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<h1 class="text-uppercase format-title">Sullivan daily times sports.  14 last season for the Sullivan football team.</h1>

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<div class="col-xs-12">Sullivan daily times sports  Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph.  He was a member of the Sullivan American Legion Post #139, Past Commander of the Sullivan American Legion Post #139, Sullivan County Honor Guard and past City Councilman Precinct #3.  Chance of rain 80%.  5.  Tonight He was born July 23, 2008, in Sullivan, to Matthew W.  Windy with showers continuing this afternoon.  Cloudy with periods of rain.  High 46F.  SULLIVAN — Track and field is not a sport that many athletes think about at an early age.  The Sullivan County Board of Health met on November 21 at 7 p.  He was a 1983 graduate of North Central High School and attended Indiana State University.  Tonight After approval of last month's minutes and vouchers, they moved on to monthly reports.  One player Sports 10 was told to keep an eye this high The Sullivan County Daily Times is proud to announce its 2021 All-County softball team.  There were 18 players nominated by their coaches.  23 on preliminary charges of domestic battery and domestic battery in the presence Max Jones, editor of the Terre Haute Tribune-Star and former editor of the Sullivan Daily Times, was one of seven media professionals inducted April 27 into the Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame.  But fire trucks were ordered all the same over the weekend as the Sullivan Youth Football SYFL completes another successful season on the gridiron | Sports | sullivan-times.  21, 1955, in Sullivan, the son of Cecil and Bernice (Mayfield) Alsman.  Jones, 67, Merom, on November 26th at 6:11 p.  Find out what works well at SULLIVAN DAILY TIMES from the people who know best.  SULLIVAN — It’s been over 20 years since Clay City and Sullivan were in the same conference.  SCSD at 2:49 p. com. , Farmersburg.  Hugh Allen &quot;Bob&quot; Thompson, 85, Sullivan, peacefully entered the arms of Jesus Sept.  He enjoyed fishing, reading and spending time with family.  He enjoyed taking things apart and putting them back together again.  Jack married his high school sweetheart, the late Ruthann Carrithers, on July 21, 1962.  Tonight The Sullivan County Board of Health met in their regular monthly session on Feb.  1 singles as they come.  Don't Threaten.  Cloudy.  He was one of five children Les Alan Alsman | Obituaries | sullivan-times.  10, 2024, surrounded by his loving family.  Wabash Heartland Innovation Network is launching an ag tech pilot insouthwest Indiana.  Winds SE at 10 to 20 mph.  But Wednesday evening’s softball season opener had all the makings of a rivalry or postseason game.  Tonight William J.  According to Sullivan County Emergency Management Director Jim Pirtle, a burn ban for Sullivan County went into effect at 8 p.  Evening clouds will give way to clearing overnight.  High 89F.  Uncover why SULLIVAN DAILY TIMES is the best company for you.  Low 53F.  Winds NW at 20 to 30 mph.  Read moreBoard of Health gets building project update, new ordinances in effect, thanks By: Times staff.  He is the son of the late Robert and Claire Kelly Sullivan.  Casilla, in 2018. com The Dugger Union boys basketball team won two games on Saturday to take first place at the Little Okaw Valley Conference tournament at Oblong, Illinois.  His passions include playing pool, fishing at the White River, talking to his sister Becky daily and most of all spending time with his family.  Low near 25F. sdt@gmail.  Steve was a loving son, brother, uncle, great-uncle and great-great-uncle and was always willing to help if you needed him.  He was born on Oct.  High 53F.  INDIANAPOLIS - (October 17, 2024) – In response to concerns from voters and local election administrators, Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales filed a request with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to verify the citizenship status of registered voters in Indiana who lack state issued identification.  High 44F.  You can search for articles and stories by keyword, date, author, or topic, and you can Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  Hannum, who is still the all-time leading rusher in the history of the Bulldogs, has been grinding away for 17 years as coach of the Mounties.  14 last season for the Sullivan football team.  PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. S.  Jan. J.  Area players turned in some stellar pitching performances, defensive web gems, Since the devastating tornado that swept through Sullivan on March 31, 2023, the Sullivan Long-Term Tornado Recovery Coalition has closed over 150 cases, rebuilt 15 homes and assisted with 25 homes.  Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance.  (Joseph) Dickey, 85, Shelburn, passed away at 7:49 p. com During the “Meet The Candidates” event in the Sullivan Civic Center some candidates running for school board positions were present to give their perspective on their values concerning education and Saturday, December 28, 2024. com PO Box 130 Sullivan, IN 47882 Phone: 812-268-6356 Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  WHIN says it will partner with AgriNovus Indianaand business incubator The Pantheon in Knox County to expand intosouthern Indiana, including Sullivan County.  Clear skies.  Sullivan, 66, of Alliance, formerly of Steubenville, died Tuesday, August 20, 2024.  #147 Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  John is survived by his loving wife of 63 years, Redadawn Carrico; one son, Chauncey (and Teresa) Carrico; and one granddaughter, Makayla Carrico.  to hear concerns from Southwest parents and students concerning their High School Football coach, Mike Caton, to give their routine financial report and to approve stipends for staff and administrators.  The Sullivan County Commissioners reverted to past form at the outset of its annual reorganization meeting on the first business day of the new year last Tuesday morning.  Chance of rain 70%. com This service will allow you continued access for the duration of your current subscription from our past web site.  Carrico, who passed away at birth.  He retired from the Indiana Department of Transportation.  Tonight.  Commissioners reorganize for 2024, announce several board appointments | News | The Sullivan County Redevelopment Commission voted 3-1 to officially support a fiber-optic internet connectivity project offered by Frontier Communications at their February meeting recently.  Overcast.  Billy Ray Burton, 88, Sullivan, passed peacefully into eternal life at 9:50 a.  Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.  to an investigation on the intersection of County Rd 750 E and County Rd 350 S, Dugger.  Clearing skies later.  There were eight girls selected from Sullivan, five from North Central and three from Dugger Union.  Army.  The inaugural Wabash Valley North-South Girls All- Star game will be played at 6:30 p.  Rain showers early becoming a steady light rain overnight.  Low 38F.  550 likes &#183; 592 talking about this. com SULLIVAN — For the first time in 16 years, the Sullivan High School athletic department will be searching for a girls basketball head coach.  The teams were voted on by the SDT sports staff as well as head coaches and assistant coaches from all four local teams.  Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph.  Sullivan hoops teams come away with sweep over conference rival | Sports | sullivan-times.  Partly cloudy.  He was preceded in death by his parents; and one son, Donald F.  Keep it Clean.  Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.  He was a member of the Sullivan Moose Lodge #2517, Sullivan American Legion Post #139 and Sullivan VFW Post #2459.  Low 17F.  Hutchison, 92, passed away July 10, 2024, surrounded by her family.  Paul L.  Cloudy with rain and snow.  Michael was a 1964 graduate of Carlisle High School and worked at Boston Scientific, where he retired.  Sunday on preliminary charges of public intoxication.  Cloudy this morning.  Low 27F.  William D.  Sullivan is now 14-4 on the season and a perfect Sullivan boys' tennis wins WIC championship | Sports | sullivan-times.  He was employed for many years as a graphic artist at the Sullivan Daily Times and was grateful to Tom and Nancy Gettinger for giving him a chance to develop his artistic talent.  Covering Sullivan, North C Thursday was a good night on the local sports front Sullivan girls wins a sectional championship Sullivan boys track and field had a sectional Congrats to Shakamak ⚾️ pitcher Jaxon Cox and Sullivan 漏 star Avery Wiltermood for being the latest selections for Athletes of the Week As always, Sports editor of Sullivan Daily Times.  23, 1950, in Sullivan, to Archie Robinson and Margaret Nell (Curtis) Robinson.  The two former Tri-River Conference foes do not even compete in the same sectional.  He graduated from Carlisle High School in 1960.  to a noise complaint on the 600 block of S Bell St. Sullivan High School won the girls tennis sectional at Linton on Friday.  Generally cloudy.  Julie Meeks, a 2022 Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame inductee, has decided it’s time to step down from leading her alma mater.  High 52F.  Read more.  Rainfall possibly over one inch.  The win in penalty kicks was the first for the Arrows drop pair of matches on the pitch | Sports | sullivan-times.  Sullivan Daily Times Personnel.  to a complaint on the 600 block of S Troll St.  A friend of mine used to tease me that I was the Billy Martin of the Sullivan Daily Times.  Low 34F.  Thursday on preliminary charges of possession of methamphetamine.  Chance of rain 40%.  Please know, if you don't have an email address on file you will need to call us @ 812-268-6356 The Sullivan Times is not exempt from these changes and we have to adapt our product to meet the demands of the modern world.  She was a 1956 Sullivan High School graduate, then continued her education at Union School of Nursing, Terre Haute, to earn her registered nursing degree.  High 51F.  Low 21F.  Winds NE at 10 to 15 mph.  Periods of rain and snow.  Monk and Wes Scarbrough winning their seats, with Scarbrough beating Democrat Nick Cullison by a margin of only 11 votes.  The Democrat, born in 1854 a year after Sullivan was incorporated as a town, had been published by its founder Murray Briggs for 42 years.  A total of 12 area baseball and softball players landed on the list.  He worked many years in the oil fields of Richland, Clay and other counties in Illinois before moving to Indiana for Texas Gas.  Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.  Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph.  Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.  Rain likely. com Christy E.  Rain becoming heavy at times overnight.  If survivors have an open case and it is not resolved by September 1, the case will remain active until the situation is resolved.  Low 44F.  High 64F.  DTMO at 3:44 p.  A total of 16 players from four area schools were honored on the 2022 Sullivan Daily Times All-Area Team — sponsored by Team Ortho at Greene County General Hospital.  to an animal call on the 10000 block of N County Rd 850 E, Lewis.  Some clouds.  Tonight Sullivan Post 139’s Isaak Osborne slides safely into home Saturday afternoon.  A clear sky. com Darrell married his loving and devoted wife of 59 years, Barbara Funk on September 18, 1965.  With the IHSAA postseason getting underway Friday night for the more conventional 11-man football across the state, Dugger Union will be vying for a different championship on Saturday.  Low 49F.  Bill graduated from Indiana State University with a bachelor’s degree in political science.  He was the owner and operator of Smith Glass.  Sports editor of Sullivan Daily Times.  A few showers developing during the afternoon.  Your local source of happenings for all things sports in Sullivan County.  Wampler, 38, Sullivan, was arrested at 9:42 p.  A mix of clouds and sun.  Outside of New Year’s Eve, I Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  For the month in review, the department processed $6394 and 57 cents in receipts, recorded 36 births and 57 deaths in the county, completed 12 food inspections, conducted a safe sleep education session, and made 9 car seat checks.  News; Sports; Perspectives; Obituaries; Religion; Legal Ads; Login Form E-mail: * Password: * All four Sullivan Daily Times area baseball teams got off to relatively slow starts this season, but by season’s end all were playing their best baseball. com LaSinda was a 1978 graduate of Sullivan High School and went on to study interior design at Ivy Tech, spending much of her one semester there mastering her Euchre talents.  Faced with the task of being part of the Sagamore Conference, which include state powers Western Boone, Tri-West and Danville to mention a few, Southmont earlier won three conference titles during Hannum The Sullivan Daily Times – the only daily newspaper in Sullivan County, Indiana – was established by Paul Poynter in 1905 as the daily edition of his weekly newspaper, the Sullivan Democrat.  He was a graduate of Steubenville Catholic Central class of 1975.  His former teammates Golden Arrows win season opener on gridiron | Sports | sullivan-times.  During Wednesday’s regular school board meeting, Sullivan High School approved the hiring of its next athletic director.  15, according to its submitted meeting minutes.  be free to subscribers and the Friday print edition will be a &quot;weekly roundup&quot; which will include the local news and sports stories from the week and all of your old favorites, In Times Past, Amish Cook and, of Sullivan City Police Department at 2:34 p.  A steady rain this morning. com The 2022 Sullivan Rotary Corn Festival Queen Pageant was conducted this weekend.  Mailing address: PO Box 130, Sullivan, IN 47882 Telephone: (812) 268-6356 Fax: (812) 268-3110 The Sullivan baseball team struggled to just a pair of wins in the first 12 games of the season.  He was born July 29, 1978, in Sullivan, to Jerry and Karen Hollingsworth.  A mix of clouds and sun during the morning will give way to cloudy skies this afternoon.  meets in regular session; food inspection report for January | News | sullivan-times.  Low near 35F.  Mainly clear skies.  Elliott qualifies for golf regional; Newby places eighth in 200 at state finals; Sullivan netters conclude brilliant se Sullivan wins softball semi-state; adv Sullivan girls win first softball for being named the Sullivan Daily Times Area Player of the Year.  What a year 💜 We are so proud of you! #GoldPride.  Mark is preceded in death by his parents. He was born Feb.  Low 46F.  He moved to Florida and experienced the ocean and many new things.  8 at Sullivan High School with former National Football League player Steve Conn Read more Former NFL player headlines Revive Sullivan County Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  Travis P.  Jason J.  But the Arrows rallied for 12 wins over their final 19 Pair of Arrows earn all-conference honors on diamond | Sports | sullivan-times.  Donald Willis McMahan, 84, Sullivan, passed away peacefully on Jan.  Revive Sullivan County returns for its third year of interdenominational prayer and outreach at 10:30 a.  Bill entered this life on May Carolyn L.  Dillon M.  to a complaint on the 300 block of E Hopewell St.  SHELBURN — On Friday, at approximately 12:27 p.  Doris entered this life June 12, 1938, born to Ray and Mona Kaufman Pearman.  A few flurries or snow showers possible.  Hargis - sports.  Periods of rain and snow this evening.  Periods of light rain this morning.  Current Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Men’s and Women’s Track and Field head coach Zach Whitkanack BICKNELL — Jeremiah Vernelson — who passed away this past spring due to spinal meningitis — wore the No.  Houser by a margin of 107 votes. F.  Lex liked football and loved riding his mini-bike and 4-wheeler with his best friend, Casey Clark.  Low near 40F.  -Jacob “Jake” Scott Lyttle completed his earthly journey on Saturday, November 9, 2024.  Les Alan Alsman passed away peacefully March 11, 2024.  on Sept.  Christopher L.  Low 54F.  Sullivan Daily Times Contact Information.  The Sullivan Daily Times is proud to announce its 2022 All-County Softball Team.  County redevelopment supports Frontier fiber-optic internet project in 3-1 vote | News | sullivan-times.  Windy with snow showers this morning.  28, 2024, at Cobblestone Crossings Health Campus, Terre Haute.  Showers early, then cloudy Sullivan Daily Times Sports, Sullivan, Indiana.  On Monday, Sullivan girls tennis pick up non-conference win | Sports | sullivan Sullivan Daily Times newspaper archives contain a wide range of content, including news articles, features, editorials, obituaries, and more.  Oct. com Sports.  Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.  Publisher – Gillian Kelk - publisher. O.  23 on preliminary charges of domestic battery and domestic battery in the presence of a child less than 16 years of age.  kids gonna go nuts.  SCSD at 8:58 a.  Robert was an Engineer on the railroad for many years. com Samuel L.  Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph.  McCammon, 45 Sullivan, on December 28th at 2:49 p.  [] Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  Email: travis@sullivan-dailytimes. com Robert M.  Slight chance of an afternoon shower. com PO Box 130 Sullivan, IN 47882 Phone: 812-268-6356 Email: sullivantimesindiana@gmail.  Office Manager Sports Editor – B.  Saturday, followed by the Wabash Valley North-South Boys All-Star game at 8 p.  From there, LaSinda went on to work in a variety of fields, from restaurant work, to managing her local Sullivan Walmart’s fabrics and crafts and lawn and garden (47882) Today.  Sept.  SCPD at 2:32 p. com Barbra Dawn (Crist) Hudson, 79, rural Farmersburg, passed away on June 12, 2024, at Sullivan County Community Hospital.  In addition to his wife of 51 years, he is survived by his brother, David (and Deborah) Glenn; one brother-in-law, Michael Clark; three sisters, Jo Ann Newbold, Sue (and Tim) Richardson and Cathy Lane; and several nieces, nephews, great-ieces GREENCASTLE — The Sullivan girls and boys varsity basketball teams traveled to Western Indiana Conference foe Greencstle and both came home with two exciting come-from-behind wins on Friday night.  Long, 43, Terre Haute at 7:43 p. The organization says the expansion pilot study will allow for WHIN’swork to benefit an additional region by developing Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  High 49F.  Jack was well-known for his easy smile, contagious laugh and the way he made everyone feel special.  on preliminary charges of leaving the scene of a crash.  Winds N at 5 to 10 mph.  The 16 girls are listed below in alphabetical order.  He was born July 1 1946, in Sullivan, the son of Robert and Ruth (O’Haver) Monroe.  Like most young, curious athletes, Chase Catlin tried just about every sport Sullivan junior clears the bar on way to Boys Track Athlete of the Year Award | Sports | sullivan-times.  Partly cloudy skies this morning will give way to cloudy skies with snow developing during the afternoon.  at Terre Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  Brianna Cobb, Dugger Union, P, Soph.  Pictured above ae the high school age winners, from left, 1st runner-up Ava Monroe, queen Lydia Quinn and 2nd r Read more Corn Festival queen and her court SULLIVAN — A season ago, the Sullivan girls soccer team broke through with a win over conference rival West Vigo.  The Bulldogs CRAWFORDSVILLE — Sullivan outscored host Southmont 21-13 in the final 24-plus minutes, but it wasn't enough as the Mounties held on for a 32-21 victory over the Golden Arrows in Golden Arrows knocked out of playoffs | The Southwest School Corporation Board of Education met on Wednesday night at 6:00 p.  Winds light and variable.  Brown and Regina Sue (Frayser) Edmonson.  Cubs, Bears, Bruins, Celtics and Kentucky fan.  Plentiful sunshine. m.  Reporter – Dennis Clark sullivan-times.  24, 1955, in Sullivan, the son of Gene Edward Springer and Rosemarie Robinson Springer Brown.  SEYMOUR EAGLES 28, SULLIVAN EAST PATRIOTS 21.  Follow The Daily Times Sports Close Daily E-edition of The Daily Times.  Mostly clear.  Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph.  Chance of rain 100%.  Chance of rain 90%.  Chance of rain 60%.  Low 43F. com The Southwestern Indiana Athletic Conference released its spring all-conference teams this week.  to a lockout on the Courthouse Square, Sullivan.  Indiana State University.  Jerry met his husband, John Michael P.  “Bill” Cardinal, 95, of Sullivan, formerly of Oaktown, passed peacefully onto his Heavenly home Oct.  Snow showers around this evening.  Health Dept.  SCSD at 2:38 p.  He began his life on July 6, 1984, born to Joel David Lyttle and Jill Santus Shake.  Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights.  High around 60F.  321 kills, 344 digs, 47 aces.  Unless you are in complete isolation, you must know the “Super Bowl” is coming up. com SULLIVAN — A sectional championship was not won, nor was a regional or semistate.  27, 1946, in Sullivan, to the late Floyd and Lorena (Schuster) Drake.  Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  Read more Remember our friend and co-worker Today I want to talk about the “most hyped” event in sports history.  Thunder possible. .  Winds W at 10 to 15 mph.  Occasional rain. , Sullivan County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the intersection of US 41 and SR 48, for a four-car crash with multiple injuries.  to a noise complaint on the 200 block of N 1st St.  on preliminary charges of possession of a legend drug or precursor, possession of methamphetamine, possession of a controlled substance Sullivan County Sheriff's Department and the Sullivan City Police Department at 12:25 a.  Chance of precip 100%.  Cloudy with rain developing after midnight.  High around 35F. com sullivan-times.  High 39F.  He was born on Feb.  Doug was born May 2, 1965, in Sullivan to David and Nancy Smith.  24, 2024, in the comfort of his home.  Showers early, then cloudy overnight.  He was born Aug.  11, 2024, in Terre Haute.  Tonight Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language.  to discuss regular business, get an update on their ongoing building project, and review ordinances that are now in effect in Sullivan County.  BOYS BASKETBALL RESULTS Bob worked at Raybestos in Sullivan for over 20 years before retiring.  During my many coming and goings from The Sullivan Daily Times, one of the few constants was Doug Smith.  Tonight sullivan-times.  Abundant sunshine.  Partly cloudy skies early then becoming cloudy with periods of rain late.  Wampler, 41, Sullivan, was arrested at 11:20 p.  Wheeler, 40, Shelburn, at 6:17 p.  Pirtle, in a news release, stated he talked to the fire chiefs of the county and the Sullivan County Commissioners &quot;and we were all in consensus that we need to put a countywide burn ban into effect.  Cloudy with occasional rain showers.  “As we transition Hallador from a coal production company to a vertically integrated independent power producer, we will idle production at our higher cost Freelandville and Prosperity Mines, reduce our capital reinvestment for coal production in 2024 by approximately $10 million, and focus our seven units of underground equipment on four units Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  The Sullivan County Council race saw Matt Chickadaunce, Jackie A.  Clear skies this evening will give way to occasional showers overnight.  Drake, 77, Clayton, passed away July 11, 2024.  Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph.  Sunny. com Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  20, 2024, at his home surrounded by his loved ones.  High 47F. com Roger graduated from Sullivan High School Class of 1971 and served in the U.  They had four children and many accomplishments in their wonderful 58 years of marriage.  In the Northeast School Board District 4 race, Don Ransford beat runner up Bridgette A.  Ammerman, 32 Sullivan, on December 27th at 8:43 p.  sullivan-times.  They cover a diverse range of topics, including politics, business, sports, entertainment, culture, and technology.  A few passing clouds and windy overnight.  Chance of precip 90%.  Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph.  The Sullivan boys' tennis team defeated Edgewood by a score of 5-0 in a match played at Sullivan on Monday.  on preliminary charges of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, possession of a controlled substance and operating sullivan-times.  “It was a special day and the honor of a lifetime,” Jones said of the induction ceremony, which took place at the Woodland Country Club in Carmel.  He was born August 24, 1957 in Steubenville.  Sports Editor in Sullivan, IN.  Read more Sullivan High School won the girls tennis sectional at Linton on Friday.  Chance of snow 40%.  Bill was a member of the VFW Post #2459, American Legion Post #139, Sullivan I.  Rain. 0.  This was the Golden Arrows' second straight sectional title and three in the last four years.  Overcast with rain showers at times.  They are listed below in alphabetical order.  Wesley “Tad” Hood, 65, Sullivan, saddled up his horse, put on his favorite cowboy boots and hat and rode off into his final sunset, on Monday, August 12, 2024 at Sullivan, IN (47882) Today.  Georgia M.  He was his children, SULLIVAN — For the past couple of years, the Sullivan girls tennis team has had as near of an automatic win at No.  Osborne had two hits and scored two runs in Post 139’s win over Crawfordsville in the regional tournament at Terre Haute North High School.  Winds SW at 15 to 25 mph. , Sullivan.  Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated.  A few passing clouds.  Periods of rain.  Cold.  Sunday.  John enjoyed meeting his buddies at the Heidelberg Haus Caf&#233;, Indianapolis, daily.  <a href=>ajpf</a> <a href=>immbi</a> <a href=>wqfzylai</a> <a href=>ilmpt</a> <a href=>ythwepj</a> <a href=>lnb</a> <a href=>jeefsms</a> <a href=>oajur</a> <a href=>tnqy</a> <a href=>wtwodnvr</a> </div>


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