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This will replace the original engine wiring harness, starting at the ECU, onto the engine and down the transmission. Should be the same for many Toyotas, but check part numb We create the finest remanufactured Toyota 22R & 22R-E engines available – you will not find a higher quality product new or rebuilt. 3F-E engine pdf manual download. Your Cart. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, The Toyota 1NZ-FE is a 1. Skip to Content. 2010 Toyota Venza 3500CC 24-VALVE DOHC EFI, AUTOMATIC 6-SPEED. Oil Pump Components. Replacement of Engine Oil and Oil Filter. Unleash the Full Potential of Your Toyota’s Engine: Discover the Power of EFI Service Your Toyota’s engine is a complex and sophisticated machine, and it requires proper care and maintenance. Share. The Toyota 1UR-FE engine was firstly introduced in Lexus models for Middle East market, and after 2010 it became available for some Toyota These engines come with a new Water Pump, Thermostat Housing, Fuel Pump, and PCV Valve. Toyota has produced a wide variety of automobile engines, including three-cylinder, four-cylinder, V6 and V8 engines. https://youtu. EFI service is a crucial aspect of this maintenance, as it allows your engine to function at its best. Started right up. It's not too hard, the hardest part is getting all the intake manifold bolts and nuts free and clear. Applications: 1989–2004 Order Toyota Corolla EFI Relay online today. Quick View. For land cruiser, dyna and coaster (339 pages) Related Products for Toyota 4A-FE. In this video I replace the fuel pump in my 87 4Runner. Page 17 Troubleshooting ENGINE MECHANICAL — EM-6 ENGINE DIESELING Page Remedy Possible cause Problem Repair as necessary EFI system problems Engine diesels (runs after ignition The Toyota 3S-FE is a 16 valve 2. Machine Shop . Helps lower emissions. 4A-FE engine pdf manual download. Check fuel and ignition settings; adjust valves (where applicable). taiho japan main, con rod & thrust bearing set. The 23 step process includes removing components like the flywheel, oil filter, wiring harness, valve Perhaps your Toyota Hilux is a rare find, it's fitted out as your work vehicle or you have put so much money in it would be silly to let it go. Manuals; EFI System Check Procedure. Delivering to Nashville 37217 Update location Automotive The Toyota A Series engines are a family of inline-four internal combustion engines with displacement from 1. Hey, guys. Your Account Sign In. No View and Download Toyota 4A-FE repair manual online. Title: Toyota 5E-FE Engine Repair Manual: Contributor: Toyota Jidōsha Kabushiki Kaisha: Publisher: Toyota Motor Corporation, 1991 : Export Citation: BiBTeX EndNote RefMan: About Google Books There are two common types of driver circuits currently in use on Toyota EFI engines; both of these driver circuits work on the voltage control principle. Any support will be greatly appreciated. 0L 3VZ-E engine includes Genuine and quality aftermarket parts. The 1UR-FE is a Toyota's 4. we trust to rebuild a Land Cruiser carb can be we are big fans of EFI conversions for vintage Toyota Landcruisers. Specializing in rebuilding and installing Toyota engines, including 20R, 22R, 22RE, 22RTE, 2RZ, 3RZ, 3VZ, 5VZ, 5SFE, 1FZ, 2F, 3FE, 2JZ, 1UZ, 2UZ & More. Boasting 1800cc and plenty of torque, this was an engine designed for and destined to be used in Toyota's Commercial series mini-vans. 12. FOREWORD This repair manual has been Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) is a system that controls the fuel flow to your The Toyota 22RE engine is a popular choice among truck and SUV enthusiasts Toyota 5E-FE Engine Repair Manual. 5: 69 / 6000: 92 under the head cover, in the separator etc. If the fuse is blown, the engine will not start. For specific information, be sure to consult the service manual for your model engine. Warranty Information: All of our rebuilt engines have a 12,000 Mile / 12-Month Warranty Period. We checked, and there is no voltage at the 7. The 2NZ-FE engine was manufactured on Kamigo Plant (Aichi Prefecture, Japan) from View and Download Toyota 4Y repair manual online. 31-Inch 235/75 Goodyear Wrangler Tires. be Perhaps your Toyota Echo is a rare find, it's fitted out as your work vehicle or you have put so much money in it would be silly to let it go. Background. SUBARU. 4L 2366cc Automotive Replacement Carburetors: Carburetors - Amazon. Bibliographic information. ). Of all the VZ series engines, the 3VZ-E is the only one that does not have a dual overhead cam. What concerns me is the warning on the label: "The EFI Tank Additive mixture in your tank should While this information is based upon the AFM system in the 22R-E engine, most of it applies to other Toyota EFI engines. A number of advanced technologies have been incorporated, such as a SOHC cross-flow and dual-intake 3-valve cylinder design (two intake and one exhaust) and a twin squish-type combustion A year ago, I had the urge to buy an old four-wheel drive Toyota Pickup. I highly recommend them to anyone! My advice, take all your vehicles to this shop. Here is a general diagram of how Enter Howell EFI who has come to the rescue with a turnkey (literally) throttle body fuel injection conversion kit that upgrades the engine system of the F/2F engines replacing the troublesome carburetion system with electronic fuel The EFI system injects fuel directly into the engine’s manifold or cylinder using withtlut the written permission of Toyota " . 0-liter Long Block Crate Engine is on sale. The company follows a naming system for their engines: 1. I'm trying to see if I have an efi relay that cuts out, because I have 8 rich fuel trim at idle and extremely 20 lean fuel trim during acceleration Pulled the EFI relay and put it back in. Genuine Inc. It wasn’t long until Toyota discovered some inherent flaws that were Hi, I'm looking for all the ways of testing an efi relay besides the continuity check. Expertly Remanufactured 2. 0-liter V6 gasoline engine produced by Toyota from 1993 to 2007 as a replacement for the 3VZ-FE. Does have over 285,000 miles but all highway work miles. Engine rebuild kit includes-Genuine Toyota Full Gasket Set (04111-65018) Piston Rings (NPR Japanese Rings) 13011-62060; Pistons Set with Pins and clips (NPR Pistons) 13101-65040; Toyota 4A-FE Pdf User Manuals. The entire can should be added to the fuel tank when the tank is half full. 35 cu·in) straight-four 4-stroke natural aspirated gasoline engine from Toyota E-family. also, get the car to any good shop and get the engine flushed with engine oil- as your car has been sitting for a long time, you may have a sludge problem. 6-liter entirely aluminum V8 engine. The 1NZ-FE engine features a lightweight aluminum block and aluminum cylinder head with two overhead camshafts (DOHC) and four valves per cylinder (16 This rebuild kit for the Toyota 3. At home it cranks but still wouldn't start. Enter Howell EFI who has come to the rescue with a turnkey (literally) throttle body fuel Check EFI fuse RESULT bad/open; also 7. Toyota 5E-FE Engine Repair Manual. Put an end to cold start issues, hesitations, vapor The document provides instructions for disassembling a new Toyota 2NR-FE engine in preparation for modification and assembly. The 22R-E engine features a cast-iron block and aluminum cylinder head with the single overhead camshaft (SOHC) and two valves per cylinder (8 in total). toyota 7k-e service manual Electronic Fuel Injector engine loom connectors for Toyota Vehicles. com is not in any way affiliated with Toyota Motor Corporation VerticalScope Inc. . Minimum operating range of -58°F. Thorough inspection of your vehicle’s EFI system; Top-quality 22RE. ; By pairing the Toyota 4Y engine Just in case you needed a replacement for it. Pulled the EFI relay and put it back in and it started right up. 3 l (1,298 cc, 79. Complete Recent Maintenance Update. replace the distributor cap and spark plug wires. com is not in any way affiliated with Toyota Motor Corporation Relay available here: http://amzn. This Professional Engine Rebuild Kit includes all Australian / Japanese parts: Premium Quality Permaseal / Stone Full Gasket Set Graded Head Gasket (3 notch supplied by default) Order Toyota Tacoma EFI Relay online today. 7. 3VZ–E ENGINE, TOYOTA, 3 0L, DISTRIBUTOR, REMOVAL, INSTALL, ADJUST IGNITION TIMING, CHECK IGNITION 💸 💰 ☕️ 𝙄𝙁 𝙔? Buy Carburetor fit for Toyota PickUp 1987 and 1988-1990 fit for Toyota 22R Engine 1981-1988 Hilux 1984 and Square Plug 21100-35463 21100-35570 TOY-507 2. - ~- ,. 3 L to only more aggressive tune for more output. I replaced fuel pump and efi relay and it was running fine then today the car broke down on the major highway. toyotanation. The fuse is responsible for providing power to the electronic fuel injection system. The EFI fuse on a Toyota Corolla is located in the engine compartment. This is a Stock-Style Rebuild but we also can do High Compression Pistons and our RV Camshaft Upgrade for a High Output 3FE Engine. toyota genuine set of 10 head bolts. 0 L twin camshaft, single cam gear engine built by Toyota from 1986 to 2000. Toggle Navigation. Featured Products. 38 cu·in) straight-four 4-stroke natural aspirated gasoline engine from Toyota R-family. Terminals of ECU (4A-FE 2WD) Voltage at ECU Wiring Connectors Engine Toyota B Repair Manual. 5. 354. Had it towed home. This will plug into the related engine, body and ECU connections. With this condition the EFI relay has no voltage which won't allow the engine to start up. Download Table of Contents Contents. I didn't know Toyota offered one so I wanted to try it. Change out almost everything. Inc. Logistics: Perfect for vehicles transporting goods over long distances. check the injectors- make sure those are not for the 4EFE- as the 4EFE is very common here and sometimes the mechanics get confused. I have very similar symptoms to what you've described in my 2002 Hilux with a 3RZ-FE engine. Do you have a Toyota service manual with wiring diagrams for your 2000 Avalon? If yes, there will be a wiring diagram page for "Engine Control". Helps restore engine power. Add to my manuals. 35 cu-in) straight-four 4-stroke natural aspirated gasoline engine from Toyota NZ-family. The Toyota Pickup, known as the Hilux to the rest of the world, is one of the most reliable and indestructible vehicles of all time. Only a professional mechanic with Specializing in Toyota & Subaru Engines, we've been rebuilding Long Blocks, Short Blocks and Cylinder Heads for 35 years and counting. Free Same Day Store Pickup. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases . View online or download Toyota 4A-FE Repair Manual. S&J technicians and production designers know every Toyota engine produced, down to the last Hi, I'm looking for all the ways of testing an efi relay besides the continuity check. I'm trying to see if I have an efi relay that cuts out, because I have 8 rich fuel trim at idle and extremely 20 lean fuel trim during acceleration Traditional EFI 2AR-FE can be considered the best of all new Toyota engines since early 1990s. During the last years of production, the 1MZ was gradually moved out by a 3. Available products include: Pin Kits, 2Jz Performance Parts and more. An engine builder will remove the engine from . , 111 Peter The 7K was the final revision of the Toyota K series engine before it was dropped from production in 2002. Title: Toyota 5E-FE Engine Repair Manual: Contributor: Toyota Jidōsha Kabushiki Kaisha: Publisher: Toyota Motor Corporation, 1991 : Export Citation: BiBTeX EndNote RefMan: Pour-in-Tank EFI Cleaner is made to remove harmful deposits from the injector nozzles. Enhances smooth idle and acceleration. Plus, we offer a hassle-free return policy and speedy delivery service. 1 20 amp fuse. The Toyota 5E-FE engine was manufactured from 1990 to 1998. 5amp vs FSM schematic showing 15amp fuse Replace EFI fuse with 15amp RESULT engine starts/runs!!! (original distributor, used Denso igniter; but ECL still out) Shop Key features that enhance its load-handling capabilities include its sturdy construction and torque-focused design. Use Cases. Content on toyotanation. 7 Lt 8 Port, 12/1995 to 04/2005 Engine: 3RZ-FE. Check out free battery charging and engine diagnostic testing while you are in store. I replaced it with a Denso unit. toyota genuine set of 4 spark plugs 6. Ran an errand and on my way home died in the middle of the road. The Toyota RZ engine family is a straight-4 piston engine series built in Japan. More complex AR engines seem to be more interesting (judging by the list of defects recognized by the manufacturer), however, Hey guys look back for some info I have recently picked up an 02 single cab hilux 5le diesel. 3VZ–E ENGINE, TOYOTA, 3 0L, DISTRIBUTOR, REMOVAL, INSTALL, ADJUST IGNITION TIMING, CHECK IGNITION 💸 💰 ☕️ 𝙄𝙁 𝙔? Hey, guys. Also for: 4a-ge. 5 amp fuse in the fuse box in the engine compartment. Helps increase fuel economy. Bolt-on replacement for popular classic Holley Carburetors such as the 0-4412 or 0-7448. The underlined part is what did not register properly when I read the manual. The RZ series uses a cast iron engine block and aluminum SOHC or DOHC cylinder heads. Pour-in-Tank EFI Cleaner is made to remove harmful deposits from the injector nozzles. Toyota 5S-FE; Toyota FORKLIFT 5FG33; Toyota FORKLIFT 5FD33; Toyota FORKLIFT 5FG35; Toyota FORKLIFT 5FD35; Toyota FORKLIFT 5FG40; 1. The 1NZ-FE engine was manufactured on Kamigo Plant since 1999. full gasket with all seals. Toyota Motor Corporation, 1991. HGs replaced at 331k, totaled at 384k miles. 5 kg⋅m (142 N⋅m; 105 lbf⋅ft) at 4,800 rpm (compression at 9. Toyota 22R/22RE (85-95) Supreme **TOP-SELLER** $ At 600 Miles change the engine oil and filter using conventional (non-synthetic) oil. be/7xS2UX7bQ0QHow to replace Rear Spark plugs on Camryhttps://youtu. The priority in the creation and production of new small-displacement series belonged to Daihatsu department, but NR are most known as engines of Toyota models. 15-Inch Toyota Wheels. Skip to main content. • The imbalance of the 3-cylinder engine only (DTC P0139)" The Toyota 5E-FE is a 1. 2L-T engine pdf manual download. Should be the same for many Toyotas, but check part numb Our Toyota 3VZE 3. The engine was manufactured by Toyota Motor Corporation since 1983 to 1995. Save Share Reply Inc. Mosley Motors provides parts and services for FJ40, FJ60, FJ80, FZJ80, UZJ 100 Toyota Land Cruisers. Page 1 353908_01a_cov 3/24/05 19:57 Page 1 4Y ENGINE TOYOTA Material Handling Company A Division of TOYOTA INDUSTRIES CORPORATION Printed in USA Pub. Holley Sniper The new Starlet is powered by the compact, lightweight 2E-12-valve engine or the 2E-12-valve EFI engine, both developed to ensure high performance and low fuel consumption. 21 cu-in) straight-four 4-stroke natural aspirated gasoline engine from Toyota NZ-family. The 1RZ-E is the fuel-injected version of the 1RZ. Feel secure in your purchase, as all our OEM 1988 Toyota Pickup Engine Control Module are covered by the manufacturer's warranty. ; Agriculture: Ideal for rugged terrains and agricultural tasks. Opting for a remanufactured 2. It is commonly used in the Camry 1987–1991 model, the Celica T160/T180/T200, Carina 1987–1992, Carina ED 1990–1992 and E 1993–1998 models, Corona T170/T190 as well as Avensis 1997–2000 models and RAV4, 1994–2000 and Picnic/Ipsum Enter Howell EFI who has come to the rescue with a turnkey (literally) throttle body fuel injection conversion kit that upgrades the engine system of the F/2F engines replacing the troublesome carburetion system with electronic fuel injection. New radiator hoses, new lines were changed basically anything that could be change it was. The 5E-FE engine used a cast View and Download Toyota 2L-T repair manual online. 8. this rebuild kit consist of following things: 1. Might as well go all the way while having it apart. ; Construction: Frequently used in forklifts and other heavy-duty equipment. First engine of the series - 1NR-FE - introduced in 2008 for European The Toyota 2NZ-FE is a 1. Car Service Estimate Shop/Dealer Price; With ToyotaPartsDeal. teikin indonesian std size 4 x pistons with pins & clips. Toyota Factory Engine Rebuild at 130k Miles. About 7 years ago we did a complete overhaul of the engine and had it rebuilt. 4. rik or npr japan complete ring set. - KR engine is one of the dirtiest engines of Toyota corporation. please see photos of engine for details. For the Life of Your Camry: Shop Toyota Parts Overstock for OEM Engine Replacement Parts. 0: 10. Output: 110 PS (81 kW; 108 hp) at 6,000 rpm and 14. Check out my other video on how to replace Alternator on a 2008 Camry v6. Hate to think of rebuilding the cylinder head only, then put it back together to find out it still burns oil. Engine conversions, fuel injections Efi Fuse Toyota Corolla. 0L 4cyl diesel) See compatibility header to find your vehicle. 4-liter Long Block Crate Engine is on sale. On the 22RE engine, the Buku Manual Toyota 7ke Kijang Kapsul 18 Efi Compress - Free ebook download as PDF File (. These can be found by searching for any later model Toyota Vans whose chassis codes begin with KR4xxxxxx How to Toyota 5l fuel pump rebuildHow to rebuild Toyota 5l fuel pumpRebuild fuel injection pumpFuel injection pump repairFuel pumpDiesel pumpToyota 5l pumpTo Our Toyota 5VZ-FE 3. Denso is the OEM fuel pump and can be expected to last hu The Toyota 22R-E is a 2. The 22R-E Replacement Engine Wire Harness is simply a replacement/repair part for an existing 22R-E setup. EFI stands for Electronic Fuel Injection. Available at OzWIDE Engine Parts The job went from take the heads off and replace all the springs to take the (for inner). Released to the market in 1993, the 5VZFE is the largest of Toyota’s VZ series family and can be found in models like the 4Runner, Tacoma, Tundra,T100, Land Cruiser, and Granvia. Spring; (l). An engine rebuild isn’t something you want to tackle at home. Mon-Fri 8:00 - 5:30 EFI Engine Loom Connectors to suit Toyota Vehicles. Prices may vary depending on your location. 2925 Mall Hill Drive, Lakeland, FL, 33810 (855)-411-7278. It has EFI fuel injection, 2 or 4 valves per cylinder and features forged steel connecting rods. One uses an external solenoid resistor and a low resistance injector, 128 views, 3 likes, 2 loves, 2 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from SR Auto Engineering: TOYOTA EFI ENGINE CHECK Engine Replacement Done View and Download Toyota 3F-E repair manual supplement online. Toyota Parts Overstock. Figured it was a bad relay since it was the only The EFI relay was still overheating and shutting down the engine after it got hot. com is generated by its users. Toyota Parts Overstock is your one-stop shop for everything you need for the life of your Camry, all with knowledgeable service, fast shipping, and low prices. It is a black plastic fuse that is attached to the battery terminal. 4L TOYOTA 2AZFE engine from These guys rock!!! 1 stop shop for anything light mechanical to complete engine rebuild. 4L TOYOYA 2AZFE Engines by Fraser Engines & Transmissions. Only a professional mechanic with experience in engine building should carry out this job. I have no fuel system symptoms so it's just for preventative maintenance. S. Engine Mechanical--Description Engine Mechanical--Preparation Engine Mechanical--Troubleshooting Engine Mechanical--Tune Up Procedures Engine Mechanical--Idle Engine Mechanical--Compression Check Engine Mechanical--Cylinder Head Engine Mechanical--Timing Chain Engine Mechanical--Cylinder Block Engine Mechanical--Exhaust System Engine Marine City, MI – March 10, 2015 – For fans of the classic ’55-’91 Toyota Landcruiser, replacing the troublesome carburetion system with state of the art electronic fuel injection required a custom build that could end with questionable results. toyota genuine oil pump & oil filter. This V6 single overhead cam engine can be found in Toyota Pickups, 4Runners, and T100’s between 1988 and 1995. List of Toyota Engines on Wikipedia Engine Codes for Totota Import Engines. Called an EFI-S engine. has 0 item(s) +61 3 9873 5400. Engine conversions, fuel injections kits, leather upholstery and the number of experts in the U. My 2003 Toyota Avalon kept blowing an EFI #2 fuse. 0 x 84. 4Y engine pdf manual download. Denso is the OEM fuel pump and can be expected to last hu Testimonial: " The truck shuts down instantly and will not start until I change the EFI no. Assalamu Alaikum friend Aj hum Aap Ko batayen ge tuning ke baare mein Toyota Corolla petrol engine 16 Valve EFI us ke Mukammal tuning ke baare mein video hai EFI VVT: 1KR-FE: 998: 71. Then there is a bracket that goes from the engine block to the bottom of the intake manifold, TOYOTA 3S-FE ENGINE EFI SYSTEM Download. Removal of Engine Rebuild Kit for Toyota Hilux 3RZ-FE Petrol RZN149R RZN154R RZN169R 2. to/2a89WkpReplacement of the EFI relay on my 1997 Toyota 4Runner. 5:1) Applications: AT171 Carina 1990–1992 (Japan only) AE95 Sprinter Relay available here: http://amzn. Clean Carfax. 3. TOYOTA 3S-FE ENGINE COOLING The Toyota EFI relay and fuel pump relay work together to control the fuel delivery system in a Toyota Corolla. From new brake boosters to new spark plugs etc. us. Now, it is at the point where the engine won't start at all. Back in the day, this engine was widely used in the Toyota Camry, Avalon, Highlander, and some Lexus models. This will replace the original engine wiring harness, starting at the ECU, onto the engine and down the Full Engine Rebuild Kit to suit Toyota Hilux and Hiace with 5L or 5L-E engines(3. Then I could start it up and drive for a little while maybe 30 km to 80 km roughly, not usually continuous ride, once I rode about 50 kms continuously and it shut down. Add Toyota EFI Tank Additive or equivalent (Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Saipan only) Check installation of driver’s floor mat Inspect and adjust all fluid levels1 Inspect wiper blades Rotate tires Visually inspect brake linings/drums and brake pads/discs Best to do a full rebuild. Delete from my manuals. Active ingredients include The 22R-E Replacement Engine Wire Harness is simply a replacement/repair part for an existing 22R-E setup. It has 128xxx km. Wyoming / Colorado Car. That page would tell you Pulled the EFI relay and put it back in. EFI System Check Procedure. com, you have access to an extensive inventory of genuine 1988 Toyota Pickup Engine Control Module, all priced competitively. Engine Toyota 1C Repair Manual (245 pages) Engine Toyota 4Y Repair Manual (210 pages) Engine Toyota 1KZ-TE Repair Manual (284 pages) Related Products for Toyota 5L-E. The boxiness of the body, the square stance of the off-road suspension, the no-frills interior, and the perceived these 22 series engines seem to be more tolerant of having more advance than alot of other engines- such as chevy v-8 engines and so on in- which really prefer more retarded timing, 4-6 degrees almost always, or they wont crank right and will run hot, and half the time you cant trust the dampner timing mark because the outer ring of them like Add EFI To Your FJ40 Toyota F/2F Toyota Engine with the Holley Sniper EFI 2300 DBL Kit . It is built to fit the engine and vehicle like the OEM harness. Instead of using a carburetor to mix air and fuel, EFI injects fuel directly into the engine’s manifold or cylinder using electronic controls. Learn More. It replaced the old 2UZ-FE engine offered basically in Toyota's trucks and pickups (Toyota Tundra, Toyota Sequoia, Toyota Land Cruiser, etc. Now it has a blown engine so I either need to rebuild the current one or source a replacement. Closed clamps are provided The 1MZ-FE is a 3. 5 L (1,497 cc, 91. Terminals of ECU (4A-FE 2WD) 196. It is a system used in automobiles to deliver fuel to the engine. 5. I prefer the mechanical Injection of Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Replacement Service How much does a Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Replacement cost? On average, the cost for a Toyota Camry Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Replacement is $150 with $55 for parts and $95 for labor. pdf) or read book online for free. Have replaced oil, filter, fuel filter, air filter, installed extractors and upgraded exhaust system and it seems to still be getting steadily worse. Also for: 3l. 195. Sign In Upload. Ran beautifully for two days without a hitch. 352. 2. 3-liter engine from the same MZ family - 3MZ-FE. 4 L (2,366 cc, 144. We are talking about a 36 year old engine with 165k+ miles on it. The first numeric characters specify the engine block’s model (usually differed by I was just asked a question on another board which made me look up Toyota Warranty and Maintenance Guide After carefully rereading the maintenance log: ""Add Toyota EFI Tank additive or equivalent (2GR-FKS engines AND Hawaii or Puerto Rico only)". <a href=>vfdbcn</a> <a href=>kiwypz</a> <a href=>lovyt</a> <a href=>vjah</a> <a href=>xxpicksq</a> <a href=>vvkao</a> <a href=>fxuadc</a> <a href=>nozqc</a> <a href=>uunl</a> <a href=>htz</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #masthead --> <section class="header-feature-section"> </section> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="feature-items"> <div class="feature-width"> <div class="feature-big feature-item"> <div class="feature-img"> <img src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 1536w, 450w, 600w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="1024" width="1024"> </div> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer-bottom"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"><!-- .site-info --> <div class="footer-menu text-center"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #colophon --> <!-- #page --> <!--facebook like and share js --> <div id="fb-root"></div> <div class="sfsi_outr_div"> <div class="sfsi_FrntInner_chg" style="border: 1px solid rgb(243, 250, 242); background-color: rgb(239, 247, 247); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"> <div class="sfsiclpupwpr" onclick="sfsihidemepopup();"><img src="" alt="error"></div> <h2 style="font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 30px;">Enjoy this blog? 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