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<div class="news-latest">Sekiro dodi not launching twice.  First off, please make sure you game meets the Minimum Requirements listed on the main store page. Click on “Run Compatibility Troubleshooter” if the games work save the settings if not continue. 0 MB) German. (assuming dodi sekiro Help / Troubleshooting my game won't save, every time I open the game, It goes back to accepting terms basically resets to when opening the game for the first time.  There is tutorials in youtube and in the I am using an Xbox controller (edit: Elite 2) which works on every other game just fine.  Right-click on Sekiro Shadows Die Twice &gt; Click on Controller.  I've ran the set up file in Admin and copied over the crack folder files but still I recently had to fuck around to get my ds4 to work after ages with no issues, ended up unpairing then using the DS4Windows settings to setup controller, which opens a pop up with instructions and some hyperlinks - download the driver linked in that pop up, then get your controller flashing so its ready to pair and use the link in the pop up to get to the Bluetooth settings (instructions I NOT LAUNCHING AT ALL .  In 2019 I rage quit.  Share Add a Comment.  (ESA) and may not be used without permission of the ESA. doi (555.  Welcome to the subreddit for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a 2019 action-adventure game developed by FromSoftware and winner of Game of the Year. 9 GB) opening_movie_hi.  Date Posted: Apr 21, 2022 @ 1:36pm.  Hope it helps! Reply reply More posts you may like r/kde.  Youtube and other games are working fine and restarting my PC did nothing. 5 MB) French. dcx files. dll modengine.  I tried hiding the controller, resetting Steam, resetting the PC, and still not able to get DS4 WIndows and Sekiro to get along.  There may be errors or damage to Windows files.  Open comment sort options.  Trying to figure out what to do here but every time I launch the game it opens Steam and won't run.  I already tried uninstalling and deleting all the files of the game, but it won't work.  Members Online. 8GHz 4 cores This was also a For version 1.  Visit our main page to know more Based on Sekiro.  After a few seconds I get my cursor back, the game syncs and that's the end of it. exe prior to launching the game.  Game runs at 20 FPS even while using a 1080ti and i7 7700k I have the Dodi repacks pirated version of Sekiro on 1.  So the game usually freezes at startup and around every 10th minute and if i have task manager open it says that the game isnt responding and the cpu usage goes down to 0%.  When you are instructed to close the game, don’t simply click on the Cross In this video I am going to show How to FIX Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Crashing, Not Launching, Freezing &amp; Black ScreenPC/Laptops | Windows 11/10/8/7DirectX &amp; I'm going to show How to FIX Sekiro Crashing / Not Launching!PC/Laptops | Windows 11/10/8/7FIX Game All Errors (Unable to start, Stuck On Loading Screen I Sekiro Shadows Die Twice not launching,Sekiro Shadows Die Twice not launching pc,Sekiro Shadows Die Twice not launching ps4,Sekiro Shadows Die Twice not laun Solution 2: Launch Sekiro Shadows Die Twice as Administrator.  If you have the same problem, don’t worry.  by dodi_rep November 26, 2024 1711- Baldur’s Gate 3: Digital Deluxe Edition (v4. doi Shadows Die Twice – Game of the Year Edition (v. 05. Select the operating system to which the driver is GTA SA Dodi Repack not opening .  They natively work on windows 10 and 99% of the time work immediately when launching any controller supported game.  thx, ur advice help a lot #10.  Unfortunately, these feature was not explained clearly at all when it was released as part of the final update a few years back. dll and or the stock exe is in place will Alright so after having to make Sekiro work, i’ve found the easiest way into solving any black screen/ image tearing issues with Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice on PC.  I get the option to &quot;Play&quot; again and that's the end of it.  If I set it to the integrated card it at least starts, but if I set it to the nvidia card it gets white screen and crashes. Shadows.  Old. e.  Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Launching on March 22, 2019! Sekiro. Its available in most torrent sites.  This folder with sl2 file is for save game files (WORTH COPY each few hours! As it sometimes corrupt) not where games is installed If Sekiro Shadows Die Twice is stuck on loading screen, displaying a black screen, or not launching at all, follow the solutions mentioned here. doi (405.  If you don’t run Sekiro Shadows Die Twice as an administrator, you may find it difficult to avoid crashes or not launching issues.  Finally I open the game to setup a few things before I start streaming.  Just make sure SekiroInjector.  What's more is that it always shows the user agreement, so it doesn't even acknowledge that I have opened it.  The camera isn't as smooth, but it still works and the most annoying thing is navigating the menus, as the buttons to do so make sense when you're on kb+m, but aren't Playing Sekiro on PC via Steam.  When I launch, it either says it's not responding or the game launches to a black screen at a way higher resolution and then I have to alt-tab out (while clicking &quot;X&quot; multiple times on the Sekiro tab.  The following is contained in the additional information of the crash and I have no idea what it means: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: sekiro.  My specs are gpu : nvidia geforce gtx 1080 cpu: i5-7600k 3. 03-1.  right click your desktop, click nvidia control panel, click manage 3d setting, find Sekiro and change it to high performance.  Had the game crash on me twice both just endless black screens.  There may beanetwork connection problem.  Options then Network, you don't need to worry about.  My goal was to play it for the first time and stream my experience. SSD gtorr_net_sekiro_goty_edition_dodi_repack.  Could this be an HDR issue? I have a regular monitor and the &quot;HDR&quot; option in Make sure that Sekiro folder contains: dinput8. &quot; Alternatively, you can add the game to Steam and start Sekiro not starting on Windows 11 Has anyone else found that this game is nearly unplayable on Windows 11? Most of the time I try to launch it I just get a black screen that immediately becomes unresponsive.  Before we talk about the issues in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and how you can fix them, be sure that your gaming setup meets the system requirements listed below.  Intel Welcome to the subreddit for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a 2019 action-adventure game developed by FromSoftware and winner of Game of the Year.  If you have some weird controllers listed here, like Vjoy or something, you have to deactivate it from your device manager until you only have your real controllers on the General controller settings list.  cpu usage goes to zero and just says 'not responding' but music for the game works perfectly fine.  Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice &gt; General Discussions &gt; Topic Details. Put a check mark on Run this program in compatibility mode for. Search for your AppData folder [Forza Horizon 5] Game not launching I am trying to run forza 5 on linux, ive tried dodi repack which doesnt work now i am on canek77's repack of the game which also doesnt work, i am using the heroic games launcher which in the past has worked for me no problem even with fh4, are there any particular steps i have to do to get fh5 running Welcome to the subreddit for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a 2019 action-adventure game developed by FromSoftware and winner of Game of the Year. sl2 in it.  Same issues when trying to MINIMUM: OS: Windows 10 x64 / Windows 11 x64 Processor: Intel Core i7-7700K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600X Memory: 16 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB / AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB / Intel Arc A750 Storage: 160 GB available space Additional Notes: Graphics Preset: LOW / Resolution: 1080p / Target FPS: 30. 5 MB) staff_list_movie.  Sekiro Shadows Die Twice - [DODI Repack] data1.  Discussions Rules I'm going to show How to FIX Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Crashing / Not Launching!PC/Laptops | Windows 11/10/8/7FIX Game All Errors (Unable to start, Stuck Sekiro crashing upon launching .  upvotes A program that injects into the Sekiro executable to fix controllers, particularly when using DS4Windows, not working correctly.  Move dinput8.  It didn't load, so I restarted the game multiple times including launching Steam in Offline mode without cloud saves.  Best. Die.  All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Try opening it in steam big picture mode and then setting the game to windowed instead of full screen.  Edit: Opening the game ends up changing to fullscreen. doi (283.  What I've tried so far: Inside of Steam -&gt; Library -&gt; Right click on Sekiro -&gt; Manage -&gt; Joypad config -&gt; 4. 70 + All DLCs + Hi, like some of you I wasn't able to launch the Game.  I had same problem for sekiro from dodi, fixed it by right clicking on desktop icon.  Members Online • If not, create it Reply reply ApricotSam I installed FitGirl's repack of Sekiro and menu sound,effects,in game sound all work good except character voices during cutscenes.  And I only saw your post because I had given up trying and was going to post a thread. doi (7. doi (445.  Right-click the sekiro.  To troubleshoot issues, run Pasting my comment here for visibility: &quot;SOLVED! for me at least! I just updated every driver and windows update possible, and i also disabled all non-essential software by going to System Configuration (by hitting the windows key + R Sekiro Shadows Die Twice not launching,Sekiro Shadows Die Twice not launching pc,Sekiro Shadows Die Twice not launching ps4,Sekiro Shadows Die Twice not laun Based on Sekiro.  Any fix to this please, would be greatly appreciated.  Open comment sort options FIXED: if it's not launching and you just want to play offline, 1) delete all the files (NOT FOLDERS) from the location of the . xml) thing but none seems Can't get this sucker to launch -- I click &quot;Play&quot; and I get the menu where it asks me what I want to launch, I select Play Sekrio, loading wheel spins and nothing happens.  Both the main menu and the in-game menu aren't joypad responsive.  After a while (like 4 minutes) the game starts working again and after 10 minutes it freezes again.  Q&amp;A.  I'm having issues with the controller not working on Sekiro. Installation and starting problems are very rare.  1.  16 GB Dual Channel RAM.  Interestingly enough, when I take a screenshot and view it in windows, it appears to have normal color.  My Specs: Ryzen 5 3600 2*8 GB 3200Mhz ram RTX 3070 Hey all.  I've tried everything from launching the game from Steam and enabling the input to hiding devices in device manager.  And there is huge stuttering. doi (210.  worked for me as a last dessperate How is a DS4 not working on a computer game the devs problem mate? Strictly speaking its not, but DS4 is a pretty popular controller and its a bit odd/frustrating that a popular AAA game doesn't support it very well. exe EXCEPT for &quot;ForzaHorizon5_loader.  Make sure to check out the game’s system requirements properly before jumping into any other methods.  I tried using DS4Windows.  Verified game files and everything.  Hey this just worked for me, so thank you.  That said, here’s our Sekiro Controller Not Working – How to Fix PS4 Therefore I updated the game using DODI update package. 0. Also some people resolved issue with verifying files but I cant do that since i didnt buy game on steam.  You can try Windows Memory Cleaner before launching the game, checking if your antivirus quarantined any files and restoring them, running CHKDSK (and if there are errors, chkdsk /f), changing the date to late February if you have the date bug, unchecking the read-only attribute in the game folder I've installed watchdog legion from dodi-repack, but I'm having trouble starting the game.  It's just Sekiro.  Can someone help me please?. xml folder.  I Greetings everyone, we’ve been seeing some frequently discussed issues today and while many of you have kindly helped each other not everyone has found the same workarounds or troubleshooting for the issue they are experiencing.  And it pretty much deleted everything when you close the game and exit to windows whether your using in-game channels or not.  Activision makes no guarantees regarding the availability of online play or There’s a number of possible things causing this issue, from your DS4Windows not being up-to-date, to Nvidia, to Steam’s controller settings for Sekiro.  2.  Share Sort by: Top.  Any ideas? Specs appear to be fine. Twice-CODEX iso release: codex-sekiro.  Mar 21, 2019 @ 1:12pm I restarted my pc and still no sound.  My game isn't launching at all.  It'll auto-hook into the game process when it starts and it should work fine There is steamapi dlls that steam checks before it launches and that's why it comes up with a license issue.  To do that: Launch the Steam client &gt; Go to Library.  Please elaborate on that lol several fitgirl repacks have selective cracks if it's not applied properly or defender /av removed steamapi64.  The game launches just fine but I get stuck on the last 5% of loading. shadows.  It's an relieve to know it's not just me.  Also the xbox controller is updated and I tried x360ce which doesn't work. It works well with all antivirus.  And I've noticed my screen flicker with the game up just going through the settings.  Today I decided to give Sekiro another go. 02 Language : Multi13 You can change the language in game settings Launching from windowed mode via steam launch options (Which does not seem to work as it launches fullscreen anyway) I am getting desperate, Sekiro is my favorite game of all time please help. 9 MB) English. xml' file located in C:\Users\*Users Name*\AppData\Roaming\Sekiro Note: I did play the game a few months ago, when I initially bought the game.  Yesterday my webcam came in and I had everything setup.  I just asked if they decided to address it or not, and it turns out they haven't. 15 you need to install the xatab repack, and extract the one mb file into the game folder found on CS page 283.  I have tried to uninstall many drivers and unplugged every other device minus the controller with no solution so far and still am lost. doi (161.  Welcome to the subreddit for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a 2019 action-adventure game developed by Recently I bought Sekiro. 8 MB) Spanish.  Posts: 4.  But I can't launch it now.  But when I opened it in big picture mode it worked.  Master that, and you'll master most of the game. dll are in one folder and run SekiroInjector.  3.  Steam, DS4Windows, drivers of specific mice (Roccat Tyon for example) will add multiple virtual controllers, but Sekiro won't care about any but the first.  May beasecurity issue.  ive also verified the Sekiro DODI repack on Steam deck doesn't launch through steam, no matter the version of proton used, GE, 7. 9 MB) Italian.  Any advice? Is it corrupted? The game doesn't say it is but it might Sekiro's PC controllers have not been working since the game launched on Friday.  Click on Steam&gt;Settings&gt;Controller&gt;General controller settings.  Question So i just downloaded sekiro from Repack its my first time downloading a game and so when i installed the game and checked the files which were all ok i tried to open the game but it stays on black screen then &quot;out of range&quot; sign then it crashesi have tried the (GraphicConfig.  Tons of players just clicked on it and ran around like headless chicken The latest mod engine version says it supports sekiro v1.  To my surprise my controller is not working on the game.  I installed the game but clicking on icons does nothing, cursor spins for a few seconds and that's it Tried running as admin on comparability mode, tried running on integrated graphics and dedicated both My specs are - i3 6006u Radeon 530 4 GB DDR4 RAM The network setting within Sekiro, i. 5 GB) opening_movie_hi. doi (182.  Every other game on steam works but not these cracks.  Game runs at 20 FPS even while using a 1080ti and i7 7700k Yeah, it's a tedious process to reassign everything, but it generally worked.  Thanks in advance! Share Add a Comment.  Reply reply Outrageous-Section-4 AMD Control Center not launching on Windows 11 Navigate to the game executable in your steamapps/common/sekiro folder: if you don’t know where it is, check out your Sekiro configuration in the following way: right-click on the Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice game entry in the Library-&gt; Games panel, then go to the Local Files tab and click to Browse Local Files.  r/kde. exe file or game app file directly from that location download gog version of the game.  No window opens, no black screen. exe running as administrator.  Cracked or not.  Here are some Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice.  I was just playing sekiro earlier with a ps4 controller but it broke so I have to use the ps5 controller, but now its not working with the games.  With that done, you can play with your PS4 controller using DS4Windows.  I just had to install: MS VC 2017 Latest Version 64bit and MS VC 2017 Latest Version 32bit (If u don't trust my direct Links go HERE scroll down to &quot;Other Tools and Frameworks&quot; then look for &quot;Microsoft Of course, we may not encounter this problem alone. torrent (გადმოწერა: 1669) v.  Windows operating system may not be up to date.  Using a DS4, btw.  Recently tried the Forest and the install makes no progress and doesn't add any files to the install directory.  comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&amp;A Add a Comment Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a video game released on March 22, 2019. It somehow fixes the game not launching or stuck at the loading screen issue.  5. exe&quot; 2) copy all the contents from the &quot;_Original Files&quot; folder to the main FH5 install directory 3) then open the &quot;_Cracks&quot; folder, then the &quot;CODEX-RUNE&quot; folder and copy all the contents and paste it back in the game folder I know it's not what you're asking but I always had issues with controllers but once I bit the bullet and bought an Xbox one controller I never went back. 8 MB) Setup yea im having the same issue.  Xatab repack won't install unless you disable some exploit protections on the windows settings. 2.  6.  If you have it, you should be able to right click it and open it with Note When Sekiro Shadows Die Twice not launching or stuck on loading or black screen, try fixing the issue by restarting the game and Steam.  It's very simple: just right-click on the shortcut of Sekiro, go to Properties, navigate to Compatibility, and make sure the option &quot;Run as Administrator&quot; is UNCHECKED.  KDE is an international community creating free and open source software.  In that case, the chances are high that your PC doesn’t meet the criteria of the system requirements and fails to launch Yo, I figured it out, in your C:\Users\&quot;YOUR USER NAME&quot;\AppData\Roaming\Sekiro folder, you should see a GraphicsConfig. exe file. . 0 MB) data2. ini &quot;mods&quot; folder (not mod or anything else) And in the mods folder, there is a &quot;parts&quot; folder, and in the parts folder there are NO folders, just raw . 3 MB) data3.  Sekiro has no online coop or anything like that.  New comments cannot be posted.  It just doesn't register. 0 Application Timestamp: 5c87e3ca Struggling to get dodi-repack of sekiro to work on the steam deck Help / Troubleshooting Managed to download Hades by dodi and used the installer and everything went fine, so I'm not sure unless not every one will work on the deck? Locked post. dll and weaponwheel resources to sekiro directory (not zip file itself) If you have many mods, you need to chainload the modengine files.  Changing it to high performance fixed the Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Bugs and Errors Guide.  The satisfaction yes,problem happened on audio settings.  This page will help you to solve typical problems, which can appear while installing repacks (mine included) and running installed games.  Sort by: Best.  i had no narration during the opening cutscene, but the characters voice played.  When i started the game, it was set automatically to integrated.  It seems that the task &quot;Watchdogs&quot; starts, but closes itself almost immediately.  Help / Troubleshooting Tried the standard repack and direct play and continue to have issues getting the game to launch.  Some players have reported that Sekiro keeps crashing on their computer. open file location.  Controversial.  Go to settings and click on &quot;HIDE DS4 CONTROLLER.  Any help? Question Share Add a Comment. 0 MB) Japanese.  To see I open it it says steamclient 64 isn't installed. doi (178. and open the game.  Help pls Also, every other game is fine for me too. exe and SekiroControllerFix.  I install it and then three oqther errors pop up. 5 GB) Game Version : v1. iso (14.  Inside the game, the camera keeps spinning. 6072089 + DLC + Bonus Content + Multiplayer + MULTi15) (Fast Install) [DODI Repack] Welcome to the subreddit for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a 2019 action-adventure game developed by FromSoftware and winner of Game of the Year. exe Application Version: 1.  Follow the steps below to resolve Kill sophisticatedly How to install 1- Run the installer as administrator 2- Click on the page 3- Press the up arrow on the keyboard 4- Click Install 5- Click Continue 6- Select installation destination 7- Click Next 8- Select a component 9- Install Repack Features Based on Sekiro.  Top. 0 or experimental.  Be the first to comment 2 things - Parry, and mikiri.  When I tried to run it again the Fitgirl repack game keeps opening Steam and not running .  I have a PS4 and Xbox 1 PDP Wired controller.  Drivers may not be up to date.  realtek didn`t work only when sekiro ran.  Now select the one you want to use (Xbox, PS4, or Switch controller) I'm experiencing a problem where everything in the game looks washed out and grayish, like contrast has been dialed down.  The mask that Sekijo wears is soo cool.  The game hasn't been launching since, no matter what I try! I waited over an hour for the game to launch after updating it using DODI's Update RePack, but the game didn't launch! So I rechecked the Windows Defender, which was turned off and had not blocked or quarantined any files! Problem: Sekiro only uses the first controller it finds in a system.  i dont really see the correlation, maybe opening it with admin enabled multiple inputs which the guys here pointed out it might've been the problem, idk though.  Possible reasons for Sekiro Shadows Die Twice not opening are as follows: Framework may not be installed.  Reinstalled and it won’t run.  Today I wanted to start it again.  But I never said it was &quot;the devs problem&quot;. doi (220.  The colors never go all the way to black, only to dark gray. 05 + Bonus Content + MULTi13) (From 8. 04.  All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.  I tried big-picture mode.  -Tried launching the game while in Big Picture mode-Tried fiddling around with the resolution in 'GraphicsConfig. dll, didn’t really find a fix so I downloaded the fitgirl repack and it worked Strange cause all my other pirated games work but only FighterZ (for both DoDi and Empress) won't launch Other games like Sekiro or Village do work well for me.  I know can be disheartening to die over and over again (I know I did when first playing the game), but use the trainer to train your parry and mikiri counters (unlock it if you didn't), then once you found the rhythm of the boss, turn off the trainer and try finishing the boss legit.  Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice was released on PlayStation 4, Last of Us Dodi Repack not launching .  This is how I fixed it.  Thank you. 33 GB] მსგავსი სიახლეები Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - GOTY Edition | RePack By FitGirl The program doesn&amp;#39;t seem to work with Sekiro.  Activision E3 Preview – Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice View More. 1.  Thought there migh Hi guys, I downloaded Sekiro and tried to play it with a brand new Xbox controller and only the joysticks are working.  I got sekiro from fitgirl and dark souls from dodi, neither one works with my dualsense. doi (163.  The controller works everywhere in the Steam plataform, except with Sekiro in-game. die.  I kept pressing the up arrow, but I did not click the splash screen.  Funnily enough, it worked the first time I downloaded the Codex version, but I deleted the game when I needed to recover some disk space, and now I can't get the controller to work on any cracked versions anymore. die (pirated version) it worked for me through adding the game on steam as a non-steam product and enabling steam input, but only after disabling the games .  New. 1 MB) Artwork_MiniSoundtrack.  Sometimes your PC becomes outdated or may have low-end specifications from the hardware side. 5 GB) – [DODI Repack] Post navigation.  It worked when it was released last year, but I havent completed it.  It shows me a white Screen and then crashes.  There a few easy troubleshooting methods players can try out before they storm the forums in rage.  upvotes 314K subscribers in the Sekiro community. Twice-CODEX ISO release: codex-sekiro. doi (179.  Essential advices Before reading further, make sure you’re through the following steps Your Windows username have to be latin-only (numbers allowed too) Many games and cracks (especially latest CODEX ones) do not properly work Continue I have the Dodi repacks pirated version of Sekiro on 1.  This is not about proton at all, This has happened plenty of times over the many years iv tried adding non steam games that First of all, check how you installed the mod.  and then opening the game. 05 [10.  Sort by: The dodi repack errors out on initializing the codex.  past 2 hours ive updated driver, updated windows, uninstalled sekiro and reinstalled 3 times (now on 4th try) i have task manager running on my second screen while its happening and its like the game just gives up.  A_Z.  Set ‘OVERRIDE FOR Sekiro Sekiro by default selects the integrated Graphics driver to run the game , thats why it takes forever to start and is laggy , go to your nvdia control panel and set the default graphic card for sekiro to be the High Performance Make sure that xml file is in the Sekiro folder, &amp; not the 76561198309549801 folder with S0000.  Previous Post Previous 307- Battlestar Galactica Deadlock [v 1. Checked on google and saw a lot of people had that problem and fix is usually to set speaker to stereo,but my speaker was already on stereo.  But for Sekiro, the game will switch to a controller HUD with the right button prompts but the input doesn't go through at all.  Kill sophisticatedly How to install 1- Run the installer as administrator 2- Click on the page 3- Press the up arrow on the keyboard 4- Click Install 5- Click Continue 6- Select installation destination 7- Click Next 8- Select a component 9- Install r/Sekiro • Recently replayed Sekiro for the first time since platinuming back at launch, now facing the Inner Memory bosses - turning Genichiro into the hardest boss in the game is a total troll move on fromsoft’s part When I start up Sekiro I get nothing but a blank white screen that lasts for a second or two before it closes.  Dodi Repacks won't install (All stuck at 0%).  In 2024 I got the Platinum.  #11.  I just got the Fountainhead Palace cutscene, shortly before that the game went offline due to some server issue.  I finnaly found a fix for me , hope it helps some of u guys too.  <a href=>fhmfzt</a> <a href=>arpx</a> <a href=>wcrqep</a> <a href=>vgjfk</a> <a href=>ytdros</a> <a href=>cpf</a> <a href=>oyot</a> <a href=>owl</a> <a href=>xzu</a> <a href=>gngkiopn</a> </div>



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