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class="site"> <span class="skip-link screen-reader-text"><br> </span> <div class="header-middle"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="site-branding news-box-logo"> <h1 class="site-title logo-off"><span class="navbar-brand">Surefire 870 forend. Great deals on Remington 870 Forearm.</span></h1> <p class="site-description"><br> </p> </div> <!-- .site-branding --> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="custom_html-5" class="widget_text header-banner widget_custom_html"> <div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="header-bottom latest-news-bar"> <div class="container"> <div class="nbox-ticker"> <div class="ticker-title"> <div class="news-latest">Surefire 870 forend NOTE: The Remington will NOT work on On both the 870 and my M70 equiped 500, I did get some wobble but it involved the whole forend assembly, action bars, ect. Legacy Reviewer's Review of SureFire 618FA Remington 870 Shotgun Forend Weaponlight w/ Momentary and Constant-On (GunReports. It doesn’t have a Surefire branded forend light. price includes shipping thanks SureFire’s new DSF-870 forend worked well, and the light was very powerful. It is good to see competition on the market of tactical accessories because end users will benefit from this. Has pressure switch on the side to turn it on. The switch for the Surefire light mounted with the Magpul MOE illumination kit. This compact, lightweight system replaces the weapon’s original factory forend and features a recoil-proof LED that generates 600 lumens of blinding white light at maximum output, or 200 lumens with twice the runtime on its SureFire M70 Picatinny rail forend is a high-quality SureFire Picatinny forend for the Mossberg model 500/590 shotguns that replaces the weapon's stock forend allowing the user to mount a variety of accessories. @FlamingDragon SureFire Surefire 618FA DEDICATED FOREND body FOR Remington 870. or Best Offer. Vintage Surefire Remington 870 Fore End Included Phoenix Collapsable butt Stock. $130. $399. com) — SureFire’s new Dedicated Shotgun Forend WeaponLights are the latest addition to SureFire’s class of integrated weapon-mounted lights. Surefire Forend Light – is one of the popular choices of the light for a tactical shotgun. Current Stock: Add to Wish List Surefire 618FA DEDICATED FOREND FOR Remington 870, Momentary PRESS PAD + CONSTANT ON ROCKER SWITCH. Send me your best offer. You'd need to use two 16340's in the DSF-870 as the batteries are CR123A size, side by side. A homeowner should have no problem using the DSF-870 on home-defense duty. With two levels of tactical illumination, ambidextrous switching, and a slim ergonomic design - This compact, lightweight system replaces the weapon’s original factory forend and features a recoil-proof LED that generates 600 lumens of blinding white light at maximum output, or 200 lumens with twice the runtime on its high setting. Recommended Product: Get Streamlight TL-Racker Shotgun Forend Remington 870/1187 and Surefire DSF-870 SHOTGUN FOREND WEAPONLIGHT Ultra-High Dual-Output LED Forend w/ Integrated WeaponLight for Remington 870 Used / like new condition, no box, comes with installation tool. underpit76 (3,658) 99. Current Stock: Surefire 618FA DEDICATED FOREND FOR Remington 870, Momentary PRESS PAD + CONSTANT ON ROCKER SWITCH. com. It is well-known, it is reliable I am currently issued a short barreled Benelli M4, but would not feel under gunned with my 870. sladestreettactical (32,461) 98. Fits: Remington 870 shotgun Features Virtually indestructible, two-output LED generates 600 lumens of blinding light on its max setting, and 200 lumens with nearly twice the runtime on SureFire Integrated Forend Remington 870 Shotgun WeaponLight 618FA is a replacement forend that includes a built-in six-volt Surefire tactical light and two separate switches integrated into the forend: a pressure sensitive activation pad for momentary light use, and a I just installed the EOTech IFL forend on my Remington 870. It was a little tight on the tube and the forend nut wouldn't thread on all the way and looked funny. It is made of thick plastic and looks sturdy. Save more with Subscribe & Save. I did notice that the Surefire forend did have quite a bit of clearance on either side of the barrel. 95 $ 199. 1100 or 11-87 621FA Forend WeaponLight for Mossberg 500 w 14" bbl. Pre-Owned. Forend body constructed of tough, lightweight The 2008 Surefire Tactical products catalog on page 38 shows their shotgun forend weapon lights now use the P60L. $6. Trick out or upgrade your firearm with the largest gun parts selection at eBay. $425. They are a supplier to the U. Add to Cart Featuring two levels of tactical illumination, ambidextrous switching, a slender ergonomic design, and legendary SureFire reliability and durability, the DSF-500/590 is the ultimate WeaponLight Nightstick SFL-13GL Shotgun Forend Light with Green Laser - 1200 Lumens Forend Light for Remington 870/TAC-14 - IP-X7 Waterproof Impact & Chemical Resistant - 2 CR123 Batteries – Black. This 6V LED Forend Weapon-Light by SureFire features an extremely compact 6-volt I’m plenty happy running my 870 with a barrel clamp mount (Mesa Tactical) and a Streamlight HL-X attached to it. Free shipping. Cosmetic scratches and wear marks visible throughout and 100% functional. Or fastest delivery Tue, Dec 24. Buy It Now. You need to unscrew it using forend removal tool or pliers (insert them in two notches on the Looking for the best stocks, forends, pads and grips for your Remington 870 firearms? We have the best gun parts at the best prices you'll find online. Mesa Tactical Urbino Pistol Grip Stock for Remington 870/1100/11-87 [ARCHIVED THREAD] - Surefire 870 forend LED replacement. SKU: 618FA Body UPC: MPN: $174. 22. Topics. This forend has a simple design made of thick plastic and features special hand stops and grooves which make it 328LMF-B Forend WeaponLight: Download Sheet: 618LMF-B: Remington Forend WeaponLight: Download Sheet: 623LMF-B: 623LMG-B Shotgun Forend WeaponLight: Download Sheet: 628LMF-B: 628LMF-B Forend WeaponLight: Download Sheet: DSF-500-590: DSF-500 / 590 Shotgun Forend WeaponLight: Download Sheet: DSF-870: DSF-870 Shotgun Forend Shop SureFire 618FGA Remington 870 Shotgun Forend Weaponlight w/ Momentary, Constant-On, System Disable Switching | 5 Star Rating on 1 Review for SureFire 618FGA Remington 870 Shotgun Forend Weaponlight w/ Momentary, Constant-On, System Disable Switching + Free Shipping over $49. So new forend is more affordable. New (Other) The SureFire Remington 870 Dedicated 6V Shotgun Forend Flashlights, DSF-870 Light Output: 600 lumens, Battery Type: CR123A, Color: Black, Weight: 17. This compact, lightweight system replaces the weapon's original factory forend and features a recoil-proof LED that generates 600 lumens of blinding white light at maximum output, or 200 lumens with twice REMINGTON 870 - SUREFIRE FOREND REMINGTON - GRC. Current The SureFire 618LMG-B replaces the factory Remington 870 forend with a tough polymer forend featuring a powerful, integrated LED head and integral ergonomic switching. - SUREFIRE G2X TACTICAL TORCH + MAGPUL MOUNT COLLABORATION $ 98. Features of SureFire 618 FA-Orange Integrated Forend Shotgun Weapon-Light - Momentary and constant -on switching: Introducing the SureFire 618FA Shotgun Forend WeaponLight designed for the Remington 870 Shotgun. The 18 barrel would make things more difficult as the gun would be less maneuverable in confined spaces. Aug 17, 2009 #1 Hey guys, Hopefully one of the pros can help me with info on my newly aquired Surefire Forend light. This compact, lightweight system replaces the original factory forend and features a recoil-proof LED that generates 600 lumens of blinding white SureFire Integrated Forend Remington 870 Shotgun WeaponLight 618FA is a replacement forend that includes a built-in six-volt Surefire tactical light and two separate switches integrated into the forend: a pressure sensitive The SureFire 618LMG-B replaces the factory Remington 870 forend with a tough polymer forend featuring a powerful, integrated LED head and integral ergonomic switching. Rating Required. SureFire Integrated Forend Remington 870 Shotgun Orange WeaponLight 618FA-Orange is a replacement SureFire Forend that includes a built-in six-volt tactical light and two separate switches integrated into the forend: a pressure sensitive activation pad for momentary light use, and a constant On/Off rocker switch. Mossberg 500 Magpul 870 Milled 870 Shop SureFire Remington 870 Picatinny Rail System M69 | 4. 0 bids. $139. which you'll appreciate if you're Compatible with Remington® 870 shotguns, the Surefire® DSF-870 Shotgun Forend Weapon Light is the ultimate shotgun-mounted tactical flashlight, designed to deliver exceptional reliability and lightning-fast field control. I’m a long-time reader and “lurker” of the Remington 870 blog–as Streamlight has hit the mark once again, making the TL-Racker a fantastic choice for your Remington 870 shotgun. This compact, lightweight system replaces the weapon's original factory forend and features a recoil-proof LED that generates 600 lumens of blinding white light at maximum output, or 200 lumens with twice the runtime on its high setting. 16 watching. 9 Star Rating on 8 Reviews for SureFire Remington 870 Picatinny Rail System M69 + Free Shipping over $49. $360. Disassemble Remington 870 and take out the forend. All in all, it was a great test, and Vang Comp turned my hammered and mangled Remington 870 Police Magnum into a really nice shotgun that is perfectly suited to home-defense, entry and patrol Streamlight TL-Racker Shotgun Forend Remington 870/1187. Review of Surefire DSF-870 Shotgun Forend Weaponlight Surefire has been a leader in the weapon light industry for years. Featuring two levels of tactical illumination, ambidextrous switching, a slender ergonomic design, and legendary SureFire reliability and durability, the DSF-870 is the ultimate WeaponLight for Remington 870 combat shotguns. SUREFIRE 870 FOREND DSF-870. View our instagram; View our twitter; View our facebook; View our youtube; Close. . Ending Thursday at 5:58AM PDT 15h 9m. The 618LFG Remington870 Shotgun Forend LED Weapon light by SureFire features three separate ergonomic switches integrated directly into the polymer forend: a pressure-sensitive activation The SureFire 12 Gauge Remington 870 Shotgun 3V LED Forend WeaponLight 318LM replaces the original forend of your Remington 870 shotgun. They use Malkoff heads on their lights, and Malkoff makes really solid stuff. 76. One of the best flashlight for the Remington 870 and Mossberg 500 shotguns is the Surefire Forend Light. I've been considering getting a SureFire DSF Forend for my 870 (Used for Home Hydra-shokz thanks for the link! i had no idea others were doing that to their factory forend. It has the original Laser Products forend that I picked up used for $150 in 2007. The right side features a long momentary-on tape switch I have a old school Surefire weapon light forend for an 870. Just $151. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! vintage Surefire 870 Forend light help. 05 shipping. Are any of the drop in bulbs worth a damn for a LED conversion? Posted: 7/27/2018 12:55:27 AM EDT ON DEMAND PRODUCT, PLEASE CONTACT ORDERS@SUREFIRE. Featuring two levels of tactical illumination, ambidextrous switching, a slender ergonomic design, and legendary SureFire reliability and durability, the DSF-870 is the ultimate WeaponLight for Featuring two levels of tactical illumination, ambidextrous switching, a slender ergonomic design, and legendary SureFire reliability and durability, the DSF-870 is the ultimate Weapon Light for Remington 870 combat shotguns. With SureFire DSF-870 Weapon Light for Remington 870, this problem is fixed. SureFire Integrated Forend Remington 870 Shotgun WeaponLight 618FA is Shop Nightstick Shotgun Forend LED Light For Remington 870/Tac-14 | Up to 36% Off 5 Star Rating on 4 Reviews for Nightstick Shotgun Forend LED Light For Remington 870/Tac-14 + Free Shipping over $49. $199. 47 (Save 25%) $63. Sure-Fire P60 high output lamp assembly is standard, The SureFire 618LMG-B replaces the factory Remington 870 forend with a tough polymer forend featuring a powerful, integrated LED head and integral ergonomic switching. $250. SureFire M70 Picatinny rail forend is a high-quality SureFire Picatinny forend for the Mossberg model 500/590 shotguns that replaces the weapon's stock forend allowing the user to mount a variety of accessories. 20 watchers. Dorcy Mastercell 3-Volt Size 123A Lithium Batteries, 2 The best 3-volt head upgrade for your Forend WeaponLight 500 lumens of LED white light, powered by a single 123A battery The SureFire LM1 LED/TIR lens conversion assembly replaces the original incandescent or LED reflector-type head and battery housing of SureFire 600-series and 900-series dedicated forend WeaponLights, such as Shotgun The PR-870 with it’s three Picatinny compatible rails, enhances your weapon’s mounting versatility. Comments Required. Add to Cart. 00 shipping. And I do have a LNw/oB take-off SGA-870 + forend for sale, asking $90 shipped Priority in CONUS. Joined Mar 4, 2009 Messages 346 Location Alabama. Fab Defense Remington 870 Tactical Rail Forend + BCM Bravo Company Kinesthetic Angled Grip $ 66. How To Keep Cool This Summer; 5 Ways To Style a 'PlainOld' T-Shirt; Finding The Perfect Gift; DSF 500/590 Shotgun Forend WeaponLight Ultra-High Dual-Output LED Forend w/ Integrated WeaponLight for Mossberg 500 & 590. SKU: 3748 UPC: 084871324113 MPN: 318LMG-A. Surefire DSF-870. The SureFire DSF-870 Weapon Light was engineered to provide the ultimate illumination solution for Remington 870 combat shotguns. ) H18 forend for my Rem 870 from a friend who had it collecting dust. Featuring a 1000 Pre-Surefire Laser Products Remington 870 Forearm Forend Vintage Light 12ga. 37 in, Battery Life: 3 hours, Finish: Polymer, Condition: New, Fabric/Material: High Strength Aerospace Aluminum. ARCHIVED; Posted: 7/27/2018 12:50:17 AM EDT Snagged an 870 618 forend off the EE tonight with the old P60 incandescent bulb. Vintage Surefire Remington 870 Fore End. SKU: F409858. COM. S. 99) (No reviews yet) Write a Review. The SureFire 623LMG-B replaces the factory Mossberg 500 / 590 forend with a tough polymer forend featuring a powerful, integrated LED head and integral ergonomic switching. Magpul MOE Forend is simple but well thought out product. If the light ever becomes obsolete, like those old SureFire 6P types, I just replace it with a better light - no forearm work is required. Glock Serial (Barrel) Number Lookup . Streamlight TL-Racker – Alternative of SureFire DSF-870. The SureFire Remington Replacement Shotgun Forend w/ Integrated Weapon Light is housed in a lightweight and rugged polymer body, and the weapon light is constructed of hard-anodized aluminum that's resistant to corrosion and wear. PM me for details/pics. Opens in a new window or tab. Popular Articles. SureFire told me they, and everyone else, discontinued the batteries that fit in the housing with a P60 lamp. The SureFire 12 Gauge Remington 870 Shotgun 6V LED Forend WeaponLight 618LMG replaces the original forend of your Remington 870 shotgun. The 618LFG Remington870 Shotgun Forend ON DEMAND PRODUCT, PLEASE CONTACT ORDERS@SUREFIRE. One would think it takes 2-CR123 batteries, however the housing tube is too small to take. Thread starter GunSmoke16610; Start date Aug 17, 2009; Help Support Candle Power Flashlight Forum GunSmoke16610 Enlightened. military as well as militaries around the world. Nothing against Elzetta or Surefire, but you might also want to look at the Arisaka Defense lights as well. Surefire 618 Dedicated Forend Light for Remington 870 LED Bulb with Batteries (2 CR123A) Composite Black; Surefire 618 Dedicated Forend Light for I recently picked up an LPC (Laser Products Corp. Learn more about this Surefire 318 Dedicated Forend Light for Remington 870 LED Bulb with Battery (1 CR123A) Composite Black; Surefire 318 Dedicated Forend Light for Remington 870 LED Bulb with Battery (1 CR123A) Composite Black Ultra-High Dual-Output LED Forend w/ Integrated WeaponLight for Remington 870 DESCRIPTION. DSF models feature an ultra-high-output of 600 lumens on its high setting and 200 lumens on its lower setting. This 3V LED Forend Weapon-Light by SureFire features an extremely compact 3-volt (1-battery) system and a virtually indestructible LED emitter focused by a TIR lens, which produces a brilliant beam optimized Shotgun Forend For Remington 870 Description: Featuring two levels of tactical illumination, ambidextrous switching, a slender ergonomic design, and legendary SureFire reliability and durability, the DSF-870 is the ultimate Weapon Light for Remington 870 combat shotguns. In the past I have always reccomeded the Surefire forend as This polymer forend includes a completely integrated, aluminum tactical light. Fits Remington 870 Shotguns A must-have for Remington 870 shotguns Recoil-proof LED generates 600 lumens or 200 lumens of TIR-focused light Reliable and intuitive switching for easy instant activation Upgrade Your Furniture. The black color and sleek design make it a stylish addition to any firearm accessory collection. Our Price: $779. Featuring 2 user-selectable lighting modes with ambidextrous momentary and constant-on switch controls, and a slender ergonomic design, this weapon Magpul MOE Forend – Modern Remington 870 Forend which Enables you to Have Additional Equipment. 00 Shipped & Insured, first “I’ll take it” followed by PM gets it PayPal F&F (No notes) or Zelle preferred. Browse our vast selection of new and hard to find Remington Shotgun 870 Forends. It looks much, much more like the forend on the Remington “MCS” or “Modular Combat Shotgun” with a front hand-stop than the device in the photo, which must be the version for the Mossberg 500/590 shotguns. momentary/constant on + Disable Rocker. Cerakote Remington 870 Police Magnum with Surefire 618FA Forend. Magpul & Surefire Remington 870 Forend G2X Flashlight Mount w 5" Rail BLACK. It will also fit CAM870 and new version PPS870 New in the box. 50 shipping. 5%. Streamlight is a well-known brand in the tactical light world, and their TL-Racker forend light for 870 Remington shotguns is no exception. That gives me 1,000 lumens. It features a sleek design that eliminates the need for remote cords and reduces snag hazards. SureFire light forend; Beaded sight ; Speed feed stock with magazine tube; parkarized finish; upgraded trigger pins; ambidextrious sling adapter plate; These 870s are police trade ins and feature an ultra smooth action. Surefire 618fa, front foreground with 6p NON-LED yellow flash. Streamlight TL-Racker Remington 870 Forend Light 1000 Lumens CR123A Batteries Polymer Orange. Add extra utility to your firearm for any application with this SureFire Remington 870 Forend WeaponLight. Its 600-lumen output creates a bright white spot up to 50 feet, ideal for close quarters where long-range throw isn't necessary. 6 Best Red Dot (Reflex, Holographic) Sights for Shotgun. 39 $365. 2017 5:27 pm. Upgrade Your Furniture. This compact, lightweight system replaces the weapons original factory forend and features a recoil This video provides a simple, step-by-step overview of how to install a SureFire DSF-870 shotgun forend WeaponLight to a Remington 870. It's marked Laser Products Corp, which is what Surefire started out as. New MSRP of over $1000. Name Email Required. The foregrip is designed for the 12 gauge Remington shotgun and is manufactured in the United States. It uses ambidextrous The price of EOTech Integrated Fore-end Light for Remington 870 Shotguns is $249, the price of Surefire Forend for Remington 870 is about $400. 1. The right side features a long momentary-on tape switch and a system-disable toggle switch; the left side features a constant-on toggle switch. 64. Surefire Forend Light. This thing looks awesome This Surefire 870 FOREND DSF-870 mounted light is perfect for any shotgun enthusiast looking to improve their shooting experience. Brand New. 99. 95. The SureFire DSF-870 is designed to replace the factory forend of the Remington 870 shotgun. Add to Cart . FREE delivery Fri, Dec 27. Magpul SGA Stock and MOE Forend for Remington 870 Review . Add at least two items to compare. Write a Review View All Reviews Compare (0) 1 item has been added. 00. 4. that way i can just The DSF-870 provides unmatched power, versatility, and control, making it a must-have on Remington 870 shotguns used in combat, law enforcement, or home defense. It should come as no surprise that they are the ones to create a truly awesome flashlight attachment for the Remington The Surefire DSF 870, a dedicated shotgun forend light designed for the Remington 870 (also fits Mossberg 500 and 590), offers powerful illumination. It features an ultra-high-output, recoil-proof LED that generates 600 blinding lumens of white light on its maximum setting, and 200 lumens of tactical light Featuring two levels of tactical illumination, ambidextrous switching, a slender ergonomic design, the DSF-870 is the ultimate WeaponLight for Remington 870 combat shotguns. The new design looks modern and interesting. first 4 pictures are of actual product the others are sample pics of it on a weapon for reference. i guess i don't browse old posts enough i ordered two more factory 870 Police (Speedfeed) forends, so i can try other things i really like the idea of drilling through the top of the forend, in order to recess the nut in the bottom of the forend so it's flush. SureFire Surefire 618FA DEDICATED FOREND body FOR Remington 870. The new light gives you a powerful light output plus an ergonomic forend for your weapon. I dremeled out the end and the nut seated in perfect. is here at OpticsPlanet with unbelievable prices and discounts ! How to Remove Remington 870 Forend. Account. $15. The SureFire 618LFG Remington 870 Shotgun Forend LED Weaponlight is a rugged forend with integrated LED WeaponLight that replaces your Remington 870's original factory forend. This high-quality accessory is perfect for hunting and sporting activities. $144. $450. 00) QTY. Remington 870 Safety Buttons, Wilson Combat (Scattergun Technologies), S&J Hardware, Vang Comp Systems . Fast & Free shipping on many items! 618FGA Forend WeaponLight for Remington 870 618LF LED Forend WeaponLight for Remington 870 618LM LED Forend WeaponLight for Remington 870 618LMG LED Forend WeaponLight for Remington 870 620LM LED Forend WeaponLight for Rem. Machined from military specification hard-anodized aluminum, Surefire Remington 870 Picatinny Forend M69's stronger, dissipate heat much better,and SureFire DSF-870 Ultra-High Two-Output-Mode LED WeaponLight for Remington 870 . 4 out of 5 stars. For the Remington 870. Get the best deals for Remington 870 Forend Light at eBay. At typical shotgun distances, and especially indoors, they should provide plenty of light. The SureFire DSF-870 is the ultimate WeaponLight for Remington 870 combat shotguns. Review Subject Required. No idea how old, and it does need a bulb (I can put on in from my flashlight to show you that it works). The DSF-870 MSRP is $375. 8%. COM the DSF-870 is the ultimate WeaponLight for Remington 870 combat shotguns. 8 oz, Bezel Diameter: 1. At least on mine. Buy It Now +$3. Fits the Remington 870 shotgunThe SureFire DSF-870 Weapon Light is designed to be the ultimate lighting system for The orange color of SureFire Orange Remington 870 Forend Weapon Flashlight 618FA-ORNG helps distinguish the firearm it is attached to as a special type, such as a training gun or a less-lethal gun. There is a nut on the front of the forend. The DSF-1300/F2 and DSF-M1/M2 MSRP for $395. This compact, lightweight system replaces the original factory forend and features a recoil-proof LED that generates 600 lumens of blinding white SUREFIRE DSF-870 - very bulky / heavy forend, so the shotgun becomes much "nose" heavier even without the shells loaded - unecessary and usless "main switch" on the bottom of the forend, also the switch electronics drains the batteries if left at the "on" position - uncomfortable grip leading to difficult operation of the forend with high speed follow up shots - the light stopped SureFire 318LMG-A Remington 870 Forend WeaponLight. NOS Remington 870 12 Gauge Stock & Forend Set Mossy Oak Breakup Camo FULL SIZE. Two times cheaper than Surefire Forend Light. Machined from military specification hard-anodized aluminum, Surefire Remington 870 Picatinny Forend M69's stronger, dissipate heat much better,and Aftermarket Forends for Remington 870. Featuring two levels of tactical illumination, ambidextrous switching, a slender ergonomic design, and legendary SureFire Integrated Forend Shotgun Remington 1100 &11-87 WeaponLight is a replacement forend includes a built-in six-volt SureFire tactical flashlight and three separate switches Choate Tool Pistol Grip Style Stock Remington 870/1100/1187 (1) List: $85. TL-Racker, integrated shotgun forend light. Remington 870, 1100, 700 Serial Number Lookup. The M-LOK Forend is a simple, lightweight forend for 870 12 gauge shotguns with 7-5/8" action tube assemblies, designed to provide much-needed adaptability with the attachment of optional M-LOK accessories and mounts. Aftermarket forend are popular for the Remington 870, especially the ones that let you have additional equipment. Sponsored. 2. That is why the Magpul MOE Forend is a popular choice for Remington 870 owners. The right side The SureFire 618LFG Remington 870 Shotgun Forend LED Weaponlight is a rugged forend with integrated LED WeaponLight that replaces your Remington 870's original factory forend. used in good condition surefire dsf-870 forearm/forend light for remington 870 in 12ga was on the weapon i purchased works great just not what i have envisioned for my future build. Compatible with Remington® 870 shotguns, the Surefire® DSF-870 Shotgun Forend Weapon Light is the ultimate shotgun-mounted tactical flashlight, designed to deliver exceptional reliability and lightning-fast field control. The forearm is usually made out of heat-insulating materials such as wood or reinforced plastics. For extended use and safer indoor lighting, switch to the 200-lumen mode, SureFire Story; Videos; News; 800-828-8809 Find A Dealer. 1100 or 11-87 620LT LED Forend WeaponLight for Rem. This, I suspect, is to keep the shooter from laying some nice scratches down the barrel, should they torque the forend Great deals on Remington 870 Forearm. Magpul Tactical Shotgun Collaboration Defense Kit, Surefire G2X Torch, Magpul L5 Rail Section, Magpul MOE Forend 12 Gauge Weapons "The ultimate Forend for the home defense Remington 870 builder" About the Forend: The SureFire DSF-870 Weapon Light is designed to be the ultimate lighting system for Remington 870 combat shotguns. The only weapon grip Surefire Shotgun Forend Remington 870, 6V, 600/200 Lumen, Black, Ambi. 00; Our Products. Featuring two levels of tactical illumination, ambidextrous switching, a slender ergonomic design, and legendary SureFire reliability and Here are interesting photos of Surefire M300A Mini Scout Light on Remington 870 with Magpul Forend from dbett from Remington 870 Forum:. SureFire DSF Forend Worth it? Post by ShotgunSam870 » Sun Dec 10, 2017 9:45 am. In some cases, the forearm may also feature accessory mounting rails or other features to accommodate tactical accessories such as lights, lasers, or bipods. This is one of the more expensive Can anyone confirm if the Surefire forends (the DSF-870 or the 618LMG) can take a single 18650 battery instead of dual CS123s? The Steamlight Racker TL apparently can, but I'd rather get the Surefire. Asking $125 or trade for something cool. Write a Review Close × Discuss all accessories and upgrades available for the Remington 870 shotgun: stocks, forends, barrels, chokes, magazine extensions, followers, safeties, sights etc. SureFire 618FA Remington 870 Shotgun Forend Weaponlight w/ Momentary and Constant-On Switching Currently Unavailable View Product. 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