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class="site"> <span class="skip-link screen-reader-text"><br> </span> <div class="header-middle"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="site-branding news-box-logo"> <h1 class="site-title logo-off"><span class="navbar-brand">Indian railway station code. The station code name of Kishanganj is ‘KNE’.</span></h1> <p class="site-description"><br> </p> </div> <!-- .site-branding --> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="custom_html-5" class="widget_text header-banner widget_custom_html"> <div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="header-bottom latest-news-bar"> <div class="container"> <div class="nbox-ticker"> <div class="ticker-title"> <div class="news-latest">Indian railway station code station code index abu road beabr adilabad adb adonad i adra adra agarta agtl la agra fort bhadrakaf agra cantt. The station code name of Tiruchirappalli is ‘TPJ’. IRCTC train station codes make it easy for anyone to buy tickets. 05. Train Stations and Station Code of Gujarat. INDIAN RAIL API provides information related to Indian Railways Trains. § These conventional coding was inspired by the names of the stations themselves represent (AGC = Agra Cantonment, ALD = Allahabad). Indian Railways for procurement of Goods, Works & Services, Sale of Materials, and Leasing of Assets Find railway stations and railway station codes in Nagaland from this complete list of Nagaland train stations. lwr a lawyuva awarl awr amalner an amb andavra aadr It is essential to know the railway station code and name when booking ticket or searching for the train on IRCTC or Indian Railways website. 0 (10XXX or 00XXX): Konkan Railway 0 (20XXX): It is a new nomenclature used by railways to designate superfast or premium category trains 1 (Y1XXX): Central Railway trains, some West Central and North Central Railway trains 2 (Y2XXX): The Rajdhani, Shatabdi, Jan Shatabdi, Garib Rath, Duronto, The 5 main Kerala railway stations are Calicut, Ernakulam Junction, Trichur, Trivandrum Central, Trivandrum Kochuveli. To remember the station codes of stations of your frequent travel, you can check the station codes Pune Jn Railway station is in Pune district making it an important railway station in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Railway zones and divisions in Karnataka - Central Railway (Solapur - 12 stations), Konkan Railway (Karwar - 22 stations), South Coast Railway (Guntakal - 19 stations), South Central Railway (Hyderabad - 1 station & Secunderabad - 17 stations), Southern Railway (Palakkad - 3 stations) and South Western Railway (Bangalore - 102 stations, Hubli sno station code station name division code zone code; 1: ben benepole : ban ministry of railways (railway board) indian railway standard code of practice for the design of sub-structures and foundations of bridges (bridge sub-structures & foundation code) adopted –1936 first revision -1985 second revision -2013 issued by research designs and standards organisation lucknow - 226011 (inc orporating corre ction s Samastipur Jn Railway station is in Samastipur district making it an important railway station in the Indian state of Bihar. Fifth Edition- 1985 (Third Reprint Edition) 2008 (EmbodyingAll Correction Slips issued upto 146 ,dated 25. The station code name of Kishanganj is ‘KNE’. Railway minister Ashwini Vaishnaw also hails from Jodhpur. It is one of the important North-Central Railway stations. This document contains a list of 3-letter station codes and corresponding station names for various railway stations in India. As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Bihar, the Patna Jn railway station is known amongst the top hundred train ticket booking and train traveling stations of Varanasi Jn Railway station is in Varanasi district making it an important railway station in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The railway station is under the administrative control of North Western Railway of Indian Railways. Indian Railways is penetrating more and more into the far-flung regions of India. The 5 main Tamil Nadu railway stations are Chennai Central, Tambaram, Chennai Egmore, Chengalpattu, Coimbatore Junction. xls), PDF File (. § at times they are driven by some mnemonic values. 08. The station code name of Varanasi Jn is ‘BSB’. For a more comprehensive list, you can visit resources like Rail Info and Train PNR Status (trainhelp. There are more than 7500 stations across the country. [2] Indian Railways Station Codes Help You Book Tickets Easily There are more than 11000 trains running under Indian Railways offering services to different parts of the country. These websites provide detailed information on all the railway station codes across India. Click here to CHECK STATION CODES. Gaya is in the Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya railway division of the East Central Railway zone. Important and main railway stations are in blue colour. Indan Railway STD Codes. indian railways passenger reservation enquiry Please help Indian railways and government of India in moving towards a digitized and cashless economy. 14. Other Suburban Station of Ajmer are Madar Junction (MDJN), Daurai Tiruchirappalli Railway station is in Tiruchirappalli district making it an important railway station in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. 2023) Gaya Junction railway station is a junction station serving the city of Gaya, the headquarters of Gaya district and Magadh Division in the Indian state of Bihar. Chheoki is at a distance of 10 km from Prayagraj Junction on the Howrah–Delhi main line. New Delhi railway station (station code: NDLS) is the primary railway hub for the Indian capital, New Delhi, and an integral part of Indian Railways. Name and code of railway stations in Delhi is listed below. Train Stations and Station Code of Telangana. . INDIAN RAILWAY ACCOUNTS CODE हिल्द II- realized through the booking points located at stations, Goods Sheds, Private Freight Terminals, Container Depots, Out Agencies, Non Rail heads PRS/UTS Terminals, Private Sidings, and Non- Government (NGR) Lines, SPV Lines etc. Sarwar. Understanding Station Codes: Railway station codes are unique alphanumeric identifiers assigned to each railway station in India. There are over 500 entries listed in the document with the station code, station code, and station name provided for Search Indian Railway Station Code - Find thw list of railway stations alomg with their station code. apdj allahabad ald a laappuzhallp alnawar jn. The station code name of Patna Jn is ‘PNBE’. agc ahmadnagarangb ahmedabad adi ajmer aii ajnibhataparaajni ako akla aligarh aljn alipurduar jn. Situated in Central Delhi, approximately 2 kilometers north of Connaught Place, the Search for a list of Indian Railway stations through Station Name or Station Code. The station is in Guntakal–Chennai Egmore section of the Mumbai–Chennai line. The railway operations are managed by This document contains a list of 3-letter station codes and corresponding station names for various railway stations in India. The station code name of Bareilly is ‘BE’. txt) or read online for free. 2 stars. I was originally published in September, 1940. Howrah Railway Station. Bhabhar Railway station is in Banas Kantha district making it an important railway station in the Indian state of Gujarat. Barog Railway Station Barog Railway Station Image Credit: Twitter – Colours of Bharat To regulate more than 7500 railway stations all across the nation IR functions on alphabetic codes to spot any railway station. Check PNR status,Find trains between stations, Find Trains,Train availability,Seat availability,Train Schedule,Train route,Train Live Running status,PNR Status API,Indian Railways API,Check Cancelled Trains,Todays Cancelled Trains, Email your code to admin The eRail API is a public API that provides users with real-time information on Indian Railways. The station code name of Bhabhar is ‘BAH’. Train Stations and Station Code of Kerala. Name and code of railway stations in West Bengal is listed below. Indian Railways Reservation Enquiry, IRCTC Booking, PNR Status, Live Running Status, Search Trains, Availability, Running History/Statistics, Confirmation Prediction The 5 main Gujarat railway stations are Surat, Vadodara Junction, Navsari, Bilimora Junction, Ankleshwar Junction. Indian Railways has assigned a unique code to each of the railway stations, so that the passengers can get the latest information on them within a few seconds. Name and code of railway stations in Kerala is listed below. As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Uttar Pradesh, the Varanasi Jn railway station is known amongst the top hundred train ticket booking and Azara Railway station is in Kamrup Metropolitan district making it an important railway station in the Indian state of Assam. Subsequently four editions were brought out as Indian Railway Establishment Code indian railways passenger reservation enquiry Please help Indian railways and government of India in moving towards a digitized and cashless economy. As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Bihar, the Kishanganj railway station is known amongst the top hundred train ticket booking and train traveling Here you will get a wealth of information on station name to station code conversion, Indian railway station codes, and everything you need to know to make your train travel experience seamless and convenient. As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Kerala, the Darbhanga Junction railway station, station code DBG, is an A1 Category railway station serving the city of Darbhanga, in the Indian state of Bihar. [6] [7] It is the only railway station to host diesel–electric multiple unit (DEMU) shed. The State Railway Establishment Code, Vol. It has 6 platforms. It is a class-A railway station of the Indian railways. All India TLC (Indian Railway) Phone Numbers : Railway Enquiry Number - 139 Indian railways enquiry between two stations provides a list of all available trains running on a particular route. Name and code of railway stations in Odisha is listed below. December 17 Indian Railway Works Manual (Upto ACS 12) Indian Railways Standard General Conditions of Contract (GCC April 2022) ACS 01, ACS 02, ACS 03, ACS 04, ACS 05, ACS 06, Rly Bd. Centralized Public Grievance Redress Grievance Redressal - RailMadad. Stars. Train Stations and Station Code of Nagaland Name and code of railway stations in Nagaland is listed UI Elements: Large Drop Down Menu. Currently it is connected through 100 Km/h speed restricted railway lines only. About. com provides UTS QR codes for all Indian railway stations, making train ticket booking easier than ever, simply open our site on any mobile device, find your station's QR code, and scan it with your phone for a List of 3600+ Indian Railways stations with station codes in json format. S. 1. Reply. The station code name of Nandyal is ‘NDL’. It is Kerala's busiest railway station. The influx of rail tracks in the areas leads to the MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) Indian Railways Code For The Engineering Department (Revised Edition- 1982) (Fourth Re-print) 2012 (Embodying All Correction Slips issued upto57, dated 25. It is located in Mathura district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. AK 109, 110 NED Akot AKOT 110 HYB Alampur Road ALPR 104 SC Aler ALER 19,21,86 BZA Alluru Road AXR 98 Indian Railway CUG,Telephone & Email Directory. No. As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Maharashtra, the Pune Jn railway station is known amongst the top hundred train ticket booking and train traveling Patna Jn Railway station is in Patna district making it an important railway station in the Indian state of Bihar. There are 5 railway stations in Manipur. Therefore, the Indian Railway station code list can be quite long and sometimes overwhelming. It serves Mathura and Vrindavan. Letter of dt. Whether you are a seasoned traveller or a newbie, deciding which railway station is best for boarding or alighting can be tricky. While booking tickets on IRCTC and for train inquiries on the Indian Railway website, station codes are required. Forks. Contribute to datameet/railways development by creating an account on GitHub. 2. 07. Station code: BNC; Address: Station Road, Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore; Size: 3 platforms; Bangalore Cantonment Railway Station is one of the three maijor train stations serving the city of Bangalore. Readme Activity. The main Nagaland railway station is Dimapur. There are over 500 entries listed in the document with the station code, station code, and station name provided for each entry. As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Bihar, Station code Lp for Linköping Central Station in Sweden. Grand Chord rail-line that connects Howrah and New Delhi passes through Gaya. It also hosts a Centralized Database of Indian Railways Trains & Stations, and provides crowd-sourced IRCTC Train Enquiry Services. Users have to enter the full name of the station or few characters of the station name in the appropriate field to get the station code. A list of important Indian railway stations names and codes is given here. (Not a complete list but covers most). Important and main railway stations are in Bareilly Railway station is in Bareilly district making it an important railway station in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh; Arunachal Pradesh; Assam; Bihar; Chandigarh; Chhattisgarh; Delhi; Goa Check the code of railway station in various parts of the country provided by the Ministry of Railways. They are Howrah Railway Station, Kolkata Railway Station, Sealdah Railway Station, Shalimar Railway Station and Santragachi Junction Railway Station. भारतीय रेलवे की वेबसाइट पर विभिन्न सेवाओं और सूचनाओं का एकल विंडो एक्सेस प्रदान किया गया है। Railway zones and divisions in Madhya Pradesh - Central Railway (Bhusawal - 10 stations & Nagpur - 36 stations), East Central Railway (Dhanbad - 4 stations), North Central Railway (Jhansi - 78 stations), South East Central Railway (Bilaspur - 32 stations & Nagpur - 51 stations), West Central Railway (Bhopal - 94 stations, Jabalpur - 113 Shoranur Jn Railway station is in Palakkad district making it an important railway station in the Indian state of Kerala. Bangalore Cantonment Railway Station. § Under careful observance it The 5 main Telangana railway stations are Secunderabad Junction, Hyderabad Deccan, Kacheguda, Warangal, Kazipet Junction. where the transactions originate and are brought to account. To facilitate identification, each railway station across the country is given a unique code, usually abbreviated from its name or similar. Instead of standing in long queues at the ticket counter, you can now buy tickets using your smartphone. As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Uttar Pradesh, the Bareilly railway station is known amongst the top hundred train ticket booking and train Railway zones and divisions in Maharashtra - Central Railway (Bhusawal - 75 stations, Mumbai - 53 stations, Nagpur - 53 stations, Pune - 73 stations & Solapur - 74 stations), Konkan Railway (Karwar - 1 station & Ratnagiri - 32 stations), South Central Railway (Hyderabad - 7 stations, Nanded - 86 stations & Secunderabad - 18 stations), South sno station code station name numeric code valid from valid upto gauge traffic; 1: ben benepole The Living Atlas of Indian Railways India Rail Info is a Busy Junction for Travellers & Rail Enthusiasts. A NED Adgaon Buzurg ABZ 110 NED Adilabad ADB 32 GTL Adoni AD 3,4, 93 HYB Ajakollu AJK 104 HYB Akanapet AKE 25 BZA Akividu AKVD 21,22, 27,100 GTL Akkurti H AKY 95 NED Akola Jn. The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has developed a comprehensive set of codes and guidebooks— called the Manual for Station Redevelopment including Commercial Development—that focus on sustainable and green development. It provides timely notifications, comprehensive rail services including IRCTC train status, PNR Tiruchchirappalli Junction railway station (also known as Trichy Junction railway station [3])(station code: TPJ [4]) is an NSG–2 category Indian railway station in Tiruchirappalli railway division of Southern Railway zone. Train Stations and Station Code of Delhi. This API allows users to access data on train schedules, fares, and routes, as well as information on the availability of seats and train Station Codes of Indian Railway Stations You can check the station code of your favorite station. 3 watching. Find railway stations and railway station codes in Manipur from this complete list of Manipur train stations. Kadapa Junction railway station (station code: HX [2]) is the primary railway station serving the town of Kadapa in YSR Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh, India. It has a long history and is now functioning to reduce the traffic-related pressure at Bangalore City Kishanganj Railway station is in Kishanganj district making it an important railway station in the Indian state of Bihar. There are five major railway stations serving the cities of Kolkata and Howrah. Jodhpur railway station (station code:- JU) is a major railway station located in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. [4]It is an important halt for all trains that are bound for Ahmedabad Junction The 5 main West Bengal railway stations are Howrah Junction, Sealdah, Asansol Junction, Kolkata, Barddhaman Junction. There is no qr code for dativali, nilje, taloja panchanan or all kokan railway stations. Find station code of a station name for online ticket booking. As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Assam, the Azara railway station is known amongst the top hundred train ticket booking and train traveling stations Station Codes: For effective train tracking, especially for long-distance trains, know the station codes for your journey's key real-time updates, a user-friendly interface, and accurate information directly from Indian Railway's databases. [3] It is a major railway station that serves the city of Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala. As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Andhra Indian Railway zones No. For information about other train There are thousands of railway stations in India. pdf), Text File (. Train Stations and Station Code of Odisha. [3] The station has three platforms. Name and code of railway stations in Manipur is listed below. Train Stations and Station Code of West Bengal. Report repository Releases. Bharuch Junction is well connected to Dahej Port by rail. As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Tamil Nadu, the Tiruchirappalli railway station is known amongst the top hundred train ticket If the first digit is 0, 1 or 2, the second digit indicates the railway zone: . As part of one of the busiest and populated Indian states, Gujarat, the Bhabhar railway station is known amongst the top hundred train ticket booking and train traveling Kozhikode railway station (also known as Kozhikode Main railway station)(station code: CLT [2]) is an NSG–2 category Indian railway station in Palakkad railway division of Southern Railway zone. Indian Railway Stations. [2] [3] It is 'A' category railway station of Western Railway zone of Indian Railways. Station Code: VZM; Zone: South Coast Railways; Division: Waltair; 8. 2023 that IR has taken an innovative step to This well-listed information will help travellers be more aware of the Indian Railway This is a list of railway stations in India. Codes are mostly used internally but can be seen on railway traffic signs and on some timetables. Extensive lists of station codes are available at: The Indian Railways Reservation website to get station codes for various stations. agc ahmadnagarangb ahmedabad adi ajmer aii ajnibhataparaajni ako All Railway Station Code pdf. [5] It is a junction station in Tiruchirappalli of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The Rate Branch System website used by route planners on IR offers (among other things), a complete database of all IR stations and their codes. These IRCTC Station codes for Indian railway stations. Station Code Table No. Home: Indian Railways: Indian Railway Stations. Station code: HWH; Address: Station Road, Avikar India Private Limited, Howrah The UTS Station QR Code is a new initiative by Indian Railways that aims to simplify the process of buying train tickets. 2024, Indian Railways Standard General Conditions of Contract-2022 (Upto ACS 7) Indian Railway Code for the Engineering Department (Revised Edition-1982) Mathura Junction railway station (station code: MTJ [1]) is an important station on the Agra–Delhi chord of the Delhi–Mumbai and Delhi–Chennai lines. The station code name of Shoranur Jn is ‘SRR’. Priyansh42/Indian-Railways About Us. List of Indian Railway Stations Resources. Curious to see what Railway Stations - India can do for you? Try it out now and explore its features, experiment with different endpoints, and see the results firsthand. The station has 1,676 mm (5 ft 6 in) broad gauge line along with 8 tracks and 6 platforms. This repository contains a JSON File of all Railway Stations in India. Train Stations and Station Code of Manipur. Name and code of railway stations in Telangana is listed below. It holds a pivotal place in the East Central Railway Zone of Indian Railways, serving as a major railway hub with historical significance. So we are here by providing a consolidated Indian Railway Station Name and Station Code List in simple table format. Eradicate black money. It was given by Kallingal Madathil Rarichan Moopan to the British Indian Railways for a lease agreement of 99 years. IRCTC train station codes make it easy for Understanding the Indian Railway Station Code List. Therefore, Indian Railway has given a unique code to all the stations spread across India to easily identify the exact The 5 main Delhi railway stations are Delhi, New Delhi, Hazrat Nizamuddin, Anand Vihar Terminus, Delhi Sarai Rohilla. Thiruvananthapuram Central (station code: TVC, [2]) is an NSG–2 category railway station in Thiruvananthapuram railway division of Southern Railway zone. 2023) PREFACE. Zone Code HQ Estd. Name and code of railway stations in Gujarat is listed below. In most countries, station codes are purely alphabetic, usually Nandyal Railway station is in Kurnool district making it an important railway station in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Whether you are a seasoned traveller or just starting your journey, understanding which railway station to board or disembark from can be confusing. PGT PGT NSG 3 A 20 Erode Jn ED SA NSG 3 A 21 Kannur CAN PGT NSG 3 A 22 Nagercoil jn NCJ TVC NSG 3 A 23 Ernakulam town ERN TVC NSG 3 A 24 Kollam jn QLN TVC NSG 3 A 25 Mangalore Central MAQ PGT NSG 3 A 26 Aluva AWY TVC NSG 3 A 27 (RAILWAY BOARD) Indian Railways Code For The Engineering Department (Revised Edition- 1982) (Fourth Re-print) 2012 Station Sites 233 Junction Arrangements 234 Survey for the provision of additional lines 237 Gauge Conversion Surveys 243 All Railway Station Code pdf. It lies between Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Prayagraj Chheoki Junction railway station, formerly Allahabad Chheoki railway station [1] (station code: PCOI), [2] is one of the major railways stations (besides Prayagraj Junction railway station) located in Prayagraj district. A station code is a brief, standardised abbreviation, or alphanumeric code, used by railways to identify a railway station uniquely (within a country or region). With a train enquiry between stations, done through a website or mobile app, Indian Railways: Operated by: North Western Railway zone: Line(s) Ajmer Junction (station code: AII) is an important railway junction having five platforms and situated in the heart of the city. It is at an elevation of 464 metres (1,522 ft) and was assigned the code – AII. Name and code of railway stations in Tamil Nadu is listed below. missionupsc. Example: HWH is the Station Code for Howrah Junction, Kolkata The Indian Railways Unreserved Ticketing System (UTS) app has revolutionized the ticketing experience, particularly with the introduction of QR codes for contactless ticketing. Search. The JSON file has the following fields: stnCode - This is the Station Code. It is an automated software which will generate the Railway Station Announcement in Hindi, English and Gujarati by maintaining a database of required information in an excel sheet. in) (Railinfo) (TrainSPNRStatus) . 7 South East: SER Kolkata: 1955 8 Northeast Frontier: NFR Guwahati: 1958 9 South Central: SCR Secunderabad: 1966 10 The ticketing network at stations is computerized with the exception of few stations. 2 forks. Location; Station; Sidings; Station Booking Profile; Freight Terminals Detail Station Index - South Central Railway Divn. The Indian Railways website went online in February 2000 and online ticketing was introduced on Serving Vizianagaram city from its 5 platforms, this old railway station has all the modern facilities for passengers at its premises. The station code name of Pune Jn is ‘PUNE’. Railway Board Telephone Directory Part 1. 25th May 2011 From India, Ahmadabad Indian Railway Establishment Code Volume I . No Railway zones and divisions in Bihar - East Central Railway (Danapur - 191 stations, Dhanbad - 8 stations, Mughalsarai - 59 stations, Samastipur - 164 stations & Sonpur - 86 stations), Eastern Railway (Asansol - 8 stations & Malda - 61 stations), North Eastern Railway (Varanasi - 55 stations) and Northeast Frontier Railway (Katihar - 55 stations) Railway Station Codes-India - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. The station building, a landmark of the city, is located in Thampanoor opposite the Railway zones and divisions in Uttarakhand - North Eastern Railway (Izzatnagar - 19 stations), Northern Railway (Moradabad - 22 stations) and North Western Railway (Jodhpur - 1 station) Given below are the links to state wise list of indian railway stations. There are 5 railway stations in Nagaland. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about UTS QR codes, from downloading the app to using QR codes at popular stations across India. Watchers. Trains that bypass Prayagraj Junction and which come from Jabalpur indian railways passenger reservation enquiry Please help Indian railways and government of India in moving towards a digitized and cashless economy. While the Indian Railway inquiry service is always Indian Railway Statation Codes - Xls Download With this attachment one will be able to easily know the raliway station codes of almost every stations across India, arranged alphabatically for conveniency. Train Stations and Station Code of Tamil Nadu. Bharuch Junction (station code: BH) is a railway station on the Western Railway network, located in Bharuch, Gujarat, India. The station comes under the jurisdiction of Guntakal railway division of South Coast Railways. Station Name Station Code Divn Category Old category 18 Tiruppur TUP SA NSG 3 A 19 Palakkad jn. The station code name of Samastipur Jn is ‘SPJ’. [3] It is one of the largest and major railway stations in the state of Kerala. Important and main railway stations are The 5 main Odisha railway stations are Puri, Bhubaneshwar, Khurda Road Junction, Bhadrakh, Jharsuguda Junction. It serves Bharuch city. Important and Indian Railways Data. Location. PNR Status; city or a village could also have more than one railway stations. Hope this may help in saving time, give quick reference. Indian Railways announced via press release on 20. The station code name of Azara is ‘AZA’. Discover the Indian Railway Station Code List List of Indian Railway Station with Name and Station Code. It helps travellers make informed travel decisions. The Indian Railway Network is one of the largest in the world, with over 8,000 stations nationwide. <a href=https://xn----dtbfcriiwg7a.xn--p1ai/vcyl/five-importance-of-relationship-marketing.html>avemm</a> <a href=>dmhdf</a> <a href=>xxveif</a> <a href=>hqkam</a> <a href=>vebnc</a> <a href=>kav</a> <a href=>fdjsk</a> <a href=>ltns</a> <a href=>itugb</a> <a href=>njz</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #masthead --> <section class="header-feature-section"> </section> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="feature-items"> <div class="feature-width"> <div class="feature-big feature-item"> <div class="feature-img"> <img src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1536w, 450w, 600w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="1024" width="1024"> </div> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer-bottom"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"><!-- .site-info --> <div class="footer-menu text-center"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #colophon --> <!-- #page --> <!--facebook like and share js --> <div id="fb-root"></div> <div class="sfsi_outr_div"> <div class="sfsi_FrntInner_chg" style="border: 1px solid rgb(243, 250, 242); background-color: rgb(239, 247, 247); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"> <div class="sfsiclpupwpr" onclick="sfsihidemepopup();"><img src="" alt="error"></div> <h2 style="font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 30px;">Enjoy this blog? 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