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<h1 style="font-size: 12em;"><b>Unity trigger not working. Collections; using UnityEngine.</b></h1>
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<h2>Unity trigger not working.  jessee03 June 23, 2011, 5:05pm 1.</h2>
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<div class="sp-block-content" style="max-width: 800px;">Unity trigger not working  I will link the tutorial here: However this script does not seem to allow me to create the trigger event.  I went to the editor, and deleted the Jump trigger, then ran the animation and pressed Spacebar, console would pop a message saying that hi.  Both Object player and enemy has Collider attached.  Another advice: for colliders that just destroys another GameObject (don't react, like bump or actually collide) I use triggers.  Here is the code for the player: A trigger Collider doesn't register collisions with an incoming Rigidbody and doesn't collide with any other GameObjects that have Colliders on them.  I have this code attached to the rigidbody cube: // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame Hello everyone, i have been to almost every forum and question by now and still cannot find a fix for it.  For non-UI 3D objects you have to make sure.  It seems I am having trouble with on trigger exit function.  Everytime the player crosses the finish line, a lapcounter adds I'm pretty sure that OnPointerEnter detects only UI.  I currently have unity’s character controller, with a slightly thicker capsulle collider around it set to trigger, to detect collisions However, sometimes when I jump Unity Discussions Triggers not working.  Additionally, On Collision Enter also not working.  My first thought was that the object with this script has both a mesh collider and a box collider (which is set to trigger) on it, but More info See in Glossary does not collide with other colliders; instead, other colliders pass through it.  I’m working on a game that looks like an old submarine radar.  The player is a racecar, racing against an AI that uses waypoints to navigate across the map.  A collider configured as a Trigger (using the Is Trigger property) does not behave as a solid object and will simply allow The ring has a box collider set as trigger to detect the OnTriggerEnter method.  I saw that the list wasn’t being added to I’m really loving the new UI but I can’t get a simple event trigger to work.  A quote from the Unity documentation on MonoBehaviour.  Something must be wrong here.  Double checking for colliders, rigidbodies and IsTrigger checkbox.  So, I’m using Unity 5.  Now it's working and here's how I &quot;fixed&quot; it.  So I added onTriggerExit2D() to either make the force 0 or to stop applying it.  At the start a panel is shown, then upon a collision with a trigger, that original panel is disabled and the new one shown.  I am working on a multiplayer game and the netAnim. 5 LTS (latest at the moment) or Unity 2021.  Then I attached this script to it: var timer : Timer; function Update () { timer OnTriggerEnter() is called if your BoxCollider2D (the one which something should enter) is marked as trigger.  Nothing happens, the animation just loops through.  :) EDIT: i just saw the other answers &quot;Left and Right triggers now both use the 3rd axis&quot; just change the &lt; 0 to &gt; 0.  The problem is that the OnTriggerEnter Hi, I have a turret in my world, with a big collision boundary (I edited its collider to make it trigger, and enlarged the size of it).  The problem I’m having is that it is working all the time whether or not I’m in the trigger area which is attached Unity Discussions Trigger is not working.  The collision script (in the cars code) The finish line the Animator &quot;SetTrigger&quot; will set the animation to false once it's done-&gt; Nope! The only thing it does is resetting the trigger itself once it was used for a transition, it doesn't mean the animation state is reset once the animation has reached the end.  The official documentation can be helpful here, as it lists a very specific set of requirements to get collider/trigger callbacks.  When I enter the trigger it works properly, but even if im still in the trigger the OnTriggerExit Function will activate. queriesHitTriggers is true, but nothing works.  (I tested Debug.  I have also setup a boxcollider with a rigidbody component and ‘isTrigger’ set.  The Update command, on the other hand, work every time I press the E key.  To create a trigger collider: Create a GameObject The fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more.  It’s a simple trigger animation.  Whenever I put a sprite into my scene everything is normal.  if other objects enter the sphere (eg rockets shot by the player), the launcher should no nothing.  None of the objects is a trigger collider (this will issue OnTrigger function &amp; not OnCollisionEnter) (c) One of the objects (doesn't matter which of them) is a rigid, non kinematic &amp; non static object (the second don't have to be a This problem occurs when you set a trigger when a transition is still in progress. Log starts to work for me 53 times and stops, if I move (but still stand in the area), it will work again and stops, I cannot understand what the problem is? private void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D collision) { Debug.  The target has a box collider with ‘is trigger’ checked.  After that, well, it is time for you to start debugging! The problem is not with the player since if I'm moving with the player near doors they open so the player does trigger things and also not walking through walls.  Here’s my script, attached to the turret: using System.  You code is generating a situation in which playerChop is triggered before the animation started by playerHit has ended or playerHit is triggered for a second time before the transition started by the first trigger has ended.  In client-server contexts, the default setting for NetworkAnimator is server authoritative mode.  That way, the collision between them will not alter anything in the remaining GameObject The node has two box colliders, one to detect the player nearby, and the other that just surrounds the box outline.  Use triggers only if you are sure the animation will play full, from Hey there!! I have been following a tutorial on Youtube on how to make a “holographic UI” appear on a distance trigger.  Therefore, the following methods need to be corrected to be used by Unity: start =&gt; Start; update =&gt; Update; onTriggerEnter2D =&gt; OnTriggerEnter2D; Since the C# convention is that methods start with uppercase you'll less likely encounter this issue if you assume it starts Well we know triggers work so set this all aside and get a trigger working, then revisit your code with the confidence to cross check all the necessary parts.  A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it.  If I open Unity and my player tries to climb the ladder, it will collide with it, as if the 2D Box Collider is not trigger (but it If you’re using Unity 2020.  The reason the dragging was not working (and i made it work now using this approach is that i forgot to enable “Raycast Target” on the UI Image.  jessee03 June 23, 2011, 5:05pm 1.  It was almost finished (code worked perfectly, I only had to import the animations), but now triggers are not working! There’s a wave following the player.  Viewed 1k times 1 . OnTriggerEnter2D():.  I have a Make sure your ray isn’t hitting the collider/trigger on the object you are pointing from.  Instead they trigger a custom event namely OnParticleCollision. Log(&quot;Stay&quot;); } Unity Discussions Trigger 2D not working.  I attached a script with this code in it: void Hello, as first i know there are many questions like mine but I already tried what i found.  This is the script - using UnityEngine; using System.  Ask Question Asked 6 years, 7 months ago.  I made sure that the player object is a non kinematic rigidbody and the enemy object is set up Unity Engine.  Here a screen.  The function just displays a Collider Trigger Not Working.  I can’t even get the debug to work.  Unity Trigger Collision not working.  Unity Engine.  If you want your Animator go back to the idle/default state after your animation is done then in the controller add a transition.  I marked the object as a trigger and named everything correctly.  1 Like.  However, when I call the ClickDeck method, Check that is trigger is not selected on any of the colliders; Pause the game and check in the scene view that the green boxes of the colliders actually colliding; Check the layers of the gameobjects and check if they are should collide because of the layer based collision A bullet (collision detection type - discrete) travelling fast will go through a static wall (simply a box collider OR a mesh collider.  I have a Player character in which I spawn the weapon as a child of the players hand. They all seems to talk about using the wrong method in 2D games or forgetting to check which situations triggers each other.  Note: Trigger events are only sent if one of the Colliders By design, OnTriggerExit isn’t called if the object that was responsible for OnTriggerEnter is disabled or destroyed. jpg 693&#215;579 82.  Only one has to be checked triggered.  Working with Unity, Triggers not working [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 6 years, 10 months ago.  I created a script that manages player interaction with a ladder.  Unfortunately, I can’t get the OnTriggerEnter2D Hi! I just updated to Unity 5.  I have attempted changing the collider to not be a trigger, I’ve charged the particles from local to global simulation space, I’ve tried putting the particle system on the parent ship object instead of on a child, I’ve fiddled with all of the collision detection settings on both the I’m having a problem with getting a trigger event to work.  Okay, i had some problems with some triggers so i decided to go back to the basis to see what i was overlooking i went all the way back to the script in the Script reference but Discover how to troubleshoot Unity's OnTriggerEnter method issues, ensuring smooth interactions between game objects.  Basically you need to have the target on which the script resides receive Raycasts so that it can react to clicks/touches.  Bullet collision detection will become FYI - Gamepad riggers are working with new Input System (Gamepad Support | Input System | 1.  I have no idea what causing it not to work.  I have set up my triggers properly- IsTrigger is checked on whatever needs to be a trigger and also rigidbodies are added.  Ask Question Asked 10 years, 4 months ago.  The solution:-- I created two colliders, and assigned one as a collider, the other (bigger) is a trigger.  I was building this 2D game for an event I’m going in 5 days. Generic; using Yes its Working! First, You have to make sure the rigidbody is attached to both of the gameobjects. UI; using System. Collections; public class Recently I've gotten a lot of comments asking about problems related to getting triggers to work.  To edit which Layers Set the Collider of the GameObject that will detect the fishes as is trigger. Collections; public class triggerCardFromProduct: MonoBehaviour{ public GameObject theInfoCard; private Hi Team, I'm having issues with game objects not triggering scripts based on collision; This Cylinder needs to change the skybox once it hits the collider (This works well when I change the tag to Player and run through it with my player character) .  I ran out of idea that why I I have a 2D planet defense game with asteroid prefabs I’d like to destroy when hit by a projectile. 0.  I'm trying to get the node to detect whether the player is in the outside area or not, but code isn't working and I'm not sure why.  if it has to be a trigger to work, than this is completely useless because it needs to use collision for my purposes.  This is the script: using UnityEngine; using System. 2) running 2019.  My guess is that the translation from mouse click to emulated touch/tap broke the simulator, but not the Input System itself! Unity Why is this trigger not working properly.  If it touches you, you die.  And leave it unchecked in the Collider of the fishes; EDIT: From your latest screenshot, your flock script that is supposed to detect the trigger is not I’m attempting to have it so when I scroll up and down, it will push or pull a ball when the player controller is near it.  I’m “shooting” 2D circle with circle collider and non kinematic rigidbody to static box collider (everything 2d) .  When a collider enters its space, a trigger will call the OnTriggerEnter function on the trigger object’s scripts Unity collison not detected 2d-2.  But it is not working.  Do you have a collider? a common mistake is to find the collider in the parent object, and it does not detect it Hi I have problem with triggers and scripting the object, so the animator work as I want it to. And as Zibelas said, you are missing a RigidBody2D on one object (the one that is entering).  Code: var trigger : int = 1; var detection : int = 1; var Timer : int = 2000; function Start () { } function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider) { detection = 3; } function OnTriggerExit (other : Collider As Unity itself says: OnTriggerStay2D is called every frame for all Collider2D. EventSystems; public class ClickChecker : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler { public void OnPointerClick (PointerEventData eventData) { Debug. setTrigger(&quot;Attack1Trigger&quot;); just won’t play the animation. Collections; using UnityEngine.  When a Collider is inside of a Trigger and stays there, you must enable &quot;never sleep&quot; on { public Renderer roof; public Transform player; void OnTriggerEnter(Collider player) { Debug.  It also has a mesh collider to detect when the ball touch it throw OnCollisionEnter. Log (&quot;clicked&quot;); } } It should be noted that the methods in the IPointerEnterHandler Hello, people! I am experiencing a frustrating issue that I have not encountered before.  I guess you have already checked this - but is the Layer Collision Matrix in Project Settings correct?.  However no collision gets detected when the Cylinder, which has a collider, passes the collider that has a trigger on it.  I’m having an issue getting my trigger to work.  The car.  If the Raycast still does not hit - try and make a simple Raycast call (without unnecessary game logic) and the OnCollisionEnter does NOT work Instead of that, you should use OnControllerColliderHit when moving the CharacterController with Move So if OnTriggerEnter is not working for you, double check whether the collider you are colliding against is actually marked as trigger, via the Is Trigger checkbox on it, or whether your Character Controller has I’ve created a UI Panel with a Text as Child and in the Panel I added a Event Trigger: I want that clicking on the panel, it calls a function of another object.  void For some reason, my left trigger worked, not the right trigger.  Is there a point I missed? note : my controller is logitech f710 and my right trigger is working.  I don’t know why but it doesn’t work.  The way I am getting the closest objects is by using that method and storing the gameobjects inside a list.  This WORKS for the second trigger, but the third does not work - it only destroys the object and sets the second panel to false.  The bullet has a trigger collider, a kinematic rigidbody and a script that makes it go forward and handle the collision event with OnTriggerEnter().  I’ve attached pictures of the components of each as well as there collision / trigger scripts for reference.  Do you have any easy tips? Hello all, I made a script that checks if an enemy enters the “trigger” zone, and if it does it will send a message to the console, but when I used the OnTriggerEnter2D method it didn’t work.  The first game object is my player. Collections.  The second game object is my enemy and has a RigidBody and a Trigger Capsule Collider.  I have reset unity, and everything is on the same layer should be really simple but not liking me.  Seppi February 26, 2013, I’m confused. Simulate , if you're using manual physics simulation.  i have been trying to write a code for a trigger that i’m not able to make work.  everything is on the same layer, all the physics are set to defaults, I restarted unity, not sure So after some digging, I found the likely cause for your problem.  The event trigger has a PointerEnter entry with the text field itself as the game object, and a function in the script as a parameter.  I’m working on 2D project.  Collider not registering on prefab I have a bool (set to true by default) and a trigger for a jump, when I activate the trigger, the trigger immediatly resets and the jump animation does not play and goes back to idle, is this a bug or am i missing something and if this is expected behavior, how can i use this correctly? from reading the documentation this is how I expected it to be used.  Here’s my script public class MainMenuManager : MonoBehaviour { public Animator StartAnimation; [SerializeField] GameObject MainMenu; [SerializeField] GameObject SettingsMenu; public void Start() { Once it's collider2D enters the players by using Add force and that works fine and dandy, but when the A.  I tried everything like 3d colliders with z-value of 100, with trigger and not trigger, and also I checked if the Physics.  Restarting unity My trigger cube turns off all info cards and then turns one back on, works fine when I play from editor, fails to work (throws no bug, just doesn’t work) in my build- any ideas why? the script is as follows; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine. I exits the players collider2D it keeps adding the force.  Colliders with no Rigidbody are considered &quot;static&quot; - the engine expects they will not move, and so it does A collider configured as a Trigger (using the Is Trigger property) does not behave as a solid object and will simply allow other colliders to pass through.  Hi everyone, I’m trying to make a 2D platformer.  I'm currently working on a simple race game in Unity3D.  3459606--274352--Animation event not triggering Unity Community - Google Chrome.  The player has a CharacterController component and a script that supports I’m currently trying to get an animation to play when you click a button, the idea is that it’ll zoom the camera in on an object in the scene.  I have two objects, a cannonball and a target.  Hey guys, I almost feel a little embarassed asking about this, but after hours of trying and googling I couldn’t get it to work: I have a car from one of the car tutorials fully equipped with box colliders and driving nicely.  So I decided to make a dedicated video on it! In this video Unity Discussions isTrigger not working.  Something In this Unity Tutorial, I explain how to fix the TriggerStay method. com topics, but none of them is what I need.  I do not believe it’s due to the collider (the player) leaving the trigger, as the collider is completely stationary both when working correctly and not.  NAVI is a bit in front of I’m trying to make a character controller (which can wall run).  Hi, be sure that you have a Trigger Parameter and that you assigned it In order to generate an OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) message, at least one of the colliders involved has to have the isTrigger flag set, and at least one of the objects involved has to have a Rigidbody attached (either at the same level or in one of its parents). .  I am using triggers in a project of mine.  I find the new features amazing.  Modified 6 years, 10 months ago.  The triggers were to small to be detected by my main player, althought they detected my &quot;sphere&quot; player object In this game here I want it that the bullet can receive a collision event when it touches the player then inflict damage and destroy itself.  My ball has a sphere collider and both use Hey everybody! So I am having a problem with OnTriggerStay.  For some reason (probably something minor that I’m just not seeing) OnTriggerEnter just isn’t recognising when the two collide. Log() and it is working correctly) Player settings, Player script, Wall settings and Wall script (I had to upload it to Imgur due to the limitations here): 1 I would appreciate any help! best regards, TPRammus Unity Discussions 2D triggers not working.  I did copy and paste the trigger name from the animator into my script, just to be 100% sure I didn't have any typos, so I guess I'll attribute it to that, but I didn't fix anything and the animation triggers now just fine.  Questions &amp; Answers.  There is the scanner that goes around the dial and when it hits an enemy, they become visible for a brief moment.  Hello! I have written a small script to change the state of an animator upon the input of any button, but nothing happens and there are no errors. Collections; using System.  I checked the layer collision settings - the two layers do collide; Changing the script holder - i removed the piece of code from the player object and gave it to the sword object.  Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. 4.  It works &quot;out of the box&quot; on UI because by default every Canvas contains a GraphicsRaycaster component which is then used and handled by the EventSystem.  And as Zibelas said, you are missing a RigidBody2D on one object If neither of your objects is a Trigger, you can use OnCollisionEnter instead.  this is solved if an If statement checking the collider tag.  I actually managed to fix it.  barrenhook October 21, 2014, 9:42pm 1.  public float minDistance = 2; public bool show = false; protected Animator[ ] children; The particle emitter itself: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life (Can’t attach 3rd image).  The projectile has an EdgeCollider2D with “isTrigger” checked and the asteroids have an EdgeCollider2D and a RigidBody2D and is of Dynamic body type.  The line up the isTrigger line works, meaning that the foreach function is working, just not for the trigger. x and your player happens to be doing some reparenting then triggers won’t work due to this issue; issuetracker.  Viewed 97 times 0 I have been trying to make a door in Unity C# and I got it working for the most part, what doesn't seem to work is letting the player go through while the player is still inside the trigger when standing I am trying to create a Kart racing game in unity and have created a map, car and finish-line The collisions between the car and the map works but the finish-line has been set to trigger so that the car can go through/over it, this is not working. isTouching(sightTrigger) Home ; Categories ; Whelp, I can come back and give a completely unsatisfactory answer, I gave it a day, loaded it up this evening, and everything worked fine.  2D.  Everything works fine except for one thing, which I think is a Unity bug.  I’ve attached a script to it and added an event trigger.  In front of my Player is an enemy.  legacy-topics.  Open the user's attached project 2.  then I tried all the axes but the right trigger didn't work at all.  Continuous Collision Detection : To solve this issue we can change the collision detection type to continuous for the bullet.  When operating in server authoritative mode, any animation state changes that are set (triggers) or detected (change in layer, state, or any Animator properties excluding triggers) on the server side will be synchronized with all clients.  Also, the player is not a trigger, so the crate should not have to be either, if im understanding correctly.  Except the event is only being triggered when the player object is falling down while it is in the air.  So triggers are not broken so it has to be something with your set-up so we need to figure out what that is.  Viewed 769 times 0 This question already has an answer here: Server authoritative mode .  whenever the Player enters the sphere it should launch a missile.  Learn essential requirements and debugging I'm having issues with game objects not triggering scripts based on collision; This Cylinder needs to change the skybox once it hits the collider (This works well when I change the tag to Player I went to the editor, and deleted the Jump trigger, then ran the animation and pressed Spacebar, console would pop a message saying that the trigger was non-existant, OnTriggerEnter () is called if your BoxCollider2D (the one which something should enter) is marked as trigger. Also sorry for late reply.  c#; unity-game-engine; Share.  If i dont set “is trigger” they bounce but dont react to “oncollisionenter2d” if they are (those I just want to send a message to another script when the animation reaches a certain frame but it does not work exactly.  Enemy object also has Trigger selected.  In my game I have two objects.  The player is not a trigger, the sword is, the script is attached to the player.  Scripting.  I’m trying to get it so that when an enemy object collides with an object with the tag “Player” that it destroys the object. unity3d. UI; public class EnemyHealth : MonoBehaviour { public int startingHealth = 10; public int currentHealthEnemy; public Image damageImage; public AudioClip deathClip; public float Hello, I am trying to recreate among us in unity and seemed to have stumbled across a problem.  Hello, I am using EventSystems to register a click on a Game Object using the following: using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.  KingsleyD March 21, 2020, 5:08pm 1.  I put a box collider 2d it’s normal.  I have two game objects.  Particle systems don't trigger OnCollisionEnter and OnTriggerEnter events. 8 KB.  HernandoNJ May 1, 2020, 9:43pm 1.  This is a screenshot of NAVI. Translate.  I’ve never been able to get a unity event trigger to work.  I have 2 objects, both with box colliders, 1 of them the isTrigger box is checked, but nothing happens.  Once that’s all set, you should check the Layers (not Tags) on your objects.  How to reproduce: 1.  What I have is a moving cube, with a rigidbody and a box collider, and another cube that has a box collider that isTrigger. 1f1).  Then attach the script to the one of the gameobject which you have to trigger.  Hello! I’ve put together this code, but the OnTriggerStay commands only work around 50% of the time (including the debug log message).  The events are invoked during simulation, which happens after all FixedUpdate methods are called, or within the scope of Physics.  The cannonball has a ridigbody and sphere collider. Its not a dynamic object as there's no rigidbody) without registering OnTriggerEnter.  JamesLeeNZ February 26, 2013, 3:18am 15 Unity Monobehavior Lifecycle methods start with a capital and C# methods are case-sensitive.  The problem lies withing your function name, Unitys custom functions (eg.  He has a Trigger Capsule Collider component around his entire body and a Character Controller component.  I’m using a character controller on my player but it isnt getting detected when I collide.  Hi all, I am attempting to create a series of panels (with text) that show upon trigger with certain objects.  In essence, this method can get called on the particle system object, as well as on the object that was hit.  your objects have 3D Colliders; the Colliders are on the same object as the IPointerXY interfaces; on your Unity Event Trigger not working.  Then add colliders to them.  I have a text field and I’d like to execute some code when I hover over it. 1 - 2020.  That simple.  Please help.  Modified 4 years, 3 months ago.  Object on which the trigger script is sitting on.  To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers .  My problem is that OnTriggerEnter is not working (used breakpoint inside and it doesn't stop). 11f1 on a Mac using a Xbox controller (original Microsoft, 3rd party controller will not connect to Mac So I know this question has been asked a lot, and I’ve looked at the other answers as well, but I still can’t fix my problem.  @RobAnthem: Upvoted for trying to help, thanks.  i have a missile launcher, with a sfere collider set as trigger. Log(&quot;Hide&quot;); roof. 5f1 and im trying to get trigger enter on 2D box. 3.  I am moving the enemy using transform.  There’s the RailroadTrackGhostStraight object (see code below), which has a rigidbody (Is Kinematic set The collision was detected in the editor, but NOT in in builds! The PROBLEM are the TAGS! If you go to Project Settings → Tags and Layers → under Tags are (Removed!) items. com Unity IssueTracker - OnTriggerEnter gets called after reparenting a RigidBody.  In our case the issue was just the Unity Android Simulator!! Testing the same thing with Unity Remote on the actual device, I could spam as much as I wanted without breaking the unity input events.  I want to make an Inventory System in Unity, so I tried to follow this tutorial, but the functions OnMouseEnter and OnMouseOver are not working.  It used to work on 3D project.  Inline2 September 4, 2020, 10:40pm 1.  For some reason the trigger is never exited I have used debugging but nothing ever shows.  here is my Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.  I ran into a problem that when I stand in this area, Debug.  Double check the layer mask laneTrigger so it is set as you expect.  This is a quick and dirty solution, but it gets the job done so Ill post it here.  gonzalitosk8 February 9, 2020, 11:06pm 2.  I state first that I am using the latest version available (2017.  Update, All a trigger does in my project (for some reason) is disable all collision.  When my player, an airplane tagged “Player”, enters that collision “zone”, the turret’s supposed to detect that and fire a bullet.  I’m currently using the OnTriggerStay2D method to detect the areas and update the fishAmount accordingly.  I am trying to get the enemy to harm the Unity Discussions SetTrigger not working.  stingnessz November 23, 2022, 5:06am 1.  I have already looked up many answers.  The result is you can get OnTriggerEnter without ever getting OnTriggerExit, and can get OnTriggerEnter multiple times for the same object, for example if the object that caused the trigger was deactivated and then activated again This is bad Hello everyone, I’m working on a fishing game in Unity where I need to set the number of fish caught (fishAmount) based on the player’s interaction with different colored areas (Green, Red, LightGreen, Orange).  stenclowskimat November 28, 2017, 10:11pm 1.  Can someone tell me Hi! Thanks a lot man.  -- I also had problems with the small triggers in the scene.  My trigger seems to be not working at all.  Maybe you can describe where this script above is I have a project in which I am trying to create combat.  The bigger collider has the IsTrigger checked, the other does not.  Modified 6 years, 6 months ago.  example: col. enabled = false; } } so this script isn’t working at all, and I’ve tried everything I can think of.  hey everyone collider for this trigger isn’t working, odd, because it works when my bullets hit but not the missiles everything it set up with collides triggers and rigedbodies.  No.  I have tried toggling isTrigger on both the objects.  I am currently working on the kill, death, and ghost mechanics and am having trouble with the OnTriggerEnter2D method.  Actually OnCollisionEnter works fine.  All items after the (Removed!) item don’t It appears to not even enter the function seeing as nothing happened after the change.  Feedback, Question, Unity-Documentation.  I am combing through my project settings to determine why this is the case.  Here’s the code: as I figured out that col is the thing that entered the trigger not the trigger.  </div>
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