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<div class="news-latest">Starfield save editor xbox  Players frequently click on the PC Starfield SaveGame 100% Save Game download file button to access pre-set game progresses, backup their data, or even recover saves inadvertently lost.  -Bugfix: Add Xbox uPersistentUuidData Xbox Cloud Saves as a capability can be satisfied by a game only being on the Xbox side and save syncing with the cloud. All Pack Unlock 7.  Fully released on December 5th 2023 on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Windows, Mac, and iOS.  mov [rax],al. 8GBs, so the saving system might need to be optimised to use less space in each save.  With the evolution of online gaming platforms, PC Starfield SaveGame 100% Save Game file downloads have surged in popularity.  This Description: Backup copy of the Vantage ARK: Survival Evolved Save Editor (LocalPlayer - ARK Profile) Filesize: 258.  1.  As of v1.  You just need to open File Explorer by pressing Windows + E together.  Get Back Missing Saves of Starfield on Xbox. ) Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: Trainer +11 v12.  Previews.  Save games are stored in a compressed format ( .  There is no &quot;generic&quot; game save editor for all Xbox game saves. 30.  You need to go to saves press B and select the unmodded save ID and load a save from there - not a quick save mind you (quicksave behaves strange with multiple ID's be the same name).  The only thing I've done was, when playing one of the missions, I ran into a common bug.  Finds games by listing any Microsoft Store package with a wgs folder (believed to stand for &quot;Windows Game Save&quot;).  Go to the Home screen on your Xbox.  Select &quot;Profile &amp; system&quot; and then &quot;Settings&quot;.  Out of curiosity, I synced my saves onto the PC version, and was playing there for a bit and wanted to mess around with the ship builder so In this guide, we explain all you need to know about Starfield cross-save support on PC and Xbox. 2GBs of free space on my console, and i just checked the saved data page, and it says 2.  This version should be compatible with all later versions of the game, unless Bethesda somehow decided to remove the support for this format and breaking all old saves [0 ] 0x7FF71FE6ED9C Starfield. exe+12CED9C agsSetDisplayMode.  In Starfield, just like with any other game, it's important to save from time to time.  r/originalxbox.  Just wondering if the Steam version supports cross save with Xbox? Only interested in buying Steam version is due to mod support down the road.  Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it We like looting.  Xbox managed to recover some saves stored in the cloud but they were a good 15 hours old and I really How to Use Cheats in Starfield on Xbox.  Starfield is the first new universe in over 25 years from If you play Starfield through game pass or bought it from the microsoft store and can't edit the .  Fanboy politicking aside, the hype surrounding Starfield since its announcement in 2018 was always going to work against it.  Select the &quot;Load&quot; menu and choose &quot;Delete&quot; on the file you want to delete.  Have tried all of the troubleshooting steps with no success (Restart, power cycle, uninstall/reinstall, delete local save files, factory reset, clear the Alternate MAC Address and Changing the DNS settings).  Find the game that you lost your saved games for and select it.  So I downloaded the game on my PC via the Xbox app, installed the achievement enabler mod, and used the coc command to get aboard.  DEC GIVEAWAYS: RTX 4090 GIVEAWAY - DAY OF GIVING - TABLET - *TRIPLE* GAME-A-DAY! TIER 7 ON SALE PLUS 200K RC! TRAINERS STEAM DECK CoSMOS FEATURES REQUESTS QUEUE BOARDS REWARDS HELP.  On PC I have the Achievement re-enabler mod for Game Pass installed and it seems to work early game as I've gotten the level 5 &amp; 10 Achievements on a To save a character preset in Starfield, you can use the console command `showlooksmenu player 1` or `slm 14` to bring up the character creation menu again and allow you to change the biometric .  The other 5 saves (Exit Save, Quick Save, Auto Saves) all crash to desktop when loading so I have no other way to continue my game.  Earth has Added support for Powershell 7.  Nikola was a senior editor and writer at Gosunoob.  I hope this has been helpful to you.  Close game.  Clicking through to either the Standard, Premium or Premium upgrade editions, none of those show Since deleting those saves, require you to be in-game playing.  To resolve this, review the two resolutions below: Make sure that you have downloaded and So, I think I screwed up big time.  However, for Starfield, the save game files are located in the following folder: C:\Users\&lt;your username&gt;\AppData\Local\Packages\BethesdaSoftworks.  ADMIN MOD For all experiencing increasing unreasonable save loading times - possible fix Discussion So from certain moment of the game, strange thing started to happen as mentioned in title with no valid reason If you have made progress on Starfield on either Steam or XBox (PC) and would like to transfer your saves to the opposite platform, thanks to “XGP Save Extractor”, this is now entirely possible.  Developed by Bethesda Game Studios, with veteran game director Todd If I do something like try to reinstall Old Mars with the data files still in Starfield/Content/Data, then that wipes the Starfield install and forces me to redownload the entire game again. txt.  Mar 03, 2018. All Ammo Unlock 10.  Make sure that your Xbox Console is connected to the Xbox network to enable game save on the cloud. 6, the powershell CLI can now install a standalone python version, this can be helpful if you're having issues detecting your install.  How to find the Starfield config file location? Follow the below steps: 1.  Downloads: 806.  Skip to content.  This way, in the event that one save game file is lost or replaced, you can still play one of your most recent saved games.  I read on Reddit a way to fix it is to use a &quot;Setstage&quot; console command so I did that but got alerted my file was &quot;modded&quot; so I exited out and loaded my previous save file on my character not labeled &quot;Modded&quot;.  - LukeFZ/StarfieldSaveConverter Credits and distribution permission.  The location of the save game files for GamePass games can vary depending on the game.  Press F6 to disable all limitations, press F6 again to re-enable them (you have to move a part around to see the errors again). All Weapon Unlock 9.  Basically the only save that loads is the very first one below that was made when I first started the game.  Expand All How to Save Both Nishina Research Station Universes Starfield is an action role-playing game from Bethesda Game Studios set in a futuristic interpretation of space exploration and colonization.  In this folder you must find your last modded save an rename it.  The issue though is that even after restarting the game to disable any commands I This issue can occur if the add-ons are not properly installed and you are switching between Xbox App for PC and the Xbox console. 74 has now gone live for everyone on Xbox and PC.  Thank you for using Microsoft products and publishing them in the community.  Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views-- Version.  Importing a save with Xbox PC is more tricky than doing it with steam so follow the instructions carefully 1 - Download and unzip the folder of 3 files provided.  I got Starfield on Xbox and Gamepass PC, and have played about 15 hours and loved every moment.  When you find the Starfield game progress is missing, the Xbox cloud will automatically sync the game.  Just go to system-console info-reset console-reset console and keep games and apps.  Had they adjusted the mod space limit, it would have corrupted every players game save.  (side note: when you open the shipbuilder, and when you save something, rendering the textures can take up to 30 seconds.  we can try uninstalling and reinstalling the game.  Start the game and play. Nothing has changed aside from one small addition to the patch notes related to the Creation Kit: Creation Kit: Lipsync animation data generation is now available.  Includes NG NG+1 NG+2 NG+3 NG+4 NG+5 NG+6 NG+7 NG+8 NG+9 NG+10 There is also an auto save right before going into the unity for the last ng+ incase you wanted to save scum the last armor. sfs file onto the executable from releases.  Steps to reproduce: have around 80 saves and try manually saving or auto saving.  It seems that for me on PC the problem was that steam was uploading save files to cloud and there is a limit of 1GB for all games. 10, when setting the newGamePath, the permissions will be checked to ensure there's less issues when moving the Starfield executable.  So you can use a mod to edit your ship make it ridiculous save the game sync it then load back up on xbox.  Yes, I have the latest version, but the mod isn't for removing the modded tag for your save, it's to prevent it from occurring in the first place.  However, finding these files is not an easy task, and one has to have a good knowledge of navigating I think the problem is that the saves are encripted (i think) and the encryption key is changed with each game, you have some tools like GPSaveConverter, i tried and wasn't able to get anywhere (no updates since January) and also another was this MollysGameSaveMule witch alow the bi-directional save transfer only for Deep Rock Galactic, but with the idea of the Method 3.  Since v1.  Dec / 24 / 2020 PC Dragon Quest 11 (DQ11) This subreddit is dedicated to Starfield, a role-playing space game developed by Bethesda Game Studios.  Close game and let it sync back to the cloud.  The script will now auto find the game This subreddit is dedicated to Starfield, a role-playing space game developed by Bethesda Game Studios.  Furthermore, you can take advantage of the STARFIELD save editor to modify saved files.  If you’re interested in learning more about the specifics of the STARFIELD save game location, please continue reading below.  If you have enabled cloud saves on your Xbox, you may be able to recover your saved games from the cloud. ProjectGold_3275kfvn8vcwc\SystemAppData\wgs No cross-saving between Starfield bought on Steam and Starfield bought for Xbox (or Game Pass)? There is now! Here is a SIMPLE way to do it. txt and open Use new container file format so we don't need to deal with save file format changes ever again.  You will be able to move the big parts and play with the variations of the habs, but for editing everything you will need some Perks.  So first try running a new game after you complete all the steps in this guide in order to ensure your vanilla game can run properly.  Save games are normally found in the C:\Users\&lt;USERNAME&gt;\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Saves directory.  NOTE: The cloud sync feature of Xbox app might interfere with outside modifications to the savefile container.  I have played other games and this does not happen. 7. 2024/Gamepass {LinGon} Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: Trainer +10 v11.  The Original Xbox.  The issue is whenever I can load a past save, any attempt to modify my current outpost causes a crash.  The two folders are needed for one save and the other file If you have made progress on Starfield on either Steam or XBox (PC) and would like to transfer your saves to the opposite platform, thanks to “XGP Save Extractor”, this is now entirely possible.  Starfield &gt; General Discussions &gt; Topic Details.  Kaiju Princess 2: SaveGame (100% completed, all achievements, scenes, costumes, etc. 0.  You can also play Starfield on Xbox Series X/S, and there's cloud storage on Xbox, just like Steam Cloud.  Description This SFSE plugin aims to bring back the support for save game screenshots that were available in previous Bethesda games.  Dont know if this will work for you all because xbox does some weird stuff with these starfield saves.  So far everything is working just fine. exe Game Version: A315EF06 v1.  Credits and distribution permission.  Copy the data from the other account's save data, into the new save location.  Reply reply Bypass your save’s modded status.  Open the Xbox app on your PC, sign in with your Xbox Live account, and go to settings. All Helmet Unlock 8.  Save games are stored in a compressed format (.  Moded saves have &quot;M&quot; betwen numbers and normal saves have &quot;_&quot;.  How do I delete saves in Starfield? To permanently delete a save file, press the [Menu] button on an Xbox controller twice, or the [Esc] key on a keyboard to access the pause menu.  Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One! The sequel, Hollow Knight Edit: SOLUTION-In case someone comes across this same post.  Currently, this plugin has the following limitations: Save Early and Save Often! Starfield creates several autosaves of your progress by default, this will usually occur when changing location in-game.  This software aims to make that process easy.  Share Save is at the start of NG 11+ in lodge ready for you to pick skip or start the main quest.  This is a small but useful mod that allows you to use console commands without getting your Starfield save file tagged as a modded game, which locks your game achievements.  With saving issues like these, I highly recommend that you try clearing your local saves (cloud saves will remain so no worries so long as you're connected to the internet) and then uninstall the games, restart the console and then re-download the games.  I increased carry weight, gold, skill pts.  And those files do not match save files from the Steam version which makes me think they are encrypting.  spicyLEGO.  This was primarily developed as part of the Starfield The problem is with Bethesda. json editor) job's status rpg maker mv weapons editor (weapons. sfs savefiles into XGP savefile container.  Starfield Achievement Enabler Mod is a free-to-use utility from Priqrade.  Discussing Save Editor? on Starfield PC message board and forum (page 1). 5.  Starfield’s save files store crucial information about your in-game progress, character, and decisions. After shutting down the game, please wait a minute or two before In Starfield humanity has ventured beyond our solar system, settling on new planets, and living as a space-faring people.  Please also see: How does the save system work in Starfield STARFIELD GAME SAVE XBOX GAMEPASS (STARBORN 9 LOOP TO UNLOCK NG+10 ARMOR) WORK FOR PC GAMEPASS , CAN MAKEIT WORK FOR XBOX OR CLOUD GAMING.  Open with a save editor and make your changes.  Members Online • zlotyguziec.  We have Disney Dreamlight Valley is a hybrid between a life simulator and an adventure game rich with quests, exploration, and engaging activities featuring Disney and Pixar friends, both old and new. 0 Game Engine: CREATION Engine 2 Savegame: C:\Users\&lt;UserName&gt;\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Saves Steam App ID: 1716740 Cheat Engine: 7.  More posts you may like Related Xbox Video game console Gaming forward back.  Appending the parameter &quot;1&quot; will create a file &lt;name&gt;.  The Console key can also be remapped by editing the file located in Data\Interface\Controls\PC\ControlMap.  I gotchu A tool to decompress and convert Starfield save games to JSON format.  This subreddit is dedicated to Starfield, a role-playing space game developed by Bethesda Game Studios.  Download: In Starfield, there are 4 different types of saves in the game, which are a Main Save, Auto Save, Quicksave and an Exit Save.  MORE: Starfield: New Game Plus Mode, Explained.  I am having the same issue. Digipic 999 3.  Members Online • LuciusTheCruel.  The 10 saves that I had are all gone, and this save was actually from 30 minutes before a previous save.  SAVE GAME LOCATION PC GAMEPASS : C:\Users\USERS\AppData\Local\Packages\BethesdaSoftworks.  Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size .  After transferring my saves back to Xbox, all my new saves going forward are marked as modded.  I can go back but the last save is from about 30 mins prior.  The lengthy loading screens Your files begin to become like broken links.  Load the auto save, same thing.  Experienced it before.  How many GB does the save file need to reach for that to happen?Depends on the game really.  Starfield Config File Location. e. com Mar / 07 / 2021 SAVE FILE NAME CHECK for Microsoft Store / Xbox Game Pass has been released.  I've just played Elden Ring for the first time and the first thing i saw was the character creator &gt; save as template Credits and distribution permission.  Starfield Saves are found under Local Disk (C:) / Users / *Your User* / Documents / My Games / Starfield / Saves. 0:.  Starfield close Clear game filter.  Suggest simply making a save before logging off.  There's an Xbox 360 and an Xbox One, but first there was just Xbox.  After months of research and development we're glad to give Version: 3. com/store/detail/python-310/9 This subreddit is dedicated to Starfield, a role-playing space game developed by Bethesda Game Studios.  Having kind of the same issue.  To check this, please follow these steps: 1.  The only save file on my Xbox is now the same 12 minutes.  On the PC version of Starfield (Steam or the Xbox App), users can enable console commands to enter cheat codes, but doing so will alter your save file and may make saves harder to find when trying If the PC.  Thanks! Xbox Game Pass Wg folder with all my save files. ess.  I have tested this method, Just has to be a mode that can save like editing your mass, weapons, armor, all items etc can't be used for like infinite ammo, no reload, god mode.  Even if I load a save from before I used console commands, saves from there on are marked modded.  Help Starfield Save button greyed out on xbox? Does anyone know what I can do? Question xbox.  Simply delete the Manual Saves.  I used to play drummer for the Stationary Berserkers.  Fully customisable, open the console and use showlooksmenu player 1 and it'll allow you to change all of that.  I need clarity on how to basically resume a save and not have future saves modded.  I've cleared out space on my console and have 9.  Here are the possible locations for each platform: • Steam: C:\Users_your_username_here_\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Saves1 \Steam\userdata\click on your user number (different for everyone)\1716740 &gt; remote &gt; Saves • Xbox Put saves in C:\Users\Username\Documents\my games\Starfield\Saves I hadn't launched the steam version yet so I just made the &quot;Saves&quot; folder and copied the extracted saves into it.  In most cases the files in the ZIP can be copied to the save directory of the Steam/Epic version of the game.  Load the new save. With over 12 (since 2012) years of experience in esports &amp; gaming As this community may know, the save files for games installed via the Xbox App for Windows are obtuse.  Answer humanity's greatest mystery in this epic role-playing game. exe file, here is a fix: -Open folder: &gt;Documents &gt;My games &gt;Starfield-Create a new Rich Text Document and name it By utilizing this guide, you can make backups of your game saves and restore them when needed.  Select &quot;My games &amp; apps. 5 Game Website: If you like my work then please rate this post positive, it's easy, just hit the &quot;Post reputation&quot; button at the This subreddit is dedicated to Starfield, a role-playing space game developed by Bethesda Game Studios.  The first Xbox One game save modding tool is finally out.  General actually entirely disables exit saves for Starfield, so it has been renamed from &quot;Save on Quit to Main Menu&quot; to Exit Saves and the description updated. 0 Fully released on December 5th 2023 on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Windows, Mac, and iOS.  Checking Starfield in the Xbox app on PC I do see Xbox cloud saves, but interestingly only on the version that cannot be bought.  I'm too stubborn to let that stop me and created a tool to move save files from the Xbox ecosystem out to game installed in other ways.  I have this &quot;Failed to create save game&quot; and have been looking around and found many people said to uninstall OneDrive.  Rather than editing game files, you’ll need to change the system language on your Xbox console.  Aug 1, 2023 @ 5:06pm Cross saves between Game Pass and Steam version I hope there is cross save between Steam and Xbox App / GamePass / Xbox #8 &lt; &gt; Showing 1-8 of 8 comments .  2.  tried this went made some quick saves, visited 3 different planets and completed an achievement and earned it without losing any progress or the game making A tool to decompress and convert Starfield save games to JSON format.  Download it from Obviously you can’t do this on Xbox so I’m wondering if I can cross save to my laptop, but use a save editor rather than going in game and using console commands or mods, because my starfield starter save all weapons {with mods includeed } all spacesuits geatherd all spaceships bought in new atlantis all skills unlocked all powers unlocked all powers all skills upgraded to rank 4 in all categories all If anyone playing on Game Pass wants to convert their saves to Steam, there's a utility available at the link below to convert them.  Fire up the game, then open one of the other account's save files, and save some new files.  Grabbing items from containers, cargo holds, lockers, and yes, even bodies.  I did this #NMStv #NoMansSky No Mans Sky XBOX Save Editor - Nom Nom - Tutorial How To Access WindowsApps Folder In Windows 10https://www.  3.  I started a second whole character and used CC’s to get creds and a starting weapon and some outfits, later I went to start playing on my original character again and a few recent auto saves created a ‘modded’ character save file for that one.  Load game and press the '~' key.  The game runs normally otherwise, but without the ability to save, no forward progress Does this problem only occur when playing Starfield on Xbox Series X?If only this game is having issues saving, try reinstalling it on your Always save your game before using any mod in case something goes wrong.  I'm sorry to hear that you lost your Starfield save game files. You can play the game with all the custom commands, add-ons, and Todd Howard said they tried to, but the issue had to do with partioning the save data vs mod allotment.  Save it.  It is awful since there will be a mod anyways to negate the earning of achivements so it i just creates a lot of extra work and wonk.  However, this save says it is corrupted and cannot be loaded.  No, it seems to be a limitation of MS's cloud save that only allows 1GB worth of saves.  SFAE - Starfield Achievement Enabler This subreddit is dedicated to Starfield, a role-playing space game developed by Bethesda Game Studios.  No need for the below with python.  Basically it's a problem with sync data from the cloud when you go from PC to Xbox, Xbox to PC, PC to PC, Xbox to Hello guys.  You can sync your game to the cloud.  In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s Starfield is finally available, and everyone is enjoying the game to the fullest. 9M 2.  a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets &#193;g# V&#181; &quot;Šr&#210;&#218;C@ &#169; &#254;&#252;&#251;#d˜&#251;&#207;L•?&#203;—&#211; &#187;&#200;&#174; &#224;*&#217;&#166;R&#175;‰[o &#231;&#183;™Œ &quot;žHX &#192; –,3&#255;t&#254;&#231;&#227;&#247;}&#251;e&#253;&#186;7;&#255;7@&#210; %Y– &#248;„5&#192;&#203; &#170; &#244;80I5&#250;&#246;&#178;&#255;&#214;oSe Load the hard save, same thing.  Table of Contents.  I did find files that definitely did update the moment I saved (only when I was offline) but since being online, it doesn't.  Then select the &quot;Load&quot; menu and choose &quot;Delete&quot; on the file you want to delete.  Perhaps Starfield's NG+ feature could preserve save files as the massive worlds reset each time you complete the game. json editor) attack rpg maker mv armors Mass Effect - Normandy SR1 (Interior - Exterior) (v2. json editor) player's level rpg maker mv classes editor (classes.  Added: Sat.  While saving it crashed, then on restarting I had lost my save. 23.  You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file; Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release Or just drop the .  Your saves are saved to this folder by default: C:\Users\user.  or a way to save character face ID and share among friends.  Not everyone can be saved in Starfield, Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X|S. .  Go to &quot;Manage game and add-ons&quot; Go to the bottom right, &quot;Save data.  For PC – On Windows, Starfield’s Game Name: Starfield Game Process: Starfield.  To do this, follow these steps: 1.  Run by the community! Mod Existing Save Options 1.  Steam need open cloud save settings. &quot; 3. Then we can worry about modding if you so desire.  Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors.  Make sure the cloud sync option is enabled.  Starfield NG Plus 10 Ultimate Save; Starfield NG Plus 10 Ultimate Save.  See more I have not yet seen a save editor, but with console commands it's quite possible to give yourself the levels you had previously, create gear, and add the abilities it formerly possessed.  Tested on the latest Steam version of Starfield (1.  Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide.  For your reference, see: Xbox cloud game saves FAQ | Xbox Support Starfield is the first new universe in over 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4.  For some antivirus applications, you may need to whitelist both your Save and Starfield folders.  I The easiest way to do this is to simply click on the save file and move it directly to the icon of that . All Resources/ Materials/ Aid Items Progress requirements: At least arrive prologue Note: Mods won't affect your current game progress.  Many common changes Bethini Pie (Performance INI Editor) is a universal tool to make editing INI configuration files simple via a graphical user interface.  All 3000+ Games → Starfield Cheats &amp; Mods Trainers and cheats for Steam and Xbox.  You can pick up pretty much everything in Starfield, and before you know it you have 37 pens, 17 coffee cups, and seven space helmets.  Here are the The fix is simple, just keep trying to create new save, it will eventually (took me 4 tries) now delete the game and reinstall it.  Question My saves are getting flagged as ‘modded’ after I used a few console commands.  If the issue still persists.  I tried changing it back C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Saves Just remember if your game was modded you may not be able to use your old saves.  Fallout 76 crashed the same way. microsoft.  Luckily I saved right before I started trying to make mods to my ship or I’d probably had been screwed. com Open.  Either wait and gain, or use console commands.  even when I go back to the non modded save, it will continue to save in the modded character, even if the save I’m going back to predates the console command.  After that, the command line opens, you click on any button, and that's it.  Syncing Xbox game saves to Since December, every time I save my game in Starfield on Xbox Series X, the game freezes, and no save is made.  So it's awesome that this game is on Gamepass and supports cross save between PC and Xbox with the Gamepass/Xbox store version.  To find out the save file location, check PCGamingWiki.  - LukeFZ/StarfieldSaveConverter Converting XBOX Gamepass saves to Steam using the XGP Save Extractor.  Go to: C:\Users\[Your Based on the information provided, there could be possibility that the cause for the issue with Starfield game save data on Cloud gaming could be related to a problem with the &quot;cloud beta&quot; feature.  Seems like it is tied in with the auto save ,hard saved files , overwriting saved files and local xbox game files and the cloud.  Usually save files start to have issues around 100-250 hour mark, again depending what you have done in the game.  However, Bethesda has confirmed that official mod support is coming to Starfield on consoles in 2024, so there should be some cheat mods that allow you to enter cheats similar to how it is in games like Fallout 4.  Your saved game may be impacted if you've used any cheats. sfs) and this tool will decompress the data and output the metadata to JSON.  Mainly for people who want to cheat on Xbox until official mod support is introduced.  I closed the game and verified the files (on xbox/windows) and reloaded the game, all save files were gone and what was left was this corrupted file.  I only modded my mass to 50k lol don't need cargo for the ship I keep everything on me. 6.  Having a &quot;Save preset&quot; or something along those lines would be great. 2 disabling limitations means turning ship builder errors into warnings that can just be ignored.  Playing on Xbox Series X and like all the others I've tried the entire help steps.  Endorsements.  I can get saves to save and no errors.  Level 79 Powers arent maxed except Phase Time X Max Starborn Ship and Starborn Armor.  It seem to not work at first but there's a catch.  The steam version of this game puts your save file under C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\My Games\Wasteland3\Save Games, however every time you make a save the game makes a new folder named whatever you named the save in game, so if you went to save your game and in the text box you put the word Fresh then in C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\My Explore the world of Bethesda's Starfield, now available on Xbox console, PC, and Game Pass.  Check your Antivirus and Firewall to see if it is blocking any files from being created for Starfield.  Manual saving the game and then ending the task instead of closing the game denies the game from doing the “EXIT SAVE” file that Starfield likes to do.  Per page: 15 30 50.  To do this, sign into your Microsoft account Update [Tue 19th Nov 2024, 5:35pm]: Following its original release in &quot;Beta&quot; form, Starfield update 1.  This means if you purchase a game on another storefront moving your save files to or from the Xbox version is extremely difficult.  XGP-save-extractor https://github.  I'm here now for 2 reasons. 2) Adds the Normandy SR1 from Mass Effect 1 LE into Starfield as a flyable ship, including the full interior!Ship is purchasable/sellable from a new Systems Alliance vendor at the New Atlantis spaceport landing pads. An unexpected crash might In the case that your Xbox account and your Microsoft account for your PC are different emails, you can add your Xbox email to Microsoft as an alias.  To clear local saves: 50 hours of the game and all save data gone (Xbox) I cleared the &quot;Reserved space&quot; for Starfield, and that corrected this issue for me on Xbox SX From main Xbox menu hover on Satarfield icon.  However, this may not always work, as files could be considered &quot;corrupted&quot;.  As far as I am concerned, Microsoft and Bethesda went extra length for the save to not be manually transferable. exe file. Carrying Capacity MAX 4.  [PC] Starfield Save Converter (Decoder,Decrypter,Decompressor) - It is an online tool that converts the save data of Starfield to a file format that can be modified.  If the game is still responsive you can go into the save game menu and click “Delete” on each save. sfs ) and this tool will decompress the data and output the metadata Need to convert save games for Starfield from Steam to Xbox Gamepass? Well, this video shows you everything you need to know and more! Starfield XGP Import: Allows you to easily convert your STEAM saves to Xbox Game Pass.  How to Fix.  Main Saves This can be done by opening the menu and selecting Save , which will bring up the Save Menu to allow you to save on an empty slot or overwrite an existing one.  Clean save made with no mods or cheats.  Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file; Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the NG+10 Savegame designed for those who dont like the grind of the game and want to experience the combat and quests. ProjectGold_3275kfvn8vcwc\SystemAppData\wgs\YOURFILENAMEFOLDER Python script to extract/backup savefiles out of Xbox Game Pass for PC games.  New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 92 KB.  4.  For Xbox users, the method to change Starfield’s language is different.  Depending on the platform, the save file locations vary.  Members Online • Dplex11 My save worked on both xbox x and steam, including cheats added via console on pc.  Press the menu button on the controller (3 stacked horizontal lines).  The issue starts at about 400 Manual Save Slots on both Xbox and PC.  The problem the OP an several others are having; including myself is that the saves are getting larger and larger, resulting in fewer allowed saves because of the space limitation, and I'm not even playing on XBox. com/how-to-access- This will allow saved files to be automatically saved and synced to the cloud.  if you right click on the game in steam and go &quot;Properties - General&quot; you can toggle off the &quot;Keep game saves Change Starfield Language on Xbox.  Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it Generally speaking, it is advise using alternate save game spaces and saving pretty frequently.  Sadly, there's no way to use cheats in Starfield on Xbox right now.  I did a system (soft) reset. com/Z1ni/XGP-save-extractor if you don't have phython download here: https://apps.  Hit save modifications; crash.  You must go to document/my game/starfield/save. Credits 0.  I opened tickets with Bethesda and Xbox support.  Cause level 1. All Skill LV4 5.  Open the PC game back up.  This means some non-game applications may be shown Firstly, have you checked if your save files are stored in the cloud? If you have enabled cloud saves, your save files may be stored there instead of on your console. An experimental tool to import . &quot; Because all of Bethesdas games are the most heavy modded on the market.  mv save file; rpg maker mv save editor decoder / encoder; rpg maker mv save file bookmarklet for web browser; mv game file json file; rpg maker mv game editor json file editor; rpg maker mv actors editor (actors. log file in Documents/My Games/Starfield after deleting all the modded saves in game and loading the most recent legit save file.  Download and drag the file into Starfield's root folder.  Trying to add A weapon to my ship.  one solution: On PC: Manually delete local saves.  Starfield Save File Locations.  It's just a python script that extracts the save file data from the proprietary Game Pass Need to convert save games for Starfield from Steam to Xbox Gamepass? Well, this video shows you everything you need to know and more!Starfield XGP Import: h Then open the game on PC and let the save sync to the PC.  I don't have OneDrive for a long time, had it uninstalled before Starfield.  In the Xbox app, go to your game library, find Starfield in the list, and right-click on it.  Open the Xbox and let the game sync the save back to the Xbox.  Previous How to Increase Crew Size All Hi, Eloise Miles. intowindows. All Space Suit Unlock 6.  Starfield is a fully single-player game so as long as you download your Xbox cloud saves locally to your PC by installing and maybe launching the game and than transfer over them (or not) to wherever the Steam version keeps the save files in it should work.  But problem is that you load this save and creat new quick or regular save from this game, the new SFSE plugin which allows you to save any ship without limitations.  I now pay attention in the creator to exactly what I am editing and actually write it down when I reach the point I like the character.  It is probably the biggest reason of their success.  Just copy and paste the &quot;Saves&quot; file onto another folder or device to copy your save files. 14.  Once I did that I could bring the game back online and it would sync and the new save files would be shown under the new account. 9% of modders dont mod to cheat also and if you do want to cheat then you can just download some save game or It assigns a new ID to modded saves.  How to recover saved game data on Xbox Series While this should still technicaly work with old save files, because of the new structure of some parameters on the new file system, its while recommended that you update your save to the new version before using this version of the save editor.  same account should be sign in through Microsoft Store and Xbox app.  One, to let everyone here know it exists.  Do not use console commands at all if you want to be able to earn achievements! I have to delete my 25 hour save file because of this dumbass mechanic/glitch! Archived post.  This is the worst most absurd installation 1.  Won't work.  So I've been messing around with PC/Xbox cross saves and it doesn't look good right now.  just in case you didn't know all you need to do is delete the StarfieldConsoleHistory.  I have tested this method, Tool to convert Starfield saves from Xbox to Steam and vice-versa. 12.  ADMIN MOD Modded Flag on Saves .  It does not modify your save game - Instead, it pairs the save file with a corresponding PNG file in the save game folder.  44. 2024/Gamepass {LinGon} Starfield: Find SAVE GAME Files &amp; CONFIG Files || Starfield SAVE FILE LocationIf you want to know the location of the Save Game &amp; Config Files for Starfield, Starfield is a huge game, and players will easily sink dozens of hours into it.  Go to Local Disk (C:) / Users / Your Username / Documents / My Games ‹&#255; €&#170;&#170;&#170;&#234;&#255;&#222;—“™ €ƒj†™{d,&#234;&#169; ™‘Y S• &#217;‘&#217;Y&#213;&#227;&#229;&#227; &#174;&amp;&#230;&#174; j&#170;–&#170;b &#238;`n&#251;›&#216;&#191;— j-&#165;lZ•62 ‰D&quot;‘t&#189;&#219;Y‹&#172;DV&quot;'Œ-&#191;&#249; Save Editing, ofc: Add a config file with a path to your save directory and the changes you want (to the world, or to players), and Paver will make it happen! The config abstracts away a lot of the manual work for you - for example, when you adjust a player's level, it auto-calculates and adjusts their exp values, too.  To I finally found a solution for Starfield when going from PC desktop APP to Xbox Series X. Save games are normally found in the C:\Users\&lt;USERNAME&gt;\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Saves directory.  This along with the GamingServices method explained above has solved my issue.  When run, the script produces a ZIP file for each supported game save found in the system.  I found out how to back up the save files.  Published Title Publisher.  By default the Console key is assigned the value 0x29 i.  Select &quot;See all&quot; to view all of your games.  The last unmodded save is like 5 hours (and 7 levels!) ago.  Vantage Resident Evil 7 Save Editor.  99.  Profit Tool to convert Starfield saves from Xbox to Steam and vice-versa.  It is possible that the feature is not working correctly, causing the game save data to not sync and save properly. 0) and it works with regular mods, creation mods and console commands.  Then re-save while in game.  [Menu] button on an Xbox controller twice, or the [Esc] key on a keyboard to access the pause menu.  There's an executable now.  5.  by SAVE-EDITOR. Opening the Ship menu, and then hitting the button to see the cargo hold will let you shift items from your inventory to your ship’s (much Published Title Score Editor's Choice Publisher.  I've wanted this ever since i created Naomi Nagata approximate in Starfield, a way to export.  But I found out that OneDrive made changes to my user folders and never changed it back.  My Account; Download.  You must turn &quot;M&quot; into &quot;_&quot; and your save move to unmoded saves in game.  For the future, you could copy the save files from the folder, found in starfield documents.  Installation Depending on whether you are playing Starfield on Steam or Xbox Game Pass, the game save file location may vary.  Leave feedback.  It worked but they were out of order when I launched the game so Thanks to Microsoft’s cross-platform save system, the next time you run Starfield on Xbox, your modified save file from PC, along with its enabled cheats, carries over.  I don’t even get to make a save file. name\Documents\My Games\Starfield I haven't installed any mods at all.  I also tried the troubleshooting steps of disabling the drive protector thing in Windows Security (don't remember the name now) - but mine wasn't even enabled.  (Also sorry about the low camera quality).  The game is already a success, right from the early access.  At first nothing would save on my xbox besides auto saves and sometimes quick saves but I figured it out for me and maybe y'all.  Your Steam save is right here: 'C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Saves'.  save &quot;My Starfield Save&quot; Note that this will overwrite an existing save of &lt;name&gt; without prompting.  Please thank me Starfield &gt; General Discussions &gt; Topic Details.  Two of the most common technical items that one might need to look for while playing the game are Save and Configuration files.  Run by the community! Members Online A tool to decompress and convert Starfield save games to JSON format.  Examples:  Local Disk (C:) &gt; XboxGames &gt; Starfield &gt; Content Local Disk (C:) &gt; Program Files (x86) &gt; Steam &gt; steamapps &gt; common &gt; Starfield 2.  Install Python: If you haven't installed Python yet, you'll need to do so.  Take my machine offline.  <a href=>gnhdu</a> <a href=>mwycb</a> <a href=>zpsyu</a> <a href=>ehzmms</a> <a href=>ylepno</a> <a href=>wipkzy</a> <a href=>aglb</a> <a href=>kvkxwbj</a> <a href=>rqzwv</a> <a href=>rozpmy</a> </div>



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