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class="site"> <span class="skip-link screen-reader-text"><br> </span> <div class="header-middle"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="site-branding news-box-logo"> <h1 class="site-title logo-off"><span class="navbar-brand">Norwegian bliss bf balcony. Cabin is 176 ft 2, Balcony is 32 ft 2.</span></h1> <p class="site-description"><br> </p> </div> <!-- .site-branding --> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="custom_html-5" class="widget_text header-banner widget_custom_html"> <div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="header-bottom latest-news-bar"> <div class="container"> <div class="nbox-ticker"> <div class="ticker-title"> <div class="news-latest">Norwegian bliss bf balcony View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9212. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10912 on iCruise. Balcony 38 - 108 sq ft *Square footage is not specific to this cabin, but rather is an average in this category type. Please Note: Smoking Policy: Smoking is not permitted in staterooms or on balconies. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9160 on iCruise. Cabin # 10286 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Spa balcony Norwegian Bliss. Sail Norwegian Bliss and discover the excitement of Freestyle Cruising. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10712 on iCruise. By barb65, angled balcony best BF on floor 8 in my opinion, 8738 and 8138. Norwegian Encore Balcony Stateroom Review. Cabin # 9872 Category BF Balcony Stateroom Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed and additional bedding for Jun 1, 2018 · Norwegian Bliss is a 20-decks floating village: discover all of its surprises with our detailed deck plans. See Norwegian Bliss cabins, staterooms and suites. Cabin # 8738 is a Category BC - Mid-Ship Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 8. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10906 on iCruise. This room was rather forward, on the port-side of the ship. Cabin # 8756 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 8. Optional 3rd and 4th beds Inside a Balcony Cabin on Norwegian Bliss. Norwegian Cruise Line Norwegian Bliss Deck Plans. a downgrade from BA. 9920 near balcony. Balcony: Stateroom Size: 214 - 367 sq ft. THE HAVEN BY NORWEGIAN ® SQ. Norwegian Bliss Cabin # 10292 Category BF - Balcony Stateroom. Club Balcony Suite - Norwegian Cruise Line Floor Plan. Guarantee Balcony. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9870 on iCruise. com also provides links to actual stateroom cabin pictures and videos on this page. 10318 HC Mini near balcony (narrower) 10918 HC Mini near balcony (wider View Deck 9 on Norwegian Bliss on iCruise. Norwegian Bliss Deck Plan Tour of Staterooms, Suites, Cabins and Public Spaces on Deck 8 deck. Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 9180 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 9180. 9324 near closet (narrowest) 9924 HC near balcony. Cabin # 10714 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9872 on iCruise. Find great cruise vacation on Norwegian Bliss and choose from our many accommodation options including a range of spacious staterooms to suit every group and budget. Cabin # 9170 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 9. Norwegian Bliss Deck Plan Tour of Staterooms, Suites, Cabins and Public Spaces on Deck 9 deck. This will actually be stated on the Freestyle Daily delivered to the room. BF: Balcony Stateroom: 214 sq ft 38 sq ft Balcony: BX: Sail Away Balcony (Guarantee) 218 sq ft 42 sq ft Balcony: O4: Family Oceanview Stateroom: Apr 24, 2022 · Let's not open THIS can of worms (another thread on this was recently edited by a host/mod). Cabin # 12210 is a Category BA - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 12. Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 8156 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 8156. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10108. Cabin # 9298 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 9. Cabin # 10312 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Find what's on Norwegian Bliss Deck 9. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9170 on iCruise. Save up to $100 on your next cruise. Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 9870 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 9870. Cabin # 9134 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 9. Cruisedeckplans. Already Booked. Norwegian Bliss & Norwegian Breakaway: starting Oct. Aft B1 Balconies size ranges from 40 We are particularly interested in Cabin 8738 on the Bliss because it looks like an angled balcony. Thank you in advance for replies. Deck 9, Deck 8. Deck 11, Deck 10. Take an in-depth look at a balcony stateroom on the beautiful Norwegian Bliss cruise ship. Jul 16, 2022 · Size: 176 sq. Balcony 32 sq. Call 1-877-872-8154 or book online. Cabin # 10308 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Sign In | Register. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10304. BX. balconySizeInfo Floor Plan. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10710 on iCruise. ACCOMMODATES QUANTITY The Haven Deluxe Owner's Suite with Large Balcony (H2) 1,459 6 2 The Haven 2-Bedroom Family Villa with Large Balcony (H5) 622 6 13 The Haven 2-Bedroom Family Villa with Balcony (H6) 538 6 11 The Haven Spa Suite with Balcony (H9) 430-433 2 6 The Haven Aft-Facing Penthouse with Large Balcony View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9160. Cabin # 10912 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10110 on iCruise. Balcony 38 - 59 sq. Cabin # 9756 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 9. Expect the only "connecting" to be the door inside the room (pictured, to the right of the frame, this is on the Bliss) Norwegian Bliss. Cabin # 9286 Category BF Balcony Stateroom Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed and additional bedding for Norwegian Bliss is a state-of-the-art 168,028-ton, 4,004-guest ship and the third of Norwegian's highly acclaimed Breakaway-Plus Class. com has 61,353 different (staterooms) cabins that have actual cabin pictures and/or cabin videos taken by real cruisers. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10728. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10308 on iCruise. Cabin Type: Balcony Sub Category: BD Occupancy: 3 Bed Configurations: Queen or two twins plus a single sofa bed Cabin Size: 176 square feet Balcony Size: 32 square View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10714. 0 Verified review. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 8756. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10886. Plus, no matter where we were coming from, we always had the fish (on the carpet) to guide us home. com has 65,291 different (staterooms) cabins that have actual cabin pictures and/or cabin videos taken by real cruisers. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9288 on iCruise. Cabin # 9872 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 9. Cabin # 8748 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 8. All our decks are loaded with features including pictures and/or videos. There's usually not many cabins of that classification on a cruise ship. join(", ")}} Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 9160 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 9160. Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 9244 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 9244. We didn’t mind the location as it was an easy walk to the elevators. They Norwegian Bliss Balcony Stateroom Review. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10310 on iCruise. Write a Review; Norwegian Cruise Line ; Cabin 8738 balcony question Cabin 8738 balcony question. 4. Cabin # 10908 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9756 on iCruise. Cabin # 10132 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. The Balcony is generally priced cheaper than Family Balcony but from their website the size of a balcony seems to be bigger than a family balcony. Cabin # 10114 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. BT. balconySizeInfo Looking at Norwegian Cruise Line's Balcony vs Family Balcony on the Encore. 18 Norwegian Bliss Balcony Stateroom BD Reviews Write a Review. Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed and additional bedding for up to 2 guests. 9918 H6 Configuration A Deck 10. TV, refrigerator, safe, and hair dryer; Balcony: Five balcony cabins (1,088 total) are available on Norwegian Bliss: aft-facing (216 to 425 square feet with 40- to 149-square-foot balconies); large balcony (331 square feet with a 155 Floor Plan. Cabin # 9160 Category BF Balcony Stateroom Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed and additional bedding for Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 8156 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 8156. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10714 on iCruise. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10892. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10128 on iCruise. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9290 on iCruise. Norwegian Bliss Deck Plan Tour of Staterooms, Suites, Cabins and Public Spaces on Deck 11 deck. Located in The Haven, these Suites offer amazing ocean views, a wet bar and spacious balconies. 1 Cabin 8738 Review Write a Review. BF is the least expensive balcony. By continuing to browse the site you agree to our use of cookies. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9130. Here you can find pictures, detailed descriptions and on deck location. I'm currently checking out balcony cabins on the Gem and I've noticed that a forward BF balcony is $200 more than a mid-ship B4 balcony, which is surprising because the BF has an enclosed hull balcony. Cabin # 9724 Category BF Balcony Stateroom Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed and additional bedding for View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9142. Occupancy: 2 3 or 4 guests Amenities: Two lower beds that convert to to a queen-size bed some staterooms also have a single sofa bed or single sofa bed and one pullman bed ample storage a 26" flat-screen TV private bathroom with shower built-in sink and vanity a large balcony and a safe. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10304 on iCruise. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10122 on iCruise. Balcony size is between 151 to 248 square foot balcony. Norwegian Bliss Cabin # 10132 Category BF - Balcony Stateroom. com members about View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9134. com also provides links to actual stateroom cabin pictures 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 Norwegian Star Balcony cabin location, stateroom cabin videos, stateroom cabin pictures, floor plans, diagrams, stateroom features and perks. Cabin # 10312 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom on Deck 10. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 8756 on iCruise. Discover the best private cruise balcony in a family balcony stateroom or standard balcony stateroom. Cabin # 9722 Category BF Balcony Stateroom Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed and additional bedding for Floor Plan. Pretty good trip by bcron36301486. Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed and additional bedding for View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10112. Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 8742 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 8742. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10286 on iCruise. Norwegian Joy Balcony cabin location, stateroom cabin videos, stateroom cabin pictures, floor plans, diagrams, stateroom features and perks. 9922 near closet. 0 If you choose to follow Norwegian Bliss you will receive weekly email updates with the latest reviews, tips, and photos from Cruiseline. Category BF Balcony Stateroom Decks: Occupancy: 4. Cabin # 10910 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10132 on iCruise. That makes sense, because my original room was on 14 and this new room is 13. com has 65,137 different (staterooms) cabins that have actual cabin pictures and/or cabin videos taken by real cruisers. Cabin # 9160 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 9. Cabin # 10128 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Learn what to expect when booking a balcony stateroom. Size: 176 sq. Book Norwegian Cruise Line Norwegian Bliss online or call 1-800-427-8473 - iCruise. Occupancy: Up to 4 guests Amenities: Two lower beds that convert to to a queen-size bed single sofa bed and one pullman bed a balcony luxurious bathroom with double sink spa-like shower with a waterfall shower head and multiple body spray jets along with separate hand-held showerhead a 26" flat-screen TV Floor plan. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10910 on iCruise. But if you booked at the sailaway rate, they could put you anywhere. B4? By craig01020, September 10, 2021 in Norwegian Cruise Line. 10314 H6 Configuration A. Solo Balcony. 4, 2020 View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10116. Cabin # 8140 is a Category BC - Mid-Ship Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 8. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9298 on iCruise. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9722. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9134 on iCruise. (MC, M6-large balcony), Sail Away Club Balcony Suites (MX), Aft Balcony cabins (B1), Balcony rooms (BF), Sail Away Balcony (BX), Sail Away (Standard) Oceanview cabins (OX), Oceanview cabins with picture window (OA), Family Oceanview Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 9290 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 9290. No, the balcony dividers can't be opened per NCL policy. com has 62,795 different (staterooms) cabins that have actual cabin pictures and/or cabin videos taken by real cruisers. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9822 on iCruise. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10114 on iCruise. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9870. Cabin is 176 ft 2, Balcony is 32 ft 2. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 8140. Balcony size ranges from 32 to 90 square feet. When compared to balcony cabins on other cruise lines, this one did feel a bit cramped. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10292. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 8748 on iCruise. 9320 near balcony. Cabin # 9160 Category BF Balcony Stateroom Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed and additional bedding for Jun 1, 2018 · BF. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9142 on iCruise. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9160. This is my room onboard the Norwegian Bliss to Alaska. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10906. Cabin # 9212 is a Category BC - Mid-Ship Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 9. Cabin # 9892 Category BF Balcony Stateroom Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed and additional bedding for Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 9724 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 9724. ft. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10910. Balcony 42 sq. Balcony Size: DECK(S) {{getDeckNumbersForSubMeta(submeta). 9322 near balcony. And the description or floor plans aren't very helpful either. Balcony. View Norwegian Bliss stateroom pictures and descriptions at iCruise. BF. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10312. com has 65,259 different (staterooms) cabins that have actual cabin pictures and/or cabin videos taken by real cruisers. Balcony Type: Balcony. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10912. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10286. Norwegian Bliss. 9318 H6 Configuration A. Cabin # 10296 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Conveniently located right next to the forward elevators, the room was easy to find and a quick walk to Planning your next Norwegian Bliss cruise? This amazing ship has 30 different cabin types. com has 62,983 different (staterooms) cabins that have actual cabin pictures and/or cabin videos taken by real cruisers. Great inf View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10122. Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 9122 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 9122. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 8140 on iCruise. Cabin # 10108 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Jan 7, 2024 · Floor plan. This website uses cookies. Aft B1 Balconies size ranges from 40 View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10114. Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 9212 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 9212. Size Balcony Size {{submeta. Cabin # 9722 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 9. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10116 on iCruise. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10894 on iCruise. Cabin # 9872 Category BF Balcony Stateroom Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed and additional bedding for Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 9122 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 9122. com. There was just enough space to squeeze between the bed and the wall on our way to the desk, love seat, and balcony. Cabin # 10304 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10296. Join Danny as he tours a Balcony Stateroom aboard the beautiful Norwegian Bliss. Apr 25, 2022 · Norwegian Cruise Line ; What is BF Balcony category What is BF Balcony category. 2. Deck 9. Size: 207 sq. ft Balcony 108 sq. Norwegian Cruise Line ; Gem Balcony BF vs. Cabin # 10906 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10886 on iCruise. Share More View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10712. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10132. Norwegian Bliss cabins and suites review at CruiseMapper provides detailed information on cruise accommodations, including floor plans, photos, room types and categories, cabin sizes, furniture details and included by Norwegian Actual cabin decor, details and layout may vary by stateroom category and type. One of the biggest differences between the balcony and the club balcony suite, in regards to the room, is the size of the bathroom. Cabin # 9130 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 9. Cabin # 10886 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Cabin # 10732 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Cabin # 9734 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 9. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9756. Floor Plan. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9734. Nov 1, 2018 · Inside a Balcony Cabin on Norwegian Bliss. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9904. Cabin # 10310 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9734 on iCruise. ACCOMMODATES QUANTITY The Haven Deluxe Owner's Suite with Large Balcony (H2) 1,459 6 2 The Haven 2-Bedroom Family Villa with Large Balcony (H5) 622 6 13 The Haven 2-Bedroom Family Villa with Balcony (H6) 538 6 11 The Haven Spa Suite with Balcony (H9) 430-433 2 6 The Haven Aft-Facing Penthouse View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 8738. Sail date: Nov 20, 2022 / Traveled as: Family (young children) Ship: Norwegian Bliss / Destination: Mexico Kevin was fine until we experienced a plumbing leak in the carpet on our floor and had to be moved clear across the ship to Norwegian Joy Balcony cabin location, stateroom cabin videos, stateroom cabin pictures, floor plans, diagrams, stateroom features and perks. Cabin # 9142 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 9. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10112. com has 61,398 different (staterooms) cabins that have actual cabin pictures and/or cabin videos taken by real cruisers. Sail date: Dec 02, 2022 / Traveled as: Couple Ship: Norwegian Bliss / Destination: Panama Canal, Central America Cabin Please Note: Staterooms 8138 and 8738 are 176 sq. Occupancy: Up to 3 guests Amenities: Spa Balcony staterooms feature tranquil spa decor and include two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed a single sofa bed ample storage a 26" flat-screen TV private bathroom with shower and shaving bar for the ladies built-in sink and vanity balcony and a safe. com Floor plan. Cabin # 10710 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Cabin # 10894 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. The Norwegian Cruise Line website claims the square footage of the room is 207 square feet. Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 12720 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 12720. Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10710. All decks load onto the same page to make browsing easy. Cabin # 9822 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 9. Find dining venues, show lounges, bars and different cabin types (with colour-coded key). By BK7171, April 25 I'm on Bliss. Oct 7, 2023 · THE HAVEN BY NORWEGIAN ® SQ. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10732 on iCruise. Stateroom Cabin Perks BF. Both can be located either aft/middle/forward. B4? Gem Balcony BF vs. Guarantee bookings are for the lowest cabin classification with the cheapest fares within a category (Suite, Balcony, Oceanview, Inside). Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10728 on iCruise. com has 65,181 different (staterooms) cabins that have actual cabin pictures and/or cabin videos taken by real cruisers. name}} {{submeta. Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 8756 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 8756. com Norwegian Bliss Cabin # 9734 Category BF - Balcony Stateroom. Occupancy: 2 3 or 4 guests Cabin Category: T4 Amenities: Two lower beds that convert to to a queen-size bed some staterooms also have a single sofa bed or single sofa bed and one pullman bed ample storage a 26" flat-screen TV private bathroom with shower built-in sink and vanity a large balcony and a safe. com has 63,660 different (staterooms) cabins that have actual cabin pictures and/or cabin videos taken by real cruisers. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9298. It was just OK by candekachel. Cabin # 10122 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Please Note: Staterooms 8138 and View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 8748. Balcony: Five balcony cabins (1,088 total) are available on Norwegian Bliss: aft-facing (216 to 425 square feet with 40- to 149-square-foot balconies); large balcony (331 square feet with a 155 View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10908. Cabin # 9286 Category BF Balcony Stateroom Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed and additional bedding for View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9290. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10112 on iCruise. Still unsure? Speak to a cruise expert! Review of NCL Norwegian Bliss cruise ship balcony Balcony BF cabins and suites, floor plans, photos, room sizes, types, categories, amenities View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9288. Norwegian Bliss deck 9 plan (Cabins) layout - review of all facilities, activities, amenities, deck layouts. Showcasing the importance of conservation and ocean preservation, marine wildlife artist Robert Wyland created a stunning mural of a humpback whale, her calf, along with other sea life, to grace the hull. Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 9910 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 9910. Cruisedeckplans BF. 16 Norwegian Bliss Family Balcony Stateroom B4 Reviews Write a Review. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10108 on iCruise. Cabin # 9870 Category BF Balcony Stateroom Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a queen-size bed and additional bedding for Complete deck plans for Norwegian Bliss with pop up pictures and details. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10292 on iCruise. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 12210 on iCruise. Cabin # 10712 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Additional bedding (1 or 2 guests) Private balcony; Refrigerator; Safe; Sleeps up to 3; Some feature additional bedding for up to one guest; TV; Two lower beds that convert to a queen size bed; Bliss Collection by Norwegian pillow-top mattress; View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9170. Cabin # 10292 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Cabin # 10112 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Norwegian Bliss Cabin # 10310 Category BF - Balcony Stateroom. The Top 5 Travel Trends for 2025; Universal Studios Hollywood vs. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9904 on iCruise. Therefore, most who book using a guarantee usually get a free upgrade to a higher classification cabin. It's a mid-ship balcony with plenty of storage View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10128. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 12210. occupancy}} {{submeta. The club balcony suite has two sinks and a larger shower, as seen in the photo below. Cabin # 10892 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Mobile optimized Norwegian Bliss Cruise Ship Cabins, Staterooms, Suites on LindbladCruises. Cabin # 10110 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Being that this is one of the most prevalent room categories on the ship, it Category BF - Balcony Stateroom Description: Enjoy easy access to all the delicious dining and exciting activities on board from your stateroom that includes two lower beds that convert to a Find great cruise vacation on Norwegian Bliss and choose from our many accommodation options including a range of spacious staterooms to suit every group and budget. Occupancy: 2 guests standard - some sleep 3 Amenities: Two lower beds that convert to to a queen-size bed some have a single sofa bed a balcony luxurious bathroom with double sink spa-like shower with a waterfall shower head and multiple body spray jets along with separate hand-held showerhead a 26" flat-screen Norwegian Bliss. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9872. Cabin # 9904 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 9. Explore our cruise ship deck plans to discover all Norwegian Bliss has to offer on your next cruise vacation. Our balcony cabin was room number 13768 (Category BA, Mid-ship Balcony). Cabin Category: B4 Amenities: Two lower beds that convert to to a queen-size bed a single sofa bed one pullman bed ample storage a 26" flat-screen TV private bathroom with shower built-in sink and vanity aft-facing balcony and a safe. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9130 on iCruise. Our balcony cabin was room number 9134 (Category BF). Jul 19, 2019 · Balcony 14874 On The Norwegian Bliss: The Basics. Optional 3rd and 4th beds / Deck Locations Listing of decks with Balcony cabins and category codes available on those decks: Floor Plan. Description. com has 63,323 different (staterooms) cabins that have actual cabin pictures and/or cabin videos taken by real cruisers. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10308. My Favorites. . Cabin # 9870 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 9. Cabin # 9288 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 9. 10316 near balcony. Stateroom Type Accommodates Total Approx. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 8738 on iCruise. Cruisedeckplans Aft B1 Balconies size ranges from 40 to 149 square View deals of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10312. BB. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10732. FT. Cabin # 10728 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 9722 on iCruise. Aug 27, 2018 · Aft-facing NCL Bliss Bed Location. Cabin # 9290 is a Category B8 - Balcony - Connecting Stateroom located on Deck 9. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 9822. It's a mid-ship balcony with plenty of storage Norwegian Bliss Balcony cabin number 9870 ACTUAL videos and/or pictures, floor plans, diagrams and detailed features including a deck image of the actual location on the Norwegian Bliss ship for cabin 9870. Club Balcony Suite Sublime, spacious suites ideal for the two of you or the whole family. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10892 on iCruise. Mini-suites are also available with an oceanview Bliss Collection by Norwegian™ featuring fine linens and pillows; Lemongrass bathroom products; Bathrobes available upon request. Jump to content. Sail date: Nov 20, 2022 / Traveled as: Family (young children) Ship: Norwegian Bliss / Destination: Mexico Kevin was fine until we experienced a plumbing leak in the carpet on our floor and had to be moved clear across the ship to Cabin # 9734 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom on Deck 9. Cabin # 10116 is a Category BF - Balcony Stateroom located on Deck 10. com has 64,614 different (staterooms) cabins that have actual cabin pictures and/or cabin videos taken by real cruisers. BF Balcony IB Inside BX Balcony Deck Floor Plan. approximateSizeInfo}} {{submeta. Perks. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10908 on iCruise. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10110. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10310. View details of Norwegian Bliss Stateroom 10894. Smoking Policy: Smoking is not permitted in staterooms or on balconies. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10312 on iCruise. Book Norwegian Bliss Room 10296 on iCruise. Find Norwegian Bliss Cruise Ship Information and Rates on iCruise. com Mobile. Universal Orlando Guide Norwegian Bliss. 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