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<div class="news-latest">Traders village events today  The mom-and-pop environment lets customers peruse the wares of 800 dealers, Events; Rides; RV Park; Vendor; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Jobs; May 26, 2024 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm.  Claus will be on the Main Stage under the Brown Expo weekends from 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm | Dec.  Plan to join us for this colorful and interesting event, presented by the DFW Inter-Tribal Association, at Traders Village – Houston on Saturday and Sunday, November 11 &amp; 12, 2023.  Events; Rides; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Vendor; Jobs; September 15, 2024 11:30 am - 5:00 pm.  Check out the Traders Village events page Traders Village.  YES!!! You may use your own phone to take photos NO!!! Search for events by County, Date or Event Type or enter your postcode and search by distance.  There’ll be There's always something fun happening at Traders Village Houston.  Sanctioned Meats Chicken Ribs Get ready for the ultimate BBQ showdown in 2024 at Traders Village San Antonio! With sanctioned meats and jackpots.  Check out the event calendar for Traders Village in San Antonio, along with artist, ticket and venue information, photos, videos, and address.  u-turn under overpass and the market is on your right.  Join AM630 The Word | 930AM The Answer For Our Back 2 School Bash! When: SATURDAY AUGUST 5 TH Where: TRADERS VILLAGE, 9333 Southwest Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78242 Time: Gates open at 10am .  Quincea&#241;era Expo 2024.  Traders Village &#183; Grand Prairie.  35th Annual Houston Metro Go Texan Cy-Fair Cook-off January 25, 2025 then Traders Village has a space for you. 3 miles and turn right on Loop 410 heading east 8 miles and exit Old Pearsall Rd.  CORNy Maze 2023.  2024 Corny Maze at Traders Village.  200,657 likes &#183; 81 talking about this &#183; 341,233 were here.  Come out and enjoy this FREE family-friendly event! VIEW ALL EVENTS.  Come to Traders Village weekends in October &amp; November (starting September 28th) for the Traders Village “CORNY MAZE.  Specialties: Traders Village can you stroll through literally thousands of shops, wheel and deal with the shop owners themselves and get the bargain of a lifetime.  Explore Traders Village is known for its special events, which make each visit unique and exciting.  Traders Village will be back with our FREE Quincea&#241;era Expo Sunday, March 23rd from 11AM to 5PM.  BBQ Showdown at Traders Village Sanctioned by Champions BBQ Alliance.  Blackout dates.  Or from I-20 take Great Southwest Parkway one mile North to Mayfield Road and turn left (West) and go approximately 1,000 feet. An ALL Events; Rides; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Vendor; Jobs; August 5, 2023 6:30 am - 9:30 am.  Experience screams, giggles, and family fun at our Family-Friendly Haunted House in Traders Village Houston.  HAUNTED HOUSE IN OUR VILLAGE.  ALL-day ride wristband starting at only $14.  Traders Village is on the right.  Award winning cook teams will be cooking some of the best chili and beans in South Traders Village in Grand Prairie, Texas opened in 1973 and is spread over 120 acres with more than 3,500 dealers every weekend.  Come to Traders Village weekends in October &amp; November (starting October 7th) for the Traders Village “CORNY MAZE.  Latest Past Events.  YES!!! You may use your own phone to take photos NO!!! Event by Traders Village Houston.  Event by Traders Village Houston.  🎨🚗 Get ready for a colorful day at Traders Village Houston! Join us on Sunday, October 6th from 12 PM to 4 PM for our EXTRAORDINARY Art Car Show! Don't miss the Traders Village's Art Car Show! Traders Village will celebrate Fiestas Patrias with a free concert featuring performances by Mariachi Campanas de America, Siggno, Michael Salgado, Mariachi Harlandale High School band and other Ladies and Gentlemen start your engines and cruise into Traders Village Houston for our Annual Auto Swap Meet March 16&amp;17, 2024.  Looking for Specialty Items? Check out the specialty list below Join us at the Main Stage, this Sunday | July 16th from 1p-5p for PB&amp;J Cover Band.  2602 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, Texas 75052.  Helping to Unite by Generating Mental Empowerment (HUG ME) Ink will be hosting our 7th Annual KidsFest 2025 at Traders Village on April 5, 2025, from 11:00 AM-3:00 PM.  View Events Prairie Playland at Traders Village.  27 to Sunday, Oct.  Little bit Country &amp; A Little Bit of Rock &amp; Roll.  Events; Rides; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Vendor; Jobs; November 22, 2024 - November 23, 2024.  Wed, Mar 13.  Back by popular demand, Tejano Fest is happening Memorial Day Weekend at Traders Village! And NOW OPEN, The Prairie Screamer, our 85- foot high, 50 mph roller coaster is perfect for families and thrill seekers alike.  See what Traders Village is on the left.  Shows and special events are held most weekends, such as this Native American Pow Wow.  Saturday &amp; Sunday, February 1-2, 2025 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily Presentations at 2 PM Wellington Community Center.  Enjoying spooky decorations and delicious food.  Skip to content.  Join us for a **FREE** Fiestas Patrias concert! Celebrate Mexico's Independence Day with a Free concert at Traders Village San Antonio on September 15th! Enjoy amazing entertainment.  From Downtown take I35 South 10 miles to Loop 410 take a right heading north and exit Old Pearsall Rd.  From I-20 go north on Great Southwest Parkway to Mayfield Road; take a left going west and Traders Village will be on your right.  NO PETS ALLOWED! Sorry.  ART CAR SHOW.  Celebrate Father’s Day at Events; Rides; RV Park; Vendor; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Jobs; May 24, 2024 - May 25, 2024.  CHARREADA EXHIBITION.  &#161;Fiestas Patrias are coming to Traders Village Houston! 🇲🇽.  Tejano Fest 2024: Grupo Siggno, Grupo LMT, Monica Saldivar.  They’ll play all the hits you’ve come to know &amp; love.  Facebook Instagram TikTok X YouTube.  April 2025 Sat 5 April 5, 2025 11:00 am - 3:00 pm.  Traders Village is known for its special events, which make each visit unique and exciting.  🎉🎸👨‍👧‍👦 Calling all dads and music lovers! 🎶 Get ready to rock out this Father’s Day at Traders Village Houston! 🤠 Join us on June 16th for an unforgettable Father’s Day Concert Spectacular! 🎸🎉 Here’s our list of fun events in Houston today – Activities for Couples in Houston this Weekend of December 27 Include Holiday Magic on Galveston Island, Candlelights: A Tribute to Beyonce, &amp; More! Our top picks for Activities for Couples in Houston this weekend of Events; Rides; RV Park; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Jobs; October 5, 2024 11:00 am - October 27, 2024 4:00 pm.  48,797 likes &#183; 96 talking about this &#183; 161,634 were here. Don’t spend a fortune this Spring Break, bring the whole family March 22-23rd and enjoy live music, family fun, shopping, and amusement park rides at Traders Village! Traders Village has Event by Traders Village.  7979 N Eldridge Pkwy, Houston, TX, United States, Texas 77041 &#183; Houston.  Millions of people have browsed, shopped and traded Event by Traders Village San Antonio.  Event by Traders Village. .  27 | Times vary | The festival features a train ride through a replica Alamo, a whimsical carousel, a massive corn maze, a Wild West Village, bounce around on giant pumpkins, and 45+ unique pumpkin varieties.  Enjoy the magic of Traders Village at Christmas by visiting Santa &amp; Mrs.  Bring Dad and the whole family for live music and classic cars! And 💥🎶 This weekend EVENTS at @tradersvillage in Grand Prairie 🎶💥 🎹 May 26, 2024 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Tejano Fest 2024: Grupo Siggno, Grupo LMT, Monica Event schedule for this weekend! Under the blue, come early, $5 to park, Free live music all weekend! Festivals and special events are planned year-round: Aloha Fest, Sunflower Path, Cajun Fest, Cinco de Mayo, Corny Maze, and so much more! See listing below for more information.  Stallfinder accepts listings for events in good faith and tries to ensure details are correct but we cannot be held responsible for their quality, success, or cancellation.  From Seaworld travel east on TX-151 2.  Vintage Events Today; Vintage Events This Week; Vintage Events This Month; Popular The Village of Fort Recovery is located in beautiful rural Mercer County, Ohio, yet is within easy reach to many metropolitan areas in Ohio and Indiana.  35th Annual Houston Metro Go Texan Cy-Fair Cook-off January 25, 2025 Mark your calendars now for the 35th annual Houston Metro Go Texan Cy-Fair Tiny Traders Village is dedicated to supporting local artisans, producers, and entrepreneurs by providing a professional yet community-centric platform.  Sat, Nov 30 at 9:00 AM CST. 99! Be a part of the Houston Championship Chili Cook Off! Cheer on your local cooks and share in this exciting spicy family-friendly event.  BBQ Showdown 2024.  More than one million people browse, buy &amp; trade in this open-air bargain hunters’ paradise each year.  It’s a day of family fun and rich cultural traditions you don’t want to miss! One of the longest-running Traders Village events, the Pow Wow has been paying homage to American Indian heritage with authentic tribal dances, arts and crafts, teepees, and food for more than 50 years.  📅 November 9 &amp; 10 🕛 11am – 4pm 📍 Traders Village Houston.  Conveniently located next to the Grand Prairie Looking for Specialty Items? Check out the specialty list below Events; Rides; RV Park; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Jobs; October 6, 2024 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm.  Dallas / Fort Worth; Houston; San Antonio; BECOME A VENDOR.  Get ready for a night of performances by Tejano and Norteno artists Grupo Siggno and Grupo LMT formerly Grupo LMT at Traders Village in Grand Prairie.  From Sam Houston Tollway or 610 Loop go to Highway 290 head west, exit West Road/Eldridge Road Exit and go through first light (West Road) and go to second light Eldridge Road and The Unique Traders Village Experience.  From Downtown take I-35 South 10 miles to Loop 410 take a right heading west and exit Old Pearsall Rd. Positioned right at the end of the Sandringham train line, our friendly Traders Village is on the left.  Crafts event by Traders Village of Douglas County and 3 others on Saturday, March 5 2022 with 161 people interested.  Conveniently located next to the Grand Prairie Telemundo Houston &amp; Traders Village Houston proudly present the 2023 Holiday Toy Drive! Come join us under the Gray Expo on December 10th, from 11am to 4 pm having fun, playing games, and collecting all toy donations! Join us for our free Quincea&#241;era Expo on October 6th at Traders Village! Meet vendors, and create your dream quince celebration at this Royal Quince Fest.  Sun, Oct 13.  Prairie Playland is part family entertainment part amusement park, but all playland! Experience rides like the Fleafall, that towers 128 feet high and drops riders at a speed over 45 mph to Traders Village very own roller coaster, The Prairie Screamer (coming this Fall 2022)! Enjoy the magic of Traders Village at Christmas by visiting Santa &amp; Mrs.  7 – Dec.  Get ready for a fiest&#243;n you won’t forget! Join us on Sunday, September 15th from 12 PM to 5 PM for a celebration of all things Hispanic!.  Good News Pumpkin Patch | Sunday, Sept.  LEARN MORE.  The market brings together talented food entrepreneurs, growers, bakers, artists, and crafters, creating an engaging space for grassroots businesses to thrive.  Today.  DIRECTIONS.  Experience the vibrant sights, sounds, and traditions of Native American culture at our incredible Pow Wow Competition! Enjoy thrilling amusement park rides, indulge in delicious food &amp; cold drinks, and shop ’til you drop at over 1,000 unique vendors.  in 1989 bringing terrific values and entertainment to the Texas Gulf Coast and San Antonio is now a happy home to Traders Village opened in 2011! Today the combined markets host more than 6,000,000 Meet Damian Chapa “Miklo” from Blood In Blood Out!Saturday | August 20, 2023 10AM – 5pm | GRAY EXPO Today.  the vibrant and colorful celebration of Native American culture at the 33rd Events; Rides; RV Park; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Jobs; AMERICA'S #1 FLEA MARKET.  Traders Village is Houston’s largest, most visited flea marketplace with more than 100-acres of open-air shopping, festivals and special events every weekend.  Join AM630 The Word | 930AM The Answer For Our Back 2 School Bash! When: SATURDAY Prompt Trade Fairs India Pvt Ltd: ELECXPO SOLAR SOUTH WOPS: 27th - 29th Dec 2024: Hall 1 : SMART EXPOS AND FAIRS INDIA PVT LTD: TANSTIA EXHIBITION : 27th - 29th Dec 2024 : Image Today Digital Media and Cinema Today Wedding and Events Today 19th - 20th July 2025: Hall 1B,2&amp;3 (8360 Sqmts) Buysell Interactions Private Limited Events; Rides; RV Park; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Jobs; June 16, 2024 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm. com We are on the south side of Southwest Loop 410 near Old Pearsall Road.  Fiestas Patrias.  Events; Rides; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Vendor; Jobs; October 6, 2024 9:00 am - November 25, 2024 5:00 pm.  welcome to sandy village.  2602 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie, Texas 75052 Event in San Antonio, TX by Traders Village San Antonio on Saturday, September 28 2024.  Welcome to Sandringham Village or (better known as Sandy Village) website, featuring Sandringham Village Traders and Sandy Village events. com.  Here’s what’s sizzling: All the events happening at Traders Village 2024-2025.  Don’t miss this opportunity to come out and browse through vendors selling a large variety Event by Traders Village Houston.  Sun, Apr 28.  FOR EXTRA FUN TEST YOUR AIM WITH OUR APPLE CANNON!!! $5 for 5 Shots $8 for 10 Shots Over 1,000 vendors, a petting zoo, carnival rides, life-size dinosaurs and a field of sunflowers await visitors at Traders Village San Antonio.  Lots of Activities at the Traders Village Sunflower Field –Petting Zoo (FREE with admission) –Inflatable Slide (FREE with admission) —NEW Duck Races –Cattle Roping –Axe Throwing for the kids –Lots of Photo Ops –Concessions.  🎶 Live Bands 🐴 Pony Rides 🔥 Escaramuzas Show 🎡 Amusement Park Rides 🍔 Delicious Food &amp; Cold Drinks 🛍️ Tons of Shopping!.  o e d p n s t r S o 2 t 8 2 4 3 2 t 1 2 m 1 Htof66Af.  Kid’s Fest – HUG ME Ink Traders Village San Antonio 9333 Southwest Loop 410, San Antonio, United States Come out and enjoy this FREE family-friendly event! We are between Interstate 30 and Interstate 20 just off Highway 360 in the heart of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.  Stay on frontage road until you reach Traders Village on your right.  Traders Village opened in Grand Prairie, Texas in 1973.  We're more than a swap meet, we're family!.  Take part in free events in Lake Park community space, take in a live performance, or grab take out from one of our wide variety of dining options.  Traders Village Houston - December 29, 2024.  Traders Village has proudly hosted San Antonio events since 2011.  The park is located at 2602 Mayfield Road, Grand Prairie.  This is an event dedicated to that very special date! Hosted by Miss Texas Quince! At our “XV Expo Show” you will find lots of different vendors for A guide to Traders Village, the largest flea market on the Texas Gulf Coast entertainment and special events at Traders Village Amazon has the remarkable Anker 737 Power Bank on sale for Additionally, parking at Traders Village costs $5 and guarantees access to other Traders Village attractions such as its flea market stalls, amusement park rides and family-friendly games.  CORNy Maze 2024.  Q59Wb2wIitzpHgyzQFWaT.  Event in San Antonio, TX by Traders Village San Antonio on Saturday, September 28 2024 Lots of Activities at the Traders Village Corny Maze –HUGE Pumpkin Patch (pictures, buy some to take home &amp; paint) –Petting Zoo (FREE with admission) –Lots of Traders Village and Jason Earhart Productions are excited to present the Traders Village Auto Swap Meet June 22-24, 2023.  Check out the Traders Village events page Today.  Festivals and special events are planned year-round: Chili &amp; BBQ Cookoffs, Auto Swap Meet, Bayou Cajun Festival, Halloween Boo Bash, Native American Indian Pow Wow and so much more! There's always something fun happening at Traders Village Houston.  Traders Village, Grand Prairie, Texas.  Back to School – Salem Media.  Events.  Father’s Day Concert.  Browse the list of upcoming concerts, and if you can’t find your favourite artist, track them and let Songkick tell you when they are next in your area.  Over three million people browse, buy and trade in this open-air bargain hunters’ paradise each year.  There’ll be interactive activities, live entertainment, DJ, arts and crafts, a community resource fair, and more.  From I-20 go north on Highway 360 to Mayfield Road; take a right and go east, Traders Village is on your left.  There will be hundreds of swap meet dealers on hand with parts and accessories, plus all types of classic and antique cars and trucks on display and for sale.  Event in San Antonio, TX by Traders Village San Antonio on Saturday, September 28 2024 Lots of Activities at the Traders Village Corny Maze –HUGE Pumpkin Patch (pictures, buy some to take home &amp; paint) –Petting Zoo (FREE with admission) –Lots of This weekend EVENTS at @tradersvillage in Grand Prairie May 26, 2024 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Tejano Fest 2024: Grupo Siggno, Grupo LMT, Monica Saldivar 魯 ‍♂️ Saturday and Sunday Traders Village will celebrate Fiestas Patrias with a free concert featuring performances by Mariachi Campanas de America, Siggno, Michael Salgado, Mariachi Harlandale High School band and other Events; Rides; RV Park; Vendor; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Jobs; DFW Premier RV Park.  Claus for a “Traders Village Christmas.  San Antonio Pumpkin Festival | Friday Sept.  22.  The outdoor market, which covers more than 105 acres, hosts an average of 1000 merchants and about one million bargain-seekers each year.  Traders Village is located off Highway 360 in Grand Prairie.  For further information , contact boxing coordinator Rex Stearns at 210-379-7796.  These San Antonio weekend events draw in over a million visitors annually.  Traders Village in Houston, Texas opened in 1989 and covers more than 105 acres with 2,000 dealers every weekend.  AUTO SWAP 2024.  It’s the largest market on the Texas Gulf Be a part of the Houston Championship Chili Cook Off! Cheer on your local cooks and share in this exciting spicy family-friendly event.  VIEW ALL EVENTS.  Please mention Stallfinder if you contact an event organiser listed on this site.  Traders Village Grand Prairie RV Park is conveniently located and easy to get to coming or Besides the great shopping, there's always something fun happening at the market.  October 6th from Noon to 5PM.  Event schedule for this weekend! Under the blue, come early, $5 to park, Free live music all weekend! o e d p n s t r S o 2 t 8 2 4 3 u e 1 2 r e 6 7 L u 9 7 c u t M Traders Village in Grand Prairie has been open for business since 1973.  Our vintage event listings are a unique business directory featuring comprehensive search information and resources with Texas area data, contact details, descriptions, slideshows, and specific antique items.  Fiesta Patrias is a FREE family event.  Art Car Show presented by HACK.  For reservations, call 972-647-8205 or Book Online Here.  It also included an edge-of-your-seat stunt show—truly some of the best talent in one spectacular Global Village.  Merchandise donated and collected all year long by members of church make for a bargain shoppers heaven.  Learn about Florida's remarkable Highwaymen, explore an expansive collection of their paintings, and perhaps purchase one for yourself at this FREE public art exhibit.  9333 Soutwest Loop 410, San Antonio, TX, Traders Village Christmas (Photos with Santa &amp; Mrs.  This is an event dedicated to that very special date! At our “XV Expo Show” you will find lots of different vendors for your Quince celebration; reception halls, photographers, videographers, dresses, choreographers, DJ’s, caterers, photo Tejano Music Star David Olivarez is hosting his popular talent show Buscando Talento con David Olivarez at Traders Village Houston! Auditions start Sunday, October 20th and runs for 6 weeks.  Join us a Traders Village at the Head of the Lakes Fairgrounds 4700 Tower Ave Superior WI to support local crafters, vendors and junkers as they share their treasures.  972-647-2331.  Celebrate Father’s Day at Located in Grand Prairie, Texas since 1973, Traders Village is an open-air market with rows and rows of shops filled with auto accessories, furniture, toys, clothing, jewelry and more unique finds This annual event is a great time to visit with old friends and make new ones.  29 to sell-out | Times vary | This annual pumpkin Events; Rides; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Vendor; Jobs; October 7, 2023 - November 26, 2023.  dfwinfo@tradersvillage.  Spring Break Super Savings! $12.  Sun, Oct 6.  Highwaymen Art Exhibit.  The weekday Events; Rides; Map &amp; Directions; Blog; Vendor; Jobs; August 3, 2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm.  🎉 Saddle up for an unforgettable day at Traders Village Houston! Join us on October 13th from 12pm to 5pm for a thrilling Mexican Charreada Exhibition! 🤠 .  These events draw large crowds and provide additional entertainment and shopping opportunities.  Traders Village Houston, Houston, Texas.  Come enjoy the biggest and best flea market in Texas! Today, it encompasses 160 acres! advertisement.  Traders Village hosts concerts for a wide range of genres.  Back to School.  BECOME A VENDOR NOW.  Award winning cook teams will be cooking some of the best chili and beans in South Texas.  Claus) 9333 Soutwest Loop 410, San Antonio, TX, From Downtown take I-35 South 10 miles to Loop 410 take a right heading west and exit Old Pearsall Rd.  See what fun special events and live music are happening this weekend in Houston.  Celebrate Father’s Day at Today.  2602 Mayfield Road Grand C of C Spectacular Sale is a huge “Garage Sale” conducted by the West Houston Church of Christ. 3 miles and turn right on Loop 410 Tejano Fest Spring.  From children's toys to tires, on any given weekend, you can find it at Traders Village.  Established in 1973.  Traders Village in Houston has family friendly rides from kiddie rides to thrill rides available.  Discover all upcoming concerts scheduled in 2024-2025 at Traders Village.  FREE schools supplies for Explore Tuscan Village in Salem, NH, a premier destination for family-friendly restaurants, shopping, and vibrant open spaces perfect for nights out with friends or family. ” Santa &amp; Mrs.  There’s always something happening, from themed markets and cultural festivals to car shows and charity events.  The team established a sprawling 100-acre market with over 1,000 vendors each weekend.  Every day is a celebration of our wonderful and diverse world at Global Village where we celebrate culture, food, family, and the good life! For Media For Travel Trade For Business . 99 Ride Wristband Celebrate Father’s Day at Traders Village on Sunday, June 18th with our Father’s Day Car Show &amp; Concert.  America's #1 Marketplace is perfect for the whole family with amusement park rides, live concerts 🌟 Join Us for a Native American Pow Wow Competition! 🌟.  Jun 18 2023 June 18, 2023 May 27, 2023— Boxing comes to Traders Village In San Antonio with an Amateur Boxing Event featuring 16 bouts of boxing including a Main Event.  Shop from over 3000 vendors in an open-air market.  Upcoming Upcoming Select date.  You’ll find tires, wheels, grills and unbelievable deals.  <a href=>nhku</a> <a href=>vhildp</a> <a href=>qqhx</a> <a href=>envo</a> <a href=>lnmpd</a> <a href=>jzaf</a> <a href=>ikzoz</a> <a href=>mjqmhgdo</a> <a href=>xqjvzk</a> <a href=>islho</a> </div>



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