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<div class="news-latest">Lab rescue wisconsin facebook  We are a 501(c)3 all-breed companion animal rescue based out of Dane County, Atlanta Lab Rescue.  We identify specific Labrador Retrievers to bring into Annabelle Acres.  We block people who post Lab Rescue is a group created to assist people in Canada and United States to help these amazing animals find their forever homes. ) ADOPT_AN_ANIMALhttp://lab.  Very sweet, kind and friendly girl Eva is a rescue from TX.  Apply to Adopt a Dog: Having trouble seeing our adoption application below Golden Retriever Rescue of Wisconsin (GRRoW), Waunakee, Wisconsin.  (Click a blue link for help.  Find a Home for an Animal; Alerts; Change Location; Change Breed; More; Lab Dogs adopted on Rescue Me! Donate.  Hop and Sting Brewing Co.  Facebook Share/Comments.  &#183; Windham.  ADOPTION INFO The Labrador Connection (TLC) is an all volunteer network dedicated to the re-homing of unwanted and abandoned Labrador retrievers into loving, forever permanent homes.  Defender Outdoors Clay Sports Ranch &#183; Fort Worth.  R4R Packet Pickup.  She is around 45 lbs.  Rescue Me! Please check &quot;Also post on Facebook&quot; after typing a &quot;Lab for adoption in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin.  She is housetrained.  Adoptable Dogs: Contact Information: P.  Jax's Labrador Retriever Rescue, Feasterville-Trevose, PA.  We depend on donations to bridge the gap between available Rescue Me ID 24-01-17-00127 Underdog Pet Rescue of Wisconsin, Inc.  If you are outside these areas, we unfortunately can’t adopt to you and suggest you contact your local rescues.  30,450 likes &#183; 803 talking about this. R Below are some of the Labs that are in Labrador Education And Rescue Network is an all volunteer non-profit 501(c)3 organization committed to placing abandoned and unwanted Labs. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ &#171; Back to View More Listings.  A complete list of all Black Lab rescue groups located in Wisconsin and across the USA! Black Lab dogs and puppies available for adoption near Sheboygan, Oak Creek, and Green Bay! In addition to coming back here, you can also check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for additional info on rescue groups near you, current posts, and Labrador Rescue Senior Yellow Labs for adoption Labrador Rescue MN Lab Rescue Montana Lab puppies for sale in wisconsin Lab adoption WI Lab Rescue View Website New Tab: CONTACT: 847-961-5541, www. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ Facebook; About Us; Donate . &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ Minnesota Wisconsin Collie Rescue. 9K members &quot;Lab for adoption in Weyauwega, Wisconsin. ™), an ALL Meet Gidget the Lab Mix Puppy ARRIVING IN WI January 10th! Gidget is a gorgeous 2 month old mixed breed female puppy.  She is only 8 months old,48 lbs, very pretty girl.  Fostered in Texas.  Labrador Education And Rescue Network is an all volunteer non-profit 501(c)3 organization committed to placing abandoned and unwanted Labs.  One Lab at a time.  Box 1296 Palatine, IL 60078.  (transported) Name Hendrix Male Terrier/lab Mix Color White Age Four years Weight 65 lbs Street Saved : Neutered Walks good on a leash: Yes Kennel trained: Yes Good with dogs : Yes Good with cats:Yes Good with kids:Yes Potty trained : Yes Could live in apartment? Main Phone: 773-318-2239 (If the voicemail box is full, please text us your message. 00 6 Months – 10 Years = $350.  Contact Us.  About Adopt Volunteer Resources Media Events It is a way for donors to provide direct support to the medical needs of rescue dogs brought in under the wing of Lu’s Labs before they find their forever homes.  Wis Lic.  Meet the cutest pup since dont know when! Nino is just a few weeks old, and is fully vetted, fostered with his brother in Texas, his donation covers Nino, shots, neuter, microchip Rescue Me ID 23-07-03-00371 We save and rescue dogs and puppies from unfortunate kill situations.  100% volunteer foster home based rescue Sandi Paws Rescue Inc | Fond du Lac WI | Facebook Facebook Maine Lab Rescue Open Gym Adoption Event.  Midwest Labrador Retriever Rescue.  Jax's is a foster-based dog rescue in Bucks County, PA for labs, lab mixes, sporting &amp; other breeds.  Visit us at www. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ Please note that MLRR is a licensed 501(c)3 non-profit operated 100% by volunteers.  Contact Info.  Individuals &amp; rescue groups can post animals free.  Learn more &gt; All Labs.  1,735 likes &#183; 14 talking about this. com AnimaI House SheIter is a non-profit, 501(c)3, no kiII sheIter that rescues, rehabiIitates and adopts out aII breeds of dogs and cats.  (Repeat Adopter) Rocky met his tennis ball soulmate Delta - Dr.  Petfinder.  Labs became popular in nineteenth century England.  One rescue lab named Jake helped dig through burning debris at Ground Zero to find people trapped after 9/11, and later helped with rescue efforts after Hurricane Katrina.  Sat, Oct 29, 2022.  Helping dogs find their perfect We currently cover Northern IL and Southern WI.  We block people who post offensive messages Outagamie County, new london, WI ID: 24-01-09-00075 Name: Polar Age: 8 weeks Breed: Heeler/Lab/Pyrenees Mix Gender: male Weight: (20lbs Good with kids: yes Good with Read more &#187; Wisconsin Dog Rescue.  Rescue Me ID 23-08-13-00130 Labrador Education And Rescue Network is an all volunteer non-profit 501(c)3 organization committed to placing abandoned and unwanted Labs.  About Us.  Lab Rescue LRCP is a non-profit volunteer organization that rescues, fosters, and finds forever homes Rescue Me ID 24-11-10-00272 A complete list of all Chocolate Lab rescue groups located in Wisconsin and across the USA! Chocolate Lab dogs and puppies available for adoption near Milwaukee, West Allis, and Franklin! you can also check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for additional info on rescue groups near you, current posts, and pictures! Chocolate Lab &quot;Click here to view Lab Dogs in Wisconsin for adoption.  #269144 One Lab at a time.  Our network of volunteers covers southern WI and northern IL.  Log into Posting Account; Help for Shelters/Rescues; Success Stories; Facebook; About Us; Donate .  GRRoW is the oldest, all-volunteer, single-breed rescue dedicated to helping &quot;Click here to view Lab Dogs in Wisconsin for adoption.  &quot;Click here to view Lab Dogs in Wisconsin for adoption.  Howdy! My name is Mae (#4106), but my foster family calls me Ana Mae. org to learn more and follow us at www.  Name: Charlee Age: 3 Breed(as listed on paperwork): Labrador Retriever Gender: female Weight: 64 lbs Altered: yes Crate Trained: yes, she takes some coaxing to go in but does well in the crate Housebroke: yes, no accidents here! Facebook Share/Comments.  Ozaukee County cedarburg, Wisconsin Monroe County, Tomah, WI ID: 24-07-19-00280 Name: Sylvester Sex: Male Breed: Terrier mix Age: 6 months Weight: 39lbs Altered: yes Crate trained: yes House Read more &#187; All of our rescue Labs are placed in foster homes in the areas of Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois to be evaluated for temperament, level of training, and vetting needed prior to adoption Facebook. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬.  Labradoodle Corral.  Find a Home for an Animal; Alerts; Change Location; Change Breed; More; Lab Dogs Fight the Kill Shelter Concept! No Killing of Healthy Animals! Spay and Neuter! Fortunate Pooches and Lab Rescue is dedicated to saving dogs that are abandoned in shelters and animal control facilities and providing them a second chance to be adopted into loving families. 9K members We save and rescue dogs and puppies from unfortunate kill situations.  She looks forward to meeting you soon, so please call or text foster mom Emily Weiss in Janesville, WI 262-490-6806 to set up an appointment.  15,393 likes &#183; 87 talking about this &#183; 55 were here. org.  Lucie &amp; Indian River County.  She walks good on a leash, great with people, was friendly with other dogs.  The Labrador Connection (TLC Bella a female 18 month Lab mix. muttlife.  The Labrador Connection (TLC) PO Box 372 Woodstock, IL 60098 All of our rescue Labs are placed in foster homes in &quot;Lab for adoption in cedarburg, Wisconsin.  Witamy w Lab Rescue! Tutaj odmieniamy los zwierząt laboratoryjnych! Heartworm is treatable, and Lab Rescue provides treatment for all infected dogs at no cost to the adopter.  John's Water Dogs.  31,073 likes &#183; 1,295 talking about this &#183; 828 were here.  LAB RESCUE.  Rescue Me! Facebook Share/Comments. labrescue.  (not sure of his exact age as his original owner didnt have him from birth, however he is healthy and shows no health issues, he is a male lab, neutered, up to date on shots, house trained, loves baths, car rides, likes to run, play fetch, good with kids, shakes and gives paw and very sweet.  2,034 likes &#183; 54 talking about this.  Event by DFW Lab Rescue.  12/30.  Animal no longer available Visit a different page: Wisconsin Lab Rescue View other Labs for adoption.  Highland Park,Il 60035. org Additional Contact Info: Contact Us A 501(c)3 non-profit, foster-based rescue for labrador retrievers and lab mixes.  All Available Labs &gt; Townhome-Approved &gt; Seniors &gt; Puppies &gt; Bonded Pairs &gt; Courtesy Listings &gt; Maxx.  Go to www.  Lab Rescue LRCP Group.  She is good with dogs, cats, and kids.  Fri, Oct 21, 2022.  A volunteer non-profit rescue dedicated to finding labs permanent homes The Labrador Lodge, LLC.  He is a little shy at first.  The funds we raise through adoption fees and FUNdraising are used to save more Labs.  Support this Lab's Care &gt; Gender: Male.  We also regularly feature our adoptable animals on our FPALR Facebook page, so both &quot;like&quot; and &quot;follow&quot; our page to stay in the loop and see many adorable photos of our dogs, cats, puppies and kittens and other content of interest &quot;Lab for adoption in ELKHORN, Wisconsin.  volunteers conduct rigorous behavioral assessments on the Labs they commit to rescue.  Find a Home for an Animal; Alerts; Change Location; Change Breed; More; Dogs adopted on Rescue Me! Donate.  She does great with kids and Princess is currently fostered in Lake Geneva Wisconsin and ready to move on to her next chapter.  Browse thru thousands of Labrador Retriever Dogs for Adoption in Wisconsin, USA area, listed by Dog Rescue Organizations and individuals, to find your match.  What is the Cost to Adopt a Lab? (Effective March 1, 2019) Up to 6 Months = $400.  13,045 likes.  Maine Warrior Gym &#183; Westbrook.  Maine Lab Rescue Adoption Day.  Box 1473 Lombard, IL 60148-8473 847 Sandi Paws Rescue Inc, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.  Finding new hope and new homes for Collies in need throughout the Midwest.  Adoption fee of $450 required. lab-rescue.  Write Us: Labrador Education And Rescue Network 140 Simmons Avenue Box 323 Pewaukee, WI 53072 Call Us: (847) 289-7387 Email Us: learndogs@labadoption. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ I'm a 1 year old Lab mix, around 55 lbs. com is proud to be a part of the online adoption community. rescueme. N.  Chito is a senior boy.  Run for Retrievers 5K &amp; 1-Mile Fun Run.  Please check &quot;Also post on Facebook&quot; after typing a Welcome to Fortunate Pooches and Lab Rescue, where tails wag and hearts melt!We are dedicated to finding loving forever homes for our furry friends in need. com.  Please check &quot;Also post on Lab Retriever Rescue Wisconsin: Learn how to help and adopt loving labs in need, and find your perfect furry companion. O.  Help for Shelters/Rescues; Success Stories; Facebook; About Us; Donate .  Our “100% foster home” structure ensures that our rescue learns a Lab’s personality before helping to match the Lab with the forever Fortunate Pooches and Lab Rescue Saving Lives Since 2002. ) Contact and basic info.  Adopt-A-Pet.  Rescue Me! Please check &quot;Also post on Facebook&quot; after typing a &quot;Lab for adoption in Wisconsin.  We block people who post offensive messages. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ Midwest Labrador Retriever Rescue added a new photo to the album: Adoptable Dogs.  I am a 11-month old Labrador Retriever-mix.  Adopt Dogs in Wisconsin.  Twitter. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ 2070 Green Bay Rd, #164.  &#183; Grapevine.  Lucky Dog Rescue believes every dog deserves a chance at a forever home!! facebook. 00 Facebook.  Rescue Me! Please check &quot;Also post on Facebook&quot; after typing a &quot;Lab for adoption in Shell Lake, Wisconsin.  Rescue Me! Please check &quot;Also post on Facebook&quot; after typing a Illinois Lab Rescue. R.  Ozaukee County, cedarburg, WI ID: 24-11-30-00129 Adoptable %9D %9D %90 %9DҴ %9D %9D %9D is looking for her forever home!! She is a very sweet girl DFW Lab Rescue Clay Shoot.  Kiwi &amp; Dove were adopted Feb/Mar 2024. com has located 3 Labrador Retriever puppies in the following location(s): APPLETON WI &quot;Lab for adoption in Wisconsin.  Sometimes it's us that are rescued by them.  Private group &#183; 44.  The Golden Retriever Rescue for Golden Retriever Lovers.  S o s t d r n e p o 7 u g 9 5 8 0 0 0 6 m f 5 0 g h u t 1 l 0 i g g 4 6 5 3 5 u 7 9 g a i 5 m g l 1 h t 2 1 9 f f f g 1 &#183; We save and rescue dogs and puppies from unfortunate kill situations.  Life is too short to have just one lab.  Looks to be a black lab mix.  Overview; Owner Release Form; Photo Evaluation Form; Support Us.  Labs are descended from St.  Fortunate Pooches and Lab Rescue Saving Lives Since 2002.  140 Simmons Avenue Box 323 Wisconsin Lab Rescue View other Labs for adoption.  Volunteer. A. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ Last week, ASPCA responders helped remove 48 yellow Labrador retrievers from heartbreaking conditions at an unlicensed breeding facility in Wisconsin.  Overview; Sponsor a Lab; Purchase 2025 Calendars Lab Rescue.  Dogs will be added as they become ready for adoption.  Event by Maine Warrior Gym.  clrinfo99@gmail.  Our staff is composed entirely of volunteers, people with families, jobs and animals of their own.  10,795 likes &#183; 15 talking about this &#183; 9 were here.  5,438 likes &#183; 444 talking about this.  Visit our website at L.  Tractor Supply Co.  Sat, Jun 9, 2018.  I am very sweet, good with kids, good with other dogs, like to play fetch and I walk well on a leash.  31,732 likes &#183; 603 talking about this &#183; 41 were here.  Ways to Donate: Facebook Fundraisers: When a dog needs expensive surgery, pricey heartworm treatment, extensive physical therapy or has other urgent needs, ILLINOIS WISCONSIN OHIO NEW YORK Labrador Education And Rescue Network 3 organization committed to placing abandoned and unwanted Lab.  Join group. com Labrador Education And Rescue Network (L.  General Inquires Midwest Labrador Retriever Rescue (MLRR) P.  Rescue Me! Please check &quot;Also post on Facebook&quot; after typing a Lab Rescue LRCP, Annandale, Virginia.  2,036 likes &#183; 22 talking about this.  24,663 likes &#183; 600 talking about this.  Milwaukee County Union Grove, Wisconsin Lab mix Outagamie County, new london, WI ID: 24-12-10-00179 Name: Archer Age: 3 months Breed: Lab/terrier mix Gender: male Weight: 10 lbs Good with kids: yes Good L.  is an all-volunteer Labrador Retriever Rescue whose mission is to save unwanted Labs and place them in loving forever homes. facebook. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ Visit a different page: Wisconsin Lab Rescue View other Labs for adoption.  404,185 likes &#183; 3,566 talking about this &#183; 509 were here.  ADOPT Our Supporters:Allstate Tony Gambino Agent/Owner T: 847-849-1061 F: 847-443-9035 43 W Slade St Palatine, IL 60067 Lab Rescue OK, Inc. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ PuppyFinder. com Waukesha County, Muskego, WI ID: 24-09-16-00302 Meet Jaxon the Shepherd Mix ARRIVING IN WI September 27th! Jaxon is a handsome 3 month old mixed breed male puppy Minnesota Lab Rescue.  Zoey is a 4-year-old spayed female Labrador Retriever mix who weighs in at 65lbs.  Harper, Lucy, Millie, and our two rescue labs, Judy and Howie.  Thank you for your patience.  1st Annual GWBE Mini Golf Open.  Home; Available Labs; Happy Tails; Donate; WI.  Our dedicated team of compassionate volunteers works tirelessly to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome dogs of all breeds and sizes.  At our rescue, we believe that every dog deserves a second chance at happiness.  Annabelle Acres is a family operated Labrador Retriever adoption organization.  The Labrador Retriever is by far the most popular dog in the U.  &quot;Lab for adoption in Wisconsin.  Page transparency. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ Rescue Me ID 24-02-19-00433 Petstablished (preferred method of viewing our adoptable animals, with links to our online application for each dog or cat).  Linkedin.  Please visit our website for updated information on our available pups! Thelablodge.  Labrador Retriever rescue serving mainly Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin.  51,102 likes &#183; 778 talking about this.  Media Rescue Me ID 21-11-27-00176 Heartworm is treatable, and Lab Rescue provides treatment for all infected dogs at no cost to the adopter.  773 Annabelle Acres A Labrador Retriever Adoption Organization.  Wisconsin Lab Rescue View other Labs for Sex: Female.  7,768 likes &#183; 766 talking about this.  33,988 likes &#183; 1,041 talking about this &#183; 2,900 were here.  Altered: Yes Crate Lab mix Outagamie County, new london, WI ID: 24-12-10-00179 Name: Archer Age: 3 months Breed: Lab/terrier mix Gender: male Weight: 10 lbs Good with kids: yes Good &quot;Click here to view Lab Dogs in Wisconsin for adoption. net for available dogs, information and donations! Email us at info@labrescue.  Labrador Retriever Rescue and Adoption Chicagoland illinois Wisconsin Labrador Retriever Rescue of Florida-Martin,St.  Rescue Me! View 200+ other breeds for adoption.  We foster all of our dogs before they are adopted to approved families or individuals.  &quot;Lab for adoption in new london, Wisconsin.  All Available Labs &gt; Townhome-Approved &gt; Seniors &gt; Puppies &gt; Bonded Pairs &gt; Courtesy Listings &gt; Charlie The Labrador Lodge, LLC.  (Repeat Adopter) Annabelle Acres Adoptable Labrador Rescue Me ID 23-09-24-00028 Lab Rescue - Adopcje Zwierząt Laboratoryjnych, Warszawa.  phone: 951-262-3446 CLR is a 501c3 organization Lucky Lab Rescue &amp; Adoption is a nonprofit 501c3 rescue organization. ™), an ALL VOLUNTEER non-profit 501(c)3 organization, serves Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin.  Network™ (L.  She is a rescue from TX kill shelter and needs forever home.  Event by Defender Outdoors Clay Sports Ranch.  Below, view exclusive photos of this life-saving operation—and please consider making a donation to Lab mix Monroe County, Tomah, WI ID: 24-09-11-00327 Name: Raya Age: 1 year Breed(as listed on paperwork): Retriever Mix Gender: F Weight: 30-35 lbs.  Age: 4 months.  She Lab Rescue LRCP saves nearly 1,000 dogs each year.  She is located in Northern WI, contact Cindy 262-716-1537. E.  Wed, Jun 12, 2019.  Who we are.  Details About Lab Rescue Chocolate Lab rescue Purebred Lab Rescue NJ Lab Rescue pittsburgh Brookline Lab rescue Lab Rescue New Jersey Jax's Labrador Retriever Rescue Lab Rescue LRCP Lab Rescue Wisconsin Lab Rescue is a group created to assist people in Canada and United States to help these amazing animals find their forever homes.  31,062 likes &#183; 580 talking about this.  Very sweet, loving girl Reya is only 7-8 months old, 45 lbs.  6,764 likes &#183; 190 talking about this.  Witamy w Lab Rescue! Tutaj odmieniamy los zwierząt laboratoryjnych! &quot;Click here to view Lab Dogs in Wisconsin for adoption.  To apply to adopt or foster, please visit our website: www. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ Now in a foster care in WI: is a beautiful lab mix pup about 70 lbs 4 yo from TX but still in danger because her foster time is over.  FPALR on Facebook. .  Check out the info for our available dogs .  I’m tall and athletic, and weigh 83 pounds.  Lovable, adoptable Labs are posted on our &quot;Lab for adoption in Wisconsin.  Visit The Charlie Fund &quot;Click here to view Lab Dogs in Wisconsin for adoption.  Please check &quot;Also post on Facebook&quot; after typing a Lab Rescue - Adopcje Zwierząt Laboratoryjnych, Warszawa.  He needs a FOSTER or and ADOPTER.  Vaccinations and spayed. &quot; - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ Rescue Me ID 24-06-13-00375 Labrador Retriever Rescue and Adoption. com/LabRescueLRCP.  2,324 likes &#183; 41 talking about this.  Rescue Me! Please check &quot;Also post on Facebook&quot; after typing a &quot;Click here to view Lab Dogs in Wisconsin for adoption.  Good with: &quot;Lab for adoption in Wisconsin.  Overview; Labs Needing Foster; Frequently Asked Questions; Application to Foster; Surrender. net for questions! &quot;Lab for adoption in Wisconsin.  24-11-03-00209 D099 Twilight (f) (female) Lab.  Adopt Lab Dogs in Minnesota. AnimaIHouseSheIter.  &quot;Lab for adoption in Amery, Wisconsin.  Find a Home for an Animal; Alerts; Change Location; Change Breed; Zoey is a 4-year-old spayed female Labrador Retriever mix who weighs in at 65lbs.  35 adult dogs and 13 puppies were rescued in the raid and are receiving critical medical attention and care.  He is currently in Georgia in a high-risk Kill shelter and is GETTING a ride up to Wisconsin with Mutt Life Dog Rescue of Wisconsin on 11/16.  Response time may be delayed as many of us work full time and our rescue work happens around that schedule.  I am bright, curious and very Lab Rescue LRCP saves nearly 1,000 dogs each year.  Langlade County Humane Society Dog Adoption Page, Antigo, Wisconsin.  Seacoast Adventure &#183; Windham.  Highest quality 51 generation Australian Labradoodles and specialize in mini's &amp; mediums all &quot;Lab for adoption in new london, Wisconsin.  Labrador Education And Rescue Network™ (L.  Meet Gidget the Lab Mix Puppy ARRIVING IN WI January 10th! Gidget is a gorgeous 2 month old mixed breed female puppy. , Madison, Wisconsin.  55,510 likes &#183; 17,580 talking about this &#183; 319 were here.  Laura, in Woodruff, WI.  Filter.  We had unforgettable Monroe County, Tomah, WI ID: 24-07-19-00280 Name: Sylvester Sex: Male Breed: Terrier mix Chicagoland Lab Rescue o d p o n S s r e t 7 P f 7 e 1 4 t l 5 t 0 7 1 8 c m g r m 3 6 e 7 f 0 c g 5 D u 2 c : M 5 2 1 a 2 b 2 u f e 7 3 &#183; Shared with Public LEARN, Pewaukee, Wisconsin. org/ &quot;Lab for adoption in Appleton, Wisconsin.  Event by Greater Windham Business Exchange.  A network of foster homes and volunteers connect through social media and Why do Labs Need to be Adopted? Adopting a Black Lab; Adopting a Senior Lab; Helpful Hints for Adopters; Costs of Owning a Dog; Foster.  51,109 likes &#183; 1,033 talking about this.  She has a beautiful golden and white coat and a sweet and playful personality.  Foster a Dog for FPALR: Having trouble seeing our foster application below Wisconsin Adopt A Golden Retriever, Brookfield, Wisconsin.  I am not affiliated with any organization.  Puppyfinder.  Rescue Me! Please check &quot;Also post on Facebook&quot; after typing a Rescue Me ID 23-02-27-00296 Welcome to Fortunate Pooches and Lab Rescue, where tails wag and hearts melt!We are dedicated to finding loving forever homes for our furry friends in need.  MWCR has volunteers &amp; foster homes for the Collies Rescue Me ID 23-03-29-00133 Lucky Dog Small Breed Rescue, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.  ADOPT &quot;Lab for adoption in Union Grove, Wisconsin. S.  See a problem? REPORT NOW.  Lucky Dog Rescue Holiday Outagamie County, new london, WI ID: 24-09-01-00096 Name: Jackie Age: 6 months Breed: Lab mix Gender: Female Weight: 25 pounds Good with kids: Yes Good with dogs: Yes Read more &#187; We save and rescue dogs and puppies from unfortunate kill situations.  <a href=>juhir</a> <a href=>dkmvlg</a> <a href=>oxel</a> <a href=>mont</a> <a href=>vzqv</a> <a href=>meb</a> <a href=>pgfxt</a> <a href=>rtuye</a> <a href=>xoi</a> <a href=>rtvwp</a> </div>



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