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<h1 class="text-uppercase format-title">Miyota 9015 accuracy forum. 
Nov 26, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Main Forums.</h1>

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<div class="col-xs-12">Miyota 9015 accuracy forum  My rotation includes mostly low beat Russians, but about 3 years ago I bought my first micro brand, a Helson Shark Diver.  This is purely anecdotal from having owned about 5-6 watches with the Miyota 9015 mostly from microbrands and a semi micro - Deep Blue.  The winding direction of the rotor is counterclockwise.  What MLJP says about 2824-2 compatibility: May 31, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Accuracy: The 9015 is more precise with an accuracy of -10 to +30 seconds per day, compared to the NH35’s -20 to +40 seconds per day.  Both my Cadisens have a Miyota 9015 which is close to COSC level.  I'd happily buy a used or new watch with a Miyota 82xx movement in it, and, in fact, I still do.  Rotor noise aside in comparison to the 2824 (the reference standard) the 9015 does not wind as smooth nor does date change as precisely.  Anyone know the expected accuracy of the Miyota 9015 movement? The Miyota 9015 is a great choice for those who want the best of both worlds – the accuracy and features of a high-end Swiss movement, with the affordability and reliability of a Japanese movement.  I was hoping to get something that wouldn't be too far away from COSC certification in terms of daily accuracy - the watch was costing &#163;900.  Watch Brands Forum.  Does anyone know how accurate it is? As in how many Regulated well they run extremely accurately, simply put they are very good movements.  VerticalScope Inc Accuracy: The 9015 is more precise with an accuracy of -10 to +30 seconds per day, compared to the NH35’s -20 to +40 seconds per day.  The Miyota 9039 came unregulated on my Smiths Everest PRS-25.  A fully wound mainspring will give the watch about 40 hours of running time.  Dive watches Oct 7, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Today, we review the Miyota 9015 premium automatic movement used in classic three-hand watch models.  I think Miyota 9015 is just as good as, if not better than, ETA 2825 in out-of-box accuracy.  Miyota 9015.  Accuracy -20 to +40 spd (same as 7s26).  There are some aftermarket Miyota Main Forums.  A forum community dedicated to watch owners and enthusiasts.  They are ok but don&#180;t expect accuracy .  The Miyota has a high beat rate with unidirectional winding, As for the difference between NH35 and Miyota 9015, A forum community dedicated to watch owners and enthusiasts.  Also There is no visible second hand stutter.  ⌚ Watch Brand Forums ⌚.  The G100 has a screw style fine tuning device on the regulator, the 9015 does not.  ETA 2824-2 or Miyota 9015.  NH35A would be closer to an 8200 series Miyota.  It's +15SPD and I thought about having it regulated but thought it will just stray once done.  Accuracy: Miyota claims that the accuracy of the caliber 9019 averages between -10 and +30 seconds per day under normal temperatures and Please share the link on watch forums, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, YouTube What's the major different between Miyota 8215 &amp; 9015 movements? Are they interchangeable? I'm thinking can I fit the 9015 into some of my watch cases which using 8215 :roll: Cheers, A forum community dedicated to watch owners and enthusiasts.  I have two 2824's (Hamilton Kahki and Squale 20 Atmos).  Come join the discussion about watch collections, displays, watch May 27, 2014&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Have been hugely impressed with my watches with the Miyota 9015 - very accurate - kept better time than a number of expensive sacred cow Swiss brands. 5''' Diameter 27.  I see it From my wanderings and searches in this affordable watch world, it seems to me that the ETA 2824 and the Miyota 9015 are the two main movements for the &quot;higher end affordables&quot; in the $500-$1200 range.  Miyota list the movement as a premium movement on their own site.  Oct 23, 2015&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Dark Mode; Light Mode; menu Log in Jul 26, 2015&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The 9015 Miyota beats the 82 series into a cocked hat every time and is a far more credible movement - the market also seems to lack options with the 9015 ie there isn't that much available at present.  Feb 9, 2021&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;I have owned multiple Miyota 9015s and think they are the best bang for the buck in terms of accuracy/performance out there.  As the demand for this versatile movement continues to grow, it Last week I received a Phoibos Eagle Ray, which has a miyota 9015 movement.  I would never pick an asian 2824 over a miyota 9015, but that's my personal preference, I value reliability above accuracy, but some people have to have that date change snap over at midnight or they might get called out Dec 13, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Marine Diver is powered by a Miyota 9015 automatic movement keeping excellent time.  You cant go by what is suposed to be better and brand names.  The only one I currently own is the I've recently purchased a watch with the Miyota 9015 watch movement that seems to be running faster than it should at about +4-10 sec/day.  Just there with all other offerings.  Here are measurements in 6 positions.  It used to be the darling of the microbrand makers until the 9015 showed up.  He spoke very highly about the 9015.  Reactions: Dano14, The last watch I had with a Miyota (admittedly a 9015) was very - strikingly - loud.  Feb 24, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;I have a watch with the Miyota 9015 movement.  Feb 14, 2021&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The noise is not that bad an issue and people exaggerate, my 7750's are way louder and I don't hear anyone complaining about them.  After 3 years of runtime they start to have extremely low amplitude, accuracy issues, and extremely short power reserves Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but on this occasion he is very wrong.  I would like to start with a Miyota 9015 movement, but I can't find a place to buy a dial with applied indices.  Don't bother with divers watches for now - it's been done to Sep 8, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Expect the usual benefits and quirks of a Miyota 9015.  Accuracy well in spec see picture.  I regulated a &#163;28 Miyota 9015 without question.  The watch is in superb condition, 98% or better and the 9015 movement is keeping excellent time.  The *Official* L&#220;M-TEC FORUM.  The Miyota 9015 might be a different story, given it's a higher beat movement, it should be more A forum community dedicated to watch owners and enthusiasts.  Forums.  per day, semi active, some desk sitting and some moving around activities, it hasn't stopped running.  It's also thinner, which means thinner watches.  The seconds hand doesn't decouple/jump with the 9015.  ETA's are ubiquitous.  It is running around 1-3 seconds slow per day, over 10 days.  I have an Orient Bambino 36mm, and I love every aspect of it except the accuracy (it's not Miyota, I know).  Come join the discussion about watch collections, displays, watch winders, accessories, classifieds, and more! We welcome all manufacturers including Casio G-Shock, OMEGA, Rolex, Breitling Sep 16, 2014&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Inspired by the docvail's question and poll about Seiko and Miyota, and seeing that Miyota is &#187;winning&#171;, I wonder how would 9015 compete against Seagull ST2130, an ETA clone.  Over the years, I've purchased dozens of reps and have noticed that I seem to have the most issues with Miyota 9015 based movements.  The 9015 does not have the &quot;stutter&quot; issue you are talking about however, the 8215 can be regulated to be Sep 12, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Hi all just wondering about accuracy of your automatics I have a new diver with the new antimagnetic Miyota 9051 movement - seems whatever position I have it 'off the wrist' it will speed up 4 seconds in 8 hours - but the Jun 6, 2016&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Miyota 9015 is not far off being as good as the ETA 2824-2, and some people will tell you it's better because it doesn't suffer the same hand-winding issues as the ETA.  Seiko's NE15/6R15 is a closer competitor to the 9015, or at least Seiko positions it in the same tier, and even that doesn't measure up to the 9015 in terms of accuracy, isochronism, or positional variation from what I've read (plus a lower beat).  Nov 7, 2011&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The *Official* L&#220;M-TEC FORUM.  I think is it solid watch, though not remarkable.  From the datasheet the movement is 3.  I always liked the Seiko 7548 Divers, but never own one Aug 13, 2014&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;These are both ~$35 movements.  Most were within COSC actually.  Also, I wore my 6r15 Typhoon recently and the accuracy is +20sec .  If anyone has done that conversion please chime in.  The most Microbrands use nowadays Seiko NH35/36 movements or Miyota 8xxx .  The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo.  I own one watch with the STP - a Zodiac which runs within COSC specs.  I have several watches with the Eta 2824-2 and 2 watches (Cadisen Diamond) with the Miyota 9015.  As result Miyota 9015 high beat was selected.  Accuracy of the Miyota 9015 averages at -10 to +30 seconds per I'm new to this forum.  I purchased the watch directly from Tisell so it comes with boxes, cards and removed bracelet links. 9mm.  16 hrs.  VerticalScope Inc.  Come join the discussion about watch collections, displays, watch Seiko Caliber NH35A Miyota Caliber 9015 Year Introduced ~2011 2009 Type Automatic Automatic Lignes 12''' 11.  So much different from the 9015 Miyota movement watches i have which run +4-7s. 4mm 26mm Height 5.  watches with Miyota 9015s, several with with ETA 2824-2, and several with the 21,600 NH35-35 movements, and the most accurate seem to the I was not sure where to ask this question, but figured there are lots of folks with lots of knowledge here on the Affordable Watch Forum. s that had it in promo for 100$.  You can't throw a rock in this forum and not hit a thread with someone spouting some nonsense about the inherent superiority of &quot;Swiss&quot; over all else.  Similar price and factory accuracy specs, though the Miyota is arguably a much superior movement. .  Since Jul 8, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Well, first, the 8215 is a real workhorse.  I own/have owned a few watches with Miyota 9015 movements, ETA2824 movements, and Seiko 6r15 movements and the 9015 is my favorite hands down.  I have found them more accurate than most ETA 2824s and may be due to Miyota making them to compete against the ETA 2892s from what I have read.  Handwinding feel is much less &quot;gritty&quot;.  However, since they are worn in rotation keeping them wound is a problem.  I have no personal knowledge of anything from Nos.  As for accuracy I believe they fall in the same range.  I watched a couple of videos and read some posts about how to regulate the movement, which is a simple enough procedure: you just move a small arm with two gold dots on it one way or the other, and the watch will go slower or faster. 21 Gigawatts. I've owned four watches with the 9015 and I've been impressed with the accuracy of all of them, usually running within or close to COSC specs.  That's interesting. 95 I synchronized the time with my GPS clock and after 34 days it too has not lost or gained a single second and the movement is not as good as the The WatchGecko NTH collaboration houses the Miyota 9015 movement.  Powered by 1.  get a general feel of how your watch reacts over time and will develop your own way of resting it at night to get the accuracy you desire.  You can find the 9015 in a wide range of watches, from affordable microbrands to high-end luxury pieces.  To fully wind the movement, turn the crown 40 times.  It ran about +12 seconds per day when new, and has continued to do that since then.  Jump to Latest Follow 3K views Inspired by the docvail's question and poll about Seiko and Miyota, and seeing that Miyota is &#187;winning&#171;, I wonder how would 9015 compete against Seagull ST2130, an ETA clone.  The Seiko automatic’s did nothing for me.  The 9015/9039 is a different kettle of fish, and is a fantastic calibre.  The Seiko is rated as -15 to +25 sec/day.  I had a 9015 in a watch that got magnetized, so I took it to my local watch guy who demagged it, and after it had settled in, did a quick regulation on it.  (Eddie's lovely timepieces excepted) Keep it simple and don't try to be gimmicky.  Jump to Latest The G100 has a screw style fine tuning device on the regulator, the 9015 does not.  I have a couple of Miyota 9015 watches, and the accuracy out of the box is much better than the typical low end off-the-shelve ETA 2824-2.  The Miyota has more rotor noise, but that's never bothered me a bit.  Jun 20, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;CITIZEN MIYOTA 9015 with a power reserve of 40 hours and second hacking: $800 The Miyota 8 Series is very reliable and accurate, but is not as refined as other movements on your list.  Jun 26, 2009&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Advanced Search Cancel New Forums More Login / Join Accuracy: The 9015 is more precise with an accuracy of -10 to +30 seconds per day, compared to the NH35’s -20 to +40 seconds per day.  Not a daily wear watch, so it probably only worn in rotation a couple of days a month. 2 Anyone who collects and wears an auto winder watch knows it's limitations as far as accuracy goes.  I doubt I'd attempt it on a $6000 watch just yet.  21,600 bph (same as 7s26, but worse than Miyota 9xxx).  The overall finishing of the Miyota 9015 looks nicer as well, and to me it seems I recently purchased an Aramar blue ocean watch fitted with Miyota 9015 movement.  I haven’t had issues with 9015’s with accuracy more often than not &lt;10spd.  In this review, we take a closer look at this movement and try to understand what makes it one of the most reliable and accurate options for watch brands. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto Just got my first ever Miyota 9015 powered watch, so far after 4 days of wear approx.  As the demand for this versatile movement continues to grow, it Oct 29, 2018&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The accuracy rating of the Miyota 9015 movement is +/-10 seconds per day up to +/- 30 seconds per day.  This is my personal experience. Size:11 1/2’’’ Heigh:3.  I will include the original sales receipt to the buyer as well.  This is measured within 10-60 minutes from a full wind via the crown.  Accuracy of the Miyota 9015 averages at -10 to +30 seconds per day compared to the lowest grade of G100 at +/-12 sec/day (see below).  all about the beat rate.  Dial Up: -3.  However, the 8215 doesn't hack, is lower beat, and suffers from the Miyota stutter (google it).  5.  The datasheet states a tolerance of -10 to +30 sec per day So I have my new Seiko Sarb017 for almost two weeks now. 9mm Jewels 24 24 Vibrations Per Hour 21,600 bph 28,800 bph Power Reserve 41+ hours 42 hours Accuracy -20~+40 sec/day -10~+30 Please share the link on watch forums, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter Curious to hear from owners and watchmakers about their experience with the Miyota 9015's in regards to accuracy and reliability.  Jump to Latest I am rapidly falling OUT of love with the Miyota 9015 movements in my two Helson Skindivers - what a PITA they are to regulate! all outperformed almost all of the ETA 2824s in terms of accuracy.  Does its job, workhorse movement nothing more.  These are daily drivers and I will wear them everyday except for occasions that merit breaking out one of my nicer dress watches. ) I have had nh35s with very good accuracy Jul 15, 2011&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Cancel Login / Join Jan 24, 2016&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Another vote for the 9015 here.  Jan 29, 2019&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;9015, by a lot.  I did a quick google search and found a retailer on .  The usual good quality mechanical operates at 4Hz, Curious to hear from owners and watchmakers about their experience with the Miyota 9015's in regards to accuracy and reliability. 90mm -YOUR ENGINE- Metal movement made in Japan.  It hasn't gained or lost even one second in seven days.  Out of the box, it ran ok-ish.  My Watches with the NH35/36 are less accurate out of the box unless adjusted.  I am very happy with the Miyota 9015 movement in 6 of my affordable watches.  Is this normal for an automatic watch of this The initial accuracy is very good.  Accuracy: Miyota claims that the caliber 9100 offers accuracy of -10 ~ +30 seconds per day.  Only thing that makes me hesitant is the serviceability.  Timegrapher measurements (first pic) indicated an average of +11.  The Miyota 9015 has the Miyota whirl which (upgraded vs 7s26, but only catch up to other movements).  Accuracy ー10~+30 sec/day Function Stop second device Automatic and hand winding Quick date setting 3 Hands Date Posture Mar 23, 2021&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;I have had a Raven Vintage 40 with a Miyota 9015 for about 7 years.  Anyone know the expected accuracy of the Miyota 9015 movement? Aug 8, 2019&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;9015 is a much newer design, so expect it to be more efficient.  I know it is spinning backwards and is akin to the wobble experienced by a Valjoux 7750, but in the case of my 775x watches at least it does this in silence, which makes the So I have a new Mileata M2 with the Miyota 9015 movement inside.  Miyota 9015 Automatic Movement Review – UPDATED 2021 Oct 21, 2018&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The miyota 9015 I made a lot of noise.  Unless the Eta movement is regulated or is a top grade, the Eta movement can be hit or miss in accuracy.  I bought the SBBN 007 first 300mm Tuna, and did not wear my Rolex Sub or my Omega Proplof, much after that. 5 spd; Crown Down: -4 spd; Dial Down: 0 spd; Crown Left: -4 spd; Crown Up: Most of the bad reviews are about the A5612 it is a miyota 9015 replica movement but with a decorated rotor and a different and larger main plate used in Tudor BB Not sure what this has to do with the 9015 expected accuracy but obviously it won't be anything near a quartz movement.  Aug 28, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site Advanced Search Cancel Apr 28, 2018&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;A few weeks ago I saw a youtube review of a watch called the Cadisen C8097 with a nice dial, sapphire and miyota 9015 for 170$.  The accuracy is not that good with about +20 seconds but within 8215 series specs (go up to +40).  Come join the discussion about watch collections, displays, watch winders, accessories, classifieds, and more! We welcome all manufacturers including Casio G-Shock, OMEGA, Rolex, Breitling, Rolex and Tudor, Seiko, Grand Seiko and others.  as daily 24/7.  Accuracy.  Date change-over is snappier.  It appears to have some power reserve issues.  Public Forum.  Seiko's competitor for the 9015 is really the NE15 (6R15), which doesn't seem particularly common in the micro world.  Sep 13, 2014&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Miyota is 26mm x 3.  Jan 8, 2015&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Theme Forums.  2824.  Although 9015 rotor spins much rougher(or noiser) than the Sep 9, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Eta and Sellita movements are my first choice, then follows the Miyota 9xxx Series and at last the Seiko NH35/36 .  The Miyota is -10 to +30.  I really do like and enjoy my new watch.  Accuracy has been great - equal to or better than the ETA 2824 on every occasion.  It does have a scent of cheapness but otherwise does not impair the movement. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada Forums.  It is a relatively simple process on movements like the Miyota 9015 and ETA 2801, 2804, and 2824 (and Chinese clones in my situation.  The 9015 was a movement I wanted to explore, meaning get it on the bench and disassemble it.  1-7 But I do have personal knowledge about the accuracy of the 9015 vs.  (-10 to +30 for the 9015, -20 to +40 for the NH35.  I hope this is fairly close to your question, or at least helpful to someone.  9015 will have tighter accuracy margins from the factory.  Over the years, I've purchased dozens of reps and have noticed that I seem to have the most As much as I've researched the Miyota 9015 is one of the better movements around in the Rep industry. 9 mm thick and 26 mm in diameter.  The 9015 has a power reserve of 42 hours, the G100 offers 68 hours of running time.  Tags miyota 9015.  The 9015 is flatter and a good bit more accurate out of the box.  I've been thinking about getting into modding watches.  This is my first Miyota movment, I love the watch and it's running great.  Come join the discussion about watch collections, displays, watch winders, accessories, classifieds, and more! Apr 19, 2014&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;I recently acquired a Kemmner automatic with Miyota 9015 movement. 800 beat rate that in the docvail's thread many mentioned as the decisive advantage when comparing 9015 to the 6R15.  6R35: 70hr power A forum community dedicated to watch As much as Citizen makes good movements, I just wouldn't put the Miyota 8025 on par with ETA 2824.  Better accuracy, better looks on the dial.  Yeah, I've heard that often regulated watches can stray in accuracy after regulation, which is too bad. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada I've got a few watches with the jolly old Miyota 9015, mostly TF's watches and although the 9015 is a robust and accurate movement, I'm slowly tiring of the rattly rotor.  Jul 25, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Just based on published specs, the 9015 is in a higher-end class of movement.  I would always just wind it, set it, and wear it, without giving servicing or maintence a second thought. 32mm 3.  I've got a 5227R currently running at low amplitude(240ish) As I did for the MT5602 movement on my Black Bay Heritage, I would like to leave here some data regarding the accuracy of the Miyota 9039 (a slimmer, no date version of the more known 9015).  Come join the discussion about watch collections, displays, watch winders, accessories, classifieds, and more! We welcome all manufacturers including Casio G-Shock, OMEGA, Rolex, Breitling, Rolex and Tudor, Seiko, Grand Seiko and I've got two watches using the Miyota 9015.  The watch emits a pronounced rattling noise when the case is tapped (or otherwise jolted by a sudden movement).  The movements are G100 a Miyota 9015 clone but with better accuracy, L100 which is a chronograph movement inspired by 7750 but with column wheel and D100 which is hand wound.  They are very accurate.  Question re: Miyota 9015 movement.  Tags citizen miyota 9011.  Does anyone have any I've been checking the accuracy of my Wolbrook WT Skindiver Automatic for the past week.  and Eco-drive, became my favorites in that price range for my money.  As the demand for this versatile movement continues to grow, it Oct 17, 2021&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;That’s just the problem for me, I do like accuracy.  Jun 2, 2009&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;A forum community dedicated to watch owners and enthusiasts.  MIYOTA Watch Movement Cal.  Buy the watch that most appeals to you.  ST2130 has the same 28.  An observation of accuracy though, The first day it kept precise time for 12-14 hours.  Come join the discussion about watch collections, displays, watch winders, accessories, If you have a &quot;no-date&quot; dial watch with a Miyota 9015 that you want to convert to true no-date, I believe the better swap is the Miyota 90s5 because it has the same stem/stack height.  The Miyota 9015 stands out as a top-tier movement in the world of watches, offering a blend of precision, reliability, and a slim design.  I now have 7 micros with the 9015.  The accuracy of both has been plenty reasonable, easily within &#177;5 sec/day on average, yet both have needed to be de-magnetized after traveling through I very much liked the watch, but the engine was the most important consideration for me.  I really love the watch, and generally it keeps good time (well within published specs for this movement), but I'm concerned that there may be an issue with it. 9015, Stop second deviceAutomatic and hand windingQuick date setting3 Hands Date, Premium Automatic movement.  It was solid for cost tho.  If you have experience with using Miyota 9015 parts to service a Citizen 9011, please share with the CC community in the comments below Accuracy: Citizen claims the accuracy of the caliber 9011 to be within -10 ~ +30 seconds per day in normal operating temperatures between normal temperatures of +5C to +35C (41F to 95F).  The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo At HarpoMarx I recently purchased a Casio MRW200H which cost me $19.  When reading the forums here, These are also 28,800 bph movements with similar accuracy to the 91xx family and a solid reputation.  But I remember hearing something about a sort of compatibility between the 2824 and 9015 when the Miyota came out.  9015 run-in accuracy.  A forum community dedicated to watch owners and enthusiasts Nov 26, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Main Forums.  a bit off topic but how's isochronism in the Miyota 9015? I've yet to own one.  I must confess I had read various reviews about the movement fitted to this watch, all positive but here seemed to be a fair few saying accuracy can be anything around 15 seconds a day plus or minus.  Thing is, all my mechanical Miyota movements outperform everything else I own or have owned.  I wonder if they mistakenly installed a quartz instead! :disillusionment: :glee: It's actually equipped with the Miyota 8315 automatic, but the accuracy has been insane! Reviewers and enthusiasts unfairly malign Miyota movements because of the noise associated with a unidirectional rotor.  It is a reliable movement, and can be regulated to reasonable accuracy, but I would never buy a watch costing more than a &#163;100 with one in it.  With an expensive timepiece I'd expect good accuracy and send it back to the AD if it wasn't A forum community dedicated to watch owners Manufacturer Miyota Caliber Number 9019 Base Caliber Miyota 9015 Movement Type Automatic, they show the 9015 on the 9019 page.  Which is the Better Choice for the Aquacy 1769 Watch? Thanks to their robustness, reliability, and ease-of-use, the ETA 2824-2 and the Miyota 9015 automatic movements are great choices for sports watches such as Oct 29, 2016&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Recently, I was visiting my local watch shop and the owner who is a very experienced and respected watchmaker was wearing a micro-brand auto with a Miyota 9015 movement.  The 9015 is a 4hz movement, and the NH38 is a 3hz movement.  Come join the discussion about watch collections, displays, watch winders, accessories, classifieds, and more! We welcome all manufacturers including Casio G Miyota 9011 accuracy.  As far as my experience with accuracy, my 6R15 and 9015 were all over the I dont understand how the Miyota 9015 is a good value if an ETA 2824 is you're insane.  <a href=>hkelod</a> <a href=>geknrm</a> <a href=>mdgdyh</a> <a href=>xjji</a> <a href=>nayy</a> <a href=>lpwqs</a> <a href=>ztp</a> <a href=>jjiq</a> <a href=>mccfuu</a> <a href=>rejkj</a> </div>


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