providing general, specialized, and referral care in 24 specialties.  It provides the name, address, pin code, and contact number for each hospital.  Cooper Medical College and General Hospital.  Clara cor.  Launched in 2012 personalised treatment with experienced physicians.  Bangkok's popular B&#224; Điểm (Rural Commune, Vietnam) with population statistics, charts, map and location.  Users can get an OPD appointment, lab reports and check blood availability in any government hospital online.  With a focus on general medicine, the hospital provides quality healthcare to 1.  Camp Gen.  Surya Sahyadri Hospital. Pulmonology, M11.  Location. 5 million square kilometres, including 7 tertiary, 8 secondary and 70 country sites, providing world class health care to our population of 2.  However, the fees might vary based on the level of care and treatment required.  Name of the Hospital Telephone No; Osmania General Hospital: 040-23538846, 040-24600146: Gandhi Hospital, Secunderabad: 040-2750556, 9849902979 Fax: 040-27507711 The Government Dental Hospitals in Bangalore provide essential oral healthcare services to the public at affordable costs.  It opens early and closes early, from 7 am to 7 pm. Industrial Estate, Patel Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001 Delhi Government Hospitals | Health &amp; Family Welfare Street addresses and telephone numbers of municipal community clinics, provincial hospitals, and care centres, are arranged alphabetically by suburb: Alexandra Alexandra Health Clinic (1st Avenue) Address: 33 Arkrright, Alexandra Tel: 011 440 1231 Alexandra Municipal Clinic (8th Avenue) Address: Cnr Eighth Avenue and Roosevelt, Alexandra Tel Bowring Hospital.  HOSPITAL ROAD BEHROR ‌Alwar ‌ ehror ‌Ophthalmology ‌6377986844 ‌26-10-2026 ‌Y 27.  Come prepared and bring with you important documents. f 17/11/2014) #434,18th A government hospital located in Biratnagar-10, Morang in Koshi Province of Nepal.  This document lists 18 government hospitals in Bengaluru Urban and Rural districts that are designated for COVID-19 treatment.  41.  Typically you can get into the doctor's cabin within 5-10 mins even if there's a queue.  Here’s the complete list of Delhi government hospitals 1.  Phone number: 020 276336.  List of Government Hospitals - Free download as PDF File (.  A Singapore Government Agency Website. com will explore the government hospitals in Lahore and highlight their significance in providing quality healthcare to the people.  These healthcare institutions provide a wide spectrum of treatments, from general medicine to specialized care, ensuring residents can access necessary healthcare without financial strain.  Hindu Rao Hospital 9.  or Aadhaar no.  Email : Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital, Dehradun.  Your comprehensive guide to trusted eye care in the city.  This is the Government Services Portal of India, developed with an objective to enable a single window access to services being provided by Welcome to Guru Nanak Eye Centre.  Hospital Road, Near City Park, Ballabgarh Phone : 0129-2210379 Category/Type: Hospital 1.  Arcellana, Administrator Tel: 892-8205/844-6716/ Fax: 892-8261.  Official Medicare site.  Share on: Facebook ; Twitter ; Instagram ; Amna Ayaz. 0 stars, based on 2558 reviews, Nair Hospital has garnered positive feedback from its patrons.  Govt Hospital Near Me.  Contact Number:9177671117. 80 out of 5 stars by 283 votes.  Bhim Rao Ambedkar Memorial Hospital, Jail Road, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001 Shri Narayan Prasad Awasthi Govt.  Al Rahba Hospital Al Rahba Hospital is a part of SEHA ( Abu Dhabi Health services Company ) network of Hospitals Hospitals 1. Endocrinology, M14.  Kedarpur Village Rd, Industrial Area, Govt.  Phone : 0120-2790400 Pincode: 201001 Category/Type: Hospital Pincode: 492099 Dr.  Ramadevi K S 9880473389 info@bwlionseyehospital.  Waiting time is not much.  Phone : 044-28545449 Category/Type: Govt Hospital Govt Multi Super Speciality Hospital.  Address: Idgah Hills Road, Near Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, BDA Colony, Idgah Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, 462001.  4. pdf), Text File (. 2024 – Finmin Orders 2024 A-9/A, Nirala Nagar, Opposite Vivekanand Hospital Near Raidas Mandir Railway Crossing.  Government Hospital, Mira Bhayandar Dist.  Enter suburb or postcode.  Ashok Rajpath, Patna, Bihar 800004.  Thane Phone : 022-28192828 Website Policies Overview.  You can also locate affordable health insurance coverage at the HealthCare.  Some of our clinics are now being managed by Western Cape Government Health.  The Ministry of Communications and Information owns the copyrights of the information found in this Government Hospitals in Lahore: Contact: Address: 1: Jinnah Hospital (042) 99231443: Quaid-i-Azam Campus: 2: Lady Aitchison Hospital (042) 99211376-78: Take a look at this list if you’re a new resident in Lahore or are simply trying to find an excellent hospital near you.  It offers services related to Paediatrics, Gynecology, Obstetrics and other types of urgent care.  Parihar Chowk, near PMC Royal Perth Hospital, with a helipad on its roof, caters for major trauma patients through its emergency department.  39.  Shahbaz Sharif Hospital.  Near RK College, Ayurveda College Campus, Great Eastern Rd, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001.  Bhimrao Ambedkar Memorial Hospital, Raipur.  Opp Mecca Masjid, Charminar. D.  The District Hospital, Karimnagar comes under the administrative control of Superintendent District Headquarters Hospital, Karimnagar (Telangana State Vaidya Vidhana Parishad).  24 hour health advice you can count on. 1&quot;E: LAHORE: PUBLIC: Govt.  Search.  In India, there is a mix of public and private hospitals.  Discover trusted medical services, skilled professionals and compassionate care for your well-being.  Search Use your location.  The hospital offers a wide range of medical services and facilities to cater to the healthcare needs of the community. 70 out of 5 stars by 208 votes.  It is regarded as one of the oldest hospitals of Nepal.  Pincode: 828130 Asian Dwarkadas Jalan Super Specialty Hospital. 5&quot;N 74&#176;19'38.  Certified Accessible Website Clinics and healthcare facilities Our clinics and healthcare centres deliver general, primary care to communities across Cape Town.  Hospital Address: Hospitals in Manila 1.  Guru Nanak Eye Hospital 8.  Protect yourself from Health Insurance Marketplace&#174; scams: Government hospitals: addresses on the map, ☎ phone numbers, websites, opening hours, ★ reviews, photos, ⚑ search for driving directions and public transport routes &#169; District Pune , Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics &amp; Information Technology, Government of India.  Banawe St.  Welcoming a new baby is a journey filled with excitement and decisions, one of which is choosing the right hospital for delivery.  The A large black spot near NAK Kalyana Mantapa in Ward 157, Gali Anjaneya Temple, was cleared by BBMP pourakarmikas, Marshals &amp; NGO Let’s Be The Change - Bengaluru Veeraru.  With constant upgradation and the use of If you are looking for an affordable treatment in Delhi, then you are at the right place.  Girdhari Lal Hospital 7. mil.  De Ocampo Memorial Medical Center 8.  Finding the best government hospitals is not a simple process.  The hospitals are located across different parts of Bengaluru and range from 1. 60 out of 5 stars by 262 votes. Medical Gastroenterology, M16.  Pumwani Maternity Hospital Location: General Waruinge street, Eastleigh Health Centers DISTRICT FACILITIES SATELLITE CLINIC 1 KAMUKUNJI 1.  Mbagathi District Hospital Location: Mbagathi way 3. 45 kilometers away from it.  The HHS Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Health Center Program has locations all over the United States that provide care on a sliding fee scale.  Super Speciality Veterinary Hospital. 07.  Mobile app is also available for users to get an appointment for the government hospitals.  Services will still be provided in the same building and we encourage you to ask for assistance and maintain your appointments.  ADITYA HOSPITAL- ABIDS- Hyderabad .  Manila Naval Hospital Bonifacio Naval Station, Fort Bonifacio, Makati City 1201 LtC.  Shahbaz Sharif Hospital is a government healthcare facility known for its comprehensive medical services.  Military hospitals and clinics are found at military bases and posts around the world.  Here is a rundown of the top-notch government hospitals of Kolkata.  BBR Multi Specialty Hospital -Malakpet- Hyderabad.  Search CDBS is a dental benefits program by the Australian Government for eligible children that provides up to $1,052 in benefits Government Dental College And Hospital In Hyderabad.  12 Speciality .  National Spinal Injury Referral Hospital.  Find the locations of NCI-designated cancer centers by area, region, state, or name that includes contact information to help health care providers and cancer patients with referrals to clinical trials.  58, Kamarajar Road Varadharajapuram Singanallur Coimbatore - 641015 Phone : 0422-2574391 Makati City Government Hospitals.  Phone : 044-25666000 Discover Bhopal's best government hospitals, offering exceptional healthcare and advanced medical facilities.  Phone : 080-25591362 Category/Type: Public Pincode: 560001 You can register and get an appointment online for the government hospitals. Long Ch&#226;u l&#224; hệ thống nh&#224; thuốc b&#225;n lẻ &amp; ph&#226;n phối trải khắp 63 tỉnh th&#224;nh lu&#244;n lu&#244;n mở rộng để phục vụ Kh&#225;ch h&#224;ng tr&#234;n to&#224;n quốc, cung cấp dịch vụ b&#225;n h&#224;ng v&#224; phục vụ h&#224;ng đầu: Sở hữu Thousands of Vietnamese flocked to the streets in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Hue, Nha Trang as the cities welcomed 2025 with firework shows and musical events. Pharma(Ayurveda) &amp; Assistant Panchakarma, session 2024-25. ” There are two ways to find a military hospital or clinic near you: Use the search fields below.  Aundh kuti Hospital.  Reyes Memorial Medical Center 6.  Established in the year 1942, Safdurjung hospital was the only and the major tertiary Hospital Road, Near City Park, Ballabgarh.  Thus helping them to Govt.  Find a free government hospital near you today.  हमारे शरीर का हर अंग महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि ईश्वर ने सभी अंग की कोई न कोई उपयोगिता जरूर बनाकर रखी है। किसी भी अंग में कोई बीमारी The Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) took decision to start New Thergaon Hospital in June-2021.  We are searching for your location.  In December 2016, there were 135 public hospitals and 9 special medical institutions in Malaysia, which accommodated 42,000 beds.  Contact a location near you for products or services.  Private hospitals typically provide quicker services and more amenities.  Work Hours:24 Hrs Phone Number: 02 819 0000.  Bara Birwa.  Address: 1317, Kasba Peth, Near Shaniwar Wada, Agarwal Road, Pune, Maharashtra 411011; Find Medicare-approved providers near you &amp; compare care quality for nursing homes, doctors, hospitals, hospice centers, more.  Aruna Asaf Ali Govt.  Find a hospital near you on the NHS website.  Find and book OPD appointments, lab reports and blood availability in any government hospital in India.  What is the nearest metro station from Government Area Hospital, Vanasthalipuram? Government Area Hospital, Vanasthalipuram is nearly 1. 0 0 reviews Govt. Haematology Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) is a flagship tertiary hospital in the UAE and the largest teaching medical center in Abu Dh Work days: Mon-Sat.  Ayurved College, Raipur.  It offers medical services at minimal or no cost to patients, with the expenses covered by government funding. O Box-20906-00100, Nairobi.  Ospital ng Sampaloc 4.  24/7.  Which hospital is free of cost in Islamabad? No hospital is entirely free of cost in Islamabad.  WA Health has over 80 hospitals spread across an area of 2.  Phone : 022-28051509 Pincode: 400067 Directions Dr.  Later, it became an excellent success.  Category: Level 4, Special Hospital Tel No: 7320454.  Download the mobile app or use the portal to access the services and information of Sử dụng m&#227; bưu điện, bưu ch&#237;nh, Zip code/ Postal Code gi&#250;p bưu phẩm, h&#224;ng h&#243;a, thư từ được gửi đến địa điểm cuối c&#249;ng nhanh ch&#243;ng v&#224; ch&#237;nh x&#225;c hơn, thuận tiện cho việc Explore the best government hospitals in Delhi, offering high-quality healthcare services.  Topics .  2.  Quality Policy – We the public servants and instrumentalities of the Quezon Government Nizamia General Hospital, popularly known as Government Unani Hospital, is located near Charminar.  Madan Bhandari Academy of Health Sciences Green Life medical college Hospital could be a non-government hospital.  Government hospitals in Ajman UAE have the latest medical equipment SHEIKH KHALIFA HOSPITAL – WOMEN &amp; CHILDREN.  GOVT ENT Hospital- Koti – Hyderabad. birhospital@gmail.  24337462.  Near Star Hospitals, Banjarahills, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500034.  P.  while government hospitals like SGPGIMS and KGMU are renowned for their super-specialty services.  In spite of general discernment about government run clinics, a portion of the public authority medical clinics in Bangalore offer respectable offices and great therapy alternatives.  Come Looking for the best medical care nearby? Our local hospitals near me directory can help you find hospitals and Clinics. 2&quot;N 74&#176;18'56.  Triplicane, Chennai - 600 005.  Estate, New Delhi-110002 (India) Office Timing 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM; Overview .  Make an appointment time that works for you.  It is established in 2006.  East Avenue Medical Center 11.  Hospitals Award Medical It serves as a lifeline for disadvantaged patients from around the state and country, providing free specialist treatments to the underprivileged and affordable care to the general public.  Free Australian health advice you can count on.  This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items.  Tondo Medical Center 5.  Sane Guruji Nagar, Near Nilyam Talkies, ambil odha, Pune.  How to book an appointment? Call our hospital at (020) 6740 0100 / 6740 0119.  With a dedicated team of best eye specialists in Delhi, available year round, the eye centre offers super specialty eye surgery and treatments ranging from minor to all types of eye procedures/surgeries in a single day treatment.  How do government hospitals in Jaipur differ from private hospitals? Government hospitals offer more affordable care but may have longer wait times due to higher patient volumes.  Joselito P. Rheumatology, M13.  LIST OF GOVT HOSPITALS, CENTRAL GOVT &amp; ESI HOSPITAL: SL.  Last Updated: Dec 15 Hospitals.  Then in 2009, 10 Best Government Hospitals in India.  Government &amp; Charitable Hospitals near Electronic City Emergency - AMBULANCE - Toll Free Number : 108 Vimalalaya Hospital Huskur Gate, Hosur Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka Beguru Government Hospital Begur Main Rd, Classic Paradise Layout Bommanahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560068 Phone: 074883 12569 Government Hospital Hebbagodi Thirupalya, Government ESI Medical College and Hospital No.  10 Best eDantSeva aims to sensitize you about the significance of maintaining optimum oral health and equips you with the tools and knowledge to do so, including awareness on the nearest oral health service facility. College and Sir J.  Delhi Find Nearby Me will help you find the list of government hospitals in Delhi with their address, nearest metro station, and other contact details.  Avancena, Commanding Officer Maj.  Jose A.  42.  Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center 2.  stand, Shivajinagar, Pune.  Luna Road Category: Level 4 Tel Nos: 4262701 / 4262707.  Late Matoshri Ramabai Ambedkar Maternity Home.  So, waste no time to visit the general hospital that is nearest to you and get the necessary treatment that you need as quickly as possible when necessary.  pathology, etc.  In December 2012, the Cardiac Center was opened, becoming a distinguished regional Civil Hospital Thane Near Utsal Road, Opposite Police Quarter, Tembhi Naka, Thane (West), -400601 Phone : 022-25472582 Online Application for D.  Related.  Phone No.  Monday to Friday: 8am to 8pm Saturday: 9am to 5pm Sunday: Closed Bank holidays: Closed.  India has both publicly funded and privately operated medical facilities. txt) or read online for free.  822, Poonamallee Patna Medical College Hospital (PMCH), Patna.  As the name suggests, this hospital is dedicated to women and children.  The professional caring medical teams oversee adult patients in the 450-bed hospital for complex and elective surgery, mental health, specialist medical services and same-day clinical support services.  Discover the top 10 government hospitals known for their exceptional medical In this article, we will discuss the top 20 government hospitals and health plans in Bangalore.  Are Dubai government hospitals free for tourists? Government hospitals typically charge fees for medical services, even for tourists.  Email : info-db[at]aimsindia[dot]co[dot]in Phone : 0326-2313651 Government of India.  Map.  Address: Hospital Road, Epe Local government area, Lagos state. 76 kilometers away from it.  Ospital ng Makati Brgy. 46 kilometers away from it.  The Sight Avenue Hospital has the most advanced diagnostic and sophisticated ophthalmic surgical set up in Delhi NCR and entire North India.  RS Hospital – Dr. NO Hospital Name Address View Location; 1: Govt. 00 There are more than 220 public hospitals and health services in NSW which provide free health care to Australian citizens and permanent residents.  Receives around 290 emergencies every day. gov.  10. Dermatology, M12.  Mama Lucy Kibaki District Hospital Location: Umoja, Off Kangundo Road 2. General Medicine, M17.  Graana.  They named it Green Life Hospital.  The hospital specialises in surgery, across a various disciplines, including bariatric surgery, neurosurgery, plastic surgery and general surgery.  It is considered one of the top healthcare facilities.  Lok Nayak Hospital 11.  N.  Freephone: 1800 700 700 From outside Ireland: 00 353 1 240 8787 Govt Kasturba Hospital for Women.  Bara Hindu Rao Hospital +91-11-23919738: 3: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya +91-11-25400336: 4: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Pusa Road +91-11-25712389: 5: Maharaja Agrasan, Punjabi Bagh Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, 3rd level, Delhi Secretariat, I.  Find a hospital Enter a town, city or postcode in England. e.  1 min read.  Government Hospital Near Me.  No.  Kasturba Hospital 10.  Discover Delhi's top 10 government hospitals renowned for exceptional healthcare.  The doctors at NRS hospital, which has around 1900 beds, appear to deal with 250 emergency cases daily.  It offers both Unani and general medicine services free of cost.  The Department of Health celebrates, values and includes people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.  Address: G.  535, Gaushala Road, Kailash Nagar, Madhopura, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.  Phone : 02612781000 Category/Type: Private Hospital Hospital (w.  Avarage rating of this place is 3.  Said Mitha Teaching Hospital, Said Mitha Bazar Rd, Walled City of Lahore, Lahore For Find Hospital | District wise selection Provision can be given to locate the hospital Using the Lat Long ‘This Website belongs to Department National Health Mission Tamil Nadu Department of Health &amp; Family Welfare Govt.  Mozang Hospital: Temple Road Mozang Chungi, Lahore: 31&#176;33'16.  More info.  Baramuri, B Polytechnic, Dhanbad, Jharkhand.  Kunde Hospital: Kunde, Solukhumbu: Lumbini Provincial Hospital: Butwal, Lumbini Province, Nepal.  Bangalore Baptist Hospital.  [6] It continues to own the hospital facility but leases management to Prisma Health, [7] which operates it as Prisma Health Greenville Find a hospital near you on the NHS website. V.  The Government Dental College &amp; Hospital, Hyderabad has sufficient human resources and nearly 800 to 1200 patients per day will be coming to this prestigious institute for getting various specialty treatment procedures which is almost 2 times more than the norms of Dental Council of India.  King George's Medical University (KGMU): Address: Shah Mina Road, Chowk, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226003.  Quirino Memorial Medical Center 7.  Explore comprehensive medical services, skilled professionals, and affordable treatment options for all.  General Hospital Odan is a government owned hospital, providing a broad spectrum of general medical services, and a limited number of specialist medicare services.  Sagar Hospitals Jayanagar #44/54, 30th Cross, Tilaknagar, Jayanagar Extension Bangalore - 560041 Phone: +91-80-4288-8888 Email : infojnr[at]sagarhospitals[dot]in Phone : 080-42888888 Bhagwan Mahaveer Hospital, Pitampura (Govt.  When it comes to providing quality healthcare at a reasonable price, government hospitals are invaluable.  Discover the role of the best government hospital in Mumbai, driving healthcare advancements across the city. org NABH &amp; Non NABL EXCLUSIVE EYE CARE CENTRE 18 Devi Super Speciality Eye Hospital Pvt Ltd (w. 00 SFT 14.  Our list of government hospitals in Dubai also includes those for people The last government hospital in Abu Dhabi on our list is the SEHA Emirates Hospital located in the Al Nahyan area.  VISIT WEBSITE; SEND EMAIL; CALL 04 219 5000; Al Mankhool Health Center.  502319.  Although Himayatnagar railway station is the nearest railway station to Govt.  Madhranagar railway station is the nearest railway station to Govt General and Chest Hospital.  45 Doctor.  The below links will take you to web pages for each of the provincial hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal Looking for a condensed list of all hospital details? Addington Hospital ; Appelsbosch hospital ; Benedictine Hospital ; Bethesda hospital ; Catherine Booth hospital ; COVID19 Bed Status in Government Hospitals; District Wise Hospitals; Downloads; Specialist Available; Speciality Wise Vacancies Under Tvvp; Facilities Activities; Daily Performance in District Hospitals DISTRICT WISE LIST OF AREA HOSPITALS UNDER THE CONTROL OF TVVP: Sl.  The Osmania General Hospital, located in Hyderabad, is one of the oldest state government hospitals in the state of Telangana.  Write a Review.  Government hospitals in Malaysia boast sophisticated and top-notch facilities, including state-of-the-art Specialty: Lokbandhu Hospital is a 300-bedded multi-specialty government hospital serving the population in and around LDA Colony.  Access quality healthcare with government hospitals in India.  10 Best Government Hospitals in Delhi.  This makes it possible for people to realize their rights and access benefits and opportunities in both the public and private domains.  Find your nearest public hospital LATEST CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLYOEES NEWS: Central Government Holiday List 2025 - Know the Complete List: 53% DA Order for Central Govt Employees wef 01.  Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjang Hospital in South Delhi.  Government Hospitals in Ghaziabad - List of Government Hospitals in Ghaziabad, Government Doctors Ghaziabad, India Gov Hospitals Ghaziabad also download Ghaziabad Government Hospitals contact addresses and phone numbers to your mobile from Sulekha.  The hospital provides comprehensive services in all healthcare disciplines relevant to the needs of the community.  Centenary Hospital: Vaman Tukaram Patil Marg, near Dukes Company, Gowandi, Mumbai – 43: 2556 4071 / 2556 4069: 10: Government Hospital Location Phone no Address; 1: Jagjivan Ram Hospital (Railway) Agripada: 23095801/6285: Railway Maratha Mandir Marg, Top 5 Best Government Hospital In Pune.  Bir Hospital, Mahaboudha, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone:01-4230710, 4221119, 4221988 Email:official.  S V Road, Near Parekh Nagar, Kandivali West, Mumbai - 400067.  This is a list of government and private hospitals in Malaysia. ) H-4,5 Pitam Pura, Delhi-Near Pitam Pura Club, Near Keshav Maha Vidhyalaya, Near Apeejay School Phone : 27033947 Government Ayurvedic Maternity Hospital, Poojappura.  Hospital 2. 5 million.  Lucknow City railway station is the nearest railway station to Government Veterinary Hospital.  Popular.  Find reliable medical care in Pune's government healthcare institutions.  0802 331 1868.  By expanding these services to marginalized communities, the department plays is a key enabler in deepening Government Veterinary Hospital located in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.  A well-staffed and clean environment, located conveniently 10 Best Government Hospitals in India.  Phone : 0129-2210379 Category/Type: Hospital Website Policies; Help; Ministry of Electronics &amp; Information Technology, Government of India.  There are more than 220 public hospitals and health services in NSW.  Address: Jai Prakash Narayan Road, Boston City Hospital; Brackenridge Hospital (Austin, Texas); Detroit General Hospital (privatized, now Detroit Receiving Hospital) [5]; Greenville General Hospital (of the Greenville Health Authority), owned by the city of Greenville, SC.  Tourism being one of the major sources of income, Dubai treats its tourists well and with care. o rg Dr.  However, the private hospitals are concentrated mostly in urban areas.  It is nearly 0. f 17/11/2014) No 5 Lions Eye Hospital road (Off j C road) Bangalore 560002 Ph no 080-22121255 Dr.  Along with modern medical facilities, cutting-edge technologies and competent medical professionals, they 10. telangana. P.  Accordingly, New Thergaon Hospital with 200 beds capacity started from June-2021.  or any other Identity docs.  J Enter your suburb to find Hospitals services near you. com Ghaziabad.  Omandurar Govt. 8&quot;E: LAHORE: PUBLIC: Govt.  Government Hospital; Government Hospital Patancheru; Similar Hospitals near me.  Appolo Hospitals Asarfi Hospital.  We are a government-funded service, providing quality, approved health information and पुणे जिले के अस्पतालों की जानकारी और संपर्क विवरण। 10 Best Government Hospitals in India.  1800 022 222.  Is Shifa International Hospital a private or government hospital? Address: Block F, Near Gol Chakkar, Ansals Palam Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana Tel No: 0124 398 9896 Doctor Kares Health Care Private Limited.  As it is a Government hospital, you can't expect so much of the cleanliness.  Balak Ram Hospital 3.  Here is a list of five frequently asked questions about free government hospitals near you along with their answers: Get Answers to Common Questions related to Govt Hospitals in Dubai.  Pembo, Fort Bonifacio, Makati City Established in 1983, this hospital is one of the oldest yet constantly developing hospitals in Dubai.  Dr.  R N COOPER Hospital Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg J.  24 ‌RAM‌KRISHAN‌HOSPITAL ‌NEAR‌WATER‌TANK, VAISHALI NAGAR, AJMER ‌Ajmer ‌Ajmer ‌Obstetrics‌and‌Gynaecology ‌9462788580 ‌17-04-2028 ‌Y 25 ‌RATHI‌HOSPITAL ‌GOVT.  Name Hospital Alamat 1 Bandar Negeri ; 1: Hospital Alor Gajah: Pejabat Hospital, Hospital Alor Gajah: Alor Gajah: Melaka: 2: Hospital Ampang: Jalan Mewah Utara Dadadev Mother &amp; Child Hospital Address: Nasirpur Near Dabrimore Janakpuri New Delhi-110018 Phone no: 25395536 Fax-25395542.  Your guide to trusted and affordable care.  Maulana Azad Dental Institute 12.  The Victorian Government acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and acknowledges and pays respect to their Elders, past and present.  The hospital provides specialized care in various disciplines, including Ophthalmology, Dentistry, Gynecology, Pathology, and Surgery.  Healthdirect.  Factually Advertisers should not use this Directory to promote their products or services as this will clutter the government's email system.  Shri Pramukh Swami Maharaj Marg, Adajan Char Rasta, Surat. Kilpauk Medical CollegeHospital, Chennai, TN.  Name of the Hospital Present Bed Strength Plinth area of Building Area of Land District Hospital, Karimnagar 350 202578.  Currently we are catering services to patients in area of Medicine, ICU, Dialysis, Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics &amp; Gynaecology, Laboratory Services About free government hospital near me.  Govt General and Chest Hospital located in Hyderabad, Telangana.  57 Beds. com .  Here are some FAQs related to the Government and Private Hospitals in Islamabad.  News, Events, Media Center, Services, Health card, Open Data, Career, Health, Hospitals, Health Care Facilities, Emirates Health Services, EHS, Digital Services Explore the top-notch healthcare at the government hospital in Vadodara.  Address: Near Shivajinagar S.  Sudha Ramesh 0.  The government hospitals in Lucknow play a crucial role in providing excellent and affordable healthcare.  Mamatha B 9342103906 medicaldirector@bwlionseyehospital.  American Outpatient Clinic 10.  A government hospital located in Butwal, Lumbini Province of Nepal.  M10.  Phone : 0612-2300343 STATUS: Now, all the 9 departments in this college and Hospital are running smoothly.  O, Lokmanya Tilak Rd, near Police Commissioners Office, Dhobi Talao, Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus Area, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400001. com Best Government Eye Hospital Delhi | Best Eye Hospital Near Me.  Lady Curzon Road, Shivaji Nagar, Tasker Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001.  Government Information Public Access Act (GIPA) Hospitals and health services.  How to identify (Follow Us .  TC17/1426, Chengallor Road, Cherukara Gardens, Poojapura, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695012 Phone: 0471 235 0938 MUNICIPAL HOSPITALS IN MAHARASHTRA: MUMBAI: KEM Hospital Acharya Donde Marg Parel, Mumbai 400012 Tel: +91-22-24107000 Dr.  The Delhi Government aims to provide free and quality health care services in Delhi.  Hospital Type: General Hospital Founded: 1938 Number of Beds: 180 Phone: 040 2456 8000 Website: www.  (OT), Accident and Emergency Department, and a 24/7 ambulance service.  When you are looking Timings: Open 24 hours daily; Contact: +971-4-281-1000; Location: Al Jaddaf (Image credit: Google Maps) Public Psychiatric Government Hospital in Dubai.  National Spinal Injury Referral Hospital is one of the essential government hospitals in Nairobi Kenya.  We will cover their name, address, contact number, email address, facilities, Gujarat is one of the states having the best government hospitals that are offering the best services to their patients.  Diploma in Pharmacy Online Application for the Year 2023-24 Shop No 9-191/1 New Market Rd, beside GOVT HOSPITAL, Ambedkar Colony, JP Colony, Patancheruvu, Telangana 502319.  Quezon New District Women Hospital, Ghaziabad. .  Check your local hospital's opening times, services and facilities, performance measures, reviews and ratings.  The free government hospital locations can help with all your needs.  Ramya Dental Care 569/153K.  Open Map. It is one of the prime institutions that offer high-quality healthcare Centenary Municipal General Hospital.  They are equipped with modern facilities and a team of skilled professionals.  Today, the hospital has 610 beds, 424 inpatient beds, and 186 daycare services, which offers everyone a chance to get the best medical care possible.  Establishment Year: Located near Al Karama Central post office, this hospital is also a government-owned hospital with well equipped medical facilities, and known for its fast procedural services.  Gowd&#226;€™s Dental Hospitals.  U 15, Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg, Gulmohar Road, Opp Bhagu Bai Polytechnic College, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400056 Government of India Al Qassimi Hospital was established in 1991 and is the largest government hospital in the United Arab Emirates.  O smania General Hospital.  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