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</div> <p><strong>Pubg keeps disconnecting Try with a different USB charging cable or cradle and connect to a different power source. exe Navigate to Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common and delete the folder PUBG In Steam go to Settings>Downloads and click on CLEAR DOWNLOAD CACHE Restart Steam - Reinstall PUBG. Jan 12, 2022 · You can check now whether you’ve resolve the PUBG keeps crashing issue on your computer. Date Posted: Feb 1, 2018 @ 11:55am. Open the Steam client. I hear the sound when an USB is unplugged and then my PC freezes for a few seconds and then i hear plug in sound and then the mouse works again for 10-20 minutes. 1 keeps disconnecting from android devices from usb. Frustrating as all hell. When I checked the StarLink app would show an average ping of something like 35ms. however on my own home pc, i never encountered long loading time. Oct 13, 2017 · I've been playing PUBG with four player squads - I'm fairly new to the game, so I don't know if this is a BRAND NEW issue, or if it's been a thing forever, or if I'm the only person to have it. Part 1: Understanding the Problem. To enjoy your game to the fullest, you should update your graphics May 16, 2024 · this will fix some problem with loadings installing a 3rd party software to mess with connections of your pc just to make a game run that has issues is not really a fix but a bad workaround if you ask me. Apr 3, 2022 · This only happens while I am gaming, or I am assuming doing something that will put either the GPU or CPU under heavy load. Unable to connect to server. i have multiple times. I’ve had the Xbox elite controller fully charged and playing for like maybe maximum from boot up to getting into a pubg game , get into a game, drop and loot , kill 2 people and immediately the controller disconnects while looting body . Nope that not either. Members Online The largest community for PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. All three of the games I normally play would just disconnect. I originally posted this over at r/computers, but thought i would duplicate here as i had no idea this subreddit existed!. In his case, I think it is a memory leak affecting the game. Restart Nov 28, 2024 · Some players also report that PUBG keeps crashing on PC and PS4/PS5. PUBG devs team keeps releasing patches that fix bugs and other glitches. Running Ookla would show around 65. supposedly both of our pc have the same hardwares, but sometimes my friend's pc loading time is way longer than mine. I uninstalled it last night and played all night with not 1 crash. I genuinely don't know. If the issue persists, please reach out to our support team with a detailed description (Time of occurrence, Troubleshooting steps performed, etc Dec 6, 2018 · When the game is crashing or failing to load, please provide the following information by submitting a ticket: 1. Installing PUBG on Steam. Got the firmware update yesterday, and in PUBG it keeps disconnecting, disabling my movement for a period of time then reconnecting. Hello! My G735 keeps disconnecting and also after a few disconnects it shows as 'Inactive' in GHub. Playing in full screen, have the latest, up to date driver updates etc. It's not until I actually start doing something that I automatically disconnect. I also didn't see my PC getting disconnected from the wifi so really it's either blizzard's server or there's issue between my isp connecting to blizzard. exe error? Error: "Failed to initialize STEAM" Jan 9, 2025 · The pile-up of unnecessary data can affect the way PUBG functions and may constantly make the game timeout. PUBG is not starting/launching due to the new anti-cheat solution. It kept disconnecting and not wanting to connect back unless i unplugged and plugged the dongle a few times and turned the headset off and on a few times. Jun 2, 2017 · Anyone else having this problem? When I start a match, after I leave the plane, my mouse and headphones disconnect every 10-15 seconds, which requires me to unplug my headphones, and restart whatever voice chat I have up at the time. This time I noticed the mouse disconnects more then the keyboard does and it doesn't shutoff when it happens, it lasts for like 1 second then reconnects. I haven't checked the log mentioned here yet, but will take a look. It seems like every single time I matchmake into a four player squad, one of two things happen during the game: 1. Just right now I've just experienced the worst crash yet where my entire pc shut down and it wasn't even overheating, 40-50c. Needless to say, I returned PUBG because it was unplayable. Hundreds of professional gamers with tens of thousands of hours playing PUBG and other games easily recognize the issue Aug 6, 2024 · It's frustrating really since this is the only online game that I keep getting disconnected. It started showing up when I played PUBG. in the logitech g hub u need to have ur headset connected w the dongle, power on and click the headset in g hub. Go to the search bar on your PC taskbar and type settings, then hit enter. I currently have a intel core i9 with a rtx 3060 running windows 10 22h2 home edition. 9. let me know if this helps My mouse if often disconnecting/not responding while playing PUBG. Cpu: Ryzen 7 2700 Gpu: Gtx 1660 6gb Memory: 16gb 2666mhz none overclocked My game crashes alot in PUBG. I tried every solution in here but it didn't fix it for me. STEP 2: Open the Applications Settings on your device. I've tried reinstalling, updating all drivers, and verifying Sep 12, 2017 · So yesterday i started encountering an issue with my mouse disconnecting and reconnecting while i was playing PUBG. has anyone also haven this problem? if so Jul 1, 2022 · Other games like PUBG are fine when steam disconnects which confuses me. I play on PS4. Try the following and check if this helps: Fully charged the device. If your Backbone isn't connecting or is disconnecting during gameplay, try these troubleshooting steps first: 1 - Please ensure your phone is up-to-date. Discuss all the latest and gain troubleshooting for your various ASTRO products such as the new A50 X Wireless Headset, A40 TR Headset and MixAmp Pro TR, A30 Wireless Headset, A20 Wireless Headset, and A10 Headset. 00:31 Check your internet conne Jan 25, 2023 · So there is an issue i have whenever I use my mouse when playing video games like Apex Legends, Counter Strike Global Offensive etc. Jul 25, 2022 · Your Wi-Fi internet is more likely to keep disconnecting constantly if you are using old, broken cables. I've done all this:-unchecked power management-Mouse is already updated What I noticed were lag spikes. Try it if you have this software or any overclocking GPU software. May 30, 2022 · Ways to Fix “WiFi Keeps Disconnecting or Dropping in Windows 11” If your Wifi keeps disconnecting or dropping in Windows 11, it can be a cause of concern. Would be nice if PUBG had some kind of diagnostic mode. Apr 22, 2017 · Disconnecting from games constantly (FIXED) Ok so for everyone having timeout errors the 100% workaround that I have done is connect to a VPN, join a game and when your friends are in the GAME lobby or after say 20 seconds. Apr 18, 2017 · Sometimes(division has a problem similar to this where the game crashes if you alt tab with multimonitor but there were pubg screen enable orders that resulted in pubg not click through minimizing and division not crashing but I dont know exactly all the dependencies that result in that configuration). Keep in mind that this subreddit is for the community, so no Garena staff here. Mar 3, 2022 · Launch PUBG. It keeps disconnecting from the server and freezing during gameplay. log Will post back if I find anything useful Windows 8. If any one of the cables is damaged, your entire network will suffer. I got the most generic USB keyboard I could find and still had the disconnecting issue. Clear the PUBG app Cache? Clear the PUBG app Cache on PC. I have tried using the troubleshooter for network and it didn't do anything, I have tried updating my drivers, and I have tried the solutions from this Oct 13, 2022 · On this video, we will show you how to fix PUBG Battlegrounds can’t connect to server or keeps disconnecting on Xbox Series S. Go to your Steam library 2. Touch PUBG. Nov 29, 2018 · After the game crashes I will verify intergity of game, every time it gives me the message "1 file failed to validate and will be reacquired" it then aquires the file, says all files are good, I launch the game, it crashes mid game, I will verify again and it gives me the same message. I have a friend who I am helping troubleshoot a crash that has been happening since the last update (which I do not myself have). This only happens with pubg. So whats causing it? Interesting. Nov 7, 2022 · Choose to Saved Data > Select PUBG. What is the file that keeps getting corrupterd? How can I fix this. My name is Bernard an Independent Advisor and a Windows fan like you. and it's worst in PUBG holy♥♥♥♥♥♥is it frustrating to be 5 people left and then die cause you're mouse and keyboard disconnect. Update PUBG. Nope, my laptop suffered from it too. It might either not work at all or disconnect quite often. Find PUBG and click on advanced options. If you’re using an outdated or faulty graphics driver, your game would probably be freezing. 1. Any help is much appreciated, thanks. Nov 23, 2023 · PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) has taken the gaming world by storm, offering intense battle royale action that keeps players on the edge of their seats. All i can tell is its issues with the pubg servers Oct 27, 2022 · Sometimes issues occur where files are corrupted, permissions aren’t set correctly, or certain aspects of the game aren’t installed correctly. I noticed my keyboard would stop working and all of the LED backlight keys would go out. This problem actually occurs when there is a problem with your power options, kindly follow the steps below and I hope this helps. Right Click on PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS and select Uninstall 3. 4. Press the Options button on the controller > Select the saved game data files (one or multiple). I would be in a game and I disconnect Nov 16, 2020 · Tap on PUBG. \steamapps\common\PUBG\TslGame\Binaries\Win64\pubg_fail. When I play God of War the controls keep rapidly switching between the controller and the keyboard for no reason. Does anyone experienced that and has some temporary solution other than restarting game after every match? Feb 17, 2017 · If the connecting/disconnecting sounds happen when moving the cable, even when not in games, and it happens no matter the usb port you're connecting to then you've probably got a crimp or weakness somewhere in the wire and not much help with that other than replacing the mouse. Intermittently (on average every 10-15 min or so) video and audio from the capture card would freeze and cease, with the only solution being to physically unplug and replug the capture card back into the USB Aug 3, 2020 · If you are unable to launch the game due to "Frequency out of range" error, it means the monitor or display is not configured properly. Right-click on PUBG then click on install. But it seems you still dont get it. 4 days ago · Step 2 – In the Wi-Fi page, tap the “i” button beside your Wi-Fi. Oct 18, 2023 · To fix the PUBG "Could not connect" error, start by verifying the status of PUBG servers. Please keep an eye for these events on our social media platform, as game connection issues while updates\maintenance is normal. All was fine Mar 18, 2018 · So I have had this persisting problem for a while now of disconnecting games and discord calls at the same time. While in-game -playing-, game just randomly keeps dropping to desktop like in every 3-5 mins. There is an unresolved issue in PUBG (stated on 06/24/2019): After exiting a match, players can become stuck on a loading screen and are unable to rejoin the lobby It happens to me every time (almost always). All the PUBG game files which are locally saved will be deleted from your PlayStation console. url" you must chang "Mazen" with your name in the pc . Imagine you are playing on your best server where you get a ping of 50, then something happens and your internet connection suffers and your ping goes up to 250 for a few minutes (maybe your wife starting uploading pictures on the cloud or your ISP has issues); then you will be pushed out of the game even The largest community for PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. Jun 11, 2022 · Hello guys, Since the latest patch, my game is literally unplayable. Hit Delete and confirm the task to complete it. I finally bought new pc setup, installed PUBG again, went in game and then puuff problems. Keep in mind, my friend is on the same network and is able to play PUBG and even stream to Twitch using the WiFi at the campus, but as soon as I attempt to even log onto Blackboard using my laptop, I'm removed from the network. We found an event viewer message (Windows Event Viewer) stating that PUBG was using 128GB of memory. Select Apps from the list and then Apps and Features. it was very stressing for me but then it suddenly went away :/ but now it's back. Jan 14, 2022 · I know the glorious model O is known for it's issues and disconnecting as this is the 2nd mouse that I bought since the first one had the disconnecting problem. the headphones connect and disconnect from my windows 10 PC constantly, they'll stay connected as long as audio is playing consistently but if theres a pause, say between youtube videos loading theyll disconnect and reconnect about 6 times. This means that you’ll encounter some bugs and other issues, so don’t be afraid to take a break and come back to it later. change pc dns port Navigate to Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye and delete the file BEService_pubg. A central place for discussion, media, news, developer interaction and more. The PUBG 'disconnect due to timeout' value is set much higher than other games at 120 seconds. Disable Trusted Networks Settings. PUBG would actually tell me that it detected lag and was attempting to reconnect. Step 4 – Then, go down through the same page and disable the “Low Data Mode” function. . - Uninstall PUBG 1. Fix #5: Set PUBG Battlegrounds processes to High Priority in the Task Nov 3, 2022 · Hi, I play games on my pc, 850w PSU with an RTX 3060Ti, i7 11700k and my USB's keep disconnecting and reconnecting. it goes out for about 3-5 seconds constantly. Device/Console information (Xbox One OG, S, or X) Same issue here. Read that if i uninstall the Asus AI Suite 3 it will fix crashing in PUBG. Some providers offer the ability to auto-connect to a VPN on untrusted networks. I tried everything in my power but with no success. It would randomly disconnect and even more annoying is the fact that everytime the headset disconnected there was this beep-boop playing. Dec 12, 2017 · Keep in mind that PUBG is very much an early access title, and this is the game’s first console version publicly available via the Games Preview program. I've already tried everything everyone says to do like to allow access in windows firewall. Sometimes it takes an hour or two, sometimes 15 minutes. To fix this we need to completely uninstall PUBG and associated files. Jun 27, 2022 · My mouse keep disconnecting and reconnect, all the time when playing games. Feb 21, 2019 · Sooooo. Is it only me that have this problem, or is this a known bug? I don't have any problems with my mouse in other games. im about to call my ISP and chew them out but its only happening in this game. I recently got a pair of Razer Barracuda X (2022) headset and had trouble with the dongle connection. Step 3 – When this loads up the Wi-Fi settings, turn on the “Auto Join” option from there. I'll be happy to help you out today. For example, if you’re on public WiFi, it’ll automatically connect to Jul 12, 2021 · Hi and thanks for reaching out. Seems like the game is registering some fantom keyboard inputs. My brother plays pubg with zero network issue. So I thought it was my router, and swapped it out as well as my modem. i'm not checking the spec on the e-sport cafe pc, but pretty sure my pc is has lower Oct 4, 2023 · Verifying the game files will help if PUBG is crashing on Steam, but if this solution didn’t work for you, move to the next one. Audio cuts out completely and all my key strokes either don't do anything or they just continue off the last thing I pressed, so if I pressed W last, it would only keep going forward. You can easily determine the real-time server status by visiting the Downdetector website. Fix 2: Update your graphics driver. If not, follow the next method. I reinstalled CUE but that didn't fix it for me, Apr 2, 2017 · It sometimes happens when I try to launch the game, or when I first enter the warm up area before the match starts, but without fail it ALWAYS crashes after a match when I try to exit to lobby. Clear PUBG Android data: Clearing all the info in PUBG can solve some problems. Hi. ive reset them and paired them again multiple times 1) Turn off all application running in background apart from PUBG Mobile 2) Check the version of your OS and update to latest version if required 3) Check your network(Wi-Fi/data) connection 4) Change the graphic settings on PUBG Mobile 5) Settings -> select 'PUBG Mobile' -> select 'storage' -> clear all data and cache May 26, 2020 · There might be an issue with the current installation of the game. This happens until about half people are left (most of the time, sometimes it lasts whole games). Anyone have any idea what's going on? Hey guys, ASUS TUF x570 Plus board, brand new Series X controller here. Then I thought it was my ISP but literally PUBG is the only game that causes me to disconnect multiple times in a game. The firewall may also block the connection. The only way to get it to work again is to disable then enable 'Realtek(R) Audio' in sounds, then I replug my mic in the jack and it detects it again. every time. I have been googling and found some possible solutions but after trying them all I'm getting the same issue, it's that bad I have to stay away from games that require constant steam connection or I'm faced with constant disconnects. If you meet PUBG crashing issue on these devices, you may feel annoyed, too. Even when I have my keyboard completely disconnected. Fix #4 Temporarily disable antivirus software If your antivirus program on your computer, such as Windows security, believes the game or game file to be a security risk, PUBG will Aug 23, 2024 · If you are missing textures or other content in game or experiencing crashing while playing a game, you can have Steam verify that the game's files are installed correctly on the computer. Apr 30, 2017 · It only happens on this game, but as the title says my internet keeps "flashing" during every match. May 7, 2023 · Hello. my mouse keeps constantly disconnecting. ATTENTION: all data saved during this game are going to be erased. In troubleshooting, what I did discover that it's not the G935 that's disconnecting, per say, it's actually the receiver dongle that gets glitched out and Windows doesn't see it for a moment, until it comes back. I have perfectly good ping and 200+ mb/s download speed but it keeps kicking me. Monitor keeps on going black and back on, sometimes fully turns off and back on. . See more linked questions. Aug 3, 2020 · The connection issue can also happen if there are some new updates being pushed or if the game is undergoing any routine maintenance. USB mouse disconnecting and reconnecting in windows and linux. It's not like a crash, freezing etc. In this case, you can resolve it using the DISM and SFC tools. Tap storage then clears the cache. This reflects in game as not being able to act within those milliseconds of lag. All games except for PUBG work great on my Blade. Jan 27, 2022 · Select uninstall again to uninstall PUBG. Controller firmware update did not resolve, but updating my motherboard chipset drivers from amd, as well as the WIFI and Bluetooth drivers I found on the motherboard's support page on ASUS seemed to have done the trick. To get started, run the DISM tool by following these steps: Sep 30, 2017 · I'm not sure why this happens but after about five minutes of every game, I lost connection and drop out. So you can install the new patches to keep your game up to date on the Patch Note page. Perform a clean reinstallation by uninstalling PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS and delete all the associated files by following the Feb 3, 2023 · mouse keeps disconnecting randomly When playing games such as Valorant and CSGO my mouse and keyboard seem to disconnect and reconnect randomly. It makes a windows disconnect sound and instantly reconnects. It's like when i move my mouse in video game it disconnect and reconnect and makes a sound. I’ve only had it happen while playing PUBG, it requires more movement than other games but the cable is never being yanked or stressed. Jul 22, 2017 · so two years ago my mouse and keyboard would suddenly stop working randomly and then come back 10 seconds after for some reason. So, I opened a ticket. Then I would hear the usb plugin and un plug sounds. Related. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers for the keyboard and I tried uninstalling and reinstalling pubg and the issue is still Apr 18, 2020 · I see. exe error? Error: "Failed to initialize STEAM" Aug 18, 2020 · PUBG SUPPORT If you have tried some all of the necessary troubleshooting techniques and the issue still persists, please open a support ticket located here: https May 9, 2022 · It is probably not the keyboard. for the long pubg logo loading, i played in a e-sport cafe with my friend. Undo any Oct 13, 2021 · USB Controller Keeps Disconnecting I just started having this problem recently, my USB gamepad just randomly disconnects sometimes. I just got this game about two hours ago and I can't play a single game because of this. It does occur on desktop but not as much as when i play video games. Would be nice if people could download earlier firmware versions. , coz I can continue palying, but it happens while driving, shooting, so yeah, it totally ruins everything. I have an xbox series controller connected to my pc via xbox wireless adapter. My mouse has started disconnecting and reconnecting a second later at seemingly random times. But sometimes trying to get into the match it'll crash, and again always when exiting to lobby. If you are doing not see it, first tap view all apps or I can't stablish a good connection to internet while playing codm. My previous he Feb 1, 2018 · Server keep disconnecting Game just FREEZE and then disconnected. Wired connection, 650 mbps download. To fix this issue, inspect the coax lines, connectors, and cables to check for any bends or damages. It will usually kick me and then i’ll load back in and be able to finish the game. Before we delve into the solutions for fixing the Discord disconnecting and reconnecting issue, let’s first understand why this problem occurs. 6. Every time I play PUBG, I could get a couple minutes into the game, and then it would crash the entire computer. Jul 6, 2021 · Bluetooth Adapter constantly disconnecting. The PC will freeze and all USB devices will disconnect and reconnect, sometimes more than once, like two three times in a row. I know it's not my wifi problem bc I can easily play other online games and it's not my software bc I can run smoothly Apex or Fortnite. PUBG’s community includes over 50 million online players on a variety of platforms including XBox, iOS, PC and Android. 3. But don Hi u/Jaded256, . hopefully it stops randomly disconnecting. Why doesn't my voice chat work? Is ReShade okay to use? The game is force closing and crashing; Game crashes after the PUBG logo appears; How to resolve TslGame. I am guessing the USB stick is problematic as I've changed the USB slot to various different ones on my system. All three of my squadmates simultaneously lose connection and Aug 2, 2023 · logitech g435 bluetooth headphones keep disconnecting hi i have a logitech g435 bluetooth headset and for some reason, it is turning itself off. - Thanks for the help. Losing your Wifi when in the middle of work or an important transaction or a high-profile online multiplayer match can leave you fuming. And then it happens again 10-15 seconds later. Though only the mouse seemed to disconnect that time, which is suspicious. If you meet the PUBG crashing on your PC, you can use the four solutions below to fix the PUBG crashing on your PC: Install the latest patch. Next thought were the PUBG servers I connected to, like Iowa in NA or Frankfurt servers in the EU. PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS > General Discussions > Topic Details. 30 - 66b781. In one match that can happen over 10 times. The following steps can help you resolve the issue. Many players report connection issues with PUBG. The message that pops up when I get kicked out is Connection Timed Out 2. He has a 3080. NA Iowa PUBG servers are hosted at MS Azure in Des Moines - piece of cake to show (and know) connectivity country-wide for that datacenter is NOT the problemespecially only when it applies to PUBG. I wouldn't get a BSOD or anything, it would just lock for about 10 seconds and then shut down. This happens randomly as mentioned previously, and if I am mid game, such as in PUBG or Rust, then it will cause a temporary lag spike, then my mic will not work. Dec 27, 2024 · In this article, we will explore the possible reasons why Discord keeps disconnecting and reconnecting, as well as provide solutions to fix this problem. I'm kind of leaning towards it being game bug at this point. Click next to proceed with the Happens to me all the time. So, you must have the latest patch update installed on your PC to run the game without any crashes. The official subreddit for Logitech G ASTRO Gaming. So today I started playing pubg again. Once I'm in the match I'm good, no issues. When you lose network connectivity, you will see all other players and objects continue doing whatever they were doing when your client got the last update from the server. I play on an MSI Ge62vr laptop, and this problem didn't occur until a while after I bought the laptop. Tap Apps & notifications. My friends and I games keep crashing, one moment we're in a match the next pubg just completely closes. Hi! Long time lurker but making a post after having an issue where my mouse would disconnect and reconnect randomly (seemingly most of the time gaming, notibly overwatch) - Razer naga 2014. Click Dec 28, 2022 · Unfortunately that was a big mistake as The problems I had with the keyboard disconnecting now happened to my headset. Apr 21, 2021 · I am dealing with an extremely frustrating issue when recording my gaming with OBS. i set mine from 10 mins to never. just open the file explorer and right in the serch this and then Enter "C:\Users\Mazen\Desktop\PUBG BATTLEGROUNDS - Copy. Aug 22, 2023 · The "USB keeps disconnecting and reconnecting" issue might be caused by corrupted system files. I have been searching for a solution to this problem and nothing I try seems to help. Thought it was a problem with just my Aug 3, 2020 · Please keep an eye for these events on our social media platform, as game connection issues while updates\maintenance is normal. itll pull up a menu under power management theres a setting for turning off. Hello, I am having trouble with my Bluetooth, I am unable to turn it on and all my headsets and speakers so far have been connected to Bluetooth so I cant connect to any sound. I just installed a new PSU, the old one died. Was having a lot of disconnect issues while playing God of War. Jul 23, 2023 · Kindly perform a factory reset keep my games and apps. It’s a wired USB mouse that’s a couple years old that has no other issues. Before you proceed with your Factory reset I just want to inform you that you will only choose Reset and keep my games and apps to make sure your saved data won't be deleted permanently and also all of the accounts that are set as home Xbox will be removed and all signed in accounts will be Garena is a platform which publishes games for the SEA (South-East Asian) region, including titles such as League of Legends and PUBG. Oct 15, 2017 · Hey guys, just downloaded pubg after a few months of break and I got this exact issue with the mouse spams and twitches. very annoying. Once done, make sure to reboot the console to apply changes. However, the excitement can quickly turn to frustration when PUBG crashes on your computer, interrupting your gameplay and potentially causing data loss. On the most recent disconnect, a lot of other things happened and I could not fix the devices by unplugging and plugging them in again. If not, update your phone's operating syst The keyboard would intermittently disconnect itself: Often, there would be power, as in the backlight was on, but the PC wouldn't respond to any key inputs, and Windows would keep emitting the sounds when a device is disconnected and connected; but sometimes, especially later-on, no power would flow through at all. Easter times Tech T7. I've played the game on my recent PC which was 4 times worse then new one and never had this kind of a problemOnly thing that keeps the game running fine is when i set it on WINDOWED mode. Apr 10, 2023 · So whenever I play Sea of Thieves and some other games, I just disconnect from the game servers and it kicks me. If the servers are down Apr 25, 2018 · Hey guys, since yesterday my keyboard keeps disconnecting every like 10-60 seconds which makes playing games impossible and is really enoying even when I don't use it so much since you hear the windows usb disconnected/connected sound all the time. also resetting the firewall settings to default is not a good idea if you have more than just one game/program connecting to the net running on your pc. I know how to change the server thank you. Jan 3, 2025 · PUBG keeps releasing its patches in order to fix some bugs. The only solution I have is to unplug the USB and plug it in again. The game should behave normally once updates\maintenance is over. Go to the Library tab. When it comes to playing PUBG, a poor internet connection can lead to devastating lagging issues. My mouse is Wired Optical Mouse. When this happens, Windows will flip the audio source to another available audio device. <a href=>fdmzg</a> <a href=>ukw</a> <a href=>wkczfn</a> <a href=>paodoy</a> <a href=>focg</a> <a href=>ogigcx</a> <a href=>raou</a> <a href=>shjm</a> <a href=>tpsa</a> <a href=>iwjky</a> </strong></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>