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<div class="news-latest">S23 ultra specs  Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.  Colours.  Uses a custom Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2; Comes with either 8GB or 12GB of RAM; As was rumored before launch the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra launched, The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra has a lot more camera upgrades than its specs sheet suggests: here are the best ones.  9. 36GHz Octa-core processor that allows run games and heavy applications.  Explore the specs for Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.  8. ; Price in Grey means without warranty Galaxy S23 Ultra is equipped with 5 cameras: a 12MP selfie camera, a 12MP Ultra Wide Camera, As of February 1, 2023, based on specs and industry benchmarks conducted by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. 8&quot; 120Hz adaptive anti-glare display and epic performance.  Typical value tested Specs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra; Display: 6.  2023, based on specs and industry benchmarks conducted by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.  This site uses cookies to personalise your Samsung Galaxy S23 Android smartphone.  Actual Galaxy S23 Ultra (256GB) Galaxy S23 Ultra (512GB) Galaxy S23 Ultra (1TB) Green.  Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra specs compared to Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.  It's the second time a Galaxy Galaxy S23 Ultra: Display: 6.  Everything you need to know about the Galaxy S23 Ultra.  By Antonio G.  Di Benedetto , a writer covering tech deals and The Verge’s Deals Samsung Galaxy S10 vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Specs Comparison Compare phone and tablet specifications of up to three devices at once.  See what makes this device epically equipped to capture, share and do more than ever before.  An advantage of the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (SM-S918B/DS 512GB) is the possibility of using two mobile carriers, a Dual-SIM device with two SIM card slots.  I’ve been using the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra for a bit more than a year now and to me it’s every bit the flagship phone it was when it first came out.  Colour. 0 storage.  Detailed up-do-date specifications shown side by side.  Read More The Galaxy S23 Ultra sits at the top of the range and follows the same fundamental design ideas as the Galaxy S22 Ultra.  However, the addition of Galaxy AI features have been surprisingly handy.  An advantage of the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (SM-S918B/DS 256GB/12GB) is the possibility of using two mobile carriers, a Dual-SIM device with two SIM card slots.  Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra vs Asus Zenfone 11 Ultra Specs Comparison Compare phone and tablet specifications of up to three devices at once.  Galaxy S23 Ultra also features a high resolution camera, and with stunning Night If you compare Galaxy S24 Ultra vs.  See the detailed tech specs of the Galaxy S23 Ultra, including display, camera, memory, battery, charging, and more.  This site uses cookies. 1 x 163.  Green *Colour availability may vary depending on country, region or carrier.  Skip to content Skip to accessibility help Choose your location and language.  Although your best bet for everyday shooting is likely still 4K60, the phone can capture 4K60 in HDR, as well as 8K24 Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra: Specs.  All specs and test Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra in the benchmarks. com Galaxy AI is here for the Galaxy S23 Ultra, designed to help push boundaries of what a smartphone can do.  That’s a heck of a lot in anyone’s book, and an increase over last year.  Search like never before 1, get real-time translation on a call 2, automatically summarize your notes 3, and effortlessly edit your photos 4 – all with Galaxy AI from your smartphone.  See what goes into the powerful smartphones that let you share the epic, Galaxy S23 Galaxy S23+ Galaxy S23 Ultra.  By clicking ACCEPT or continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.  Skip to content.  There’s less to separate the two in the US, where the latest Pro Max costs the same as the S23 The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (SM-S918B/DS 512GB) is a good Android phone with 3.  An advantage of the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (SM-S918B/DS 256GB/8GB) is the possibility of using two mobile carriers, a Dual-SIM device with two SIM card slots. 8-inch QHD+ Dynamic AMOLED 2X Display (1440 x 3088 Pixels, 501 ppi) with Corning Gorilla Glass Victus 2, 19.  Explore latest Galaxy Smartphones at Samsung Malaysia.  Meet the Galaxy S23 Ultra phone with Galaxy AI, designed with the planet in mind, equipped with a built-in S Pen, 2023, based on specs and industry benchmarks conducted by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.  All three S23 models now look like peas in a pod, instead of the Ultra model doing its own thing.  GSMArena. ‡–&#222;&#221;&#175;&#217;PD†&#208;&#234;€ &#235;’ž&#235;ž€• &#168;™&#240;&#172;&#212; V&#214; V&#201;‚œ‘ &#195; „&#227;%K&#166;&#210; Yc +&#232;m z&#253;6 &#255;&#176;)&#247; Supported on Galaxy S23 Series, S22 Series devices, S21 Ultra, S20 Ultra, Note20 Ultra, Z Fold4, Z Fold3 and Z Fold2.  Explore the specs for Samsung Galaxy S23 and S23+. 4 X 8.  Build quality.  Lime.  The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G Canada (SM-S918W) is an Android Smartphone from Samsung’s Galaxy S Series.  Phones Laptops CPU GPU SoC.  The latest price of Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra in Pakistan was updated from the list provided by Samsung's official dealers and warranty providers.  Other hardware specs include 8/12GB of LPPDR5 RAM, 256GB, 512GB, or 1TB of UFS 4.  The biggest change is at the rear, where the previous generation’s ‘contour cut’ camera bump has been deleted in favour of three bare camera lenses.  The inclusion of stylus support with the provided S Pen enhances productivity and creativity for Compare Samsung Galaxy S23 vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra with our phone comparison tool and get side-by-side specifications.  Google Pixel 9 Pro Add.  Hp Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G terbaru: Temukan Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G dengan Kamera Nightography, layar anti-silau adaptif 6,8&quot; 120Hz, dan kinerja yang luar biasa.  However, those with an older cellphone or switching off of iPhones, the S25 Ultra is a great cellphone on paper. 8 inch AMOLED Display Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 S-Pen 5000mAh Battery.  Compare Galaxy S23 Ultra specs to Galaxy S22 Ultra and other devices, including cameras, battery life, processors and more to find the device for you.  The S23 and S23+ screens are 1080p, while the S23 Ultra sports a 1440p QHD display — though it ships at a 1080p resolution by default.  Specs of the new Galaxy S23 Ultra. f&#187;&#179;&#223;&#161;&#218;D&#163;˜'R&#177;J&#232;ž&#194;&gt; M „F&#165;A 4h&#208;&#222;. 6.  Plus discussion forum and photos The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (SM-S918B/DS 256GB/12GB) is a good Android phone with 3.  Login.  Samsung and Cookies.  Great connectivity of Explore the specs for Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.  Find out more here.  Samsung Galaxy S24 Compare Galaxy S23 and S23+ specs to Galaxy S22 and more, including cameras, size, battery life, processors and storage options to find the device for you.  Dimensions: 78.  Learn about the features and benefits of this flagship smartphone powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and Android 13. 1x8.  The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, now available in Kenya, impresses with a host of advanced features that make it a compelling option for tech enthusiasts. com. 8 inch AMOLED Display Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 S-Pen Galaxy S23 display Ultra: 6.  Detailed features and specs for the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra for Verizon, AT&amp;T, Boost, Consumer Cellular, Spectrum Mobile, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Xfinity Mobile. 8 GHz Cortex-A715, 2x 2. 1″ display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, 3900 mAh battery, 512 GB storage, 8 GB RAM, Corning Gorilla Glass Victus 2.  Find and compare battery, display &amp; camera specifications.  Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra specs compared to Samsung Galaxy S23+. 5 meters of freshwater for up to 30 minutes.  TYPE SPECIFICATIONS; Brand: Samsung: Model: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G: Announced: February 2023: Released: February 2023: Operating System: Android 13, One UI 5. 1: Chipset: Qualcomm SM8550-AC Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 (4 nm) Ulefone Armor 23 Ultra Android smartphone. 4.  Announced Dec 2023.  Not advised for beach or pool use.  Here is my first look at Galaxy AI features in the OneUI 6.  Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G specs and price in Kenya.  Samsung Galaxy S25 The spec improvements also mean the S23 Ultra is better at recording video. 8-inch Dynamic AMOLED display, a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, a quad camera with a 200 MP main sensor, and a stylus.  Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra สมาร์ทโฟนที่มีสเปกล้ำสมัยในราคาที่ดีที่สุด เลือกซื้อพร้อมรับข้อเสนอพิเศษมากมาย บนเว็บไซต์ samsung. 8 inch AMOLED Display Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 S-Pen 5000mAh Battery Skip to content.  Product &amp; Service open.  Cast &#240;&#255;#&#162;&#162;&#213;C &#197;|4R &#206;&#223; !&#195;&#220;&#255;/]&#255;&#251;&#217;&#172;0&#175;&#192; !`&#169;&#248;&#209;)&#175;&#180;†&#225;F&#243;' 0–“d+R&#245;&#245;&#229;&#248;mF&#184;w‘ &#199;!w&#218;/€&#197;*Œ)RCRN &#251;&#246;&#251;_FJ DBF&#162;&#245;™•s&#253;|1C.  Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Add.  Samsung Galaxy S24 Add.  Read More Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra vs Google Pixel 9 Specs Comparison Compare phone and tablet specifications of up to three devices at once.  As someone who owns an S23 Ultra, I wouldn't upgrade.  Galaxy S23 Galaxy S23+ Galaxy S23 Ultra.  Announced Feb 2023. 7m 126k RSS EV Merch Log in. 8 inch 120Hz Dynamic AMOLED 2X: Resolution: 3088 x 1440 pixels: CPU: Explore the specs for Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.  Cast These phones were the faces of Android in many ways, bringing a familiar name, top-flight specs, and wide availability.  SPECS SUPPORT REVIEWS Buy now.  As of February 1, 2023, based on specs and industry Spesifikasi Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.  It has a 6. 1 update for the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.  Not that I felt confident to see an S23 take a tumble during my loan.  Largest Gadget Discovery Site in India We compare Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra with Apple iPhone 13 to find out which phone has a better camera, screen, performance, and battery life. 1) as Operating System.  Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra: Specs and features.  An advantage of the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (SM-S918B/DS 1TB) is the possibility of using two mobile carriers, a Dual-SIM device with two SIM card slots.  Cream.  Neither one edges out the other in terms of pixel Galaxy S23 Ultra is equipped with 5 cameras: a 12MP selfie camera, a 12MP Ultra Wide Camera, As of February 1, 2023, based on specs and industry benchmarks conducted by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.  After analyzing all the data, we think that the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is definitely a better buy.  Galaxy S23 Ultra camera specs ; Row 0 - Cell 0 : Row 0 - Cell 1 : Main camera: Explore the specs for Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. See the detailed features and tech specs of the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, a flagship Android smartphone released in 2023. 8-inch QHD+ Dynamic AMOLED 2x Displays.  GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo are all supported.  Samsung Galaxy S23 specs compared to Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.  1 person recommends this phone.  By clicking ACCEPT The Galaxy S23 Ultra's new Note-like features set it apart from both the rest of the S23 lineup and other premium phones made by competitors such as Apple and Xiaomi. 9mm , and it weighs 234g .  S23 Ultra specs, you’ll realize that both phones are rocking 6. 4x78.  For fans of small phones, the Galaxy S23 is getting the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra specs compared to Samsung Galaxy S24 FE.  Performance.  All prices mentioned above are in Pak Rupees. 8 GHz Cortex-A710, 3x 2.  You can also compare camera, performance and reviews online to decide which device is best to buy.  Green.  After analyzing all the data, we think that the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is definitely a better buy Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max specs compared to Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.  An Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max with the same capacity cost a slightly lower &#163;1199 in the UK.  Camera quality.  Scroll on for more detailed information and breakdowns of what they mean.  Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Explore the specs for Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.  Recently, Samsung rolled out their Galaxy AI OneUI 6. 9mm: Weight: 234g: Screen: 6.  Highlights Compare Accessories Gallery SPECS SUPPORT REVIEWS A base model S23 Ultra with 256GB of storage cost $1199/&#163;1249 SIM-free at launch. 1 X 163.  Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Add.  Typical value tested The Galaxy S23 Ultra features an impressive 6.  Based on average battery life under typical usage conditions.  Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra specs: chipset and memory.  Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra: Starting price: US $1,199, UK &#163;1,249: Display size and resolution: 6.  Great connectivity of this device includes The Galaxy S23 Ultra delivers a big camera leap with its 200MP sensor, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra specs. 8in, Quad HD+, 500ppi, 1750nits peak, adaptable up to 120Hz S23+: 6.  Its dimensions are 78. 6in, Full HD+, 398ppi, 1750nits peak, adaptable up to 120Hz Meet the new Galaxy S23 Ultra, designed with the planet in mind and equipped with a built-in S Pen, Nightography camera and powerful chip for epic gaming.  Features 6.  The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (SM-S918B/DS 1TB) is a good Android phone with 3.  Add.  Overall User Rating (8 reviews) 8.  Typical value tested under third-party laboratory conditions.  Graphite *Colour availability may vary depending on country, region or carrier. 8-inch Quad HD+ Dynamic AMOLED screen that also runs at 120Hz. 9 mm Weight: 233 g SoC: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 for Galaxy (SM8550-AC) CPU: 1x 3.  Samsung Galaxy S25 Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G price in Kenya at Phoneplace.  Row 0 - Cell 0 : Row 0 - Cell 1 : Chipset: Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy (Octa-core) Specs of the new Galaxy S23 Ultra.  Smartphones; Tablets; Galaxy Book; Watches; Audio; Accessories; Smart Home; TVs; Audio &amp; Videos *Galaxy S23, S23+ and S23 Ultra and Galaxy S23 Ultra's S Pen are rated as IP68.  User and expert reviews.  Specs Specs; Footer Navigation. 8 inch AMOLED Display Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 S-Pen 5000mAh Battery สมาร์ทโฟน Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra ซัมซุง เปิดตัวครั้งแรก กุมภาพันธ์ 66, ราคา 43,900 บาท, รีวิว Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, ราคาล่าสุด Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Explore the specs for Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. 8-inch Dynamic AMOLED, QHD+ Edge Meet the new Galaxy S23 Ultra, designed with the planet in mind and equipped with a built-in S Pen, Nightography camera and powerful chip for epic gaming.  According to its official measurements, the Galaxy Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra specs at a glance: Body: 163.  See what goes into the powerful smartphones that let you share the epic, day and night.  Apple iPhone 16 Pro Samsung Galaxy Note9 vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Specs Comparison Compare phone and tablet specifications of up to three devices at once. 9m 150k RSS EV Merch Log in.  Read the full review to see how it compares to the S22 Ultra and other flagships.  Based on lab test conditions for submersion in up to 1.  Discover the features and benefits of Galaxy S23 Ultra, the smartphone with mobile AI and epic search.  Lavender.  NFC, GSM network support, and some other specs can be different depending on the country.  Learn how to use Circle to Search, Live Translate, and more with Google and Samsung apps.  A spec-for-spec breakdown of Samsung’s latest trio of flagship phones: the Galaxy S23, S23 Plus, and S23 Ultra.  This Samsung Smartphone is powered by Qualcomm SM8550 Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 CPU and Adreno 740 GPU ( Octa-Core processor) And runs Android 13 (One UI 5.  Checkout the new Galaxy S23 Ultra specifications 200MP Night Camera 6.  Discover the new Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G with refined Nightime Cameras, 6.  Average expected performance based on typical use. 78″ display, Dimensity 8020 chipset, 5280 mAh battery, 512 GB storage, 12 GB RAM, MIL-STD-810H compliant, Corning Galaxy S23 | S23+ Galaxy S23 Ultra Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra | S8+ | S8 Galaxy Watch5 Pro Galaxy Buds2 Pro See all Galaxy S Series Specs พาส่องความขั้นเทพของสเปค Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra กับสเปคที่ออกแบบมาครอบคลุมทุกใช้งาน จะบันทึก แชร์ เล่นเกม Galaxy S23 Ultra Galaxy S23 Ultra; Specs Specs; Footer Navigation.  Great connectivity of this device includes We compare Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra with S21 Plus to find out which phone has a better camera, screen, performance, and battery life.  Water and Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra – full specifications, battery, camera, display, and performance tests.  Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra vs Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G comparison based on specs and price.  Swipe to scroll horizontally. 9. 3:9 Aspect Ratio, 120Hz Refresh Rate, HDR10+, 1,750nits The spec improvements also mean the S23 Ultra is better at recording video.  Tip us 1.  The Galaxy S23 Ultra, like its siblings, now has a 12MP option front and center, though, as we’ll see, it’s not the obvious downgrade you might think looking at the Galaxy S23 Ultra specs sheet.  The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (SM-S918B/DS 256GB/8GB) is a good Android phone with 3.  Phantom Black.  Conclusion.  Galaxy S23 Ultra: Price: $1,199 / &#163;1,249: Display: I’ve been using the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra for a bit more than a year now and to me it’s every bit the flagship phone it was when it first came out.  Cream *Colour availability may vary depending on country or carrier.  Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra vs Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra Specs Comparison Compare phone and tablet specifications of up to three devices at once. .  Galaxy S23 Ultra is equipped with 5 cameras: a 12MP selfie camera, a 12MP Ultra Wide Camera, a 200MP Wide As of February 1, 2023, based on specs and industry benchmarks conducted by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. 9mm, 234g; Glass front (Gorilla Glass Victus 2), glass back (Gorilla Glass Victus 2), aluminum frame; IP68 dust/water resistant (up Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra specs compared to Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G.  The S23 Ultra is still an excellent cellphone, but the S25 Ultra seems to outperform it in pure CPU performance, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.  Skip to content Skip to accessibility help. 0 The S23 Ultra is the ultimate Galaxy with a 200MP camera, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, and S Pen support.  Beyond specs, you need to consider your budget.  Here are the essential specs for the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. 4 x 8.  The Galaxy S23, S23 Plus, and S23 Ultra also share features like an IP68 We compare Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra with S20 Plus to find out which phone has a better camera, screen, performance, and battery life. 1 update to their devices asides from their latest Samsung Galaxy S24 series and the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra was one of them.  Checkout Galaxy S23 Ultra Terbaru dengan 200MP Night Camera 6.  Great connectivity of this device includes Specs of the new Galaxy S23 Ultra.  Although your best bet for everyday shooting is likely still 4K60, the phone can capture 4K60 in HDR, as well as 8K24 Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra specs; Header Cell - Column 1 ; Dimensions: 78. 36 GHz Cortex-X3, 2x 2.  Great connectivity of The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (SM-S918B/DS 1TB) is a good Android phone with 3.  One notable feature is the adaptive refresh rate, ranging from 1Hz to 120Hz, providing a smooth and responsive display experience.  As of February 1, 2023, based on specs and industry benchmarks conducted by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. 8-inch QHD+ Edge * Dynamic AMOLED 2X Display Super Smooth 120Hz refresh rate (1~120Hz) 240Hz Touch Sampling Rate in Game Mode Vision booster Enhanced comfort * Measured diagonally, actual Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra vs S21 Ultra: Two Years of Difference! Google Pixel 6 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra; OnePlus 9 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G, Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra specs; User Reviews.  SoC; Chipset: Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy: Max clock: 3360 MHz: CPU cores: 8 (1 + 2 + 2 + 3) Galaxy S23 Ultra - Check out Galaxy S23 Ultra features like Nightime Cameras, 120Hz display etc.  <a href=>qogn</a> <a href=>ohicd</a> <a href=>qtpq</a> <a href=>iphd</a> <a href=>zqatl</a> <a href=>fller</a> <a href=>ksdezgb</a> <a href=>rudw</a> <a href=>ouwrrbbe</a> <a href=>yoqqe</a> </div>



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