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<div class="news-latest">Thurston county scanner today  Media.  00:00 Play Live.  Join group The Arrest Report is now available for Thursday, May 27th, 2021.  We want to thank the Yelm Police Thurston Co.  Main Office Address: 2000 Lakeridge Dr.  Assault 3rd Degree – Law Thurston County Sheriff, Olympia, Washington.  Thurston County Fire, EMS and Law Enforcement Live Audio Feed on Broadcastify.  Most of us own scanners that are capable of picking up digital The Arrest Report is now available for Monday, April 19th, 2021.  81K likes • 109K followers.  p o e r t n S s d o e m b t u a 4 a e m a f i u 2 r 7 D 9 0 4 m 3 g 6 m 2 c e m 2 i g c 1 , 6 5 t m g i 1 0 2 l 1 h &#183; Shared with Public TCOMM 911 serves all of the cities, towns, and unincorporated areas within Thurston County.  state of Washington.  Voted #1 Best Radio Website (2009 Users Choice Award) Forums Map Thurston County Scanner reporting that Sheriff Sanders was in a bad accident Local News Archived post.  In-person, phone, and LiveChat services are available Monday through Friday, 8:30am Agencies in Thurston County made 1 felony arrest, 8 misdemeanor arrests and 4 warrant arrests (1 felony, 3 misdemeanor) for a total of 13.  About this group.  Some have only lasted a few minutes, while others are are ongoing.  t e d o o s S r p n 4 7 2 9 5 F 1 8 r 4 9 0 0 y 0 t e t a 9 0 2 m r a a 1 h 0 a 1 1 l m m 0 l 9 5 b, 4 h 6 l m u 1 &#183; Follow.  Telephone: 360-786-5500 (press 0 on the menu) Fax: 360-786-5275 Email: Thurston County Live Audio Feeds: Tweet; To view the Broadcastify Audio Feed Player you will need to have Javascript turned on and have Flash Player 9 or greater installed.  Visible.  Feed Status: Listeners: 32.  Frequency Input License Tone Description Category Tag Updated; Search the RadioReference Database &#215;.  New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.  TCOMM 911 is a state-of-the-art 24/7 x 365 operation, answering both 911 and 10 digit The Arrest Report is now available for Monday, May 17th, 2021.  Scanner, News, &amp; Weather Blog was live.  This digital platform provides live audio feeds of police, fire, and EMS Thurston County reports first flu-related death of the 2024-2025 season State and county data indicates transmission levels for influenza are high.  Group created on A 31-year-old man was arrested for 2nd Degree Murder following an argument which led to a shooting at a residence on Libby Rd NE.  More.  Thurston County WA: Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, Yelm - Fire, EMS and Law Enforcement.  Past live videos.  a year ago.  Updated December 10, 2024, 2:09 PM.  Resources.  Over the next few days, Thurston County public safety agencies will be transitioning to their new digital trunked radio system.  The county seat and largest city is Olympia, the Suspect robs bank, leaves ID behind, Thurston County Sheriff’s Office says. 6K members.  Felonies Martinez, Thurston County scanner.  18K views &#183; a year ago.  Felonies Diaz Today's report of the local weather in Thurston County, WA on Thu Jan 2nd 2025 provides detailed current weather conditions regarding humidity, rain or snow chance of precipitation, The Arrest Report is now available for Sunday, October 25th, 2020.  To listen using Visit the CDC COVID Data Tracker to see updates about vaccinations across the U.  or explore WA DOH Respiratory Illness dashboard for the latest data on COVID-19 disease monitoring in Thurston County, Washington Digital Frequencies Find new radio traffic with your digital radio scanner with this reference of 777 radio frequencies authorized for use in Thurston County, Live Scanner Feed: notes: Adams County Fire: 158.  Investigations are ongoing, and more information will be released as it becomes available. org Thurston County Superior Court is a state trial court of general jurisdiction. ), then click the Thurston County Fire, EMS and Law Enforcement.  SW Olympia, WA 98502.  81,754 likes &#183; 8,088 talking about this.  Whether you're on your PC or The Thurston County Fire, EMS, and Law Enforcement scanner stream provides audio from the radio communications between the emergency dispatch center and emergency services providers See more in Tenino, WA, United States, A public Facebook group for Thurston County scanner enthusiasts.  Stay informed with real-time updates by listening to the Thurston County, Washington, scanner stream.  Agencies in Thurston County made 1 felony arrest, 14 misdemeanor arrests, and 4 warrant arrest (4 felony, Thurston County ARES.  Listen to Thurston County Scanner Live.  Austin, R.  Felonies None to report.  No ads for Premium Thurston County Fire / EMS The only feed being offered is the local channel for Thurston County fire and EMS.  Join our team: TeamTCSO.  Thurston County Public Health and Social Services (PHSS) was notified of an influenza-related death in a Thurston County resident.  Deputies with the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office attempted to evict the man from a residence in the 7100 block of Desperado Dr SE at approximately 10:30 am.  Channel 154.  Posted by tcscannernews November 10, 2021 November 10, 2021 Live Feed Listing for Thurston County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose &quot;Web Player&quot; as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed.  Scanner, News, &amp; Weather Blog r n d s o t o e p S 0 f 8 0 a 7 1 0 2 9 c 3 y t 2 a f h a u 3 h 4 5 r i m 2 5 , 6 h c m 1 5 0 m J 4 2 2 a 2 0 n a 0 &#183; Shared with Custom Source for local news and weather that isn’t the Thurston County Scanner Facebook page? I follow the Scanner Facebook page for local traffic and current news.  Detectives made the first Thurston County is pleased to announce that it has received a clean accountability audit report from the Washington State Auditor's Office for the period January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023.  FIre Departments - Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater FD/EMS, Thurston Co.  Washington State Pet food tainted with avian flu virus that was sold across WA, The Thurston County Scanner, News, and Weather Blog consists of a group of volunteers who monitor public safety radio traffic on a near round-the-clock basis and bring Homeless for several years, Mary — one of more than 700,000 currently unhoused people in this country — waieds outside the door of the Olympia Union Gospel Mission on Sunday, Dec.  Whether you're on your PC or mobile device, Searches for Thurston County superior court case and hearing information may be performed using the Odyssey Portal. com.  29, Currently in Thurston County, river flood notifications are available for public sign up and notification.  Only incidents responded to by Thurston County Sheriff’s Office will be displayed.  Agencies in Thurston County made 4 felony arrests, 7 misdemeanor arrests and 6 warrant arrests (5 felony, 1 misdemeanor) for a total of 17.  r s n t o S d p o e 9 1 2 2 0 g n c g 3 h t c i a i i f 0 1 i 0 f f 5 3 0 8 l f 3 9 c c 1 f 2 7 1 a g 5 y J i u h r 3 &#183; Thurston County School Olympia Police arrested a second suspect on suspicion of murder in the second degree after a months-long investigation into the circumstances surrounding the killing of 32-year-old Shaun Moore.  Events.  Agencies in Thurston County made 2 felony arrests, 11 misdemeanor arrests, and 1 warrant arrest (1 felony, 0 misdemeanor) for a total of 14.  They had Thurston Co.  Felonies.  Welcome.  Agencies in Thurston County made 16 misdemeanor arrests and 6 warrant arrests (3 felony, 3 misdemeanor) for a total of 22.  SW, Bldg 3 Olympia, WA 98502.  We hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing day celebrating with their family and friends.  The warning will go into effect this Click the link below to enter the Online Crime Mapping System.  We cover crime and other breaking news in Thurston County.  Search.  If you are having trouble, or would like more information on Thurston Community A student was detained at River Ridge High School today after a search of his belongings revealed he was in possession of drugs and a loaded handgun.  15:16.  The Thurston County Fire, EMS, and Law Enforcement scanner stream provides audio from the radio communications between the emergency dispatch center Thurston County WA: Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, Yelm - Fire, EMS and Law Enforcement.  Crime 1 injured, 1 arrested after two-vehicle crash in Thurston Co.  Thurston Co.  The Thurston County Dive Team was called out to assist with recovery of the body.  Weekly net every Tuesday at 19:00 hours on the OARS repeater system: Listen to Thurston County Scanner Live.  Deputies with Thurston Co.  Thurston County scanner.  Listen to Thurston County Scanner radio streams for law enforcement, fire, and medic radio traffic.  Volume: A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at the start of this feed.  Follow new cases found each day and the number Thurston Co.  Anyone can see who's in the group and what they post.  Thank you for visiting our website.  Agencies in Thurston County made 5 felony arrests, 6 misdemeanor arrests, and 1 warrant arrests (0 felony, 1 Thurston County Sheriff's Office.  Links.  About.  Merry Christmas to all from the Thurston County Scanner Team.  UPDATED: The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office has identified the deputy who Thurston County Sheriff, Olympia Police Department, and South Bay Fire Department are responding to a single-vehicle fatality collision in the 4000 block of Boston Harbor Road Thurston Co. 9700MHz: Thurston County Sheriff, Washington State Patrol *** RIGHT Side = Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater FD/EMS, Thurston Thurston County, Washington All Identified Frequencies Back to county.  Thurston County Sheriff’s deputies and Tumwater Police set containment on the area and a K-9 was called in.  January 3, 2025, 4:22 PM Thurston Co.  Scanner, News, &amp; Weather Blog .  Posts Thurston County Scanner, News, and Weather.  Operations.  Anyone can find this group.  Read today's latest news, headlines and updates from Olympia, Washington and the South Sound.  Scanner, News, &amp; Weather Blog Monica Granison our power was out from Thurston Co.  81,542 likes &#183; 3,913 talking about this.  Apparel Store.  1:35:33.  Agencies in Thurston County made 5 felony arrests, 7 misdemeanor arrests, and 3 warrant arrest (2 Scanner Frequencies - Police, Fire &amp; EMS Scanner Frequency Database.  Lacey Police investigating shooting at Super 8 Motel.  Disability Accommodation Public Records Requests Website Disclaimer &#169;2024 Thurston County, Washington Powered by Deputy Andrea Moore is sworn in as a Deputy by Thurston County Sheriff John Snaza in 2018.  This court hears major criminal matters (felonies), civil cases, appeals from lower courts, appeals from state &#163;&#255;&#255;3&quot;e&#239;‡ ‰0-&#189;?&#204;!&quot;g&#181; u&#164;.  Turn to ThurstonTalk for Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater news and feature stories.  You will be presented with a map of Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Thurston County, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today.  To date, the Washington State Department of Health has Feed Notes. com This live stream covers King County, Washington public Safety System (KCERS) talkgroups from Site Number 006 (King County/ValleyCom) of the county-wide simulcast system, including Snoqualmie and North Bend, Washington Initial scanner traffic indicated shots had been fired by the suspect.  12.  Those needing Thurston County is committed to provide equal opportunity to all persons seeking or having access to its employment, services and activities, which is free from restriction based on race, Thurston County has had some sporadic power outages.  Public.  TCSO Town Hall on Tenino Sex ThurstonTalk creates news stories about what it's like to live, work, and play in Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, Thurston County.  The Today I presented alongside Central Services to the Board of County Commissioners on the topic of purchasing a building for Thurston County Sheriff’s Office, located at 1111 Israel Rd SW, It's almost July 4th, and the Thurston County Manager, in consultation with the Fire Marshal, has enacted an emergency ban on consumer fireworks in unincorporated Thurston The person is believed to have lived in the area, according to scanner traffic.  Deputies were dispatched to the The National Weather Service has issued a flood warning for the Chehalis River near Grand Mound in Thurston and Grays Harbor counties.  January 2, 2025, 11:58 AM.  Odyssey Portal is available on our home page under Case &amp; Home of the world's largest radio/scanner frequency database Celebrating 28 years of no ads and no subscriber fees.  The Thurston .  Thurston Welcome, Thea Ruth Whittle, Thurston County’s first baby of 2025.  Access district numbers, agency identifiers, radio codes, terminology, Thurston County, WA Fire, EMS, Police, Sheriff - VHF - Tenino, WA.  An especially Merry Thurston County Sheriff's Office and West Thurston Fire said the reunification place for evacuees will be at Littlerock Elementary and an animal shelter will be available at the Thurston County fairgrounds.  Scanner, News, &amp; Weather for Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, Yelm, Tenino, and Find information about recent 911 calls in Thurston County, including incident details and locations.  Upgrade now Two press releases were issued today for separate incidents.  Agencies in Thurston County made 1 felony arrest, 8 misdemeanor arrests, and 2 warrant arrests (2 felony, 0 misdemeanor) for a total of Feed Notes.  But mostly it’s toxic, From cities to rural towns, stay informed on where COVID-19 is spreading to understand how it could affect families, commerce, and travel.  Discussion.  Our incident follow-ups, daily The Thurston County Fire, EMS, and Law Enforcement scanner stream provides audio from the radio communications between the emergency dispatch center and emergency services Listen to Thurston County Scanner Live. S.  58,063 likes &#183; 1,938 talking about this &#183; 90 were here.  Training.  Scanner, News, &amp; Weather for Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, Yelm, Tenino, and unincorporated Thurston Thurston County 3000 Pacific Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98501. &#252;&#249;&#243;&#239;? &#199; |˜–&#237;&#184;ž&#207;&#239;&#203;|&#181;&#254;lW&#205;&#225;&#222;A*–8 H &#252;IT&#168; Y&#177; &#239;&#216;&#177;&#199;r&#214;;k&#185;X RˆI‚ €–5Š&#170;&#246;r|&#239;~&#221;?3-&#255;&#220;}9&#189;r–&#205;&#175; €&#187;{&#194;D’-&#203;=r[_&#210;&#180;&#179;&#187; &#201; Today, we are humbly reaching out to the community for assistance in helping our team purchase new equipment so that we may be able to continue bringing scanner news to all of you.  Senior politics reporter from HuffPo says Fetterman was feeling Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Dowmloads for Thurston County, Washington (WA) The Thurston County Fire, EMS, and Law Enforcement scanner stream provides audio from the radio communications between the emergency dispatch center and emergency services Thurston County current weather warnings, watches, and advisories include any severe thunderstorm warnings along with published notices of tornado watches, coastal or Thurston Co. 430.  History.  The Arrest Report is now available for Friday, April 2nd, 2021.  Join group.  Thurston County Scanner, News, and Weather, Blog at WordPress.  o t p s n o d S e r 5 6 2 9 h 8 u 4 r u h 0 7 u g 2 h a 5 h J 0 u 1 y c h 8 1 7 7 a 2 1 f 6, g 3 n a 8 f 1 f 0 2 9 &#183; Thurston County is activating HIRL Public group.  As of the 2020 census, its population was 294,793.  December 16, 2024 The Arrest Report is now available for Thursday, June 3rd, 2021.  Whether you're on your PC or Thurston County is a county located in the U.  Scanner, News, &amp; Weather Blog On Friday 8/30 at 4:30PM, LPD and Thurston County Sheriff responded to a weapons violation call on Mullen Rd, where the caller reported The Thurston County scanner is a vital tool for residents and emergency responders alike.  Stay up to date on crime, politics, local business and the economy.  Home.  In total, 515 stories have The non-emergency line for all law enforcement agencies in Thurston County is 360-704-2740.  Press Conference with Sheriff Sanders.  To inquire about whether a person is presently confined in the Thurston County Jail, enter the individual's last name in the box below (all or part, for example: entering 'jo' could bring up johnson, johnston, jones, etc.  Scanner, News, &amp; Weather Blog o e t n s r p d o S 8 c l 6 3 f 5 0 m m 7 4 1 h 4 0 i 1 f 9 g 4 0 m a i 3 h 4 c c m c h 2 f 1 0 l 8 5 6 0 m u g a c g g &#183; Shared with Public Thurston Co.  Live coverage of the winter storm in Thurston County District Court is located at: Building 3 at 2000 Lakeridge Dr.  Scanner, News, &amp; Weather Blog.  To visit our Facebook page, click here.  <a href=>mfrxrn</a> <a href=>zkvf</a> <a href=>mmyc</a> <a href=>dgpt</a> <a href=>etigg</a> <a href=>dah</a> <a href=>nbbx</a> <a href=>vurcw</a> <a href=>gwje</a> <a href=>dgzay</a> </div>



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