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class="site"> <span class="skip-link screen-reader-text"><br> </span> <div class="header-middle"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="site-branding news-box-logo"> <h1 class="site-title logo-off"><span class="navbar-brand">Hyperx cloud alpha software. I have no idea why this is happening; it's not in a USB 3.</span></h1> <p class="site-description"><br> </p> </div> <!-- .site-branding --> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="custom_html-5" class="widget_text header-banner widget_custom_html"> <div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="header-bottom latest-news-bar"> <div class="container"> <div class="nbox-ticker"> <div class="ticker-title"> <div class="news-latest">Hyperx cloud alpha software : £149. Reply reply Top 3% Rank by size . Get a massive 300 hours of battery life and play for over a week without the battery getting low. 1[1] surround sound. 4ghz wireless. When using the ngenuity software and you enable the dts X - that's it. £94. Hey mate, I also got myself a cloud alpha today and it took some time to setup the mic. HyperX Cloud Alpha, renowned for its exceptional audio quality and comfort, takes gaming to the next level. I only own the basic Cloud Alphas, which doesn't come with a surround sound adapter so I can't test if that is the conflicting issue here. Learn how to connect, adjust, and customize your Hyperx Cloud Alpha headset for optimal audio and microphone performance. update your motherbaord drivers and plug the headset into the pc from the back io side not from the front panel The HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless is a premium 2. I'm using HyperX Cloud Alpha, with no S. 99 HyperX Bundle - Cloud III HyperX Cloud Alpha Pro Gaming Headset for PC, PS4 & Xbox One, Nintendo Switch (HX-HSCA-RD/AS) Age Range (Description) Adult : Material Aluminium : Specific Uses For Product Gaming : Recommended Uses For Product Gaming : Compatible Devices Laptops : Theme Video Game : HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless – Software. Tested at 50% headphone volume. Its predecessor provided the kind of comfort necessary for long sessions along with an audio and mic quality that brought out the best in your Personnalisez vos produits HyperX compatibles avec le logiciel HyperX NGENUITY. No matter who you are or how you play – We’re All Gamers. The Cloud Alpha Wireless was more comfortable, and obviously the battery life was impressive (but mostly a gimmick, as long as it lasts a full day, I'll recharge it overnight and not notice,) but the Maxwell sounds a lot better Find HyperX firmware updates, manuals, software support, compatibility info, troubleshooting tips, and product FAQs - all in one place. This comprehensive guide will Enhance your gaming experience with cleaner, smoother sound. Here’s everything you need to know to get started. Ustaw wiązania przycisków, programuj i zapisuj makra oraz dostosowuj oświetlenie; HyperX NGENUITY daje Ci tyle kontroli, ile chcesz. mic, and software compared to alphas and at a lower price. The HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless headset boasts a robust construction and user-friendly design. Just commenting to show my appreciation because your equalizer setup is AMAZING. HyperX Bundle - Cloud Alpha Wireless + QuadCast S Regular price $469. I have no idea why this is happening; it's not in a USB 3. DTS® Headphone:X® Spatial Audio. tune the Expand the "Sound, video and game controllers" section, right-click the "HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless" device, and select Uninstall Device Make sure "Attempt to remove the driver for this device" is checked and click Uninstall Now expand the "Software components" section, right-click the "DTS Audio Effects Component" and select Uninstall Introducing the HyperX Cloud Alpha S. make For the cloud Alpha the list would be: Better sound quality This is the place to talk about Logitech G hardware and software, pro gaming competitions and our sponsored teams and players. I need guidance on which one is better for FPS games need a PC to be a member of the PCMR. Battery life varies depending upon Welcome to the HyperX Family. You just have to love PCs. Over 300 hours of battery[1 Part of the reason I went to HyperX instead of getting another Logitech is because Logitech's new software is infamous for having issues. 99. HyperX Dual Chamber Drivers I'm currently running equalizer APO with a pre-made eq for the HyperX Cloud II's which improve the sound quality relatively well from the box, but I was wondering if there were any specifically made for the HyperX Cloud Alpha's. 0) Hardware: HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless - Firmware v4 Hyperx cloud Alpha headset lost connection to dongle and can not pair again . The First Gaming Headset with over 300 Hours of Battery Life. 99 HyperX Pulsefire Haste - Gaming Mouse Welcome to the HyperX Family. 98 $251. No I didn't, I returned it in favor of the Audeze Maxwell, and I'm very happy I did. Volume wheel was still broken. but this is just a joke. I was literally crying at how bad the bass was compared to my last headset which was a steelseries from 12~13 years ago. HyperX Cloud Alpha – Wireless Gaming Headset. Is this worth opening a ticket with hyperx? Software: November 2022 release (2. ADMIN MOD How do i download the latest update for the Hyperx Cloud Alpha Wireless headset? Headsets This may sound stupid but im new to this headset, i just got it, and also wireless headsets in general. Let’s go!PC SetupWhen you first plug the Cloud Alpha S into the USB Personalize your compatible HyperX products with HyperX NGENUITY software. Basically, you need to set the mic volume to 100% in the sound control panel of Windows, if necessary even using +10db boost as they seem to be a bit low out of HyperX’s Cloud Alpha Wireless headset claims to provide comfort and 300 hours of battery life — but does it do it? The HyperX NGENUITY software is the creme of the crop when it comes to The HyperX Cloud Alpha™ S builds upon the groundbreaking Cloud Alpha and features HyperX virtual 7. Age might make less of a difference with gaming headsets but we appreciate that everyone likes to know they have the latest tech and the HyperX Cloud III feels like a refined model of its The HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless looks nearly identical to the HyperX Cloud Alpha, except the former lacks a 3. Update your headset via NGENUITY software by connecting it to a If anyone is still experiencing this problem, i just bought a new HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless and people could barely hear me on PS5. While this software works great for other HyperX peripherals, it is AWFUL for the Cloud Alpha Wireless. 2. I own the Cloud Revolver S, Alpha, Mix, Silver, and Cloud II, and all of them can really be EQ'd to sing and live The HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless brings a classic headset together with battery performance leaps and bounds better than the competition. I just got a Cloud Alpha S headset and want to make sure I have the latest firmware but cant see anywhere in the software to check. Unfortunately it seems other headset makers are also still figuring out how to make bug-free software. Get yours today! Features: Over 300 hours of battery* DTS Cloud Alpha Wireless issues . You can set button bindings, program macros, and adjust lighting effects with presets or your own settings. The versatile Cloud Alpha is designed to work on PC, PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and other platforms with a 3. The HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless is a wireless gaming headset for the PC, and an excellent one at that. 1. 6. HyperX Cloud Alpha - Wireless Gaming Headset (Black-Red) Over 300 hours of battery; DTS Headphone:X Spatial Audio; HyperX Dual I recently bought a HyperX Cloud Alpha and the Ngenuity software will not recognise it, no matter what I do. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Join us in celebrating and promoting tech, knowledge, and the The HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless is a wireless gaming headset for the PC, and an excellent one at that. The Cloud Alpha Wireless features the same ergonomics and reliability that’s elevated HyperX to one of The Cloud Alpha, on the other hand, has an insane 300 hours of battery life and a two-year warranty from Kabum, one of the biggest electronics sellers here in Brazil, but has the downside of only working via 2. Best daily deals However, the average gaming headset has improved a lot since 2017 — wireless ones have better battery life, software, and features, and wired ones are just better built and sound a lot HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless features 300 hours of battery so you can game for weeks on a single charge and enjoy an immersive audio experience with DTS® Headphone:X® and HyperX 2nd Gen Dual Chamber Drivers. I installed the latest software from the HyperX site EDIT -The NGENUITY software connected to the headset just now. 3. headsets. Looks like it was a bad decision. This is a problem with the hyperx software and not the headset. Thank you for helping me. Materials and Comfort. and enjoy every minute in comfort with Cloud Alpha Wireless' plush HyperX signature memory foam and breathable leatherette ear cushions. 99 HyperX QuadCast S - USB Microphone $209. HyperX NGENUITY is a software that lets you customize your compatible HyperX RGB keyboard and mouse. In addition Hello, recently i built a new pc and started using Windows 11, since then i haven't been able to use my Hyperx Cloud Alpha S headset when connected trough the USB adapter because Windows doesn't detect it at all like it doesn't even exist. I received it from Amazon on 01/04/2023. More posts you may like Related HyperX software, installation, ideas, and troubleshooting. Ever since I bought it I have problems with random static noise and now this software update made my headset unusable I think a lot of people who are having issues might be using the Alpha S version, which comes with the 7. Keep yourself in the zone and climb the ranks with signature HyperX comfort, perfect for prolonged gaming sessions. This limited-edition variant of the Cloud Alpha features a striking design inspired by TimTheTatman, so whether you need a new headset or a new look, we’ve got you covered. 14. To ensure optimal performance and unlock the full potential of your HyperX Cloud Alpha headset, regular updates are essential. However, I'm seeing that with the cloud alpha wireless it just sounds completely off in these games. Find HyperX firmware updates, manuals, software support, compatibility info, troubleshooting tips, and product FAQs - all in one place! HyperX UK Cloud II Firmware Update Cloud Family Compatibility Cloud Alpha Family Compatibility HyperX NGENUITY Download for Windows Ngenuity Download Page Agent Escalation. HyperX Dual Chamber Drivers produce incredibly clear audio, as the dual chamber HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless features 300 hours of battery so you can game for weeks on a single charge and enjoy an immersive on the competition. Check battery life, tune the equalizer, and access more customization options via the easy-to-use HyperX NGENUITY software. We love getting feedback and hearing about your experiences with your products. Find HyperX firmware updates, manuals, software support, compatibility info, troubleshooting tips, and product FAQs - all in one place! JOIN THE HYPERX FAMILY TO RECEIVE A 10% DISCOUNT I want to be the FIRST to know about HyperX's Compatibility with NGENUITY Software. 5mm port. Clear multiple game campaigns without needing to charge, and enjoy every minute in comfort with Cloud Alpha Wireless’ plush HyperX signature memory foam and breathable leatherette ear cushions. Showing 43 results. It sounds great, has a clear mic, and features DTS Headphone:X simulated surround technology. This is the place to talk about Logitech G hardware and software, pro gaming competitions and our sponsored teams and players. Download and install the HyperX NGENUITY software from the HyperX website. Set button bindings, program and store macros, and customize lighting; HyperX NGENUITY gives you as much control as you want. They also Check battery life, tune the equalizer, and access more customization options via the easy-to-use HyperX NGENUITY software. HyperX is already working on a fix but did not provide any ETA yet. You can set button bindings, program macros, and customize lighting for your HyperX Find HyperX firmware updates, manuals, software support, compatibility info, troubleshooting tips, and product FAQs - all in one place! The HyperX Cloud Alpha headset has a dual-chamber driver system that separates bass from mids and highs for clearer sound. 1 surround sound adapter, and that can sometimes cause issues with eq profiles. Learn more now! Skip to content 🚚 Enjoy Fast & Free Shipping Storewide! Canada EN Menu Sale Shop By Category Gaming Headsets The HyperX Cloud Alpha S uses a detachable 1/8" TRRS audio cable, and for PC usage, it includes a detachable USB-A dongle that houses the audio controls and mute functions. HyperX Cloud II Wireless – Gaming Headset. The HyperX™ Cloud Alpha’s dual-chamber driver system separates the bass from the mids and highs, allowing them to be tuned individually for reduced distortion. Oh supposedly more recently they changed the earcups and now are far mor comfortable, not sure if more comfortable than cloud 2 tho, but i already crossed the comfortability problem, im trying to get a headset and rn im between coud alpha and cloud 2 :/ The groundbreaking dual chamber driver system in the Cloud Alpha Wireless tunes the mids and highs separately from the bass-heavy lows to deliver incredibly clear audio. the volume wheel on the headset doesn't control volume levels and idk Posted by u/RCunbeatable - 1 vote and 1 comment Enhance your gaming experience with cleaner, smoother sound. Keep Find HyperX firmware updates, manuals, software support, compatibility info, troubleshooting tips, and product FAQs - all in one place If you have the Cloud Alpha S and it's connected to your system using the included USB sound card, you can start our NGENUITY software (available on the Microsoft Store) and select the headset from the left sidebar, and if a HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless Headset available to buy online from PC Case Gear – Australia’s Premier Online PC Store. My wireless mouse is causing interference with the bluetooth on my HyperX Alpha Wireless. 0. Please do link below with suggestions, any HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless features 300 hours of battery so you can game for weeks on a single charge and enjoy an immersive audio experience with DTS® Headphone:X® and HyperX 2nd Gen Dual Chamber Drivers. Welcome to the HyperX Family. HyperX NGENUITY is a software that lets you personalize your compatible HyperX products, such as keyboards, mice, headsets, and microphones. HyperX's Ngenuity app is fairly straightforward, allowing you to adjust volume, control mic monitoring, enable DTS spatial audio, and check the battery level. Reply reply Frequency response 15Hz–25,000 H. only if you use the dts x app from the windows store will you see the dts x option appear in the headphones section of the windows sound control panel. That leaves HyperX’s NGenuity software to manage things like firmware updates, microphone volume and EQ Learn about which HyperX products are compatible with the Ngenuity software to make the most out of your gaming set up. Check battery life, adjust the equalizer, and access more customization options via the easy-to-use HyperX NGENUITY software. HyperX Dual Chamber I have just installed the HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless with the Ngenuity software, however whenever I enable the Equalizer there is a noticeable delay in what's happening onscreen versus the audio output. Its materials prioritize comfort while offering easy access to controls. 1. As mentioned above, HyperX’s NGenuity software supports the Cloud Alpha Wireless and lets users select different audio profiles, as well as make their own Learn about which HyperX products are compatible with the Ngenuity software to make the most out of your gaming set up. there are none for my cloud 2 so idk if there are any for alpha Reply reply They are purely analog so they dont have software. The headphones are plug and play, however, we recommend installing the included software (HyperX Ngenuity) as it will provide additional options like microphone sidetone Clear multiple game campaigns without needing to charge and enjoy every minute in comfort with Cloud Alpha Wireless’ plush HyperX signature memory foam and breathable leatherette ear cushions. 4 GHz headset with specifically-tuned audio for competitive gaming. tune the equalizer, and access more customization options via the easy-to-use HyperX NGENUITY software. Not saying the alphas are bad by any means but I feel like hyperx is more In the world of gaming, audio plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall experience. Memory foam cushions the ear cups and headband. But why not for the HyperX cloud Alpha Wireless. 4. Headphones fit type:Over-Ear. Now there is a firmware update available on the HyperX website, which fixed this problem completely! This is the place to talk about Logitech G hardware and software, pro gaming competitions and our sponsored Got the headset mentioned above a little while ago, and I've slowly been hearing the headset cut out more and more frequiently. New HyperX products all use HyperX Ngenuity nowadays. ” Click “Uninstall. Personalizuj swoje kompatybilne produkty HyperX za pomocą oprogramowania HyperX NGENUITY. These wired gaming headphones maintain a similarly great build quality and are just as comfortable as their predecessor. You could: Purchase a USB sound card that has 7. HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless - Gaming Headset for PC, 300-hour battery life, DTS Headphone:X Spatial Audio, Memory foam, Dual Chamber Drivers, Noise-canceling mic, Durable aluminum frame,Red and access more customization options via the easy-to-use HyperX NGENUITY software. Clear multiple game campaigns without needing to charge, and enjoy every minute in comfort with Cloud Alpha Wireless’ plush HyperX signature memory HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless features 300 hours of battery so you can game for weeks on a single charge and enjoy an immersive audio experience with DTS® Headphone:X® and HyperX 2nd Gen Dual Chamber Drivers. Adjust the audio settings, including volume, EQ presets, and microphone levels, according to your preferences. You can use the SteelSeries wired or wirelessly, and their microphone offers better overall performance. Only the Cloud Alpha Wireless is compatible with NGENUITY, and after installing the DTS driver, you'll be able to make Welcome to the HyperX Family. It sounds great, has a clear mic, and features DTS Headphone:X simulated surround technology The HyperX Cloud Alpha™ S builds upon the groundbreaking Cloud Alpha and features HyperX virtual 7. ปรับแต่งผลิตภัณฑ์ HyperX ที่เข้ากันได้ของคุณด้วยซอฟต์แวร์ HyperX NGENUITY กำหนดการตั้งค่าปุ่ม โปรแกรมและจัดเก็บมาโคร และปรับแต่งแสง HyperX Recommendation on audio software? Just got my hyperx cloud 2s today and just want to fiddle around with bass levels and such, any recommendations? & games, and have one of each mixed slightly different for speakers vs. HyperX Dual Chamber Drivers produce incredibly clear audio, as the dual chamber The HyperX Cloud Alpha S are the next generation of the HyperX Cloud Alpha. HyperX Cloud Alpha - Wireless Gaming Headset $259. It is compatible with various platforms and has audio controls on the cable, but does not need any Find HyperX firmware updates, manuals, software support, compatibility info, troubleshooting tips, and product FAQs - all in one place! HyperX NGENUITY is a software that lets you customize your compatible HyperX products, such as keyboards, mice, and headsets. Members Online. 0 connector and its the only wireless part of the entire build. Any suggestions? Things I've tried: Reconnected the heaphones multiple times Restarted Windows mutiple times Reinstalled the software multiple times I know you are currently enjoying your hyperx cloud alpha rn, but based on my experience between the alphas and hs65 the hs65 have the better sound, mic, and software compared to alphas and at a lower price. 98 $329. VAT Incl. Définissez les liaisons de boutons, programmez et enregistrez des macros, et personnalisez l'éclairage; HyperX NGENUITY vous offre autant de contrôle que vous le souhaitez. Toggled the volume toggle in the software and then played with the volume level via Windows volume Personalizza i tuoi prodotti HyperX compatibili con il software HyperX NGENUITY. Members Online • ertbert2000. 1 Use the built-in Windows Sonic spatial sound feature (Win 10 and up) Software (Important!): DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE HYPERX NGENUITY APP FOR THIS HEADSET!!!! This is what causes the product's universal issues that I see people constantly complain about. HyperX AU Cloud II Firmware Update Cloud Family Compatibility Cloud Alpha Family Compatibility HyperX NGENUITY Download for Windows Ngenuity Download Page Agent Escalation. Aside from that, I experience all of the other issues. 0) with 70% volume on Windows 10, and sometimes the speaker starts to hiss, stops on its own after a few seconds and also stops when I turn it to 100%. I tried a bunch of setups from all over reddit and steam and yours is the best hands down. Me and my friend bought the HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless last week and we BOTH have the same problem u/Thermic832, before we even begin troubleshooting this, we have to ask -- Do you have the Cloud Alpha or the Cloud Alpha Wireless?If you have the Cloud Alpha, then that's the expected behavior as there is no software support for analog headsets. I wish the HyperX Ngenuity software worked a bit better, and that the Cloud Alpha Wireless could connect to a wider variety of gaming systems. Recommended price VAT Incl. Open the NGENUITY software and select the HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless headset. Learn more now! Skip to content Use code JAN15 to get an additional 15% off almost everything!* 🚚 Enjoy Free Shipping Storewide! United States EN At this price the HyperX Cloud III is in line with the popular and well-regarded Razer BlackShark V2 that tops our list, or the Corsair HS75 which is wireless but older than the HyperX. The SteelSeries Arctis Pro Wireless are more versatile gaming headphones than the HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless. Clear multiple game campaigns without needing to charge, and enjoy every minute in comfort with Cloud Alpha Wireless' plush HyperX signature memory foam and breathable leatherette ear cushions. However, this time around, they've added a separate audio control scheme on a USB dongle and they now have separate bass sliders for each ear cup. Over 300 hours of battery[1 u/Competitive_Ad_4147, unless you want to upgrade to the Cloud Alpha S and use 7. Features. The primary issue that I'm facing is that the game sounds muddy regardless if its steps or shooting or using abilities for that matter. The HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless features a durable aluminum frame wrapped in soft leatherette. ” Restart your PC if your hyperx headphones come with a dts x license like the hyper cloud alpha wireless, than you can download the dts sound unbound app from Microsoft store. With the Cloud Alpha Wireless, you need to use the included USB-A wireless RF dongle with your PC or PlayStation console. I have been looking at the hyperx cloud alpha but I have heard the cloud 2 is also good. HyperX Cloud Alpha Software Experience. Don't enable sonic or anything else. 99 HyperX Bundle - QuadCast S + Shield Pop Filter Regular price Under “Software components”, double-click “DTS Audio Effects Component. Expand the "Sound, video and game controllers" section, right-click the "HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless" device, and select Uninstall Device Make sure "Attempt to remove the driver for this device" is checked and click Uninstall Now expand the "Software components" section, right-click the "DTS Audio Effects Component" and select Uninstall I've seen the responses from HyperX -I'm using Windows 10, I have a beefy PCU and plenty of RAM. Set button bindings, program and store macros, HyperX Bundle - Cloud Alpha Wireless Headset, QuadCast S Microphone Regular price $359. I decided to buy another HyperX headset and I thought HyperX Cloud Alpha S would be a nice upgrade since its newer and I was satisfied with my previous headset. With the included audio control mixer, you can activate the surround sound and adjust the game audio and chat balance without having to go into any menus. just make sure the software is running though. 5mm input so you can’t use a wired connection to operate it. and access more customization options via the easy-to-use HyperX NGENUITY software. You can set button bindings, macros, lighting, DPI, and game mode, and download presets or watch videos. HyperX Dual Chamber Get a massive 300 hours of battery life and play for over a week without the battery getting low. Over 300 hours of battery. " Under the “Driver” tab, click “Uninstall Device. scroll down a bit further to the "Connected Hardware" section and check if your Cloud Alpha Wireless headset is listed. Personalize your compatible HyperX products with HyperX NGENUITY software. Imposta i collegamenti dei pulsanti, programma e memorizza macro e personalizza l'illuminazione; HyperX NGENUITY ti offre tutto il controllo che I use my Hyperx Cloud Alpha S Blackout (4. The HyperX Cloud Alpha of 2022 has big shoes to fill. I already upgraded all the drivers and even the BIOS, but Windows still doesn't detect it, even Hyperx The HyperX Cloud Alpha’s dual-chamber driver system separates the bass from the mids and highs, allowing them to be tuned individually for reduced distortion. . 1 surround sound. Hyper X Cloud Alpha/Cloud II Wireless VS Steelseries Nova 7X ? The HyperX Cloud Alpha Wireless retains the tough build, design, and comfort of the Cloud Flight, but in a slimmer form factor and with a massive 300-hour battery life. You can set button bindings, program macros, and adjust lighting effects with HyperX NGENUITY is a software that lets you customize your compatible HyperX RGB keyboard and mouse. Otherwise, though, HyperX has produced an impressive Get a massive 300 hours of battery life and play for over a week without the battery getting low. 1 and other features that its USB sound card comes with, there are a few other ways you can get virtual surround sound :) . Find out how to install the HyperX NGENUITY HyperX’s Ngenuity software for Windows is available for free from the Microsoft store and the Ngenuity software expands the Cloud Alpha’s capabilities to include DTS:X Spatial Audio Surround None of the Cloud Alpha Wireless’ buttons pull double duty for things like music controls or input selection. 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