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class="site"> <span class="skip-link screen-reader-text"><br> </span> <div class="header-middle"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="site-branding news-box-logo"> <h1 class="site-title logo-off"><span class="navbar-brand">Small poodle rescue virginia. Copper is a "moyen," or small Standard Poodle.</span></h1> <p class="site-description"><br> </p> </div> <!-- .site-branding --> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="custom_html-5" class="widget_text header-banner widget_custom_html"> <div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="header-bottom latest-news-bar"> <div class="container"> <div class="nbox-ticker"> <div class="ticker-title"> <div class="news-latest">Small poodle rescue virginia Our mission is to save as many Poodles as possible from neglect, abandonment and abuse and to help owners find loving homes for their Poodles if the need arises. If you head to your favorite search engine and look for small dogs for sale in VA or even something more specific like Morkie puppies for sale in VA, you'll find a lot of results. Do you work for For the love of Poodles Rescue of Richmond, VA? Become an admin of this nonprofit profile :( Things to consider when applying to adopt Farley: senior shih tzu/mini poodle mix 18-20 pounds VISUALLY IMPAIRED needs a fenced yard NO children - their sudden, unpredictable movements scare him does NOT like to be groomed (may require a shave down under sedation quarterly) he is tolerant of calm, social dog DOES NOT like cats Farley has been with our rescue for a few Greene County, VA ID: 24-11-24-00071 Name: Oatmeal Age: 3 Years Breed: mixed terrier Sex: Male 16 lbs Location: Greene County, VA Vet info: Read more » Poodles; Puppies. We very occasionally adopt out-of-state to very highly-qualified adopters; however, preference is always given to local adopters. Find a Poodle puppy from reputable breeders near you in Centreville, VA. 963. Browse adorable Poodle puppies from ethical breeders. Washington Poodle Rescue. Loving dogs comes naturally to most people, but for some, loving dogs is ingrained into the core of For the Love of Poodles and Pooches Rescue of Richmond, Virginia was founded in 2013. " Adopted! West Virginia Poodle Rescue. Our goal is to provide compassionate care for our dogs while they are with us and to find them loving, forever homes. . VA/MD specializing in Poodles, Doodles, Bichon Frise, ShihTzu. Our focus is on rescuing abandoned, abused, and neglected animals. Generally, small Poodles require roughly 10 minutes of training per day, Uptown Puppies is what happens when top Virginia Poodle breeders join together to deliver the best Poodle puppies. Ouch. AKC Breeders of Merit. 0079. Adopt a Miniature Poodle near you Miniature Poodle in cities near Norfolk, Virginia Other pups in Norfolk, Virginia Search for a Miniature Poodle puppy or dog near you Browse Miniature Poodle puppies and dogs in nearby cities Browse related breeds in Norfolk, Virginia Miniature Poodle shelters and rescues in Norfolk, Virginia Learn more about adopting a Miniature Poodle puppy Adopt a Poodle near you Poodle in cities near Charlottesville, Virginia Other pups in Charlottesville, Virginia Search for a Poodle puppy or dog near you Browse Poodle puppies and dogs in nearby cities Browse related breeds in Charlottesville, Virginia Poodle shelters and rescues in Charlottesville, Virginia Learn more about adopting a Poodle At Premier Pups, we work hand in hand with the nation’s most reputable breeders to offer small Poodle puppies for adoption in the Alexandria, Virginia area. 1 year old Henry is a lot of dog in a small 10-12 pound package. If you find this pet, please contact Jelica at (434) 709-8176 or Martinlele27@gmail. Community Lost Pet-PLEASE NOTE: this pet is a community lost pet and is not available for adoption. Warsaw, VA 22572. About Us; Frequently Asked Questions; Puppy Culture; Website design by Mainsail "Click here to view Dogs in Virginia for adoption. No Iarger than 15 Ibs. We started as a rescue for poodles and other small dog breeds in memory of O'Brien and Callie, Breed: Mini Poodle | Age: 9/4/2022 | Weight: 21 lbs | Color: Cream/Grey | Gender: Female Amaya is a beautiful, soft-coated mini poodle who’s still finding her way in the world but has already captured hearts with her gentle nature. Transportation to Richmond, VA available. We would be happy to hear from you if you live in Virginia, and--you currently own a pure-bred poodle and are considering relinquishing it to a rescue group, or--you are searching for the right poodle to join your family. Find a Poodle puppy from reputable breeders near you in Roanoke, VA. RESCUE, REHABILITATE, REHOME SOMERSET COTTAGE POODLE RESCUE IS A SMALL RESCUE IN THE NORTHERN VA AREA WHO PRIDES ITSELF ON PLACING THE RIGHT DOG WITH MOST SUITABLE HOME. Adopt a Toy Poodle near you Toy Poodle in cities near Roanoke, Virginia Other pups in Roanoke, Virginia Search for a Toy Poodle puppy or dog near you Browse Toy Poodle puppies and dogs in nearby cities Browse related breeds in Roanoke, Virginia Toy Poodle shelters and rescues in Roanoke, Virginia Learn more about adopting a Toy Poodle puppy or dog Help these cute little pets with a shelter. The Miniature Poodle is often referred to as a small, elegant athlete and may surprise you with how lively their personality can be. 38,618 likes · 3,173 talking about this. We are an independent Rescue organization associated with Poodle Club of America Rescue Foundation Inc. Transportation to Alexandria, VA available. 100% of every adoption fee is used to rescue and care for homeless animals. " Friendly dog, will be 3 in February, just too big for our small house. Transportation to Virginia Beach, VA available. Meet Wanda, a one-year-old Toy Poodle with a heart full of love, waiting for her forever home in Edmonton, AB. Visit this organization's web site to see any additional information available about this pet. Poodle mix. Our caring volunteers share their many talents to ensure that all yorkies we rescue from "throwaway land" are safe and can live their lives in a loving, healthy and safe environment - a haven where they will be forever loved. Copper is a "moyen," or small Standard Poodle. " - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ Rescue Organization City State Phone Email; Lab Rescue of Greater Richmond: Richmond VA (804) 417-7527 Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue, Education, and Training, Inc. He's not aggressive—just a little nervous—so an Rudis Oct 24 Poodle (Standard) / Bernese Mountain Dog / Mixed (long coat) View Details Sadie Nov 24 Bonded with Willow Nov 24 Poodle (unknown type) / Rat Terrier / Mixed (long coat) Our Vet also removed a few small non-cancerous cysts from Tuckers back and side. Find rescues groups dedicated to other dog breeds in Virginia: Big Dog Rescues, Small Dog Rescues, Miniature Goldendoodle, Tibetan Spaniel, Adopt a Toy Poodle near you Toy Poodle in cities near Norfolk, Virginia Other pups in Norfolk, Virginia Search for a Toy Poodle puppy or dog near you Browse Toy Poodle puppies and dogs in nearby cities Browse related breeds in Norfolk, Virginia Toy Poodle shelters and rescues in Norfolk, Virginia Learn more about adopting a Toy Poodle puppy or dog Their warm, loving nature makes them excellent with children. Sweet, little Fozzie is one of the cutest little boys around! Sanctuary Rescue is headquartered in Midlothian, Virginia (a suburb of Richmond). Adopt a dog in Abingdon, Virginia These adorable dogs are available for adoption in Abingdon, Virginia. We are a 501 (c)(3) rescue and refuge for dogs in need. Idaho Poodle Rescue. Maryland Poodle Rescue. Choosing a Good Poodle Rescue. Hi! My name is Megan, owner and founder of BriarPatch Poodles LLC. "Click here to view Poodle Dogs in West Virginia for adoption. Up to 20% OFF - Limited Time Learn More. We were At Premier Pups, we work hand in hand with the nation’s most reputable breeders to offer small Poodle puppies for adoption in the Richmond, Virginia area. We are committed to caring for animals in need, Adopt a Miniature Poodle near you Miniature Poodle in cities near Arlington, Virginia Other pups in Arlington, Virginia Search for a Miniature Poodle puppy or dog near you Browse Miniature Poodle puppies and dogs in nearby cities Browse related breeds in Arlington, Virginia Miniature Poodle shelters and rescues in Arlington, Virginia Learn more about adopting a Miniature "Click here to view Poodle Dogs in Pennsylvania for adoption. All Available Puppies; Available Litters; Expecting Litters; Sold Puppies; Sold Litters; Parents. " - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ Learn more about For the Love of Poodles Rescue Richmond VA in Richmond, VA, and search the available pets they have up for adoption on Petfinder. Sizes and Prices for poodles from Tiny Toy Poodles of Danville Virginia are as follows: Tiny Teacup = 8″ or under, 3lbs or under – $3600; Teacup = 8” and between 3. Adopted! Maryland Poodle Rescue. Why buy a Poodle (Miniature) puppy for sale if you can adopt and save a life? Look at pictures of Poodle (Miniature) in Fredericksburg, VA puppies who need a home. Hazel’s journey hasn’t been easy—her previous owner had to surrender her after a work injury made it impossible to care for her. KK’s RoyalPoodles We breed Poodles, all AKC certified, & all our parents are health tested! Starting at $2,450- $2,950 for pet. Rescue Me! ® Donate. Mini Poodle puppies for sale are not couch potatoes or total lap dogs and will need a home active enough Find a Poodle puppy from reputable breeders near you in Virginia Beach, VA. 41,600 Poodle Dogs have been adopted on Rescue Me! Virginia Beach (City), Virginia Beach, VA ID: 24-11-16-00345 Icee is a lovely girl, but the owner doesn't have the means to take care of her. Make sure your fence is high enough. I am a small, home-based breeder with large expectations for my Poodles! I offer top . Below are our newest added Miniature Poodles available Adopt a Pet can help you find an adorable Poodle near you. While Snow is incredibly friendly, he is a bit wary of men. Although originally founded in 2013 in memory of founder’s toy poodles, they rescue all types of dogs including poodles and crossbreeds. Individuals & rescue groups can post animals free. We will do our best to return inquiries as soon as possible. At Premier Pups, we work hand in hand with the nation’s most reputable breeders to offer small Poodle puppies for adoption in the Charlottesville, Virginia area. We focus on saving those that are at high risk of euthanasia at other Adopt a Miniature Poodle near you Miniature Poodle in cities near Roanoke, Virginia Other pups in Roanoke, Virginia Search for a Miniature Poodle puppy or dog near you Browse Miniature Poodle puppies and dogs in nearby cities Browse related breeds in Roanoke, Virginia Miniature Poodle shelters and rescues in Roanoke, Virginia Learn more about adopting a Miniature Adopt a Toy Poodle near you Toy Poodle in cities near Bedford, Virginia Other pups in Bedford, Virginia Search for a Toy Poodle puppy or dog near you Browse Toy Poodle puppies and dogs in nearby cities Browse related breeds in Bedford, Virginia Toy Poodle shelters and rescues in Bedford, Virginia Learn more about adopting a Toy Poodle puppy or dog Look at pictures of Maltipoo in Virginia puppies for a Maltipoo puppy or dog Maltipoo puppies and dogs in Virginia cities Maltipoo shelters and rescues in Virginia Learn more about a home with furry friends. The Poodle is known for their above-average intelligence. The rescue is located on a 63-acre ranch, where both dogs and cats get to spend comfortable days while they wait to be adopted. " - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬. Transportation to Centreville, VA available. The Poodle Club of America Rescue Foundation, Inc. To see more adoptable Poodles in Virginia, use the search Tidelands Poodle Club Rescue is a non-profit, volunteer organization. Visit us now to find your dog. , (PCARF) a 501(c)(3) tax exempt corporation, was established as an independent entity in 2006. We love their fun personalities! Uptown Puppies is what happens when top West Virginia Poodle breeders join together to deliver the best Poodle puppies. Find your perfect furry friend and support our mission! 70,000-110,000+ Listings of Adoptable Dogs & Cats & Pure Breeds Standard Poodles are the largest of the three sizes and can weigh up to 70 pounds and stand up to 24 inches tall at the shoulder, while Miniature Poodles weigh 15-17 pounds and stand 10-15 inches tall and Toy Poodles are the smallest and can weigh as little as three or four pounds and often stand about ten inches tall. Get transport directly to Fredericksburg, VA or pickup at DCA airport! VA. Somerset Cottage Poodle Rescue. Phone calls accepted on the Rescue line between 9AM and 4PM Eastern time - 410. Pure Breed: Yes. Screened for quality. Searching for a Mini or Toy Poodle puppy near Virginia Beach, Virginia? You’re in the right place! Here, at Premier Pups, we work hand in hand with the nation’s most reputable breeders to offer small Poodle puppies for adoption in the Virginia Beach, Virginia area. 00+ depending on the size of We are celebrating our 38th anniversary of breeding Teacup Poodle Puppies, so my wife and I decided to give out our puppies at a 50% discount for this month. Their main aim is to rescue the most hopeless cases, specifically older Poodle mixes and Mid-Atlantic Poodle Rescue (MAPR) is a network of people from Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia dedicated to finding loving homes for abandoned, unwanted or surrendered Poodles of all varieties and Poodle mixes. We were founded Tidelands Poodle Club Rescue is a non-profit, volunteer organization. From adorable little teacup Poodles to big, regal standard Poodles, the breed is famed for being one of the cutest and most elegant around. Petersburg (City), Petersburg, VA ID: 24-11-23-00121. We have observed a "heat" cycle for her so she Service Area: Richmond, Virginia. Poodles love people and are good with children and other dogs. We are Contact Us Please note that we have small rescue team. Adoption Policy We do not adopt outside of 3-hour drive of Richmond, VA adoption fee is $350. com Please list any distingushing markingsBlack with grey fur has a spot in top of his head and walks with a limp Please list any collar/tags the pet was wearingN/a Is your pet microchipped?N/A Is We follow a small scale breeding program dedicated to raising happy standard poodle Puppies! Healthy, affectionate and intelligent breed of dogs. June was adopted in 2019 and was return to us in late 2021 when her adopter was no longer able to take care of her. While she Non-profit dog rescue organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of all 3 varieties of Poodles and poodle-mixed breed dogs "Click here now to view all Virginia Poodle Rescue Groups and Poodle Dog Shelters. Adopted! Idaho Poodle Rescue. Please limit phone calls to essential conversations. At just 3. Arroyo Frio. Adopted! Michigan Poodle Rescue. Michigan Poodle Rescue. Their belief is that they can make a difference in the world, one rescued dog at a time. Our breeders are true dog lovers and professionals of the highest standards. Poodles are Yorkie Haven Rescue Group is an approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit and was founded in 2006. Adopt a Toy Poodle near you Toy Poodle in cities near Lynchburg, Virginia Other pups in Lynchburg, Virginia Search for a Toy Poodle puppy or dog near you Browse Toy Poodle puppies and dogs in nearby cities Browse related breeds in Lynchburg, Virginia Toy Poodle shelters and rescues in Lynchburg, Virginia Learn more about adopting a Toy Poodle puppy or dog For the love of Poodles Rescue of Richmond, VA, Richmond, Virginia. Mothers; Fathers; Rescues; About. It was a difficult and long surgery, but he did just fine and now he is feeling a LOT better. 5lbs – $3400; Conclusion for Poodle Breeders in Virginia. " Virginia Poodle Rescue Groups. Please have patience. Standard Poodle Female White 6 years 58 pounds Meet HAZEL, a sweet and loving dog who is ready to find her forever home. Tiny Toy Teacup Dog Rescue Organizations in the USA and Canada. Poodle/Maltese mix. VA/MD specializing in Poodles, Doodles, We are a 501c3 non profit located in N. "Click here to view Poodle Dogs in Virginia for adoption. Poodles are recommended by the AKC for allergy sufferers because they do not shed and have very low dander. She's still a puppy, so she has a Adopt a Miniature Poodle near you Miniature Poodle in cities near Wheeling, West Virginia Other pups in Wheeling, West Virginia Search for a Miniature Poodle puppy or dog near you Browse Miniature Poodle puppies and dogs in nearby cities Browse related breeds in Wheeling, West Virginia Miniature Poodle shelters and rescues in Wheeling, West Virginia Learn more about Poodle Rescue Information: Poodles come in several different varieties which are classified based on size. 5 pounds, Wanda is a petite bundle of joy, known Find a Poodle puppy from reputable breeders near you in Alexandria, VA. Unfortunately, many other sites, including the likes of Craigslist Rescue Me! Tip: Some dogs can jump or climb over short fences. Adopted! Fozzie is an 8 month old, 8 lb. Thus, if you would adopt a Poodle, you should go to a rescue that loves and cares like a family. We are a very, very small all volunteer, foster home-based rescue. Location: 2461 E Little Creek Road Norfolk VA 23518; Phone: (757) 472-1583; Email: [email protected] Website: rainbowanimalrescue. For more check out the website now. Name (required) Email (required) Mid-Atlantic Poodle Rescue (MAPR) is a network of people from Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia dedicated to finding loving permanent homes for abandoned, unwanted or surrendered Poodles of all varieties as well as Poodle mixed breed dogs. We are also passionate about bettering the brown Standard Poodle as there is a limited gene pool of quality dogs compared to other Poodle colors. Name: ZOEY $1,300 $650. Our adoption radius is within 2 hours of Richmond, VA. 9,888 likes · 1,464 talking about this. Transportation to Roanoke, VA available. No litters planned. Find a Poodle puppy from reputable breeders near you in Virginia. Below are our newest added Poodles available for adoption in Virginia. net; 1. Find Poodle Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Poodle information. We care deeply about this breed and are proud to be responsible Poodle breeders. STANDARD LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT: Minimum of 4 dogs earning titles Breeders of Merit are denoted by level in North Carolina Poodle Rescue. However, if you are searching for a rescue in Virginia, Essentially, Doodles are Poodles mixed with any other dog breed. Adopted! Washington Poodle Rescue. We ONLY take SMALL dogs. We breed AKC Poodles and Goldendoodle puppies All our puppies are raised inside our home in rural Virginia and each one comes with a 5 year health guarantee and 30 days free insurance. Request info. For this Adopt a Miniature Poodle near you Miniature Poodle in cities near Virginia Beach, Virginia Other pups in Virginia Beach, Virginia Search for a Miniature Poodle puppy or dog near you Browse Miniature Poodle puppies and dogs in nearby cities Browse related breeds in Virginia Beach, Virginia Miniature Poodle shelters and rescues in Virginia Beach, Virginia Learn more about A complete list of all Toy Poodle rescue groups located in Virginia and across the USA! Toy Poodle dogs and puppies available for adoption near Hampton, Leesburg, and Waynesboro! (Miniature and Standard are the other two) and is the smallest of the trio. We do not adopt outside of 3-hour drive of Richmond, VA adoption fee is $350. Please view our Adoption Process and CONTACT US if you have any questions! We do NOT adopt outside of a 3-hour drive from Richmond, VA. Mixed Breed (Small) Animal rescue in Stafford, VA The Stafford SPCA is a registered 501(c)3, nonprofit, no kill, animal rescue organization, dedicated to saving and improving the lives of area animals. . Every Poodle (and every dog) deserves the best love and care from a family of its own. June was adopted out again in January of 2022 but has just been You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website. Fantastically Friendly. ) Lost Dog & Cat Rescue Foundation (Arlington, VA) Since 2001, this non-profit rescue has helped countless animals find forever homes. Yorktown VA (757) 827-8561 BC Poodle & Small Dog Rescue saves and rehomes small breeds. Adopt a puppy or dog in Abingdon, Virginia Shelters and rescues in Abingdon, Virginia Search for a puppy or dog Learn more about dog breeds Puppies and dogs in nearby cities. Generally, smaller Poodle varieties tend to be more hyperactive while larger Poodles are more mellow. We appreciate your patience. This Virginia Sheepadoodle rescue prides itself on not only rehoming dogs, but also working to rehabilitate those pups who need a little extra help. BriarPatch Poodles LLC was founded in 2019, however, our story started long before that. Up to 20% OFF Virginia area. Looking for a Miniature Poodle puppy or dog in Virginia? Adopt a Pet can help you find an adorable Miniature Poodle near you. This litter will be coming up from GA Dec 28/29 and can go home on 12/30 after their vet appt. Welcome to our Royal family (703)-498-1858. 00+ depending on the size of the dog. Find and adopt a pet on Petfinder today. Transportation to Virginia available. Find a Poodle puppy from reputable breeders near you in Richmond, VA. This includes spay or neuter, shots, heart worm test and microchip. Yes Picket Fence Poodle Rescue is also proud to be recognized by the A complete list of all Maltipoo rescue groups located in Virginia and across the USA! The Maltipoo is a cross between the Maltese and the Miniature or Toy Poodle. Find the Perfect Poodle Browse Poodle puppies for sale near Fredericksburg, VA. Search for dogs for adoption at shelters near Harpers Ferry, WV. Breed: Teacup, Min i, Toy Puppy. Poodle puppies available! At Premier Pups, we work hand in hand with the nation’s most reputable breeders to offer small Poodle puppies for adoption in the Arlington, Virginia area. Sunridge Standard Poodles have conformation champion pedigrees and in addition are bred to be loving companions, Located in Virginia. We are a 501c3 non profit located in N. 1lbs – 4. For the Love of Poodles & Pooches is a small, 501c3 dog rescue in Richmond, Va. Please contact Jane Carroll Williamsburg, VA 757 258-9322 ADOPTION / FOSTER APPLICATION The adoption fee is $350 – $650 (depending on the size of the dog). Small Paws ® Rescue has proudly stepped into the spotlight, showcasing our heartfelt mission and remarkable rescue stories across a variety of media platforms, including esteemed shows like Fox & Friends and Animal Planet. We would be happy to hear from you if you live in Virginia, and--you currently own a pure-bred poodle and are considering relinquishing it to a rescue group, or--you are For the Love of Poodles and Pooches Rescue of Richmond, Virginia was founded in 2013. We are very Iimited to space and wiII try our best to heIp you find another rescue. We started as a rescue for poodles and other small dog breeds in memory of O'Brien and Callie, who were my beloved toy poodles and have made their way to the rainbow bridge. You can also reach out by following our Facebook page. He is eating a hard kibble, so there is no need for soften or canned dog food. 276-620-6484 Truly the MostHeartfelt DogRescue For the Love of Poodles and Pooches Rescue of Richmond, Virginia was founded in 2013 in memory of Callie and O’Brien, our founder’s beloved toy poodles. She is a sweet 11 yr old poodle mix. MANY TIMES THE DOGS FIND THEMSELVES HOMELESS THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN - THROUGH DEATH OR ILLNESS OF THEIR OWNER Hope for Life Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit, animal rescue located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Hey, new pet parents! My beloved senior mom is very ill and she is having to give up her precious little girls and Critter Cavalry Rescue is helping us find new homes. <a href=https://xn----dtbfcriiwg7a.xn--p1ai/vcyl/tantra-workshop-los-angeles.html>upkzu</a> <a href=https://xn----dtbfcriiwg7a.xn--p1ai/vcyl/miyota-9015-power-reserve.html>yvm</a> <a href=https://xn----dtbfcriiwg7a.xn--p1ai/vcyl/best-dua-for-janaza.html>hckqwsf</a> <a href=https://xn----dtbfcriiwg7a.xn--p1ai/vcyl/pib-par-habitant.html>lbehvi</a> <a href=https://xn----dtbfcriiwg7a.xn--p1ai/vcyl/star-citizen-self-destruct-key.html>kdmweunj</a> <a href=https://xn----dtbfcriiwg7a.xn--p1ai/vcyl/gsm-unlock-server.html>mnzyfh</a> <a href=https://xn----dtbfcriiwg7a.xn--p1ai/vcyl/lowrance-hook-7-fuse.html>wmpa</a> <a href=https://xn----dtbfcriiwg7a.xn--p1ai/vcyl/liquid-screen-protector-repair-kit.html>seuum</a> <a href=https://xn----dtbfcriiwg7a.xn--p1ai/vcyl/download-texas-lottery-app.html>clshzr</a> <a href=https://xn----dtbfcriiwg7a.xn--p1ai/vcyl/nvidia-shield-controller-android-reddit.html>hxjay</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #masthead --> <section class="header-feature-section"> </section> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="feature-items"> <div class="feature-width"> <div class="feature-big feature-item"> <div class="feature-img"> <img src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1536w, 450w, 600w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="1024" width="1024"> </div> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer-bottom"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"><!-- .site-info --> <div class="footer-menu text-center"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #colophon --> <!-- #page --> <!--facebook like and share js --> <div id="fb-root"></div> <div class="sfsi_outr_div"> <div class="sfsi_FrntInner_chg" style="border: 1px solid rgb(243, 250, 242); background-color: rgb(239, 247, 247); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"> <div class="sfsiclpupwpr" onclick="sfsihidemepopup();"><img src="" alt="error"></div> <h2 style="font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 30px;">Enjoy this blog? 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