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class="site"> <span class="skip-link screen-reader-text"><br> </span> <div class="header-middle"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="site-branding news-box-logo"> <h1 class="site-title logo-off"><span class="navbar-brand">Uchicago ed 2024 reddit. Reply reply Hungry_Bookkeeper191 .</span></h1> <p class="site-description"><br> </p> </div> <!-- .site-branding --> </div> <div class="col-md-8"> <div id="custom_html-5" class="widget_text header-banner widget_custom_html"> <div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="header-bottom latest-news-bar"> <div class="container"> <div class="nbox-ticker"> <div class="ticker-title"> <div class="news-latest">Uchicago ed 2024 reddit i have a lot of time but i'm trying to decide whether to ED uchicago or REA yale. Find the best posts and communities about University Of Chicago on Reddit. does anyone know if theres any events to connect w other transfers? 22 votes, 10 comments. 2023-2024 EA/ED Megathreads. Stats/Extracurriculars GPA: 3. UCHICAGO wants me I'll even commit too So guys, I was waitlisted into UChicago. Hi! Interested to hear people's opinion on my chances of acceptance to UChicago for this years round of ED applicants. Northwestern has a 35% ED acceptance rate, Columbia has a 19% ED acceptance rate. A subreddit dedicated to QuestBridge, an organization that matches low-income and high-achieving individuals to the nation's top colleges. My stats are kind of low for UChicago but extremely good for my context, so I’m hoping that the contextual review helps me out. Gender: Female Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic, Mexican Residence: Illinois Income Bracket: 52K/yr I got my ED back (I'm in high school) from UChicago today and I was flat out rejected. The withdrawal button is gone! RD coming out tomorrow (3/8)? I don't know what you're seeing! I have scoured that page and it says nothing my friend applied ED to uchicago back in early october and got her decision last week. uchicago is my absolute dream school, and with the type of niche work that is my dream to go into, a clerkship is basically a requirement. Uchicago is the only school I've seen with early admission as a transfer, which likely has a higher transfer rate. UPenn has a 23% ED acceptance rate but a 7% RD acceptance rate. 0 GPA (fall semester, spring TBD), estimating top 5% (school does not rank this percentile) uchicago ed!!! i got accepted TED today (econ major/from t25 private) and it was honestly really suprising since i felt my stats were a lot weaker than typical acceptances. 5%, a stat a UChicago news article confirmed a couple years ago. I ended up giving up my offer of support to UChicago cause 1, not guaranteed admission and the LAC was even though the coach said I’d most likely get into UChicago with my stats. I applied to uchicago ea and now looking at my portal it says 2024 regular decision. i know chances are low for both but i think i have a higher chance at uchicago - i have a rlly good rec letter from a professor there and i've visited the campus a couple of times and really have a feel. uchicago ed Yup! I go to Smith College, have a 4. However, they gave me an estimated cost of 80,000 a year, which my parents absolutely cannot pay, and which was 25,000 more than the estimated financial cost from their net price calculator. PLEASE work to make sure all parts align with Chicago’s theme. still, yale is my dream school and i've always envisioned myself attending. I just submitted my ED 1 Application on nov 1st. there's a reason why it makes so many nobel prize winners -- it grows students The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. Speaking as a STEM major, my experience has been that there are unfortunately some weeks that are going to be too busy because UChicago can get intense. 3 I’m not trying to cope. With it having a 15% acceptance rate but only accepting 150ish transfer applicants it clearly has less space than other top Based on what I know about UChicago, I think this is reasonable. I was wondering when we would fill out forms for housing and which house is Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. their core curriculam requirements are some of the most intense in the country, their academics are HARD, and there is an emphasis on open expression and debate. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. They are proud, and know that a lot of RD admits are going to choose the Ivies over them, even though arguably UChicago is one of the best research universities in the world. Rules. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. I had an on-campus job for a few hours/week and probably spent about 6-8 hours every day wasting time and doing nothing that resembled studying. The Reddit LSAT Forum. At 50% of the class EDI and EDII: 1,026 admits, 4,428 applied, for ED admit rate of 23% Please complete our defer response form available in your UChicago Account by January 25, 2024. List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. a lot of my classmates have UChicago admissions are pretty insane. Because it doesn't have an engineering school it will naturally trail and it's grad school/PhD orientation will hurt it too. uchicago's guiding philosophy is that you can only grow through being challenged and i agreee with that 100%. I am interested in majoring in business-econ, and I do believe my ECs convey this interest. 7ish, 17high. you're forgetting that UChicago often over-admits people from the waitlist and overflows them into the following year by giving out conditional offers to people who agree to take a gap year, and they aren't counted as "admitted. Discussion covers applying to Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Penn, Dartmouth, Brown, Cornell, Columbia (the 8 Ivy Leagues), as well as other top schools like Stanford, MIT, UChicago, Rice, etc. But, yes, you are correct. softs are pretty average. For all those rejected (like me) - it's okay we'll be able to find what we were looking for in UChicago in other colleges as well (kinda tryna convince myself but kinda do believe that). I want to attend UChicago happy to pay sticker but I also would be dumb not to consider the scholarship that NW gives for ED. My UChicago essays were great imo, I was really specific in my Why UChicago essay, applied it to my life and what I want to do in the future. 7 UW/W and Research at pancreatic and breast cancer research lab; 5s on 5 AP exams; 11 total APs by graduation along with 3 honors). one of my biggest concerns is making new friends since i love my current circle. i do have one t2 soft per LSD definitions, but the rest are t3-4ish. However, you can always check the average aid awarded to int student each year and run your own css to have a good estimate. I am not R&Ring. I know all the odds are stacked against me as an int applying with aid but UChicago ED rejection has ignited something in me . 88 163, but I live in Chicago and would want to stay here ideally. the only other schools I would consider choosing over uchicago is YSH , and looking on LSD, it doesn’t look In UChicago's defense, I think it also cultivates a very good student body and class size. There was no mention of lectures of interest, campus activities I would like to partake in, how the school would impact and aid my path toward my future endeavors, nor how my values link with UChicago. EAing UChicago and RDing here is a better idea if you are unsure because you don't want to have regrets later after having to commit after being accepted somewhere ED. However, as long as you budget the time during other weeks, you will be able to do fun things! In their ED 0 announcement, the UChicago Summer Session states, “Starting fall 2024, students who complete any of our UChicago Pre-College Summer Session Programs may apply through our binding early notification option in their final year of high school. NYC down syndrome education program founder/ teacher Water polo starter and 2x state champion Spine surgery internship NYU student activism Local school board student member Math team - 2nd and 3rd in the state NYC Down Syndrome education program founder/ teacher Awards NYU research award State math competitor 2nd and 3rd place This was the first year we have concrete data because it's the first year uchicago has participated in the cds. If you are certain that UChicago is your first choice and would definitely attend if admitted, we offer two Early Decision rounds. I never felt overwhelmed by work and studying while I was at UChicago. I ED'd but like tbh i know this sounds bad but i hope i get rejected. like if i get in i will literally cry and be so happy but i also have been preparing myself A TON for rejection. Here are my stats and ECs: r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more. all i want is to get into ucsc and i will be happy. I did fine and I wasn’t exceptional by any means. Reply reply Hungry_Bookkeeper191 The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. I know my score isn’t the highest, but it isn’t the lowest. She doesn’t want to ED2 but is also nervous if her essays, stats and recs are good enough. UChicago Pros: They appear to prefer ED Applicants: I heard that UChicago accepts around 80% of its students from ED pools. . Any advise on UChicago’s website says: “any first-year applicant from qualifying Chicago Public Schools and charter high schools who applies to UChicago under our [Early Decision I This is the official thread for those applying EA/ED to University of Chicago. UChicago is just one school among many incredible higher education options. Agreed. However, with its yield at an astronomical 83%, the supposition is that UChicago takes in greater than 50% of its enrolled class EDI and EDII. When you ask for chances/advice, give as much information as possible - SAT/ACT, GPA, URM, extracurriculars, college essays, scholarships, and anything related to your college application. yeah rank definitely factors into the equation. There is something called Law, Letters, and Society, which is a selective major that is basically just econ, poli sci, and social sciences. If not, that's okay too! Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD) Acceptances: UChicago ED Additional Information: I was quite worried about my GCSEs (especially in comparison to others in my school) but I took 4 A levels which made up for it I guess? I think a big thing was my COP26 invitation. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. What majors are you going into? Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with admissions knowledge waiting to help. Admit: Congratulations! If you This is the official thread for those applying EA/ED to University of Chicago. Hope you're doing well, OP! I wanted to second what Hendersball said on asking r/uchicago as well, and also second the idea that ED really is for a top choice. r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more. 4% Yield rate: 90% edit: i'd like to add that, while uchicago has made significant efforts to boost its application numbers through marketing, it's also an unusually difficult school to apply to. Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD) Acceptances: Recently went UR2 on ED application and have yet to receive anything new. In picking the UChicago application plan that's right for you, you'll want to consider when you will be ready to apply and whether or not you are ready to make a binding commitment to UChicago. " also you literally just assumed that UChicago takes 80% of its class via ED when the real number is probably like 50%. What have you heard about the ED boost/is there one? I didn't apply ED but there has to be a boost, even if not definitively stated somewhere. If I were you, I’d kind of be tentatively considering Brown EDI / UChicago EDII versus UChicago EDI / EDII at Vanderbilt (but very, very low EDII acceptance rate conspired to EDI), Johns Hopkins, WashU or maybe nothing EDII. I applied ED to UChicago and I’m wondering if I have a solid chance despite not taking APs freshman and sophomore year and going TO Demographics. The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. It’s usually recommended that int students don’t ED schools that are need aware and not known for giving great int aid package. Bracket for the Gamers Without Borders EU Main Event upvotes uchicago ed timeline upvote r/QuestBridge. Why UChicago: (7/10) this was well written and took a different angle to writing the why essay. Or check it out in the app stores Home UChicago 2024 admit, in case anyone wants me to read their UChicago supplements or Common App for RD / ED2 I can help too! 2024 ED admit. 96 (unweighted), 4. 5/100, SAT 1490, ACT 32, and top state ranked speech and debate captain. Post any questions you have, there are lots of True that Chicago leans heavily on the ED rounds. Career services sucked at UChicago 10+ years ago so now they are reaping what they sow. I looked into applying ED in detail and talked to some adcoms in some info sessions about it. This is an unofficial community for people who use or are interested in Wegovy, or other GLP-1 RA medications, for weightloss. Something that uchicago really wants are students who want to go to uchicago and have a demonstrated interest. Stats are OK, essays are not bad! If anyone wants any advice, I'd be happy to share. hi! depends on what you mean by "law" there isn't a "law" major at uchicago, though we have a career advancement law track. To protect my identity im going to be vague: I signed the ED2 agreement for UChicago a week ago agreeing to pay about 80k a year/320k total to attend, with my mom being able to pay half of it and the other half in debt I could pay off with a CS degree. nKJD nURM. My application more than makes up for a 10 point lower SAT score (4/4. I recognize it's a bit early but it's either post on Reddit or go back to write-on competition materials. UChicago doesn't get the love it deserves here, probably cause it's more conservative. I promise u Admissions decisions for Early Action and Early Decision I applicants will be available Monday, December 18 through the UChicago Account. if anyone would like to drop something they love about uchicago then that’ll be awesome because this subreddit can get a little bit depressing for incoming students lmao r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more. Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD) Acceptances: ED1 UChicago (the one that mattered to me most, the rest are just safety schools) EA Macalester EA Reed EA DePauw Rejections: None. Posted by u/DesperateHippo531 - 3 votes and 4 comments Discussion and tips for applying to top schools in the Ivy League and beyond. This sub is for anyone who wants feedback from others about their chances of acceptance at colleges and universities. A subreddit for all things relating to The University of Chicago in Hyde Park. My essays are probably a 9/10, I really liked my UChicago creative essay however. Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes. 0 GPA with 20 creds first sem & 17 creds second sem, 1540 SAT, 115 Toefl, 45 IB, and a meh high school record. r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more. Hello, I was admitted ED to UChicago’s 2024 class. So they are sensitive about that. not getting rejected is a huge flex, dont feel down if you dont Reply reply leihab • UChicago doesn't release any stats about the ED or EA acceptance rates, or how many they defer. Apparently, no one at my school went to UChicago, either because they got rejected or chose somewhere else to be. Chicago seems calm: It seems a bit slower, which is how I'd like my life to be: Slow-paced and moving at a steady rate. A2C Discord Server. 2, I didn’t want to go through the core curriculum because I dont enjoy challenging humanities and I just want to be done after ap english and history classes. Why uChicago: Very strong, good connection to ME program and general intellectuality. i UChicago heavily favors ED applicants. Decision Dates Calendar. My relative ended up choosing between Duke EDI/UChicago EDII versus just UChicago EDI and no planned EDII. There were that and so much more missing. Just have great ecs, letters of rec, and and strong essay and you should have a strong chance r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more. Wegovy is a once-weekly injection of semaglutide, which is a medication that mimics glucagon-like-peptide (GLP-1) in the body. I decided to do ED2 to uchicago as the only schools on my RD list above it or at the same level PERSONALLY that I applied to are princeton, brown, columbia, yale, northwestern and duke, which are all super tough. at the top of the class (in your example), i think difference in ranking is probably immaterial but a T20/15% might get considered where an T2/15% applicant might not be very seriously considered. I applied ED to Penn got rejected - a lot to do with missing transcript, and was deferred from uchicago EA. It’s similar to the move Duke made a while ago and “UChicago knows that students who apply ED will attend, it’s the ultimate demonstration of interest. r/uchicago. ED is the biggest indicator of interest and they should like that. Chance a worried rising senior for Uchicago ED Demographics: Gender, race/ethnicity, state, type of school, and hooks (URM, first generation, legacy, athlete, etc. From the Committed Students Webinar: Admission rate: 4. But for those who choose to apply ed to Uchicago. one must write a 2-page essay (~600-1000 words) in response to one of several notoriously tricky prompts, in addition to a ~500 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The adcom all but said that if you apply ED you will not get much aid at all, if any, but you probably knew that. UChicago has not been transparent in what its EDI and EDII acceptance rates have been. Stats: T1, 4. Or check it out in the app stores Rejected UChicago ED stats of other schools to apply to last minute. ED2 release date confirmed! February 16th. The best place on Reddit for admissions advice. Low stats to get into either 3. 6-3. I’ve been thinking non-stop about whether I have a chance or not and it’s eating me alive. My Uncommon essay was unconventional, which was my goal, but related back to me and a part of my application that I didn't explain in detail elsewhere. Early Decision I (assumption is 50% of enrolled students were accepted at UChicago ED1) Enrolled students: 813 Accepted students: 813 Applicants: 3,252 Acceptance Rate: 25% Yield Rate: 100% Early Action (assumption is 15% of enrolled students were accepted at UChicago EA) r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more. If you get deferred and choose not to switch to ED II, youre chances of getting in are 0. hii :)) class of 2024 admitted student here!! i’m really excited that i get to attend uchicago and i genuinely can’t wait. Just the fact that they have two ED rounds and an EA round seems quite sketchy, as if they're trying to funnel EA applicants into EDII and accept a lot more binding apps, bringing down their acceptance rate and bringing up their yield. ) Male, Hispanic, moderately competitive Southern School(My state is in the bottom forties for education), URM, FGLI Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD) Acceptances: ED UChicago Additional Information: Just know you don’t have to go crazy with your essays or lie on your common app to get in. If almost the entire UChicago student body (accounting for Questbridge matches and promises to commit for RD) has UChicago as one of their top choice schools, it creates a very good environment because everyone here is truly very academically passionate and has a vibe that matches r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more. r/QuestBridge. however, our application and decision process is slightly different because we attend a CPS school. This is a community run by past transfers to the Ivy League, Stanford & other top 25-30 schools. DREAM SCHOOL FR FR. Did they defer me or reject me? The best place on Reddit for admissions advice. What majors are you going into? At the end of the day, the best he/she can do is to help with essay structure, grammar, give his/her opinion on what sounds good or bad, and honestly offer pretty generic advice. But who can blame them? They want applicants who want them. Given that, if they know they don’t want to take someone then, when they have a chance to get the exact class yield they want, it doesn’t make sense that they’ll want them later when more strong students will apply ea and rd Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship The fan-run home of RLEsports on Reddit! RLCS continues in 2024. This is a bit of a rant post I've done all I can but I applied ED and got into UChicago. uChicago Choice: Moderate, low level of polish, but good (self-made) prompt and ideas. ED, Mathematics (I also put down Chem, but I'm pretty sure I want to be a Math major), Ohio, the stereotypical UChicago student fit me a little too well (theory > practice, I have more fun in class than outside), but also their phenomenal math program r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more. Gpa is 102. It was always my top choice college, and my parents made me undo my ed there because of the uncertainity of the pandemic. By applying EA, you're basically telling Chicago that they're not ur first or second choice (since u didn't apply ED or ED II), which whittles down ur chances of getting in to near 0. They also strongly encourage and talk up the benefits of EA over RD (I don’t think there is a big advantage to EA over RD) because they make a My daughter got rejected by Duke and deferred EA by UChicago. 33 (weighted) Class of 2024: Top 5% APUSH-5/5 APLANG-5/5 APGOV-4/5 Taking this year: APLIT, APEURO, APSpanLang, APSTATS ACT Uncommon UChicago essay: (8/10) I think that this essay was quite well written and showed a lot about my interest in music, being a little more revealing of what music does for me but making a stronger metaphor that connects to an overarching topic. Dunno if it's true, but if it is, then I might really wanna ED there to increase my general chances. We know you carefully arrived at your decision to consider UChicago, and we hope you will apply the same level of thought to your ongoing college search. There is a huge difference at every school that has ED options. While we're at it - do y'all know about any extremely similar colleges that are research heavy and have a great academic environment that we can shoot for in I heard UChicago hired a consulting firm a few years ago to revamp their positioning by using ED 1/2 to get their yield up and being thoughtful on their admissions to build up the endowment and brand. Not even deferred. - Summer Internship in REU Program at UChicago and Illinois Institute of Technology - Presented my Research Project (Philosophy and AI Art) Kantian Aesthetics and AI Art as a presentation at the Stanford Honors Symposium 2023 stats are 3. ” I applied EA. Members Online. Chicago has a yield problem, probably due to relatively stingy aid and getting a lot of cross admits with HYS. then again uchicago is my dream school so like hello please accept me. Looking solely at Reddit threads, it seems like they rejected most ED applicants but only deferred most EA applicants. Additional Information: I thought I had no chance. damn i hope those 40+ hours pay off The Why UChicago essay did not give any distinct detail whatsoever as to why I chose UChicago. Although I didn't shed any tears or show much emotion, this truly was my dream school and I wanted to be there so bad it was painful, and I was doing okay until I literally went on instagram and saw someone from my school get in over me. From what I understand of the Law, Letters, and Society major, there aren't that many courses in total to take (1100 units- This sub is for anyone who wants feedback from others about their chances of acceptance at colleges and universities. But again, a huge part of that is because the ED applicant pools are far stronger than the RD pools. We are here to help students share knowledge about the transfer process to top institutions. But I know it is my top choice and after convincing my parents, they would let Essays: Common App: Strong, provides a story to hs and shows off my passion/love of learning. 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