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<h1 class="site-title logo-off"><span class="navbar-brand">Minimum compression for e85. 5 - 1 compression ratio runs well on E85.</span></h1>

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<div class="news-latest">Minimum compression for e85  Cam selection is one area in particular where I still have questions.  Don't want to go Methanol. 2 @ 175 in Denver, 3475#, BS3, E85! 10 bolt! Save Share Reply Quote Like.  Many of them hardly have to think about detonation on E85 until they get to boost levels near 35 psi and up.  However, it may require engine modifications and tuning. 4 (piston sits at the top of the bore a long time). 85 to 0.  The use of E85 as low reactivity fuel improves this situation due to its higher enthalpy of vaporization (which reduces the intake charge temperature) and octane number [49]. 45 gallons per minute at 58 psi of EFI fuel pressure.  Or so.  E85 is a fuel blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline.  Maximum Octane No.  Tutor 5181 Posts New Zealand.  Is E85 good for high compression motors? E85 can be suitable for high compression engines because it has a high octane rating and can help prevent knocking. 45 at 183 no issues Most flat tops and bbc heads is in the 9's to 1 ratio.  (91 oct.  E85 reduces emissions by more than 30 percent over traditional gasoline. 5 compression the Boosted Compression Ratio from your Boost of 15 psi is 19.  When I switched to E85 I started with a carburetor calibrated for E85 but due to differences in fuel blends (as stated above) and engine characteristics I needed to do a LOT of tuning to get it right. 95 for supercharged engines running E85.  New AFR heads may get me 30h.  888hp at 6900rpm, 805tq at 5000rpm. 1 / 13. 3 or 10.  Compression is one of the key factors that determines the performance and efficiency of an engine.  Thanks.  There is just not as much data.  Save Share Reply Quote Like. 54 gears.  Quote Reply Topic: High Compression E85 401 Build Posted: Apr/04/2012 at 9:31am: I am just getting started on a 401 E85-only build.  Compress PNG.  Mainly switching because of the availablility in my area and the low cost vs. p.  7 posts • Page 1 of 1.  Compression is the process of reducing the volume and increasing the pressure of a mixture of air and fuel in the cylinder before ignition.  You might need to pull timing slightly back with that additional point I run a 1000cfm AED Performance E85 carb on my 13:1 compression big block.  Drag Chevette.  GM states that the engine requires a minimum of 110 octane race gas . E85 in my area averages around 100 octane.  yes I drove it a lot. 875&quot; stroke, the options for off the shelf pistons is limited in the 13.  The increased comp is just extra heat in the chamber Theres plenty of 10-11:1 e85 cars making fantastic numbers and more than enough snappy response on the street.  E85 has been in the marketplace for three decades.  In a four-cylinder engine with a 2-liter fuel capacity, every cylinder What is the minimum compression for 93 octane? A minimum compression ratio of around 9. 5 - 12 :1, so I searched &quot;high compression e85&quot;.  Use minimum timing to relay The solution to this E85 pre-ignition problem is to run a minimum of three heat ranges colder than the heat-range that spark plugs would normally survive on gasoline. 75:1 would be ideal and would allow you to still run pump gas if you need to.  No build up of carbon in 2 years and 70,000 miles of driving.  Matched ported Victor Jr. even in traffic.  For a naturally aspirated combo I was wondering what is possible.  For example 9:1 compression and 32psi of boost with zero degrees of timing is fine on 93 octane fuel at 112*F in an 86x86 engine like a 4g63, 2jz or sr20. 624 Lift at the valve.  can light off the intake charge during the compression cycle long The EPA did a study with a 2L 4 cylinder at 19:1 compression.  My buddys lsx runs 10:1 with e85 and makes 1600 hp.  If you want 12.  What is the minimum compression for 93 octane? The minimum compression ratio for 93 octane fuel would likely be around 8.  The optimal compression ratio for engines running on E85 (a fuel blend of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline) can vary but typically ranges between 9:1 and 12:1.  Save Share Start with .  Depends on the cam as well.  an E10 (gasohol, or basically gasoline now-a-days).  My 245psi cranking pressure was 12.  Running E85 on a 14:1 compression engine could be feasible with proper tuning and components. 10 : 1 More commonly this is done with a turbocharger and with E85 you can run a higher amount of boost vs. 1.  Might run on e85 for low power but planned on gas at the high end power. 1: 100: 108: What Is Compression Ratio? Compression ratio means the amount of fuel and air mixture the pistons compress. 1 cc relief gives 10:1 with a .  I have a 160cc 8 hole injector, CJR bigger fuel line thats E85 compatible, aRacer Super2 with my own map (about 1 part richer across the board with some extra timing despite my high compression bbk) and with aRacer I obviously also run an AF2 wideband module.  I am looking for more information and experiences from people who have built naturally aspirated high compression engine for use with E85. 13 @ 134 all natural, 9.  To summarize, 10. 5:1 compression with iron head circle track stuff on This means if you were to run E85 in an 11:1 or 12:1 compression engine, E85's higher octane would prevent detonation, which would allow you to run this higher compression ratio and take more Benefits of adding compression &amp; E85 conversion of my 11.  That’s a big demand. 13 .  We Put Even still.  What is the minimum compression for 93 octane? The minimum compression ratio for 93 octane fuel can vary, but it’s typically recommended to have a compression ratio of at least 9:1 to ensure proper combustion and prevent knocking. 5 compression with over 100 shot that's where E85 is gonna make a difference. 1 Building new motor trying to figure out max compression people are getting by with. 7 with iron heads. 028&quot; piston to head clearance. ) compression engines with the right closing point on the intake lobe Gasoline weighs 6. Fuel-efficient gasoline direct injection (GDI) engines tend to have high PM emissions and genotoxicity compared to diesel engines, however, both the what kind of timing are you guys running for 15-20 psi of boost on sbf's running e85? Trying to just get a feel for where i should be at. With E85, I've used 13:1 as the designed max static compression, in my e85 engine builds and try for about 11:1 dynamic compression, without issues , but I also use aluminum heads , keep in mind E85 requires a t-stat of about 200F as E85 fuel use has a significant cooling effect, The optimal compression ratio for engines running on E85 (a fuel blend of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline) can vary but typically ranges between 9:1 and 12:1.  Flex fuel vehicles, also known as FFVs, can use any fuel ranging from 0 percent ethanol to 85 percent ethanol (E85). 050 to avoid losing to much low end power.  Intake and a Chris Straub H-Roller camshaft.  None of this 11:0-1 honda BS.  Setup is an 76mm with an a2a cooler, efi, aluminum headed 347 with approximately 9:1 compression burning e85.  Now for straight E85, i would go 9.  that is alot of veriation from pump to pump.  What exactly constitutes wit with respect to High compression with E85 gas and forced induction anyway? _____ 96 BBB Impala SS - Stock with bolt-ons 12.  Thanks for your input in advance. 9 on Wallace dynamic calculator.  Dan Is there any advantage to using E85 for a naturally-aspirated engine? A: Absolutely.  With 9.  I would like to run a higher compression say 11-1 allowing me to get the same compression level without spinning the blower as fast increasing its life.  My 572 14.  If so, how much boost, compression ratio and cranking compression? I've got an SBC with 12.  Or you can lower static compression. 5 to 1 compression with e85 and it runs great.  Cold plugs are designed to transfer as much heat as possible away from the spark plugs so they won't melt.  It originally had a points distributor and an engine-driven fuel pump.  E85 has a higher octane rating than standard 93 premium gasoline, allowing you to run more timing and boost over premium gasoline. 0:1 is suitable for 93 octane Here’s the Rambler’s engine compartment and with its 283 cubic inch small block Chevy V8.  For good fuel economy in cruise conditions you really want to be around 14. 5:1 static compression, 170+/- cranking compression and running on E85. 8 or 10.  E85 has a higher density than gasoline so it Dynamic compression was 9.  For a normally aspirated deal like mine you may have amidrange stumble in E85 is a good fuel for high compression engines, but in order for it to run properly you will need a carb that is set up for E85.  This occurs due to the high in-cylinder pressures and temperatures because of the high compression ratio. , please E85 content here (Finland) should be 70% minimum.  If you do decide to run E85 with 8:1 compression, you will find absolutely horrible driveability and the economy will be in the toilet. 5:1 or more on alcohol or E85.  All forged, Solid Roller 242@50 .  I could install 4cc domed JE pistons re ring and achieve approximately 13.  Cylinder pressure is dependent on the cam as well as compression ratio.  Closer to 9.  Car is mostly ran on e85 but also runs 93 octane to cruise/travel. 5:1.  Today, the average high-performance street or strip turbocharged four-cylinder race engine sports a compression ratio of 9.  The most Q ˙ e x / Q ˙ h t is related to E100 at the minimum compression ratio of 8.  For example either a 9.  For example, E85 is unavailable at all gas stations and can be corrosive to a factory fuel system.  I have been doing a lot of research the last couple days and i can not find any good information on e85 max compression using Iron Heads.  I would like to use a cam with duration of no more than 235/245 I/E at .  Resulting knock behavior will follow suit on E85 because it should be possible to have too much timing, less than Best Mean Torque, and still not have any fuel knock frequency (at reasonable compression ratio).  Just a nice street/strip motor.  compression ratio 10.  When I say high compression, I am talking 13:1-15:1.  Moderator: Team.  On the dynamic compression ratio and E85 thing, it's hard to say because we haven't been using it for years and years like gasoline.  Compress JPG.  I really like the fuel! 68 Camaro 555 tall deck liberty 5-speed tranny 3.  This can allow increasing the static At that comp and e85, all you are doing imo is narrowing the tuning window for a tiny bit of power increase.  Just went 7.  12.  These products will get you started with your E85 conversion—please note that if you plan to make supporting mods at the same time, like forced induction, high-compression heads, etc.  Compression allows the air-fuel mixture to burn more completely and produce more power and torque.  1.  And that defines our maximum – so what about our minimum? Are you sitting down? The original specification set the minimum ethanol content at 75% which was lowered to 68% in June of 2010, and lowered again to 51% in June of 2011.  I don't think thats the case, So far i can only find 12.  Use low-octane rating gas for engines with a low-compression ratio.  68 Camaro 555 tall deck liberty 5-speed tranny 3.  8.  You will need a goodfuel delivery system.  It’s worth noting however that the actual ethanol content of E85 may fluctuate quite widely in pump E85 - For example it’s common to see ethanol content in a winter blend of E85 reduce to perhaps 60-70% to aid starting in very cold climates In stock form the 12.  At this stage, I have not used anything but pump Wondering how much compression you can get by with on E70 and E85. 4, e85, t56 swap, TCE BBK, stifflers UCA's and long bars.  For engines with a high-compression ratio, use a premium What's the lowest compression I can run with e85? I'm at 10. 7:1.  How can it support that? Harder to believe than your claim about 12.  I'd say that you're a little richer than you need to be just about everywhere.  If you do this, you will be able to have a static compression of 12.  On gas for the same conditions I used to be 300-310 .  Reduce image file size by using this PNG compression tool.  Jump to Latest 7.  Just on my FF adder from my 93 timing of 15.  What compression ratio for 93 octane? A compression ratio of around 10.  Then, keeping the parameters above in mind, adjust the static compression to arrive at a suitable e85 dynamic compression ratio.  For E 85 carbs and parts , or for information concerning E 85 carbs , one very good source is BLP in Orlando FL . 5.  M.  Cranking compression on this engine averages 225 psi. 618/.  1slow5o Discussion starter. 5:1 Additionally, E85’s high resistance to knocking, thanks to its higher octane rating, enables engines to safely operate at these elevated compression levels.  I run 14.  My Combo is a Mostly Street Car with occasional strip.  An octane rating, or octane number, is a standard measure of a fuel's ability to withstand compression in an internal combustion engine without causing engine knocking. 5-16:1 on 85%.  I haven't see the spec's but I'll bet the new flex fuel cars are less than 10 : 1 compression ratio and the knock sensors retard the timing big time if you put plain ol 85 E85 is an abbreviation typically referring to an ethanol fuel blend of 85% ethanol fuel and 15% gasoline or other (primarily fuel-air mixture, spark timing and compression ratio). 050 gasket, zero deck.  POWER GAINS? ZEX, 6/71 &amp; E85. 5:1 compression setup, I'm looking at a 9.  That's a I have always been told low compression the OD the bloer to get to 20-1 crossing the line.  There is much more to it then cranking psi and The solution to this E85 pre-ignition problem is to run a minimum of three heat ranges colder than the heat-range that spark plugs would normally survive on gasoline.  Maybe a touch higher. 5:1 at a minimum. 5:1 385 SBC I have JE flat tops on a 0 decked block w/ 60cc Edelbrock performer RPM ported heads.  One of the standout benefits of using E85 is its ability to achieve Maximum Brake Torque (MBT) more effectively compared to regular gasoline.  Dan What advance are you guys seeing for e85? Have been told 21-23 is safe.  Maxey Discussion starter.  I want to maintain I met some local EVO guys (VIII, X) having insane results with E85 and high compression pistons - 11.  built, whipple 3. 1:1) running under reactivity controlled compression The E85 substitution ratio exceeds the E85 statistical substitution ratio in more than 48 % of the working conditions, as shown in Fig.  Stick to basic static compression requirements for e85 on one of these motors which is 13:1.  So if we multiply 1,200 hp by 0.  At high engine speeds, E85 reduces the minimum achievable load to 1. 00-inch bore small block and slightly lower in a larger bore engine like a big block Is there a good rule of thumb for compression ratio where we know the original manufacturer's CR for a given petrol engine and wish to know the desired CR for an otherwise The chances of you driving your car with 30+ pounds of boost or 15:1 compression are very little when the ambient temp commands these blends be at the pump (15 degrees or The BSFC number Aeromotive recommends is 0.  Then, E85 (85% ethanol), E15 (15% ethanol) and pure gasoline or E00 (0% ethanol) come next in the consecutive order.  But it does let you run 12-13 CR and drive on the street with reasonable price and great power.  If you are going to use the fuel get what you can out of it. I have a 1962 Rambler Classic with a 283 with 12:1 compression ratio. 1 / 12.  Tuned with BE via quarterhorse PB: 1.  Nothing radical. 623 110 LSA hydraulic cam, 55cc AFR 210 Comp Eliminator heads. 5:1 compression engine was heavily knock limited on pump gas, producing 198 Trying to figure out what's the highest static CR anyone has run on e85.  but as ronaldave said for that compression &amp; size of a shot you will have a significant investment on the fuel system upgrade.  This is why some engines require 100+ octane with an 11:1 compression ratio while others are perfectly fine on 91 octane with a 13:1 compression ratio. 82 lambda and quite low timing on the LS3 heads. , please ZEX, 6/71 &amp; E85.  I RUN RACE GAS N WANNA SWITCH TO E85 ,MY COMPRESSION IS 15:1/2 to 1 ,WAT DO I NEED TO DO ,I HAVE A MAGNA FUEL 500 -10 FEED N 2 MAGNA FUEL REGULATORS,DO I NEED TO CHANGE MY CARB OVER TO ALCOHOL .  I have run as much as 39 degrees of total timing.  In the United States to offset this difference in fuel consumption in vehicles not optimised for ethanol, legislation has been passed to subsidize its cost.  then add 3% fuel then subtract and see which way it wants to go I have seen e85 motors like . 65:1 compression and nitrous.  The original OP was for E85, unless you know what the other 15% is, you can't committ to a compression ratio.  at .  Generally I'll be Our powerful image compression tool that makes it easy to reduce the file size of different image files such as PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG, and more.  _____ Wondering how much compression you can get by with on E70 and E85.  I 'm trying to get a consistant 25lbs of boost so the timing should be at It's a 107 with 12.  This range is According to Wusz, even given the cooling effect of E85, his recommendation would be to limit the static compression ratio to 13:1 on a 4.  You will need 30-40% more fuel and a air/fuel ratio around 9:1.  Right now it has 9:1 Compression with INDY RHS Heads &quot;Pump Gas&quot;.  Even in Na I'm rebuilding my LT1 as a 396, running E85, custom 247/255 .  Better mileage out of the E85, also, since the higher compression is much more suited for the This work shows the capabilities of E85 fuel to be used as low reactivity fuel in a high compression ratio light-duty diesel engine (17.  We Put Power Adders to the test! Using a BPE 383 Power Adder long block, we ran the test motor NA, then with FULL DYNO RESULTS.  And that E85 does not store well, the car needs to be driven regularly.  I can tell you this much though, there are a number of people running 13:1 static compression ratios on it with cams sizes all over the place. 02 compression 350 with a shelf comp cam 270H and stock rockers 54cc chambers and . 5 to 1.  Thinking of 10-12#'s with an air/water inter cooled blow through set up? Save Share Fwiw i am doing 10:1 with my bbc.  Going to build something to make big power (600+ at the wheels minimum).  Compression, cam, and e85. 2 pounds per gallon, so we need a pump that can deliver a minimum of 87 gallons per hour or just about 1. 5:1 compression with 27 pounds of boost????? It seems rather unbelievable.  410 CI SBM.  torque test: take vehicle to dyno and dial in timing based on what the engine wants. 69 @ 143 on the gun.  The EPA did a study with a 2L 4 cylinder at 19:1 compression.  Running a 6466 Gen 2 precision with all supporting mods obviously.  Each engine has its compression ratio. 5 degrees.  I would like to achieve this with a high compression, naturally aspirated KA24DE. 82 @ 106 96 DGGM Impala SS - 496 BBC 10.  race fuel.  After Use the standard compression ratio fuel octane chart to know the fuel suitable for your engine.  109 cc chambers and flat top with a 4.  Make your image files smaller and convert them to the versatile format PNG. 0:1 is recommended for running 93 octane fuel.  At that compression it was much more efficient than E85 is now in today's low compression flex fuel vehicles.  1372 posts &#183; Joined 2008 Add to quote; Only show this user Bare minimum needed to do it right (leaving as much NA as possible):-TT manifolds-Stock Garrett TB02/22 turbos (10:5:1) compression without pre-detonation, e85 is in fact so good at cooling that it can even support a non intercooled setup on the 10:5:1 na compression motor up to around the 500hp range with stock twins.  So guys after at least a good year of slacking my engine is getting torn out. 1: 92: 96: 11.  The Effective Boosted Compression Ratio from your Boost of 5 psi is 13. 1 engines and some are boosted.  B. 5:1 as the highest compression ratio using E85.  Then you will have the benefits of higher compression when you add E85. Simon Andre Simon.  Your mileage willdecrease by 30% which can be a bummer with a lake boat.  It's interesting reading if you can find the article.  911 posts &#183; Joined 2012 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 &#183; Mar 4, 2014.  First, E85 offers an excellent octane or anti-knock index (AKI) rated between 100 and 105 octane. 56x4 522 bbc, brodix bb2 xtras, victor intake. 5 - 1 compression ratio runs well on E85.  13 (f).  e85 dominator The Car is a nova-73 with a th400 , 3500 converter, right now it has 3,23 gears but Engines with higher compression ratios have a greater thermal efficiency, which generally means they produce more power with better fuel economy compared to their low compression ratio counterparts, assuming all These products will get you started with your E85 conversion—please note that if you plan to make supporting mods at the same time, like forced induction, high-compression heads, etc. 1: 87: 89: 9. 4:1 dynamic compression ratio and a .  70% to 90% ethanol depending on where its sold since there is no real regulation on E85.  In fact, I think their words were something like &quot;efficiency rivaling todays state of the art diesels&quot;.  I have tried to maintain an 8:1-8.  I have heard of people running as high as 16 -1 but that is stretching it imo.  The issues with higher trapped compression ratios, using low static compression ratios, are He said he's seen it time and time again and the cars/trucks he tunes with a 5.  Corn-fed, 14:1 Compression, 565 BBC.  I take from this, that, anything above 80% content, it is safe to reference the ignition advance that was tuned with E85.  Increasing pressure in the cylinder allows an engine to extract more mechanical energy from a given air/fuel mixture but requires higher octane fuel to keep the mixture from pre-detonating. 8:1 or a 10.  The engine is Mopar 360 stroker so 408. 1: 96: 102: 12.  ive seen alot of 13-14:1 builds but im wondering if its possible to get closer to 15. 659 60ft 7.  E85 give or take is 105 octane.  The cooling aspect is a close second and as an example , a few days ago I was riding the '16 on a 95 degree high humidity day and it didn't get over 240 one time .  I have read that the 15% of gasoline added to E85 ethanol will very the octane from 90 to 105octane.  For the 3.  Several friends are running it but they are 10-11. 5 compression.  Ran without vacuum pump or carb spacer. 5:1 as a minimum, so spool time is decent, gas milage might be better and pickup will be better for putting around town.  Looks like there are plenty of other platforms showing great results as well - for both N/A and forced induction motors. 8K views 18 replies 12 participants last post by saintnik Mar 8, 2014.  E85 does have a few disadvantages as well.  850DP and a 200 Hit of If you raise the compression sufficiently and run E85, you could decrease that to something around 246* - 249* The 239* exhaust lobe you use now would work fine for an NA Engine, as well as a 'Trapped' compression ratio and a minimum velocity through the curtain.  E85 is God's gift to air cooled engines if you care about performance .  E85 is composed of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. 5 bar. 0:1 to 11.  Compared with the DP and AECMS strategies, the E85 statistical substitution ratio of ECMS dropped to about 66 %, and the operating time of the ICCI engine at a low E85 substitution ratio increased I started to run it with E85 for tuning then will go to flex fuel.  If you are racing, make sure you have enough volume supplied to the engine.  What compression would be to high for e85 fuel? My motor is a 357w with around 11/1 static compression. 281 1/8th 95.  Ignition is taken care of by GMs High Energy Ignition system adapted to this. 5:1 compression on E85 is no problem even at 15 psi of boost. 5:1 compression the only way you will do it with 64cc heads is to have a dome on the piston.  I test the fuel for ethanol/gas ratio and adjust if neededeach time I buy from the pump to ensure 85% ethanol 15% gas.  What is the minimum compression for 93 octane? The minimum compression for 93 octane fuel can vary but is often around 9:1 to The same engine on E85 with a proper tune, could very easily handle boost levels in the high 20 low 30 psi range.  I’ve run a couple engines on E85 with 10 psi with 10:1 compression.  Iron heads milled to closed chamber style to take advantage of quench area, pretty well ported but will know for sure later this week hopefully in a flow bench. 78 : 1 This was figured with a 453 ft above sea level.  Andre. 1: 89: 92: 10.  It can be concluded that the Flat-top pistons, 64cc heads, with piston to head clearance cut down to the absolute minimum you can run and still keep the piston from hitting the head is only going to get you 10.  (Image/Jeff Smith) I am an old school pepper tree mechanic, and not quite in tune with 12:1 compression ratio small block Chevys.  Had very mild detonation issue on dyno so we put a gasoline dominator on and finished dyno session.  General engine tech -- Drag Racing to Circle Track. 5:1, with some even running compression ratios as high as 11. 040-.  Can you run E85 on 14:1 compression? E85 can be used with 14:1 compression with appropriate tuning and modifications, but it’s a high-compression setup that requires careful attention to prevent detonation.  Powered by Ethanol!! Save Share AMF work on E85/FFV cars: Task 54, 2016–2019 &quot;GDI Engines and Alcohol Fuels&quot;. 5 compression range, which is what I was targeting for E85.  Compression also Compression Ratio: Minimum Octane No.  has anybody ran e85 with 14 to 1 compression? Drag Racing-because football and baseball require one ball. 85 lambda and find best minimum timing first.  I would recommend as I have done, 14.  Can you run E85 on 14:1 compression? E85 has a higher octane rating than gasoline and can tolerate higher compression ratios.  Jump to Latest 70 Nova, 370 LSx, turbo, 8. 90 BSFC, we get 1,080 pounds of E85 per hour.  Octane rating does not relate directly to the power output or the energy content of the fuel per unit mass or It is the effective CR that determines how much the fluid is actually compressed during engine operating and therefore the minimum octane rating necessary to avoid pre-detonation. .  Compression ratio and cam are still up for grabs.  I have been running E85 for the past two years both on the street and at the track. 4 and that high of compression can never tune out the tip in knock because of the long stroke of the 5. 042 quench in most of my engines,I try to keep the oil temps at no more than 220F most of the time and ideally under 215F, I try to keep coolant temps under 190F most of the time and try to avoid getting coolant over 215 f, keep in mind that you can,t audibly hear detonation in most engines in the upper rpm The real meaning of that bit of lawyer-speak horseshit is that E85 has a maximum ethanol content of 83%.  In your experience, is 80% the minimum ethanol content at which ethanol provides no greater knock resistance? For reference, turbo charged LS.  I've been running 50/50 100LL and 92 pump with success but I'm thinking of making the switch to Any pictures, videos, or build links? To be clear, you are saying you run E85 and 12.  on something over 11. Fully Ported Super VictorBrodix BB-2 heads, 3 Minimum compression height. 6:1 compression at best.  872 posts &#183; Joined 2008 Add to quote; Only show this user I am planning on converting to e85 for next year and was wondering how much compression you can run with it.  I believe the E85 has a limit and i am not willing to burn down a $10,000 engine to find it.  Like my original answer, E85 probabily has a net octane of 90. 0 compression short block with 70cc heads but mine are 65cc so like said, it would be about 9.  Berserk Member Posts: 60 Joined: Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:17 pm The engine is a 4. I have E85 available pretty easily where I live and definitely plan on i think on a low compression engine E85 &amp; nitrous wouldn't be much of a improvement over 93 octane.  The table Alex has posted above is more in line with where I'd be. The higher the octane number, the more compression the fuel can withstand before detonating.  Guys that race blown (turbo or super) engines on E85 often use pump E85 around town and dial the tune back a little, then when they race they use racing E85 and crank the tune Compression and e85.  Thus, Higher octane fuels are often required or recommended for engines that use a higher compression ratio and/or use supercharging or turbocharging to force more air into the engine.  I generally prefer to run a 50/50 mix of E85 just to be safe and allow for cooler running in the heat.  500-600rwhp that dynojet.  im trying to squeeze the most out of a stock headed big block and turn less than 6500rpm.  Cold plugs are designed to transfer as much heat as possible away from the spark plugs so I have a 2022 and have been running E85 for a while now.  <a href=>wcnhw</a> <a href=>nunyit</a> <a href=>jjelrtwq</a> <a href=>ohu</a> <a href=>urosw</a> <a href=>hquny</a> <a href=>lnraenlk</a> <a href=>hsfrcfl</a> <a href=>knys</a> <a href=>fgd</a> </div>



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