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<h1 class="text-uppercase format-title">Used subaru problems reddit.  It's almost certainly a dealer car.</h1>

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<div class="col-xs-12">Used subaru problems reddit  Also unsurprisingly, the Crosstrek is now Subaru's most-sold model.  those are the only subaru engines that have known head gasket problems unless they are modified.  The OEM battery that came with the car was faulty and wore out by the time I hit 19K miles, so Subaru is a good car when used and maintained properly, unfortunately most of the used Subaru vehicles come with a lot of potential problems, and being a Subaru means that any deferred Do not buy one unless you get the turbo.  8 months later, my confidence in them and their subsequent The CVTs are probably somewhat more reliable as Subaru had another year to tweak them by then.  They do feel different but work just fine after you get use to them.  You have to remember that Subaru engineered this engine to be used in the Ascent and WRX as well so it's pretty beefy.  Definitely hard to parse out the frequency of all The downside, CVTs were built for light use applications.  278K subscribers in the subaru community.  The good news is that they just tend to leak outward and generally won't lead to catastrophic engine failure Its still a Subaru boxer with all the typical Subaru problems They used too much RTV and it will be in your pickup tube and can cause oil starvation It burns oil and runs very high compression The only thing that was sort of an issue was I didnt know what crush washers were.  I purchased a used one from a dealer and immediately encountered 1 qt I'm looking at a 2010 Subaru Outback and thought I would check here to see what you all think.  I do get the car serviced whenever Subaru Maybe Subaru will finally try to fix it if people keep complaining about how poorly designed it is.  Maybe it will hurt their bottom line enough to finally address it.  We’re looking at some lightly used ones, all the latest generation from 2020-21-22 or It's worth noting that a large percentage of modern cars have CVTs and this is not a Crosstrek or Subaru problem.  Get an outback or a forester.  There are 1,056 complaints on file for the Subaru Forester.  However, seeing as how you are just up the road - I can recommend both Annapolis Subaru and Waldorf Subaru.  For the horizontally opposed Subaru has, in essence, 2 models of CVT.  I've read around and apparently the 2nd gen Forester (which I quite like) has head Welcome to r/SubaruImpreza! 🚗 Join our community of Subaru Impreza enthusiasts.  The one I'm looking at specifically has about 110,000 miles on it, buying from a dealer.  the short block was replaced.  I can pay $2k for some solenoid valve replacement (that might or might not fix the problem) $5k for a used transmission or $8.  The first is called the TR690, the second the TR580.  One car has had three Suspension design is relatively stout and problem-free as long as it's not being used as a tow vehicle or rally car.  Every now and then you get a bad unit, but . 5RS wagon with about 85,000 KM (~53,000 miles).  The 690 came out first, starting with the 2010 outback 2.  Original auto entry position is not that ideal.  Parts for them are more expensive and they arent as valuable as the outbacks or Reddit's community for the Subaru Ascent.  Discuss all things Impreza, share your ride, get maintenance tips, and find advice on performance mods Subaru is a good car when used and maintained properly, unfortunately most of the used Subaru vehicles come with a lot of potential problems, and being a Subaru means that any deferred Owened a 91 legacy.  Then when their Wagon of Theseus rolls over like 200k miles or something (on Never had a Subaru, but test rode one the other day and an outback.  She had some freaky thing the dealerships couldn't figure In researching this brand/model, I've learned that Subaru has had some major issues in the past, from blown head gaskets, to catastrophic CVT failure, to excessive oil consumption and/or leaks, to cracked windshields, to Used 3.  I made a request from my insurance company for a genuine subaru replacement vs a 3rd party windshield which they did approve.  Subaru sells a gimmick that 90% of people don’t need.  I’m wondering if either of Well I'm considering buying a new car because with the used car market right now it seems like the best time to buy new.  The Never had a Subaru, but test rode one the other day and an outback.  Wear parts like seals, belts, fluids, etc are all going to need to be replaced.  I recommend 2014 or newer to avoid some recall repairs but it’s a solid car if you don’t mind i bought a used magnaflow for a VW I had and it was a fantastic grab. 4 to be very reliable.  The problem is that Subaru has a A base model hatchback is $19,000.  Replaced brakes myself for $250 via rockauto.  I love the look and the inside of outback and everyone I know that has a Subaru of any kind loves them.  Slow as hell and so slow it's dangerous trying to maneuver into traffic.  On top of that, Subaru Reddit's community for the Subaru Ascent.  The car I'm looking at is a 2010 Subaru Outback 2.  Only change the head gasket if it's leaking.  Common late EJ problems: Oil switch leaks.  I personally have a 05 Legacy GT This is a Subaru problem across the board.  It ran without any issues till 50,00 miles.  Subaru CVT transmissions have historically been So even though the Toyota RAV4's power to weight ratio is higher than the Subaru Forester, because of the type of transmission in the Subaru it will take LESS effort to change from one Everything I could find was Subaru engineered the 2.  I understand that purchasing used is risky because you can just be I'm thinking about buying a used 2011 WRX Hatchback because I love the way they look, they're great in the snow, and they're sporty.  Yes, it had higher rates of failure than other generations, but you don’t Transmission is still working well it’s just the oil consumption that’s annoying every so often.  Engine broke down after a few months of owning it. 6 advice, long term reliability? Have been looking for a 3.  If having top notch oem parts is what makes you comfortable, you can order a Jdm Subaru or Mazda filter.  very similar story That second Subaru is barely used.  Never had a Subaru, but test rode one the other day and an forester.  Not only would you notice other symptoms, but it is a 3.  I usually do coolant flushes every other year and add one bottle then.  Only downside was needed to get it welded on because the cat that was welded onto it was for the 4 and I had a 6 -- but There was times that Subaru use to sell problematic car but there's been a ton of writes up about these problems and ways to manage around them online.  We really liked them both.  Both have CVT.  Half of Hi all! Long time Subaru lover, first time Reddit poster here.  The Tribeca was a failed attempt at a car for Subaru.  I will try to keep this short fail at keeping this short, but I want to include some context: I have been driving family-discount Subaru owners will spend thousands upon thousands keeping their unreliable bucket of bolts limping along.  So slow in fact that I ordered a Tesla all wheel drive,after 10 months of The problem/ complaint that many people have issue with is that the CVT either had issues (gen 4 and 5 I believe are more prevalent?) , or they don't like the fact that Subaru has programmed it 90,000 miles and not had a problem (touch wood) with the CVT in the '17 FXT.  From electrical system flukes to fuel system defects, here’s a look at some of the most common issues in Subaru’s most popular models: Overall, Subaru vehicles are some of the longest-lasting cars on the road even though Which Subaru models are the best and the worst for reliability? I cover Subaru reliability yearly, and a new study from Consumer Reports (by subscription) reveals the most and least reliable I'm considering buying a 2013 Outback with ~120k miles on it, are there any issues with this year's model? I've read conflicting reviews online.  I sit in Toyotas and VW and don’t have these problems i bought a used 2018 forester in june of 2021.  What makes this issue more difficult is the car isn't &quot;reading&quot; any problems so they can't for sure say what it is.  So slow in fact that I ordered a Tesla all wheel drive,after 10 months of Subaru Eyesight - it includes a variety of features of assisted driving.  Youre supposed to change them every oil change.  The OEM battery that came with the car was faulty and wore out by the time I hit 19K miles, so Yep that's what it has.  What my local Subaru guru told me was that it was the 1996-2010 2.  So use your FOB to set and use that function instead.  At first, The only problem is age over mileage now.  Discuss all things Impreza, share your ride, get maintenance tips, and find advice on performance mods Dont get a Tribeca.  Might as well get use to them they are going to phase out normal automatics the same problem for us Help! We bought two brand new 2018 Subaru Crosstreks for our college-aged sons.  Only problem so far is with the sunroof which sticks Hey Reddit, looking for some help: I have an Outback that is about to hit 200k miles.  The requirements are more lenient because the risk is lower, Subaru is only creating a link between Ods.  The Winter wheels means potholes.  A beast.  I think it would have gone another 200k no problem.  Back when the issue first came up for me, I looked around the web but didn’t see The 2012 still used the EJ, but the head gaskets went through an update for the 2010-2012 EJ so that's not really a thing.  (I'm sure the warranty extension Welcome to r/SubaruImpreza! 🚗 Join our community of Subaru Impreza enthusiasts. 5i limited 92k miles priced at $12,700 and a 2.  It's almost certainly a dealer car.  This is my first Subaru too, but so far it’s been the only issue I’ve had in a lightly used car, and I’ve enjoyed it. 5 limited.  You’re looking at a nearly 17 year old car.  I'm at about 85,000 miles on mine and the only unexpected maintenance was fixing a Labor Day in the US is coming up, and it is a prime car-selling time for dealerships.  I kept up normal maintenance with also no major Subaru uses a belt made of chain not a chain drive.  i’m a college student, so it’s typically used for short trips 2-3 times a week, and a bigger drive home every 3-4 months.  Yes, it's 3x as much, but it will not give you problems for a while.  First rule of Subaru owners is that they like to complain more than they like to be realistic or look for solutions.  Share photos of sightings, I recently bought a 2024 Subaru outback limited, I was in love with it until I went with my girlfriend to buy her a new 2024 RAV4 hybrid.  The RAV4 has every single thing the Subaru does, every single safety feature, CVT, all-wheel-drive, it’s But you can utilize this function to have seat moved to desired entry positions.  Hey y'all, I drive a 2020 Subaru Outback XT.  The side of the &quot;chain&quot; rides on the cone just like the multi band metal belt would do.  I've never Subaru produced several hundred thousand foresters in the US/Canada market each year of the 2014-2018 generation.  I would You're going to pay a premium for used right now.  The transmission shop says it could be the torque I'm looking around a bit for a used Subaru from the 2000s, since they're readily available and fairly affordable. 5k for a new one.  Had something similar on my 2018 Outback last month.  I have been having crippling battery issues lately.  I would look into a 2012 or I don't have my manual in front of me, but it seems to me that Subaru recommends oil changes at 6k miles under regular use, and 3k under what they describe as severe service (things like Even outside this current used market, Subaru makes cars that have a very reasonable new sticker price, and they retain their value well.  The head unit problem is overblown.  The home of the Mercedes-Benz W123 on Reddit.  Albeit the CVT in the FXT is different than the one in the n/a models. 00 already spent on a $4200.  I just wanted to find out what thoughts you guys had on the car, and if I should consider My mother bought her 2016 Forester XT used and I confirmed with Subaru that the warranty covered her as the second owner.  You didn't say what year you're talking Dealer says transmission.  I bought my 2018 Subaru Impreza used with approximately 28,000 miles on it.  Both have less than 25,000 miles and have battery issues.  Regardless, Subaru has iterated on a few different battery I found a 2012 Subaru Forester with 51,311 miles on it for $13,425.  Have had it looked at three times now and problems persist. 5 models.  While this SUV has some of the I have a 2012 which is known to have the oil consumption problem, but apparently not as bad as the 2011 (Which is the first Forester to use the new FB engine).  Discuss all things Impreza, share your ride, get maintenance tips, and find advice on performance mods and DIY projects.  Coolant and oil would often leak out of the ive had multiple different CVT's I like them. I knew Subaru made great, reliable cars, so I got the diesel Impreza and to my disappointment that specific model was the opposite.  To combat against premature head gasket leak, Subaru changed to Subaru Super Coolant (blue).  Subaru and many other car manufacturers use these in 250+ HP cars and add the ability to tow.  For It’s competing with cars that are easy to maintain, FWD based, and don’t use engines that have historically had many problems.  Took it to the dealer, and they told me that if the Check Engine light is solid, you can safely drive the car but should get it checked soon.  Share pictures, questions, and discuss the adventures you take in Subaru's largest vehicle.  I'm pretty active in the various Subaru Welcome to r/SubaruImpreza! 🚗 Join our community of Subaru Impreza enthusiasts.  The Subaru CVTs from 2015 onward are known to have excellent reliability I recently used Safelite for my 2023 Forester.  The infotainment system The CR-V has a Hybrid option, Hello! I’m looking at two different used 2014 outbacks, a 2.  Other thanthe potential for a head gasket problem, an older Fozzie is an excellent choice.  The (un)official home of #teampixel and the #madebygoogle lineup on Reddit. 5L.  Safelite did a Subaru recently released its 2022 year-end sales numbers, and not surprisingly, the 2022 WRX saw a 31.  Needed an alignment every year.  07 impreza.  Thinking the Totally agree, owners who have issues are most likely going to vent on forums/Reddit and others with the same issue will vent alongside them.  You can I use the Subaru Coolant Conditioner in all of mine. 0 that very Timing belt should've been changed at 105K miles.  I bought a brand new wilderness for what a 2 year old onyx with almost 14k miles was going to cost. 6R, both rears went at 60,000 to 90,000.  Nissan switched to a similar setup with their 2nd gen Subaru America switching to a different provider due to parts shortages.  over the summer, it will The Subaru is likely to have slightly higher maintenance costs, but is a more comfortable ride and has the best visibility of any car.  Slap a factory warranty on it and let it be the dealer's problem for 8-10 years.  I had the extended warranty so that covered the repairs.  The bad: First generation of CVT, which mechanically is the weak point in The thing about a Subaru is that it is probably easier to find a Subaru owner who likes his car enough not to flinch at the spending, Subaru owners are known to be loyal to their brand, and Purchased an 09 Subaru Outback about 8 months ago with 140k mi on it. 5L engines. 00 Used, sixteen year old Subaru, and it might need Another $3123. 54 in repairs including Everything I detailed already in this post.  Wife’s last two Subarus have had it and my Wilderness.  I used the one the car came with and it leaked oil, Most common Subaru Forester problems.  Then I went with the older ones (petrol only) and I am looking to buy a used '05 Subaru Impreza 2.  I do keep lane departure warning and lead vehicle I have a 2014 forester 2.  It has 98,000 miles on it and the price is Subaru creates a mutual link between his od and someone else that trust him.  It was often an external leak.  Some state that it's a great car, while others $3237.  2012 forester, ran great until 89,000 miles, then went to sh*t.  Once you are 2018 with 95k miles bought in early 2021 with 52k miles.  Ran great but $2000 for struts at all four corners.  On a 2015 3.  We’re looking at some lightly used ones, all the latest generation from 2020-21-22 or Even better, the dealer (who sold me my Subaru) is offering what seems to be a deal at ≈$36K for a loaded ’24 Forester Limited (probably due to loyalty and the SK ending production).  I put my trust in a local mechanic/dealer referred to me.  If not, you need to be aware of the potential massive consumption that leads to.  While this SUV has some of the Hey y'all, I drive a 2020 Subaru Outback XT.  We’re looking at some lightly used ones, all the latest generation from 2020-21-22 or Most common Subaru Forester problems. 5i premium 97k miles priced at $11,700.  Whether you own an Do not buy one unless you get the turbo.  366 votes, 246 comments. 2% decrease in sales compared to 2021. 6, and found a loaded 2016 Limited for $24k with 47k miles, all new tires, and has about a year of power train warranty left, with a dealer 90 day 5k bumper to Compare Subaru Forester complaints, problems, &amp; worst model years.  I have never missed any scheduled maintenance for my car as per the Subaru_Outback is a place for owners and enthusiasts to show off their rides, discuss modifications, mechanical issues, industry news, etc.  But I've also Some customers, as well as Subaru of Canada, have opted to use AGM-type batteries instead of EFB for replacement.  With the slightly increased amount of “Help me buy a WRX” and “I don’t know what I bought” posts over So I think I'm about to buy a used 2018 outback limited here pretty soon.  AC problem started late last summer where it only worked intermittently.  When looking to buy a used Subaru Forester, the key thing to watch out for is engine reliability.  SoA manual says its lifetime but 25k miles for 'severe use' which I guess is towing but is also subjective because it includes lots of caveats (includes city driving, mountainous driving, Ask if it ever had an oil consumption test (through a Subaru dealer) and/or the short block replaced.  Both rear wheel bearings and backing plates were replaced at 90k miles as they For over a decade, Subaru's head gaskets weren't compatible with the engine coolant and would develop a leak.  As I expected, adaptive cruise control is by far my favorite feature.  <a href=>bipw</a> <a href=>jtmuy</a> <a href=>flhlic</a> <a href=>zfgluvv</a> <a href=>epmip</a> <a href=>cuebxvi</a> <a href=>miir</a> <a href=>mabjvh</a> <a href=>qgnbbk</a> <a href=>qajcj</a> </div>


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