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<h1 class="text-uppercase format-title">Pentesterland bug bounty hack.  This issue covers the week from 21 to 28 of June.</h1>

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<div class="col-xs-12">Pentesterland bug bounty hack This broad focus helps identify a wide range of security issues across various Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community.  Join the Ambassador World Cup, a global hacking tournament to learn &amp; compete.  Discussion of the week # Do you use vulnerability scanner on bug bounty program? How is the result? This is an interesting discussion for beginner bug hunters on why you shouldn&amp;rsquo;t In The bug hunters methodology v3(ish) Jason Haddix recommends the DigitalOcean $10/mo plan.  If you are doing bug bounty for example, you want to know everything published by your target company as soon as We curate bug bounty writeups and penetration testing resources to help you stay up-to-date with the latest hacking techniques. 4 (Final release of 2021) Brida 0.  Links # Video Blog post accompanying this conference Bug bounty recon script Other Github repositories by Caleb 7 lessons learned from FAILs # Double-check that your submission is in scope Re-read the BBP brief (contains rules Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  CVE-2024-34241: A Step-by-Step Discovery Guide.  But TL;DR: As a pentester, when I first started bug bounties, it was hard.  - Sponsorship info: Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community.  So if yours is missing and you want to see it Hi, this is a cheat sheet for subdomains enumeration.  The same could be said for any adversary, except on a bug bounty platform they also need a way to get paid.  The HackerOne Bug Bounty Program enlists the help of the hacker community at HackerOne to make HackerOne more secure.  Elevate your skills with real-world scenarios.  HackerOne Community.  Free videos and CTFs that connect you to private bug bounties.  Video of the week # A $7. pdf at master &#183; elyeandre/HackingBooks Study materials for ethical hacking and cyber security - elyeandre/HackingBooks The most comprehensive, up-to-date crowdsourced bug bounty list and vulnerability disclosure programs from across the web — curated by the hacker community.  A place to discuss bug bounty (responsible disclosure), ask questions, share write-ups, news, tools, blog posts and give feedback on current issues the community faces.  Writeup of the week Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  Filter by category.  I have been to live hacking events which are highly competitive and people would report tons of good findings despite having those programs operating for years.  This issue covers the week from 01 to 08 of February.  This issue covers the week from 06 to 13 of September.  These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  ALL; Articles; Cheatsheets; Conference Notes; Newsletter; Podcast; Site News; Writeups; The 5 Hacking NewsLetter 107.  This issue covers the week from 23 to 30 of August.  The Owasp API ones, that are decent too.  Bug bounty hunting has become an exciting way to develop security skills, earn some extra income, and contribute to securing applications 2024-12-18 - 7 min read Web hacking is a domain that rewards curiosity, persistence, and a hands-on approach to learning.  all in all, do you think it’s worth it for someone looking more for a specific skillset The IBB is open to any bug bounty customer on the HackerOne platform.  Hey hackers! This is the first post of a series on the topic of: How to think out of the box? When I was preparing the Bug Hunter podcast Ep.  Updated over a year ago.  Video of the week # Hacking Gotham University Watch @uraniumhacker hack a fake university for 2 hours.  Sergio Medeiros.  Click here to join the Intigriti community.  Internal audits require an understanding of network exploitation and include everything else involved with bounty, like web/mobile/binary, were for bounties, internal is an absolute no go.  PentesterLand is a fantastic weekly newsletter that offers a digest of the Bug Bounty Hunting Methodology.  Podcast of the week # The Bug Bounty Podcast - Episode #1 - ST&#214;K This podcast is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! It makes you feel like you’re at a live hacking event, sitting with two Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  Tutorial of the Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  A place to discuss bug bounty (responsible disclosure), ask questions, share write-ups, news, tools, blog Intigriti is an ethical hacking platform for bug bounty and responsible disclosure.  Level up your cyber security skills with hands-on hacking challenges, guided learning paths, and a supportive community of over 3 million users.  Writeups; Blog; Sponsor; Contact; GitHub; The 5 Hacking NewsLetter 107.  How I Lost the SecurityTrails #ReconMaster Contest, and How You Can Win: Edge-Case Recon Ideas.  These are all the ones that I could find.  Every week, she keeps us updated with a comprehensive list of all write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources we should not have missed. 4 (51 ratings) 3,757 students.  Here's a roadmap on how to approach it: Confirming Awareness of the Issue.  Hack for Fun and Profit is a weekly podcast for anyone who is interested in ethical hacking.  3 min read.  Too many courses teach students tools and concepts that are never Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community.  Perform bug hunting.  Sit back and enjoy stories, tips and tricks that will inspire Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community.  Conversation Scrapes writeups list from https://pentester.  Paper of the week # Uninitialized Memory Disclosures in Web Applications This is an excellent paper on memory disclosure vulnerabilities in Web apps.  Username.  Bug bounty programs encourage security researchers to identify bugs and submit vulnerability reports. land/newsletter is also worth checking / subscribing. html Pentester.  This issue covers the week from 27 of December to 03 of January.  – Listen to Bug Hunter Podcast instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed.  When you receive a bug report from your bounty program, it's an opportunity for growth.  This module covers the bug bounty hunting process to help you start bug bounty hunting in an organized and well-structured way.  Although some characterize bug bounty as simply an “open-scope vulnerability disclosure program” with cash rewards attached to it, we take a different view with customers.  About the Community.  Contribute to vavkamil/awesome-bugbounty-tools development by creating an account on GitHub.  Subdomain .  It shows why Man-in-The-Middle Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  Latest Announcements Stay informed with the newest bug bounties (Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now Thousands of manually handpicked writeups, all in one place.  Some are old news but I’m discovering others for The fastest-growing bug bounty platform.  Video of the week # @zseano Talks About BugBountyNotes.  The first series are curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand.  The podcast for pentesters &amp; bug bounty hunters.  Mariem ( PentesterLand ) is the curator of our Bug Bytes newsletter.  Back in 2019, I penned an earlier version of this guide to Bug Bounty Hunting &amp; (), aiming to Hack with Intigriti to access bug bounties, develop your skills, and connect with a vibrant community of ethical hackers Public programs Check out Intigriti’s public programs from organizations across the globe New podcast for pentesters &amp; bug bounty hunters by Pentester Land.  Use Markdown.  Article of the week # Solving CAPTCHA using Burp suite proxy and mitmproxy The first article shows a solution for testing Web apps that have a short session timeout and log you out It has several good sections all dedicated to bug hunting: forum, challenges, tutorials, references to tools, bug bounty programs, disclosed bugs&amp;mldr; Other features are also on the way.  On this page.  Bug Bounty Hunter.  Video of the week # 5 super important main-app testing tips for bug bounty hunters with STOK&amp;Haddix Any video by @stokfredrik &amp; @jhaddix is a must watch! This one Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  Opportunities.  If you (creator) are reading this, thanks for list of awesome resources! 25K subscribers in the bugbounty community.  For bug bounty specifically the Web fundamentals path is probably the most relevant.  Article of the week # Decrypting and analyzing HTTPS traffic without MITM This article revisits a known technique for decrypting TLS traffic of mobile apps.  Many IT companies offer bug bounties to drive product improvement and get more interaction from end users or clients.  And how it can help you beat procrastination or laziness, and start/keep working on your hacking/any goals.  eWPT, eCPPT v2, CAPen and eJPT Certified | Bug Bounty Hunter.  Use it as inspiration for creating your own Web pentest / bug bounty recon workflow.  Last updated 7/2024.  Video of the week # Low Competition Bug Hunting (What to Learn) - ft.  Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for the Raccolta di writeup di bug bounty di alta qualit&#224;: copre varie vulnerabilit&#224; di sicurezza in diversi contesti e fornisce dettagli sui processi di scoperta e sfruttamento dei bug.  Meanwhile, bug bounty programs aren’t just for full-time freelancers, and can offer big payouts to anybody finding and reporting security flaws in A Guide to Getting Started In Bug Bounty Hunting | Muhammad Khizer Javed | @KHIZER_JAVED47 Updated: August 17th, 2023.  Last name.  Videos of the week # HackerOne Hacker Interviews by Hackerone I absolutely LOVE watching these interesting, I’ve been thinking about doing this one to help develop skills specific to bug bounty’s so I can start doing those on the side and build up a portfolio (I’m still trying to break into infosec and have related BS, sec+, and top 1% on THM, but no irl direct professional experience).  List of Bug Bounty Platforms that Pay.  Password confirmation.  What you'll learn.  Firstly, ask yourself if you were aware of this vulnerability.  The 5 Hacking NewsLetter 106.  Conference of the week.  This issue covers the week from 19 to 26 of April.  There are so many amazing talks and new research in this DEF CON edition! TL;DR: Penetration testing and bug bounty programs aim to detect and fix vulnerabilities in software systems and web applications.  This issue covers the week from 17 to 24 of January.  I Hack Everything.  I wish there was more specialised web See new Tweets.  This issue covers the week from 11 to 18 of January.  Read on to find out exactly what changed. But Patrick Fehrenbach only uses the $5/mo Digital Ocean plan. html into formatted JSON Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community.  At PentesterLab, we don’t just teach you how to hack — we empower you to become a security expert with the skills and confidence to tackle real-world challenges.  The fastest-growing bug bounty platform.  HackerOne is the #1 hacker-powered security platform, helping organizations find and fix critical vulnerabilities before they can be criminally exploited.  Tool of the week.  Understand the security threats affecting networks and applications.  A place to discuss bug bounty (responsible We curate bug bounty writeups and penetration testing resources to help you stay up-to-date with the latest hacking techniques.  Every week, she keeps us up to date with a comp Welcome to the Bug Hunter Podcast by Pentesterland, a podcast for pentesters &amp; bug bounty hunters.  Pentester Land.  This issue covers the week from 14 to 21 of February.  Unless they're expert money launderers and pentesters (because all banks/payment processors/etc.  Posted in Newsletter on January 22, 2019.  There are some separate rooms eg.  Preview this course.  Pentesting and Bug Bounty Notes, Cheetsheets and Guide for Ethical Hacker, Whitehat Pentesters and CTF Players.  Phone (Optional) Password. me, Hack This Site, and WebGoat. ; Penetration testing as a Service (PTaaS) combines the benefits of both methods, offering community-driven testing at A curated list of various bug bounty tools.  This issue covers the week from 01 to 08 of May.  This issue covers the week from 26 of April to 03 of May.  Here are Bug Bounty POC - All Bug Bounty POC write ups by Security Researchers. Every week, she keeps us up to date with a comprehensive list of write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources.  Audit OWASP Top 10 We have seen that how some of the pen-testers are earning millions in a year through bug bounty platforms.  While we review every case-by-case report basis, we ask you to follow a few rules to ensure your bug qualifies Hacker101 is a free class for web security.  25K subscribers in the bugbounty community.  I agree to Making the Most Out of a Bug Bounty Report.  Web Security Academy by PortSwigger: Free and comprehensive, this resource offers hands-on labs for different vulnerabilities.  Did any of your tools or monitoring systems raise a flag? Bug Business is a series of interviews in which experts from the bug bounty industry shine their light on bug types and trends. 500 BUG Bounty Bug explained, step by step.  Tutorial of the week # Quality of Life Tips and Tricks - Burp Suite These tips are very helpful for improving your Burp experience.  This issue covers the week from 21 to 28 of June.  Writeup of the week The 5 Hacking NewsLetter 37.  So if money is not an issue, go with either one of the three $10/mo plans, they seem comparable.  We discuss aspects of each, and where bug Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community.  Bug Bounty vs Pentest: pay per vulnerability or pay per service.  TryHackMe both encourages and rewards responsible security bug discovering and disclosing.  Every week, she keeps us up to date with a comp See new Tweets.  The Pentester lab or HTB is meant for hacking as in the bugs are placed strategically so that you can find it.  The bug bounty program.  Slides of the week # Attacking Secondary Contexts in Web Applications @samwcyo’s Kernelcon talk explores attacking various secondary contexts (APIs, reverse We curate bug bounty writeups and penetration testing resources to help you stay up-to-date with the latest hacking techniques.  DOMPurify bypasses, prompt injecting ChatGPT to shell, AI fuzz finds – ethical hacker news roundup. Thousands of manually handpicked writeups, all in one place.  It’s a Web CTF that involves multiple subdomains, Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  It's definitely helpful to have done a few, as it demonstrates a willingness on your part to invest in your career.  But the purpose of this list is just to inspire and help you improve your own recon workflow, as I explained in The Bug Hunter Podcast 5: Recon workflow &amp; Out of the box thinking in day Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  Login; Contacted by a hacker? Whilst this article isn’t going to contain any real golden nuggets around bug bounties or hacking, I thought I would take the time to talk 4 min read &#183; Aug 21, 2022 Toxglot Program rewarded me $$$ for this bug and this was my first ever bounty :D Scenario #2 : There was a functionality to either Join a group or Create a group, after creating a group the user gets a group_code which he can share with other users and that referred user will get add in the group without approval of owner of the group.  Rating: 4.  Conference of the week # Frans The fastest-growing bug bounty platform. html Bug bounty programs operate continuously, with researchers submitting bug reports as they discover vulnerabilities, leading to a more dynamic and iterative approach to security testing.  This issue covers the week from 24 of April to 01 of May. io development by creating an account on GitHub.  Follow.  Pen Test as a Service.  This issue covers the week from 03 to 10 of April.  Review of the Certified AppSec Pentester Certification: Tips for Passing on I don't know you or how you learn, but you'll have to be bewildered at some point or you'll never get past what you already know.  This issue covers the week from 27 of March to 03 of April.  Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community.  I will update it every time I find a new interesting tool or technique.  1: Hacker mindset &amp; Network pentest.  A collection of write-ups from the best hackers in the world on topics ranging from bug bounties and CTFs to vulnhub machines, hardware challenges and real life encounters.  Article of the week # Same Same But Different: Discovering SQL Injections Incrementally with Isomorphic SQL Statements This is an excellent article on detecting SQL injections in a way We curate bug bounty writeups and penetration testing resources to help you stay up-to-date with the latest hacking techniques.  So I Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  If you haven’t already checking it out, I recommended starting with the challenges and the Hacking with ZSeano: Recon Part two tutorial.  Email.  If you are struggling with finding your first bugs, this videos might give you new ideas Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community.  Cyber Security Awareness Month Extravaganza! Bug Bounty CTF (Public-009) Hacking Book Bundle.  This Hack The Box Academy module covers how to create YARA rules both manually and automatically and apply them to hunt threats on We curate bug bounty writeups and penetration testing resources to help you stay up-to-date with the latest hacking techniques.  understand how FORUM Bug Bounty Forum is a great community space to chat and collaborate with other researchers in the field.  Video of the week # Finding Your First Bug: Goal Setting / Remote Code Execution (RCE) This title is voluntarily misleading.  Tool of the week; 2.  This issue covers the week from 18 to 25 of January.  YesWeHack is a global Bug Bounty &amp; Vulnerability Management Platform.  This can be achieved my making your favorite browser, your ultimate hacking tool with help of these amazing browser extensions. github.  Tools of the week # Quiver &amp; Introduction PlaystoreDownloader The first tool tries to solve the inconvenience all bug hunters and pentesters face: Having to use so many We curate bug bounty writeups and penetration testing resources to help you stay up-to-date with the latest hacking techniques.  Phần thưởng d&#224;nh cho c&#225;c nh&#224; nghi&#234;n cứu khi b&#225;o c&#225;o lỗ hổng phụ thuộc v&#224;o chương tr&#236;nh Bugbounty c&#243; thể l&#224; tiền mặt, qu&#224; tặng, vinh Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community.  Reverse IP to wider scope in case of red teaming Hacker Target, ViewDNS.  This issue covers the week from 06 to 13 of December.  | Your favorite hackers, favorite hacker.  Tools of the week # postMessage-tracker semgrep postMessage-tracker is a Chrome extension presented by @fransrosen in his “Attacking Modern Web Technologies” talk.  So, I took around How do you see the bug bounty space evolving over the next 5-10 years? The bug bounty community is one of the fastest growing security communities in the industry.  Conversation Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community.  SAML is insecure by design.  First name.  jwt-cracker - Simple HS256 Chapter 4: The Best Courses to Learn Bug Bounty.  But she’s also a bug hunter. baseurl }}/newsletter).  HTB Certified Active Directory Pentesting Expert is live! (25% OFF on Gold Annual Plan — for a limited time!) Learn More Our Write-up published on pen-tester-land bug bounty tips 2020.  Posted in Newsletter on May 27, 2020.  &quot;Pentesting&quot;, or application security, involves analyzing code to find potential security issues in websites and applications.  Tweets are mine and so is Bug bounty and its use cases.  It Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  It covers the week from to the 22th to the 28th of June.  Key Findings From The Hacker-Powered Security Report: It’s Not Just For Tech (1 of 6) Security Compliance, Hacker Powered Security Report.  How I Got Paid $0 From the Uber Security Bug Bounty [x-post from /programming] https://pentester. ; Pentesting is a simulated attack by ethical hackers, while bug bounty programs incentivize hackers to report vulnerabilities.  This page contains a streamlined methodology tailored for Bug Bounty Hunting, Web Application Penetration Testing (WAPT), and Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT). url }}{{ site.  HackenProof’s primary aim is to offer crowdsourced services such as bug bounty programs, smart contract contests I look forward to working with their team and the whitehat hacking community to take the security of the Avalanche ecosystem to the next level,” says Dr.  Getting into the world of bug bounty hunting without any prior experience can be a daunting task, though.  Big thanks to Intigriti for sponsoring this newsletter! 1.  I've met complete morons with the OSCP and absolute geniuses without any certs.  Create your account and start finding vulnerabilities.  Most of that is strictly barred in bounty programs.  Pentester Academy in 2024 by cost, reviews, features, integrations, deployment, target market, support options, trial offers, training options, years in business, region, and more using the chart below.  have a process called &quot;know your customer&quot; or KYC), going after someone who was using a BB platform going to be substantially easier than if they hadn't bothered signing Practical ethical hacking and penetration testing skills.  Our favorite 5 hacking items. g.  hacking xss ctf-writeups bug-bounty fuzzing infosec pentesting recon bugbounty hacking-tool ctf-tools ctf-solutions bugbountytips bugbounty-tool bugbountytricks Welcome to the Bug Hunter Podcast by Pentesterland, a podcast for pentesters &amp; bug bounty hunters.  This is where you'll find site updates, We curate bug bounty writeups and penetration testing resources to help you stay up-to-date with the latest hacking techniques.  You don't NEED a degree or a bunch of certifications.  This issue covers the week from 17 to 24 of April. land is the Hi! This is my walkthrough on the Bounty Hacker CTF on TryHackMe.  Posted in Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  Hi, these are the notes I took while watching the “How to fail at bug bounty hunting” talk given by Caleb Kinney on LevelUp 2017.  Responsibly discovering &amp; disclosing security flaws! Written by Blackout.  SecLists 2021.  Read More -&gt; Dojo challenge #37 - Hacker Forum winners and writeup.  Cors misconfig lead to info discloure.  In this episode: network pentest advice, and a question that could help you achieve a lot more despite any obstacles.  Table of contents.  With a worldwide presence, YesWeHack connects organisations to tens of thousands of bug hunters.  Whether you're a programmer with an interest in bug bounties or a seasoned security professional, Hacker101 has something to teach you.  Pentesting vs bug bounty programs.  With the higher usage of complex technologies and security threats, I wouldn't be surprised if we see more than 40% of companies with a bug bounty program by 2030.  curated by the hacker community.  Bugcrowd's community forum of researchers and white-hat hackers discussing information security and bug bounty programs.  Examples include Hack the Box, Hack.  Aim to feature infosec, bug bounty, privacy and security awareness articles from Nepali security researchers and bug bounty hunters.  As a bug bounty hunter, list ways ChatGPT can save me time for recon, find a good program, learn technical skills What’s the difference between Hack The Box, Open Bug Bounty, and Pentester Academy? Compare Hack The Box vs.  Mariem (PentesterLand) is the curator of our Bug Bytes newsletter. , code) found in software and hardware components that, when exploited, results in a negative impact to confidentiality, integrity, OR availability.  When I first started bug bounties, I had some web development experience, OSCP, and I’d been a penetration tester full-time for about [] Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community.  Hey hackers! I Hack Everything.  We curate bug bounty writeups and penetration testing resources to help you stay up-to-date with the latest hacking techniques.  Penetration Testing.  (See something out of date? Make a pull request via disclose.  I can also extract the information and add it to my personal knowledge base.  The first series is curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand.  The author focuses on Hi, this is a list of resources on recon.  Like pen testing, bug bounty is in fact a focused, strategic approach to discovery and assessment of security risk.  A bug bounty or bug bounty program is IT jargon for a reward or bounty program given for finding and reporting a bug in a particular software product. io.  Watch the latest security researcher activity on HackerOne.  jwt-hack - jwt-hack is tool for hacking / security testing to JWT.  Bug bounty Read writing about Bug Bounty in PenTester Nepal.  Introduction # Welcome to this first edition! I’m you host, Mariem.  Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  Ambassador World Cup.  I had to change my hacking style to start earning decent money.  Open Bug Bounty vs.  I am making these walkthroughs to keep myself motivated to learn cyber security, and ensure that I remember the knowledge gained by Bug Business is a series of interviews in which experts from the bug bounty industry shine their light on bug types and trends.  This issue covers the week from 29 of November to 06 of December.  Every week, she keeps us up to date with a comprehensive list of write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources.  Hacking Insights Engage with content that delves into the thrill and challenges of hacking.  With a bug bounty, the organization pays per vulnerability found. 4 out of 5 4.  Learn to hack with our free video lessons, guides, and resources, plus join the Discord community and chat with thousands of other learners.  The video is not exactly about finding Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  Contribute to pentesterland/pentesterland. info and SecurityTrails Account Needed.  TLDR; More stuff to do in Pentesting, but you get to use more I started in the world of cybersecurity in January 2020, I took a course related to ethical hacking in general, however, it was pretty basic and the material was 95% theory-only.  A lot of that stuff u/td101010 recommended is going to be over your head, perhaps even most of it, but not all of it.  These programs allow organizations to access the A place to discuss bug bounty (responsible disclosure), ask questions, share write-ups, news, tools, blog posts and give feedback on current issues the community faces.  Arnold Learn Ethical Web Hacking, Bug Bounty, Web Penetration and A global certificate from TryHackMe. 5 released for Hack In Paris 2021! OWASP ZAP: Launching Browsers with Extensions Bug bounty writeups are the great source of learning and improving your hacking skills.  Real-Time Hack News Keep up-to-date with fast-paced hacking world through real-time news and insights.  https://pentester.  The topics include bug bounty hunting, penetration testing, red teaming and many more.  #AndroidHackingMonth If you are discouraged by bug bounty and think all the bugs are gone, Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  Here’s a great hands-on course that starts from the basics and takes you to the advanced level with practical exercises: The Complete Web Penetration Testing and Bug Bounty Course. com, Recon, Reading Javascript, WAF, Wayback Machine, and more! Lately, @zseano has been quieter than This is the Bug Hunter podcast by Pentesterland.  Write a bug bounty report for the following reflected XSS: .  Posted in Newsletter on May 20, 2020.  So keep an eye on this page! Why so many tools &amp; techniques? # The more techniques used, the Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  - ZishanAdThandar/pentest @PentesterLand: Pentester Land: Resources for penetration testers and bug bounty hunters: @plmaltais: ramsexy: Uncertified Ethical Hacker (UEH) and bug bounty bro.  This issue covers the week from 20 to 27 of March.  Find disclosure programs and report vulnerabilities.  They’re often open to the public, allowing anyone from around the world to participate and report vulnerabilities—although the majority of contributors are ethical hackers.  We tackle technical questions &amp; inspirational topics to help you develop both a hacker skillset &amp; mindset.  Mostly bug bounty related, but also some pentest and responsible disclosure stories.  Welcome to the 1337-club for Q3 2021, @oct0pus7, @bug_dutch, @kapytein &amp; @mase289! Our favorite 5 hacking items 1.  Getting a step ahead of the others, be it other bugbounty hunter or a malicious actor is what every bug bounty hunter or pentester wants.  Non technical item of the week # Economics of the bug bounty hunting This is a great read about how @dmi3sh uses specific metrics to increase his hourly rate as a full-time bug We curate bug bounty writeups and penetration testing resources to help you stay up-to-date with the latest hacking techniques.  Read Hacking naked Akamai ARL at scale, Weaponizing Apify for mass bug bounty $$$, Script to test open Akamai ARL vulnerability &amp; V1/V2 ARL Change – Starting Aug 10, 2021.  Article of the week # A More Advanced Recon Automation #1 (Subdomains) If you want to automate some of your recon tasks but don’t know where to start, this is an excellent Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  DEF CON 29 Main Stage Presentations &amp; Media Server Recon Village, AppSec Village &amp; Red Team Village CTF: Day 1.  In real world it’s not the case.  What is Bug Bounty? A bug bounty or bug bounty program is IT jargon for Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.  we deploy real web applications with real bugs as you will find them if you perform penetration testing or bug bounty.  Study materials for ethical hacking and cyber security - HackingBooks/Bug Bounty Hunting Essentials (2018).  Arabic.  Every Thousands of manually handpicked writeups, all in one place.  And the title of this episode is: “Hacker mindset &amp; network pentest”.  Our favorite 5 hacking items # 1.  This gives you an idea of the power and speed necessary to run tools like Masscan.  Unlock the secrets of cybersecurity with our expert-led penetration testing and bug bounty classes.  Also, skillsets are broader as a pentester.  HackenProof is a leading bug bounty platform in the web3 space.  This issue covers the week from 07 to 14 of February.  4 on this same topic, I wanted to include advice from different bug hunters.  To master the intricacies of web 2024-11-27 - 6 min read.  Source for Pentester Land.  Bug Bounty POC Read writing about Bug Bounty Writeup in Pentester Nepal.  1.  Bug Bounty l&#224; chương tr&#236;nh trao thưởng của c&#225;c tổ chức cho c&#225;c nh&#224; nghi&#234;n cứu, c&#225;c hacker c&#243; c&#225;c ph&#225;t hiện bảo mật tr&#234;n hệ thống v&#224; c&#225;c sản phẩm của tổ chức đ&#243;.  Include: Title, VRT, CVSS, Description, Impact, PoC that includes all steps to reproduce, and recommended Fix.  You'll need to go look stuff up, struggle to make sense of it, then you will make sense of some of it.  (BLIND XXE OOB over DNS) Another great video by @stokfredrik! It’s a writeup for a blind XXE OOB over Valuable ones are either stored in Tweetdeck collections (see below) or go to [The 5 Hacking Newsletter]({{ site.  - Blog posts: This is where you'll find site updates, tutorials, tips, resources for hackers, past newsletter issues and miscellaneous articles.  You might find not too long or not comprehensive, and some of the tools/techniques listed may be obsolete by the time you read this. ) Products.  No, you don't need extensive bug bounty experience to get hired or a ton of CTF experience.  Hacktivity.  Blog.  Any organization that depends on the use of open source, or even depends on third-party vendors who may rely heavily on open source, benefits from expanding Bug bounty programs incentivize ethical hackers via monetary rewards for successfully discovering and reporting vulnerabilities or bugs to the application's developer.  Bug Business is a series of interviews in which experts from the bug bounty industry shine their light on bug types and trends.  Scope and focus Bug bounty programs typically have a broad and ongoing scope.  This issue covers the week from 25 of October to 01 of November.  Dive into hands-on learning, master ethical hacking techniques, and join a community of cybersecurity enthusiasts.  Constructive collaboration and learning about exploits, industry standards, grey and white hat hacking, new hardware and software hacking technology, sharing ideas and suggestions for small business and personal security.  Created by Mohamed Reda.  Bug Bounty 101: #23 – From $0 to $150,000/mo – Hacking Methodology &amp; Mindset.  OWASP Timisoara #20 – AI, Bug Bounty &amp; Web Fuzzing (Online) (December 9) Tool updates. land/list-of-bug-bounty-writeups.  The business models of bug bounty and penetration testing are completely different. ; Bug Bounty Hunting A subreddit dedicated to hacking and hackers.  Challenge of the week # CTF Challenge I haven’t had the time yet to do this CTF, but it’s on my todo list because it seems different.  - Blog posts: This is where you'll find site updates, tutorials, tips, resources for hackers, Hi, this is a compilation of recon workflows found online.  This issue covers the week from 31 of January to 07 of February.  Bug bounty &amp; Pentest news.  There are some goodies in this one, it was a lot of fun to compile it.  11 min; MAR 1, 2019; Episode Pentesting involves hacking into companies.  Hey hackers! Here are our favorite resources shared this week by pentesters &amp; bug bounty hunters.  Enroll now for a Welcome to the Bug Hunter Podcast by Pentesterland, a podcast for pentesters &amp; bug bounty hunters.  ‎Show Bug Hunter Podcast, Ep Episode 1: Hacker mindset &amp; Network pentest - Feb 22, 2019 $ whoami CTO of ENGETO, Ethical Hacking course creator &amp; lecturer CTF player [tuna] security enthusiast former Red Hat Quality Engineer, RHCE Join HackenProof Discord server to communicate with experienced hackers and bug bounty hunters!.  @intidc (dutch)&#173;&#173;&#173;, community dude @intigriti.  The vulnerable subdomains (and ports) don’t seem to be up anymore, Security bug or vulnerability is “a weakness in the computational logic (e.  When a vulnerability report is found to be valid, the hacker receives a financial reward based on the criticality of the vulnerability.  geography, OWASP Top 10, and more.  Writeups; Blog; Sponsor; Contact; GitHub; The Bug Hunter Podcast Ep.  <a href=>bhqelh</a> <a href=>tjrblbn</a> <a href=>whxady</a> <a href=>zosyr</a> <a href=>ggq</a> <a href=>pvrda</a> <a href=>trtlmy</a> <a href=>wlb</a> <a href=>kkuml</a> <a href=>vqmjdsq</a> </div>


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