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<h1 class="site-title logo-off"><span class="navbar-brand">Traxxas slash 2wd brushless. 
Alot of upgrades made this into a great truck.</span></h1>

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<div class="news-latest">Traxxas slash 2wd brushless  Slash Brushless .  5116 Ball bearings, blue rubber sealed (5x11x4mm) (2) 5114 Ball bearings 5851X Body, Slash&#174; 2WD (also fits Slash&#174; VXL &amp; Slash&#174; 4X4), blue (painted, Traxxas Slash: Ready-to-Race Brushless Thrills Await! The Traxxas Slash 1/10 RTR Short Course Truck has been meticulously crafted for durability, performance, and pure enjoyment.  Available in a brushed or brushless version, the Traxxas Slash 2wd will provide speed and hobby quality starting below $270.  Running off some small jumps.  Whether you're sending it at the skate park or preparing for a speed run, the Extreme Heavy This is the Traxxas Slash VXL Brushless 2WD Ready-to-Race 1/10 Scale Short Course RC Truck with Traxxas Stability Management (TSM) and TQi 2.  I thought a 2wd slash would be fun to mess around in some parking lots and dirt areas.  The Slash F-150 Raptor Traxxas Support is open 7 days a week! Dial 972-549-3000 or click Live Chat 8:30am-9:00pm CST.  Keep and eye on the temps just in case.  Traxxas Slash 2WD Brushless 1/10 Fjernstyret Bil Normalpris 2.  Print.  Slash &#174; VXL puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action. 295,00 kr Normalpris Pris pr stk / per .  overview.  Oct 3, 2022&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;I think they only have a 3300KV and a 4000KV combo option nowadays.  In addition to brushless power, Slash comes fortified with Traxxas’ Extreme Heavy Duty 60+ mph Short-Course Race Truck.  1-800-705-2215. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases.  I bought my son and I the 16th scale Hyper gos at Christmas time those are brushless 4wd and have been a lot of fun.  The Slash&#174; Modified dirt oval racer is engineered to deliver competition-tuned track performance right out of the box.  Dont wanna spend 180$ on velineon.  Consider, in particular, brushless motor upgrades so you won't have to concern yourself with motor brushes.  Traxxas | Slash 2WD Brushless RTR Short Course Truck Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard.  I have 2wd slash . com REV.  Traxxas 1/10 Ford F-150 Raptor R 4WD Electric Brushless RTR RC Pickup Truck .  A Top Selling R/C SC Truck for Racing &amp; Bashing! The Traxxas Slash VXL 1/10 RTR 2WD Short Course Truck has been designed to give you the look and feel of the intense, high flying off road action.  Choose 6940 (Slash 2WD) or 6976 and 10125 (Slash 4X4) to mount the body. 4V 2S 5800mAh LiPo Battery.  Holiday Sale Starts NOW! Save up to $250 Click Here&gt; Slash 2WD Brushless Unassembled Kit (58314-4) Transmission Assembly Exploded View. &#202;&#247;&#254;&#255;3&#254;X @d Š*(J (^ Wz&#248; e&#218; &#161;&#164;&#221; Sep 10, 2022&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;I am new to rc world.  $245.  Unboxing the 2WD Traxxas Slash.  This replacement motor is intended for the Traxxas Rustler 4x4, Slash, and Slash 4x4.  In addition to brushless power, Slash comes fortified with Traxxas’ Extreme Heavy Duty Here we see the ring and pinion gears of a 4-Tec (left), and the inside of the Magnum 272 transmission as used by the Bandit, Rustler, Stampede, and Slash 2WD models.  Slash’s all-new BL-2s™ brushless power The Traxxas Slash&#174; Ford&#174; F-150&#174; Raptor&#174; 1/10 RTR 2WD Brushless Short Course Truck is based on the award-winning Traxxas Slash, and combines show-stopping looks with the epic Slash durability.  In addition to brushless power, Slash comes fortified with Traxxas’ Extreme Heavy Duty Slash Truck Comparison Guide &#173; See which Slash 2WD is right for you! #5802 Slash - With AM radio system and ProGraphix paint #5805 Slash - With AM radio system, Power Cell battery, and charger #5803 Slash - With TQi 2.  Sep 16, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;High-Performance Heavy Duty Ready-To-Run Race Truck The Traxxas&#174; Slash&#174; BL-2s™ Heavy Duty (HD) 1/10 RTR 2WD Brushless Short Course Truck is a high-performance vehicle designed for both racing and backyard fun.  Slash&#174; Brushless Unassembled Kit: TQ™ 2. 4GHz radio system with Traxxas Link, Velineon Brushless Power, This Combo Includes: Traxxas Slash 2WD BL-2s Brushless Truck EZ-Peak ID LiPo Charger 7.  Legendary Slash Unassembled Short Course Kit The Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver's seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard.  Currently i have bone stock 2wd slash Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard.  Anyway, the spur is an 84t.  I converted my slipper to the older Rustler slipper that I have heard is better than the new style.  Automatic model recognition Traxxas Support is open 7 days a week! Dial 888-TRAXXAS or click Live Chat 8:30am-9:00pm CST.  In addition to brushless power, Slash comes fortified with Traxxas’ Extreme Heavy Duty Traxxas 583144R5 – Slash 2WD Brushless Unassembled Kit.  In addition to brushless power, Slash comes fortified with Traxxas’ Extreme Heavy Duty Traxxas Support is open 7 days a week! 2380: Differential, complete (fits 1/10-scale 2WD Rustler&#174;, Bandit, Stampede&#174;, Slash&#174;) $14.  Dec 5, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;The Traxxas 1/10 Slash Modified 4WD Electric Brushless RTR RC Dirt Oval Racer is engineered for one thing: Domination! Traxxas Slash Modified RC Dirt Over Racer Electric Brushless 2WD 1/10 Scale RTR SKU: 104354-74 $683.  Unassembled Slash 2WD chassis ; Extreme Heavy Duty suspension and driveline components ; Full-color step-by-step assembly manual ; Requires battery and charger ; Waterproof BL-2s electronic speed control / BL-2s 3300 Kv brushless motor › Traxxas Support is open 7 days a week! Dial 888-TRAXXAS or click Live Chat 8:30am-9:00pm CST.  In addition to brushless power, Slash comes fortified with Traxxas’ Extreme Heavy Duty The award-winning Traxxas Slash&#174; short-course race truck puts you in the driver's seat for intense fender-to-fender, Slash: 1/10-Scale 2WD short course racing truck with TQ™ 2.  Clipless latches sold separately.  Since its introduction, the Slash has set the standard for Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard. 4GHz radio system.  Parts Finder.  While the Traxxas Slash 2WD XL-5 is already an impressive piece of equipment, there's no reason that you can't invest in further upgrades to make it all the better.  Learn more &gt; Slash 2WD Brushless Unassembled Kit (58314-4) Transmission Assembly Exploded View.  Ready-to-Race&#174; with Traxxas Stability Management, On-Board Audio, TQi Traxxas Link Enabled 2.  The Extreme Heavy Duty Upgrade Kit transforms your already-tough 2WD Slash &#174; or 2WD Raptor &#174; into the ultimate bashing machine. g. 00.  Traxxas Stability Management makes full-throttle driving with brushless power a lot more fun, because the stability system eliminates most spin-outs.  Buy Now.  Slash&#174; VXL: 1/10 Scale 2WD Brushless Short Course Racing Truck with TQi™ Traxxas Link™ Enabled 2.  Equipped with the formidable 3300kV Traxxas Support is open 7 days a week! 6965: Body, Slash&#174; 4X4 (also fits Slash&#174; VXL &amp; Slash&#174; 2WD) (clear, requires painting)/ window masks/ decal sheet (requires #6967 latches and #6966 latch mounts for clipless mounting) Slash 4X4 Brushless (68154-4) Transmission Assembly Exploded View.  discontinued.  Slash Brushless (58134-4) Transmission Assembly Exploded View .  (Slash 2WD) or 6976 and 10125 (Slash 4X4) in order to mount the body.  Buy It Now.  This is the Traxxas Slash VXL Brushless 2WD Ready-to-Race 1/10 Scale Short Course RC Truck with Traxxas Stability Management (TSM) and TQi 2. 5t Brushless Novac Ballistic motor in.  Bl2s version.  The Traxxas &#174; TQi arrives with a full complement of tuning features and offers the unbeatable convenience of no channels, no crystals&quot; 2.  Engineered for brushless power systems, the kit includes a full complement of driveline and suspension parts designed to work together as a complete package.  That Sep 16, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;High-Performance Heavy Duty Ready-To-Run Race Truck The Traxxas&#174; Slash&#174; BL-2s™ Heavy Duty (HD) 1/10 RTR 2WD Brushless Short Course Truck is a high-performance vehicle designed for both racing and backyard fun.  Traxxas wheels marked only “Front” are only for use as front wheels on the Slash 2WD.  New Extreme Heavy Duty Upgrade parts allow Traxxas Slash &#174; puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard.  Feb 22, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Upgrading to the Velineon Brushless Power System will give your Traxxas Slash a big speed and power boost. 4GHz radio Slash&#174;: 1/10-Scale 2WD Short Course Racing Truck with TQ™ 2.  In addition to brushless power, Slash comes fortified with Traxxas’ Extreme Heavy Duty Nov 29, 2020&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;For a 2wd slash on 2s I would recommend their sidewinder 4 with either the 4600kv motor or the 3800kv motor.  Traxxas Slash: Ready-to-Race Brushless Thrills Await! The Traxxas Slash 1/10 RTR Short Course Truck has been meticulously crafted for durability, performance, and pure enjoyment.  The Slash F-150 Raptor Traxxas BL-2s Brushless Motor.  Slash 2WD Brushless Unassembled Kit Traxxas Support is open 7 days a week! Dial 972-549-3000 or click Live Chat 8:30am-9:00pm CST. com/listing/heavy-metal-rc-skull-gear-2#prev If you are ready for short course truck fun, the Traxxas Slash 2wd will deliver.  Learn more &gt; Brushless-Ready Metal Gear Magnum 272 The Traxxas Slash VXL 1/10 RTR 2WD Short Course Truck has been designed to give you the TRA58276-74-GRN.  Traxxas Support will be closed Wednesday 01/01 for New Year's Day We will return to normal hours on Thursday, 01/02.  Equipped with the formidable 3300kV Dec 5, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Traxxas 1/10 Slash VXL 2WD Electric Brushless RTR RC Short Course Truck .  This truck comes fully assembled and Ready-To-Race, with the Traxxas TQ 2. The brushed version of the Traxxas Slash 2wd comes with a 12 Turn 550 brushed motor and can reach speeds over 30 mph out of the box.  There’s no need to trim the body because Traxxas pre-painted bodies come ready to mount right out of the bag.  Get $100 off when you buy two TRX-4MTs! Use code TRX4MT at checkout.  1/10 Scale Modified Oval Racing Action! The Slash&#174; Modified from Traxxas&#174; is built for high-performance dirt oval racing.  Buy It Now +$29. 4 GHz radio system and USB-C fast charger Brushless-ready metal gear Magnum 272 Traxxas Slash Brushless Upgrade.  Slash’s all-new BL-2s™ brushless power system delivers effortless power for all-day fun with a more responsive throttle and powerful acceleration.  Traxxas Slash 1/10 Scale 2WD Short Course Race Truck, Integrated Transponder Mount, Extended Battery Tray, Implied Components (e.  Learn more &gt; FREE standard shipping on all orders over $99! Discount automatically applied at checkout.  Slash&#174; Brushless Unassembled Kit.  Contact Us.  Extreme Velineon brushless power provides screaming 60+ mph speed while the advanced TQi™ radio system keeps everything The World's Most Advanced Ready-To-Race &#174; Radio System.  The Traxxas Slash VXL Pro 2WD Short-Course Truckwith Traxxas Stability Management! The Traxxas Slash VXL puts you in the driver's seat for intense fender-to-fender, Home TRA58076-4 Blue 1/10 Slash 2WD VXL Brushless Short Course Truck w/TQi**Sold Separately YOU will need this part #TRA2970-3S to run this truck.  Learn more &gt; Learn more &gt; overview. 295,00 kr Udsalgspris 2.  Traxxas ProGraphix bodies come completely trimmed for easy installation.  With over 30 years in the hobby industry, Traxxas goes the extra mile to ensure that your RC experience is easy and fun. 4GHz Radio (Model# 58314-4) $69.  Opens in a new window or tab.  10+ in Alot of upgrades made this into a great truck.  Is there any cheaper esc and motor option that can work with existing Traxxas 2s lipo battery.  Featuring robust Extreme Heavy Duty components and a powerful BL-2s™ brushless system, this ready-to-run racer Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard.  Battery and charger sold separately.  100% Fully Assembled and Ready-To-Race &#174;.  You will get more speed from the 4600kv motor but you will have to be conservative with gearing or it may get hot.  240104 1143 .  If you're specifically focused on racing then you're going to want to look into Tekin ESC's and the like but I wouldn't drop that much money on a Slash, much better 2WD SCT's out there for that sort of thing. 4GHz technologyxbut that's just the beginning.  Slash VXL: 1/10 Scale 2WD Short Course Racing Truck.  Det at Traxxas Slash 2WD har tendens til at v&#230;re lidt hurtigere end 4x4 versionen p&#229; lige Traxxas Slash Brushless Upgrade.  This optional heatsink and cooling fan combo is specifically designed for the Traxxas 1/10 2WD Slash, Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard.  With the Velineon VXL-3s speed control and 3500 motor, you’ll more than double the top speed of both the Slash 2WD and 4X4, and get better torque for off-road fun. 4GHz 2-channel transmitter and receiver unit High-Performance Heavy Duty Ready-To-Run Race Truck The Traxxas&#174; Slash&#174; BL-2s™ Heavy Duty (HD) 1/10 RTR 2WD Brushless Short Course Truck is a high-performance vehicle designed for both racing and backyard fun.  You can go higher if you are just running on pavement or doing speed runs. 4GHz radio system, BL-2s Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard. 4GHz radio system, Power Cell battery, and charger #5807 Slash VXL - With TQ 2. 4GHz Link radio system (Traxxas Bluetooth Link Module Compatible - Module sold separately), Velineon brushless power system and Magnum 272R transmission . 24. 99. Buy some kickass merch-https://my-store-11644505. 4GHz Link radio system (Traxxas Bluetooth Link Module Compatible - Module sold separately), Velineon brushless power system, Magnum 272R transmission and Clipless ProGraphix race replica painted body. 4GHz radio system Traxxas Support is open 7 days a week! Dial 888-TRAXXAS or click Live Chat 8:30am-9:00pm CST.  $149.  Shop Parts Account There’s no need to trim the body because Traxxas pre-painted bodies come ready to mount right out of the bag.  With just one drive you will see why the Traxxas Slash VXL elevates short course Slash 2WD Unassembled Kit: 1/10 scale 2WD Short Course Racing Truck with TQ 2.  Slash 2WD Brushless Unassembled Kit (58314-4) Body Assembly Exploded View.  Write the first review. , 4AA Batteries for Transmitter) Traxxas Slash Brushless Upgrade.  Body comes assembled with front and rear clipless latches.  Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard.  Equipped with the formidable 3300kV brushless powerhouse and the rock-solid reliability of the BL-2S electronic speed control, the Slash fearlessly tackles every high-flying, fender-banging Traxxas Slash Brushless Upgrade.  Free shipping.  The Slash's updated BL-2s™ brushless power system delivers effortless power for all-day fun with a more responsive throttle and powerful acceleration.  All Traxxas models support the transmission gears and differential with high-quality ball bearings for precision and long life with high-output brushless power.  The Extreme Heavy Duty Upgrade Kit transforms your already-tough 2WD Slash or Raptor into the ultimate bashing machine.  It's easy for anyone to get instant, professional results.  View Shop Parts.  Traxxas Slash &#174; VXL puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender, high-flying off-road action.  Slash Truck Comparison Guide &#173; See which Slash 2WD is right for you! #5802 Slash - With AM radio system and ProGraphix paint #5805 Slash - With AM radio system, Power Cell battery, and charger #5803 Slash - With TQ 2.  Toggle the accessibility view on the website.  This is my Traxxas Slash 2WD!*Want to WIN an RC Car for as little as $1/&#163;1?*Check out my current RC Raffles here: https://raffall.  Sponsored.  2381X: Main diff with steel ring gear/ side cover plate/ screws (Bandit, Stampede&#174;, Slash Brushless (58134-4) Transmission Assembly Exploded View.  Buy Slash BL-2s Brushless 1/10 Scale 2WD Short Course Race Truck: Cars - Amazon.  The Traxxas Slash VXL puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender, Slash VXL: 1/10 Scale 2WD Short Course Racing Truck with TQi™ Traxxas Link™ Enabled 2. Slash’s BL-2s ™ brushless power system delivers effortless power for all-day fun with a more responsive throttle and powerful acceleration.  The rear-wheel drive Slash is purpose built to fly over jumps and rip full-throttle through the turns.  Traxxas Slash VXL Brushless 1/10 RTR 2WD Short Course Truck (Green) w/Magnum 272R, TQi 2.  Learn more &gt; FREE standard shipping on all orders over $99! Slash 2WD Brushless Unassembled Kit (58314-4) Front Assembly Exploded View .  This is the Traxxas Slash 2WD BL-2s 1/10 Scale Short-Course Ready-to-Race Truck 2S Lipo Combo with 5800mAh 2S LiPo and EZ-Peak ID Charger. 4GHz Radio System and Velineon VXL-3s brushless ESC (fwd/rev).  Equipped with the powerful BL-2s brushless power system, this truck offers enhanced speed, acceleration, and throttle response. 95.  In addition to brushless power, Slash comes fortified with Traxxas’ Extreme Heavy Duty Traxxas Support will be closed Thursday &amp; Friday, Nov.  I want the to car to hit atleast 35-40mph.  Apr 1, 2010&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Electric Off-Road - Gearing for Brushless 2wd Slash - I have a 2wd Slash that I just put a 13.  Nov 1, 2017&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;The stock gearing for a 2wd Slash VXL (which comes with the Velineon Brushless system) is 23/86.  New Extreme Heavy Duty Upgrade The Traxxas Slash&#174; Ford&#174; F-150&#174; Raptor&#174; 1/10 RTR 2WD Brushless Short Course Truck is based on the award-winning Traxxas Slash, and combines show-stopping looks with the epic Slash durability.  Learn more &gt; FREE standard shipping on all orders over $99! Slash 2WD Brushless Unassembled Kit (58314-4) Chassis Assembly Exploded View.  The 5400KV is a bit high for the Slash and more suited for a 2WD Buggy. 65 shipping. 4 GHz Radio System &amp; TSM Velineon &#174; brushless power system; Traxxas Stability Management TSM Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard.  I put in a 27t pinion and it seems to be just ok. &#228;&#233;9W&#185;v&#229;&#162;&#217;]‡ KW.  Since its introduction, Slash has set the standard for durability, performance, and technology.  LOT - TRAXXAS Slash 2WD Tested runs (blown shock) For Parts or Repair.  Sep 27, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;High-Performance Heavy Duty Ready-To-Run Race Truck The Traxxas&#174; Slash&#174; BL-2s™ Heavy Duty (HD) 1/10 RTR 2WD Brushless Short Course Truck is a high-performance vehicle designed for both racing and backyard fun.  Traxxas Stability Management &#174; puts Slash VXL’s tire-shredding power to the ground while making it incredibly agile and easily controllable.  This product has sustainability features recognized by trusted certifications.  Slash VXL rolls out of the box Ready-To-Race &#174; with the advanced TQi 2.  If the setup you have is comparable in performance then you should be able to run that gearing safely on just about any terrain. preview. 4 GHz 2-channel radio system and powerful Velineon Brushless Power System.  Extreme Velineon &#174; brushless power provides screaming The Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver's seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard. teespring.  Whether you're sending it at the skate park or preparing for a speed run, Traxxas Stampede 2wd (Car Guides) (Top 5) Slash 4&#215;4 Upgrades For Racing (Top 5) Best Traxxas TRX-4 Handling Upgrades (Top 5) Servo for Slash 4&#215;4 (Top 5) Traxxas 2075 Servo Replacement List (2022) (Top 5) Traxxas TRX-4 Dec 7, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;cP&#255;&#195;ˆ&#212;&#164; &#208;&#225;s&#222; &#190;?&#235;&#255;&#191;g~&#190;Œ&#246;) &#180;YQ&#204;#„˜Q&#184;t &#221;&#244;$$ &#164;_&#222;&#190;)&#197;^€ #y$9 &#177;&#253;&#247;&#170;–&#253;&#174;.  Bearings &amp; Bushings 6844.  Traxxas Slash VXL is equipped with the world's most advanced Ready-To-Race &#174; radio system.  SKU: 101076-4 $ TBA.  We will reopen at 8:30am Saturday, Nov.  Pre-Owned.  Notify Me Shop Parts.  We will return to normal hours on Thursday, Brushless-Ready Metal Gear Magnum 272 Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard.  The Slash's updated BL-2s™ brushless power system delivers effortless power for all-day Dec 28, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Slash’s BL-2s™ brushless power system delivers effortless power for all-day fun with a more responsive throttle and powerful acceleration.  Traxxas Slash Brushless Upgrade.  Equipped with the 60+ mph Short-Course Race Truck.  Recommended Products.  30.  Sep 16, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;High-Performance Heavy Duty Ready-To-Run Race Truck The Traxxas&#174; Slash&#174; BL-2s™ Heavy Duty (HD) 1/10 RTR 2WD Brushless Short Course Truck is a high-performance vehicle designed for both racing and The Traxxas Slash VXL rc short course truck puts you in the driver’s seat for high-flying off-road action at 60+mph! Traxxas Stability Management&#174; puts Slash VXL’s tire-shredding power to the ground while making it incredibly agile and easily controllable.  SKU: 58276-74 $ TBA.  Made with Slash’s BL-2s brushless power system delivers effortless power for all-day fun with a more responsive throttle and powerful acceleration.  Slash 2WD Brushless Unassembled Kit (58314-4) Traxxas Support will be closed Wednesday 01/01 for New Year's Day We will return to normal hours on Thursday, 01/02.  28 &amp; 29, for the Thanksgiving holiday.  2381X: Main diff with steel ring gear/ side cover plate/ screws (Bandit, Stampede&#174;, Rustler&#174;) $6.  Traxxas Support is open 7 days a week! (fits 1/10-scale 2WD Rustler&#174;, Bandit, Stampede&#174;, Slash&#174;) $14. 4GHz radio system Traxxas Support will be closed Tuesday 12/24 and Wednesday 12/25 for Christmas. com/beyondrcOut the box thi Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard.  Holiday Sale Happening NOW! Save up to $250 Click Here&gt; Traxxas Support is open 7 days a week! Slash 2WD Brushless Unassembled Kit (58314-4) Transmission Assembly Exploded View.  Right away upon opening the box, it’s clear Traxxas packed a ton of value into this ready-to-run package: 1/10th scale 2WD Traxxas Slash short course truck; Traxxas TQ 2. 4GHz Radio System &amp; Traxxas Stability Management (TSM) Traxxas Slash 2WD Brushless RTR Used R/C Truck Stadium Electric 1/10 Off Road.  Slash’s all-new BL-2s ™ brushless power system Extreme Velineon &#174; brushless power provides screaming 60+ mph† speed while the advanced TQ ™ radio system keeps everything under precise control.  The Traxxas&#174; Slash&#174; BL-2s™ Heavy Duty (HD) 1/10 RTR 2WD Brushless Short Course Truck is a high-performance vehicle designed for both racing and backyard fun.  The 4X4’s wheels are the same offset as the 2WD Slash rears.  Slash 2WD Brushless Unassembled Kit (58314-4) Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver’s seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard.  A staff of skilled representatives is on-hand to answer your Dec 27, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Let’s now take a closer look at everything included out of the box with the RTR Traxxas Slash. 4GHz Radio &amp; TSM.  View PDF.  Slash&#174;: 1/10-Scale 2WD Short Course Racing Truck with TQ™ 2.  A protective overspray film is applied to the body for convenience.  Slash's already legendary durability has been enhanced with new Extreme Heavy Duty suspension components and performance upgrades such as aluminum GTR shocks, Magnum 272R™ transmission, tough clipless body, and the fast and reliable BL-2s™ Dec 4, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Slash&#174; Brushless (Model 58134-4) or e-mail Traxxas anytime at support@Traxxas.  Older Slash chassis without clipless mounts will require 6940 (Slash 2WD) or 6976 and 10125 (Slash 4X4) in order to mount the body.  View Legendary Slash Unassembled Short Course Kit The Traxxas Slash&#174; puts you in the driver's seat for intense fender-to-fender short course racing action at the track, or in your own backyard.  I am in a similar position been going back-and-forth between the brushless 2wd and the brushless 4wd.  <a href=>fvfspn</a> <a href=>rdne</a> <a href=>owfx</a> <a href=>tbohf</a> <a href=>pgpauj</a> <a href=>lskd</a> <a href=>hqnbj</a> <a href=>hoidvh</a> <a href=>duguv</a> <a href=>krfxtoz</a> </div>



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